Spring Bushcraft Camp Fail - When Things Don't Go As Planned

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hey there guys I just want to say a little something before this video starts and what I set out to do in this video and what I am ending up doing are very different and there's a reason for that and you're just gonna have to watch to find out so at this moment in time I don't know I'm gonna title this video what I think there's gonna be a little something to do with when your plans don't work out like you think they will so anyways guys back to Chronicle logical order chronological order of time and I hope you enjoyed the video [Music] we're near that Monty the snake Monty anything about that Monty huh some nice little streams this is the second little stream it's pretty deep probably some good little trout there but Monty I was worried he's gonna sink in but he hopped right over it no problem keep on keep it down hey guys I'm out the woods again with Monty and we are looking for a spot to build a base camp we followed a stream swampy area we've gone through storm I fear a little bit wet not fully soaked or anything just a little damp because it's been like it's marshes along the streams and stuff so we followed a stream and then now we're cutting it into the woods and it's luckily it's up a little bit so it's not all swamp but we're trying to find a off-the-beaten-path spot to make a base camp nature's treasure right on the ground keep it for later so yeah anyways either way guys we're spending the night out here tonight no matter what I don't know how bugs are hatching starting to get warm anyways we're spend the night out here well I'm gonna do some accent and some sign I don't know how far we're getting out of the shelter but this is a place I plan to return to and practice bushcraft and hopefully you know no one finds it there's always a chance but when you're looking for a spot like this and you don't want to go too crazy far you know it could be tough I got up it this morning is currently - and I since I got up at 7:00 I've been getting ready driving and getting prepared to go on this just it's like they're biting I just fly my face so anyways yeah I'm just hiking I've got a ways more to go maybe half mile maybe mile I don't really know but from Google Maps it looked like there was a nice open maple stand about east-northeast another 1/2 mile or more and that's where I'm gonna essentially try to put camp and it's about a half mile away from any water source that's a little unfortunate but trying to get away from all roads and everything so put myself right in the center of a nice chunk of woods so anyways I'm gonna get going we're gonna look for a nice spot we're gonna spend the day looking and I've got seven hours til the Sun sets so we're gonna see if we can find we're gonna see what we can build and we're gonna have some fun so let's get going kerothi well this is exactly what I was looking for I mean dead standing timber dead down timber everywhere this is great this is looks like a great spot now what I'm gonna do currently it's the grounds really uneven here but it's not swampy at all so I'm gonna take off my pack now and I'm gonna walk around this and find a nice spot that's I'm gonna do I'm gonna leave my pack here I'll stand it up so I can see it and it'll be really easy to spot to these open trees but anyways I'm gonna walk around and I'm gonna look for the ideal spot for a base camp so let's do it Monte this looks like the spot got a pretty nice flat open area right here few nice healthy looking maples there's nothing huge closeby ball on me bunch of good healthy looking trees but plan right now please for this trip what we're trying to do is I'm going to put a lean-to right here maybe build up some sidewalls maybe a raised bed who knows how far we're gonna get today but uh definitely gonna need some leveling out and I don't really know you know what the features gonna hold maybe I'm gonna put another lean-to here one over here this looks a little better who knows but I think this is gonna be the spot [Music] hey got firewood already caps done oh yeah yeah alright first thing I'm gonna do is get him some water and food out get out my axe and first thing we got to do is get a ridgepole well this is unfortunate I don't know if you can see all the bugs flying on my face see can you see them [Music] can you I don't know if those picks them up ahead there's like swarms these black flies or gnats or whatever they are spring bugs I don't like them they're not really biting me but they're man they're just driving nuts flying in my face on my mouth and ours my ears Oh that'll make getting sweaty and working hard really fun because then they'll swarm me even more joyous day trick yeah it's just dry kibble I'll leave a little lob for you I think probably not gonna want it you're probably not gonna want this water but guess what there's no other water sources around this time oh you're drinking it ha ha you drink a little water good boy I'll leave that door for you [Music] this is a rarity guys the monty draining the water like this will do solid you don't want a rotten one you don't want to punky or anything now to be nice and solid and it's pretty straight so that's pretty good so it's got a nanny I got here [Applause] [Applause] [Music] there we go Monte just sit there [Music] enjoying the nature well I'm getting eaten alive by bugs yeah they like when you're sweating okay no you gotta cut it up and hang it [Laughter] it's solid Monte I know they're getting me too buddy I just flying like this - I know they're bugs Monty I'm sorry they are swarming looks like today was a good day for hatching now I know I'm used to bugs you got a deal with a lot would you go camping at certain times a year but I was hoping to get one experience without this many bugs but it looks like I'm not going to I would rather deal with mosquito from these guys I should have brought a bug net it's hard to work with the bug net but I do wish it was colder it was supposed to be colder it's just getting sunny and hot and these things are hatching and the wind is dying down so the more work I do the more bugs it'll soar me but guess that comes with it so let's get back to it okay I'm going to attempt a different not today the Canadian Jam not I've heard so much about it I've never tried it though but I'm pretty sure all you do pretty sure all you do is you tie a normal little knot like that and then one that's pretty close and you keep this one loose I think oh wait is it the other way around or to go through here I think it's like this so then you put the knot through here then you pull it tight maybe it's supposed to be closer I don't know I think it supposed to be like that and your rope goes through here and you just pull it tight so let's try it out so about that large that'll work oops now I can pretty much ignore these bugs until they go in my ears in my eyes or up my nose the ears is probably the worst the eyes you know that's that's not as good either but those ears drives me nuts so let's try this again our little our Canadian Jam not first attempt we'll see how this goes pairs must be able to do this and pull it tight looks like a simple enough knot let's put this through here put it back through the loop [Music] [Music] why did that upside down but it works you can definitely pull it tight I'm gonna need to do one back this way what it definitely works that was pretty simple well yeah that works it that it I did it correctly come back here which rope do I got here huh [Music] hey Monty Lisa I'm not bothering you they realize that you got fur and they're like yeah this guy is difficult to get to well they get your ears they alright one more rope well them not fighting myth has been debunked they're definitely biting that's you know that's a nice added bonus because what's better than just annoying flies fighting flies okay now that this is tied we've got to start collecting logs to lay on top of it this way should be pretty salt let's settle it in here it's coming down yeah I can do curls or pull-ups on it so it's it's definitely solid it takes some weight I think what I'll do is I put too much weight on here I'm gonna put a beam this time to make it so it can support more weight but first I want to get the weight on there and hang in and then put the beam in under or after so that it pushes it down rather than putting the beam in first so what we've got to do now is I'm gonna round up a bunch of dead down stuff maybe some standing if I need to but I'm gonna try to get most it off the ground I'm gonna bring it all here and then we're gonna cut it up and lay it up so now I can get a break from the bugs by moving around a lot but once they get back they'll be back look it's alive whoo all right guys I'm gonna level with you these black PI's are bad they're eat me alive so what I'm doing right now is I'm just taking my time finding logs I am NOT any rush whatsoever camps right there I'm just kind of walking around into the wind zigzagging all around and that is because as long as you stay moving these things aren't going to get me so the original plan was obviously to build a base camp work my little frog butt off and you know build the lean-to part side walls maybe even a raised bed but I don't want to break out in a massive sweat so right now the plan is to take my time collecting logs keep moving off onto here so we're not just getting devoured by that swarm of black flies and I'm still gonna build the roof part but I am NOT gonna put up side walls I do not think that would be smart with these bugs right now because I want wind to blow to the sides so that we're just not getting eat alive I did not think the bugs were gonna be like this it was calling for 45 degrees was the high and you know it could just be the area man how it's big and open you know but it's nasty oh here kitten bitten up I mean I know I've been swatting off my face anyways camping and getting eaten alive by bugs it's not the most fun thing in the world I would have brought I would have sat I would worn a bug net by Noah's gonna be like this I don't really care as much about my armors in my face I'm gonna get my face I'm gonna get my dog monkey they want to get you that's not cool you don't go for my dog you eat me alive first but that's where we're at guys and I don't think there's any mosquitoes out yet which is good it's not moist enough around here right now for mosquitoes or a rain or something we'd be in trouble but I don't know this is gonna be a good spot for a base camp we'll see we'll see how often I return here this might be a good spot for fall when you know there's no bugs and you're out in a boat you can escape this you can get out you have to worry about it get out in the breeze but there's no escaping them here except for moving and yeah so that's what we right guys Monty are the evil bugs getting you Monty are the evil black fires getting you I'll protect you mozzie oh this is so fun oh man plans getting spoiled mister foiled by these bugs it's uh it's just not enjoyable to be eaten alive by bugs and working sweating just to have the bugs attack you more [Music] but you can share my tower this is my backup tarp to sleep in oh man this is hilarious you know this is one this is one of those times when things don't go according to plan at all I'm not sure I even want to keep building I came out here with the goal of building a base camp and [Music] coming building a big old spot I could come back to and I'm just getting mauled by black flies I've never been eaten alive by black flies so much and normally when i am i have my canoe and i can escape that i can go I can go out on the water even with Monte or I'm in a tent and I can just go in the tent and you're fine I've never bush crafted in the springtime and this was there was not much time for spring I came back from Montana I'm just gonna hide like this I hope you guys don't mind me just just hide like this because they're getting me but uh I came back from Montana and you know when I left there was snow everywhere and when I came back all the snow had melted and you know within a week it was like a week ago week and a day or two and all the bugs are hatching the black flies come out I missed the early spring where you get a cold spring I did not this is the coldest day since I've been back from Montana these two days yes today and yesterday there was a rain a day or two ago and then just has been cold and I was hoping to be colder than this and it was Santa's gonna be cloudy but it is clear skies and sunny and I'm not sure if they hatch before this but they hatch now and they're getting us so the only thing you can really do for them to not eat us alive is to move around and the more work I do building the shelter the more I'm getting eaten alive by the black pies because they just sense that I'm warm and they're attacking so right now I'm taking a break cooling myself down oh they're crawling on the camera because the Sun is making the camera warm so I'm doing right now is taking a break cooling myself down obviously trying to not have them crawl in my ears and it's not bad right now just sitting here but guys I am unsure if I want to continue to build a shelter in this I come out here for enjoyment and getting mauled by black flies is not enjoyment so I guess you could say I'm at a bit of a crossroads I had every intention of building a nice shelter and I mean if these bugs were not destroying me and Monty I would totally be building a shelter right now so I have to make a decision right now okay it is decision time Matthew is going to make an executive decision here and here's what we're gonna do here's what I want to do because I don't want to sit here and get eaten alive by bugs all day I hiked into a good spot to build a base camp and so I hiked into a good spot picked out Google Maps where to build a nice base camp and this is a great spot this is a good spot I love it but I do not want to get eaten alive by bugs right now I just don't want to do it so this video is going to change pace we are going to move spots I'm still gonna do an overnighter but I am NOT gonna sit here and pick out black flies constantly getting eaten alive so this is one of those classic moments when things don't go according to plan but luckily for me things can still go well there is a lake back aways and it's it's not a lake with houses on it it's a place you have to hike down a trail to get to a decent ways and it looks like good fishing so what we're gonna do is I am gonna pack up I'm gonna leave this Ridge pull up so that one I come back here and fall which is what I'm going to do I'm coming back here in the fall and I will build a lean-to here and that's gonna stay just like that but what we're gonna do now is I'm gonna pack up and we're gonna go camp on that Lake and I'm gonna hike back to my car and go get a fishing pole and I'm gonna fish cuz that sounds a little like a lot of fun that sounds like a lot of fun and we're gonna pick a campsite that has the wind blowing in us and I'm just gonna fish from the shore hey you know say what you want say I've given up on the idea that's fine I'm out here to enjoy myself and these bugs are ruining this right now all right I feel like a little bit of a failure you know I've never had this happen before where I've like given up on what I was gonna do I'm usually I would normally you know I would want to do this but I am just oh man the thought of getting away from these bugs is so great that yeah I'm gonna go sit on a lake and enjoy the spring I might even catch something and cook it tonight this could turn out to be great but uh right now building a shelter is not appealing at all and I know this section has been blabbing for like 20 minutes but the bugs are so bad right now it's so bad I need to get in some wind and escape so basically all we got to do as we got to do a couple mile or maybe a mile I don't know I gotta hike aways back towards that lake set down my stuff then I'm going to hike back to the car grab a fishing pole and some tackle which I always keep my truck hiked back to my campsite do a little fishing and chilling out of the bugs so guys I hope you're not mad at me for not building a shelter but that's gonna be done I will return in fall we'll build something here and fall I'm gonna wait till there's like a cold day with rain or something to do some building I'm not building this let's get out of here Mike do you mind you come here you ready to go come on team let's ask Monty so make sure career Monty come here Monty do you want a gopher do you wanna go let's go come on let's go you wanna go you're going you want to go go somewhere else do you want to go you know he's not he's not jumping for joy answering but I think he would rather sit away from the bugs they're good so bad right now oh you know I could I could lie to you guys and tell you I was moving just for the sake of the dog he's about 20 percent of the reason I want to get out of here twenty percent not a hundred percent I could use him as a scapegoat if I wanted to if I would try to lie to you guys but no I want to get out of here I don't want to deal with this and I don't really want him to suffer 20 percent because he is way more tolerant than I am I know you're ready but we're not going home that's the best part Monty we're just going to escape the bunts at least a little bit they're probably still over there but we got some wind coming off that Lake it will make this much better to do okay let's get out of here come on Monty let's go no Monty it looks as though we are getting our feet wet again pal oh I'm feeling good about this guy's we got a good feeling I think I'm gonna catch him fish I only regret that I did not burn eat bring my canoe but in you know didn't expect this to happen at all but I'm still feeling good there's a breeze I know I'm gonna feel it on the lake and that'll just that's gonna be great I gotta get over to the stream and make my way to the swamp we suffer aways once I hit the stream it's straight south until it's a lake oh that doesn't look good a deer had a bad day it looks like my team there's a lake up there oh yeah that breeze Monty nice fish oh yeah there's fish here we're gonna we're gonna do some fish the fun Oh awesome all right I'm gonna go there's a trail that runs along this lake somewhere go to that find a spot camp set my stuff down go back to the car get my fish and stuff have some fun fishing hope it's not too much in your shirt but I wanna put on my cracks remember I said this would be a good day look at that that is a boat someone stashed here it looks like it hasn't been touched I'm so gonna use this they left a bunch a litter I'm gonna take can you can you can't even see there's a boat there got a camouflage look at that I wonder if those oars I have a paddle in my car but they left trash I want to take care of that trash but I'm so gonna use this boat Monty we're going paddling I was literally gonna camp right up here on the shore oh my there's two ORS an acre and cushions Wow stinkers they cheated to this tree okay they chained it to a tree but what they didn't do is it's chained to the handle and the handle I can get out with I can get this handle off with a tools from my truck and you know what you're not supposed to leave stuff like this out in the woods so I'm gonna use it I'm gonna put it back the way I left it even though this shouldn't be left here but I'm not gonna pass up a bowl I am gonna pick up all their trash though this is my my trade-off I shouldn't I really don't want to leave this here at least this crap I mean this this looks like this is gonna Bandhan Julie's first season and this is a place you have to hike into so they must have brought a boat here that was too much work but yeah I am gonna use this garbage got cushions late preservers so the person that's boat this is watching this you should probably get this out of here I'm not gonna carry it through the woods all the black lines are bad here too we need to get on the shore Monty alright I'm gonna go back to the car and get my fish and stuff where I catch some fish Monty we want to eat some fish tonight oh yeah it's just a sign right now I'm going fishing I'm going fishing me and Maude you're going out in that Lake and we're gonna enjoy the day this is gonna turn out to be an awesome day I might even catch a fish I can't keep bass or Pike or walleye I can keep trout and pan fish so we got to hope that there's some of those in there brought my own life best I even brought up the crazy Creek a net and two rods my tackle box and a couple of wrenches I know this is a little unconventional but you know what I'd say this is an adventure we went from bushcraft and a base camp to fish in someone's boat but they left at a place they shouldn't be leaving it hopefully we can get the boat and hopefully a floats actually that's the other thing I'm definitely not bringing any of my I'll bring my waterproof GoPro on the boat but I ain't bringing this camera no way no way no how so anyways we've got about a mile ish to hike back to the lake and not very far but then we're gonna do some fishing and I don't know if we're sleeping over to the stars tonight what we're doing we got to collect some firewood and I'm gonna do that towards evening when the bugs die down because a black flies they'll go away at night they're only there during the day mosquitoes on the other hand they'll come out at night but I don't think the mosquitoes are out quite yet well we'll find out anyways time to get back to camp see what's in this lake let's see it I will be short fishing or boat fishing oh we're going fishing well I don't know how much they picked up the battery died but the wrenches work it came right off the chain came right off and yeah I'm gonna see if it floats and do some fishing so let's go on the water Monty you want to go you want to go for an adventure well it's they have a container for worms so there must be pan fish in here something I'm thinking there's pan fish and trout but I'm pretty excited to get out there and try this is just want to change strange change of events [Music] this thing is so adorable first we gonna see if it's the least so far it looks pretty [Music] [Music] it's a little uncomfortable to sit in because I've pretty large anchor and let's find out what's in here then you go ahead you enjoy the water right now we're just gonna sit on the middle and cast you know a little bit deeper because there's no boats right here you go in your shore and they might come out what a strange change events [Music] I'm gonna imagine that the fish is pretty good here I mean there's no way this thing gets fished a ton it'll be really cool if there's trout in here because you'll see them surface at nighttime there's a good chance that there is because there's a stream attached to it it's it's you know deep fish well there's some kind of fish in here I think there's pan fish at least which of those pan fish we're just gonna find now if I were to drop on and fish there I did not expect to go fishing today [Music] [Music] what'd you think about this Monty would you rather be getting eaten alive by bugs he probably might actually would rather get eaten alive by bugs instead of oh I don't know he's a boat dog that's for sure no one about you needed treats later all right now I'll but you'll get treats later [Music] the clip of something that was very fun over the course of a tendon trip very silly experience it's time to watch it to find out my go-to fishing rig for panfish is a teeny little sixteen thousand Jake head with a small way twister he's gonna rock the boat pretty early but I mean the black flies are out so that means that the fish will light I need to go do some trout fishing now oh no that's a nice tree there's a nice tree there's a bad cast our a fish I'd be sitting here in this tree aw let's eat some bars minnows well we had a fish on it turns out that there are pike in the lake that was definitely a pike not gonna be fish after that just scared all the fish [Music] there's definitely bass though and I think gills so I can cast shallows now I know that for a fact Mike but I find some some blue gills or perch I could but I probably won't even worry about eating fish to be honest I got a big meal plan for today oh there's a fish that's markets interests either scared it or it at least looked at just perch I can't tell there's any good ones there we're just Dinky's I can't make it sit still there's definitely bass in here I think I have a slip bobber but well there we go hey I caught a fish look at me Monty you are a Monty you're the fish Monty it's goodbye I'd rather hook into that bass that's not a bad one that's not that big everybody always feels big around an ultra-light well that would know [Music] scalpel we must extract the freedom oh there's a whole bunch of little girls here yeah I know I'm just catching little bluegills but it's fun I'm having fun it's not big fish but it's fish I'm fishing come on Beth I'm gonna catch bright others fast take it take it you know and I understood it all oh I got all I had the mass he bit it he was hooked he was almost hooked he went for it I had all areas we got them we got the biggest they had a little bass little teeny 13 inch baby it's 14 oh it's like 12 13 inches a little bass anyways goodbye well that's fun I'll keep fishing well we found where most of the fish are I pretty much fish the whole shore of the lake and this has been the shallowest section so far and this is where all the fish seem to be I mean there was some over there you know but for the most part they're all over here here we go come on I wish they'd go for that over here oh I wasn't even smaller than the last one [Music] so much noise there you go another little bass hmm where does having fun we're just having fun we're having lots of fun and I can't keep bass right now but anyways there's really no sense for me flying up some fish kill them for no reason like I said I've got a delicious one planned for tonight I am very excited for it it's gonna be such a good meal my favorite meals in the world favorite meal up there I know for a fact it's in her [Music] the SS hey it actually floats serpents purpose and yeah Oh frisky little devil I'll tell you what even though these aren't monstrous bass catching him out an ultra-light eight-foot rod lot of fun see I was really wondering why I wasn't catching the bass before and it's because I wasn't finding him not because they didn't want my lure I was gonna say these teeny jigs in the spring they really work well that's a that was a big bass that was a big old bass but I scare this but you just making the best of things right now you're such a good boy Monty you're such a good boat dog good boy we're done fishing okie dokie I'm gonna go fill up some my bag for water black flies aren't that bad right now at all there's just a couple but we're in the shade if you're in the Sun it's still probably bad but right here it's nice but I like to go out a little bit from shore to give it water it makes it so it's there's no like foam or floaties it keeps your bag 90p and I would just get it right here finding out the boat but see you Monty I would go on Monty see ammaji [Music] I have to hold one hand to hold the bags in the waters and spill out [Music] [Music] all right so me and Monty we're probably gonna just sleep under the stars tonight on the soft ground just with sleeping pads there's nothing there it's gonna matter but we're probably going to cook dinner in a ways I don't want to cook right on the shoreline there's no dirt it's just like moss and stuff there's no really way to bury it so we're gonna go in a little bit but we gonna sleep right here it's a pretty little lake it's a nice little spot I like it I wish didn't get eaten alive my black lies that'll be a good spot in the fall though I should be able to go back there I might even be able to come back here and fish in the fall and do a little catching cook I get back to my camp [Music] [Laughter] can't see the Sun anymore so I am gonna put on some layers put at least one layer boots back on and then we're gonna bring in some firewood well before I go get firewood I am going to set up our sleeping pads and get all our beds situated and whatnot but I did see a couple fish jump out there so I'm gonna do that and then click firewood and not start the fire because if I see fish jumping out there and they look like they're gonna be trout I'm gonna have to do some evening trout fishing I don't think there's town in here from what I saw I don't I don't really think there would be but I will know it evening time base are surfacing I know what trout look like when they surface so we shall see about that man I don't know what what I would have done if we didn't have a lake to come back to kind of an interesting it was not fun kidney eaten alive by those bugs earlier but what a change course there's still there's still out right now they're giving us a little bit but it's just barely it's totally bearable it's nothing like earlier got off the Mafia sleeping bag the original doesn't it look just like him he looks like the a bat and I get to use the monty sleeping bag and he's been using all winter doesn't look if there was trout in this like they'd be jumping right now there's bugs on the water they'd be surfacing there's no trout in here I don't believe I'm gonna have my player right here now the reason I'm not having it right on the lake is because it's not like a designated camps or anything and I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to have them right on the water I mean obviously I would love to have a fire right there on the water but the shore all right now we need two firewood I'm still grab bunch of sticks and stuff what is that what is that thing Oh God come closer Oh God what is it so what beast oh good oh there won't be the eyes how can I see anything if I stay still involves a me oh it senses the soy treat Oh wait Ramez will stop a few few dense little Roasters that is some solid dry wood why did you get the squirrel change the squirrels chew it on six yeah you know what you're having for dinner tonight you guessed it sweet potatoes and chicken my friend I think we got enough wood for dinner and enjoyment hey Monty oh I will go to the trail okay just wait we'll go to the trail we'll play fetch I promise right know some stuff we can play fetch until duck okay deal deal I think should this should do us good Monty seems to really want to play fetch so let's get him a nice fetching stick all right let's go play some fetch is a grade-a fetch stick is that yes no that looks like no said no think that's a no right I'm just kidding money I know you want this dick oh I don't have the heart to tell him no when he wants to fetch we're looking at pure joy there's no snow we can't lose it there's no bruger so we can't help bring you back oh come on he loves fetch he just absolutely loves it but if there is another dog around he does not fetch he won't uh there's another dog around like he'll run with him after the stick but he'll never grab it and if he grabs it they don't actually go for it he he actually gets it as soon as they get in here you drop this he's like the most passive fetcher ever but by himself he is having the time of his life right now Oh bathro but yeah we're just sunset and it is a very calm evening I thought there'd be some sounds of frogs and stuff maybe they'll still come out but nothing right now very silent nothing hopefully there's some kind of owls in the woods or something or just the pitter-patter matches feet but yeah we're just gonna play fetch till it's a little darker and then we're gonna spark up a fire cook up some food so what we're cooking tonight is chicken riggies and it is so good I love that meal chicken riggies oh now it's gonna be generic chicken riggies it's it's not you know out in the woods I like to cook generic chicken raised my brother actually showed me the recipe and he cooks at very gourmet and I keep it down a little and make it very simple but I'll be honest with you the way I cook it although it's simple and it's not super time-consuming like the gourmet way it tastes really good and I'll show you how I make it and it is gonna be who could be the best outdoor meal ever it's the pasta meal but it's so good it's just the flavor it's just I'm excited excited thinking about it yeah anyways we're just gonna keep playing some fetch till Monty gets bored okay it is just absolutely too perfect of an evening for me to not cast a few times so I'm just gonna walk down this trail a little bit back to those logs and those trees Rose catching bass and seeing a ton of best find a little open spot creep in take a few casts cuz Monty got bored of the stick you just wouldn't bring them back to anywhere so I'm itchin take I'm itching for some fishing I love fishing I really do so [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh I just love those sounds alright ladies and gentlemen so as I said we are making chicken riggies tonight I don't need this part I don't even know why I got about anyways well we need to do first it's cut up some stuff so we are going to start with cutting up some onion and from mr. Monty we are gonna give him his much-loved chicken chicken and sweet potatoes since he loves it so much so now there's a few more ingredients than my average addition this one there's a lot of fun stuff a lot of fun stuff in chicken riggies oh I'm gonna just heard an owl we're gonna get these coals going ok so let's cut up some onion now I like to cook this one little by little but we're going to cut up some other things too there's a red pepper here some kind of animals out there something I do love hearing wildlife it's uh it makes me happy with the women's spring like this just the frogs bugs all the noises really makes me happy because as you guys know I don't like silence and there's a lot of good noises going on right now blue red pepper it's just so good I just want to eat it mmm more peace oh wow now normally I would do one green one red one yellow and one orange pepper you know make it really colorful but I didn't want to bring out like a corner of all those peppers so we're just doing one red we're not gonna add right away so we got the onions those are gonna go in right away with some butter so we'll cook those up add in some peppers kind of get things cooked up slowly and then we add in the chicken and you'll see how it goes that's a big big garlic clove we're gonna just peel this normally I'm feeling sassy I'm feelin really garlicky on I don't know if you can feel garlicky but I'm doing it telling you what this meal is gonna be so good oh you guys have no idea I know you've been hungry watching my food before but like unless you don't like pasta and you don't like chicken or something but honestly this one can be done the vegetarian style you don't need the chicken so if there's any vegetarians out there watching and you want to make this meal you do the same thing in the same way without the chicken and you will still love it I'm telling you this is a good one this is such a good one my brother is probably gonna watch this one and he's gonna be upset that I didn't make it the super gourmet way but that's okay that's why that's why I said earlier this is generic chicken riggies so I'm pretty sure you said this one's originates from New York maybe I don't really know but anyways anybody who knows this dish remember this is generic chicken riggies generic chicken riggies all right you got the guard we're taking my big old fat thumbs here smush I'll put that in here smush BAM crushed which I crushed that's spicy garlic is oh man burns the lips okay now we've got to pretend prepare Monty's sweet potato for his sweet potato and chicken because sweet potato is good for dogs we've learned a lot guys over the course of my videos we've learned that onions and garlic are bad for dogs and sweet potatoes are good for dogs and Monty doesn't care what's bad for him he likes it all that's what you learned yes really I've done there's not a ton of prep there's one final thing ever do sweet potatoes for Monty but I've got to prepare and that's the one of the odd ingredients I guess you could say all Monty gets so much sweet potato today it's guilt free you know I don't have to worry about this sweet potatoes was great for dogs I love that I can feed him something that he loves a bunch of it it's just healthy except for all the butter I put over I'll try to minimize his butter someone mentioned water just boiling some water but let's see well he's a little butter still okay here's one of the odd ingredients of chicken riggies these are sweet cherry peppers I get them jarred at Walmart now it's gonna be a little messy here but you just take off the top and I'm actually gonna squish this stuff back in here actually you know what we're gonna leave it on the cutting board let's see here there'd be a little mess this is a messy part anyways right here you just kind of get the top off and you like I rip the big ones and a half and you get out kind of the juices and some of the seeds and yeah this is one of the this definitely makes the meal you need that if you if you're making this meal you need to have these sweet cherry peppers you must they're requirement but basically yeah I'm just going to go through squish out a bunch of the seeds rip off the tops kind of get messy and do that to all these I mean funk we always love extra these I'm telling you these are so good it's sweet cherry peppers now they came they come jarred I just I before I came out I put them in a ziploc this one it's easier with a knife you just take the knife and grip it I'm losing a little bit here but it's okay there's gonna be plenty so I'm just going to do this to the rest of these and then that's all the prep we need the rest of it comes down to just adding and cooking and apple things get really exciting great Monte alright so I'm just gonna finish up doing these let's get oh man what let's get some stuff cooking hey guys all right first things first this time securing it into the ground very well okay alright month you're not gonna use that crazy Creek I mean isn't a crazy Creek then little stinker keep my knees from getting soaked okay all right so let's start with onions and I'm gonna do chunk of butter still a decent chunk but not not as big as my usual you know I gotta tone it down a little bit I'll watch the heart gotta watch it heart oh that's unfortunate I forgot Monte's chicken pan the little attacher your the the handle see this pan this is the premise pan this one's always attached this one is a handset MSR el pan or something but it's not always attached I don't like this one as much and this is part of the reason why the handle can come off but on better news I heard an owl so there's owls I don't know if you've ever it got the experience owls in the springtime but I've heard them mate before and it's a crazy sound it's a very crazy sound I'm gonna imitate it and any of you that have heard an owl well I'm gonna write here we go I'm gonna imitate the Owls mating right now and if any of you have heard it before it sounds pretty good if you've not heard bring like is he trying to make the sounds of a monkey or something but it's like I know that sounds crazy but doesn't it sound like kind of that wasn't my best but he sounded like that Oh smoky in my eyes all right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna cut up the onions but we are starting our chicken riggies smoke is getting to me next we're gonna add in our garlic and our red peppers now I haven't revealed all these greens yet so that's why I'm just gonna add it slowly show you as I go and remember remember kids at home this is how to make generic chicken ladies not the kind you get in a restaurant in New York generic simple yet still delicious I might have brought out too much well we'll see we'll see [Music] oh I can't grab Monte oh my gosh I have players back in the players I brought perfect I'm gonna go run to get the play quick did that work out or what with that boom yes very much you don't have perfect hitters yet they turn up the weird little water like we were suggested to do so [Music] water bugs is the middle water watch my money back up back up back up back up back up okay it is time to add chicken to both of our meals oh I lost fall onion all right chicken in this guy's picking so hot we're trying a little char on the chicken now normally I even when I do this at home I like to cook up the chicken with spiced spices on it and Grill it you know you make your chicken a little bit more flavorful out here I'm just cooking it I was putting it in you know I could have put it on steaks got all fancy with it but I've already be in fancy I don't want to have to you know make some Y sticks and roast chicken like that so I'm just cooking up in the pan with the onions and peppers and this is a hot fire once it's got a little bit char we're going to the next step all right now time for the fun part this is when things get a little bit more complicated and delicious so we're gonna move Monte's over here we're gonna take this Sykes's flatter so we are gonna add this right here now what this is is a 50-50 mixture of tomato sauce and heavy whipping cream with some olive juice not a ton of olive juice just some and we are gonna add that in doesn't that look glorious now I got extra and I did it on purpose I wanted extra because some that's going to boil out and just in case you know I've been known to make mistakes but let me tell you tomato sauce and heavy whipping cream makes the most delicious sauce it really does and now we're going to add some other stuff in so as I mentioned all juice so gotta add the black olives in now even if you don't like olives Adam in funk hates black olives but in chicken riggies she actually enjoys the olives so take that to anybody that doesn't like olives just give it a try adds to the flavor and it's good oh my gosh I almost forgot something oh we gonna do this quick oh my auntie I forgot to add mushrooms or cut up the mushrooms beforehand so we're gonna do this really quick oh it's a hill Oh but anyways Monti found the cutting board and decided that it looked like a nice spot to lay down so he was just laying on the cutting board which was covered in the hot cherry peppers so that's really good so now he's gonna smell like her little sweet cherry peppers that's how Monty's gonna smell like so we're gonna cut these up quick these don't have to be pretty and we need to add all the ingredients now because it's summertime so alright that's good enough mushrooms cut up okay so where were we we're adding in mushrooms now let's see this is this is what I feared this is the problem with riggies there's a lot of ingredients Oh No but the last ingredient is the sweet cherry peppers oh no it's not this is gonna be fun oh where is my spatula now it's summertime so what we're gonna do is stir this up a little bit oh boy this is gonna be a challenge keeping this all in this pot man this is gonna be rough Oh [Music] see when I judge this and tried to figure out how much of everything I needed beforehand I try I went really light on everything to be honest we always make a big batch of this at home so this will be interesting it's going to be filling that's for sure okay so anyways now the spices we've got to add some spices so you got to add some cayenne pepper that will spice it up not too much Cayenne be careful at the Cayenne I probably already did too much cayenne and then some salt not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt and then some black pepper and you guys know me I love extra black pepper I sure do extra extra extra alright and now we are gonna simmer this for a little bit so let's stir this deliciousness up get our spices all stir it in there and this needs to simmer now as you can blatantly see this is a very full pot we're in dangerous territory we've got to be extra careful very careful and we need this to cook down a little ways all those chunky stuff so we need to get some heat on here Monte's needs some more water we've got to get this fire going again watch how mighty fire needs to get it popping in alright this is done how to put on my water my tears is done what's up Lindsay washer ok this is simmering now buoy yeah that's cooking [Applause] there's two owls going back and forth guys usually when that happens they're meeting to mate in spring at least what I've noticed we might hear a mate oh if they get really close I'm going to crank up the volume I'm not going to speak because I want to hear them this is awesome let's see if the water is even boiling yet oh it is and of course for chicken riggies we've got to add rigatoni and as I like to call it rouga Tony oh right Montecristo ha ha now we're gonna boil noodles and when the noodles are done we're eating hmm we need to dump off some of that moisture there we go we just put out some flame don't you touch that Monti the flavor of chicken riggies is something that's hard to explain it's one of those one of those things you got to just make it and try it I can't explain it to you it's creamy savory tomato least spicy just it's so many good flavors I'm so excited this is by far one of my favorite meals I think this may be my favorite pasta meal I'm just gonna go ahead and say that chicken riggies my generic well I mean fancy chicken riggies is great better but my generic chicken riggies it's just as good in my eyes and I am gonna be in heaven when this is done oh [Laughter] I can't believe I'm making this in the woods right now this is gonna be so good it's so exciting food is so good you know today turned out so well even though my plans were foiled and I didn't accomplish my goals I am having a blast I am I caught fish I'm making to look at this just look at this let's get a zoom up close money we need to keep yours warm we need a little moisture in there Doraemon see you are getting a treat my friend you're gonna treat you get a dog on treat our corner here all right that's good let's see there if you choose the choice is yours we're just waiting on noodles Monti and then we will all eat oops yeah you're just gonna be done I'm gonna mixing some dog food you have a big ol meal it won't compare to mine I'm not gonna lie with you Monty this is gonna be so good I'm gonna get a heartburn cuz it's spicy but I don't care tomato sauce and spicy uh I will take the heartburn oh my gosh you guys have no idea how excited I am Oh give it to me now these noodles they can't cook quick enough we need to add a little bit more sauce just a little bit more have you ever seen such a glorious meal I have not so creamy looking at just know what is this some schmutz get out of here out out oh man good rigatoni always gets so much bigger than you think it does so a little ways to go why does not boom but it's still hot there's still cooking there they're looking pretty big these might actually be done let me test one there let me test you done all ma'am okay it is time to prepare a meal it's time to eat this little thing actually just dump it over the fire ooh I'm gonna strain noodle straight noodle all right let's see this is gonna be magical if it fits there's a lot of stuff oops we lost a little bit more I don't think this is all gonna fit in here oh we might have too much oh no oh we lost more that is way too much food this way too much food for me right now oh man this is going to be a such a challenge to even get close here all right oh yeah look at that heaping pile glory Oh glory okay it's time to enjoy Monty you look like you need a little dog food in here make that a big old meal huh yeah yeah we'll just take this stick well that's a good dog food right now it's pretty yummy look at this pile who that is I was very weighted that's there's no way I can eat this there's just no way it's not possible I mean it's possible I'm sure but this is gonna be so good for 50% of this not me huh comfortable Monty you ready to eat this I'm so hungry this this is exciting I'm sorry I like I'm smiling right now that's why Oh just crack my neck oh all right Monty go ahead go ahead I'm just knowing are a couple noodles Oh hmm I love chicken riggies like I said earlier it's it's creamy it's spicy its savory it's not sweet but it's sweet if that makes any sense but make this if you've never made this make this one you will not regret it and do not forget the olives even if you hate olives put them in there pick around them it makes a flavor it does this is so hot I want to eat it so fast but I can't no this is truly one of the first times when I went out camping and things really just did not go according to plan not even really close normally I make things work I figure it out but I guess this gives you a guy's a glimpse of who I really am is that it's a weird noise but anyways I'm out here to enjoy myself and earlier you know I fully had the intentions of making a bushcraft camp I did I planned on working sawing logs cutting down dead standing timber working hard making a sweet camp and make it a place I could come back to but I was getting eaten alive by black flies and that was not enjoyable I'm out here to enjoy myself so even though I had the plans to make that camp I changed things up I adapted I did not want to sit there and get eaten alive by bugs I do not expect that I should have prepared better for bugs I should have brought up if I had a bug net I could have done everything I would just swell a little a bug net when they it's it they don't bother me on my arms and stuff it's in my ears and eyes and when I breathe in and I suck in a bug that's what gets me and out of all three it's my ears I don't know why I hate when they get in my ears so was my mistake I should have brought out a bug net I was not expecting bugs this bad but you live in your learn lesson learned always bring a bug net in spring but uh yeah this is delicious it's hot it's very hot hmm it's uh I want to stuff it down my throat but burning every time I take a bite hot let's take a guilty pleasure because once I've started eating chicken riggies I cannot stop until my stomach hurts it is hot and this spicy wow I'm struggling I love the sounds of spring I know I picked up some of that earlier but Monty you probably swallowed your food in one bite this pan looks like it did when I brought it out here try enjoy your food my friend but anyways the sounds of spring the owls didn't come out crazy they didn't go nuts they did not mate that's okay there's definitely a lows in the area I just going to sleep in here and sounds like that the frogs bugs Monty if you get that fluffy but in my brigades he'll be so upset oh my gosh it's so hot hmm all right that's it I will not burn myself another time it needs to cool down it's so hot and not even it's spicy but it's just burning my mouth and I want to just eat it so bad so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put a lid on it I am going to walk it back to my sleeping bag next to the lake I'm gonna get water put out the fire I'm gonna clean up everything here bring it all back to where I'm sleeping and hopefully it'll be cooled enough to where I can scarf it down over there so that's what we're gonna do we're getting cleaned up we're getting to put out the coals and we're gonna let this cool down because I want to eat it want to just swallow it I spent devour it and it's just too hot so really cool though it's like a big hot mess like magma putting magma I'll burn my lips like every other bite and I can't I can't handle it normally I can handle a lot of heat a lot of hotness on the mouth for food but it's giving me right now so let's clean up let's get back to where we're sleeping and then we're gonna eat more food Monty right right Monty all right okay everything's moved back over here I haven't like put away camp yet but this should have got some time to cool down it's definitely still warm mmm there we go Oh oh wow the stars are out it is crystal clear it's hard to see there's light in my face but stars around I am so satisfied right now my lips are a little burned well Bernie that's just cuz of the Cayenne with sweet cherries it's a spicy one I'm sensitive to spice and that's a spicy meal I want to need to put the rest of this in my shaker bottle and eat it for breakfast or something I cannot eat much more that was that's a big portion I made way too much probably gonna eat it for breakfast or maybe lunch on the way home see we will write to this I can have so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put the rest of this in that shaker bottle that I brought my sauce in and it'll stay cold over and I'll definitely be fine it's gonna get almost to freezing tonight probably it's actually supposed to get like 30 degrees but anyways I might have it for breakfast or in the car ride home I will enjoy it but I cannot eat anymore that's the first time I could not finish your meal is too much food I want to keep eating it tastes good we're way too much food my mind is telling me yes but my body saying no all right okay no more I'm gonna clean up now put all this stuff away get camp all scooped up put on my dry bag and Monty Monty my dear buddy Monty we're crawling or sleeping back soon don't you worry okay let's get cleaned up let's get cleaned up okay my G we need to see if Monty even wants a sleeping bag right now it's not as cold as normal let's just turn you I know he's tired I just don't know he's gonna be that cold this tired isn't a problem for him but laying down right now might be he'll be fine okay you can barely see me that's because my batteries are dying on my you could barely see either of us anyways my batteries are dying I'm a little light there so Monty's tucked in the stars rods beautiful interesting day very interesting delicious meal I am stuffed to the brim it's time to pass out I'm crawling in going to bed so I will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody good morning it's so peaceful then you get this alarm going on well guess it's time to get up oh those birds chirp but I could just lay here all day all right let me get up okay okay oh gee hmm what a beautiful morning just a beautiful world I should have brought coffee that was my bad it should have made some coffee this morning oh well Monty loves camping like this this is actually his first time out camping since winter camping oh look at that I guess I had my winix in my couple experiences you know in Montana but this is the first like snow free one the first snow free one plans foiled by bugs but I had a good time so that's all that matters I had fun yeah I wanted to build a shelter for you guys build a base camp okay I'll be cool when I said I was gonna do one I wasn't expecting the bugs to be so bad so looks like it's time to start bringing out camping stoves now you guys are gonna start seeing a change of pace here on this channel it's the canoe trips fishing a lot of fishing a lot of canoeing portaging and the biggest change will be there won't be as much delicious food all the time that's the way it is the seasons get warmer the Bears come out so I like to cook you know dehydrated meals stuff that you can keep keep clean not producing a lot of garbage and stink you know so you're gonna see a lot of dehydrated meals I make mostly my own every once in a while if I don't have any made up all you know I grab the backups until those are gone but I like to make my own for breakfast it's mostly oatmeal sometimes but we're gonna make probably to make some rice and beans that's a good breakfast I like that one fell in love with rice and beans ever since nikkor that nicaragua trip gallo pinto now Monte yeah I'm curious as to how well the camera actually picked up those bugs yesterday but I can tell you they were relentless not every single one of them was biting but they were starting to fight a lot I don't know why they weren't biting in the beginning and weren't really biting and then all of a sudden they were just like biting my arms in my face and they're getting me but uh not only that then biting it was just how many of them were just falling into my face poor little Monty's face but they were nasty I don't normally get defeated by bugs I mean I wouldn't it really was my bad I should have brought a bug net maybe some bug spray but that's okay you learned like I said I've never really done the spring bushcrafting you know I've only been doing bushcrafting pretty much all this winter and some of the fall so I've never got the experience being bring bushcraft and so far I like it but I still had a blast I had fun Monte sure had fun I can assure you the mud he had more fun by the water have you still got woods but he likes the likes he sure likes the likes I just got to shed a few layers we can get out of here all right ladies and gentlemen that's gonna do it for today's video Rodgers gonna take off without me yeah I didn't quite go according to plan but we made the best of it I still a lot of fun it's the first little spring overnighter I got to do in my in my home turf so I had fun but we were defeated by black flies and yeah I learned a couple things I learned to bring a bug net always if you're ever even questioning that there might be bugs oops anyways it's time to get heading back to the car and I got some stuff to take care of today so as always if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit the subscribe button and I will catch you guys next video [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 135,986
Rating: 4.8936033 out of 5
Keywords: spring bushcraft camp, bushcraft camp, bushcraft basecamp, bushcrafting, bushcrafter, bushcraft, camping, backpacking, fishing, wilderness, wild camping, survival, spring, spring camping, overnight camping, overnight, overnighter, campfire cooking, cooking, food, campfire, fire, fire skills, nature, adventure, adventurer, forest, wilderness area, woods, dog, camping dog, lassie, bushcraft skills, outdoorsman, outdoors, meal, dinner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 6sec (8946 seconds)
Published: Sun May 20 2018
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