Winter Camping In A Hot Tent With My Dogs For 2 Nights

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good hello monty [Applause] [Music] meet [Music] look at a big woof all right woof all right you boys ready all right let's go well hello ladies and gentlemen i'm out with the dynamic duo of stinkles and stinkles the floofy proofs of greatness and uh monty's attacking rogues already needless to say he's excited we're gonna spend two nights out here camping in the hot tent if you can hear me over the broken they're just excited um right now come here come okay anyways right now we're going down a two track which has had snow mobiles go down it and pack it so it is a dream right now to hike down oh my gosh you're so heavy okay i don't want to hurry anywhere you're fine i'm sorry okay anyways we're gonna cook up some delicious campfire food and uh have a good time right now they need to burn some energy uh we're gonna go about a half mile down this road or more then we're gonna turn off onto like another one which i don't know if snow bills went down or not and then we're gonna wander off into the woods so about another mile mile and a half somewhere in there we got to go so we've got to get moving because we got a little bit of a late start so anywho let's do it come on boys let's go leave that thing or bring it away all right snowballers went on this road as well that's awesome because this sled is heavy it's got it's got to be over 100 pounds easy so any any of this i can get makes the workload easier makes me and it means i can go further so awesome what's up [Applause] up oh even though it's packed and it's slippery these hills are still work and you got these hundred pound plus sleds oh yeah still a lot of fun taking them uphill look at this look how small this hill is that little hill right there just that little bump every single one of those that i encounter is just like whoo and when uh well if i only got to go through the powder here and just break trail which we're gonna do soon uh it's it's like 10 times more work so all right okay so this sled i've never taken it out with the hot tent and all this stuff for the boys the first time taking it out with just me uh with all the gear for a hot tent and there's just not quite enough room uh to have everything that's weighted piled on the bottom i did my best but i had to put some heavy stuff at the top here i was kind of just leaning a little bit i did my best but it's definitely making it harder going through here but we've hiked in plenty far enough it's time to find a spot because we've got about two hours till the sun sets and we've got lots to do so we're gonna walk around look for a good spot i've seen a few dead trees here and there there's one over there there's lots of pine not much hardwood which is unfortunate but it is what it is anyways we're gonna find a nice flat spot and then we'll drag our stuff over there and get setting up come boys let's try a spot monty come on goodbye buzzy come on porky piggy okay this is going to be our spot ah as you can see we're right under some big old pine trees and uh that provides an extra bonus for us because the snow's about two to three feet deep everywhere else but right here we got a flat spot in the snow it's only about a foot deep so it's like a third of the amount of snow is the rest of the forest because these branches block it and whatnot so it's going to be easier to shovel out the only thing i'm concerned about is this big old dead tree right here which shouldn't be a problem let's see yeah i'm gonna hit this with my axe a couple times and see if it's sturdy um it's not really that big of a deal but it's like it's standing it's broke it's hung up in a tree up there so i don't think even worst case scenario if it did get loose somehow then it would just slide straight back but we just want to make sure it's sturdy i'd rather be safe than sorry now if it was windier i'd even be even more concerned but right now yeah see once this thing starts to topple over it's it's it's uh it's going that way all right boys go over here come over here i think this goes bad i can replace gear but i can't replace you okay stay there oh yeah that's solid all right we'll be fine it's not punky it just cracked over all right now we're gonna do some shoveling ruger's favorite part so normally i just tamp down the snow but since it's shallow here we are going to shovel it down and have a nice solid ground the only problem with shoveling is you always discover unwanted goodies so that's about we're gonna take off the snowshoes for now so you got your two distinguished characters you got this guy chasing a bite in the snow this guy just lays down oh monty here i know what you would prefer come here hop up hard back up watch out watch out i just get this is your spot come on go go go go go hurry let me just all right monty right here there you go there you go another nice thing is i don't really have to shovel this out crazy amount i'm just looking for any big logs or anything see how flat it is and this will melt down to the ground i just got to basically dig out a good portion of it or anything crusty so that when i put the stakes in it'll be right on the ground and when i put uh the stove it'll be on the ground and then over tonight everything's gonna clear in there and then we'll have nice ground another thing about the ground that's real nice is when you start to make it warm it'll start to reanimate all the spiders and then they'll crawl on your face in the night it's awesome here okay we're pretty much on the ground most places let's set this bad boy [Applause] no stick troops oh i feel like once i start throwing the stick it's over it has begun now i'm a slave to the stick the rest of the trip all right what we're gonna do first let's see um we're gonna pound out this the tent here actually first we're gonna gather some sticks we need we need about oh i don't know eight eight nice sticks like this about half dollar thickness or bigger probably more like three inches in diameter yeah okay that's what we need so i realized we're only going to need three here three of these steaks because i got these trees right next to me i can just tie it to those and those will actually make it much more open than uh these steaks will do a lot better job so we're just gonna use these okay see this is a piece of maple nice maple bridge just need to find more like this [Laughter] [Applause] let's just set that over there all right now what i gotta do is i'm gonna take my axe and i'm going to make a point on one end and round out the other end so we're just going to take it ground's pretty frozen so and the other end we're going to do a slight rounding all right then we just do that to all three and uh we're good all right i brought some steak from the bottom stew i figured i'd be going to the ground we'll see how well they go in it should go individually frozen before so let's see we do let's do this corner first couldn't now i'm not going to pound them insanely hard like all the way packed into the ground because then they will be very hard to get back out so i'm just going to the ground and leave it about an inch or so of leeway this tent's always so much bigger than i remember once you start setting it up oh another thing rogues can't steal these stakes i've learned my lesson with mr rugas tuga's butt podus here he is a grade a supreme sneaky deaky stick steak seat two you know ruger that's my firewood hey hey do i want to bring him out winter camp i think on uh tuesday sent them out tuesday let's just raise it up a little higher oh yeah fire roast we lost up one pepper of each kind and one onion done it this low this doesn't give that much for 71 72 probably after last trip 73. and i will not have it i will not have it rugas stop eating sticks rugas okay now we're gonna put up our center pole monty you working hard are you hardly working it's okay don't worry monty i'll take care of everything you just stay precious okay you just stay precious over there you're doing a great job at it monty you're doing a good job at your most important job alright all right hot 10's coming along oh look at that there you go monty your palace is becoming closer to complete this is monty's palace don't let them fool ya oh you're getting all card in snow why are you doing that huh okay one side up so i'm going to tie let's see five of these to the trees and then we'll pound our steaks well i might as well show you guys what not i'm tying so you can do it yourselves at some point unfortunately this corner has is is is black and green rope supposed to be hard to see anyways what i'm going to do is we're going to show you real quick here's the tree i'm tying to i'm going to take the end of the rope we're going to go around the tree and then we're going to pull it back to where we want to tie the knot that's that's step one just whatever you want to secure to go around the tree we're going to go a little higher but still around the tree now we're going to go back over here all right so here our ropes are around the tree we've got it we're pulling it tight here's our end of our rope what we're going to do is we're going to come over the top or over the bottom it doesn't matter you can do it either way top or bottom we're going to adjust this a little bit as long as you keep it the same way throughout so we're going to cross it here one time and then you want to go on the outside of this this is going to be our loop so we want to go on the outside we're gonna wrap it the same way twice you go outside twice and then we're gonna kind of cinch it up okay now that it's kind of cinched up and you just i like to keep it pretty we're gonna go one we did two on the outside now we're gonna come on the inside and do one so we're gonna bring the rope we're gonna go under that rope there and then we're gonna come right back through the loop we just made and we're going to make a little pinch and we're going to tighten that up and that right there is the top line hitch you go out twice in once and then you can adjust this rope so what i'll do is i'm tightening it you just kind of pull on the rope the nuts on and see i can tighten it or i can slide it loosen the whole thing and if i want to undo the knot i just pull like that and the whole knot comes undone so that's called the tie line hitch is my favorite knot for securing tarps we're just going to do it again real quick without explaining it go in get it all pretty then come back tie it off there you go and then just tighten it and then if it because this is not the most secure knot if it loosens up you just kind of come out here and you pull and you tighten her up and that's all there is to it it's a great nut if you want something a little more secure that won't loosen up over time with super high winds you got to use like a trucker's hitch we'll show that another day cause i'm not using it today we're going to just keep tying to as many trees as we can because it's just a little more secure and it makes it a little more we can pull out the tent a little better than with the stakes in this frozen ground because they're not the best stakes in the world they'll do but if i can tie the trees i'll always do that over doing steaks just gotta make sure to tie them high enough so ruger mr stick eater stop it hey doesn't run into them go real high there guess we could have went to that tree oh let's see if we can if possible oh that's better oh let's just i could make another really long rope to tie this corner but i'm not going to do that simply because it's going to make it very annoying to walk around the tent if i have these super long ropes tied in the front so we're going to use the stake that ground is frozen oh okay so the ground is pretty much frozen solid and the stick this big ain't gonna work my stakes going fine because there's you know skinny metal spikes but this thing even it has a bigger point it's gonna be tough to drive into the ground it's kind of big so we're just going to tie trees and we will deal with the consequences rugas if you keep eating sticks you're going to deal with the consequences coming out of your butt stop it come here come here you little frisky critter stop eating the sticks just stop it all right we need to go we're good spices of it now we just get to deal with this dodging it walking under it looking at it ruger eating another stick please virgas stop with the sticks i know you're not gonna but i mean it would be great if you would i mean i don't mind i just when i see a poop out wood chips that's when it bugs me you know i don't know just like well i can't be good and then you just you know if you just chew them up you'll be fine what you're eating them why are you eating them huh well monster monty you're doing good you're just being great you're just chilling like you always do a master of the relaxer master relax all right now i'm just gonna quickly tell at the ends and then we need to get some firewood and put the stove together we should be sitting pretty we got nice shelter okay jokes look at your little perfect angels being so good ruger i'm so proud of you in this moment my heart is very full at this moment all right we are taught except for this i am going to have to we're going to make a snow anchor for this one now when i did that uh we camped on a lake there was not a lot of snow and sometimes it could be tough to do but snow anchor you just take a stick like yay big put it through your loop what we're gonna do because we're gonna see that's gonna be it's gonna make it loose we have to go out a little bit further i'm gonna go to this loop i don't even know how i'm gonna be in front now let's just see does that work yeah better works much better oh but the rugers is gonna trip it do we have a slightly saggy tent in the front or no one's sitting yes we're doing that because the rugs you gotta you gotta account for your roots he's going to run into things because he goes crazy so you just take like that you put your stick through the loop you pull it taut and then you just pile a bunch of snow on it the trick is to put enough snow now this snow is not very packy if you have packy snow it makes it that much better but we're gonna use what we got this might not work so well if it's packy snow you can kind of just pull it and stick it deep in the snow it'll hold since i dug most of this out we might need to sit here for a minute to get this snow to pack because look at how just fluffy and icy this snow is right now this is probably not going to hold very well so anyways if you got deep snow you just pull it out you stick it deep in the snow and the the stick will hold it but since i dug it all out this is not going to work out if i stand here for long enough it'll eventually work out oh see hey it did hold now i'm just going to put a bunch more snow on it i did not think that was going to hold like that now if i'm reaming on the tent right now it's going to pop right out see there came loose dang it what am i gonna do rooks what i could do is just put a little water on it and freeze it to the ground since i'm out of snow when the ground's too frozen well this is not gonna matter right now this is not giving us much right here we need to set up the stove and get a fire going okay so we are trying out a new stove today this is sent to me by a subscriber i've got two stoves i'm going to try out i got two new stoves i'm trying out this winter since it's going to be pretty cold we're getting down to the negative fahrenheit tonight i put i've brought out the one that's uh suited for colder attempts this one's made out of titanium so it's real light this is like the kevlar canoe of uh wood camping stoves but if it's too warm out like it's you're in the teens at night this might be overwhelming i've never used it before we're just gonna see how this thing does it's a little unfortunate that i don't see any uh pie or anything oh yeah look at that thing that you can fit a lot of wood in here oh boy if i load this thing up it will melt monty's coming in all right we're going to set this thing up get a fire going here okay there we go so this stovepipe is a little different than my other one this one my other one goes from big to small this one goes from small to big so that's interesting we'll see what it does uh yeah let's spark up a fire we're just gonna use this little we got little bits of wood from our steak that we didn't use and sticks that ruger's brought us and we'll just get a fire going so that mr monty can have himself a palace to uh at least you know once it starts to get warm he's gonna want to snuggle up in there it's it's cold outside i don't know if i mention it but it's it's uh it's got to be around one or two fahrenheit it's got to be it's going to be getting into single like zero negative soon here i got a temperature reader but hey there he goes okay i'm gonna gather up a little bits of sticks and let's spark up a fire let's see this baby in action about another new fire steel this was sent to me by subscribers got a nice wooden handle full of dog paw watch out rooks go ahead go outside watch out a little dog paw in there looks nice i usually only use one at a time so i've been just you know slowly fully using my other one but the other one's still got light all right this should be enough birch bark pocket birch bark scrubbler up there let's try this [Music] okay uh ugh uh there's a lot more room in this thing [Music] it's not drawing perfectly it's smoking this place out hopefully give that a minute there's a spark arrester in the tube i might take it out we'll just see we'll give it a minute and then we'll close the door and see if that does anything which i should all right let the hot tenting comments herbs let's shut this thing and see if that does anything for us okay oh yeah it's definitely smoky in here because i really didn't want to do this in fernie yet because i know about you and i know who you are deep inside and then we're going to give monty warm spot he wants monty wants access to the hot tent watch out back up rooks it's frozen well we got it in all right we just got to tighten this up we got it in though yeah now we got it because that one's skinny i don't think longer steaks would work the best right now and that normally got snow all right let's quickly clear out the tent give monte's spot of warmth because he just he's been cr he knows the warmth is here and now he's like we just want to go in there and snuggle up and just you know okay monty you have earned this for all your hard work you did today i know you have no chance of going in there monty [Applause] simmer down hey monty back up i gotta set it up buddy a little turd all right monty there you go right here all right you critter all right monty's got a spot ruger will follow me anywhere now it's time to get a couple pieces of firewood i think we're burning pine tonight because i see some pine over there let's go uh take her down bring her back to camp and if we see any maple on the way so be it but other than that yeah all we've got to do is get some firewood for the night and we'll get the rest tomorrow and then we just get to sit inside and relax and set stuff up all right firewood time monty you uh care if we go get some firewood he's like honestly i don't really care what you do you can go home and leave me here i'll be fine now he's got this nice comfy space but when you get a chance could you blow me up a sleeping pad please let me see a little more comfort all right we've got three dead pines right here two super dead pines let's just see if yeah so pine is fine the only problem with it is it doesn't last as long where's one this one's gonna need this one's gonna need a little persuasion to get down here we're going to persuade a little bit when we start it's really got no big branches on it [Applause] so okay that should do it should just fall over now [Applause] [Applause] okay all right i'm gonna grab the saw we need to chop this up into a few pieces here to bring it back to camp [Laughter] so oh [Applause] okay i've got everything i need here at camp we've got a fire going we are set up it's tight nice and tight i always like when it's nice and tight the the tent when it's all yeah so we get extra room in there because if it's loose then it's just all saggy and you know like the walls kind of just push it on you these have less room overall when it's tight anyways i don't need all this for tonight because it is pretty nice solid uh pine here so i'm gonna start breaking off the pokies with my axe i'm gonna need to make a pile of kindling inside because if i leave all these sticks around ruger is gonna eat probably all of these sticks and i don't know if you can see or how many are here if ruger consumes all these that'd be bad rugas please i'm talking about you right now but yeah we're gonna just gather a firewood let the night settle in the night the sun has set it is getting dark but we don't gotta travel around anymore and we're just gonna tidy up everything first things first we gotta give monty a sleeping pad and just get it get it cozy in there oh ah oh i feel so good oh geez oh oh oh ruiz please not now i just need a minute oh man i just hit that stick and it didn't break it just bounced and snapped into my face and now i'm getting an arm cramp didn't drink enough water ah oh it's all falling apart ah oh i wonder if that's gonna leave a mark we'll have to check later oh jeez [Music] oh geez [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh ruger didn't even go for it he just has a stick in his mouth get back get back get back just one sec one second one stay there stay there stay there i'm gonna make it extra wait stay there stay there all right monty come on there you go rogues i will set you up one when you need it you want one rooms oh you guys is our fire going out oh it's so cold in there all right we need a little fire in there how rooks huh hi all right i'll get you set up too okay [Laughter] so so roogs finally admitted defeat he admitted he was cold um and he went and went in there and i was just doing stuff out here cleaning up saw wood and all of a sudden i look back and monty is just standing silently behind me for who knows how long because he's just a creature that doesn't bark and stuff and uh well i guess he does park but anyways i go i look in there and rogues is just sprawled out in the center and he kicked monty off the sleeping pads and i oh there's this one now they're both up they were just being they were sleeping there it's been like an hour and a half to two hours i've just been like moseying around taking my time saw this pile of firewood i don't think it's but maybe it's not been two hours but yeah they're being the goodest boys but river kicked monty off we've got a nice fire going i'm gonna finish cutting this wood up here and we'll stack it inside and then we're zipping ourselves in for the evening monty monty's like yeah i don't see any point of going out there it's pretty cold so i'm just gonna you can hear him crunch around rogues hey you don't got your booties on anymore come here oh oh jeez what are you doing he's just a little dante guy aren't you precious aren't you precious look at your books look at you puppy puppy puppy hey monty all right you come out here it's not as warm as it is in there come on hi monty hi all right boys i'm just going to finish cutting the firewood and then we're all going in there okay so if you got any bathrooms you got to make potty you need to chew a few sticks rogues anything you got to do take care of it and then we're going inside for the night okay we're going to have treats we're going to have fun um it's going to be a great time and no more pep talk let's uh reconvene [Music] ah so okay it is getting warm in here now boys oh geez it's time to strip that oh can you see me you can see me enough oh yeah we're just dealing with that hair oh we are officially hot tenting and man it's cold outside it's it's like zero degrees fahrenheit which is oh something celsius negative 15 negative 20 i don't i don't really know to be honest it's negative 15 probably or negative 10. somewhere around there celsius is just weird anyways it's toasty in here uh i don't even have that much wood it's not really ripping so i definitely can see how this thing keeps it warm and the funny thing is is those logs i don't have to split any of that it's uh it's got a big opening and i can just shovel those logs and there's plenty of space so i don't have to worry about any of that so we are officially hot tinting except for one thing and it's probably the most important thing you ever have to do when you're hot tinting and if you don't do this step you actually you're not gonna have a good time hot tunting and that step is slip on your hot 10 crocks i feel like cinderella just put on my magical slippers am i even wearing anything i can't see i can't see anything whoa camouflaged oh it's a voice and we are officially hot tenten took me a little longer to get all the wood taking care i was kind of taking my time relaxing but uh that's neither here nor there because we're here not there even rogues are sleepy we earned a little relaxation time huh boys huh huh you know what thing i think it's time for you know what i think it's time for i think it's time for some treats do you want some treats you guys want some treats do you want a treat all right treats stay there say everyone simmer down everyone's just whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wee well we've got some little smokies or whatever they're called little smoked sausages um i think i'm ready for a sausage stick boys all right the boys get one first let's see we gotta even that out there we go there you go there you go go boys no i'm like snacks snacks ruger is much more gentle than monty when it comes to taking a treat one more i'm going to save them for tomorrow okay hey all right now matthew treat time [Applause] oh oh yeah oh so um about the stove here i'll have to show you guys tomorrow but the stove pipes i had it all messed up um i thought that first looking back at how i did it originally was just it was meant to fail after i redid it um i put it in the proper way and yeah it's super long it's a super long stove pipe but that's good i mean that'll keep stuff away but i'll show you guys tomorrow anyways i did it wrong initially and uh this thing it gets super hot in here but now it's getting chilly because i'm just i it's first time using it i haven't figured out how to keep it like a nice slow going right now it's just like hot cold hot cold hot cold it'll take me just these two days here to really figure it out because like i said it's my first time using it but anyways um right now is about zone out time i'm going to just relax kind of just get settled in maybe mess with some gears flapping around we're just going to chill out for a good hour here we're not going to think about dinner even though i am hungry i'm just going to sip him a beer and uh relax just kind of you know a lot of work getting here cutting up wood and stuff so it's time to just hang out for a minute and uh warm up relax so i'll check back if you guys will start thinking about dinner all right okay good neato yeah let's do it okay how's my hair is he beautiful look at this stinky doggy oh yeah you stinky you having a good nap monty brooks you have a good nap i can't drugs will be snuggling up next to me tonight because he likes to he likes to sleep right next to me anyways it is time to make some food so the boys here are going to have mr monty's mangled mush the famous meal that's loved among all dogs each is venison and sweet potato mushed into mashedness and delicious but what we're having tonight is a spaghetti carbonara for the first time ever i've never cooked it before someone asked me to cook it a long time ago and i've been meaning to it's just it intimidates me it's scary because if the eggs cook then it turns into scrambled eggs and noodles and it's not carbonara so it'll be a little tricky because i gotta make sure we'll we're just gonna we're just gonna go for it and see what happens we don't got much prepare but it should be rather delicious so let's prepare some stuff and cook some spaghetti carbonara what do you say boys okay so the first thing we're gonna prepare is bacon bacon so i was gonna do it with pancetta but i couldn't find it they just didn't sell so we're just going with bacon which it'll be just fine we're gonna cut that into some chunks here lots of healthy delicious bacon now we're gonna see how much grease comes out of this if it's too much we're gonna we're gonna get rid of a little but if it's if it's just enough we're gonna leave it in there and we'll cook most things in this so we're gonna add this to a pan and then we'll get that cooking in a minute okay and we've got some garlic which i peeled a moment ago we're just gonna slice this in a nice little thin pieces here oops oh oh oh oh and then we've got some parsley i shall just you know there's two types of parsley there's italian parsley and curly parsley and i know i should probably have used italian parsley for this one but i've always just used curly parsley and that's just what we're going to use yet again today i mean definitely you should have probably used italian i'll admit it now and if i could go back i'd get italian now for the boys of course their sweet potato [Music] okay now we're just going to add stuff to pots and things and let's get to cooking we've got a big old pot of water here this is for our noodles you can see there's pine needles because i melted some snow we've got you know sticks all sorts of goodies in there because you know with carbonara for as many times as i've made it we just never you know you want to have some pine needles and some goodies in there some schmucks let's get our bacon going first well the boy's got some nice schmutz in theirs let's add in their sweet potato so i did bring out my jet boil and what i'm going to do is while we're cooking up this bacon is i'm going to get this water for boiling my noodles heat it up on the jet boil so for now we will just we're going to cook up this bacon a little bit we're going to see how much fat is in there if it's if it's a ton we're going to have to get rid of some if it's just enough we're going to add the rest of the ingredients and just kind of cook it up in it oh bacon so one problem with cooking bacon over a hot stove see all that all that that's all bacon grease and splattering not the most ideal thing but it could be worse all right our bacon is cooking it's not a terrible amount of grease um since it's my first time making carbonara we're gonna go ahead and leave that bacon grease in there and we're just gonna see what happens you know we're gonna add in the garlic okay and then we're also going to add in some lemon zest my lemon zest is very simple to make you just take a lemon you take a cheese grater and you just shave off the outer peel of the lemon as soon as you see white you stop and you move on to the next little spot we're going to try it out i'm just going to fry that up a little bit in this grease here now the whole time we're doing this i've got my eggs over here i've been trying to get them warmed up because i feel like if they're cold they're going to just not work out right we're going to try to get them warmed up without cooking all right water is boiling time to add some spaghetti noodles much is that seems about good now we're going to get these cooking because we're going to need some of this water here in a minute it's important very important we're gonna add in a nice french baguette get that toasted up because of course with your pasta we're gonna have some deliciousness okay the boys they need their venison in close we're getting close we're going to add in our parsley okay the noodles are getting close we're gonna add in some pasta water now [Applause] it might have been a little much that's okay okay keep it cooking oh that's looking tasty you know i could eat just that just the bacon parsley garlic and a little water in there a little bit more a little bit more in there things are getting serious now so what we've got here this egg mixture this is two whole eggs plus two just egg yolks so that means four yolks and two whites worth of eggs what we're gonna do we've got some parmesan cheese we're adding to that to the egg mixture a little bit more get in here okay okay okay we're gonna put this back on here just get that all mangled all right let's just check these noodles that's steamy oh my god i'm falling apart the noodles are done okay okay we're gonna drain these mostly green okay it's time to put this together and make this make this work how it's supposed to work we're adding in all our noodles oh might have been a little bit too much noodles we're burning some ah jeez oh i just burned some skin off my finger ah don't ever put your raw skin to a hot stove okay we're just gonna mix this in okay really quickly we've gotta add a couple more things a couple more things everyone simmer down everyone simmer down including myself we're gonna add some salt not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt fresh ground cracked black pepper with a little grinder here oh yeah that's what we're gonna yeah look at add first on the channel let's keep this going let's just stir this all in get it all mixed this is where we either fail or succeed let's just see what happens we're going to close off the heat we don't want too much heat let's add in the egg mixture now if it turns the scrambled eggs then we have messed up but if it turns into a creamy delicious sauce we have succeeded let's see oh it's it's kind of oh it's turned into a creamy sauce okay oh yeah oh i think we're doing it oh ladies and gentlemen all right we can't just we can't let the heat get too much oh my gosh oh that looks so good right now oh my gosh i think we did it we're going to cook this up for another minute more to make sure these eggs are cooked just enough we got to keep this going but the heat gets too hot this will all turn to just like scrambled eggs oh my gosh i think i just made a campfire carbonara and i was so worried about it we're going to finalize this thing let's get back with some fresh ground pepper [Music] a little bit more and then of course more parmesan cheese a nice crispy oop just got slightly burnt french baguette and of course the fork of approval let's eat oh yeah i'm so excited all right boys you've been the goodest boys ever [Music] now i'm going to set this delicious meal on my lap this i'm going to finish brewski number two ski and let's taste our first ever carbonara i've never eaten or cooked a carbonara before it looks creamy and delicious i'm kind of excited to try this this is a little nervous if i'm being honest um oh yeah um so it's like it's like it's like a light alfredo ish if i could describe it it's like a creamy it's like it's less cheesy and like it's kind of like an alfredo ish sort of esque to it with a little hint of the bacon yeah the closest thing i compared to is like an alfredo but like it's not an alfredo i'm just trying to help you guys out you know that went really well it was super easy to make oh excuse you rogues or monty whoever did that it's looking like i'm going to eat a significant portion of this whereas i'm i'm very hungry and i'm not slowing down um how am i gonna eat all this i might struggle to get through the whole piece of bread but this well we'll see anyway i'll check back on it i'm done eating there's no need for you to see me just stuff in my face anymore oh yeah okay no no no no no no right oh i'm feeling fat and sassy um i feel so fat and sassy that i just wanna yeah it's toasty in here um i don't know if i'm gonna be able to use my sleep stuff for a bit oh so basically what i've learned is i don't know anything let's just leave it at that we can talk about stuff tomorrow because i'm real tired i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody oh hey hey hey simmer it down just just simmer down simmer down listen i know you're excited for a new day whoa that's too much energy right now okay okay okay you're upsetting them on to you hold on right now jeez everything's falling apart good morning hey why'd come here this is the big pool float of a mess in here monkey i pet the robes no it's monty's turn oh it's a monty's turn yeah mind he doesn't get crazy man he just flops on his side rooker it's a little crazy rather he's a little crazy oh he's stepping over the front oh jeez oh gosh aurucus you sicko you sick out your face oh why slept quite well it's time to get up now make some breakfast make some coffee maybe make a nice poop oh yeah all those things sound delightful i burned my hand at some point i must attach it to the wood burning stove because it's a straight line of a burn oh anyways everybody get up here move a couple things around um ruger probably wants to go outside and greet the world probably grab a few sticks so we'll let them do that okay let's do it look at that black gold turn the heat on for just a second and a little more water so we have extra coffee there's a little bit more we want to we want to we want some coffee this morning looks pretty good but you know what make that just a little bit better just a nice little teensy touchy splash of baileys just a little splash just a teeny little splash there we go all right all right now that looks delicious wake me up put me back to bed yeah yeah yeah monty hungry you want some food you want breakfast you hungry you want some food you want breakfast hmm all right go ahead boys go ahead good go ahead that's surprising see at home um matthew's always going to get his treats and i haven't given to him yet he's got little supplements but uh he will not usually eat until he gets those supplements never has a problem i was just curious to see if monty would do his normal thing because he'll i'll put his food in he always monty is like an alarm clock that's another thing he at 7 pm we always feed him at 8 00 pm that's his dinner time 8 p.m is dinner for monty and at 7 pm he just gets up in your face and just stands in doorways and stares at you and he will not stop staring at you standing there until you feed him it's it's awesome it's just the cutest thing ever and uh sometimes like you know if we ever forget he will never not let you know he'll just come follow you around the house and just stare at you and you're like oh it's dinner time isn't it monty and then yeah he always just lets you know monty these these are what you're looking there's your there you go there you go there you go supplements okay yeah so another thing is i'm gonna be cooking myself a delicious breakfast here soon and there's a reason i'm not making the boys anything special for breakfast and that's because they're gonna be eating a couple things today and i don't want to give them poopy poopy butt messes so yeah i'm just cleaning out my pan here and then we're going to cook ourselves a delicious breakfast burrito well if you listen closely you can hear snowmobiles off in the distance oh yeah that's that's some coffee right there all right boys okay i'm just gonna sip in my coffee for a minute here clean my pan and then we're going to start cooking breakfast it's not going to really take long to to cook we just got to fry some stuff up cut some stuff up and bing bang boom eating food hope my balls isn't sticking out i just peek my head out here and these little critters are just like dragging around sticks and just they're they're trying to get me to come outside they're ready to play and have the day start they don't want to sit in the tent anymore and it's just cozy in here hey monty do you want me to come outside do you want me to come play stick and stuff all right i'm gonna make breakfast and then we'll we'll have our day we got stuff to do today okay okay let's start by cutting up some garlic oh we gotta get rid of that monty hair or ruger here whichever it is it's everywhere i'm just gonna we're gonna try to go you know reasonable on the size of this one but as far as breakfast go i am not a i can't do a dry breakfast it has to be wet and sloppy in some sense of the word i just can't do it when it's just like super dry like if you get pancakes and they're not you know syrupy or buttery enough i don't know i'm weird with breakfast i've always had a strained relationship so sometimes i'm all about it other times i'm like eh but anyways a breakfast burrito it's hard to go wrong for me that's one that i tend to uh be able to eat each and every time or biscuits and gravy that's that's gotta be one of my favorite breakfasts but we can't start talking about that or also like some like regret my uh dish decisions i'm just this bacon frozen salt so we're just gonna take like a nice chunk of it that'll be good we're just going to start sizzling that in a pan we've got some white onion add that to the pan and then we've got some red pupa you always gotta you know when you're when you're cutting up red pepper there's a very important step um that you gotta do i'll show you in one second just gotta cut it up a little bit more [Music] and you gotta you just gotta taste the chunk to make sure it's still delicious i could just eat a red pepper like that like an apple red bell pepper now we just need to get this on there but my olive oil is frozen so i'm just quickly warming up just enough to get in and then we can start cooking that up it's a little we leave oil [Music] whatever olive oil i try to make it sound cool but i just i don't even know what happened you can check on my little burn from last night yeah i just i must have i think the side of this the like edge there i just went like oh i didn't even really notice it was burned till later put that over there all right now he gets to cooking there'd be no no way i'd be able to cook without sous chef long nose and sous chef crazy eyes right right monty it's the same color as your eyes completely black is there even life in there is there a soul inside there i just can't tell ruger i mean there's i mean there's a lot going on in those eyes i mean look at them look at those colors half blue half brown what's going on in there what thoughts are being processed this one you just you can kind of guess with ruger but monty they're so small you can't even yeah we'll just try to guess monty we'll just keep guessing all right now to our peppers and onions and garlic we are going to add some jalapenos that are frozen because everyone knows how well i can handle spice so let's add some jalapenos a little butter a little bit just a little bit of bottle for flavor a couple of uh scrambled eggs right on in there and then we are also going to add our bacon well snowballs are going crazy there we today [Music] all right now i just gotta cook this up right here [Music] oh yeah a little bit of salt not too much salt not too little salt just right amount of salt actually a little bit less than normal because we've got the bacon in there with a little bit of bacon rice and then of course some black pepper it's almost go time all right our tortilla is warmed up enough so we're to do is we're going to add on some cheese just a little bit nice little blanket of cheese there and we're going to try to fit all this in there oh geez might be a little bit much stuff we're gonna do our best oh jeez oh hot hot as much as it there we go okay it's wrapped okay one last step a little bit of that gently slide that in there let that cook for just a minute to get that cheese extra melty oh yeah just for a minute you know you just you just want to give it a minute and then we're going to eat it right out of that pad actually you know what because we can let's just take a little bit of our cheddar cheese and just put almost like an enchilada or something you know it is time to eat breakfast at one because it's so dang fun all right this is going to look a little ooh dang my sour cream and salsa is frozen well i didn't think about that so what we're going to do is put this off to the side in the hot pan here and the sour cream and salsa is going to thaw and don't worry it's going to be delicious i forgot to thawbs until this moment dang it oh it's still hot i need something boys jack okay let's just slap that sour cream and salt some mixture all over that there burrito this thing is gonna be a messy and delicious all at the same time all right let's just let's just dive on in here oh it's ooey gooey that's so what i'm talking about oops oh it's falling apart um that's good right there you know make it even better orange juice some of you may be disappointed to know some of you may appreciate but i like pulp free orange juice don't judge me it's icy it's a slushy well really i fee when i when i when i'm eating my food i love chunks big chunks lots of chunks when i'm drinking a drink i don't like chunks so that's all it is for me so i'm going to finish my breakfast burrito here i mean we're going to get outside we've got to walk around with the boys we've got to you know check out our surrounding area we got to find some firewood bring firewood back we've got to have some fun games because it's a special day for these two um and then we've also got to can i say firewood we've got a special game walk around tidy up the outside there's probably other stuff but mostly firewood give the boys some fun things to do today that's numero uno so i'm gonna finish up here and then we're gonna put on their bloodies gibluty boys and we're gonna get outside and start our day even though we've been in here for a while well i have all right check back in with you guys in a bit okay well it's just a it's a world out here well okay hey look at how big that stove pipe is let's get the spark roaster up top it's tall it's like 12 feet tall or more it's ridiculous all right you know what these guys need they need a couple of sticks i cut them sticks last night i just didn't make them perfect oh watch out watch out excuse me boys let me just custom make you some sticks here which stick do you choose buggy this one okay ruger this is yours ready rooks bring him here boys come on bring him here come on your booty boys look at you frolicking come on bring it here good boy bring it here monty no that's the wrong stick there you go right here right here my d you can't whack in here ruger you have a stick in your mouth burger bring me a stick bring it on your ropes monty bring it here bring him here roger took off with the stick in his mouth come on come on you little cutie pants with your booties bloody dancers is [Applause] look at my i suppose we can tidy up camp a bit but first things first oh there's a piece of wood right there looks actually kind of like hardwood too all right we're gonna strap on our snowshoes and we're gonna walk around and just scout and look for wood and see what we can come up with if there's any hardwoods nearby or anything like that or we're just gonna be dealing with pine which pine was fine it ended up burning just fine but i would like to test this stove with some hardwoods because so far it seems like it can definitely hold the heat longer than the tent burger keeps going anyways all right we're gonna strap on the snowshoes let's walk around seems to be the first dead maple i've found we're gonna come back for this one okay i think i can push this one over let's just all right we're gonna come back for that one that's a little punky but yeah that's like the first piece of maple at least we're gonna have some hardwood to test out tonight we'll come back here we go here's some more hardwood right here this is piece number two i found okay we're it's starting to look pretty good we're discovering something oh a critter done what's in there roos what's in there is i can't see what's in there all right so found a good few pieces of wood and now we're just going for a little walk we're gonna walk around for a couple miles here you know see what to see there see what there is to see in the woods and uh we're back on the old road with the snowmobile drove down because the boys here um as much fun as they have following me in the deep snow they much prefer mighty come here come here to be able to run around like that and just kind of have a packed trail so i figure since it's their special day and you'll find out why later that we'll be back on here and go for a hike we've got our wood covered so we just got to bring that back to camp we can saw it up we've got many hours of light left and then yeah so we're just going to walk around for a bit get crazy yeah yeah oh dave scary scary doggy so uh i just chanced to fart and i thought i lost the game i had to check luckily we're all clear but i think i'm gonna be holding them in the rest of the hike that was a close call those carbonara farts i'll get you i gotta watch out yeah oh yes stinky crowd attack monty attack you're vicious we got a little fur in your mouth we just it looked like there's a little trail over there we just walked down it and there's a little lake down there let's go check it out boys that's right spirit ropes save that for later oh this looks like a little pond it's teeny should have brought some ice fishing gear okay well see you later pond let's head back now boys come on come on dad's got uh dad's got some things there's some there's a movement being made inside my body and it starts with a b it's a movement that starts with the b so we need to move to make sure that movement don't turn into an emergency you know what i'm saying if you catch my drift if you're picking up what i'm laying down okay let's go so we're back i took care of my emergency and everything's okay we're all good don't worry i know you weren't worried i was i wasn't worried not even alone oh anyways it's time for the boys to have a little more fun we just went in about a two mile walk height whatever you want to call it and now this time we do some more fun for the boys here toys is anyone interested in playing find the treats find the treats you guys interested in that sound fun you want to find the treats over here or find the treats over here okay boys let's play a game and find the treats all right everybody inside the tent while i set it up okay come on come on boys let's go find the treats you know you know the drill find the treats get inside they're not in here okay okay stay there boys all right now i'm gonna take these treats which are those little sausages we ate up last night broke them up into some pieces i'm gonna put on my snow shoes so that they have nice packed trails so they can wander all over and then we will release the hounds and they shall find the treats they know the drill pretty well at first they thought it was in the tent but then they i just let them smell the treats you know when they start thinking about the treats you guys stay there you'd be good okay let us begin the game there all right my battery just died but we have spread them all around it is time to release the hounds we just ranked by the tree crown the trees go go go go go go go go go go go go go and they're off you know both of them found one already oh ruger's got [Music] on the trail he's got another piece down another treat another one for rogues there we go bing bang [Music] [Music] please monty get out of here no little stinker jeez they're definitely going to be exhausted we did a nice hike today woke up in the woods now we're doing find the treats outside and the fun ain't even over good boys go find them i still see one right there i see let's see see i get a i can they can look down and see more there's one there they're gonna find these they're gonna be doing this for a good half hour to 45 minutes just searching around because it's not just confined to the house or something they've got the woods here yeah so we're just gonna let them finish up here we gotta get some firewood we've got like three hours of light left or a little bit less which is fine we've got to cut up firewood pretty much that's all we've got to do whoa the heck is that can the camera pick that up that tree can you see that i don't want to spook it i swear i just saw something in there i don't spook it off all right we're going to creep up to it and check it out [Music] [Music] you just got rick rolled all right boys we can play more stick when i get back let's go grab that firewood bring it back to camp come on boys let's go oh i guess we don't need to saw it we'll just drag her back so uh there we go okay so we're gonna spend the next hour or so gathering up those pieces i found i think i've got one two three more pieces of maple i found gather those bring them back saw it all up that's what we're gonna be doing for the next hour or so and then after that night's creeping in good uh so okay i do monty you good boy [Applause] ah [Applause] all right oh watch it there mister good boy ah so laughs [Music] uh i'm so sorry my teeth i'm sorry much monty i'm sorry monty i didn't mean that i'm so sorry i meant to throw it past you and it hit the tree i'm so sorry i'm sorry always pawn at me monty i'm sorry oh no it's monty abuse all the times i've done monty abused him just one more to the list [Music] okay all right oops sorry okay you good monty [Music] oh i just punched you in the face right tim so sorry oops sorry monty [Music] i'm so sorry my teeth so [Music] good monkey [Music] sorry monty i'm sorry i'm so sorry oh never mind jeez poor guy i'm so sorry come here monty monty i'm so sorry monty i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry come here go to the shelter i feel so bad there's only one way to make up for this mistake and i didn't do it on purpose i was throwing it past him and it hit the stinking branch right above monty and just dang it of his dog abuse all right mighty so now that he's he's kind of upset at me and he's hiding in the shelter there's only one way to make it better [Applause] yeah i knew he'd hear the crinkle of a beef jerky wrapper here you go mine here's a here's a healthy portion of beef jerky to smooth things over there you go there you go good boy now ruger gets some too because he shared the mental anguish of my tea there you go there's some more monty all right go boys okay let's just forget that ever happened i'm never going to replay that clip ever again dang it uh oh the voice mighty where's your stick are you serious no i don't even believe oh yeah that's roots bruce brings it back you mister on the other hand have brought it back maybe twice this entire time and i'm sick of it where is it monty huh threw it right here oh monty where the heck monty i'm not a dog use your nose do something find it mighty where is it find it find it you know ruger drop it drop it leave it come here cover roots find the stick find the stick if bruce finds us before you monty go find it find the stick heaven to betsy we are relaxing now i might as well just pull off my hat i don't get hat hair anyways um yeah nice nice day wouldn't you say boys this one was outside fetching and following me and doing all the things the whole time mr monty came in and laid down but as soon as he heard his plan stick he came running outside then he'd come lay down warm up then he'd go back outside ruger just i had to force him to warm up at one point i was like all right you need to just like thaw your feet for a minute mister somewhere that way is definitely a snowmobile trail and they've been driving constantly on it i don't think i've not heard snowmobiles for like the last four hours there's been just no breaks so it must be just like a crazy spot or something i don't know but i'm not a snowmobiler so i don't really know the trails or where they go so just so happens that it's right i mean you can hear them it's gotta be i would say that's like two miles off three miles off actually has probably three miles off but either way i think one day i'm going to get a snowmobile i don't know when but i'd like one it'd make for some interesting cabs to get one of those snowmobiles that can kind of like go off into deep powdery snow and then i could just go further in and go to new areas you know places i've just never been able to go that are just too far in or something and then build monty a little like sled to like haul the gear and then put him in and he'll have like a little his own mini snowmobile windshield thing and a little comfy space yeah we're gonna chill out for an hour to eat some snacks i'm not gonna cook dinner yet you know i usually like to wait because uh last time i went camping you start cooking dinner early and you eat early and then you're not tired and you just sit for two hours i'd rather sit gather my hunger eat a few snacks just kind of you know and then like eat food and then pass out that's that's just the way i like to do it so yeah we're gonna we're gonna eat some snacks here i've got uh they're a little frozen right now but we've got some sardine sardines served in louisiana hot sauce they're almost about ready gotta be careful with these because these are potent if you spill but uh i used to love these as a kid they were the kipper snacks louisiana hot sauce but we just i can't find them anymore this is like a beach cliff i don't know i used to love those but yeah i also like the mustard ones it's an acquired taste but they're delicious anywho we're gonna snack we're gonna chill once uh once uh one of these thaws out i might crack one open but they feel like they're gonna frost up as soon as i open them so because i had everything near the door and it just gets frozen over there so anywho i'll check back in with you guys when uh we've had a minute to just relax maybe even take a nap who knows these guys are going to nap then they'll be ready for more fun right because there's still some coming all right all right okay well we've been relaxing we've been chilling we've been having a good time um boys what do you say we let everyone know what this day's been about and what it's been building up to you guys ready to be cued in so we need to do a little something to make it happen it's monty and ruger's winter camping birthday bash hey boys are you excited we're gonna have a birthday party all right well before we can get into any of the festivities we gotta have a little fun i'm fully accepting that it may turn chaotic in a moment we'll see what happens get a bird [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get back oh you're stuck on your get a rooks get them rooks get their rooks get them get them auntie get a roofs [Music] oh geez oh geez oh god oh get up monty come on monty get out get her monty get up get ready okay okay okay all right we got a shimmer now we partied a little too hard there we got a mess to clean up now well that sure was some fun wouldn't you say boys before we can continue any more of the birthday festivities or anything we've got to switch hats for a minute and get some other things done that's right we've all got our chef hats on well only me now but we gotta cook some deliciousness if we're gonna have a real birthday party so for the boys we're gonna make a magnificent phillip mignon cake with some peanut butter frosting topped with some um how do they say freshly cooked bacon crisp and beef jerky sprinkles yes that's what they're getting plus they're gonna have a little kibble maybe with a little boiled sweet potato that's the boy's plate for me i'm going to for the first time ever make a new england clam chowder from scratch i've only ever had the canned stuff and i've always wanted to make a fresh one and that's what i'm having tonight let's get to cooking and preparing some stuff and then we'll continue on with the birthday festivities what do you say boys yeah all right we've got some stuff to prepare yes we do first and foremost we've got some bacon how much bacon too much bacon but that's okay because bacon is great this if you guys haven't noticed by now every meal i've cooked has been baking we're embracing the bacon this trip we're becoming one with the bacon the bacon is wise the bacon is kind the bacon does amazing things to your behind all right we're going to add this to the pan there's a lot of schmutz in there that's totally acceptable that's what you want you know when you're outdoor cooking all right we're going to get this crisping up over the heat okay first things first we've got some garlic we're going to make it extra garlicky all right we're going to add all this to the pot next up on the list we've got some celery a couple sticks of celery here i don't know if you can hear him but monty is like he's doing his grown thing again where he just grows like hmm all right gonna add all that delicious to the pot and then of course we've got some onion a little white onion into the baltic coast we've got for the first time ever on the channel peeled potatoes that's right i peeled these at home and uh oh see it's a little it's a little oh it's just brown on the outside so it's not a big deal it just looks a little weird but it's totally fine everyone just calm down but yeah we're going to cube these up these aren't going in yet okay now we've got everything we need prepared oh oh oh wait wait wait the boys got to get their sweet potato it's time to get our onion celery garlic and what we're going to do is since we're all about the bacon this trip is we're going to saute all this up in some bacon grease it's a little healthy part oh little okay there we go that's the right proper start to a good soup bacon grace just cook this up for another minute we're almost ready to start adding all the goodies bacon we're just looking to get crispy crispy crispy bacon all right now we're going to add the rest of the goodies to our celery garlic onions and whatnot we're going to add some water a little bit more that's pretty good all right i'm going to add some chicken base which is kind of like chicken bouillon i add a little bit of water to make it liquid but you got to keep this stuff refrigerated it's a little more i just like the flavor better oh there you go now it's out our potatoes now we're going to add an entire bottle of clam juice it's a little frozen still i think the bottle was like eight ounces that was a whole bottle clam juice never used it before what else this place got then we're adding a bay leaf that bay leaf in there then we're gonna add in some white pepper and then we're gonna add in some thyme we're gonna go a little more pepper in time i like i like spices okay i think now we're just gonna bring this up to a boil and get this simmer in all right now we're just gonna simmer this until our potatoes are cooked i'm gonna take a cup of half and half let's see i'm gonna take a cut okay and then i've got a third cup of flour going to add into that put that on there and keep that sealed and mix that real good and that's going to go up to the side for a little bit late all right and in the pan that have the bacon grease we're going to add the boys phillip mignon okay now to our clam chowder we're going to take that little mixture we just made of the half and half and the flour and we're gonna stir that in oh yeah oh that is starting to look like some clam chowder already oh yeah now we're going to bring this up we're going to get this simmering again bring it up to heat oh my gosh that is that is looking pretty good where is it a little bit of black pepper a little bit of black pepper there we go all right the boys phillip mignon here put that outside [Music] oh that looks so amazing i am so excited to eat that okay now we're gonna add two cans of chopped clams with the juice it's going in i'm definitely not gonna be able to eat all this in one sitting tonight a lot more than i thought it would be now that i'm looking at it that is like way too much i should have probably cut this one in half but hey i'm gonna get it tomorrow okay and then last but not least we're gonna add in another cup of half and half and then we're just going to get it hot all right the boys is done oh yeah that looks like some clam chowder right there we just need to get it hot i'm so excited to eat that it's time for the boys delicious birthday feast to be prepared so on top of the little bit of kibble we're gonna have some sweet potato mash so we're gonna just cut it right down the center oh look at all see how that's that's rare that's what the boys want this might be a little a little much for our boys here but so be it you know it's always recommended to cut a knife into uh a metal pan there's one this is a dangerous game i'm doing oh no i don't know if this is a good idea all right peanut butter's got a strong smell so we're just gonna we're gonna put half that there half of that there think of this more as a cake bowl than a cake okay all right we got a little bit of peanut butter frosting then we're going to go with a couple just two little pieces of bacon oh i'm going to regret this i'm i'm going to regret this have you ever questioned choices you're making while you're making them that's what i'm doing right now and then just a little bit of beef jerky sprinkles a little bit we're getting a little too crazy here of course their little joint supplement treats and ruger's little bowl all right boys i fell over oh okay make a wish boys wait wait wait whoa watch your nose make a wish what's your wish well don't tell me but i'm assuming it's monty's is just like don't ever make me do this crap again but let me eat that please okay you're the bestest birthday boys you're five years old and you're six go ahead boys good boys they are such good boys oh you probably can't even see them i got my head on i just you know we gotta have the birthday boys in frame happy birthday boys monty's officially a dog dog like dog oh we'll eat in just a sec because i'm gonna let them finish it's been rather chaotic this evening oh geez it's time to finalize my my here dish okay boys it's dad's turn the boys had their birthday party all right monty come back here over here monty monty oh all right monty let me rugas what's this with their dopey little hats on oh and there's i don't think it's possible i can eat all this but we'll try so what we're going to do is just add a little bit of this bacon [Laughter] just a little bit of the bacon on top of the soup just a little bit of bacon we're gonna mix a little bit of that in there we go oyster crackers we're not gonna add a ton because i don't want to mix them in and then they go soggy so we'll just leave them on top our crispity crunchy baguette and then last but not least the spoon of approval and that right there ladies and gentlemen is some homemade clam chowder oh yeah let's eat i can't believe it i i let the date be known i forgot to add not too much not too little but no salt we are just going to correct that right now i can't believe it i forgot salt what the heck i'm losing my touch boys going to be honest boys got a little bit of heartburn these are some very chalky treats called tums [Music] exactly what you want for delicious dinner growing like monty now i can't believe i almost forgot salt okay let's try this oh yeah i uh i don't know i was thinking about even questioning the oyster crackers they're so good um all right mister back it up back it up alright lay it down roger go lay down come over here come over here come on come here roots over here monty you guys are just just just all right monty give me that booty give me that booty i lay down roofs lay down this is just this is their water okay they chaotic little beans oh they're just not satisfied i don't know if the bread was a good idea i should have just done oyster crackers no um hot ah oh my gosh it's so good it's definitely the best clamshell i've ever had i mean i guess it's not saying much since i've only ever had clam or canned clam chowder but it is by far bounds on leaps in front of anything else i've ever had all right ladies and gentlemen let me just sink down there so you can see me it's been a long festive festive evening let's just say clam chowder at one because it's so fun yeah it's pretty late um i'm gonna just eat as much as i can of this my energy is slowly fading and then we're gonna get ready for bed so uh i will check back in with you guys when it is bedtime and now i'm not gonna slouch we're just gonna we're just gonna [Music] okay it's give a scratch to monty time good boy there's your scratch monty jeez oh my gosh i forget how enjoyable it is down here versus standing up i've just been standing up and dying from the heat i was just like oh my gosh i can't do this and then you lay back down you're just like oh my gosh it's a completely different world down here like the dogs are comfortable i mean if they were having to deal with what i was just doing they would be panting and uncomfortable but they are just in a state anyways i am so exhausted i can't even think right now is [Music] i'll catch them see ya get worried [Music] monty oh my gosh it's so squirrely oh my gosh you're a wrangle the wild rogues mighty come here come on t come here come here come here come here all right lay down wow this one's calmer here oh my gosh all right all right come here all right lay down lay down okay jeez okay rugas you're making me nervous you don't want to pop any pants oh my gosh why are you scratching the pants everyone stop this madness ah monty i don't pull the those those logs are keeping the stove propped up rugas hey all right lay down come here all right later lay down i'll pet you lay down lay it out lay down i'll find you later okay okay oh my gosh this is craziness these silly doggies oh geez rubes oh he's gonna pop the pad okay okay [Music] well it's time to head home today so we gotta pack some stuff up we're not making any breakfast i still got my pizza um yeah i'm so sleepy i could sleep for hours but all right first things first i'm gonna wake up pack up some of the stuff inside the tent then we're gonna get up get it out to the outside world so let's get up that's a duet okay hi hi bunnies hi come here hi oh geez all right all right hold on hold on let me say hi first we'll play here come here come here hi hi mikey come here come here come here rooks come here all right all right all right all right all right all right okay let me just snowmobiles are in it again all right get a roof get a roots go get a roofs hunty bring your roots bring here rooks come here all right boys ready bruce [Applause] get rooks grooves you gotta go for the other stick all right you gotta go for the stick that i throw off into the woods because monty will only barely find the one on the path ready rooks ready rooks ready this one's for you okay well it is time to officially care about camp i'm about 75 of the way packed up because let me tell you it was a mess in there when it was late last night and i was just had all that stuff i just kind of shoveled it to a corner kind of like i do at home anyways enough about that yeah i just made a mess and i just had to clean up my mess so let's pack up so [Music] whoops ugh damn the most challenging part seeing if we can get these stakes out semi easily one see i learned the hard way when i did a week in the mountains with jake ski guy and giggle dan and uh it was negative like 10 or 15 fahrenheit the first morning and i just pulled on the tent fabric not the the black loop that these spikes are in and it just ripped and it almost ripped it off so now i just know you gotta grab it by the you can't grab by the tent material and just pull especially when they're frozen or you're just gonna rip them off that was a lesson i learned real quick go get your stick i just threw it it's right there it's in the middle of the bath now go get it get in the middle of the path i can see it no you go get it i'm not getting it i'm sick of it see i can see it in the middle of the path yeah i know you know exactly where it is that's the i can see the other stick monty that is the wrong that is the stick from earlier why you think this is a sick game don't you he do he does this on purpose i swear you think this is a sick game don't you you think this is a second game remember i know you're gonna get it no matter where i throw it go get a roof oops all right turd oh jeez [Music] d okay so i guess i can give you guys my opinion on the new hot stove the new stove for the hot tent however which way you want to call it uh it's pretty awesome i'm gonna be honest uh i think it i'm gonna have to check on a scale which i don't have yet i've been meaning to get one but um i think it's lighter than my original stove it uh it kept the heat longer um when it's controlled properly it didn't get too hot like it was obviously getting too hot but when i figured it out and just kind of like you just got to open the door if it's a little too hot but it seemed to keep the wood pretty long um i was only putting in two pieces of this maple every hour 45 up to two hours and there was still just hot coals in there it wasn't like i feel like the other stove at that time there was like just a few coals and the other thing is it's awesome that it's bigger and you can just shove logs and so i don't know if i'm going to be using my other little stove that much more i'll probably use this one but i've also got one more stove to check out so the only reasons i would take my original stove is if space was an issue if space is not an issue this bigger one or the other bigger one those are great i'll go with whatever weighs less and does the best job but if you know for some reason like my sled i just have it loaded and i just need the space i'll go with the smaller one now the other stuff i got i think it's a little bit heavier but it's it's big like this one it's long i think it's longer than this one so you can put longer pieces of wood which is nice for cutting so if you want to cut less you just you know leave the pieces longer which again is another nice thing so we'll have to see on that one but the other thing is i've only got two hot temps right now i originally bought the nine by nine now i've got a ten by ten i think i'm going to need to match my stoves to my hot tents and get a you know probably a 12 by 12. so that i have three stoves three tenths life is great you know the 12 by 12 i'm not going to bring out with just me and the dog this this tent is perfect for that if i'm like well i guess i shouldn't give you any spoilers but maybe next week there's a 90 percent chance that me and captain teeny trotter going out with the two boys here and doing three nights in the hot tent while ice fishing that'd be nice for a 12 by 12. but i didn't say anything about that ignore that i said that uh yeah so i might need another tent it's not going to be this year though i also want to get a 18 by 20 tent but that's that's another story for another time that's that's in the future a year or two from now at least hey where'd you bark at me mister a little oh geez it's not it's not fitting together as well i did it on the way in okay hey it worked imagine that i'm a genius boys you're yelling at me the whole time monty i told you it'd work perfect fits like a glib [Music] stick and rule would you just leave the stick i'm getting kind of sick of throwing all the sticks just kidding for the joke rooks it's a hilarious joke ha ha super hilarious weren't you laughing about how i was joking about how i was getting sick of throwing the stick i'm not sick of it i swear never never ooze i never get sick let me see that real quick right here let me see that nice for any micro trash i did a pretty good job that's why it took so long yesterday cleaning up all the little pieces of our little festivities yesterday bars one tea piece they're real easy to pick out because they're so colorful on the white and brown okey-dokey [Music] oh okay i got the proper amount of layers on so i can still sweat [Applause] all right boys all right we are ready for travel so since you're pressing me officially it was monty's birthday yesterday but don't take it away from them okay or rubes don't take it away from rook it was just as much rook's birthday his is later on maybe we'll have a double party then too because we did maybe not have parties from last year that's why we did so big but it's just think of this as both their birthdays it's close enough five six they're the goodest boys but uh we had lots of fun it got a little chaotic ish today we ate some delicious food tried some new recipes that i'm just definitely winners definitely gonna be eating those more often in the future i like keep trying new stuff out here and i'm glad it works out uh we got a little snow yesterday just a light little inch or two just a little covering we stayed hot tried the new stove had fun hiking around throwing lots of stick for the boys here and uh yeah just had a grand old time so uh it's time to head back to the car go for a drive and get home so as always guys if you like the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit the subscribe button and i will catch you guys at the next video come on boys [Music] [Music] so hmm i mean i i get what you guys are feeling okay it it seems weird but honestly this is how people make their living nowadays so i mean have i ever steered you wrong before [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 591,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, camping, winter, backcountry, asmr, backcountry camping, bushcraft, bushcrafting, bushcrafter, backpacking, showshoeing, dog, dogs, adventure, adventurer, wild camp, wood burning stove, campfire, campfire cooking, gourmet cooking, food, delicious, snow, wilderness, wilderness area, outdoorsman, woodsman, funny, entertaining, nature, forest, dog training, hot tent, cold camping, cold, frigid, extreme, camper, how to camp, winter time, hiking, backpacker, survival
Id: Qpib37V3irs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 7sec (10207 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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