5 Nights in the Woods With A Captain and A Dog

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so [Music] [Music] [Music] meat look at a big you might want to set that crap [Applause] oh looks like you got you got a couple of things sticking out of your boat there hello ladies and gentlemen i am out with first mate overvite all night and captain teeny trout aka lucas we have just embarked on a five night wilders adventure there's something very different about this adventure very different indeed what that is is something glorious and magical [Applause] that's right we have brought a cooler for the first time i've brought a massive cooler loaded with ice and goodies we're going to be feasting like kings this trip we're not going to do a crazy amount of work as far as porridging or on a big lake and we've got other lakes that are connected that we're going to day fish day trip and we plan on catching fish eating good and doing lots of fishing so it's looking like a good thunderstorm today and it's supposed to be just hot we're in early june and uh yeah we're gonna have a blast but it is beautiful we got an early start today because we stayed at a hotel uh last night for the first time i drove did a hotel then we started early and it's nice we got the whole day now so uh we're gonna probably have this guy go swimming soon he was already in the water a little bit we're gonna do a little paddling we're gonna find a campsite we're gonna do some fishing so let's get to the adventure already broke the cooler this guy thinks it's funny just taking like a hundred pound cooler loaded with stuff and just they don't need handles yeah now you may be wondering who is captain tiny trout where did he come from why is he the way that he is well the only thing i can tell you is how he got his nickname and for that we must tell a story you see there was a time when sir captain tini trout could not catch a fish no matter how hard he tried he used to come with me and i'd catch fish after fish just pulling him in the boat and he'd get so jealous and well he thought maybe if he changed his vessel he could catch more fish so what he did is he went out and got the fanciest vessel he could for fishing he even let me try it out and even with his new vessel he still could not catch a fish so i came up with a plan to take him to a lake where you could catch infinite amounts of fish and he could never not catch a fish we spent three hours driving down terrible roads and two tracks only to fail getting to the lake and just having to admit defeat what we then did was go to this other lake right at sunset and then lucas which is captain tiny trout's real name happened to land upon a monster fish which was yeah when is he all right yes an eight and a half inch teeny trout and the legend was born hey you didn't get skunked before we go any further i need to quickly jinx us we're going to catch so many fish it's going to be insane we're not even going to know what to do with all the fish we're going to catch it's going to be amazing there it's done all right got a leech on a slip bobber let's start this thing off right all right we've got two wagers we've got the first fish which is the most rewarding fish and then the most then the biggest fish which is the most prestigious fish so now it is currently a battle what's the heavy artillery the whapper flapper i think old stinks tank there needs a needs to get a little wet he needs some swimming so we are going to go to the shore and let him get out you're feeling a little warm i know you might not enjoy this the most but there you go there you go all right let's go for a little five-minute swim monty don't you dare don't you dare come hunty come on good boy there you go there you go you're not allowed to get no break his line i think i think we should go home with this i don't like this spin it we're we're going home this is no this isn't real life monty you cost me everything with with letting him get the [Music] right there we've already lost half the bet let's see this monster of which you speak yeah yeah we had an epic battle for the first fish last time i was like i mean i don't really care if i catch the first fish i never make a big deal about it over there oh i got the first fish [Music] no take it take it i was so close no no these lilies man i didn't set the hook properly lose it oh look at that jump oh monty oh dang i just had another bite about [Music] that was a nice mask oh my god i've never been so happy with my friend losing a fish no i've got a bird's nest or i've got a rat's nest this is not fair there it is did you lose him uh he ain't as big as the last one there's still time monty more cheese mighty jeez monty [Music] man let's do this [Music] and then the time before that you didn't believe me and we lost that bass hey you got a fish you got a fish you got a fish get over here hurry hurry you got a fish i'm bringing it if you don't get over here go for it what are you doing over there went back there oh oh i can't just left-handed what is it oh dude it's a nice chunky smallie [Applause] oh oh yeah oh dude no no see the fish it snapped your line what like a 20 inch smallie are you serious yeah i wasn't kidding dude i wasn't kidding at all no way yeah that thing was huge no i swear to god you should have said i'm dead i thought i screamed dude you got a fish and i was like i'm bringing this thing in i heard i thought you were throwing it in the wall no that was the fish splashing i got it to shore and it took off and snapped the line i said if you played your cards right you would have the first fish every trip so far but you missed that on the first one you're stealing my thunder get out of here i can't believe i haven't caught a fish yet there's no point of being out here yeah we've been out here 20 minutes like only one fish oh bobber's gone oh it's got to be a bass oh she's a bobby she's a boobie she's a nice boobie oh bobert hello bobert bobothy [Music] i'll give you a floater oh come on bobby ow there we go nice bobby bass notice how it is much larger than his so since we got the entire day and we're mostly going to be hanging around this big lake and day fishing in other lakes we're going to go troll our way to a campsite set up and then you know get all situated and then we'll head out and do some more fishing so you might uh some of you might remember this might have a little memory of where we are we're pretty much doing a repeat of his first wilderness trip out here and the second one or no it was the first one we had right where we're at right now we had quite a fun paddle oh man oh it was his first uh taste of big waves in the canoe i definitely was a little nervous oh just beautiful out right now i thought it was going to feel too hot but there's a nice cool breeze coming up like oh that loon that loon disappeared did you burp how rude yeah i might have to walk it maybe [Music] there was a toad orgy here's the dragonflies here's one they they crawl out from the water from those larvae and then they hatch in the sun this one doesn't look like it's oh no it's still good it's alive maybe we'll find other ones it looks like we're a little late to the party yeah they they crawl up onto the lamb they come out and they fly away we saw it last year in like real time this one's coming out oh that's so crazy the birth of a dragon the birth of a dragonfly it emerged from its shell that's crazy [Music] so they go from that where you saw them crawl out and they extend their wings to sitting like this on the rock oh and it just took off oh yeah i just seemed to fish no it didn't hit bottom oh there we go oh yeah boy does it i just found its belly it's a bass it's shaking the bass oh we got a booby we got a booby a booby boss oh booby don't splash me my we've oh i'm counting it i just don't want to get my net out all right booby you calm down i let you free faster i [Music] promise you got yourself a boobie oh that is a chunker it's hard to maneuver in the water nice speed let's see that boopster oh that's the fish so far oh that sounds 16-incher oh that's better [Applause] hey monday oh get away get away from me get away stay away hi monty i'm just messing with ya i'm just messing with ya oh my gosh i cannot believe how nice it is right what it what is it june 8th yeah it's pretty warm this is warm for jewmath this is like summertime we're just gonna mope mosey on to setting up get out there do a little fishing come back do a little more moseying go for some evening fishing there'll be lots of moseying lots of mosin gonna be relaxing fishing get it monty oh yeah oh yeah monty abandoned me last night at the hotel he jumped onto lucas's bed and now look at him he's he's over near lucas sleeping in his hammock i think he's had it with me ever since the jump scare our relationship hasn't been the same hey my oh i'm so sorry we have been relaxing uh we're here in the fish jump it is just super hot and still out right now we just kind of we just kind of get a little sleepy you know you get out here it doesn't matter if you've been out here a week or five minutes it's just so relaxing we just wanted to kind of doze off take a little nap so it's been a couple hours just chilling and uh yeah now we're uh going to set up quick and i think we're gonna go we're gonna go catch some fish um so we're gonna have some fish dinners at least we're planning on it right now we're not gonna be keeping any bass what we are going to do is keep walleye so i brought out the sleeping pads i'm using this time are the two pads that monty popped on the last trip they pop both pads i've got patches on them so i i think they were leaking air a little bit one of them so i might need to fix it up but anyways we'll see [Music] hey i don't know if i can go sit in the boat without getting a little wet quick this is going to be an interesting trip if it's hot this hot every day what is it what monty what are you silly goose what are you doing what do you think you hurt huh what what i don't even know what you're talking about monty i don't even know silly goose you're always ready for a battle aren't you mister in the multi time when the monty is hot he will jump right in and heart to trap he's a multi-t he smells like i said he poo poo poo pee monster ttt he has got some bd nice okay well let's uh we're all set up here now it's time to go in the boat and have us some fun it's just too dang hot monty you don't have to swim if you don't want to okay yeah i knew zeus was coming swimming monty there was no doubt in my mind hi buddy hi i got your butt i got your butt yeah i got your butt wet oh my gosh whoo there's like a nice cool little current well that feels nice all aboard the ss hot hot hot autumn come on monty come on let's go let's go you'll stink stink come on oh oh oh okay all right okay all right okay dang it it is significantly down compared to last time we were here the only reason i'm doing this is because i got the little thingy on the bottom of my boat perfectly healthy for my boat monty don't judge me this is the work of the beavers i was wondering why the water level was so low the beavers built the dam here so there's it just seems so low [Music] we said hello to our neighborly angry beaver [Music] all right this is oh yeah that was pretty cool oh oh no i'm getting a fish but my my line's all messed up no no it's gone oh no oh no oh no it's still one no it's a little bass it's a little boobster a little boobert hello boba fe barb bob olympia this is where i feel like the walleye are hiding oh there's something oh it's a booby it's a boob oh booby booby please booby bobby there we go not too bad well hello mr bobby oh bobby bobby bobby oh yes all right let's let him go we got a nice bobby if anyone is wondering since i knew it was going to be very hot this trip and sunny i did get monty some like organic like sunscreen nose protector stuff and i rubbed it on there and he gave it a little lick or two and then left it alone so it seems like it'll at least it'll add something like i get worried about a little snooter put on a new one like i said don't oh there we go hey do not hesitate to put on new leech this could be our future [Applause] booby booby boobert booby please boobies here we go a nice bobbet let's fish with relish gum i definitely have a poop coming on and i am i don't like it oh dang it oh i see yeah it's more it looks steaky right oh yeah it looks like [Music] hot summer day i need to take a little swim again boberto [Music] he wanted you to catch him is what it was oh i got one oh and you let go there we go yeah oh oh babas yeah they seem to be right in here you see the bobby hole oh that's a that's a decent one oh okay horse oh all right i'm gonna oh we got him that's that's my my biggest bobby so far ah it's still it's still nothing crazy but this is still fun that's a good sized bastard that's a 16-incher [Music] nice he's got himself a fish there okay we are getting a little bit hungry we could snack or we could go maybe make an early dinner and then go for some nighttime walleyes which is what we're thinking might be a little bit more delicious so i think we're heading our way back we'll see what we're gonna eat i think i think early dinner would be kind of nice we just pulled through to go through this little beaver dam in the making and uh we definitely scared off this beaver he's right up ahead just chilling oh beaver please one more that was a pretty good dive oh my gosh nice [Music] oh it's another booby oh yeah this is a these are decent sized oh bobby bobby oh geez bobby bob boba feet oh that was a bad one my favorite is still that ron swanson's thrush it just it sounds like echoey ron swanson swainson swain swainson thrush who's ron swanson ron swanson come on monty i just still think it's funny like how good he is [Music] there's a turtle up at camp just laying eggs that turtle was definitely laying eggs but there's nothing we can do this is where the campsite is this is you know this is right yeah hopefully she'll find a different spot this turtle is it's following us it won't leave us around alone it's a harassment turtle are you pooping oh yeah first sunset of the trip not too bad not too bad there's just fish jumping there's bugs surfacing depends on how we're feeling after we eat we might go for some walleye we might just fish from camp we don't really know we'll we'll see how we're feeling but we are about to make some food and as you know we brought another cooler so what we are having for dinner today is monty favorite thing bacon cheeseburgers oh yeah oh yeah we're not happy what happened monty we're having bacon cheese we're having baking cheeseburgers so we've got the burgers we're gonna cook them up in a pan we got the bacon we got some crappy american cheese we got some buns monty's got a little venison because he's such a good boy and on top of that we are gonna i think we're gonna fry up some potatoes and we're gonna have corn on the cob turned into elote it's gonna be so good so we're gonna get cooking in a minute here this is gonna be she was just digging a minute ago oh uh [Music] church [Music] chance hmm she'd probably be dating for a minute like yeah i just let her do her thing chill yeah i don't think she really cares about those i swear like oh i gotta look into that now it's like all turtles was it what was that thing he doesn't know what it was oh yeah that's some nice firewood right there oh that's real nice oh yeah so really the only thing to like prepare cut up wise is the potatoes i've got these teeny tiny little russet potatoes a little itsy bitsy uh so i'm just got to cut these up and then we're pretty much everything is just kind of you know cook it up and add some spices and seasonings and then we're eating yeah these are going to be like a failure gullet thing let me see how this one looks in the pan man these are big potatoes yeah i feel like we only need one potato yeah that's this is like the fifth time we've almost stepped on this turtle because it's just like it's coming on the shore and it's scaring the crap out of us when we're walking around the campsite i don't think she laid any eggs before it's just rocks she's trying to find a spot but it's all rock here so you can see her digging and she doesn't really care about us like at all monty has been freaked out by her so we don't want to call him over but definitely maybe we should grab a stick and help her dig tina is our pet right now like she does not care at all like we've been walking over her to get back and forth to our food and whatnot she's just watching us all right tina you carry on now we're gonna add a little bit of vegetable oil and yes we brought out this vegetable oil only for these potatoes and nothing else i don't even get any ideas we're gonna throw on some black pepper some salt not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt so we knew we were cooking delicious food and we knew we were going to be out here we knew it was going to be like 80 degrees the whole time it's super hot so we weren't sure if we're always going to want to fire at night or having to get that much firewood to have a ripon fire to cook over so lucas threw out the idea of bringing his jet boil grilling stove with a little propane tank and that's going to make cooking easier and like i said it's very hot it's still like 70 some degrees so we're kind of sweaty still we don't want a big rip and fire so we're using this to cook don't do me the honors of firing it does she start oh boom one strike oh oh yeah legendary one strike on the the cooker monty has ground venison we brought out he gets a little bit of that we'll see how long we can stretch it oh yeah scrape that bottom good oops i shoulda it's your fault oh somehow how do you feel about montreal on your burger add a little bit of montreal onto the one side of the burgers with all that going we're gonna get the corn and the cob starting to roast on the fire in the husk all right let's prepare a little monty food as venison's cooked up we're gonna add a little kibble got some multivitamins some joint supplements we're gonna add a little pumpkin powder we're gonna mangle it with a stick a little bit and then we're gonna let it cool down and we're gonna feed it to the goodness boy you know you can flip them if you want what you what don't let you do that so that way when one of them ends up in the dirt you can't blame me for it it's good yeah they're not gonna get like a good char on them right now they're gonna be a little sloppy but like i'm gonna care [Applause] we can just turn up the flame at the end where's your little two purse go ahead good boy yeah i think he's excited about that they'll get a little char but are you cool if they're a little overcooked to get charred cheese on there huh if you wouldn't mind distributing the bacon all right i'm gonna try and do even rubbery to crispiness do your best forget the rest i don't know what you just did but oh yeah and then we were supposed to split a piece i mean that looks good enough but split it okay i have deemed it crispier how much mayo you want gets up this is why we're here remember that these are going to be so wet i feel like it's just i don't care it's gonna drip i'm warning you slap a little more ketchup on mine too that's good oops this thing is gonna drip so so much oh and that just flew into it four all right we got it we gotta evanize the pickles oh you can have five no pickles right now that's too much [Laughter] four pickles no more no less let's pick it up just like uh oh jesus oh my god oh my gosh this i can't let go of this i don't know what to do oh no no no i gotta take my oh my gosh for the elote we've got some mayo and sour cream mixed up i'm gonna slather that on here i'm gonna sprinkle on a little parmesan cheese all right we're going to squirt a little lemon or lime juice all over the top and we got some cilantro oh and last but not least for a lot you need some chili but i did the order wrong but i don't care okay it's time to feast oh yeah oh my gosh oh and if you're wondering what we're doing with all the trash like the the foods pieces and stuff we're putting it back in the cooler so we're keeping it cold and keeping all the stuff like that in the cooler so definitely gonna be a challenge to see if we can keep it cold for five days but that's neither here nor there it's bacon cheeseburger i feel like i need a bath after this my mouth probably looks disgusting my lips look not gonna lie this corn might be the best part is it good i'm covered in mayonnaise it's all over my face i know it will work first look at me this is uh yeah monty i don't really feel guilty i'm sorry let's try this out um corn good after you eat all the cilantro off the top i did the same thing i just got first bite all cilantro we ate delicious food it's getting late it was a lot of fun cleaning up the mess so i will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody yes oh piggy piggy oh oh oh this joins up pretty good but we're going to get up and start creating the day oh let's do it hey monty come here monty come here we're thinking we're gonna move unless the wind seems too crazy because it gets pretty windy on the other lake and it seemed a little breezy yeah so we're gonna make some breakfast um and we're not just gonna make some coffee and oatmeal we're gonna call this trip the fattening because we're eating good we're about to make some breakfast burritos or breakfast tacos whatever i'm excited more good food let's do it okie dokie for our breakfast burritos we're gonna start with a little bit of garlic i'm gonna crush it with my thick thumbs um should i give this little rough chop here throw this in our pan next of course we've got the white onion just use half [Music] [Music] [Music] got some red bell pepper all right and then let's get to like you cooking go wide open bacon's always got a little seasoning on there oh yeah a little grease i don't like it i like it cooked oh they're in the cooler yeah i just red pepper onion garlic mush consisting of boiled water pumpkin and treats sweet innocent drooling monty go ahead munchy get it good boy yeah we're just gonna have to yeah and get that flip like you were open for no [Music] some eggs i'm only going to show my two so don't think that i'm not feeding lucas here okay he's getting his off screen and assembling on his own free will you can we can both have our ways of assembling i'm going cheese first damn the flies are just like hey they have found us some hash browns on there how many bacons do we get i don't know looks like divvy them up [Music] a little sour cream on there we've got some salsa and last but not least oh damn it we're going to throw on a piece of bacon i'd use all three of my pieces of bacon but sweet poor innocent monty needs a slight chunk of bacon and that right there ladies and gentlemen is some backwoods breakfast burritos oh yeah leslie yeah i like that all right mighty's little bitty piece of bacon good boy now for those of you that are like oh he's not he's he's getting the short end of the stick you got to remember he's got the the spine fusing vertebrae and he needs to keep his weight in check so he can't have too many treats so that's at least what i'm going to tell myself but he's getting his don't you worry he's got he's got plenty lined up but he can't have this human food oh yeah okay all right i don't think these are burritos [Music] [Music] yeah that oatmeal the end of the trip is gonna taste i just brushed out the stinky monty so he's extra perfect and fluffy i had to get a quick shot before we get him wet for the day there you go monty go get it go get it monty oh good boy a monty wearing a monty wig how ironic go ahead get in come on monty come on get in get in come on go ahead go ahead monty good boy oh geez i don't lick that sunscreen and we are off for the day we have decided that it is a pretty breezy and with the way that the wind's coming we'd be fight we'd be getting slammed by the wind on that big lake which is where we wanted to travel we had to go to another lake and uh we just took our time making breakfast burritos and sleeping in enjoying the wilderness too much so yeah we're just doing a day adventure we're gonna head back to where we went [Music] yesterday see you later have a good one have a nice trip make sure you record lots of footage [Music] oh i got a fish [Music] here we go there we go what do we got here well it's got to be a boss it's got to be a bass oh it's a bobby it's a booby it's the bulb stuff oh there's something going after it what is that what is that oh my gosh there's like seven bass right here lucas get over here [Music] oh that's a big piggy that's a piggy puppy there we go that's not a bad bobby that's like another 16-incher oh just my battle oh jeez dang it do you wanna go to the dogs hey there monty you can't hide you're begging eyes and your smile is with the price here's some beef jerky now oh jeez watch your bait mister look at you sitting on your high horse in the back of the boat this creature one captain's wafer i bet you guys you want to drool off my seat there you go perfect okay so what we've decided is that we want to have one of our fish dinners today and we're not catching walleye we might go night fishing for walleye but we're just going to keep some bass we like bass i like bass bass are delicious walleye are preferred we're not on any lakes with larry's and we don't want peters so since we've just been catching bass so easy we're gonna keep uh probably three about 14 inch bass nice little eaters dinner i got the pike i was gonna do it until the pike bit that one counts i wanted him to free be free is that the same one give me the fish give me the fish man give me the fish [Music] what an ordeal i had a hornet in my net that i had to deal with before i could get this thing out i see this guy just hanging out inside my net so i'm holding it under water with the net so that it can't fly out but i got my fish in the net as well the wind's just blowing me into shore i didn't know what to do i didn't want to set the thing free i had to grab my pliers and just pinch him with my pliers to kill it before i could pull it up and get my fish out if you don't catch a fish captain fish dinner [Music] naturally almost made monty's day a little bit worse [Music] oh oh yeah whoo that was a beautiful day in the sun out in the wilderness you know sounds good an ice cold coca-cola wish i could have one of those oh you did your exclamation while i was still still in the shot it's like not even out of my hand yet oh i feel like with an ice cold coke it needs some kind of like gourmet snack to wash it down to wash down with be good like a triscuit with some salami turkey and maybe some like white cheddar oh actually a triscuit with prosciutto wrap mozzarella would be better oh ooh actually both sound good oh i don't know how good this is this is not gonna come together good at all it was intense the turtle's back the turtle yeah still lurking oh that was pretty good it almost satisfied me but i'd rather have like a an icy chilled fruit cup like pineapple or something oh okay all right that was pretty good i could go for i could go for a rice pudding oh look at that it's not james rice pudding but this is gonna do it's no good you might do a little rice pudding it just doesn't look right oh it's that turtle what is this about to say is the turtle back monty stop monty it's fine monty monty does not like the turtle she's back she's back go ahead monty go say might snap at hello well then he'll learn he's so sketched out just like i don't know what that thing is uh oh i mean would you just look at that that's some high quality firewood [Music] stay find the treats stay stay there he looks he tries but he won't remember all the spots he's laying down huh you got the one under your seat okay we are back in the boat going for a float yeah we've got an hour of light left about like 45 minutes but uh some clouds have rolled in and just covered the sun so i'm thinking it's gonna be a pretty good time to try for some walleyes [Music] ain't no damn fish in this pond i just saw a walleye we're heading back i just saw a wall in the water but i cast on him and he didn't bite so we're just kind of creeping and looking god oh the mosquitoes are getting bad i also just said so much for sins bug shield oh um why does it sound like the wind is picking up probably is oh that lightning was that thunder before i don't know dude oh my god this fire just won't go what's up with you and starting fires here i don't know man so damn it you the um [Music] so [Music] oh so we've got lightning we can see and we heard a little bit of thunder and uh we're making some smallmouth bass alfredo today for dinner if we can get a fire going i think we should just use just i mean we got coals but it's just i don't know what it is that's quite the fight there we go all right gets the cookins and we'll get this garlic going a little double triple a little bit more that's good while i'm doing this would you mind taking the smaller pan put a nice chunk of butter in there getting to heat it up and then the bass is over on the rocks why don't you just say cook the bass where's the butter at behind me all right well the butter is not like perfect but this pan is too small for this but guess what we're gonna throw a montreal in here i don't know if you can see this but this is the three fillets and this is one that's for monty that means the two full grown adults are gonna pretty much get the same amount of fishes the dog i think at this point let's just let's just bust out the the jetboil the grill me [Laughter] oh it's about to get going it is about to get going but i want this fish to be cooking now we need some butter for alfredo sauce garlic in here okay so we've got the fish going we've got some butter with the garlic beaten up oh shoot oh geez okay next to the alfredo we're going to add in some lemon zest that i zested before i came out all right now this is a problem all right now to this buttery goodness we're going to add some flour mix that in there making a roux i'm gonna add two percent milk to this that big black thing in there garlic it's so hot i have anything longer than that no not here do i have anything longer than that do i have anything longer than that to the alfredo sauce we're gonna add some cream cheese there you go that's good now we're gonna add in a bunch of parmesan cheese it is so hot to the alfredo sauce we're going to add some salt not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt it started looking like some good stuff there we just added some black pepper in there but my battery died i'm gonna add a fart but some parsley we interrupt this program to bring you the breaking news that the far counter has been disabled let's go to jimmy in the field for more details thanks johnny that's right the far counter has been disabled due to the massive amount of farts being caught off camera by captain tina trout we're out here in the field right now on a portage trail to take a look at the last time captain teena chart really let one blow let's take a look at that footage so as you can see captain tina trout comes up right here and let's freeze for a moment this is what is known as a power move he's got one leg lifted in the wet muck boots and when he creates a fart out of this bottom right here it is going to have more force more propulsion and more power than any normal fart let's take a listen that was pretty good but let's enhance that sound to get the true sound of what really came out of that bottom now that is a 10 of a fart so these are the types of parts we would be missing if the fart counter were activated this time because the camera wasn't recording and let's just be honest we always be farting but we don't always be recording back to you jimmy ain't that the truth anything to add there jay i'm not wearing pants neither am i we all know we love it we all know we'll miss it the fart counter will return as soon as possible and we will let you guys know when that is because gas is the music of the johnny sorry i did i didn't know sorry here we go oh geez okay the sauce is ready the noodles are done the fish is done let's get this thing together all right we're gonna drain a little bit of the noodle water the pasta like that the noodles in there all right that's looking pretty good now all right mr mr lucas bring your plate over here serve me up daddy serve me up daddy that's funny that's good oh my god just fart all over my dinner oh into a separate i mean it's extra dishes to clean but just push all the noodles it'll be fine scrape everything to one side it'll sift out that's good hold on you're not done don't get don't you dare leave you need some fresh parsley you ain't eating this unless it looks good and then you need a little bit of parmesan it does look delicious there you go now you can take it excellent there we go all right monty have you been a good boy all day okay yes you have obviously good job ladies and gentlemen it has been very difficult getting to this moment i know you'll it'll be hard to see us if lucas doesn't turn off his headlamp but he probably never will he might do it there it goes okay you can leave you is your saucy enough you sure you don't want some of this extra sauce okay [Applause] [Applause] all right it's delicious we're gonna just sit here and watch the lightning roll in i'm gonna have nightmares about this turtle harassing us keeps crawling up on the land it won't leave us alone i see it turtle just just leave us alone please just waiting for us just waiting for us to be done so we can crawl up on land and dig little holes creepy focus as far as possible yeah you probably have to manually do it there was a little lightning [Music] oh monty do you think it's acceptable to lay all over my stuff hmm i invite you into this the tent got you a sleeping pad which you've already popped by the way and you popped mine first oh and oh you know you're gonna do that huh don't you dare close those eyes don't you don't you dare close those eyes mister am i gonna do with you anyways thunderstorms rolling in uh it was pretty sweet we were watching lightning there for a bit but i'm tired now there was some delicious food another good day in the sun we'll see what tomorrow brings hopefully tonight brings a thunderstorm it's just starting to get our first drops of rain anyways i'm pass it out i'll get you guys the party good night everybody [Music] so uh good morning oh you can't hit the camera body don't eat the kids i slept pretty good last night where is but let's get up monday look at that it's so big let's do it [Music] so good morning well it's breakfast time and we're gonna make biscuits and gravy just right monty oh there's still plenty in there i know you love things that nest i do i love nesting all right we've got some hot jimmy dean's premium pork sausage we're gonna make some gravy there's a little nature's pepper in there while our sausage is going we've got to make the bannock bannock is just simple three ingredient bread there is uh i think i got two cups of flour almost a teaspoon of salt and i hope the proper amount of baking soda powder not soda i think it's like what tablespoon and a half or something you want my spoon i just stirred coffee with it it it'll get pretty gnarly that's true yeah we'll use your lose yours yeah well let me give you my spatula wait a second there you go that's what i was thinking that's why i want to use mine oh thanks wow you were making us use that dinky little thing and you had this do i have anything longer than that do i have anything longer than that [Music] you're even burning your own hands at the moment i saw you burning your hands i was like have to go get it but we'd come too far the meal was already done and you didn't even think to bring it up the trick is you don't add too much water at first when you there's gonna be a lot of water in there that might have been a little always keep some of the mix on the side that's a little too much we're going to want to make some more of that so in case it gets too wet you just add a little end your head is so narrow see this one we want there we go it's a little wet still well a little bit more maybe but a little hole in the wall diner and i was like man i bet this place is just going to have the best bits biscuits and gravy something about just being up north like this is small it is the worst biscuits ingredient i've ever had in my life like it had this it was like turkey gravy it was it wasn't like a it was like it looked like turkey gravy this will be some pretty good business and gravy i think you're in for a treat do you like you like biscuits or gravy right i love business yeah i love it too you tell me how this raids just got some eggs or something come here sit lay down you want an extra special treat a raw venison bone for the old mod stinky courtesy of the cooler with ice yeah monty go ahead that's yours go ahead we're gonna run off with it yeah he's he's not gonna eat it there this is this is i think that would be the easiest way to do it oh i could chef flip that i just don't want to i would do it over the cup don't do it don't do it oh god no oh no that's not so bad no it was pretty good why are you laughing i think the fancy chef flip might have been let's say for a bit now we're good this is great i'm satisfied with how this turned out yeah it's not bad let's be real we're going to turn it into poop anyways yeah it's all big poop yeah i can't pack up anyway no that's like literally goes at the bottom that's okay i mean you can get everything like sacked away i just don't mind making the gravy slow because uh i do not like doughy bannock so we're going to add some butter oh that's what i need the flour for is the gravy all right now we're gonna add flour all right now goes in the milk we're gonna add some black pepper not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt you don't need too much because there's some of the gravy i added a little bit of extra milk let's see how this is looking i'm going to add a little more flour it might get a little clumpy i'm sorry lucas but i added a little extra milk come check this out a little thicker than that a little thicker just a wee bit just a wee bit okay oh my gosh that looks so good all right how much how many biscuits do you want like what are you thinking does that look pretty good this one's pretty thick that looks fine i don't need a ton [Music] i'm just gonna all right yours just got doused i'm just gonna plop mine in here like this and that ladies and gentlemen is some biscuits and gravy you may need a little more gravy how would you feel right now if you got hit with a little ice cold orange juice oh yeah and don't worry if you're worried about monty he got his venison bone and he just got his full breakfast he is completely fine [Music] we're gonna have a little bit of a mess to clean up don't worry about it we're picking up everything just i need this [Music] okay i should have waited for my coffee so i could have the holy trinity of liquids yup coffee water orange juice number four gravy that's a that's a kind of a liquid oh having cold oj where are we are we at a five-star diner feels like it [Music] go get it no you go get it you go get it yeah i know you like it you're just a little weird all of all the ss good times come on come on right here all right we'll make it easier over here all aboard there we go and we are off okay as you can see it is blue skies and glass it just came out of nowhere which is cloudy then all of a sudden we just felt like heat and mugginess and then just in that moment it was a little touch of blue skies and all of a sudden just now it's just hot sunny and calm the wind died yeah we had to move from that site because we were being harassed by that turtle and we couldn't take it anymore she wouldn't leave us alone she was just lurking in the water day and night she was there this morning i saw a little head poke out i'm gonna have nightmares about that turtle for the rest of my life but anyways we're heading back to the big lake we are going to paddle along that and we're looking to portage to another lake today um there are larry's in the lake we'll see though we're going to check it out if it looks beautiful we'll probably stay there we might come back stay on the big lake and have a nice view from there we'll see it's up in the air but either way we're changing campsites today [Applause] good boy get the stick you think he's gonna try to bring it back oh no monty monty he's bringing it back it's an entire tree all right yeah not on me but that's quite the stick monty i just slipped on these rocks and fell in that's wonderful i was just casting this waiting for oh that's a pike oh that's a decent pike oh that's not a bad little uh whoa i don't i just don't want to lose my lure got him oh yeah that's pike of the fish of the trip so far that's about a 20 26 27 inch thick pike let's let him go 25 i'll go 26. you're like he looks bad yeah he's a thick pike all right where are we at he's about 26 and a half 26 and a half yeah nice [Music] coca-cola classic the beverage of wilderness travelers everywhere i guess they'll hydrate me oh it's so good we've been uh piling for three miles every 20 minutes we have to let monty out and swim so he's gonna be licking and squeaking because it is hot so [Music] so foreign [Music] [Music] you asked me was it worth it to carry this heavy cooler with all the water and ice from the whole trip down this steep hill and wet rocks for a quarter mile [Applause] you're damn right i want to dump it on my head yeah i'm sweating needless to say um this was all declined there's no way we're bringing back any of the water we're going to eat all the food we're staying here until this thing is as light as a feather it's as light as the plastic and trash and stuff because yeah we're not carrying this up there with all that weight no way that would be miserable and lucas broke off this handle before we left the truck the wilderness bringing buttholes and butterflies together since the dawn of [Music] time hey buddy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh he's so scary-looking when he's like a foot away just like a giant [Laughter] so [Music] [Music] so hey where's the stick my t where's it at we gotta find it my teeth somebody [Applause] right here [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] oh i've never done [Laughter] buy the treats go ahead find the treats this is the no pants no problem tour we are going to just set up camp here looks like we got some clouds rolling in and then we're going to uh head out fishing gather some firewood then we're gonna make an early delicious dinner then come back and fish for walleye right from camp with that we got water rushing in i just want to cover up my bulge i don't want i don't want to you don't need to be no one needs to be seeing that mountain huh that's what you meant by set up oh yeah but you know you're you're home for the evening i thought you meant your fishing pole i was like what are you guys set up no my my humble abode oh [Music] that was scary you got your mouth on that one oh you're a sneaker my dude was it dirty enough okay i feel a little something something there that department here that's what i say that's what i said we are back into boat we have got two hours of sunlight left we're gonna fish this lake a little bit um and then probably gonna fish for walleye right from camp because we got rushing water right there and then we'll probably gather some firewood right now uh we got some ominous looking clouds rolling in could get another thunderstorm tonight oh my gosh i see the mother mother of downed trees i have to go fish that look at that it's beautiful i just don't even see how it's possible that there's this big tree oh so what happens when you snag the branches all right we're gonna do the old try hard trolling so on the bottom i've got my glass shad wrap with the rattler that i caught the pike on earlier enough we're gonna run a try swivel and we're gonna run a watermelon three quarter round spoon off the back let's see if it swims hmm it's hard to say if this is gonna actually swim all right so that immediately got a tangle so we're gonna try the old wombo combo that i got the double larry with which is an eerie dairy with a leech off the bottom and then the chartreuse slayer uh so so i just had a 40 inch i'm not even kidding it was 40 to 50 inches it bit the chartreuse slayer and it barely got hooked dang it oh that was a monster oh there's nothing i could have done differently i was bringing in the line and i saw him chasing so i stopped it and then uh he bit i had him on for a second though i saw him just bite it and just oh my gosh that i couldn't even speak that was a massive i'm you might have been able to see that no you couldn't have seen that you can't see past the boat oh that that was this at least as big as the one that i had on that i lost right next to the boat that thing was huge oh gosh i think this is a pike oh [Music] oh that's oh my gosh oh my gosh [Music] that thing was huge so [Music] [Music] one of these days i'm going to catch one of these we're going to measure them i'm just trying to think of what i could have done differently i've just got too much hope right now i'll be like please i want to catch the biggest pike of my life tonight it hurts oh you know just had a casual pike the size of my leg on oh yeah this i think we'll catch him here 100 bro we're catching fish tonight we're gonna catch so many walleyes tonight you won't even be able to keep the leech in the water we gotta fish we don't know what it is it was pulling pretty good but now it's not that's got me almost nervous it is a pike i don't know it was it felt like a log when i hit but like now it feels like nothing i got my heart racing for a minute there we'll see we'll get this out of the way yeah it feels to me like a 25-inch pike right now it's staying down though oh it's is it that's a pike it doesn't seem very big no is that a no it's a walleye i think i can't tell it's a walleye it's barely hooked it's barely hooked it is a decent one but it's bare it's yes that is a beautiful walleye dude that's like a 24 inch walleye [Laughter] oh i told you the 100 walleye we were just oh man that was on the floater that feels good that feels so good i thought this thing was getting off for sure he's barely hooked i thought this was there's no way that's a walleye with the way he was oh i want to i want a measurement on this guy that is a 20 it's just below 24. just below it's like 23 and three quarters yep 23 and three quarters beautiful walleye that is i think that's a personal best walleye for me all right it's official that's like a whole dinner right there yeah this is everything we need we gathered some firewood while we were out and now we got to get to processing for tonight's dinner we're gonna do a little lazy processing where i can sit on my butt no that's some uh solid wood there uh okay so for dinner tonight we are having a just a dehydrated ribeye steak with fresh brussels sprouts and mashed potatoes but it's dehydrated so all we've really got to prepare is the brussels teeny tiny little healthy portion of butter probably a little more healthy for health all right we're going to add some black pepper to the blossoms eggs and then some salt not too much salt too little salt just the right amount of salt we're going to rustle our brussels you know what concerns me you may use your fingers but i don't want my stake little montreal steak seasoning all right where's his tongues gonna let it go a little i just when i'm fire cooking steaks i don't like to risk it oh come from this side don't tell me what to do [Music] oh geez all right these are gonna go off the side a little bit here this stuff needs to keep going i mean i'm liking the lips of that one what about you well yeah we both like that one that one obviously looks way better i was just curious i mean like oh you're making me i mean if if we didn't want the same one then what's the point okay let me see if i can convince myself to like the other one i mean rock paper scissors sounds fun anyways i mean they both look good that one looks better on that side a little more of a sea around there this one oh yeah we're doing shoot yeah best two out of three or one uh best we have three best 203 all right rock paper scissors shoot i got one rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot damn it rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot damn it oh oh my god i'm sorry i just kicked monty in the face no did you fall on the ground yeah all right so lucas one he gets a choice of steak which he's picking that one i know yeah that's the one oh he doesn't mind i think we're ready to eat uh-huh and some mashed potatoes in there and with the fork of approval that right there is a meal that could fill up two adults but it's gonna be consumed by one let's eat okay the big chief oh yeah it's hot monty we need a little bit of this okay let's just add some of this give it the old one two three stir it for monty that's that's pretty good monty are you ready do you want your food good boy is your steak still good how's your brussels they're delicious yeah i swear something just like flew into it yeah the brussels are good they're very brussels very brushly is that good or bad they're very firm my bad it was supposed to be softer but i didn't have a lid for the pan i don't mind them like that but i mean with a fork and knife like a a heathen come on there we go oh it's so good oh yeah i didn't have words this is gonna make the best poop you can give him a couple pieces though just just like one or two i do not want him puking in the tent been there done that come on don't you dare scrape [Music] dead leg in it here just doesn't care anyways that was a delicious meal i crushed it and it just it was the i feel like that was one of the most filling meals so far i think that was the most filling meal so far either way it's time to pass out so i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody [Music] this creature is a whole tent and he comes right next to me and spoons me there he's the little spoon oh that's a big mosquito we're chilling it's raining we are going to be sitting for most of the day if it's going to be like this we're going to make some bacon eggs and hash browns for breakfast drink some coffee and just have a relaxing day [Applause] i got monty for all over oh little nature's pepper there's some people that like perfectly flat pieces of bacon there's some people just like any bacon i am the ladder yeah i will say we've done a pretty good job of cleaning our dishes oh geez all right let's flip these over easy eggs got it little bat wait don't move where's the fork of approval the fork of approval how could i eat without the fork of approval of approval let us eat a little salt and pepper auntie because you're such a good boy and everybody loves it get some bacon too oh yeah breakfast at one because it's so dang fun this is so that people don't think have you made your offering [Music] it's a monty with a little stick stuck inside his tongue he doesn't even realize it's stuck there cause his mouth is open look at that stick stick out of his teeth and tongue why is it there like that monty what have you done monty t why is that sticking out of your mouth like that what are you doing there do you miss your stick now all aboard the ss weathers fish you'll catch them come on great job great scott monty all right we've got a beautiful day rain has stopped [Music] and uh yeah we're gonna head out and do a little troll a little fishing see what kind of wildlife we can see and then uh yeah see if we can catch that big pike we'll go troll for it also that wall i caught yesterday my personal best walleye i'm just gonna say 24 because i can't go around saying oh it was a 23 and three quarter inch wide no it's 24 inch and it could have been i was you know it wasn't perfect i mean it might have been 25 or 26 but i'll settle with 24. so it's a 24 inch walleye and i won't ever be told otherwise [Music] oh there's a fish there we go there we go oh is that a pike oh there's a pike it's a little pike little pita i'm a laugh he snaps your line right now he's hooked perfectly perfectly there's a loon right there on the shore lucas just spotted it but she's on her nest so you don't want to get close to those because she's got eggs or babies underneath i'm not really sure what process she's in but she's definitely on her nest that's pretty cool oh that was like a 26 inch pike that was definitely a decent pike oh he's bit it maybe he's not 26 i don't know no he's he's not he's like 24. yeah i was just thinking around turning my camera get your camera ready he's gonna swim right by us so we're just going down this narrow channel past this nest and here's the other one and we're going right towards him he's gonna definitely swim by one of us probably on your right side you should just backwards pal the other way [Music] just had a pike snap my line felt decent i'ma throw on the uh watermelon three quarter ounce cleo go for a bigger fish he keeps checking me out hey buddy oh come on come by the boat again [Music] job captain tina trout says he's got a big bass oh 19. let's just layer down anyways that's a nice one this thing's good lord [Music] oh [Music] oh oh it's a decent peak this insane fog is rolled over the lake you can't even see across the lake i mean you can barely tell there's trees on the other side there it's just craziness we're coming off a lake and it's just you couldn't even see camp i've gathered all these perfect sticks for you for your throwing pleasure which do you choose get the stick get the stick no go get the stick go get it get em on tv go get the stick get the stick that one that one you sure that was a little long it was a little brought that one monty go get that stick what about this one go get that stick monty is that the one punchy get the stick want that one that's pretty big one what's it monty hey like that one you gotta thrash it and see if you like it that was not bad all right captain goes to bed too early has suggested that we make an early dinner so we can go night fishing and i was like okay fine i guess he's sick of eating midnight dinners so we're gonna start our fish tacos yay monty so i'm going to be making a cabbage slaw and they're going to be loaded with fish and we're going to add some lemon juice because we're making a little lemon slaw i don't like brussels sprouts but i like cabbage i feel like brussels sprouts are just then in this pan we're going to make rice parboiled white rice except we're going to do something a little extra special we're gonna add a little lemon juice right to that we're going to take the rest of our cilantro trying to do my own version of a bad lip bad lip reading all over my bag then we're going to add in our rice all right sookie jerky oh yeah got avocado all right we're going to leave the the rest of the cilantro for our tacos that's probably good boy he's going to get a venison bone too i just realized that so for battering you always want to have one dry hand one wet hand i bring this up every time but you can keep these hands separate that way it never makes that gooey clump do we have enough for that [Applause] here you go like anything that's that valuable they always have to get up and go somewhere with it oh yeah that would prepare your tacos get out the tortillas oh man uh huh this might be the most perfectly fried fish i've had out here yeah this looks pretty good a little bit of cilantro a little bit of chipotle ranch that we pre-made oh yeah that looks pretty dang good i'm outdone myself once again you've already voted on yourself you sure did you brought the right guy along [Music] oh yeah here we go there's only one thing that would make this better in ice cold coca-cola classic the beverage of wilderness travelers everywhere ranch there's plenty hmm get the the fried fish yellow cornmeal chipotle ranch aerator a fresh avocado in that cabbage that's a 10. oh yeah now that is a fish taco right there we got the fresh cilantro the cabbage slaw with the lemon juice salt and pepper the cheddar cheese the chipotle ranch made with what we do we took funk took adobe's chop them up for us mix it with ranch the crispy fried fish oh yeah let's eat it and this here meal marks the end of the use of the cooler we didn't think that the ice was going to last for four days it's day four right is it day four we still got a little bit of ice will i do this again probably not simply because carrying around a cooler is slightly an annoyance but it was delicious while it lasted and it's lasting till right now you drilling monty go ahead come on professor stinkles come on come on there you go perfect let's go we're off the sun is setting like right now the mist is lifting um we're gonna get out here we're gonna set up to try the tri swivel with the uh floater and the uh chartreuse slayer and we're just gonna troll around see if we can pick up a pike walleye laker whatever something nice okay let's do it [Music] oh [Music] monty [Music] hey hit me with that turbo light oh jeez it's so bright he looks super cute back there he's just chilling this is the smallest pike you're ever gonna see that's right yeah it's almost worse when you don't hear it and then you just smell it out of nowhere yeah nothing but pushing farts out as hard as i possibly can every time i've tried to conceal before but it's it just never works very well the only time i'll really not fart is meeting someone's parents oh yeah i got fart shamed by our friend group it's a zombie bowling and i ripped just a bomb and i was just like trying not to say anything and then someone was like did you part and then i started cracking up and they all started to shave me like you part of the youth and everyone was just like singled you out oh yeah just like that's what we do to julian how long are you stuck in there for it was like right as right before we were about to get out and bomb the guy and then we got out of his car don't you oh scrape was a good boy all right can i pet you piggy piggy anywho uh we just made a fire chatting by the fire for a good hour so let it just burn down and uh it's a little misty out there so we're gonna pass out now so we'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody hmm [Music] monty it's a final full day let's get outside and let's go and play in the sun we'll have so much fun let's do it monty yeah but give me that butt tell me your trick monty clap your legs he just got such dopey little feet um it's a beautiful blue sky's day so we're just gonna pack up and uh we're gonna move sights today so i suppose let's cue up the coffee oatmeal sequence let's do it we've got a lurking don't you steal them treats yet it's not done all right get it monty soupy well i'm just going to finish up my breakfast and then we're going to get on that wilder to paddling apologies and the fishing all aboard the ss good times very good very good and we're off okay we're going to start the day off right with a little stair stepping technique i like to call incline portage let's do it oh the captain's trapped in his natural habitat [Music] told you the wind was just gonna switch directions going against the wind the whole time well we can just go up in this bay speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak good boy that's a speak there it is okay get it oh almost good job huh [Applause] ship oh we're back in the boat going for a float we need to catch a fish there we go oh that's a feisty piglet oh my gosh he's fighting whoa i might be jumping the gun again this is one of the fishiest bass [Music] there we go oh it's a piggy oh nice big fat bass oh there we go nice piggy bobby bass that's a fatty oh there we go there we go another bobby [Music] we had a little loon friend say hello [Music] what [Music] yeah there's definitely some bass here okay so we've been chilling for two three hours it took a nap in the old hammock and uh yeah we've got an hour and a half of light left so i'm about to make some food and what's on the plate for today good old-fashioned spaghetti so let's whip up some dinner spaghetti do you want your treat okay go ahead go ahead uh um ugh so so fish that one we're doubled up whoo mine feels fairly hefty oh oh yeah what is it it's fighting weird might be something other than a bass oh no it's a bass what do you got over there oh mine's a hefty piglet oh chunky bobby that's the biggest of the trip for me oh that's a fatty chunky chunk chunk [Music] oh that's a big chunky that's like a 18 19 inch bass right there [Music] 17 and a half little tucker oh yeah it's a chunky fatty [Music] goodbye so that's 10. okay okay this was the final full day of the trip cuts fish saw some cool lewd stuff another wonderful day outside and uh yeah i'm tired so i'ma pass out i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody so so [Music] foreign um we're going to wake up no coffee no oatmeal so let's do it look at that look at that button look at it look at his legs look at these beefy little floof chunks look at these things look at look at that trick look at that new trick you're doing it yeah they're swimming you're getting crazy all right i'm just gonna clean up this crap pack away that camera we're gonna get it on that water to paddling and that's it let's do it good job monty good job and we are off for the final time this trip look at the captain tini we need drought disease floats in the water contemplating that what is he thinking about he's taking about how i got the biggest voila and i got the biggest pike and if we believe him he might have got the biggest bastard i don't know do we believe him i don't know [Music] hmm i'll roll up and i will say please then we'll look at our little cute monty we'll get him ice cream then we'll eat it and we'll feel good oh yeah hey duck nice mohawk how's it going have a nice day oh we got a loon lilla laloon i swear i saw him coming towards us there he is right there [Music] well we've got less than a mile to go we're going down a skinny little channel so there's no dangerous waters uh i think we're just gonna have to wrap this one up right here so uh we had some good fishing caught a personal best walleye got a nice pike he got a nice bass we got lots of fish uh ate deliciously real deliciously almost too deliciously but that's not possible but it kind of is i don't think i've ever cooked four meals in a row for dinner and three breakfast in a row at home so that was definitely a first just in my life period and it's a little more tricky in the woods but uh we saw some beaver we saw some loans got lots of good weather a little rain little thunderstorm a little fog and uh yeah so we're just gonna finish up this paddle get back to the car and drive for eight hours and get home uh we're gonna definitely stop for a little little treat like i said in the last video monty's not getting a bacon cheeseburgers he got too many last summer he's gonna just get just a little something else a little something cooler but anyways that is that so as always guys if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and i'll catch you guys at the next video what do you got to say captain tiny trout that's all he's got [Music] [Music] so you want a treat all right come on get it monty good boy that's a good little monty he's getting these little ice okay like that cream remember monty you got too many bacon cheeseburgers last summer so it's just ice cream this time okay i got you a little bacon too there you go monty yeah it's bacon monty go ahead eat your bacon good boy oh yes drool good boy hi rukis hi brooks we're home again we're home again rookis hi you're so happy you're so happy oh it's a oh it's wild rogues oh hi hi rugas oh you so happy you're so happy who's it yes we're home again [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 255,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, wilderness, wilderness area, camp, how to camp, adventure, adventurer, bushcraft, bushcrafter, bushcrafting, campfire cooking, cooking, campfire, fire, fire skills, fishing, canoe, canoeing, bwca, canoe camping, fall camping, fall, dog, dog training, camping dog, boundary waters, nikon d5500, canada, backpacking, survival, survival skills, gopro, going camping, wilderness adventure, winter camping, paddling, canoe paddle, canoe trip, outdoors, forest, funny, hilarious, silly, gourmet cooking
Id: J0Dd95v6OAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 38sec (10958 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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