Winter Camping Under the Stars

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[Music] [Music] [Music] not the escort service hey there ladies and gentlemen oh what a beautiful day it is warm and sunny out again free Monty Monty has invited me out on another camping trip he's stuck there Monty this deep snow he prefers to follow what it is a beautiful outside and Monty's got a brand-new pair of pants on so we thought we'd get out today we're not getting crazy tonight we're gonna sleep under the stars it's beautiful clear it's not cold so we're just gonna cook up some delicious food today I've never been to this place before it is big we go we already had to cross that one tree was really shelled we got I got the muck boots on so it wasn't a big deal I just carried my tea across but well we're gonna get going a little bit further and set up our spot I'm gonna try to find a nice clear spot tonight because like I said we're sleeping under the stars and it's supposed to be clear so I would love that beautiful view of the stars at night so let's get going snowshoe all right this is gonna be the spot next to cute little stream number two that wasn't that wasn't the same stream as the first stream it was a different one this was a little easier to cross so we're gonna get set up here is there a spot warranty what do you think do you think about so first thing we got to do is start digging it was a nice little nice little stream there in case you need to wash anything off pretty thick there I'm trying out a new sled and it's pretty long and it's fun too so first thing we're gonna do is since it's so close to that stream here I'm gonna dig it out and see if it's swampy underneath or if we've got solid ground okay looks solid looks solid that's good news Monty so we're gonna take off snowshoes the snow isn't super deep in this exact spot slip that's nice last last week there's some pretty darn deep snow Monty what's this I'm gonna get you Monty I'm gonna get you he's not about that so we're just gonna dig out a spot we're sleeping under the stars tonight so all I got to do is clear out a space for us to lay out the pads and have a fire so that's what we're gonna do and then we're gonna get cutting some firewood and there should be plenty of that around there is trees down trees standing all right so we've got our spot dug out nothing crazy gonna have our fire that little low spot there it's just beautiful out Monte's over there chillin next to the stream but now we need some firewood time to get firewood Monte's do it that's that's not gonna be good too spiky it's too spiky work ready go ahead all right so I just got a process up some firewood now and well before I do that I'd like to get air mattresses blown up in case Monty wants to chill and he can do that so let's pull up an air mattress air mattress air pad I scraped my chimp pretty good on a stick oh he's beautiful he's beautiful I was smart today hiking in last time it was about the same temperature it was sunny out last week and I put my because I used a backpack I didn't use a sled so I just had to wear my black jacket and oh man was I just sweating it was disgusting I was so warm this time I was like you know I'm gonna use a sweat even though I'm going through the unknown some thick stuff and yeah a lot better I didn't sweat because my my top is a little I'm a little chilly whoa I'm just standing there I was breathing good that's my only later on so worked out pretty well one done one to go I'm just gonna get both air mattresses air pads whatever you want to call them blow it up right away this time because why not there was a time when these these these aren't the most compact tiny pads that you can bring out I used to use the NeoAir trekker which is it's not as thick and it's not as wide it's very skinny and you know relatively their pack size and their weight it's not much different the only difference is is you have to blow off about three times as much air in this thing and when when I first made the switch cuz mine I actually broke it when I made the switch at first and I was used to blowing with the other one I serve all this one man who's ridiculous I'd get all lightheaded I mean I have good lung capacity and stuff but still I'd like try to blow it up super fast like I used to and I used to hate that used to be my least favorite part about any camping at all was just blowing up that air pad I was like I just really dislike blowing up the air pad but now it's not a big deal I don't mind that even this big oversized air pad but it is very comfy it's it's like a it's like a air mattress it really is bunchy what is that what is that being weird stab me a weird wacky inflatable flailing tube thing I know dad's that's not right in the head it's okay you can you can go back to I'm sorry I'm sorry I disturbed you position yourself Monty come on you got this whole air pad all right right there all right all right let's process some firewood Monty you want to want to help all right you know why don't I even ask you you just want to relax some of it like that pretty punky I probably don't even mean I probably don't need to saw that let's see oh yeah I don't need to Monty that's solid probably still don't need to process it or that is not solid that is solid let's cut that one Monty let's do it do you want here you never found a stick you want dad yo get your stick and throw for you all right dead catcher stick do you want it do you want it this is the Monty yes do you want it do you honor okay to be fair he's ass I'm asking him ready stop saying yes I get it oh yeah Monty bring me that sticker store for you come on now Monty just so peaceful out Monty bring me stick bring it here Monty bring it here come on come on you can do it bring your Monty bring it here Monty here bocce bring me that stick bring me that stick come on now come on bring me that stick it's my stick right now bring it back to me I lost it please bring bring here bring here that's a good boy that's a good do you want it relax there Jethro where'd it go Monty ready Monty Monty it only works so many times I know dad's a meanie all right I'm gonna finish sawing all this up you don't need to you don't need to watch me sob every unless you want to you I want to wash you ass off every log if you want to I could give you you know 15 minutes 20 minutes straight of me just that you don't need to see all that picture the next step it is pretty wet at least that section is all the way so I mean it'll burn once I get a fire going definitely not gonna want to start with this two more cuts that's definitely punky punky stuff but it's okay I got plenty of punky stuff just ripping right through it alright that's punky alright let's split some stuff up give me a stick give me your stick Monty go get your stick go get your stick Oh get your stick here's your stick Monte let's try to strike this bad boy if we can get to stand up maybe watching that one that was slaughtered not my best splitting and the professional splitting continues there's no way I'm gonna need all this these last two and then I'm done all right This Is It this is the last one that I don't even need this fire for warmth this is just for cooking okay okay Matthew that's that's plenty of firewood I think I think we got the job done hey Monty it's getting cold it's getting dark in there time to put on the jacket and take off the Aviators it's getting a little cold a lot of firewood there did I mention I have a good amount of fun I hope I did they sure do alright well while it's still light out we're gonna get dinner ok alright let's start with dicing up the potato let's get this bad boy cut down the middle we're just gonna do it into little smaller pieces here so it cooks quick next let's cut up some onion skin on there pull that off to the side right I don't mind the core of the onion I'll leave it in there extra flavor you know we'll just add that into our pot there's that now we've got to add a couple cloves of garlic I do love garlic that garlic diced up I'm not gonna do it super fine I'm gonna leave it in kind of bigger chunks cuz I don't mind having a nice big bite of garlic when I'm eating does not bother me at all I look forward to it look forward to the big bites of garlic add that on in there there we go and to to our potatoes onions and garlic we're gonna add some black pepper I like extra black pepper mm-hmm and then we are going to add in some salt they're too much salt you don't over salt you don't want to under stall to get it just right just a pinch there we go now we're gonna add in a nice chunk of butter it's gonna be a little bit frozen here but oh it cut through pretty good all right and now that is ready to be thrown on the fire and cooked up so we'll set that off to the side I did not have to pre wash my green beans oops so we're just up here in this really cold screen cold hands now I know it looks like a lot of green beans but Monty is hold-hold on the old hands there one more batch of green beans we're gonna be eating on t we're gonna be eating some green beans tonight buddy all these guys are going numb alright let's chop them up well that's wonderful I just was hurrying to get my green beans and I was climbing back out of the stream and slipped on the ice here and just fell right on my ass so now I've got a DSLR that is full of wet snow because it went right into the snow and I don't know if you can see it I gotta clear up the snow but yeah those are green beans those are green beans that went under the ice cuz I fell and broke through oh man what am I gonna do with myself Monty Monty was all concerned I'm sorry Monty I make you upset well now I've got to clean this camera off and try to get as much snow as I saw this I can't oh good job Matthew good job well so far that's the worst thing I've done to my camera drop the sucker right in the snow and splash up some water I guarantee you it's not gonna be the worst thing that ever happens to it but so far that was the worst it's all I got most of the most your moist moist of the moisture off I got most of the moisture off but there's all the buttons on the backside or all caked with snow on the dials on top so it's pretty wetter on those I think it'll be fine especially because gonna be really cold and when I get at home I'll just be sure to like air it out and be careful but wish me luck let's hope this camera doesn't die or short out let's get back to cutting up green beans okay we've got our cleaned off green beans now I'm just gonna I'm only gonna cut off the one end so I'm just gonna wrap them all from one way the water is already freezing let's do it like that then we've got our pan here we'll just throw them right into the pan how does that work how's that working let's get the rest of the green beans these beans are getting frozen that'll happen when you're our winter when you're cooking when you're winter camping and you're cooking when it's cold out below freezing your stuffs gonna freeze up makes sense it makes sense we don't lose that much of a green bean or that much alright now we've got our green beans right there oh joy let's add another let's add some more butter we'll save a little extra in case something gets real sticky whoops now in the snow so we've got the butter for that and I know I'm using lots of butter but you don't want your stuff to burn too much to the pan especially when you're cooking or a fire it'll happen so we're just going to sprinkle a little bit of salt not as much salt as the potatoes just a touch and again we're going to add some pepper I like lots of pepper so there we go now that we'll set that off to the side okay go get it well now that that ordeals over with I can't believe I slipped it I wasn't expecting it at all just oh it's too good man that's okay though she's gonna survive camera over there old Bessie your new Bessie now ol Bessie Monty you got that stick yeah give it to me give it to me but we're gonna get sparking up a fire here and we're gonna let it burn down pretty good get a nice coal bed because we got to cook a big old steak Lakes gave out well we got to cook that big a big old steak up and I want a nice coal that I want to cook it really good this time I want to take my time I don't know if I'm gonna do it on the coals yet or on the grate I think I can cook it a little bit better and control if I could do it on the gray bow we'll see we'll get to that point when we get there well let's spark up a fire all right let's get this fire sparked up here sticks you know our little bundle of birch bark here this bad boy start oops that don't matter ain't going out now I'll do this good for a little while all right so now what we're gonna do is let this burn down get a nice set of coals and then we're gonna get to cook him it gonna be so good it is gonna be so good we're cooking the classic meal today yeah dad gets a chair and you get a pad that's how it works a good good job back to you you know what Monty you know what I need know what I need one of these beers right here look just relax there we go we go Monty that's a good boy you don't like me Monty you like dad come on right here come on you're Monty I'll give you all the treats in the world if you come here so I need help guys with the I guess a full philosophical question what what am i doing right now spring started it is it is officially spring but it's below freezing and there's feet of snow still so I think it's still winter camping but it's technically spring so this is technically spring camping so I don't really know I'm gonna call it winter camping I guess but I want to know what you guys think is the spring camping or is this winter camping do we go off of dates and times or do we go off of what's actually out here and what's going on because this is still winter I mean look at how deep the snow is right there it's as deep as mattias it's still as deep as he is you know that's not very spring-like and it's getting cold I'm ready to put on some more layers it's chilly Monte's feet had like two inches of hair coming out of them and it was making some big snowballs so I decided to trim up his feet and then funk funk saw me doing that so she started like combing a mile and grooming him and then all of a sudden she just got really into it and just trimmed up his pants the backs of his leg she pretty much just went on a full-blown grooming and just groomed him out so now he's all he's pretty he's handsome he's all groomed out so guys I'm sorry I I haven't been right on top of doing those the the most recent giveaway I've still got things I've got to do and styles of camping now I really was planning on doing a pasty tonight and I didn't want to just go out and buy a pasty and reheat it over a fire you know that'd be that's not what I'm about to do I'm out to like cook it from scratch so I was looking into making dough and I'm gonna bring it all the insides I'm gonna fold it up but I'm gonna make a pasty and that's that's my plan right now I carry berry that was your idea but you know let the dough has to raise you have to let it sit for like 20 minutes and if I let dough sit out for 20 minutes out in this temperature it's gonna freeze it's not gonna it's not gonna go right and same thing with pizza if I want to make pizza dough from scratch it's gonna do the same thing so I'm kind of you know not sure if I want to make the dough I think I'm gonna have to make the dough at home and just bring it out for those meals which you know it is what it is I really wanted to make it from scratch out here but I just don't think it's gonna work out I don't know if it well I could try it I could try it and I could either succeed or fail and just have like a frozen dough but we'll see we'll see what I try what I do only time will tell but I definitely want to make the things from scratch Monty is willing to eat is he willing to eat very rare to see them on to eat dry kibble because as we all know Monty prefers the finer things in life like ribeye steak pork chops bacon venison raw venison bones fire-roasted chicken fire roasted lamb so if we can get him to eat some kill right now don't you want we did we got him he's hungry eat your dinner now that's a good boy see now now that he's eaten I can't move I can't I can't grab wrappers I can't move around I'm just got to let him be him and eat that eat as much as he can before I move again what sunlight is that better is that better Monty major Mundi uh-huh good boy all right let's let's keep building our holes up we've got coal a coal bed to build all right time for math you just run some layers Matthew wants layers [Music] just a second okay see what I'm sleeping at night I like to be toasty I'm not talking like warm I'm talking toasty I like to be warmer than I need to be so I've got this extreme cold bag which is rated for negative 40 so I got sleeping bag liners and I wear thermos now generally I need to shed layers at night which is better than wishing you had more layers in my opinion I like to just shut layers and great Monte do you prefer shedding Monte never needs to shed Monte's always just perfect at night there's a little sleeping bag with this wool blanket I'm gonna sleep mask sleeping pad let's do it month let's layer up see I like to I like to do this little bouncy act to get my clothes on so I can keep my bibs in my boot balance balance hit it get it last hole balance or Monty I'm all layered up about that good ol headlamp that's saying I don't have very good battery charge that's okay it'll be good enough see if we can sneak attack him with a wool blanket come on the get your Monte I'm coming to get you I'm coming to get you with warmth coming with warmth I give it two minutes and he's he's not having it he's settling in oh yeah it's gonna be beautiful out tonight last week the moon wasn't out though that made for some crazy stars the moon is out a little there's a little sliver of it this week that'd be a little unfortunate but it'll still be a good show we're just waiting for a nice cold bed before we want a really nice cold bed tonight get it mighty alright now let's see if it's light light let's see if it's lit up enough for Monty to retrieve this you can do it Monty get it get my teeth ghetto Marty get my tea get it thick muddy get it sick Marty I don't know what more I can do for him you get two more tries if you don't retrieve this take some sense yeah sent it up yeah sick that's a good boy good boy come on what I want deeper mystic all this dog sometimes he's the fetching champion and sometimes he's the thanks for participating player he keeps good there's a deer trail right there all right I give up he obviously doesn't play fetch right now all right I need to develop a beautiful coal bed for cooking so now we're just gonna move some stuff around still burned pretty hot but I'm getting hungry all right I'll spark back up at no time now one thing you want to make sure to do what usually looks great it's stabilize it I have been known to drop some food in the fire and an unstable great will increase your chances of that so she's she's stable all right let the cooking commence all right so we've got the green beans and we've got the onions and potatoes over here these are gonna take longer to cook them the green beans so we're gonna keep the onions and potatoes on the hotter side of the fire stirring them constantly this one we can throw off to the side I think it's a little too warm this butter we need to get down to the bottom let that let that melt a little bit otherwise we're gonna get some burnt stuff which when you're cooking over a fire you know you can't do it perfect you're gonna get what you're gonna get and you get a little char on there but it's all gonna be delicious and this is not the biggest great so as far as cooking the steak goes what we're gonna try to do is we're gonna try to cook these most the way at least the green beans and we're gonna keep putting them off to the side we're gonna cook the steak on the grate if we cook it on the coals you know you can do that it's just a very big steak and I would prefer to cook it up on this grate so I can control the heat a little bit more so that's what we're gonna try to do all right so those are cooking nice and fine it seems the butter is melting better on this one but this is our two-pound porterhouse steak right here this thick bad boy right here it is a little bit frosty cold and frozen so we're gonna stick this in between the fire and the reflector and let it get a little warmed up before we start cooking that one well we've got in Monte you've got a Monte gotta watch out for your Monte I see like I was saying those are gonna go off to the side these potatoes and onions this is gonna take longer to cook this is gonna get the main heat right now this is gonna be good Monte you excited for this Monte I'm excited for this oh it's gonna be so good I love eating food over a fire get my gloves a little hot Monte get more hot you'd feel the heat oh I tried to hold up Monty ah this is already sticking I've got a you saw me put a good chunk of butter in there you got two out on a fire like that and there's a big flame it doesn't matter how much butter you put in there it's gonna gonna burn gonna stuck to the bottom so we're gonna pull it off and move it to the side for a second here good boy that's why we got extra butter though neither for these puppies these puppy dogs hey Monty if he Oh oh shoot if he senses that he's getting a steak then there's a good chance he won't want any anything to do with green beans so we need to trick the Monty into eating green beans first and then the month you will get steak you must trick your Monty if you want him to obey you these green beans were frozen solid since I cut them up and put them on this fire it's a little unfortunate fortunate this right here that's hot get a watch out for that need a glove oh all right guys this is what I'm talking about red drops up in the fire that was close that wasn't a true fire drop to get everything selling this pin a little more smell here all right now it's good you should not burn into the pain yeah that's good it's gonna be good stuff right there nope I'm really good at losing stuff in the fire with a little potato maybe more onion hopefully we didn't lose the piece of garlic heavy tragic there's only two cloves and I like extra garlic shoulda brought out more garlic but you know what I did we are oh yeah you know oh yeah look at these green beans yeah you're looking good everything's frying oh yeah oh yeah Monte oh yeah that's the hot fire oh so few more pieces of wood on there Stover a little bit oh no did we lose a green bean our potatoes are cooking just fantastically there's a little char on there I do not mind that at all green bean sizzling you probably use a little bit more butter in those potatoes but you know what since we're low on butter we're gonna add a little bit of snow and that'll keep them from sticking pretty hard all right so everything is cooking great so what it needs it is time to get out our beautiful oh yeah she's gonna be good all right here's a beautiful delicious two-pound porterhouse steak I'm just gonna sprinkle some of this Montreal steak seasoning on here oh good oh yeah I mean look at how thick this this thing is look at that that is a thick steak right there that's how I like to cook my steaks I like them to be thick get the other side alright it is time to embark on a mission of cooking a delicious fat steak all right okay tailors are cooking good green beans are cooking good so for the green beans since these aren't gonna take as long to cook as anything else we're gonna move all the stuff off off here for a minute because something beautiful needs to be laid upon this grill and that is a two-pound porterhouse steak these potatoes are gonna sit here the green beans we're just gonna put off to the side because these do not take much to cut one let's just we're gonna try one they're about cooked these are good so we're gonna keep our green beans warm let's check out our potatoes quick let's take a big chunk let's see still got a little bit to go all right so we're gonna keep stirring our potatoes we're gonna keep our green beans close and we're gonna just deliciously flip this porterhouse now there's two ways I know of cooking steaks there's the the way where you sear it on one side flip it sear it on the other it's done and then there's the way my dad taught me which is you constantly flip it and monitor it and keep checking it constantly for thickness you you do by feel you keep flipping it and that's the way I prefer I honestly I prefer a thick steak and I prefer to flip it constantly so let's let's flip this guy it's a little bit trickier over the fire flip this let's see here let's turn my light see it's not too it's not too dark on one side when you do the method where you just flip it once and then it's done you get a lot darker on one side before you flip it when you're doing the method that I prefer where you just constantly flip it it just slowly gets warm on both sides and slowly cooks and personally I feel it's easier to monitor out of here no one can see the steak I think it's easier to monitor when you're doing the constant flipping and especially when you cook thick steaks you know there's a lot of steaks out there that are that then I want them like that I want them an inch and a half minimum to two inches and if you look at this steak that right there is an inch and a half steak at least that's an inch and a half right there that's not a that's not a one inch steak that is an inch and a half look at that fat that fat thing let's zoom in on that I mean look at that thing there's a thick steak right there thick and you know another thing is when you're out here cooking in the wintertime when you're cooking steaks over fire it's hard to monitor you want a steak to be room temperature when you cook it that makes it easier to cook it makes it easier from the center to get up to room temperature so if you want a rare steak it's better off out here they freeze up there's no way to monitor and get that thing up to room temperature so flipping it constantly helpful a little bit with that this smoke is killing me if you see my face if you can see my face I'm Kye I got tears in my eyes I'm sitting over this thing is so the smoke is just I'm struggling putting this on here because it's gonna make the flame it's very obvious so we got to be careful we got to be careful you have a flipper constantly let's give her a flip Monty you just be happy that I'm your owner so strong our chunk of butter to keep our potatoes from going to Charnas so that'll keep them cooking and that will keep them from burning completely yeah when you're cooking a big thick steak you do not want flames on it that will mess up your steak you want a nice constant heat not a sporadic hot Heat I don't like this flame we're moving our porterhouse the other side well I put some new batteries in that light for the camera and boy did that make a difference oh so we're cooking Monty is very intrigued with keep these off to the side for heat we know that the green beans are done doing our best Monty we're doing our best to keep these up to the side you want try one yeah we know those are good we just got to be careful of our steak now I'm so excited Monty Monty Monty do you deserve to have steak do you deserve steak do you think it's okay that you're in the middle of the shot blocking the camera from all the cooking and everything is it okay that you're doing that you're blocking everything Monty no one can see anything but your face your face all right you need to back up let's back up it's feeling pretty good Monty mmm oh yeah we don't need to do much more she's about done you know what Monty let's give her the test let's give her a cut test all right this fire is too hot this thing is gonna be done all right that is so hot on my hands it's still got a little bit to go we still gotta cook it oh that that flare-up got me that would be singed a finger oh they got me this stake it's got a little ways to go all right we're gonna spread some snow on the fire I'm getting too hot for my steak I don't like it we don't want a Burt Burt steak we want a good cooks a perfectly cooked steak this little chunks probably done all right let's check for done this one more time let's do it okay she's perfect steak is done let's get it off the fire and let's get ready to eat move to this serving platter here green beans you also move to the serving platter and potatoes move these to the serving platter so we're gonna do is we're gonna give Monte his portion of green beans and steak oh that is definitely done Monte you're such a lucky dog right now that is a medium-rare steak for sure oh I mean look at that three of Monte you know what I need to try this right now Monte is such a lucky dog Adie some chunks right there you just be happy Monty I'm uh I'm giving you some serious steak right now I can only give you so much Monty right this is your last chunk that's it that's all you get okay Monty come here okay stay there's no sit sit sit all right ladies and gentlemen this is a delicious steak green beans and potatoes meal Monty you're ready for this I'm ready for this go ahead let's do this start with a chunk of steak first look at that that is rare that is rare if you like rare steak let me know cuz I do it's so good mmm no I got Monty at least 1/2 pound of this he deserves it let's just I want this super rare piece some of you out there like oh that's not cooked enough you know what to us that like rare steak that juicy red reddish pink piece I hope that picks that up this is so good I really don't want to share much of this go ahead get it but I will because I love to love that dog it's so tender I know you want more I'm gonna let you know on the bone little bit you ready for this guy's because Monty is about to get his this is just me being very generous to the Monty get him on t get him on T you don't you don't be afraid you show you show me you want that meat go ahead Monty come on don't be afraid get him on t get it no stop I need to clean up enough is enough burning up some firewood and doing some dishes all right [Music] no you did that's why you're being a good boy mr. mr. mr. mr. hmm that was delicious I am full monty little cute Monty here I don't know if he's full he's never full he's never satisfied he's always one more you cute little anyways so I think I'm gonna crawl my sleeping bag here because the fire is burning down I hate good food I'm full I'm tired ready for bed ready to sit up and look at these stars so I'm gonna take off my clothes I'm not gonna record me doing it I'm just gonna crawl my sleeping bag and go to bed so I will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody good morning Monty hi Monty is it a good boy ready to get up Monty where he get up I can't get your throne are alright be free briefly look at that mani dog good birdie it's a beautiful sunny day when T's immediately going looking for scraps I slept so good last night so I need to get up get some clothes on and put on some sunglasses it's a sunny one all right getting up getting up Monty we slept in it's entirely your fault there's no way it was me you were just asleep dude dude all right Oh II slept a little bit all thanks to Monty mr. Monty it was just fault I swear it was Monty's fault great Monty used to be sleepy bear anyways we're gonna get packed up and out of here no breakfast today got some thing to take care of so let's get packing right Monty let's get packing Monty leave the final piece of the puzzle [Applause] all righty guys well I sure hope you enjoyed today's video wasn't anything crazy it was just an overnighter under the stars it's beautiful out but we're gonna get going so as always if you liked today's video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit the subscribe button and I will catch you guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 77,461
Rating: 4.9215312 out of 5
Keywords: winter camping under the stars, winter camping, camping under the stars, camping, winter, backpacking, backpack camping, wilderness camping, bushcraft camping, bushcrafting, bushcrafter, wilderness area, cooking, campfire cooking, campfire, bushcraft skills, snowshoeing, snowshoes, snowshoe camping, backpacker, outdoorsman, camping dog, dog, fire cooking, fire, fire skills, wilderness, bushcraft camp, sirvova; slo;;s, survival, rough collie, michigan
Id: vm0Bx2CD8c0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 31sec (5731 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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