Weeklong Cold Fall Wilderness Adventure

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Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello there ladies and gentlemen I have just embarked on a week-long adventure in the wilderness with Jake ski guy our buddy Dan and of course first mate poof bud we're gonna be carrying our gear from leg to leg singing a new campsite every night we're also hoping to snag on some fish to cook up for dinner but we've brought along some delicious food just in case we don't there's potential to mean JC I head out for a second week after we drop off dan so I'm stashing a second canoe just in case that happens but anyways I hope you guys enjoy the video walk all right we got the lock okay let's go stole this thing I got you guys a present Monte's invaluable I'd rather starve you Muntean we've got a heavy load we brought out some steaks and stuff we're planning a fish dinners I plan on catching a monster pike so I've got a super shad rap I've got 20 pound braid on this and 12 pound fluorocarbon leader and I'm gonna try trawling this soon here way too big of a lure I only brought one so we'll see how it goes these two guys they're way back here also Dan we're gonna come up with a nickname with firm later but he hasn't really ever done like anything like this you know like an extended canoe trip or really much canoeing in general and canoe tripping so me and Jake thought we'd bring them out at the most forgiving time of year which is late fall on the north you know it's definitely the most forgiving you got the most stable weather you know just above freezing with lots of rain so you'd you know hyperthermia is a real threat [Music] definitely the most forgiving so he'll get the full experience finally did it I got a map holder I know you're thinking well who is this guy you're not using ziplock bags let this maps float down the river this is my stormy comer I really like it whatever you want the original buckwheat company three different styles please we're talking on the way here always give you tarmac sticker that would be good a big old chapstick on your boat I'll do it on my car yeah I'm gonna try to troll this way to oversized lure and see what happens I've only got one so I think it'd be best to lose it within ten minutes of starting the adventure we're gonna go for a personal best pike this trip and we're in a big old light to start so hey it doesn't pull too hard hey we'll see when I get a hundred feet of line out I'm catching a 67 inch pike just like the one I missed oh yeah I missed a sixty seven and a half inch pike in the spring trip yeah I just know it in my heart I mean it had to be the way it pulled on my pole and when it snapped my line I knew this is sixty seven and three-quarters yeah I got my angle embed forty two oh man yeah I mean at the 42 I see no when you think about these two characters yeah I don't know bottom either I don't know about this wait you see they look 40 42 now this weather is pretty perfect uh it's like 50 ish Suns just by a little bit of clouds but still got a little of blue skies is gorgeous I'm almost a little more which was just a few degrees colder but then again I just bring win this is just like a perfect day right now this is awesome you see Monty now we just need to catch a big ol Pike I also forgot to mention we actually got an early start today a very early start such an early start that I've only got like an hour sleep last night before the eight hour drive today and you know so tired this morning I was shaving and you can if you look closely at my face you can see that I shaved off a little bit more of this mustache on the side on the side now let you see it you will not unsee it for the rest of the trip look at it tired shaving shame whoo no whoo no got it we're gonna do some there's a little hump over here we're gonna do for some walleye [Music] hey Dan what picture can't do this I'm not even tried yet like a little baby I don't know whoa you can't probably wouldn't shift as much weight as this I said your count wouldn't shift as much weight is this he's more of a cat guy he pretty much said he hates Monty so as far as my normal goals go up catching a fish every day or you know a walleye well you know Walter Larry Peter Bobby I'm not gonna really set those goals not gonna really set any goals for tension fish I'll say one one goal as I'd like to catch at least one fish this trip but I'm gonna troll this big lure a lot in Pike Lakes so that's gonna lead to a lot fewer fish on when I'm trolling to saying what I would ideally like is just one big 50 trip that would be that I guess that's my goal but it's gonna be tough to catch one just cuz you know big fish I'm gonna be doing a lot of trolling and not many bites I feel like if I troll this every day I'll get one bite in the whole trip maybe I'll get a fish on maybe not but I think something will strike it at some point that's my that's my guess my calls I get one bite on this lure that'd be nice it was it was definitely the worst decision but if we made it out so everything's good I usually like to eat as little beef jerky as possible I like the first day so that I can just pick out more in the next few days you know it's you know it's perfect when the Sun wasn't now I'm starting to get warm I think we should go to the beach this is a beach day it's too nice yeah Beach big let's beach day it I brought my tanning oil there you go yeah Margie chill erase it over [Music] are you doing bud you excited to be out again you get treats later you get the stick thrown for you later oh you're gonna have a nice half month in the wilderness maybe just a week who knows oh yeah that's a good boy we got bacon sausage eggs and that's gonna be a good breakfast all right we are looking for our first campsite if this one looks good we might stay here we've got we've got some meats we brought out one good breakfast so I think we're having like three nice meat roasted dinners hopefully some fish dinners and then some other dehydrated and stuffed well we'll see but tonight we're having some rib eyes I think Dan's first campsite you just living the dream right now oh yeah beautiful little spot well we got a loon out there where'd it go [Music] did you bring smoked oysters no way okie dokie got so much crap in here so tonight we've got some bail fat rib eyes to cook up so we need to get some fire we're just gonna get some up here then go collect some firewood maybe toss the stick for Monty okay okay all right all right Skippy dude I can smell those smoked oysters from here those things are pungent yeah that's fine with me one nice thing about camp with other people everyone sir Jake's pulling out tuna and smoked oysters Monti going anywhere but do you want this he thinks it's a smoked oyster [Music] hey no hey Marty its Jake watching what Monty hey hey Monty no no ha I missed oh I'm sorry brought my insulated sleeping pad oh no I did get the patched-up Montillo and good oh yeah I brought my insulated back it's gonna get colder at night and I'm actually using a down bag this time for the first time ever normally I just use the Monte's winter sleeping bag is zero Degree but that thing's like five six years old and I've been compressing it and using it and wearing it down so I'm sure it's losing a little bit of its heat retention and I remember using that a trip for five years ago here and I was a little chilly even using thermals and stuff when it got down to the teens at this time of year so I wanted a warmer back because I want to get cold so that with the insulated sleeping pad should be good to go okay there are new same people that have been a canoe the whole time I know this greatly upsets you but you know what you're gonna you're gonna get by it are you gonna go in here I'm gonna go in there yeah all right go ahead go in the tent you're in timeout no stay I'm just kidding going to do you think it's about time to get back on that water hey Monty you guys are quite the Stig pal it's loaded up there I got a couple of big logs in there well I'll just got to poop sir Monty yeah I'm just supervising I think I might help these guys process up what instead of fishing it's a pretty sunset what do you think Monty you want to get out Monty jeez Monty he's a frisky critter little bugger fishing watching danceOn augs you taking pictures on your little cute little iPhone 3G with these [Music] good I just covered with a little Monty face we're any little will some little stuff on there and you guys want anything other than Montreal knees the delicious rib eyes thinking anything um I'm kind of focused on the realize right now if I you went fishing maybe I don't know if I'm gonna make it out there though I was gonna but then you guys came back up like you know what and sounds nice just sitting here no long day but yeah only other hours sleep last night I'm really just now on a ribeye and roll around my seat bag oh no moisture issues like Hawaii or something no no we just got married and I didn't eat so Dan's like grab a bag arrest and I look at the weight and I'm like yeah three pounds of potato oh man this is gonna be so good let me grab my butter butter these onions got black pepper with the potatoes we're gonna go with classic black pepper and salt we're gonna just bring a little little drabble a Cayenne over our steaks - it's not coming out too fast but just a little spice in there there it goes all right let's get this out of fire okay this is gonna be tough to cut the three steaks will have to cook up these onions and potatoes first so we good okie-dokie looks pretty good yeah well I think's really hot the fire yeah I mean hey I got leather gloves - all right Monty you Porky Pig you got a line a hole in that one food it shiny cooking it burn up this great degree it was pretty bad we just looked at that clip it was way worse than I remembered the crazy Creek at least the tent wasn't so bad but the crazy Creek oh my god go - little bagged wine here hey it's not slide you like a toaster oh yeah that'd be good 5 to 7 minutes inside but I'm serious custom-made oh yeah power neat you clipping them actually off flip on the potatoes I'll oppose the sink whenever I get that skirt I'm cool thank you hon you want that on my shoulders please birds of fingers why would you do that [Music] yeah yeah yeah it's more coverage that's dangerous it could think through I will accept your judgment whatever you choose your next over here your throw it you sure you have a third I don't know you get one all right don't think you got a third don't think that's what cool man okay oh yeah Oh Monty you poor thing I'll give you some chunks don't worry I said well here's to a good start oh yeah what you'll do oh yeah that will hep up a little bitty hiccup Monty needs a little cheers to that bar dere that's your job how about this what's up yeah I love eating food pop this in the shop go vision boom I want him getting pretty damn full let's help me lick my fingers off only didn't want help clean your hands he's a certified mouth cleaner but he thinks I got like steak so he's just like being picky oh yeah Monty you're not getting any more treats you come to bed mister come on Monty no you come to bed mister come on yeah you come to bed come on yeah you come to bed come on good boy yeah no more treats for you mister well now you've accepted it all right we're going to bed I will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody one morning that oh yeah you like yeah I'm gonna head the head hair that's a pretty good last night huh I want you to chew Oh mom auntie really get up make some coffee no meal okay let's do it [Music] and here's a beautiful scene out there whose glass what do you think Monty I got the same thing so mine is just like six years well much on that but it's been yes I'd say it's just as pretty as that one you're making coffee gotta make my morning oats oh no he's a good guard dog you know when you hear something you're like ah cool good job dude he's a stuffed animal all right go ahead Monty well Monty wants you to throw him a stick dude he pick up though so that's how you do a pose not the worst thing in the world ooh oh it's boiling what I learned to do at work is just pour water into the packet and then you get cold out if I get you one soupy you're still eating the paper that there's no waiting oh yeah thanks dude hold up thanks dude get your Creamery actually you know i'ma try some creamer it doesn't seem to mix not doesn't work it's just chunky yeah you chew it chew it yeah and the wheat I try to go like both is like tastes like our house is a sensitive coffee drink I know this is really light brown so obviously hey man it's me poses standards no no I like it dark you just made it so thick that it's like you're chewing on her yeah who's motorist oh is that all your oatmeal yeah why I don't know I'm just a hockey you can look it up you like what did I do I know I'm just like just ask it all right army surplus guy to finish up my coffee finish packing and we're gonna get on the water you're fishing or on film hey hey hey everybody oh boy Jake here pulls outdoors today we're gonna get after big old moose all right okay oh my dear leaning hard right now we are off for the day what a beautiful morning the mist is cleared except for that little bit right there nice brisk morning the Sun is hot feels pretty good we got these wombats up here fishing oh geez Monty you know who that is so I think for the plan for today is we're gonna go down this big long lake that would be a nightmare in the wind to battle but today is supposed to be a super calm nice day tomorrow we're supposed to get hit with a lot of rain so we're not quite sure the exact plan but today already like five partida's most of them are pretty teeny one half mile air and we're just gonna spend the day enjoying it fishing because this is potentially they'll the nicest wet day of the trip and then the rest is gonna be kind of wet and cold we're getting a front tomorrow so the weather will change a bit myzel troll this monster hey how's it going I'm gonna troll this 4 pound lure fish just chosen from your boat oh yeah yeah there you go Monty hey dude can you show me where the fish are please bring me to like a 68 inch pike or something Hey all right you have yourself a nice day there Lou [Applause] [Applause] this one looks like this one may be nice skipping their first porters of the trip heck yeah come on T good job the first party to the temple [Music] anything about that Monty these young whippersnappers over here I think they're cool skipping the footage again thinking they're hip trying to avoid Dan's first shortage ever this looks like a good leg patrol my little my little teeny little doer are you just trying to make sure that your first portage is a big ol good one can't believe how nice it is right now this is crazy Dan had the first fish come up to the boat nope no fish yet [Music] [Music] the worst so that's you guys are portaging right now Dan's first port is a to route portage alright we're gonna keep trying this thing for now hey Monty hopefully we got a bite someday someday someday [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah it's kind of fun casted this big I don't want to die here either I don't know if you had to choose a place to die where would you choose backpedal it's fine you don't have to stop it I don't know it's just a big deal I'll just push you guys backwards thanks dude yeah hey he's got a fish on nice job all right good job Dan's about to pop as Porter's cherry the last one didn't count they went back and they didn't go over it [Music] sweaty up for that one this little half-mile are they're very mouthy what do you think you're good huh take a little snack break here those guys are getting their second load right now Louie as you can see I'm in my long johns mm-hmm I wasn't gonna do that one again my overalls arm whoa oh yo come on geez all right you're getting smaller pieces no I'm or tokens out there mom your mommy three together get your truth I think we're gonna stick it out with a big lure until we get to the big lake and then we're gonna do the opposite of what makes sense and go with a littler lure on the bigger Lake and keep the bigger lure on the littler Lakes science giggle Dan he's Jake ski guy because every time we go winter camp and he's like trying to go up hill carrying a sled with cross-country skis hon how's that work it works not well the whole time we're not doing Omaha portage we were thinking about it no that's a half mile that's probably right around the biggest order being the trip dude I wouldn't kept that yeah I don't know why you wouldn't keep that that was like perfectly good meat [Music] [Music] [Applause] Dan's got another fish already what is it really yep get it in your net dude let's definitely eat that for with the dude let's eat that with the steaks you got it ooh nice job dude now we're going to be in Dan's venison and Dan's bass for dinner yeah keep that he was passing the jegos pass of all right dude that was gonna be such good food for dinner oh man he was gone doesn't let you catch any more fish see I believe you but I just don't see the proof of how big this one was here um squeakin I hope we catch some fish for dinner how's hesitant about giving him the Netta my guy could do this but nope that's it that's revenge for me shooting his gear I do want to catch a fish I like how you get to say another one no I don't even ever had a bite yet are you gonna show me how you're catching them come on dude I ain't nothing I'm gonna try jigging right below the head of that Oh Monty Oh how's greasy well that's a big rock Bluff there are we hiking this thing we've got one guy that's gonna fish one way let's go to the top oh yeah I don't know why but throwing rocks off this cliff is so fun Peter welcome what am i yeah that lake water he loves it you can don't mind me I'm just chilling my undies spread now oh okay alright now I was gonna wait till the big lake but I'm putting on the chartreuse layer we roll this guy out because we lost our fish dinner now and we need to reclaim it because we're having medicine steaks for dinner and we want some fish to go with it and have wild game surf and turf we were gonna have damn steaks and Dan's bass but they they ruin that dream Jake's got a fish my the only one that doesn't know how to fish here dang it dang man well what's going on fish yet [Music] it's okay we'll have our moment we're gonna catch your best fish of the whole trip that's what that's we're gonna stay positive here dang it keep it think you got another bass hey I'm just getting owned right now if we were relying on me for food I'd be we'd be starving no good we got to have that surf and turf makes all the difference thanks man we got there dad that was like dinner [Music] alright we have finally made it to the big lake I got the chartreuse later on oh why does it do that chartreuse layer see we can pick up naka throw with a big old the great I don't even know what to call that thing the oversized lure we're going to see we can get with this I think they're gonna go to the other Shore and hunt for crab sticks we're gonna stay on this lake tonight and it's a big old lake so all the other all the camp sites aren't that's that Shore and this has all Clippy so they're gonna troll that sign I'm gonna troll this side we'll see if we can pick something up but Dan's got that one bass I'll at least be good with the stakes it's just absolutely gorgeous out this is like perfect and we're going with just a slight west wind so we're just getting pushed I wouldn't mind a little breeze at my back feel kind of nice whatever this is well this is a big fish ooh I'm a half and everything oh yeah what is this there's no way it's a bass this is either a lake trout or Pike oh yeah Monty come on baby what are you gonna be I'm thinking the way it's just staying down and it feels like a big old log it's got to be a lake trout whatever it is though either either it's hooked honey orange got some serious weight to it it definitely feels like I'm bringing in a log this is a fighter we've got a feisty fish on here what the heck is this he's a pike oh oh oh my gosh oh oh my gosh [Music] that thing was huge [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's headway it was just like it was this log I'm not even kidding I don't know what that picked up on the camera oh that thing was huge there was no hope of you even getting close when its head was in the net oh my gosh it ripped off the back lure oh my gosh that was the biggest Pike I've ever had out of my life I think that's even bigger than the old mythical 68 in a quarter inch Pike oh my gosh that hurts and they're not gonna believe me no I was stupid I shoulda just worn it down until I could pull it up onto my lap there was no way that that was gonna do anything this station right now is so bad oh my gosh oh my gosh my pride is so hurt right now yeah it was I've never seen him it was like ripping out the drag I'm from way back I want to throw the big old thing since I know they're in here now that it was a monster I don't even know why I tried netting it that was just I was too excited no you want to know what to do either with your dinky little net the fish that I just had next to the boat was the size of all your fish combined times seven I've got video evidence of me getting its head than that uh if you can't see it at all that'd be so funny I am NOT gonna be able to get over that one for a few days [Music] you know I was probably the biggest fish I had in my life yeah yeah I'm growing into my friend [Applause] who's right I can't think of anything else on that moment where I got this head of the net maybe started thrash to get the lure got caught in the net I know he's like this all I see right now I don't see the woods right now I just see that image of the just the yeah yeah I am I feel like the most disappointed man in the wilderness right now the entire wilderness maybe we'll catch another 50 inch pike [Music] can I technically say I landed it because I put its head to net I hear a big old waterfall over here yeah right there that big spiel did feel a little bit better about losing that monster oh I love the smell of the water coming off the waterfalls smash the other water I love that smell I'm going to catch one in ten nine eight seven six five four three two one fish on okay we're gonna change it up we're gonna put on this big ol three-quarter ounce of green and white spoon settle those colors of the chartreuse but we're going back to the heavy-duty lion heavy-duty Pike pole got a steel eater on their giant Peter just got away yesterday back on the positive side of things you know the goal for the trip was a personal best pike and that was it I mean that thing had to be at least 36 inches like the one I Cod no that's the biggest Pike a cop before having that thing next to my boat I mean maybe maybe when I go back and see the footage it'll look smaller but I don't think so that was a big n well yeah so that was like I didn't land it and I didn't get to like visualize it and feel it but I could feel its fight and it's pull and that was a big fish surprise you let me get get him so close to the boat but I'm gonna count that goal is like a satisfactory accomplished because that was a big fish and it was totally my fault he got away well looks like the two guys who can actually get fish in the boat I found a campsite so I'm gonna head over there and we're gonna get camp get together cuz we've got our in 20 minutes till the Sun sets we gotta get firewood we gotta get set up they didn't they didn't like that campsite I guess they're racing over to the next one I guess we might be camping in the Bern tonight looks like we might change Lakes here at the last minute now that we're in the Bern no it looks really thick and just not friendly chilly there looks like we're going to the next Lake we're getting to the camp when the Sun setting this Lake only had one ginormous monstrous Pike in it it kind of got caught I had its head in my net okie-dokie I wasn't so bad you can see on that portage um on the left side was where the burn was there was a fire that was right on the edge that was really cool the trail would like if the fire must have stopped right at the portage trail that was really cool to see it's harder to tell maybe because there's like a fresh cedar on the other side but it's definitely all on the burn might as well try friends more fish for dinner I'm gonna try this is a jointed wall ice layer but this is a little bit bigger size than the one I normally use okay we are at our campsite for the evening those guys are listening to the Weather Radio down there we're gonna get Campbell set up we got here let's see we've got up sunset now so it's getting starting to get dark so we're gonna set up real quick I need to start filtering water cuz I'm thirsty but you're bringing here come on bring me a stick Monty breathe here Monty give it to me come on T come on Monty you can do it come on brain here come on come on T bring your mighty okay alright well it is getting dark here so I'm just gonna quickly keep throwing the stick for Monty and set up my stuff get it all taken care of quick worth to guard you probably can't even see me right now but we're all set up for the most part I'm all set up got water going pretty much everyone's waters full we got a smoldering fire kind of started I was taking a few casts here quick see if I can get a walleye all right we're gonna do pose a tomato pie go the quickest I was trying to cook behind it separately from me I'm gonna sauté these onions up these will take a minute then we can just put it off to the side throw the fish in there I guess I'll hold off on the meat of Tiger with that we got our fish plate up what else we got going on we're about to make a feast it's all hectic oh you've got a big old pan here yeah we should cook all the meat up in that like once no not the fish I'll do the fish separately but still all right so for dinner tonight we are having a feast a wild game surf and turf dan provide us with some venison here and he actually provide us with some fish - none of us get anything so what we're gonna do is I'll put some of this garlic here here half the onions here in here and then we're gonna cook up the steaks with butter and the fish with butter a little drizzle some lemon on the fish amantes got some venison scraps like the trimmings which is plenty for him and then we've got a double batch of instant mashed potatoes to go with it so we're going to feast to a few pieces get this here we'll put some water in here okay and then we're gonna get to cook in here four cups of water in here cuz we do a double bash of the old mashed potaters the whole thing Monte's off to the side here okay we're cookin yeah then just give us some dehydrated peanut butter it is just stuck to the roof of my mouth right now he's choking on it a little more onion with the fish or the meat look at that slurry / Monty what would you make this Lurie oh that's just water but is all the fans gonna be in there in the blood and he's just gonna just aw he's in the love there's a couple chunks of fish watch jeez that's some butter in here I wanna try my I've worn them a little get them in there I'll get the fish which paint onions you're the big one close that spatula you got um it's over in the log right there who cross-contaminate yeah it's fine it's all gonna cook least any of this fire gone it's like not burning in the right spots oh yeah Jake this could be your deer you two get you just a little more salt load buffering what that's pretty neat still love you bro okay this is ready we're going with the four cheese mashed potatoes Lanford whoops we're giving her it we're we're gonna happen that I'll be stir by me Bozek I use your spatula yep all right I didn't know what the plan was closes do you wanna go over Long Island and cheer yeah ooh munchies is all done this baby for a theater employee Oh 320 without a mile that'd be hard it's so good oh yeah they'll probably over here - it's okay it's all done oh [Music] so good all right Montreal on that yep I'll be damned dude you guys need what I have to eat one mm-hmm everything's done does that look like three piles are the same yeah it's good enough for me okay oh we're just gonna go we're telling you you know I don't want metal in that frying pan whoever he's got that I'm gonna eat out of this one right here okay so we can eat out of the mashed potatoes one take 1/3 of this my eyes did you not want more than that one oh well I got a plastic silverware that's been raining for yeah good luck have fun there we go that's some good eating right there give it a good boy bocce go ahead Monty Thank You Smalley's do taste different mm-hmm a lot better actually I like them better hmm you don't typically like Smalley's I stand in the way did you squeeze with fresh lemon on the bass yeah yeah I put fresh Tapatio hmm hmm oh yeah I am just in heaven right now shut this off dinner wasn't enough so we're having this camp chow berry cheesecake got this on my last my uh my fall trip these are made locally around here you got pudding oh yeah I think he's pooping yeah he he had to go he said he said he felt really uncomfortable and walked away get a little rain tomorrow we've got a pork roast we also need to cook and a big old breakfast tomorrow we're eating good it's a little warmer than I'd like it to be though for keeping all this meat and stuff cold mm-hmm I'm having some dessert before my dessert this is really good this is those meals from the trail Center do we pass it no powder patch or what hmm no stop fruit in their cart babe all right good my breakdown oh yeah the fruit didn't absorb much mmm it's like pudding you know it's fun pooping in a downpour Monty was uh letting on their sleep stuff oh that's not your so come on first you take dance-pop then you take Jakes they take mine let's just read all right now get comfy no no that's yours that's yours use your space we could still feel it he's been just aggressively laying out everyone's stuff [Music] well anyways that was a delicious piece of a dinner at good dessert a long day I sub in cottony fish technically alright well scrub the Monte here for a minute and we're gonna pass out we're gonna wake up to probably rain and wind definitely gonna be a weather change those guys are passed house I'm kind of talking quiet but um yeah that'll be a different day tomorrow so let's see what happens when we wake up all the style we're doing but I think we're gonna make a big old breakfast tomorrow so that's exciting so catch you guys in the morning oh so pretty good that thing brother food it's a little breezy out there no rain yet but Tom it wasn't as cold as the first night my throat's getting sort all these Irma colas just stop snoring like to see what the plan is we like move since it's not raining instead of hunkering down all day so let's get up see you I thought let's do what Jake made us some coffee we told Dan coming in here we said the most important thing to have was coffee creamer new bride that's good nice coffee creamer almost feel like I'm back in civilization now no this guy was so the official plan for the day is that we are going to move so we're just all getting packed up here I'm gonna cue up some oatmeal and not coffee because Jake already made that for me so let's do it what you need your stinkin you need your stick don't just chase me good then stick look at that stick get ammaji anymore paradise frisky critter all the way here actually there's not a lot of tracks here hold on Monte this is yours okay drink more water go ahead Monty good boy the prime footage of Monty laughs of a soupy hot thank you for my fork it didn't matter the head didn't get in the bow to God the net I think we learned a valuable lesson for both parties yesterday going that big fish don't let big fish and don't pass it to the person in the boat with you cuz it's gonna go south [Music] just drinking my whole meal lost my spork somewhere around here but I'm just gonna finish this up and pack up we're gonna be on the water get to move it while you're alive right now we're alive alive so I guess I lost my spork I don't know how it doesn't even really feel possible they saw it in my tent right there and then all of a sudden I was just getting breakfast ready and I remember moving it down to my cook stuff and it was right there by the fire so I'm thinking it I accidentally packed it away or maybe these guys are playing a trick on me or something there's just no way I coulda lost it because I only went so many places and I scoured the entire campground like I spent an extra twenty minutes [Music] it's got to be somewhere stupid or I just set it down for some reason I don't know maybe you guys today was gonna say you know what's the best part about having extra bowls empty we're gonna just lean over pee in it bill tonight don't gotta move you know I have like a 70-inch pint guy yesterday maybe I could get another one you saw some footage you saw enough to be like at least 17 fish you took dosed poops dosed doses doses you got the rare occurrence of pooping at the same time Monty's pooping and I've waited and make sure is coming outside like you know did us make eye contact no there's a good point there's a good boy no that's not it it's too mossy to be a campsite yeah Wow there it is okay I'm a big fish I'm not trying to catch little fish like you guys you guys been catching a little 8 inch pie guy over here catching 50-plus inch pike I almost landed that pie cash I got in my net it's a fact no but I did get it in my net that is a fact even though that's that's what it cost me the fish I despise drugs [Music] there's nothing worse than being chillin it's a tip it's nibbly out today buddies to Eve is nibbly pray say Marty how's that thick booty yours holding up in this cold huh huh awesome since I'm calling at last our goal for the trip done our new goal is to get one bite on this massive lure just a strike more fish ideally huh see what I I catch and release that pike okay okay what's the biggest Pike you ever caught Jake see that one was bigger than videos today there's too much Pike to hell for a canoe there's at least 71 all right we've got our first portage for the day nice little quarter mile or two mile the 16th you know what I know there ain't no Sun out this is just for fashion now no it's still bright even with just the clouds and reflecting off the lake but it's looking like we're gonna stay at the next light because it's already middle of the day winds kicking up pretty good and it'll definitely bring a rain we're thinkin so we're just gonna hunker down we got a big ol chunk of meat to cook for dinner tonight and I kicked up a moose on that trail I couldn't see it but it was definitely some fresh tracks and he here crashing through the trees so I'm pretty sure it was a bull maybe it wasn't but thinking it was let me take a cast here beavers are hard at work they're working on that Lodge nice pile going already nice foundation what do you say Monty oh yeah oh yeah [Music] today's actually a pretty decent day for having a chance of seeing a moose just as it's so cold windy they'll be moving around a little bit but if it's super windy like it's starting to get actually probably just hunker down because it can't you can't hear predators Oh God I do that at some point what's up [Music] [Music] beautiful white pine stand right there how can you tell those are white pine Jake oh the winds are good up there get a little bit of gust it's like a wind funnel we're almost at the end of the lake there's just one record for the day and we're gonna Punk her up you're ready for rain and lots of wind today no padlet oh that's so no boys is this done this is not battle canoes you're gonna break my nice nose just trying to go straight down a little these guys are ramen in the backside all right what do you think how what are you thinking oh he's all muddy Oh Monty might use a little dip in the lake and oppression so we got a really nice campsite for today you can see the winds gusting from this way so for our fire tonight we have a nice perfectly blocked campfire spot all the trees there's no wind right here you can see it blowing out there and we've got all this open space set up tarps for the rain and whatnot it was a nice little spot so we're gonna get set up here one under their food [Music] yeah we're gonna party all right well this is going to be our spot myself a tent here that says up a punctured dog sharp and they're making that little snuggle Palace again those two little lovebirds game on to your two lovebirds - how mighty okay there Skippy all right all right I got a dress good right at your noggin all right sit up this stuff [Music] all right I'm gonna get all my stuff throwing the tent here and finish up and then I think I'm gonna go with Dan and we're gonna do a firewood run all right we're off on a firewood collection expedition that's a moose poop I don't turn Nuggets does that new Monty the big turd nugget don't step on that punches are Bella Cruiser you ready Marty what you doing [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't think that's my cut it wears only hit me in the face now do we do [Music] oops hey one we got our first split we did it nice one yeah it's super nice way all right someone can sit on this too yeah we're all set up on her Louie it's coming down out there yeah we're just chillin for the rest of the day what time do we got we got two hours two hours and 15 minutes on sunset Samantha's chillens pad we're all just hunkered down everything set up probably gonna have to cook dinner and pans pork chops yeah this is what we're doing flex TRS my bus out some cars and just relax enjoy this day come on see how's it going what are you chillin it is coming down right now it is really raining hard and the wind is blowing I don't know if we're getting 40 we're getting probably 30 gusts 30 mile an hour gusts and it's the constant wind but it is coming down these guys are having a little bit of misfortune over here they had their tarp set up right there and it's all rock underneath so it's just pooling there's nowhere for the water to go and they can't even dig a trench or anything like that so they're resetting up somewhere over there back there I'm gonna help them out though can't have this nice french guard begin a mighty nobody here he is such a good boy you're in the race dry spot huh yeah your old spot the little pond now I think there's frogs living in it the wind and the rain is kind of pick it up I had to put away the DSLR cuz even under here it's kind of getting the wet it's a downpour right now it's not friendly out there and I don't think we'll be able to keep the fire going we had a good idea on the start while we have to deal with that tomorrow it's a mess it is just getting radiant right here it finally came and it might even continue on until tomorrow mid-day sometime and definitely is gonna be colder and windier radius this is the fall this is more so what I was expecting is this sort of thing this tree just correct don't mean a real trouble they just cracked and it's leaning over my stuff I gotta move it you can see it it's coming up all the way from here and twists it down it's definitely gonna fall and if this falls it could explode all over there so so they got to move their whole setup and I have to move mine I'm not sure where to go but this tree is probably gonna fall I make a big old racket that was the muddy [Applause] hi Monty we're getting some drips on your nose sorry I'm onto you good you're just chill for a minute while I help you set up and yeah all right you stay dry okay that's a good boy you stay safe or dry you stay there all right come on Chrome prints Plouffe but go to bed well not go to bed but you don't I mean come on come on you know what to do you know what to do okay so it is rainy and cold I'll set this camera better but we just both the sun's just setting now we've just spent the last hour so digging around piling into the tent we're just gonna hang out under tarps and eat dehydrated meals for dinner I was just getting soaked everything was getting wet they're all getting wet Monty was looking for a place to set up so we're be in the tent but it's all kind of wet in here and it's a mess I just got everything and we're just relaxing but well yeah let's see out there free going over they had to move their tarp three times my stuff was pretty easy to move with those guys help but I did enough to take anything out but now we're just gonna get old dry right Monty little dry ash for you you see me over here if I handle down next to Monty it's kind of close quarters right now I can't set up my camera the best so we're gonna make her max Getty no regular spaghetti Monty for dinner you're gonna have normal Monty stuff okay it's not gonna be like last night don't get excited by this a new fish no way the last two days we've been spoiled it's always rainy and cold this time of year it seems at least Fran mighty I got the dreads Getti in there when you're taking care of a gerbil I'm gonna make sure when you get it in its cage you get a food and water it's only got so many places to go and it needs food it's gonna get yourself a little gerbil like the one I got here I make sure to take care of it don't stare at that blue bowl mix it left finger so you got nothing else go ahead go ahead yep that's you go ahead just please go ahead no I'm just making sure you don't make too much of a mess shouldn't it gave you soupy food oh wow No spaghetti is almost ready I don't think you're ready for this skating just another minute like that gonna pull it off and then we're gonna let it sit just cooking out of the vegetable the vegetable oh it's a little soupy that's okay mm-hmm it's gonna be so good I'm so glad and make max Yeti this is so much better exhausting ugly humanity he's all nestled in his sleeping bag is just relaxing it's like perfect hmm the one norm I'm just gonna eat this I'm so hungry and I'm huddled over and I'm hungover for the sake record I'm just gonna sit back kick back beat this enjoy this rain on the tarp and yeah just relax [Music] he's uh just nestled under his sleeping bag it's just laying on top of him he's not zipped up in it yeah I put it over me just kind of snuggled his nose into it sorry he's definitely digging it and if he gets too warm or anything like that he's gonna he's definitely gonna get out of there but he's just relax and let he's just pet him and stuff and he's just opened his eyes cuz I say his name anyways that spaghetti was pretty filling we had a nice rainy fall day today it wasn't only it was at least we got to travel in the dry and then set up I did get a little bit more wet than I normally would have liked to as far as after we had all set up because I was just kind of standing around helping them and whatnot but yes my wet stuffs just laid out in here but anyways I've got to tidy up I've got a mass gonna brush my teeth everything so I'm gonna do all that and I'm gonna get ready to pass out and go to bed I'll catch you guys in the morning [Music] Monty good morning Lottie don't lick my arm stop it stop it I know it's salty don't do it nice look really great last like this look really great Monty sure to go to the temple get up I think we might make a big breakfast today so let's do it oh it's drizzly out that's not good for the camera Jake was just shouting out his favorite charity now this is the morning for a moose what you going swimming I had a beautiful scene out there we make him breakfast today yeah feels good man first factors aren't good might be a hair different feels good are you taking cash dude that's the water yeah that's the one Jake graces with French press out in the woods thanks man yeah what are you guys pooping together again and 40 we're Flint we're fine dude I don't know what my watch what data it collects in Illinois but somehow before I rolled up I had collected at least 200 steps you sleepwalking dude Fairmont E go ahead sausage can do ho a knocker you rip it all right do me a favor and just get this butter slightly warmed up oh yes on the fire for your assistant thank you sir thank you good sir oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah we've got two pounds of egg beaters which questionable yeah we'll see if it do you shake it will I suppose to I would take them all back will I be able to fit the two pounds of eggs oh yeah we got this it looks like orange juice or pudding you ready for this cute little sausage patties not enough it's never enough does that whole container a yep yeah yeah this is it poured in with the hashbrowns man yeah we cook man know once that Ron cook the eggs you could let me just hook up where you toss the eggs in I'll put them in real well what's up with their pan then no alcohol so yeah no that's also the best yeah it's raining well yeah I've got sausage patties eggs and hash browns there we go gone doing good because the hashbrowns over here got me a server you got him you dig here but you all to the same place on the log oh come on oh we got some eggs they're almost done you guys doubted me I've never had eggs egg either this is a first but they're they're almost done all the eggs are almost done looking delicious sausage patties are all cooked up in the hash browns we're about to have a breakfast feast oh yeah what do you think Monty you just keep it under that tarp and your little rain poncho little creature look at them he's a food troll Oh Monty that's just Jake today is gonna be a real beaut oh it's gonna be a beautiful this how are we splitting this up we've got three pans we got three foods I'll take the sausage you guys for me take a swim jig hash browns there's just an amazing job like Emeril live right now this is like I would I would get worse at a restaurant what do we want to do here I feel like this one Mike I think that that's the smallest pan or would you feel like you're hungrier than me I'm hungrier than you are you yeah just give me a scoop of eggs in here and what do we think cheating on this one yeah just that a little tax pretty good thank you hold on I might have an extra sausage in here yeah we're good all right it's perfect yeah looks good to me oh yeah my turn up yeah well hot sauce someone has she's going so bad for the breakfast oh look at that looks so good oh we have a feast alright drizzling before my camera fries putting away that do so now we're gonna pack up clean it up get on the water get moving think today's the day boys I'm gonna catch a fish I gotta catch a fish if I don't catch a fish this whole trip that'll be super disappointing oh this thing has been recording that whole time oops we're switching to trolling the big old lure I took off my DS rain poncho nice we connected I ran in little poor just start our day off right and therefore this one we've got a nice long skinny leg which I trow a little big lure down the whole way you got my Waterproof shells on for gloves I don't have any girl blood underneath I just don't my hands to get soaked right now and the water to go down my sleeves oh there we go I say you keep them waterproof you just hook my gobs right now okay so we're gonna be relatively quiet going on this Lake and there's just gonna troll because it's a long skinny Lake there's a good chance we could see loose so it's a good day for it we're just gonna kind of be quiet just casually paddle down believe that droid harp thing is real nice I got a snag of ripping line out here's my lure sitting right here on the top of the water this island is Jake's Island Jake Jake you could have the green rock I'll give you my chair and you can just pass out of it there you go just sprawled out and your baby all right you guys ready to knock out the biggest porch of the trip well hello ladies and gentlemen if you're seeing this clip right here that something terrible has happened so we just finished a big long half-mile portage on what day four and well my GoPro fried my SD card so the first three days in the morning and today is gone you and it was a really fun porridge that's gonna take some cool shots but [ __ ] happens okay well we're just gonna pray that this clip doesn't exist because I salvaged the footage somehow but we'll see anyways we're about to snack off and let jump and then we're gonna get back on the water and continue on with day four of seven all right nice little tea break after that portage and that was a really nice person so I like some shots of that but we'll see about that SD card [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look at these lollygaggers Marty ready to make dinner guys take it so long hey well that was a flooded porridge porridge I've ever seen we had to go off to the side and float our boats on half of it fine fine we're on our Lake for the evening so we are now going to find the campsite and we have a pork roast we need to cook up tonight I think we're gonna cut it into chops and probably kick over our stove under a tarp well we'll see we shall see I still have yet to catch a fish so I need to do that [Music] don't walk over the whole thing the whole thing oh there you go don't worry Monty when you get to camp soon we're three a stick get y'all dry get you a spot [Music] alright boys this is canoe adventure in late fall here we am yeah wish it was snowing well we're getting somewhere [Music] police's are protected for your spot yeah there's no pools almaty always helps Monty yeah you're helping don't worry Darth Montes I'm getting you a spot ASAP don't look so gloomy oh poor guy let the treats flow through your veins [Music] [Music] you're ready come on [Music] all right come here dude good boy all right Monty's got a spot now I must set up [Music] [Music] okay now I'm just gonna finish setting up here get all my stuff in here we'll get to the next step very wet in the tent everything's wet how are you doing there pal Oh peaches and cream with a little wetness you know what's gonna make it better though eaten pork you got that right but right now I'm just sitting sleaze stuff my DS Chandra tarp we did get a little moisture in the tent all right some stuff our sleepy stuff and I were to get back on another temple Mathias and get cooking hey rusty come here I'm gonna stay out of this tarp right you promise you have a whole barrel of snacks right there that's all you can think about come up Monty there's the snack to knock what any where they're not gonna share it okay pause it music Montreal tonight yes cutting up the pork chops would be great put those in some slabs are we never with the mashed potatoes you think we as thinking caters meditators you got what you do starburst let's take a quick bite of these but see if you're facing this way you could beg easier but you're facing the apps away dance coming up four day old pork it's probably gone bad but we're gonna eat it anyways gotta smell this it smells fine all right those are pretty well tied yeah that's perfect yeah wrap up the end there where gets monthy but seriously no no and we'd also like to thank our heart there's been a wonderful product on this trip on a card and I'm so but these guys are doing yeah this could be a car plug right here my dad or dry as a bone Jake soaked their muddy that it he's gonna be kind of this one's way thick dad on the alcohol stuff it's not gonna get hotter will will switch there's no way to do all these at once Mary asked you like three at a time that one's super thick there's gonna be a tough cut cut probably a lot of meat keep that one in the middle you hate that stick one in the middle Oh [Music] not too bad go ahead Monty there we go pork chops and mashed potatoes gotta hold out yep how's it taste [Music] doesn't pay rotten [Music] hi mommy [Music] how much more you want like a half of a half half of a hat all right [Music] the face of the dog it was pork country we'll go to the dark part this is pretty dang good of hot very hot so let me finish up my pork here hang up this discussing the terrible Pam that's not any fun at all well then we'll be in this tent you ready for bed what about you so pretty oh that was the best that pretty you've ever done good job good boy yeah Monty he didn't mind ci che so we're gonna try it with him today got wrapped up and if he doesn't like it he'll get up and I always wake up for him anyway that was delicious food I'm I'm pretty full and tired it was cold cold day cold wet day so I stayed dry so imma pass out so I'll catch you guys morning Monty okay why do you don't do that nutty MIT it's chilly out this morning not just ready to get out I think I might make my oatmeal and coffee in my vest jabal this morning but do you think you want to be out there but it's it's snowing right now you think Monty do you want to get up or do you want to just stay in the tent all day winds howling and everything seems a little chilly out this morning so yeah I'm gonna make some coffee and oatmeal for my vegetable and we'll go from there so I guess it my sleeping bag maybe we'll let you out Monty you seem like you want to be out but you don't stay here hi Monty thank you want some food it does hurt though that that Pike is now Superman hey he hears something Timmy fell in the well could get him out T get him on T Sean no he's a good dog you're bad Jake we got a rat back up my oatmeal is gonna be thick today and you get enough water oatmeal not soupy that's a little soupy what do you think Monty Monty you can go back out there if you really want to but I feel like it's warmer in here normal Opie Oh Oh what temperature you guys think it is final guesses yep I must say I like 35 34 33 point - how are you enjoying your first trip so far my buddy Jake over here taught me my first Boundary Waters trip that if you ever want a quick chocolate treat you just take a pack of hot cocoa and dump the dry powder in your mouth I just got cocoa powder all of my time well genius alert oh do we eat bad for ya Monte's here in sleeping bag it's snowing out it's cold windy we were unsure if we're moving today or not so far we're just sitting here eating and Dan's pooping a lot we're eating cocoa powder anybody want a chocolaty treat yeah you want one yeah no give him a hot cocoa sure I mean Jake is the one who's Jake showed me that and all right ready for the hot cocoa who has a best throw so far both these for me yeah Dan doesn't get any that stick all right hey well it looks like the plan is to stay here for the day Jake is out working very hard getting firewood we're just kind of chilling our sleeping bags stuff cuz it's real toasty we've got what seven hours of daylight so the plan is to collect a whole bunch of firewood they have a big one ripping fire for us today we bounce it we're about to get up and start helping Jake he just got a bug up his butt and just had to go get firewood immediately and we're just moving slower so yeah I haven't done a chill day in a long time it's been years well maybe not no that's been a year so normally I move everyday but yeah we're gonna stay today it's kind of nice those cold windy snowy so anyways I'm gonna get moving here and then we're going to help Jake chop a bunch of firewood the snore last night name dropping hard just wanna pull rayless check mark here and she's just gonna split nice and easy oh oh look at that oh that's some solid wood now let's kick its good wood bring your monkey come on yeah get him into it there you go yes we're it that's the spirit mr. Wu that was hit much in the head it's okay dad you didn't get me this time it didn't get me [Music] bugs I hope you catch it right there I hope I do too well that was a real nice cast [Music] Oh hardly think it would be too bad to go fishing today all right we're out it's not crazy wind over by our camp so me and Monty are gonna do some Tron I'm gonna put on the old churches clear we're gonna go for a fish dinner I need to at least catch a fish so I haven't caught a fish yet we're like day five I'm setting a new record for not catching fish so we're gonna troll around a drop-off right near camp you may go to other places but let's see if we can pick something up [Music] [Music] all right you said loop along some nice drop-offs I'm gonna do the whole loop one more time [Music] Monte I got him warmed up with you just I threw the stick for a bunch before I took him out and warmed by the fire so he's good to go for quite a while he's fine back there but it's definitely brisk definitely brisk out come on fishies I need one I need one for the trip I need what I haven't been fishing too hard just been kinda enjoying the trip you know fishing here fishing there moving around just one will see trolling okie Dokes so we're just gonna troll our way back to camp throw the stick Vermont you know have a nice cup of tea but even we'll pick something up on this Gigantor I'm sure Monty would like a nice stick now what's the tea much what do you think about this you still feeling different about it Maji don't worry we're gonna need to be sitting out of the snow oh gosh chilly on my face [Music] since we got back from fishing we've just been sitting around the campfire drinking tea just relax and and it's looking like it's getting beautiful and kind of calm so maybe go take a few more casts go watch the sunset on the lake I wanna see what do you say mighty yeah you play enough fetch today yeah for some walleye using the big old jointed walleye Slayer we just had a bite [Music] it starts snowing pretty good here they were to make our way back to campus sure he's fine paddler rode dark it's okay I do it he's probably fishing all right tonight I'm Jake's kitchen where everything tastes good we have bacon spaghetti [Music] all rights get on the fire all right that bacon is about done oh geez thank you all right oh yeah okay let's get some bacon in there let's bake it ties this spaghetti I've never done this before but I think it's gonna be good oh yeah thing is cool enough to eat are my Gerda dinner so you're getting one piece of bacon come here can you sit sit pretty 12 you throw go up boy good boy all right Russia's mine I don't know if I should have chopped this up hey sit on learning for what that's what I'm learning yeah it's gonna be like a big old piece of bacon and spaghetti it's not too bad got a nice crunch to it what whoo do what how'd our cold rice pudding yeah so we've got trail sinners camp chow we got James rice pudding tonight looks delicious Matt paid for you will we've got to would have come yeah we sure are James rice pudding there's a chunk of this see you got these little rabbit turds what's going first then you dump this in all right just boil in water nice nip in the air oh yeah it's James rice pudding yeah I don't know much about oh it's so little soupy no it's good it doesn't look good I might add I might have made a little too soupy I think this will be filling him yeah we're all gonna be sick after this oh hey yeah hmm [Music] go ahead good I'm just gonna snuggle this big old teddy bear here and way too much food I am tired Monty you tired it's a mess in the tent it's a big big mess there's stuff everywhere so I'm gonna get ready and pass out so I'll catch you guys in the morning good day everybody look at that body look at that [Music] snow go ahead Monty there's snow on the ground [Music] no mmm you hide and in-hae poses got water all right hey look at that modern conveniences ladies burn their dead yeah so easy I want to eat your food he doesn't believe you know what I going to get home sube like your poops here we go oh yeah what a beaut out there today go Ross on the girl MIT will see a moose today it's currently 32 out blue skies there's blue skies their Suns peeking out into warm above water oh yeah mighty what do you think mighty hi I'm Angie okay well those are the fish I bailed on here drink coffee finish pack it up get on the water gets fishing to pile up origin mm-hmm and we're off for the day [Music] [Music] okay we're going to start our day off by trolling the old chartreuse layer the chartreuse layer i rides a little frozen right now real well frosty a little chilly last night we've got some deep sections to go through let's see if we can pick up a fish because we are on day 6 and we are fishless I have not brought a fish in the boat I got one in my net for a moment it was only his head there's a big fish that was never gonna fit in that in that but he got away the net is what let him get free i learned my mistake [Music] prepare my sunglasses cuz they'll be all frosty and foggy on the white mop out of me that's all so we're gonna deal with it yeah [Music] we're so optimistic it will see sunshine this is just some morning stuff it's gonna pass mother nature's coming in cha we're trying to get you some sunshiny okay then we're going to eat fish [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] II there we go we went over which campsites we're gonna shoot for tonight on the next Lake we just skipped the portage Erik and I'm gonna let those guys go ahead and mean much you're gonna do our own thing because we've got six and a half hours of daylight we're gonna up too far to go so I'm gonna catch a big fish all right Monty that's I need to catch a fish [Music] [Music] there's a wintry scene out here winters here cheers boys all there so foggy can't see anything it's got my heart going nothing's working for me right now I've tossed it out let it sink i reel it in faster the ages that kind of jigged it back I'm just not having much luck with the fishing this time around at all [Music] so funny the degree difference when the Sun is out and beating on you and you're wearing all black versus it being behind the clouds it's like least 15 degrees difference like almost instantly [Music] so no luck here unfortunately so then you're just gonna the Portage's right up a hammering it to the next Lake no we're just to trawl with the old chartreuse layer I'll bundle up now I was throwing to stick a bunch for my tea there give him some warmth and he he kept here in something he'd go grab the stick and then he kept hearing something and drop us against our barking so I had to stop that was enough we had a little snack break this is the lake we are on for the evening those guys are a bit ahead of me they're gonna go Scout out a campsite let them take the wheel for as far as picking goes I am an open book I think we're going to try for one of these islands on here there's lots of little islands we're gonna pick what everyone's most protected but I'm just gonna be trolling my chartreuse layer in a minute here once I get out in the open and we're gonna try to finally pick up a fish this better be the lake because if we don't catch one today I don't feel real nervous about tomorrow pusher true Slayer a lot of beautiful things about coming this time of year when it's this cold and you know unforgiving is you don't see anybody we saw some people the first lake and that sunny Saturday when we put in we haven't seen a soul since it's been just us I'm doing every Lake and yeah it's a pretty sweet feeling ten nine eight seven [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we got one uh doesn't seem huge all I know is that there's a fish on the line that currently Oh doesn't feel very big it's okay that's okay all that matters is we got what on for right now come to Papa yeah you come out with a pop in there so my how you Miami I don't know it feels like it's just coming right and it feels like it may be a small lake trout doesn't feel like a pike could be a bathroom wall I love a wall I also love a bass lake trout I'd be okay with pike I'd be okay with well the problem about lake trout this time of year is you can't eat them and let it go that's why we prefer to not get a lake trout but it feels like a lake trout just by it's just coming in welcome you why or could be a bass I'll just keep repeating myself whatever it is it's a fish it's got gills walleye or Laker it's not a pike it's got to be it is the Laker that's a Laker it's okay there we go in the net I got a fish ha ha ha I got a fish okay we're gonna let this guy go yes at least I caught something all right all right I can live with that I can live with that all righty at least we got one a doesn't matter if we can't eat them we still got our fish I would like a wallet now be sweet but you know that's okay as long as we're catching let's catch another one I don't even care what's another Lake Chara on a wall really bad or a bass no I seriously caught a fish I don't have any pictures I got video but we won't be able to see it for weeks you have to just take my word for it it's not the same SD card yeah but that was the one that fried my SD card not using that one again no us no my lord how I used to count fish though yes I did fish just like I have like a 70 inch Pike on I guess we're taking we're not taking that counts out on the island it was a little expose a little exposed don't believe fish oh I don't know on that side yeah I kind of left that side somewhere over there I don't know I couldn't tell you exactly huh I don't know it was like 15 to 25 inches I was like it was like 18 okay we've got our campsite we've got our bags all out of the boat right now we're gonna go get some firewood and then we're gonna process that up first or maybe no we're gonna get firewood first and then we're gonna set up camp then I'll probably jump in processing then we're gonna burn fire all day [Music] [Music] [Music] well Monty I don't know how we're gonna make it out of here with all this it's gonna be a tight squeeze all right ha you trust me ha good boy yeah you trust me all right let's do it [Music] [Music] maybe you can attack chop this up in like eight for me quick so you get the fire started dude no [ __ ] rocks [Music] [Music] [Laughter] dan have you laid on one of these now you ought to come laminate Judy come Lana no I'm too over thank you are you sure yeah come on your car commercial the commercial he's enjoying no fire here the whole time Jake's down by the water again taking pictures on his iPhone 4 it's really hot day and every time he sends me the pictures they look terrible but it keeps taking him I'm gonna put under my rolls no sense being cold these are wet I used to have them I was pouring rain we got an island right now no better be careful bears can't get the elves with the pack forgot my two little wood gnomes hard at work and just sniffing ahh impacto ready to make some spaghetti I'll get my spaghetti ready now yeah I love glamping laughing is throwing the stick video monty boy it's 25 degrees out currently and it's gonna get colder tonight hopefully it dips into the teens just cooking on my spaghetti kinda warm up a little bit these two guys are making their side-by-side beds again like to hold hands when they go to sleep what I will anyone want to come inside my tent for the night you guys can share the fart palette and you can want get a mighty yeah I'm gonna keep throwing up for Monty for a bay here's my spaghetti cooks [Music] Danko's this gonna be a good meal I was super hungry haven't eaten anything in a while oh yeah oh yeah you really like wait for I was so proud Monty just decided to sit next to the fire for warmth finally oh yeah you want some skinny oh yeah it's like perfect eating temperature buddy yeah that's a good boy she's even got it's his Monty sleeping bag it looks just like him zipped in his sleeping bag I had a bunch of food we actually just saw the Northern Lights we just spent like an hour looking at the Northern Lights I will insert a picture right here of my best Northern Lights pictures or picture but there's no way the camera could pick that up but it's pretty sweet and then they just kind of died off and it's very cold I'm gonna pass out and tomorrow is our final full day with Dan and then we must make a decision or no not till Saturday anyways tomorrow's our final full day so I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why'd you wanna go outside explicit layers in it [Music] oh it's a beaut oh I just tell you I'm not filming every time now it's more effective live Matthew Vincente poser you went after it with a hatchet and laughed about it you get this stick go get that stick out door for you go get that stick okay don't do that but go get the stick you get into the bar closer might having sippy dog food is he having a nice good stool while he's out here yeah he's having some good poops real proud of him reminder your soups got to sit for me it looks really hot go ahead Monty so for breakfast this morning instead of my normal oatmeal I got this made locally camp Chao Phraya breakfast got like sausage hash brown cheese and eggs let's see what this is about but that's one spot that he keeps coming back ooh a little watery still not too bad though well let it sit for another minute I think I need to sit for another for another for yeah hmm oh yeah Thank You Trail Center I'd like to thank Charles Center for this glorious meal my friend poses having today and also Carver for supporting our trip and keeping us warm during these rough days Dan almost met hypothermic on its but it was it wasn't first cards arrive you hurt all right let's finish up my breakfast I'm the coffee watch these two ding-dongs pack up and eventually join them so we're to get on the water get moving hey Monty first thing I do is just our Maps the old map holder okay so right off the bat here we've got a half-mile portage to start the day off right then a Tila Lake and another little homeless or just under or right in between a half mile two quarter mile so we'll say a third mile third mileage [Music] yeah and then once we get to that [Music] jeez there's another old scratch the old the oldest is good times next one's like a third of a mile after that it's just under a quarter mile and then it's just a little hop skip and a jump and we're on the big ol lake that we started on for the day well we're on the lake that we started on the whole trip on [Music] oh dude I'm telling you guys listen listen you got one already no way no isn't you can sit like five feet listen you guys I caught a lake try yesterday was between 1525 inches at some point in that Lake the pike was at least 50 inches off Jake losses paddle that's why you gotta play way scarier back up see I'm trying to go straight dude you're so far away [Music] let's take a few casts we've got a nice little cove here nothing on this cast we're gonna move out of the next Lake chinstrap thrown to the chopper easy [Music] it's a little too breezy to fish on this lake so we're gonna do our final portage through the day and possibly the trip and just troll on the next thing because we've got a ways to go on a big ol Lake and I can just drop the breeze we should be essentially blowing with the wind today would be pretty sweet let's go waving you know what just because we haven't got a bite yet we're gonna throw out the big old monster temple is shaking so hard I got a big ol we were on there I couldn't put it back very far every time I left the line way out I got seaweed insulated so I've got only like 20 feet behind the boat we hear a moose or something [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah dudes oh is that a bullet mom and a calf oh dude go buy mighty nice we saw a boost dude hey yeah it's awesome a bull I'm sure I'll be able to zoom in on that but I was a bull a mom and a calf Mandy didn't even bark at him that's a good point Monti he did great but yeah he was a young bull so he didn't wanna she just took off they took - but that was awesome glad you got to see it on his first trip I'm a last full day right before the final little portage what a nice little treat oh yeah dude okay we are on the big water I'm gonna troll this thing I got to run too far behind because we're gonna weave through some islands they're gonna take that way and troll through the wind I'm gonna go yeah we got to get a bite on this big lure I don't know if it'll happen but we're still gonna try we saw a moose today now I feel invincible like anything can happen I could get that fish to that loss they don't so they still don't believe that I caught a lake trout which is awesome I'm being so vague I didn't I took a picture for proof but that I decided to be funnier to not show them a picture and make them think I'm lying and I'm never gonna say anything I'm just gonna like release this video and you have to figure it out if they watch it oh it's you good it's all fun it's all fun come on we need to I'm gonna troll this thing the whole way since we already got our one fish and we already lost our personal best Pike which is not on camera but it was by far the biggest Pike I've ever had on my line because I saw it was next to the boat its head fit in the net it was huge anyways stupid mistake don't ever put a big fish or even anyways yes we're gonna troll this because it's fine our only goal is to get a bite on this lure we're just going to fish with this out the rest of the day [Music] those two made an interesting choice going on that side of the lake cuz they got across to this side and it's breezy hey that loon just luned at me he called back you must have liked my impersonation of Lily's [Music] yeah this has been a great so far I kind of like it kept the rain out of my face pretty good we can fit my hat underneath it so I can keep my ears with this little mouth grip thing so in case it flies off the wind you just bite this with your teeth I can hear you but you can't because I'm downwind I can tell you I don't like your face and you probably can't understand me Jake gets ready to fast in the morning dance terrible fisherman terrible terrible fisherman both eeeh better yeah it's a little breezy Oh what I did catch a fish what was the lake before the little boy said a car that's right cottage wherever I said I caught it I caught it 52 25 inches in that range we'd like at least three and a half pounds look like a lake trout lake Charney color like kind of like spotted and white on the bottom darker on top of theirs [Music] [Music] I was gonna say it's snagged and something pops out of the water after it it's in northern oh it's not huge but it's in northern yes yes oh baby oh that was so awesome so yeah like I said I snagged this thing I was come back to get it and I saw the lure popped out of the water and this Pike just dove after it and like I just like that was that and then I just started reeling this thing in and just let it sit for him and I felt a strike and then BAM I hit it that was the sweetest way to catch one on this lure that was so awesome I'm not gonna say anything I hope they don't believe this one either they're coming back this way so I think they saw me catch it so I'm not really mess with their minds though it's a didn't catch anything I'd say that was a solid 27 28 inch pike I was a nice Pike I'm super happy he went after that it worked these guys definitely saw me doing something we're gonna have a good story or just play it really cool like there's nothing just don't ok save us some weeds no I just had a snag my weeds alright yeah so we'll go with did you guys say you got something what you get oh really is it you got a stringer Yeah right I didn't get anything I snagged no I snagged like a clump of weeds and my lure snapped off no I snap to a clump of weeds and then I floated up and I netted it so I got it back no no I did I have just a big clump of weeds Oh No did you guys actually catch a while oh no fish yeah I did I had to get my weed snapped off lure glad I got it back though $15 lure can't catch a fish though we got a paddle straight into the wind for a while under this bay like 3/4 mile the big ole ole Bay but there's some campsites up at the end this should be protected from the wind tonight or lemon chicken Creek I like zesty lemon chicken creations that sounds way better than a pink salmon pink salmon huh you don't want it all you won no but I can touch brother I'm so close this right here this is so far down there I almost had it I will make you do a lot of ah got it yep I'm so close yeah take you to the sea baby [Music] eat it you know it it looks a little wet in here it's chicken of the sea Monty Monty those safety tests sea legs get a bite to eat go ahead good good get him aunty good hey I don't think he wants to jump out right now whoa stop it Monty no it's okay I'll get you a treat Abe they're just being jerks Wingo and one batter out there collecting firewood it's our new nicknames I'm just going to set up mm-hmm I'll have a process that when they get here they can figure it out [Music] truce truce truce truce truce no truce I mean truce truce I just mean it there what's this come here I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry yeah okay sneak attack I'm sorry oh sorry I'm sorry I got pretty close I got pretty close [Music] hey you get one maybe you guys going in right there I say that process some of it some of it I'd share the processing Duty I don't even want a fire to be honest let's not have a fire my pole floats it turns out how about what just happened yeah hold up hold up processing offers zero fire leader from your tent let me guess viewers think he's helping watch your eye focus no they got to see that I just sat here and watch behind the camera the whole time it was quite enjoyable actually I got all this wood right here oh thanks see how hard that was what do you mean it's your life my destiny whatever philosophically please please all right crowd fish today yeah I got a thirty inch pipe a bear damn dude you're playing for a long time dude it was like 30 inches I'm not even joking almost caught fish every day yeah bye y'all no not every day just like the 57 inch lake trout or ha and then like the 15 to 25 inch lake trout that one i netted and then the 30 inch pipe today these are trays for that will eat row in kitchen electro I caught a 30 inch pike today what temperance or no Brule Brule this Blake Brule is 30 inches about I caught it on the big lure - oh you did yeah my monster lures chip I keep forgetting I caught the 30 inch spiking on the big lure and I wasn't even trolling I was casting and you didn't keep it no I was real no I didn't keep it I let it go huh I feel like if you guys would have saw it you would have been such shock from the magnitude of this fish that you had a private upset so I let it go no I did you know true friends would just believe me when I say stuff all right all right about the lake trout yep well the big pike and the one I caught today good thanks I needed that oh dude check your pants my mother's just chilling around everyone's Monty is the most content dog in the world right now I got three down see Monty put himself in the most uncomfortable position actually you know it doesn't look so bad when you wrist his head in the end I got that picture of the Big Dipper oh boy he's probably angry hey buddy I gotta eat you know I do got to eat romaji go ahead all right gonna spaghetti because I didn't catch any fish today for these guys I remember I did catch a 30-inch pike and I let it go because what I mean yeah I did catch one yeah little boy who cried wolf you do the counter like it was it was probably more like 27 inches but it was thick have healthy pike think this is hot why would you do that all right it's got a core fire oh yeah he's already eaten this is gonna be the perfect consistency oh yeah oh look at that ooh I'm gonna destroy this [Applause] beautiful thing that is wrong bad Monty [Music] your modesty so anyways yeah so we're gonna wake up early no food maybe just a little coffee and we're gonna get out of here pretty early to see what's up so I will catch you guys in the morning [Music] no Nikki nice up pretty good last night but uh this is drop that you stop that the Sun has risen I'm just having to pack up get back to the car we see Monty ready all right see you Marty okay all right come here hi hi new day hey Rach hey I got a poop dad's got a poop monkey all right we're gonna be packing up here I'm gonna take a quick poop and then we're gonna do a little coffee and oatmeal sequence [Music] [Music] no oatmeal today no coffee and oatmeal today silly [Music] okay I'm just gonna finish packing up here pack away that DSLR we're gonna get in the water and get moving hey dude it's a sunshiny day hey hey I'm gonna troll this big lure too hopefully I catch a fish out of finally either catch at least one fish in this game trip oh yeah I caught the 50-inch Pike 1525 inches lake trout 30-inch pike my story is straight straight truth oh hey it's breezy okie Dokes so we've got a few miles paddle back to the car it's a bright blue skies day all right look at this would you just look at that just blue skies not a cloud in sight what a nice day we're gonna troll a little bit on the way back we already lost our personal best pike but we still have a chance you know there's Soho there's still water there's Sun there's a lure in the water we're still out here where it's awful so this part is second week of this trip goes that is completely up in the air we need to go get serviced so Jay can see if there's something he needs a 10-2 or it's better just to go back we're gonna look at the weather it'd be smarter for both of us to not do another week but when you get a perfectly blue skies day like this it's kind of the itches just kind of makes you want to stay out now if it was rainy like that second or third day every day then you're just like oh well if this like this this is this is gorgeous is perfect oh and there I just let out all the line am i real it's very smart to do because not only do you have a chance of losing your lure you have a chance of losing all your lines [Music] I don't know why I got that song stuck in my head right now what I do Ernest no fish time to bring the lines we had to go around some points and we're almost nearing the end of the journey this was an awesome week I had a lot of fun I don't get to do extended trips like this all the wilderness like this with people very often so idle I had a blast it's a lot of fun I know it's a little bit of a change of pace a little bit less you know me time a lot more just chilling around hanging out with the people there you know that our camp and whatnot my friends that's how she goes I had a lot of fun I really enjoyed myself and yeah we eat some good food we saw our moose just on three of them we saw the Meese you know we have almost had our personal best pike I'm really sad if I don't get to have that footage of at least a little pro-police dam thought you know we looked at it on the GoPro and then before my sd card fried the lease we got I got one eyewitness that there was a big fish on but it was huge it really was but yeah this was Dan's first trip ever like this and I think he had a great time he did well he had a lot of fun so we've just got a little bit more paddling to do grab the canoe and we're getting back to the car and heading on our way figuring out the next step so as always guys if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit the subscribe button and I will catch you guys the next video [Music] [Music] [Music] so due to life stuff we've decided to not go with the second week so month he gets his bacon burger oh yeah mighty he go oh you want some more oh here here you go Monty just there you go get some more Monty is that not fast enough for you hi hey toad choke don't choke Monty you'll get the whole thing okay oh just just be careful all right all right good boy good boy you've earned it [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 631,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wilderness, camping, camp, bushcraft, bushcrafting, wild, wild camping, asmr, backcountry, backcountry camping, dog, dogs, dog training, canoe, paddling, paddle, fishing, fish, catch and cook, catch and release, how to camp, nature, adventure, adventurer, fire, campfire, campfire cooking, survival food, dehydrated meal, nature sounds, backpack, backpacking, portage, extended trip, wilderness area, boundary waters, boundary waters canoe area, bwca, canada, lake trout, wood processing, axe, saw
Id: 96cCgoJ5Cic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 20sec (13820 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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