3 Nights Camping on Isle Royale in Lake Superior

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] go oh yeah do we draw a line at school [Music] alright ladies you're in the bathroom right now and when you see this when you get back home I need you to call me and send me $20 I'm an outfit you always as you can see here sneaking in our oil we're spread three nights out here we're gonna try to do some fishing at some lake trout dinner see some beautiful nature hopefully see a moose or two it's been you know it's been a while since on campus people so it should be some fun but pretty breezy today we wanted to go further than I think we're gonna go because it's you know this is Lake Superior and you don't really want to mess around too much cold water big waves and we're on an island so we're not sure how far we're gonna go there's a campsite we're gonna lease preusse with the wind and make it to we'd like to get further but going around the tip of the islands very dangerous it's got crossways undercurrents of what in that cell we're probably not gonna mess around a little too windy for that today but we'll call it when we get there and see how everyone's feeling don't buy the B how's everyone doing very oleate Nicole yeah she's a pretty breezy one I got downrigger rods I can't cast him so I either jig or troll I was planning on these like Dipsy tires and stuff because it's midsummer you know end of July but they were gonna try mostly kicking but today is just not hurt oh yeah I don't know if I'm gonna regret it drop line it's a little breezy I got some going on here and I just hate myself in the morning if I didn't you know try all this is this is gonna be very interesting this is such it which is ginormous run if I catch something oh I should have just stuck with my little medium action this is ridiculous this thing's like 9 feet down castes are down whatever downrigger rod alright that slanted rock that Scoville point yeah I don't know what I'm gonna totally choose this is my third time being an idol royal and I think it was blue guy Scott to salmon here and I've seen them so I definitely want to go to shot no fish kind of going too fast patrol right now but you know I'll try probably only in control for another like 400 yards 500 yards then bring it in I can't do it rod keeps pulling me to the right right now and the water keeps going under my [Music] under my spray skirt so what I've come here in the past I usually use my fish Slayer my little Halle Deep Diver doesn't go crazy into the chartreuse or blue and I catch them all the time but I've never been here midsummer I usually go in the fall they're a little bit shallower but this time like I said we're going with heavier Drake so we're gonna try jigging because my buddy over here as a charter boat and they do a lot of jigging for lake trout its standard rock and it should be pretty similar structure here so that's we're gonna try maybe we'll have some better luck for some bigger lake trout big old swells Jake bouncing hampers ounce to have spoons so my one goal is I got out fish whoa we're all gonna be practicing our moose calls you got it no it's good everybody's doing it [Music] whoo it just got real warm you're liking it the lichen I can't cast this thing I want to so bad it's just like a baitcaster alright need to you can take the C point I'm guess I'd like to feed dang it this isn't gonna work out I should just stick to troll and I don't know what I was thinking you should have brought my old I should have at least one and I'm not casting this I can jig it I control it but I should not cast this thing this nut was not made for this it's not gonna stop me from trailer sea plane all right I made it ten feet okay all right I got a big old 2 ounce jig here that lets reset my line counter for the downrod drop her down bounce off the bottom see how deep we got here I might have been ill preparing for this I don't have to do a I'm gonna have a couple other rods every what we got it we got seven rods enough for everybody okay I'm on bottom now but I'm not sure how much line I have on here see this is this is not sorry I really wanna troll but our friends their nose is a little heavy so they're readjusting so we're just taking our time everyone's trapped we're trying to stick together pretty much the whole trip so you need to take a break we get to take some casts we want to look for like some steep drop-offs some really crazy structure and I know we know a few spots we're gonna try it's just I'm sure they'll be here somewhere I'm sure they'll be all over ya the further we paddled though from the last spot it's looking like we are definitely not gonna make it to Round Lake point eight today on the tip of the island is not a good day for it the middle of the day you know it was we had it we you know we wanted to but just a little too rough and weather - winds winds are the main issue out here but the campsite we get to choose from there's only one spot we can stay and there's not a lot of room for six people and if there's already people there and it's a busy time of year so it'll see I have a feeling I'm gonna be doing a hole out of this this trip definitely just the way this poll is set up I have no other options we're gonna get some fish though I'm confident tomorrow's the day tomorrow's this nice weather it is supposed to be thunderstorms tonight which I'm pretty pumped about but uh tomorrow's will see really nice weather so I want to get it really early and do some fishing because we do have we have I made spaghetti for everybody for dinner bunkmate rice and beans for everyone for breakfast and we have enough meals to where we're good but we would like to get a nice fish dinner Matt we have the stuff to make some delicious fish tacos we really need to make them right now we're heading in towards the shore so it's gonna get a little bit calmer so as we get it's gonna be like 19th day once we get in these little channels here's lots of little channels moving the biggest feel like we can go around the tip seaplanes Rock all right all right we'll do my best she's trying don't worry I'm just like okay this is definitely if the if the Rangers see us they're gonna be like ah [Music] this is not advised okay all right so the witnesses pretty bad still so we don't want to go around the tip of the island so we are staying here tonight and we've got the place all to ourselves we're actually gonna stay in one of these shelters they got an hour all because it's a thunderstorm tonight so I have claimed it with my tag we're gonna stay in the shelter because we got the stuff for tents but we've got three tenths we'd have to set up and you get the small pad so one-tenth could go here we could probably bunch up too we could probably make it work but yeah we're gonna stay in the shelter so anyways we're gonna unload some stuff and I'll probably bust out the DSLR yeah it's gonna get cozy in here oh yeah we cuz we made this home real quick mm-hmm I'm stuck in the corner no one puts Baby in the corner you catch anything yet there big guy yet still a little breezy I think what we're going to do is I was going to have a couple snacks here that I'm gonna get back out there go down that way towards that channel and you know stuck in a huge lake without a paddle all right thanks so I forgot the stringers they don't realize that I'm stringers so they're if they caught fish right now they don't know what they're just sitting there stodger just put in his boat we need to eat fish every night okay so we got to go out fishing right now and mr. big boat there he's out I need to you know he can't he's not catching something you know I hope he's catching something but I want to catch it first I want to we've got a a soft bed whoever catches the first fish the loser has to fillet the fish so that's what we got going on so I don't want to be playing fish you know it's nice not having to play but I'm just gonna dig I'm gonna seal there's channels up here there's so much structure on this island just some crazy drop-offs here's some rock shoals that are really excited to try but I still think we can pick some up tonight we made a last-minute decision to pick up a bunch of clutter extra lemons so that even if we're not having our fish tacos which are planned we can still just have some patience maybe some rice or something now we got spaghetti and even if we have none of us eat any of the spaghetti one in the group need wanted some for a backpacking trip or two it's backpacking so all the leftover spaghetti gets donated in the back for a waste what I'm saying is we need to just okay we're gonna work the side of the channel that wind's coming from and we're gonna kind of let ourselves blow out away so we can we competitive outs down and go deeper as we go and kind of work the drop off see if that works should probably get a stuck on a few rocks here but we'll see let's see how deep we are right here can't tell sometimes it's so hard to tell if you're like already set super deep or if you're already somewhere deep or it's just really shallow oh it's deeper than I thought here here we go we're at like 30 feet that's pretty good to start we're gonna get deeper as it goes we'll slip more line we're gonna be being a boat it's hot in the Sun I like when you were not I'm not moving too fast either I like I can feel the bottom all right I just went down this hump I feel like it dropped off quick for me but no luck so far okay we are going to work our way towards Blake point cuz I'd be a kind of a fun place to catch a fish we're not having any luck here so we're just gonna make a move and I'm gonna troll along the way with this big ol three core ground spoon probably won't catch as much you know I think I'm thinking it would be a little bit better luck if I were to have trolled you know Dipsy divers and whatnot for right now but yeah who knows so far no luck on the jiggin normally I just roll here so we're just trying something different we're trying something new like it would be kind of fun it just finds a good spot with a good structure man is just beautiful out right now almost like borderline too warm in this I know it's like midsummer but it's so cool on the lake but the Sun being out is just making it kind of warm [Music] shoot shoot nothing it's a goner oh we lost the big old jig I lost my whole leader these whippersnappers seem to be getting in their boats don't know what they're doing [Music] [Music] yeah there's bugs everywhere oh it's all jelly okay I'm good I mean I can grip on the rocks but if I go a slick it's not gonna happen feels good feels good once you're in and out I paid your dad with four goats for you your Chia boy I only have one pair of we're live right now oh look at the juicy spaghetti I burn my oh it did it pooped orders poopin here we go yeah spaghetti we've got a storm rolling in in the Sun setting they're supposed to be thunderstorms tonight we got the shelter all hunkered down all our boats are down flipped over we're hoping it's a good storm should be you never know though I could just blow right by us but we are hopeful but as soon as the rain starts we are gonna hunker down inside and probably just chill out the rest of the night in the shelter nobody caught any fish no fish no bites nothing no fish no hope no chance did you catch any fish no fish [Music] we did it everybody Thank You sky Thank You Mother Superior it's starting to rain we're just gonna watch a storm and pass out I want to play contact okay good night good night and learning and learning anything oh oh what a beautiful mornin maybe today's the day we're gonna catch a fish I think this is the sign of a man that got up too early and had no luck it definitely didn't catch anything oh so we had some nice thunderstorms last night a lot of snoring and crinkling around in the shelter oh so we're gonna just make some coffee reeks of wretched beads and get in the water in tranfer some fish we're moving sights today we've got a hole we gotta go around Lake Point which should be no problem I mean there's no waves out there it's just sunny skies today's supposed to be a good day I'm feeling good about fishing today see and now it's just I know I just like the double check burn some more hair nice so for breakfast this morning we got some rice and beans instead of oatmeal complements a funk thanks pretty dang good there we go now it just needs one more thing a Nalgene a hot sauce oh yeah OOP little too much hot sauce [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we are off for the day it is in hot sunny day slight breeze I might have to put my shirt on here soon but so far we've been sweating so much at camp and we were ready to catch some fish we talked to some guys that are actually staying or she'll do you see lots of people out here it's not just it's not you know insanely secluded but there's big boats going around but they're saying that give us a few pointers for fishing pretty much said just do what you're doing where you're doing it we just didn't have good luck so the jigging is fine I don't my only regret is not having a spoon to cast it's it's I'm I'm warming up and I know Louie gets punished for this water I'm gonna be chilly so I'm gonna put on a spray skirt shirt it's gonna make it a little bit warmer in here okay so I'm right over a super shallow thing called Youth Cove five foot reef we trolled by this today I kind of wanted to fish it before it's I saw it on the map so we were just going to give it a shot just a little bit off of it on this side we'll try both sides here but this side looks like it's just a steep drop-off Oh of 20 feet oh it might be a little shallow for the strip but hey you know what else we're gonna try first just going snag we gotta we gotta reset try just gonna back up a little bit yeah there are you that's like 70 feet we're only we're so close to it oh no oh oh my drag set to loose coming up again wind even need to get no further I just want to catch that first fish so bad come on the first ones the hardest one it's gonna happen eventually it's just got to okey well we lost ourselves another jig I'm not gonna ever hear the end of that one dang it and these I got fluorocarbon leaders in their braids and it's 17 pound test and what not is snapping beep or the or the jig is so I think that the poor nut is making it you know a little harder to yank these out of the rock to these two ounce jig then they get stuck in between rocks is really tough getting them out especially when you're blue around the kayak here and this waves yeah anyways I'm gonna catch up with everyone else let's get to the Blake point get around here and there's some spot so it should be pretty good fish on the other side it's gonna be good fishing everywhere we just gotta got a hook into them I might start taking a spoon as well give that a shot [Music] it's a freezie while they were doing much vision on this side [Music] so you're always accompanied by a side and from the front there are they this is not the ideal spot to be it but with this Seekonk you've got through the wave so a little better often I'm more comfortable in this than a canoe but I definitely these big waves that the undercurrent is pushing off the rocks to my left and then I got waves coming up the lake make it a little dicey how you doing great I'm getting a little wet on my sides that's okay I'll take a little little dampness on my hips as long as I'm safe we've got ourselves a paddle today up imagine this is gonna Lake Superior though says it's gonna be called low winds and yeah this is called low winds it's just Lake Superior on an island oh I know it looks like it's super wavy and I sit but I feel comfortable I'm not nervous like yes I respectfully yes the lake is intimidating group them yes the lake is intimidating and you need to keep it Winston out too but this is what these boats were built for built for it's cut through these waves spray skirt on life preservers on you know we've got bilge pumps and paddle floats you know and they're all up ahead folks right here so it's kind of fun it looks crazy but it's fun the only thing that's not fun is those sideways agree there put the undercurrents push it on these rocks rocking back out while the waves are coming this way that's not fun that's the stuff where your boats like you're flipping this way but going straight in the waves not so bad and it's kind of fun right number big wave kazowie brace yourselves hey yo weapons how is everyone is everyone comfortable yeah it's they always call this one a lake but I always say it's a freshwater sea that's for sure oh yeah [Music] I'm over some cheese right now or a tuna tackle or a fish taco but we might not get a fish taco okay so what we're doing is there's a little nice little hit and Cove up here that I can see them they're out of their boats so we're gonna go take a little lunch break a little beach break we still definitely got like three three and a half miles for the campsite maybe somewhere in there but we're not giving up on the fishing we're gonna fish bowl sir Oh ma'am I don't know if I'm gonna get out here now so they got out at a beach that was not protected at all and as you saw Aaron just got swallowed by water and she got this Soviet bug or not getting out there we're going to a hidden cult that's kind of like where it goes in and there's no crazy waves throwing you in Shore so that's what we're looking for along these rocks are here it's not fun getting out of your boat if there's no protection this is the type of code we're looking for right here where it's got a little block from the wind they're gonna notice a huge difference between the amount of windy here as soon as we get here shortly oh there it goes click there's no window so I don't know if this is gonna pick it up but we're gonna fish you can see let's see if it seems it enough it's a focus see how you see it's like a teal line that's a rock show that just goes straight up you can see those waves crashing on a - all along that it's gonna be some amazing structure and if we stick right there next to the island that's exactly where the winds coming from so it's gonna be calm there's AC no Whitecaps or anything right along the rocks now maybe there might be a little bit here and there but it's gonna be much more protected than this side because you can see all these waves are blowing they're all coming in this way that's what's creating these big ones coming off the lake there but that's where I'm going to try fishing I think what we're gonna do is once we all get together they're still on that beach over there which I don't blame them once they get out there that's gonna they're gonna have a fun time getting back in the water we're gonna shoot straight across probably hug the shoreline to the campsite today maybe some of us will stay in fish but this is just a nice little protective Cove down here and where we're sitting I think what we're gonna do now is uh gonna make up some tuna tacos for lunch just let things dry because I did get soaked my whole way so my but I just got water coming up my sides and I think my spray skirt is just kind of not so waterproof on the sides for some stupid reason so the water comes up in pools and just leaks right through I don't think it's splashing as much through which doesn't make any sense to me but well I'm not I didn't get soaked a little wet but yeah I'm just gonna hang out here for a second and then go make some lunch okay we're just gonna do a little Babbage out here I'm often a tooth created me my preparing that is a little dug little deep so we're just going to use this he'll do just fine yeah there we got some extra sharp cheddar cheese we need to count down here me what it's gonna be tasty got a little water on there maybe some parasites or something add a little pep in your step there's a little tapeworm oh you got a bug in there Dean that's gonna do just fine not a bad spot for lunch gute area or she's still a little windy we're only making up to that come on hon train tear it down I don't know all right all right they're tear three two one go [Music] oh I guess before whoo hey I'm wet again that's how we should paddle the whole time we've passed people just what we're dealing with right now is 100% average if you're coming on our oil and paddling and you're going in the middle of the day on this whole place is a big wind funnel so there's not the huge waves anymore it's just freeze and we're going straight into a channel you just gotta fight the wind or you blow it the wind one over the other there's I think I've only ever been out here one time when it's been called [Music] [Music] it is a sign or spray skirts kind of just like water get in so we're just drying everything out we've got neighbors here we've got so lines hung with all our clothes on it this guy got completely soaked all his gear just in his ha that's so bad ha ha well we got a nice breeze coming off I'm still going out I'm gonna have to paddle like three miles back with the wind it'll be super enjoyable and then battle it in my way home but I'm going back out I'm trying to it's not gonna be the most ideal thing but we need fish dinner [Music] okey-dokey so I am headed back out by myself to do some fishing I'm a prank you just fished in here so we've got a couple tactics going on what I'm gonna do is go back to the old way when I came to our oil the first couple times I spent weeks out here we use one thing we use the chartreuse troller like that right here that was right there as we always use and we caught everything catch steelhead lake trout Kings but it's always in fall so it's thinking that that wouldn't work as well as heavier which you probably won't but I'm gonna try that for a while anyways and on this line I'm gonna try : a spoon spoon here so I'm gonna try rolling for a while I'm gonna go to a spot see how the winds are and then I'm also a try Drake jigging some to ouncers nearest spot if I'm not having any luck and then on top of that me trying fishing my buddy stash mr. fish Challenger over there our neighbors one of their members can't go back out those ones go in these wins so he's gonna go on the boat with them and they think they know where they catch some fish so I'm thinking we're gonna get fish dinner either way at least we've got higher hopes [Music] and what I'm still hoping to do better I need to I need to catch a fish sure my kayak dangnabbit so least we got fishing going on two fronts but I'm gonna have the best paddle going back to the fishing spot cuz we got to go aways back butts off coming back won't be as enjoyable that's for sure let's get this party started going the old old-fashioned route I just 100% had a fish on on the spoon Oh nailed it so good it hit it and then it hit it again dang all that had my heart racing that was really quick too dang I have no idea what it was it's not super deep here had to be a lake trout oh that just got my hopes up way higher I think I'm gonna catch something there they go oh they're probably gonna catch more fish than me but hey that's okay you know they only had room on their boat for one and I was just like I really want to catch him from my kayaks and he said he wanted to go so I was like all right that works perfectly we can we can double our chances yeah I already talked about this the first day but I was planning on bringing Dipsy divers and you know flashing words and I think that that would have definitely produced it would have just been a little bit tougher with all this wind because I don't even know if we would have been doing that because it creates so much more drag that would have kind of been a nightmare we're catching a fish it's gonna happen it's gonna happen victory is gonna be so sweet and also as far as plans go the original plan was to make it to here state three nights and head home the next day I think what everyone's feeling is not risking it as much and we're gonna head back to where we see the first night tomorrow so that just in case the winds are bad we don't have a nightmare paddle to do and we're crunch for a sign that we can just relax sleep in go maybe get up early and fish I think we're gonna try fishing in the morning regardless when it's nice and calm so we can sleep we should see it's all up in the air but I definitely think we're heading back tomorrow yeah well that's what everyone's feeling instead of staying here okie Dokes of all the places this whole area in this trip that I love it's gonna be right where I am now this is where I felt the most confident because I've actually caught fish here before and it's just a nice drop-off so it's very breezy unfortunately so that's gonna make chicken top eateth to jinx so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna troll hope that the waves aren't too insane so I control a little bit path because it's the best right where it gets back into the open and not protected so uh I'm gonna troll er there if it's looking okay little a little bit out that I'm in a real example maybe troll them back and then I'm gonna come back this way and gate with the wind and do my best and if the jig is not really working out very well I'll just cast spoon because my buddy letting me is a baitcaster here and I'll just cast a spoon out and retrieve it as they go along this drop-off here so let's catch fish okay so I'm not gonna want to be bringing in lines it's looking pretty wavy out there still so once I get past this point it's gonna start to get a little a little dicey ER so I'm gonna bring them in right now just for a minute here just because we're gonna try trolling or jigging one of these big old two-ounce jigs here so it's kind of excited to do it right here like almost right in this spot so let's see what happens there we go 60 feet of water give this thing a shot let us sink a little we'll try our treatment spoons for a minute here casting in see if you have any luck with this I'd like to go out closer to those rock yeah I don't want to get stuck in some big waves especially if I get a fish on getting the hang of this bait caster though the first cast I've never used one I've never tried one before this trip he let me try it back by the harbour or before we left first cast I got a whole rat's nest I'm starting to get the hang of it pretty quick it's not so bad looks like they're gonna come join me for jigging so maybe they wanna their not have any luck out there so I should jig along with them they're coming to my spout their big fancy boat okay okay okay all right okay [Music] alright did it another little drift there jigging nothing no bites so I'm gonna I'm gonna fall four ways this time they seem to move a little bit further away or just go wet wet and yeah we'll trawl again along this and then we'll drift for a ways back but I'm gonna go a little further this time of course start my drift and then we're gonna try a little bit shallower I'm in like 70 feet we'll try like 40 feet then we'll go a little deeper is just a little easier for me along the shore drop the spoon again the spoon is pretty much a Hail Mary anyways they're just gonna jig and drift and nipply picks up the nut will turn back on the camera or if we're having nothing and we're gonna read any resample turning on the camera but the only bite we've had this whole dang trip was on this spoon controlling right out from camp so Tex just couraging for vision and I've got a please lapel back so we'll just roll the whole way back regardless what I'd like to do maybe one more pass after this a jig and if I don't have any bites whatsoever anything I might just roll up and down and around you make my way back as the Sun is getting fairly low I mean I've got too many hours of daylight left okie Dokes so I'm gonna troll my way all the way back to camp I'm gonna go down here work my way back and then go on that shore cuz that's the only way I've had a fight what the deal is is they are they have you know we got a full-blown boat they've gotten a sonar on there there is fish all over here and we are all trolling and digging right here and they just do not want to bite anything right now and it's more of a time of day thing as what I'm thinking they really like morning so what we're gonna do is I think me and him maybe some other people if they want to and get enough rats for everyone we're gonna try getting up at the crack of dawn tomorrow catch some fish please take nabbit I can't do this no fish no fish dinner but go back to the cabbage crunch some cabbage so there there here so I think maybe we'll head right back to this exact spot cuz I this is where I thought they'd be I know they're here like I know there's been plenty of fish that have seen these lures there's no possible way they haven't seen it they're just looking at it like man I don't want that crap right now so we're gonna come early hopefully hopefully we'll get up early [Music] so I just scratched my forehead and I realized but foreheads fry oh no I wasn't thinking about it oh no oh my nose - oh no oh man of it regret this tomorrow or the next day or probably just when this trip is over oh it's definitely raw right here oh man oh no oh now well well what can you do oh yeah so uh your optician I taught the rest of the group how to use the DSLR and said you know record whatever you feel so let's see what they came up with well we're off fishing where do you go I'm getting a I know there's moose poop yeah so it means there's a mouse did you get us lost right so we're with our guide Nick and tell us what you know about this forest Nick [Music] how old is this forest it must be an old-growth force it this forest is at least 20 years old guys did you hear that at least 20 years old we've got more moose poop here that's as much as the Moose as we found and then Nick says where Oh more moose poop that's exciting where is it whatever was inserted there what the group was doing while we're out here just catching more sun rays of a forehead - oh yeah here they come they're heading back yeah like they're tracking them just must not be biting for some reason I'm thinking time of day definitely we got about four five hundred yards more to go still oh there's still hope for fish tonight I'm just laughing at the thought that weird think you've already had some pretty fish that we've bought extra butter and lemon beach every night it's just been windy the fish is gonna be so good oh yeah oh I'm fried oh my nose I'm so fried oh it's soupy is good everybody likes soupy nobody likes soubise everyone life soupy soupy sketti let me teach you a little something bunks no soupy is where it's F subi it's a hairy otter oh it's a beaver yeah they're beavers Harry Altis that the first time you've ever seen a beaver no there's Aaron trying to catch a fish just trying to be the first one to catch a fish you go and do it I don't know she's way out there [Music] filtering some more water yeah all right everyone's everyone's using the gravity filter oh but yeah pretty relaxing evening as you can see I got way too much Sun of my face look at my nose oh my gosh oh no so yeah I'm just gonna eat spaghetti we're gonna pass out we're all getting up at the butt crack of dawn to do some fishing and get some calm waves so we'll catch you in the morning good night everybody [Music] we'll frisky in there these Punk's I'm with empty as your particle [Music] [Music] you're getting away [Music] [Music] all right we are off oh hey angled okey-dokey it is 6:30 a.m. we got a right of 5 how's my hair I got some pretty good morning here oh yeah we're good tears okay we aren't going to sleep fishing beautiful beautiful as soon as I get there I'm switching the Drupal or jumping I'm gonna kind of let my spoon just sit there and like at once yes but for the first time this whole trip I'm feeling confident that we need something [Music] it is by far the most beautiful moral of the trip beautiful day start so far it is looking forward to song so the one or two things that could make just look perfect one would have been well I should have bug sunscreen Dania I totally forgot Larry fried face I was gonna say efficient of mousse but now efficient the most plus sunscreens what I need to make this a perfect woman No why everyone wants someone to catch fish we want fish tacos tonight so bad oh you feel it [Music] all right this is it you're an amazing place for fish got a perfectly calm morning nice sunny skies I don't catch fish there's 100% user error nature is giving me what I needed to catch fish today so now it's up to me let's drop a jig we can get to it I've added a twister tail to it today I got my spoon just I let it it's at 50 feet right now well we'll see how deep we are [Music] we'll just start hearing just drift [Music] I'll hear my hero booty's thanks so much my Savior I'm gonna have the most raw foreign if I didn't do that alright I'm gonna move spots go try the tip of this shoal and if I still have any luck jigging what I'm going to do is I'm going to take one of these two hours jigs or in-house 1/2 Jake I've got a price level and I'm gonna run a liter off the bottom of the trestle with two outs and I have Jake and on the back of this mobile I'm gonna pull one of these three quarter ounce spoons I'm gonna try deep trawling this Ridge here I think they're here it's just not working out the way it's going it might be a little bit of a tangle mess but I think it could also work Aryeh or a 43 feet see if this is deep enough just bounce up right on the edge of the shoal coming off the lake try a little shower with more access to the open water and just seeing if maybe they're here [Music] snag instantly oh all right I lost I lost my last jig jiggin I'm done for now I'm going to troll I'm gonna try my tri swivel trolling method and I think I'm gonna catch a fish doing that that's what we're gonna do I've only got one try swivel I've got one chance to make this work and I've got to get moving before I can set it down and see what its gonna do so I've got this spoon attached leader here with about that much line to this try swivel and on the bottom of the tri-oval is this much light a 10 so this attached to this 2 ounce jig so let's see what happens we're gonna first drop the jig and then we are going to reel in some line pull it out then drop the spoon oh yeah hey it's working all right no we're gonna just hope we don't get a snag we're gonna let the light out slow I'm gonna let it go down real slow and just stop every once walk so I want to get this thing set and I do not want to get snagged because if I get snagged we're in trouble at least it's at least it's working so we're just gonna slowly let it deeper and deeper just cruise along all right I think this is gonna catch me a fish now the only tricky thing is going to be if we actually catch a fish is it gonna bite the jig or is it gonna bite the spoon probably the spoon but either way I'm gonna this big ol mess as soon as I get a fish but I don't care if they can get a fish on there I don't care how messy it is once I get the fish in the net if I do we're trying some deep troll in here I think this is this is the way to go trolling always works it's a it's not as fun as jigging and I got that we got super hyped up about the jigging but you know what troll has just always worked and I think that's what's gonna work here now this might not go as deep as I think it does it looks like it's going back pretty far but I'm just gonna troll nice and slow try to go relatively you know good speed but this is definitely gonna be deeper than just the spoon there's a two ounce jig with a 3/4 ounce spoon so that's all gonna be it's gonna be at least pulled down a little bit might not be super deep but I think we can get at least get like 30 40 feet down if I let out a look line so we're gonna keep it going nice and slow I just looked at my line cars they go where am I at if 350 feet align up I was like oh that's not gonna be good especially gonna snag or something just I got it down like 150 feet but there we go it's gotta be down there I mean I have no clue what the depth is on it it's more than 20 feet there's no way it's not less it's not above 20 feet it has to be I just had the realization that no one's catching a fish oh let's just be honest here no one's catching a fish oh good I'm not gonna give up but I'm just trying to be real with myself here we're just struggling such a perfect morning we're jigging all along that just how trolling we have other people troll and they were cast in schools we're just throwing everything out of its Nick not fighting and I know there's sitting there so I don't know what's up what we're doing that's so wrong you can do this same method anywhere I feel like this method works here town I just maybe they're just not biting I don't know what's going on I think I think we just we've just the the the arrogance of how much fish we are going to catch mostly produced by me because has caused this cause just the way of things you just made no you cocky turd nugget you're not kidding anything at least this is a sunny beautiful day we're out in just a beautiful area so that's that's the good side but yeah we're not catching anything Oh we'll try all day maybe maybe we'll get real like you probably just have to beg someone that's got a big boat to come by I don't know what all that nonsense was I just do because I'm totally gonna have to fish bite both my lures the same [Music] that's what's gonna actually happen okay let's just read I want to reiterate that I may have made a mistake with my last statement okay to finish maybe they're gonna be six pounds e perfect eating for everybody in fish tacos hey lose hope can't lose hope I got a rebound I'm rebounding my I'm rebound on my spirits right now it's gonna happen it's gonna happen up there near these big old rocky cliffs yes go work this go work okay all right I'm glad I'm back I'm back I'm back probably be able to pick it up there's a loon out there that just doesn't do that too loud I've told my group that if I made that noise I caught a fish so they might think I got a fish that's okay maybe I'll get their spirits boosted that right there means I have told for quite a while you've got anything a little well calm on the point today that's for sure maybe we'll catch me off the point at the tip of the island it'd be a nice treat or maybe not dang it I just had a bite oh dang it I was so excited for a minute Boulder yeah oh there's a bite again you saw it right Digga Digga Digga Digga come on come on I get another bite I'm just gonna just paddle hard alright we know this works at least we got a three Polie try you're telling me oh yeah nice job Aaron Aaron got the first fish was she using all right I'm swapping that I'm going to watermelon okay she caught her Laker trolling this watermelon source which into this and we're going past that point where he just had a bite and we will try again and I'll go past it and then come back this way and then there are some definite Shoals along this channel but I want to try I hit the button to stop recording I got a fish on oh I think it actually got it on camera - yes oh it feels decent yes yes Victoria and they're ready I don't care what happens to that spoon as long as I can get this fish in the net I'll care about the mess that ensues doesn't feel that crazy big feels like a good ear doesn't matter it's gonna be tough to get it with this long downrigger rod yeah on the spoon oh it feels good today was the day today was the day oh I think we've got three fish now Oh today was the day yes yes there we go yes yes we got a Laker we got a Larry how you doing Larry Oh mr. Larry Larry Larry Larry quite contrary Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry okay okay we've got ourselves a beautiful perfect eating size Larry let us secure him to the boat here and he is secured yes yes okay now we need to bring this in reset and we need to we need I think four fish would be plenty for all of us I don't know we should we should feast we got six people maybe a fish per person was where we would stop set this rig up again this is great we're catching the fish at the binos of the island no and if you've been wondering why we're not having any fires when we're out here that's because fires are not allowed for the most part there's a few campsites on the whole island that have big fire rings for the Hulk like where everyone can share a fire and that the site we stayed at yesterday had these little stand upgrades you have a fire it's a little tougher collecting firewood so we just didn't even bother but yeah that's why you're not really seeing fires it's super shallow here see now that everyone's caught fish or not everyone well we some Pele accomplished now it's a matter of who catches the most or the biggest that's the new challenge it is just pure glass on Lake Superior right now this is as calm as it gets we've got the island blocking the wind from the other side this is just this is like it just can't get calmer than this good as it gets it's beautiful what a sight to see very hot I think we might do it a little swimming today mm-hmm that's for sure did somebody request fish tacos yes do we got the tents light is there anybody else at the tent site nice noise we got to see whose fish is bigger bring it up come on right here I got you I got you I got you boy I got you boy so far it's official I've got the biggest best fish whether that's a you cast a big hunter oh yeah we need to see Aaron Fishman we got camp all set up it's all beautiful looking we had this double double tent set up look at this but we're just gonna tear this all down because the shelter opened up and that's so much better no no what'd you guys say you're being naughty you're not naughty oh there it is all there yes I see you why [Music] it's an evil bunny evil oh and then this house definitely died all right we are back on the water doing some trolling not everyone's out going for some more fish dinner in the sand flies are just in my legs and I'm just waiting to get them all up or up with my spray skirt on because I am NOT trapping them in there and giving you a free dinner no way no sir with this with this 3-ounce around here it's like a downrigger I can almost oh oh no no hey there we go we need to go a little bit as I was saying this three on sir jig on here is like a downrigger it's just I can get it right on the bottom which is nice [Music] I'm pretty much right off the bottom hearing about well this is set I need you a little deeper but we're at like I don't know 30 40 feet of water or no 50 feet of water I'm getting close to the bottle or 30 40 feet water okay so as you can see get a little breezy and single bite haven't roll for a while it's nothing fancy wolverson challenge right now I'm gonna troll my way back to camp but cold little nibbly it's definitely get a little chilly out and I don't have a long sleeve and even if I did I wouldn't really feel like putting it on right now just get the winds picking up a little bit so yeah I think they're gonna stay out fishing I think these guys are coming back so probably should get our fish tacos prepared a little earlier tonight baby I think everyone's giving up it's just the bite shut down it seems I mean have we ever know we're doing this whole time we caught some fish for a minute there though it seemed like it was a pretty good bite there we should just kept fishing but I think what I think three is gonna do her three is gonna be plenty that's that's a play per person here you know we're gonna we're gonna have some good fish tacos it'll be good it'll be tasty [Music] we're working on dinner prep now for the fish tacos funks preparing the lemon slaw Aran is still hard at work chopping her up and I'm doing nothing but recording that cheese let's just be real who needs clean hands out in the woods might be what's bud P no like you're cooking with a large group if somebody didn't wash their hands [Music] josh is playing up all our fish we and he's reprinting them again oh yeah look at that that's a bag of meat you're doing great no woody tacos is four cups which pitted for - what's 8 times 4 32 will wind block good - for whatever I haven't done much yet but I'll do something just start sprinkling we'll just do this until it's nice and good and then it'll all be battered up more bad - on the right yes Oh beautiful lights slower faster slower deeper let's get some fish going right there oh yeah yeah there you go funk Josh your head is in the frame Oh should be oh sorry what you're not thinking you're thinking about the fluid stash think about the camera I am thank you sir gotta put it on the moneymaker huh [Music] nope he's all from your camera no to me I'm gonna race back okay it'll work out okay so I'm not gonna dump the left oh that's getting golden all right fungus on taco assembly be mindful of knocking down the camera yeah there now you can see what you're seeing oh my god we're so very hot guys do not bite that one's steps today but it's going to delete face heads look at these delicious oh yeah I just tacos okay here we go [Music] I'm mad and angry moose that was coming to kill us I mean just like know you had a honeymoon how are you gonna get make big Spears take our nice each make a really sharp spear set traps mm-hmm oh I'll trap yeah Pete corn cutting the trees went along through the tree so better oh yeah yeah so we go and stab it I don't know it's always like in a supermarket I know I said with blue bag inside the black blue bag inside a plastic bag inside a black bag inside it's too hot why are you trying to chew it off yeah you did great and you look like it was uncomfortable but you're still eating yeah good job [Laughter] good night everybody [Music] oh yeah top of the mornin it's pretty wet oh it's hot in the Sun t-shirt and shorts it is a very where my Martin and [Music] we'll breakfast burrito everyone just packing up finishing up breakfast having some breakfast burritos and then we're gonna get in the water to get moving heading to the ferry all right so it's looking like we've got four or five miles inch into the wind not terrible here I think the first couple miles gonna be pretty easy always gotta go down this channel slight breeze but once we get out into the open if the winds are coming from the south either get a little wave here I'm going no shirt no skirt right now because it is warm it is so arm breeze is nice I just need to cool off before I put any of that crap on there rained all night last night [Music] just a few today she's a beaut that was laughing the night before last night was super clear we're about to get into those splashy waves head-on most likely so I had to suit up so as I'd probably already mentioned in this video at least a couple times where maybe you know beforehand in earlier videos up deviant wanna this is not get my normal style of video the reason being is because we've got so many people with me and friends that I've just been kind of hanging out not everyone wanted to be on camera every shot and you know it's sometimes it's hard to just like want to stop what you're doing you're just having a good time and just bust up the camera up or just you know lost in the moment just hanging out and there was a lot of hanging us with all the gaps and stuff we're just kind of sitting around you know chatting or whatnot I don't want to record everything you know so that's why it's kind of a difference now we're jumping around a lot you know it'll be you will be doing one thing that all of a sudden will be going to bed or doing this then all of a sudden err then all of a sudden bad like definitely not my normal style but hey that's how she goes sometimes you just want to enjoy the moment and then I was sort of bored the goal of this trip just to relax do not record every second that's what I usually do oh yeah we should be getting into some nice waves here a little more wind action I kind of wish I didn't put on my shirt because it is warm very warm I'm just so hot right now you what this breeze off superior just way too hot [Music] [Music] oh yeah it's a splash me [Music] oh yeah they're flying all righty ladies and gentlemen we have got let's see less than a mile of paddling to do just gonna continue battle in the wind and we'll be back at the fair or where you need to wait it was a good fun few nights a nice little change of pace from the usual definitely nice midsummer to be you know how to the island the hill superior because this the cool breeze it's tough I don't like the hot heat you know you know how it goes guys so it was definitely nice change of pace and I know this wasn't the normal video style but hey it's just gonna have to do fishing wasn't as crazy as I was expecting at first I was thinking it was gonna be just like it was then as a guy I thought we were gonna just slam them and I was getting everyone hyped up but it ended up being up just like I just a few fish enough to make some delicious fish tacos and have a nice fish dinner so we're just gonna get back wait for the ferry we've got a three and a half hour ferry ride to get home well not to get home just to get back to the mainland and then yeah we've got some driving so we will be getting home too late tonight so that's just gonna wrap this one up huh so as always guys if you liked the video hit the like button you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button I'll catch you guys next video [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 74,732
Rating: 4.8722181 out of 5
Keywords: camping, isle royale, isle royale national park, lake superior, fishing, fish, camping on an island, how to camp, sea kayaking, kayaking, paddling, overnight, overnight adventure, adventure, adventurer, sea, fresh water sea, friends, group camping, summer camping, catch and cook, nature, wilderness, wilderness area, wilderness camping, camping in the wilderness, wild camping, cooking, gourmet cooking, fish tacos, cooking fish, fun, funny, silly, water, lake, lake trout, sea kayak
Id: EtoK4tnZN4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 20sec (6200 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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