9 Night Wilderness Adventure with My Dog (Part 1 of 3) [Extended Version]

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey ready Monty oh my boots are you stinking and we're off be ready is it adventure time [Music] oh hello there ladies and gentlemen I am in the boat with Monty and we have just embarked on a 10 day wilderness adventure we're gonna be moving from Lake to Lake and staying at a different site every night sleeping in a tent hopefully we catch some fish at dinners and other than that I've brought a bunch of snacks and homemade dehydrated meals but yeah we got a late start again today not super late I've arrived in the dark before this is this is much better but I did get here as fast as I can there could I had think 18 minutes remaining to get my permits for this place and there was only one spot available so I got really lucky and yeah I drove eight hours this morning got permits got straight here and we're gonna do some portaging and paddling right off the bat so uh we've got an hour and then it'll be dark it should be dark and it's gonna be dark early tonight so we're gonna get as far as we can and then once it starts to get dark we're just gonna pick the first campsite we see I'd like to get to certain lake but I don't know if I can make it that far in an hour or less because it'll get dark we've got at least 3 more Portage's to do before yeah 3 more I think and then we'll be on a big lake with tons of campsites so we can always stay there but I'd like to get one more portage done and get to the next Lake we'll see how far we get but anyways I'm pretty excited yep it's fall time you can see the leaves changing there's some oranges some reds lots of yellow still a lot of green though but it's coming in and it's gonna be cool here as you can tell I just kind of threw my crap in here because I want to get moving there's no organization right now my bag my big bags organized that one got organized at home but yeah everything's to right in here I'm just trying to get moving the first night hey Monty yeah Monty was a good boy waiting the curl they just passed out little stinker but it's gonna be a colder trip this time around I've been camping in you know 70s 80s lots of that stuff and I think the high for the entire trip is today it's like 50 150 out something like that it's gonna be in the mid to lower 40s for highs most of the trip right around there and it's supposed to rain a lot it supposed to be off and on rain it's supposed to snow on Friday the lady at the ranger station said so we're in for some stuff we'll see but you know that's probably good me that's gonna be sunny the whole time and be 70 you ever know it's in star you never know [Music] [Music] it is so beautiful peaceful alright now this is gonna be a good trip I am excited oh geez Oh chief little on the Reuther good boy he settled settling so he's got a paddle a little bit on this Lake and then with portage in or in keep cruising along nice and quick today just trying to make distance getting my arms stretched out you know I'm settling in like Monte Sullivan really hurts when I cast near these dead down trees I love those trees do this later go over some walleye tonight if I make enough distance yeah it's serious no Cassie I'm fishing so long [Music] [Music] I'll write the dog park is retreat sir oh we sure are at the dog park decimal point we made it [Music] okay so right when I took my boat down the trout jumped out of the water and landed on the rocks so I cannot continue this I've got a teeny little jig on tingled white jig and that'll take like three casts right here just in case maybe it was a pike could've been a pike well no I can't I can't fish it's all right I mean it's getting late it's getting late we got to move Monty we got to stop it stop it you know I could be off on when the Sun sets I'm just guessing I'm thinking it's gonna start setting in ten minutes which means I'm going to be finishing up the next portage and then I've got one teeny one and then it's gonna get dark yeah whatever that was it had to be a [ __ ] trout kind of looked like a trial it was dark dark on the top but sore pike sometimes and warm levitate this thing this jacket off this old ratty flannel look it should be burned I'm left to take it off with this next portage it's like a quarter mile or longer third of a mile not a half mile almost a half mile Oh somewhere in there it's something crazy but I'll get warm at home we're in this but I've got a hustle yeah yeah yeah and I guess we're not gonna make it as far as I thought so we had a really long day tomorrow cuz I've got a pretty ambitious trip planned we'll see how it goes oh the slightest sprinkling started up for hope it doesn't turn into a rain yet that would be ideal I would like to get set up on the first night without it being raining right off the bat but we'll say we can get this seems low rationing rocks this is just a beautiful portage mati are you having fun Monty as I go boy as long as I got you right [Music] [Music] sorry rainy not super heavy so late rain but when we got a goal like 1,000 feet or 2,000 feet here so I'm just just preps all set in here but it's starting to rain so I'm gonna get this portage done really quick then we're gonna get out Monty's poncho on ahead lap because it is getting dark by the minute the Sun is set so after this portage will begin a lake we're ready to find a campsite and yeah this portage is teeny I think oh yeah small one very small source to knock this out get my stuff out and look for a campsite [Music] [Music] [Music] okay and you can see it's very dark some with my map really quick so we stick to the right Shore and there's three campsites on the end of the peninsula for krisily okay shut off my light let my eyes adjust to the darkness I might run into a rock and chain or something but it's a ski channel - oh mighty just let on a big all groan look at this guy anyways it's dark we gotta find a campsite there's three really close ones that I'm gonna just grab the first one I can see I hope more than likely there's not gonna be a person at each one but there there might be somebody at one of them we'll see when we get there but I'm not gonna let you listen to me in the dark I will check with you when we get near a site or if we don't get one of those man they paddles are really becoming the norm hey Monty it's just what we do now oh wow if you look over there you can see some really nice beautiful fall colors there's some reds and oranges oh my gosh is that wolf I think it's got a fish in its mouth oh the fish is pregnant like beaver slop in the water at night [Music] Kylene the dark is fine as long as you're wearing your life vests safety first okay there should be a campsite okay I found the campsite I'm gonna hurry up and just get set up get all my stuff up here and everything cuz it's late and the rain kind of stopped but anyways we're here getting set up well that sure was fun I got the tent set up I fed Monty yeah that was well this is so bright it's just in my face just turn it down a little bit there that's better is that better better for me at least so yeah we just got set up stopped raining it's actually not too bad to see in the dark when it's just just a dark when it's not pitch-black oh yeah and like you can just see the water and the shoreline and the sky but yeah making a pretty good habit about these nighttime paddles so I'm not going to get crazy tonight and probably stay up to lakes I'm a little tired and pooped out from this morning I've been go-go-go since this morning so I'm gonna try to start up a fire really quick and we're gonna see if that works and I'm just going to boil up some water for some spaghetti so let's see if we can start respire fire otherwise I'm just going to use my stove okay we've got some slightly damp sticks and some birch bark that I gathered from earlier all these grabbing that birch bark and we're gonna see if we can spark up a fire here there's a bunch of sticks here oh yeah they're they're drying up in the center this will spark right up no problem weather outside is frightful but this fire will be so delightful [Music] should start up no problem [Music] [Music] curious to see if he really gets cold or not brought him on a sleeping bag Oh sleet his own sleeping pad he's got the stuff he needs I just don't know if we'll need it we shall see I just started to rain right got the fire going and it's starting to pick up so I'm have to put the stuff away I'm probably just in a cookout and I stole out in the tent but I gotta hide this thing I picked up for a minute there but now it's just a light little rain and if I'm being perfectly honest with you I'm just gonna cook in here under the tarp and make my spaghetti chill out and not do too much too crazy it's a first night and I don't feel like getting wet it's got a little damp on the way and stuff it was it was very light right it's light right now it's very relaxing Monty would much rather be sitting outside the light rain that be in this hen right now he keeps just burped Monty come here you gotta lay down pat no no you got to stay in the tent we're not getting wet day one I know dude just bring me out here we're just gonna sit in the tent all day first the car then the boat no the tent listen it's okay Monty I'm sorry I'll let you go out to go to the bathroom but you've been outside the whole time do your fight don't lick my face don't do it don't eat so anyways we're gonna I'm gonna hook up some spaghetti here I got my homemade dehydrated spaghetti I brought two meals this time and bring just spaghetti I also brought stir-fry dehydrated stir-fry with chicken this one's got beef I want to cook this one up Monty's gonna be really jealous of me but he ate his dog he's a good boy maybe he'll get a trea T but yeah basically you just where's my pot okay so here's my little cooking bowl I'm just going to dump in my spaghetti like so Monte I know it smells good they got dry spaghetti I weigh mine out to 6 ounces that's a good portion for me and sometimes when I'm feeling extra fat and sassy I do a portion and a half if I have a fish dinner or something then basically I'm just gonna cover it up Monte don't you dare just get some water above and then I'm going to boil this out and I'm going to let it boil for a minute cover it and you will see that krispity krunch e dried stuff look like a gourmet meal so I'm gonna start cooking that and then I'm gonna blow up our sleeping pads Monte gets one too as I'm cooking and yeah let's do some things I'm not gonna I'm not gonna draw it on too long sitting in the tent on the first night will get like night five I'll be sitting the tent will get like 40 minutes of that you stay right there Monty was getting too many answers pants you really wanted to go out so I let him out and well let's just show you my doing Monty is on a brand-new never used sleeping what you wanted to do was just get muddy paw prints all over the brand-new sleeping pad just stick Chris in it you know we're just fine perfectly acceptable thing to do you just wanted to go sit out in the rain get a little muddy paws just feel a little dirty in here a little crunch ooh our spaghetti is boiling moisture this is my sleeping pad or sleeping bag for winter and I'm going to use it and I made a mistake see our water leaked was leaking through the floor into the basement and I had all the the bags piled up and we didn't really think about it or notice until it was too late because I don't use a sleeping bag in summertime and it's full of mold black mold on the inside wonderful right where the face goes this is where they got the worst and I got a my down sleeping bag so I scrubbed it with some synthetic wash and tech washed and washed it and aired it out and dry this so we'll see smells okay smells like synthetic material or spaghetti is boiling anyways yeah that's gonna be mine my Monte gets his old his old one hey Monte oh you're the boy oh yeah now I'm just gonna stir that up and pull it off there and cover it up and let it reabsorb for a minute yeah so the spaghetti simmer enough but yeah how many bees in the sleeping bag Matt he's gonna use his old one I'm not gonna bring out on the first night it's supposed to be 45 tonight 40s we're gonna see how he does he's on a sleeping pad cuddle up next to me or put her sleeping pads together because I used to use the big ones I'm a whole fiasco where I lost the they lost the one that I sent them to get fixed and now I've just got a monster once I'll just using these two smaller ones and they work out fine when I stick them together because he likes to slide it into me no matter what so I just butted up against mine like enemies just falling asleep just wants to snuggle on me come on T you'll turn on it so like I said I'm not gonna spend too much time here chatting even though I'm already doing that I'm a just a chatterbox but I got a pretty ambitious trip plan I'm gonna look over my maps put on some warmer stuff take off this like rain gear the tent is just an absolute mess pretty tired but I'm gonna I'm gonna just look over maps and stuff until my food's rain I will give you a peek at the spaghetti tree dart park then go for the dog park you want tree dad the jerk there's no dog parks this is the dog park Monty oh yeah let's zoom in on that that espagueti delicious looking spaghetti what do you think Monty I'm sorry to do this to me you can't have it it's got mushrooms and onions oh it just looks like a perfect consistency just like spaghetti yeah you stinker haven't you since like 8:00 this morning mmm-hmm could be my best batch at Monte oh yeah that hits a spot every time there's a little hair in there there you go you got to give up Monte he learns he's got a big old couple big bags of beef jerky he'll get on the Hard Day's I was just looking over my maps and tomorrow is gonna be the deciding day if I took on too much with my plans that I'm have to change them up or it'll just be a nice challenge I didn't move quite as far as I wanted today but I mean I got a pretty late start so yeah I can't really tell much off of today but I'm gonna move quite the distance tomorrow and if I get where I plan to I have potential a big chunk of bushwhacking tomorrow and if I can accomplish and get to where I was planning to tomorrow and do all the bushwhackin it says there there might have been old Portage's but it's just not maintained or anything so it might be simpler striking but we will see if I can do that all tomorrow then I can do my whole trip if it's a struggle tomorrow and I get there just a dark probably gonna have to change it up because tomorrow is about an average distance for each day I'm gonna move when I move a lot of ground we'll go over the back tomorrow I'm not going to do in the tent you can hear it raining just yeah we're going to go over it tomorrow if it's not raining we'll take it we'll take the maps outside won't do a little quick overview but well what's that what is that Monty so yeah mine's gonna beg for my food I'm just gonna relax probably glance over the maps again finish this up and we're gonna pass out I'm pretty tired so on that note guys I will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody good morning Monty Monty Monty is it a new day nice headrest don't like my face don't do it oh the Sun it got light I bought up 20 minutes ago it's uh seven hmm not sure what the temperature out right now is but it's probably a little chillier probably right around 40 maybe colder I don't know it's chilly and it's supposed to be 45 today anyways it's time to get up and get some layers on here we pack make my oatmeal coffee you've got to cover some ground today I was gonna get up when I was still dark I was like me me but anyways let's get moving let's do it you tell Monty but thank you okay tell almighty yeah they don't mean to be out there making noises hey trees and stuff you tell them you're gonna get them you patrol mighty it has a good boy yeah guard your dad protect the fort hey Monty hey Monty get here Monty Monty you little turd oh it's a nice cloudy chilly morning oh yeah get some colorful trees over there beautiful sight Monty's big fluff but Ray Monty what's your fluff mud doing what's it say what's this say about today okay so uh I'm gonna get my morning oatmeal and coffee gone and get packin up here and when my coffee and everything's done pretty much ready we'll look over the map really quick see we're trying to tackle today and for the whole trip and then we're gonna get on the water and get moving so let's make some oatmeal coffee go [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] oh don't seem like they're gonna be too soupy I'm not too bad it's pretty good I think it's the first time I've ever done that where they're just not I'm not gonna drink oatmeal this morning [Music] [Music] all these heads gonna fall in it's gonna be hilarious but I feel a little bad but I give them water so it'll be hilarious [Music] first couple of camp and coffee in a while oh yeah oh yeah that's nice [Music] well I'm uh I am about 60% of the way packed up Oh probably more than that I'm just throwing my things in my bag I'm gonna finish up my oats and my coffee here peek at the maps finish packing and let's get on the water so here's just a general overview of the trip so we started here yesterday and we made it up to about here in the dark today we're planning on going through here up to here we're gonna try to get all the way over to here we'll see so then we're going to move up here go over here down through this up through here up through all these Lakes back out to here somewhere down and then we're gonna follow this and we're either gonna jump out this way or go around down this way no no that's a I thought big chunk of area I mean look at the entire Boundary Waters that's the whole thing we're trying to cover that now pretty ambitious today is going to decide if I can make it to there I can totally do all this what we're gonna see we've got a bushwhack pretty much this whole section here it shows Portage's up a we'll see but we're going to get in the boat get moving put away the deal so our let's get to it piece of gear you mighty [ __ ] you just kidding muds your night gear okay we are mobile [Music] so uh as far as my trip goes my plan for many of you guys that know me have been with me I'm not a rusher I don't get up in the dark normally I fart around more and drink my coffee pack up nice and slow I don't like to rush so if this trip is gonna force me to rush every day to get to that spot to get through all this that I'm not I'm gonna change up my plans I don't like to rush I'll rush everyone so I'll do like a harder day like yesterday I was kind of moving quick this is dark but for the most part that's kind of why I fart around in the morning because you know give myself symmetric so I could have got up in the dark and raced out of here and race to there and totally made it so I'm trying to take it a little bit slower and if I can make it you know half hour to an hour before dark while not going my absolute fastest and it's totally feasible to do the whole thing [Music] but if I don't even get halfway you know if something bla bla bla we'll see what happens but point being I don't want to race and that's that I like to enjoy it I like to have fun soak up the nature get in the zone you know I like to do work I like to keep moving not like rushing will rush me I'm a half turtle half hair okay [Music] well so begins the light rain definitely said it was gonna rain today a little bit further I'm not gonna gear up Monte yet we're still good just hope it stays like this the rain is picking up some at the fuller and get Monty's poncho out Oh rain rain rain dig now it [Music] you might even cut this thing keeps you dry we all know how you don't like getting wet [Music] [Music] now I know in a lot of my videos and the warmer temperatures you don't see wearing a life preserver now I generally don't when it's warmer out bla bla bla bla but when it's cold like this and it's wet and I've got all this rain gear I'll you know I muck boots they can't slip off I want to be wearing a life preserver because I'm gonna struggle to swim if I you know we flip and Monte's Pancho Monte is a great swimmer Monte Phelps I cut out that's actually a brand new poncho by the way I ripped his last one put a little River adventure read that he got snagged on a tree but uh yeah I cut off the leg so he can swim and run around with it on and if we didn't flip the boat it's not like I wouldn't be grabbing onto the boat and just be like it fly away generally if you flip your boat you yours right next to it I've grabbed on right away but either way better be safe that's a good boy nothing like a rainy start to attend a trip just nothing like let's get wet get wet and not dry out for ten days nine days remaining yesterday was the first day I know it wasn't like an insanely long day but still a day we had some stop paddling the dark portage in the almost dark and light rain its food Monte didn't get the fetch a stick though it's a big no-no he was super excited to be here he was running around we got to the parking lot man he was just it's going nuts when you're paddling and colder temperatures like this and it's raining your main thing is you want to stay dry you do not want to be soaked and if you do get wet you definitely want a nice set of dry clothes to be able to change into so let's say you know I get some time freezing and of shaking or something you want to be able to pour and dry off completely and getting your own clothes if need be you don't ever want to just have one set of clothes that get wet and just trust that they'll stay wet I always bring a spare set of dry clothes just in case maybe common-sense maybe not but I like to have a nice and I don't actually use those clothes really the whole time most of the time that set of clothes stays just perfectly dry and clean until the end of my trip and I wear that home and that's kind of my goal is to have that they're just to be my safe haven of clothes that is my wet set I wear them occasionally again if it's a dry night I'm just telling her on camp but [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Monte I'm not trying to say anything mean but I'm saying this we're pretty heavy in the rear end of the boat not saying it's you what a lot of the weights in the back okay I could be Monty he's got a pretty dense booty he's sitting at 70 70 pounds 71 he got weighed I had to take him to the vet to get some medicines the day yesterday yeah it's part of the reason why I got a late start Park the reason nice light rain we've got a good paddle on this Lake oh this is all new territory from this entire trip I've never been to single one of these lakes we're gonna bend to the side of the Boundary Waters but very soon I'm gonna have nowhere new left to go I have if I complete this loop I will hit pretty much 90% of the major lakes and whatnot at the Boundary Waters I mean that happen every single little tiny one but I've hit a lot of it so you know running out of new area I'll just be doing repeat trips and variations client I'll know where the fishings at at least but you know this adventurous be somewhere you've never been before [Music] [Music] the Sun will come out tomorrow bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there'll be Sun maybe not definitely not fun today I think it's we're gonna have a city rain all day today so I'm thinking cuz it was a little bit warmer yesterday being like 50 today it's dropping that low pressure system moving in just all day rain maybe three days of all-day rain who knows but I can tell you one thing that's gonna make it's raining like this is wet and you're bushwhacking there should be some fun that should be lots of fun we're not moving too fast so I don't know if we're gonna make you ever planning today I think we're gonna fall a little bit short especially when we get to the bushwhacking portions because those are gonna take extra time I'm hoping I'm still hoping I saw hope that there's this old Portage's trip cold porridge trails that have downed trees who knows there might even be porridges that you people maintain because they like go into those spots or there's gonna be nothing but a dilapidated old trail just a general direction to go in either way we're going through it not sure but the river were going down a lot of rivers and I was reading into it earlier on it was the rivers were low but I think with all this rain that's been happening everything's gonna be a little bit higher than normal or just at least average so that's good that'll make traveling a lot easier down these rivers [Music] yeah Monte's not super thrilled to just be all day rain both you can't control the weather I can only control when we get out here I'm sorry I'm sorry pal nice teeth [Music] Oh mr. monkey I know I know I know I know this is terrible [Music] [Music] well that's a mountain ship right there we call a great a Monty shift so I planned out three fish dinners for this trip if it's gonna be cold and rainy like this is gonna be tough fishing but I did bring out meals too as backups in case i dont catch me fish I'm sure I'll catch something and I'll have a meal or two maybe not all three who knows but it really all comes down to how far I get and if it's raining or not because I'm not gonna make him just sit in the boat in the rain while I'm fishing you know I'll troll on the way and stuff it's rainin but when I get the chance to stuff the tarp for them and let them chill and under that I'll do that for them he's a good boy all right the Rings really late no Monty you can poke your ears oh there you go you can hear again like a real dog it's kind of getting brighter out to [Music] could just be a nice little break it's fine by me I mean I don't mind if it rains all day I would prefer if it doesn't rain really hard just cuz the when I get to these bigger lights the boat will fill up with water and whatnot and it's not as fun for Monty mr. Monty but yeah this is about to stop for a little bit or just be lay like this it's pretty much like it's not even raining when it's this light just a light all right would you look at that barely raining at all starting to get light over there Sun could break out that would be nuts that would just be nuts Monty wouldn't it be nuts I brought out some rain-x packets should have put those on my GoPro workout wet wasn't thinking so you're gonna have a little blurry vision for a good chunk of us here see where we gotta go now we're gonna these in size Lake here stick to the left stick to the left and six to the left across simple enough oh it's just nice and calm now it's light rain what do you think it's like just strictly an eagle there's a big part of me that wants to drop the line in the water intro right now but it's just not the time yet nope nope nope nope no I'm gonna wait till we get closer to where we're gonna be for the evening at least I catch something I can keep it and eat it today I don't care if it's raining if it's down for thunderstorm wind doesn't matter I've got a tarp I've got a stove and I've got a pan and a will took three different so well - so - similar sides but I brought some other fixings to make our fish much better than the last time like seven night adventure you know I just cooked it lemon juice in water it was really warm so I couldn't bring out butter and fresh produce which is what I brought this time rotten onion so we're gonna do what I did on my overnight catching it with that trout right just simmer up water onions Montreal and lemon juice simmer the fish in there it was so good it was just a butter sauce we're getting hungry just thinking about it it's gonna be delicious though so I hope we catch a fish today cuz I'm looking forward to that three times three times gonna cook it the same I usually know I've brought out stuff to fry a fish before I've made four tacos and whatnot personally I don't like to bring stuff to fry fish on a longer trip or something like this where I'm solo simply because oil makes a nasty mess and it stinks it's probably like fried fishes like the smelliest smell and if you know it oil when you're deep frying splashes up onions stuff like that it's totally delicious and like go ahead and do it you want to but I don't always like to shorter trips you know I'm fine with it but a long one where you're gonna be stinking like oil attracting bears and stuff I like to go low-key on the smells butter is probably the stinkiest thing I have besides my food but everything's in like double bags sealed up pretty good so not a lot of smells coming from the sky me I stink I always think Monty stinks way worse yeah stinky butt butt stinker another thing is we're gonna be hunting for Larry again good ol Larry the lake trout it's close to the end of September so that means of the last couple days of the trip lake trout are gonna be out of season so that means I gotta get them get them in the next like five or six or seven days something like that anyways I've got a lake plan the next two nights if I can make to it or make it to it well then one campsite on it you have to do an extra portage to get to it but it looks like a good little lake for lake trout so we're gonna we're gonna hunt for Larry again and I'm thinking we're gonna have better luck this year last year the similar time you know had that clutch catch and he just slipped away that's not gonna happen this year no we catch him putting that net over the boat over the boat that was such a funny moment though the this year I can't believe that just happened look on my face too good such a funny moment hunted all day for a fish just to catch it at the last speck of light the day they're just it's too good I can't make that stuff up Hey look the Sun plenty wow what a thing to see which means I'm gonna start to get warm I've got one layer of thermals underneath this thick old coal leather ring jacket I've never been in this thing in a supreme extreme downpour so we'll see how it holds up I'm sure it will do just fine I brought one of those really thin super waterproof sets that just squish into my pack just in case but because this soaks up a little bit of water but I did give it a fresh wash with some water resistance crap helps restore waterproofness wonder if i want to see any moves on this trip had a good good luck with moose good luck we'll see today we're going through a section where there's a good chance because you know it's not like a normal way hope now that I'm thinking about it I could totally be running into that stuff like I did earlier in the season where it's just like water pools and Rapids had to portage up and Busch laughing around that would make today a really long day I hope that doesn't happen man I don't know if that thing can pick up the colors from this far out but it's just beautiful scenery it's still it's not like late fall or peak it's like early peak I think I'm not sure I've never been out here this early I've always just thought that it was just greens and yellows out here I've never made it early enough to catch the Reds and stuff and the oranges I usually come later than this but it sure is beautiful is gorgeous [Music] [Music] [Music] come on tea eat your food eat your food if he eats his food or even a little bit I'll bust out the jerky come on Dee I can't eat any into the UE either okay I'm riding on you eat your food but you're not getting anything better I want to eat mine lets you eat your food let's take a little lunch break let's eat your food no begging no begging Monty eat your food I know you know what that means eat that food Monty you little turd no eat [Music] [Music] you pouting right now well he doesn't have another myth to eat that Monty so I don't get any beef jerky neither does he I'm keeping I'm sticking to it this time you know he thinks he thinks I'm a softy and I'm always gonna break in cake not this trip mister I've got news for you he's making a habit of not eating he ate at the camp last night and he didn't eat for a while he a little bit and then we got in the tent he ate a whole bowl of food and I poured out a little bit more in the middle of the night like 3:00 in the morning he ate some more food so he's he's making it so like I will not eat in front of us and I just have to share your shame because we're pals right now I hope you eat I really want some beef jerky [Music] something something large flying anyways I'll try again in a few lakes here we've got let's see another two Portage's you got a little portage and then we start our bushwhacking adventure so that'll be fun the thing is we have to call it when we get when we get done with the next three Portage's and we get to that lake we have to make the choice of pushing forward or camping down because there is not any campsites for quite a while so we must make it to see you based on our time right now we've got some decent decent time I see blue skies up ahead behind those gray clouds Wow can't say I was expecting that wasn't really expecting much on this whole trip I'm sure I'll peek out a few times here and there it's gonna be tough on the battery charging though won't be able to use my solar panel mr. Monty is at peace that means he's in his zone he's passed out he sleeps light the bulb but he's just loving life I'm glad it stopped raining keep that poncho off him I can keep my head out heck I can even if it's not raining when we get to that River for doing that I can keep it out you can't see moose I'd be the best spot and if we do that that doesn't make off if we do that and it's closer to dark good chance of seeing a moose especially in an area like that it's cooler out cloudy we know for sure right mr. mrs. eagle whatever oh maybe that was cringeworthy he dipped out went back into the water I wonder if one of these times I'm gonna be doing that and people are gonna be like okay somewhere this one is just a hop skip and a jump I almost filled with the bowl with water getting in there I stepped it was one of those ones where it's like deep right here the portage so you kinda have to just step plenty of your boat and it was like it was swamp and I stepped and then Monte decided to do a ship to get to the other side of the boat and just swung the weight and I just like whoo but like having a shower wasn't like I was put my hand I basically I just put all my weight right here and hold up like a good minute I get a paddle hold up my weight and get my foot house was a close call nothing what really happened though it just got some water my boat wasn't having that no sure no sure my hand hurts a little bit oh man my teeth you just been doing the worst bondage ships again I would stand stepping in he did one of those you swapped full weight cut this button side those are tough so I looked at the maps and I've made a final decision we're going for it we are going for it we've been traveling for four hours right now since I left camp and we've got five till it's dark again like last night and roughly the same distance to go as we've already gone a few more Portage's and potential bushwhacking but we've got that extra hour of time so I think we can at least arrive by dark potentially and if it's going to slow when I get to a ways through there's a way I can break off and get to we can take a different route get some campsites but I think we push through we can make it think we got this I think we got this mr. Monty just me on the food again I know he's hungry he knows I tried to force each other this is right now you just sat down next to it about it but anyways oh now he's not gonna get a get it off for couple hours unless we make it time but just a weirdo he'll learn I will break him I shall [Music] Hey it's sunny out looking at this River going down the bear trap River and there's a power war the big blown out map it has a porridge and I can see why there's no cordage though that's maintained so might be a little push whacky excursion or just down trees on an old Ford Shale but anyways it's like a fortune like guarantee those Rapids rocks would be really fun if it was opening up the paddle down them we'll see what we get their potential to be pretty sweet if I can go down that because it looks like it'd be a nice Gorge very scenic hope I can paddle down that'd be cool attack I think we've got a teeny little porridge coming up here a teeny-weeny [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] tell me do it [Music] although I should've grabbed my sunglass there that way I'm not disappointed I can't just shoot rabbits down a gorge it'd just be the most epic thing and maybe a bear and a wolf just chillin [Music] [Music] [Music] that's a pretty little cordage so means one thing Monty must have eat his dog food right [Music] [Music] in the mouth will be frickin trying to chew really quick doesn't work so I just want you guys to understand how ridiculous this creature here is yeah you so I offer them as food again because I really want to beef jerky sounds like alright we ready we're gonna get you to eat much you need to eat so I just put it out sat down on a rock and just stared off just did things to sat there like a statue to try to entice him to eat didn't want it so that I marched over to his ball I was like much you eat this eat this you looked at it sniffed it walked away they start eating grass which I know he's which means he's hungry and then I just kind of stood over the bowl and I brought him over there and I tried to get him to eat and he wouldn't do it so what I finally did was take a piece of food and put it in his mouth like a pill and just kind of hold his mouth shut to get him to like salivating he eventually he spit it out the first one that I did it again and yeah he chewed it and crunch it and then he realized that he wanted some food and started eating food it took me to have to put it in his mouth and make him eat it forced him to eat it to get some of this dang beef jerky ridiculous it'll code make it so it doesn't show any part of just know this is the second one that had to do already no I haven't gone very far so this is gonna take a lot longer than I thought [Music] so that means I'm gonna probably change up my plans and go the other route and get to a campsite earlier because if it's just port adapter portage it's gonna take a lot longer for five hours to go all the way through that area like that so I'm gonna assume that what's coming up here soon I don't think that oh yeah that's gotta be the 204 yep I see yeah that's coming up here soon go around this corner and they'll be there but there's no way that we're just been able to go down that Gorge it's it drops the elevation from the last leg to the next is a lot it's like 300 feet elevation drop hundred meters so it's gonna be more big waterfalls up to portage around but I'm getting sweaty so I'm just Club but I think what we're gonna do before that was a big run that was a much across so I think we're going to do is finish out the section of bear trap River we're gonna have to get to the Sunday Lake and then I think we're gonna just continue on the bear trap River because it it opens up pretty wide oh here comes some rain it opens up pretty wide and instead of going through that bushwhacking area I think we're just gonna continue on the wide part and then there's three Portage's to a big lake where there's a bunch of campsites so that I think is more feasible seeing as we've only got three and a half hours sunlight left well I guess it's gonna rain but II should probably put on my rain gear I'm just so warm right now well I was born cooled off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stay there I said boy I was thinking about just going for it right in the middle but it's a it's a steep one as you can see it would have been a really bad decision we've made it I want to say 10% of the way down the bear trap river that we've got to go today regardless of where we well we're gonna be doing more of it because we're taking the other way it but really doesn't 10% that's not good I sure if there's none to when you want Portage's there's a suppose at 204 rod coming out we'll see Monty the rain is off and on yeah I agree it's annoying [Music] help you to pulls my hat hair probably doesn't look that great well man I am running out of gas today moving slow right now I'm not just taking my time I'm just like but that'll happen though so I think I'm gonna get to camp free light regardless of which one I go to it's gonna be right at dark yeah some days you know you just don't have the energy I didn't last night was a great night for sleeping but I didn't get that much sleep I kind of tossed and turned a lot last night I don't know why but it's gonna happen that way so I get tons of sleep I kind of wanted to sleep them but I knew I was gonna go for a big move today I don't see me Portage's right ahead looks like I'm just gonna be in this tall grass for a minute this is kind of cool just raining off and on I'm gonna need some water in a second thirsty looks like I don't know what that 204 rod portage there was just like a and a quarter-mile one back there I was not a big tuner that was not a half-mile no way but it's looking like there won't be a portage that's half a mile like it was sink because it looks like right up ahead the river converges with another with Spring Creek and then just it looks like it opens up until I get to that gorge where there's a portage and I'm pretty sure there's gonna be one which is okay and then after that it looks like it's skinny again till we get to the lake and then once we get to the lake it should be free and clear just a bunch of paddling long stretch of paddling down a big wide-open river and then portage is nothing unknown yeah this is definitely definitely [Music] oh yeah okay so looks like we get to move for a bit hopefully and then and then probably a bunch of little Portage's again so totally fun I need to take a drink of water though I'm thirsty [Music] yeah so it doesn't look like we're gonna be able to do the view plant the original route and I planned that's okay that's totally fine so what I'm gonna do is when I get to camp tonight probably since I'm arriving Lee let's have a stir-fried tonight good old stir fry and we'll look over our maps we'll make a new route and everything figure out what I want to do I think I'm gonna go for a fish dinner tomorrow so maybe maybe we'll take it easy tomorrow and I'll pick a nice lake with some lake trout and we'll just fish it hard and we'll set up camp early that sounds kind of nice so yeah maybe that's the plan see that's why I like solo so much solo trips are great well with Monty it's still solo trip he doesn't say words he speaks but I have to talk to myself the whole time but uh you get to go into your own pace like today I could have got up I really could have hammer through this could have just pushed it out and I'm not gonna cuz I don't want to I didn't want a race and I'm feeling a little tired today I'm guest so you can change up my plans you can do what I want it's nice I also don't like to rush too much because one you know the daisya rush you're working hard you're tired you're more exhaust and everything and you're more prone to injure yourselves when you injure yourself when you're out here alone and you're just pushing yourself so I like to just go to a relaxing pace in mind you you know the road ahead plans some of you may be looking at that big well that's easy you can do that so quick but I'm not ultra light by any means I'm I'm doing each portage twice because I've got so much extra weight cuz of this this lard butt back here yeah I've got to do every portage twice and the boat is really heavy so heavy I mean it's gotta be what I weigh 200 he's 70 so that's 270 right there and then I got I don't know 70 pound so it's a little slower going but there's no work going what wonder if we're gonna be able to see this gorge the last the last one I couldn't really see it now in this fortune I want to be able to see the gorge the waterfalls they will Hawk duck walk down to it a couple of trumpeter swans up ahead they're gonna be really upset in a minute they're gonna Trump it up ass Monty promise you won't stand up and stare at them might make them upset well I just hope that their nest is it nearby there they go okay they don't want nothing to do with me [Music] one thing that I'm always happy I brought at the end of the day is chapstick the lips are so chapped right now I don't wait to get that car mix I might wait though it's more relieving that way they're getting chapped from the wind and I'm licking them sweating not sweating too much though that's the nice thing about these temples you don't show a whole lot make 'shy chili ducts it took off my thermal layer I was expecting a big porch in the last one steamy was the dog named Monty and he went to the dog park and at the dog park he found treats many treats I didn't share them with anybody I never talk to again by this clan but he made attention he found all the treats in the world brought them back to his class may not be the brightest idea but I'm gonna try to go down these mild rabbits and knock out of my boat they're not like rabbits they're just very light rabbits what's there not rabbits [Music] okay too many rocks now Monty we'll work it lots of rocks oh this may not work out so good [Music] a little bit here [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good job Monty we did it we didn't even need to get out of the boat nope not at all oh there's some more right up ahead we'll see if I'm gonna porch this time or do the same thing ooh part of me just wants to do the same thing is it a dumb tree in the way that would definitely make things not so fun well let's just see how many rocks we're gonna bump into [Music] [Music] what [Music] it's just like I'm not sure Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is how scamming a 60 run Cornish goes okay you better get this healthy forestry all right I need a minute to get this stuff out check my [ __ ] for dryness and yeah refurbish Dig Dug I was thinking there so I've got good nuts got bad news good news is being Monty here just fine I got one little one little nick on my hand a wet bottom my just got a wet bottom some wet stuff and we're both fine the bad news is that my maps washed downriver [Music] my only set of maps luckily I hauled ass chased him down this is the second set of Rapids after I shut off the camera I saw my maps floating and I was like chasing them down and they got to that set of Rapids and they just washed I was like oh no so I hurried up and unfilled the boat and just porridge the boat and grabbed Monte and just like race down the river luckily they're sealed up nice they're floating the crazy creek also washed downriver but I found that and I don't think we lost anything else and as far as my bags you saw my boat was submerged completely fill up with water my bags were just sitting in there they did not get much water in them at all I am really surprised they did a great job being dry bags I was expecting to at least have you know some water pooling in there but it just kind of got the top a little bit it was just slowly leaking in if they would have sat for a long time they probably filled but it just slowly leaked in they did their job I got it out so what do we learn today Matthew don't skipped don't skip TV quarter-mile Portage's don't do it oh he's just like juice [ __ ] gonna laugh at me so hard when she sees this I'm very happy I got the maps off if I wouldn't have got the maps this trip would be an over it'd be over with we would have to turn around and go back the way we came because I can't go forward not knowing where I'm going no sir so what I'm gonna do is never shoot tiny Rapids where you can see that there's obviously rocks in the Center never do that again lesson learned and I'm gonna put one of my maps that has the big overview in my backpack but other than that we're just a little wet I mean I'm completely my boots are filled up my butt's wet hey remember those dry clothes I was talking about [Music] gonna be using them today see but it's a whole adventure it's all good fun I'm okay I didn't lose anything that I know about right now I didn't lose anything so it's all good it's all good and I think we're about to arrive at that Lake so after this there's only paddling and Portage's no skinny stretches a river that I know of the rest of the day well that's the other thing we had a haul ass now we've got to move so uh yeah that was why why is it doing this oh man I'm not sure I want to go down crap [Music] don't worry about it I'm not let us go down again [Music] Laurie Monty I'm gonna walk you down these backwards doing that again I promise Hey I promise even though you're going backwards you're insane pants still gotta trust me okay that looks safe enough [Music] right [Music] I took the boat and these one we'll just set up camp here okay [Music] little little such a wrap this little teeny ones like that I'm gonna have to rekindle Monty's trust in me I don't know if it should after that don't know if he should so once we get past this lake we get right to the stretch of river what I'm gonna do since it's a long stretch of river and my boots are just soaked and I'm already wet even if it rains I'm better off taking my boots off letting my feet hair out and yeah just letting the boots drip into the boat try to get some of that moisture out because they are just soaked completely soaked so yeah when we get across the lake I don't know if there's a portage or not but it's a big open river and it looks like Charlie Lake Oh let's show some Portage's along here well there's either gonna be a bunch of little portage is it looks pretty open on the map or just 110 red portage which would be totally cool that's just the one portage the river looks open on the map we'll see we've got an hour and a half to go far down the river so we've got to move I think we just scared up a beaver we've got a cruise Monte no dilly-dally time now paddle mo activated so I know that wasn't like technically tipping my boat you know like in open water I was like a ding dong movement a little river rapids but that was the second time I've ever done something like that like fill up my boat with water I'm pretty sure yeah first time was a long time ago back when we used to use recreational kayaks to the portaging and paddling and we'd have to stick our bag we took out the foam piece in our kayak to be able to stick our bags wedge them up in the front and you couldn't put your feet up there so we'd have to hang out our feet out sides and I uh I knocked my rope my rod and reel off my lap into the water and I saw my my pole sinking and I just knew that when I reached for it I was going to flip the boat and I just still did it I saved my rod hose over some deep water and then I had to have fun come help me because I just grabbed it on I was had tons of thick clothes on she dragged me in the shore but so this time was the first I guess really involuntary or okay it's just fine just as revenge is gonna make a great story Pongo get a kick out of it you guys would probably laugh at me I'm at Monty's the first one he was the first one here to see it actually I called myself an idiot first cuz that was dumb I should just on the portage alright moving on [Music] [Music] tomorrow's looking like it's gonna be a just a slight paddle and portage fish catch and cook day so yeah we're gonna definitely find a nice lake take it easy find somewhere we can fish I want to catch a Larry I don't know the one lake that I was planning on getting to that I was very confident I could catch a lake trout in I don't know if we're gonna be able to make it to it now because that was literally at the end like the middle as far as far as I could go but tomorrow is gonna be a little recoup day I'm not putting my undies poncho on he's already wet he got set in the river kept this this little section of river here is really twisty turny it's making it so I can't go as fast Monte because I got a heavy load never gonna see any moves with all the racket I'm making there might have been a moose near that section of Rapids but there ain't no mo some little critter focus how the waters got to be a beaver there it is there's the lake bank time I'm starting to think this thing didn't exist snows in the wrong spot now I would totally stay on this Lake except for one thing there are no posted campsites up and I don't see any Charlotte site and you have to say the campsite in the Boundary Waters so I've got a push on through Oh fish just jumped over water dang it that almost looks like a campsite so much stuff because I would not mind staying here Hardy wants to go check over there and see if that's a campsite [Music] huh it does kind of look like a campsite even though there's no clothes all right we have to check it out it could be a campsite and then we could stay here we get fishs lake I don't know how good it'll be well we can give it a try and I feel like setting up camp anyways it's a nice evening looks like it could be one hopeful well if it's not we've got to keep moving the only reason I'm going to check and see if this actually a campsite is because I've found other unmarked campsites before found one last year about the same time I was running late on a paddle and I needed a campsite and it happened just right there this one's looking like it's probably not a campsite but it's open and it almost looks like there's a firing there's a fire great you're allowed to camp there it's too hard to tell from out here maybe it's just as I want there to be one this looks like a nice lake you can see how low the Sun is I'd have to paddle fer two three three-and-a-half miles three or four somewhere in there it could be oh I see some stacked rocks I think it might be good might be an unmarked campsite that would be so cool I think it is nice oh [Music] please be a fire great on the other side of those rocks oh this is totally camp site that is a relief this is the most disappointing thing ever no fire great no fire great means I can't I can't illegally camp here someone's been camping here oh it just looked so promising all right we've got to move on sorry Monty I'm sorry buddy back in the boat we go sorry I wanted to be done - seems like quite a few people have had said screw the rules and just camped here this is a beautiful spot I do not understand why there is no fire right there that's kind of dumb but oh well I don't make the rules I'm just here to follow them well that means instead of there being a campsite on Sunday lake in case you any horse service people want to put one there I've got a paddle all the way to Perrin like I don't know we've got a ways to go we're gonna be paddling in the dark that's okay that's okay that's a okay I do got one of my layers my thermal layers cut soaked because I had it on and I took it off and I just had it sitting I just hope that there's not too many parties along the bear trap river here it looks super wide open well see Monty we shall see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good good [Music] Monty don't do that Monty okay those are gonna drip into the bottom of the boat the feet are gonna air out a little bit you know the good thing about me getting all wet there that whole mistake is not many people are gonna see it you know just right quick hydration I grab the beef jerky because me and Monty deserve a piece and then we've got a long paddle with potential Portage's all along it [Music] [Music] [Music] this is nice and wide there's only like two or three spots look like we might need to portage and it's very small so that's good because we're gonna need the help I my top half isn't that wet so what I'm gonna do is if I do get pretty calls and keep it in colder I'm gonna put on a layer because I don't want to get cold I don't want to get cold you know you drink more water I think oh I also just want to say you know for emergency or I was injured or something I would definitely be camping at that spot on that Lake quiet so I'm just a little wet little cold when I got high spirits I'm gonna continue on the next spot well yeah I would definitely be staying there with some kind of emergency or I was just like it was dangerous or if I didn't feel safe continuing on but I feel fine I feel fine we'll get to a campsite if anything we're just gonna do another paddle down a river in the dark I wonder if we'll have to uh portage in the dark we don't make it fast enough that's um I've never done how things I paddle reporters from this dark out but not like nighttime hopefully it doesn't come to that because that's something I don't really plan on doing and don't want to do we'll see who knows only day two it's gonna happen on day three I just had a bird come my fishing rod say hello bird I've got a yeah Beach Boys song stuck in my head now I was terrible that's out of tune [Music] that's better no still terrible maybe I'm just thinking wouldn't it be nice if we make it here a mousse cut but it's way over there miss spider my leg he was making a web he's puppy it's probably anchored on he's gonna come gives revenge Monty how you doing Monty you're such a good boy I put you through the wringer today son put wringer tonight hey we're gonna have a campfire tonight I was thinking we were just gonna get there pass out even if it's dark I'll stay up late have a campfire sleeping tomorrow I don't care maybe tonight's one of the nights that would be nice to have a beer a little pint oh it's those swans they both stuck their heads up at once that weird albino creature it's just once but yeah it'd be nice to have a beer or something could use it out for a day like Yeti but nothing I know what I can do it's gonna get crazy guys I'm gonna take some ibuprofen three of them I'm gonna be so anti inflamed it's gonna be awesome almost sleep like a baby party on I'm sorry nowhere else to go those guys don't like me the unfortunate thing about the lake is that it's not the easiest to navigate in the dark to get to the chip sites there's a lot of Iowa I'm gonna have to paddle further just so I don't have to try to dink around in those ions because I don't know if you've ever tried to navigate islands in the dark before but I've done it once that was that was 12 nights in the wilderness of the puppy and it was snowing and you just can't [Music] so I might have to paddle for a ways just to avoid dealing with those islands but we'll see it's still light out we've still got time and we have 20 minutes to the sunset tonight again it's my new favorite thing all the kids are doing it these days everybody's doing it night paddling you just you go out into the woods you make mistakes you paddle in the dark they got sick of being chased [Music] okay Monte baby swans don t leave impede [Music] Monty why do you leave them alone [Music] [Music] there's no way I was gonna try to good on that one that would have for surely ended bad yeah that a little oh heck up taught me a lesson that's for sure probably won't be repeating that too much can't say I'll never do it again can't say I won't even have a worse situation never really know but I do know but I am halfway done since I was on the lake I'm halfway down this river [Music] according to my map I believe it looks like there was a fire right here is all the trees are dead and there's new growth but nothing else around it is burned so either it's just a small fire that got put out really quick her I don't know it's got to be what it was but that's interesting son Centaurus setting right now so it is gonna start to get dark very fast and I think I'm arriving at the next portage then I've just got a paddle which will be easy shouldn't have too much further to go either and then I got a decent sized porridge but that's gonna be doing pretty dark especially in the woods doing the porridge oh yeah that's gonna be pretty dark I got my headlamp in my pocket so we're just gonna see a light a talking light oh do what you gotta do in all honesty it doesn't seem so bad so yes we're gonna just [Music] [Music] join my team just trying to fill the bloke with water again Thank You ServiceNow say I don't like it when Dad does that most on these things this one's okay Monty for the most part so far so far so good [Music] Monty I don't want to repeat so [Music] see okay [Music] I managed to skip another portage going down slave Rapids just like I said all that one wasn't bad hell it wasn't bad enough but I definitely wasn't gonna ride out that end there I could have probably but the reason they jumped out of my boat there and just grabbed on because of that incident otherwise that it probably just went for it now we should just have a short paddle and a porch I might be able to make it in time come on tea so hard on the other side it makes it so hard to paddle when you're trying to go quick when he's got the weight all in one side cuz it puts a cramp in my side makes it tough but I think I might be able to do this portage in the light which would be sweet and then I could get on that Lake and solve some daylight who knows I'm gonna keep trucking let's keep otters hey dude all right there they're kissing at me to get out of here believe me be sorry well we're coming up on the final porridge of the day which is nice there's still a little light out it's gonna be real dark in those woods it's always dark in the woods when it's like this but uh yeah I'm gonna hammer this portage out I gotta do it quick hopefully I don't need my headlamp and then we'll have some it'll be a little bit light when we get to paddling on the other lake I sure hope that this support it isn't a treacherous one the the one yesterday when I got on the lake right at dark that one had such a steep slippery rock face to get down like that was terrible doing that one in the dark hope it's not like that one but all right let's hammer this thing out let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know saying yesterday's was a fun slick rock at night this one's even worse of a slick rock at night like there is there's no where over there it's all this big rocks it's just a slick wet angle and it's just deep this will be fun I'm probably just lay the boat right there on the rock set things in and just kind of launch it well that was fun that was a whole lot of fun getting in was really fun too it's dark now we set our record guys I was our first nighttime portage the first half agar kind of see I didn't even headlamp but then the second half it got so dark I couldn't see [ __ ] so anyways I just took a drink of water me and Monty Hansen victory beef jerky we just got a paddle now hopefully there's no special Portage's but I got a look at my maps I'm not gonna do a whole lot of talking to the camera and recording cuz it's just dark and you're just gonna see my headlamp and me chat and so [ __ ] out something important to say or something silly to say I'll say it but we've got a good half hour to an hour of paddling in the dark and navigating to find a campsite so I'll record a little bits here there but that's we're going to do look at the maps paddling for a campsite wish me luck guys it started to rain again oh oh man this is so great alright need to put Monty's poncho on well not put on the headlamp right now because it makes it damn near impossible to see because it's it's raining right now so yeah I just can see the water and I'm following a shoreline so this is real fun did it's raining oh wind is blowing water in my face this is just tremendous my Jesus gave a big old groan just checking and doing good guys this is putting my navigational skills my maps in the land to the test say we're about a third of the way there and I think we're on track okay so I just peeked at the maps again and there's three campsites that are we reasonable paddle so the first one is not super far away about halfway there but they're pretty far spread out for camp sites so if I don't get that one it's gonna suck a little bit there's someone there first of all they're gonna be real weirded out some dude comes late at night up on the kids say oh it's gonna be funny but either way I don't get that one I've got a pal for quite aways longer so we'll see we made it we made it guys I am glad to be done paddling hey a fire great I can camp here Oh Monte okay guys well that's bright as heck okay so I am beat I am tired my back hurts so I'm gonna get set up get stuff around mess around I'm gonna decide whether I'm gonna make a fire or not or just pass out in the tent I might make a fire I need to sit and rest my back in the chair behind you is I'm gonna get all set up get myself out and do a bunch of dinking around and then I will check back in with you safe and sound we made it [Laughter] hmm hey Monty hey hey come here come here come here my friend oh you did so good today you're a good boy ladies and gentlemen I am officially P oo PE D pooped I just set up the tent blew up the air mattresses got my bags I laid out pillows everything got water everything is taken care of I am in completely dry clothes this is dry is it true yeah everything's dry I have a 100% dry I got the uses dry set of clothes I was talking about got my Crocs on fresh socks thermals everything I am like a new man except I am still drained but I'm not gonna make a fire I'm just gonna cook stir fry up right here I'm not gonna move from this spot for a little bit yeah actually I probably should gotta gonna grab my map just look that over I'm not gonna look it over too hardcore I am going to just cook up this food eat and I am going to pass out I'm gonna sleep like a Monty tonight I'd say we got lucky today you know you can look at it like I got unlucky made a bad move but I'm thinking I got lucky like death situation earlier could have been much worse could have been much worse it wasn't so bad and we give them instead of brushing their teeth the vets recommended giving them these den teaches cult or Evette and they love them and it's actually worked it's actually knocked chunks of plaque off of Monty's teeth so instead of brushing we just give them these once a day they're kind of expensive but we we just want to take care of you so once a day I brought him out as treats and he earned it today good boy he's in the goat I wonder where he's going to take that off to there it takes them a little bit to chew those up mr. fry this is a nice convenient little flat Rock right here so we cook up the stir-fry the same way as a spaghetti yeah it gets cooked up the exact same way water their first well this is gonna be so good it's gonna be yummy I almost want to do a portion and a half but gotta conserve [Music] this thing it's not really windy out but miles will conserve fuel case I don't have too many fires so remember from fact earlier today when I was like oh I think I'm gonna go for it yeah should just stay that that's like that like oh that's oh yeah that could that could have been much worse the whole situation because I just what I mean it wasn't really I guess more could have washed away even worse if more washed away just the two things washed away I pretty much threw everything right away up on the shore on the rocks just those couple of things but man once once you get pushed up basically what happened I don't know how much that even recorded it but I felt like what happened is I got hit the rock and it swung my back end because the water is pushing on you and then it just tipped me the force of the water just blasting with my nose stuck up on the rock push it over and just once was a little bit of that water gets through Monte it just keeps coming and it doesn't stop until the whole bolts filled [Music] but I can't even remember how that played out right now I just remember that it happened I'll get to see how much of a dingus I was later the whole clips going in the video I'm not ashamed I screw up it's a little chilly out can't wear my other layers well I mean my my waterproof jacket so basically with my dry clothes situation I'm gonna reap it on all that nasty wet clothing tomorrow it is just going to be delightful but I need to dry it out and my body he don't do that as long as I'm movin and groovin I'll be fine I'll be warm and it'll dry out hey buddy you could stay here I did tomorrow yeah I'm not sure what Monty really wants right now what do you really really wants is to go up into the tent you saw me blowing up those sleeping pads and he was just creeping yeah you were oh you were oh we gotta I got some schmutz in your hair okay where could we go from here only upright as soon as hell wet and floating down the river I like sitting out here cuz in this chair might just this is nice for my back my back's hurting a little bit problem is I don't have this map for the whole section they don't they don't make these maps anymore and I don't have it yeah so I had like printed out never-fail Bay that's interesting okay so what it is chilly I'm probably gonna I got my food cooked up here I'll probably eat this maybe just go to the tent and relax in there but anyways after looking over the maps a good chunk it does look like I will be able to finish my normal loop I guess I didn't look at him when I made the loop I just kind of picked the first few days super rough super far super hard and then after that I just kind of like I'm doing a lot of paddling in the last half of the trip on big waters and I just kind of was like oh I'll just camp here this night this may this night and I gave myself not much to do on those days so if I tomorrow I'm gonna I'm definitely gonna sleep in a little bit maybe an hour to whenever I wake up I'm just gonna wake up and I'm not gonna be in any rush or anything but we are gonna I'm not gonna just chill I'm gonna move tomorrow and there's a lake that's got lake trout and that's our target for tomorrow is to get to that Lake and I'm gonna I'm gonna sleep in I'm gonna get some energy and we're gonna push through that like try to get there as early as we can without you know rushing out of here but I am gonna like paddle hard and probably move a little bit a little bit more than normal just to get there and ensure that we can give it give it a good shot searching for Larry what I think it's the way portage is was is let's see here not near as much paddling as we did today we covered some ground today oh oh we sure did the funny thing is we could have made it where I had originally planned to go today it just it would have required bushwhacking and going down more unmaintained unknown long Portage's that we don't know if they existed or they're probably there most of that stuff we did today was uh not maintained Portage's and those weren't bad at all but it would have just been a lot more and I figured with how there was so many Portage's that were not on the map already I was just like there is gonna be a lot more along the way so that's what we're at big work day tomorrow see I can't even give myself a break but I want to catch a lake trout and I want to eat it up tomorrow so that's what I wanted to do but I am gonna sleep like a baby tonight so excited I'm excited to eat and sleep I'm getting a little chilly it's chilly when you don't have your wind proof coat and all your thermals on stars are out it's a beautiful evening as well start that now or wait for food hey Monty Monty it's your favorite thing in the world it's your favorite it's the brush it's the brush my teeth there's a goal to know why after what you did to me today [Music] yeah I know you're wet throw your little wet tail [Music] look at that face the Jews fur or purp [Music] I think you might have just farted it okay let's take a gander at what's your food oh yeah no stir-fry doesn't always look the most appealing when it's rehydrated but oh it's a little soupy it's okay but say got broccoli in there and there's pea pods mmm it's gonna be good I don't mind if it's soupy it's probably because I didn't let it rehydrate long enough but I did put extra water in there I don't mind a little juicy if I were to put this um in my my sleeping bag and like put my hat over it so it was super insulated this would be all soaked up but it's a little chilly out here so it's not soaking up all that moisture but anyways let's eat I'm hungry all right I want you your creature behind me let's see how this tastes [Music] mm-hmm oh yeah mm-hmm no spaghetti is always better but if I see spaghetti like every day I'll get heartburn just like to change it up [Music] well this is really good I do love stir-fry it is weird dehydrating up broccoli because when you cut it up into small pieces it just makes a mess I just kind of hack up the broccoli I'm gonna make a video showing how I made this because you know everyone everyone seems to know how to do this spaghetti spaghetti is uh it's a pretty common one for outdoor backpackers but not many I haven't seen many people do a stir-fry backpackers meal so what I'm gonna do is finish eating clean up all my crap dry Montee up with the towel a little bit and then we're gonna get into the temp cuz they go a little chill about me and I'm ready to relax and sleep so yeah I'm gonna finish up we're gonna get in the tent so catch you guys in the tent there you go big boy holy gentleman I'm pooped I am poop poop poop poop poped I was a delicious meal we had a long day made a big old dingle maryberry a mistake today dad was that what I was a dingus that's okay we live and we learn right Monty said you'll never learn to eat your food to get beef jerky you just magically get it anyways guys I am gonna take some ibuprofen and pass out hard and wake up when I wake up so I will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody no morning wotty hey Doug oh they're just you'd be doggy I slept so good last night I just was watching my team you didn't want to get out of bed so we slept in a bit oh you swimming mudsy I used to be right now on the sleeping pad he's got pickers on this side don't you digger lick me you're so stinky so yeah I slept it pretty good oh I'm a little sore I must have banged something when I thought that canoe or just jerked myself weird there's my uh my sides a little sore but Eddie who I don't know what time it is I don't know how long we slept in but I do know that it was light out and it was raining hard and now it's not raining hard and it's just windy it's very windy so we'll see how far we get today I don't know if we'll make it to oyster Lake I don't know what time it is but we'll go as far as we can and yeah we'll give it our best if we don't make it there don't catch a fish that's a okay we'll live to fish another day but I'm definitely feeling refreshed and I feel great the one thing that's gonna suck that I'm not looking forward to right now he's putting on all my wet stuff because it's kind of chilly out what it needs to be done mmm this sounds terrible when you're sitting you're worn sleeping bag I have to put a little that wet crap oh well oh well so we're gonna get up get backed up make our OB on coffee let's get to it [Music] well it's cold this morning whoo let me tell you it's a little chillier after you put on your wet stuff a little bit fun putting my boots on my socks my wet underwear a wet pants yeah you know it's all pretty wet but once you get moving around it's not so bad and really it's kind of the only way I'm gonna be able to dry out my stuff right now because we're moving all day I can't stop and like make a fire and set up a tarp and get the smoke to clear it out the sun's not out so really your body heats the only way to dry the stuff out so that's what I'm gonna do and honestly it does it's just not so cold once you get moving around it's just the initial you know it's 40 degrees out putting on wet cold clothing so I'm gonna whip up my oatmeal and coffee and we're gonna get packed up we're gonna get moving pretty quick here hopefully whitie whitie what teacher Pachi Pachi Pachi what are you doing buddy what are you doing what are you doing we should do all it's cuz I got a stick due up this okay okay okay oh this chili is chilly this morning Oh Monty bring me that stick bring you this stick prove you that stick you stinker so I looked at the maps again and last night I was a little you know I was a little tired like I said I was a little bit tired last night and what I looked at him again this morning there's a shorter way to get to that oyster lake which I'm going to take it's got a couple s oh wow oh mighty stick I just want to throw it you're going crazy all right okay oh geez he's a nutcase right now anyways there's a shorter way it's got a couple s Portage's and less paddling so that's the way we're taken so uh we should be able to make it there okay okay okay hey I know that's right he's a little bouncy bunny anyway so I'm just going to get packed up here make my oatmeal and we'll catch you guys on the boat I'm gonna trying to move a little quicker I'm I'm a little slow but I've got energy today so much energy it just started lightly fleeting out it went away thankfully but yeah must be cold hey Monty Monty are you a good boy yeah you are he's patiently waiting to get to the boat I didn't tell him to come over there or anything you just saw me pack up and just came over and stood by the boat waiting you're ready to go Monty he knows the drill that's a good boy here we go again look it's only day three the third day feels like we've been out here after yesterday yeah it took out a little bit too much and I was just moving at a poky pace that'll happen that's we're alive and well we're still on track to go to the original planned area we're not going the same we're missing out on a bunch of little lakes and some bushcrafting there's only one bigger like we're missing a camera roots name's Spencer Lake or spectral acre something something like that but we have got to paddle across some big open water here and it looks like it's a bit breezy once I get around the edge of this island I honestly feel pretty dry I mean my feet are obviously wet I just I had my boots sitting upside down I in the festival socks nothing no chance those getting dry oh it's chilly it's a little breezy this way all right so you've seen me wear this this jacket and these bibs all winter long and in the cold spring and fall and I wasn't sure how waterproof it would be in the rains and so far on this trip I mean you've seen it's been raining I've been dry on the inside the whole time I did get to give this a fresh washed with tech wash some kind of I don't know helps add water repellent repellency that I use in a word hopefully it's work but yeah it's been it's been doing great held up I will stay in wintertime when it's like a snow storm or something like that first snowstorm where they just got my camera it got soaked those near the fire and everything and I was warm on the inside all the snow is melting and it froze by morning that wasn't the most fun putting on a frozen jacket but we warmed right up this things done me good I do need a proper winter coat at some point but for now I'm gonna use what I got I just like this thing it did one of the pockets ripped open and I had to get some goop there's some some kind of vinyl sealant stuff and so far it's holding up I wasn't I was pretty skeptical that it was gonna keep them it was a big tear like this long just along the pocket and so far as hold up I've been moving around and it's still sealed still held together that's nice this is the car hard shoreline bib and jacket combo thing I was I wanted you know rainy gear normal rain gear it's just so easy to tear and you you can't you gotta be careful with it this stuff man have just like ripped your brush it's carpet oh you know it's it's a nice thick material it's waterproof and this is exactly what I wanted I want something durable I don't want that flimsy rain gear crap for my main jacket so this works out pretty good Monty's hiding in the pole hiding in the bowl [Music] [Music] go straight into the wind across soap and water reminds me of the the first time we had monte in big open water it was that 12 nights of the wilderness with a puppy we were going straight into the wind just like this and at that point I had Monty in the front of the boat and I put two heavy bags in the back of the boat and I gave him the whole front and I thought it was fine you know I didn't have experience paddling with the dog very much I was probably the biggest experience we just did some short trips before that that was a 12 nighter and him me in the front of the boat he went straight to the tip and sat up he didn't lay down he just sat on the tip of the boat and the waves were bigger than this and it was just going cookies and it was splashing them in the face with water and every time it hit him stand up and trying to turn around and like run back and then go back to the tip and just like it was making the boats so unstable that was probably the closest to tipping I ever was we made it to an island and right then and there I was like Monty is never going in the front of the boat again ever never ever never ever so now he's got a place in the back of the boat and he can see just fine it's better for him back there you know special zone into the wind and it's rainy I kind of block him a little bit from the wind in the rain just my body just a little bit doesn't take the full force that's the spot that's Monty's place from the back of the boat is loving life a little rain to go with your wind always desired [Music] once you watch your punch on okay Canton I am poncho here you go Monty now you're protective Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] bounce it off my face I should probably drop a liners are crawling I think it's starting to snow now yeah definitely not sleep no no ocean oh we are almost to the porridge joy it's the longest warm of the day so while we're fresh and energized let's hammer this thing out hi Monty you like portaging mighty thick party cheap price go let's go yeah Monty likes foraging way more than I do he just likes running around so we're on opposite ends when it comes to sitting in the boat and pair of origin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is just the most joyful Cornish damn water is low here man I hope he gets a little deeper hull-house fine [Music] well this is gonna be fun before just behind all this muck and logs whatever this is must've got drained oh boy [Music] come on team one pretty easy we've got a paddle about 150 200 more feet to the next portage I tried to not put my folder at all but I have to okay I could just walk walk over there like let's get this one done then we've got a little bit of a paddle and then a couple more Portage's and then we're on a bigger lake and then a couple more Portage's and then we're at our place for the night so we're making decent time though we should be able to do some fishing today so I think it's only three more Portage's and two bigger paddles and one teeny paddle to get to our lake you're not getting any no begging no begging well [Music] and he suited up in his poncho we're all stacked up he ate some food he's been learning he's training you know becoming a normal dog again as far as his eating schedule closed yesterday he didn't eat first day he didn't eat anything really until we got to camp and then yesterday he like a couple bites and then we got to camp many ate this morning a few bites just a few and then he just ate a half bowl of food just now so he's starting to understand again that he needs to eat when he's doing this work running around it's cold once more then I gave him I rewarded him with beef jerky for eating how weird is that you reward your dog with treats when he eats his food [Music] had to get up some gloves brought a few pairs of gloves little ones I also brought up my my thing first waterproof gloves you know they don't make a good pair of waterproof gloves I know what you're thinking feel free using the up green gloves well they're not waterproof at all and while they may keep your hands warm jake has you've been out here in the Boundary Waters and they got down a like 18 at night and his we're all soaked and bike by morning time they are just rock-solid frozen so I just don't like neoprene I want my hands to be nice and toasty and dry not wet and they don't really make there's like no no if anyone knows of a great waterproof glove for paddling let me know it has a waterproof now to me that crap word soaks through the my solution right now is these things called arrow stitch covers their motorcycle rain proof waterproof glove covers you can I can put my winter winter gloves in them they've if they're really big and bulky but those work great that's what I use right now that they're the rain material like rain gear material so they're kind of slippery on the paddle which I don't really like but to be able to have waterproof dry hands when it's just cold and raining out I'll take it that's my solution for now until someone invents a great glove I haven't looked around all I've really seen that you know the work would be those like rubber gloves I don't really want those or there's zero breathability those ones that are just rubber no insulation what you know you know wonder if I'm gonna get any days without rain I mean I don't mind if I don't but just curious I don't think I'm gonna see it's gonna at least sprinkle a bit every day I'll be kind of that'd be kind of fun it hasn't been any crazy steady rain for too long like I think the first full yesterday was the first day of work was the only day where I guess that was the first day there's not much to go off of but today it's just been off and on and off and on and off and on spurts sprinkles spurts looks like the blue skies behind this cloud so it's not too crazy what it is wet I get to camp early enough I'm gonna try to have a fire tonight but it's gonna be it's gonna be tough finding firewood cuz everything's it's been wet here for like two weeks it's been just like raining like this and just wet the cold air came through it's just been wet wet wet wet so dead and down stuff will definitely be soaked through a little bit I have to go bigger use my little handheld saw cups stuff we'll try I got some birch bark I got a good bit of birch bark once we get some holes then we can just rip it but if it's raining like this also I'm just gonna cook over my stove again you know yeah if I catch fish I don't mind cooking with my stove I'm doing pretty good on fuel so far anyways yeah I don't like the off and on rain at night when I'm trying to cook oh my G we got a battle a small current [Music] [Music] Montee right now little turd but wasn't so bad more sleet or hail coming in what do you call this is hail or just sleet is I don't really know the difference I guess I'm assuming anything that's a little small ice Trump is hail I mean these are just teeny teeny tiny 's but still hail or is it sleep what is sleep snow ice I don't really know I don't know someone's elaborate explain to me I'm gonna need speed for this one got a small gap with the water rushing through I wonder if I'm gonna make it looks like it's maybe the same as last time I don't even get myself all worked up it's not so bad speak up if you're not having fun never speaks up I think he's having a great time a big lake here right across the middle with the waves either come in our sides I think they're gonna be underside this is not as fortunate but either way once we get done with this we got another half mile portage and then we have a Little River gonna be close it's gonna be close see if we make it before dark I think we're gonna we're gonna be on the lake it's my sunset I just don't know if we're gonna catch any fish I'm definitely gonna get to camp earlier than the past two nights that's for sure we'll see this is gonna be a fun pal right here it's a windy one it's a big open link or not into the main part yet because it's pretty windy and these waves are big now I'm right in the second one they're definitely in here so I'm gonna kind of work my way over and ashore across in the smaller spot in a paddle up the shore we're gonna lose some time but I'd rather be safe looks like no matter what I do over at the cross a big part of the flake and it's right in the middle on the other side so we're going across my legs sturdy break Cervantes be a good boy [Music] [Music] [Music] just a nice ball paddle you know good boy Monty yeah you don't being a good boy it looks like rain is coming rain I just hope I'm closer to the shore by the time that gets here this panel right now is killing our time I don't think we're gonna be able to make it to moister fighting this way no I'm gonna get there right at dark again so think we're changeable plans again I think what I'm gonna do and I'm gonna get over to the shore I'm gonna put on the lure where it's gonna troll this lake on the way to a campsite and we're gonna stay here tonight and try for a fish dinner here yeah fight this wind it's slowing me down a lot and it is Tucker and me out it is killing my arms and I have another half ball portion other porridge and a paddle and it's I've got an hour and a half till the Sun sets and I still got a ways to go on this lake so I think we're gonna just we're gonna give up on that Lake maybe we'll spend the day tomorrow we'll just do a short little travel over there it's been the whole day fishing for lake trout but I think we're staying here tonight that's what we're gonna do so I'm gonna get over that Shore put on the lure and we're gonna troll us big paddle to a campsite I want to stop and take a picture but the can we made a Monty I feel like we just accomplished something we just paddled from over there without sound if you see that white rock straight to here in in heavy winds my arm is done right now if I pushed really hard I could make it to oyster Lake but that just wouldn't be fun so we're gonna find a campsite here but I'm gonna put on the lure and troll since we're out of the wind and I'm not crazy fighting it I'm gonna troll until I get a snag or two then we'll stop but for now let's let's try it nothing like some snow to make you want to go fishing oh yeah we don't catch anything on the way to camp I don't know if I'm gonna head back out I am I'm over paddling right now and my hands are cold I guess I could put gloves on [Music] yeah cloves would be nice well put on our warm gloves when we get to camp but anything to stop this biting wind right now it would be great these won't stop at but they'll help okay let's see how fast we can get a snack get to set my line and try fishing end of the third date and I guess I took those two little two or three little nothing casts right in the beginning but that doesn't count this isn't even gonna be that great of an attempt depends on how fast I find a campsite and how I feel after I settle into that campsite well I didn't have to go very far to find a campsite I think that's where we're gonna stay they're real this end no luck we'll see if I want to get off maybe I'll just cast or I'll just come along the short cast okay we made it it's a pretty slanted campsite but we'll find some flat spot we just got here it's a breezy one out there I want to have a fire but if it's just blasting me the wind it won't be as enjoyable but I think we're gonna probably spark up a fire tonight looks like this right here might be the only flat spot we got this is an ideal cuz it's right on the edge of the water putting a pretty cool spot if we can't find anything more flat than this we'll stay here but yeah this will be the first night you know we could have done we could have done a repeat and did some more night paddling but a little too windy for that today would you say Monty look at him you so muddy and dirty he's a muddy dirty dog there was some muddy Portage's today what do you think Monty you like this spot alright so let's get packed up or uh unpacked and I packed up let's set up some stuff and I know I'm just gonna do some casting from sure I mean this all looks like great shoreline and there's walleye in here so that's what we're gonna do for fishing I'm not gonna get back out there and paddle my arms are sore and tired and tomorrow we're gonna look at the maps but I think we're gonna change up our plants completely and tomorrow's gonna be more of a relaxing and fishing day because I have not got to do any fishing and I love fishing so much and I want to do some quality fishing and I want to find Larry before the season ends so yeah let's set up camp [Music] um just simmer down simmer down yeah this is the only flat spot in this whole area it's all big slathered it's a rock I don't even know if we're gonna be be able to get the snakes and maybe I could Steve suppose Rock not the best but I'm not messing around you know it's blocked by the wind a little bit I'll take what I can get I'm ready to relax I think we're now a fire tonight we're gonna try it we're gonna leave spark one up and if it's just you know not enjoyable to sit next to so be it well we're gonna spark one up here Sparky one we're gonna spark you one up but first we've got to set up some stuff man those those paddles straight into the wind oh my arms oh they need a break they're toast and I didn't have any uh I didn't have much warm up to this trip you know because my wrist is it's doing pretty good it's it's a little bit sore but my wrist has been messed up and so I haven't been doing paddling I just did that little river trip which is I'm paddling but I'm with the current the whole way so that's nothing like this this is paddling you're paddling straight of the wind and it's like you're just moving h's at a time muddy this isn't a bag with fun stuff this is the bag we can make it without food longer than we can make it without this stuff probably it's been beautiful out though I love this temperature for portaging I have I don't think I've sweat at all out of portage it's great it is great and I think I'm pretty dry other than my feet I think I'm pretty dry I think my pants are dried out my undies dried out I'm a dry guy Suns pick it out we're not gonna have a good sunset here but as soon as we get set up I'll get some firewood and I'll take some casts hour till the Sun not gonna be able to cast far with this gggggg [Music] this is also the first chance I've gotten to hang stuff for dry I don't have sunlight like it I could hang stuff right over there but that's the last night 15 minutes not even worth it what's the point so yeah pretty much had three full days the first day was filled with driving straight till dark and then yesterday went all day today woke up went all day recoup day tomorrow [Music] I gotta hang men thinking the Sun is in your eyes may not be long but something yes birds are working hard it's getting cold out there all over the place and gathering up stuff there's a nice little stream mini waterfall right here it's campsite you know that hey Monty that's pretty cool see how many these steaks I can actually stake into the ground I'm guessing - two will actually be able to be steak see No Oh [Music] that's close enough that one almost counts [Music] yeah good enough it's hard to put stakes in it I wonder you're laying on salt rach23 that was wrong three went in [Music] up that makes four [Music] well that's gonna just have to do it I'm just gonna pile my crap in here now and then we'll get a little bit of firewood and then once we got firewood we'll take a few casts and then we'll spark up a fire Monty it's snowing [Music] there's a beautiful Monty the snow in September yeah and it's not windy at all [Music] yep it's snowing oh that's cold oh yeah Monty you know so steps knowing you in September what are you doing what do you think this is what do you think this is Monty why the snow on El Monte what the heck what's going on where are we Monty what are you doing you frosty bunny all right let's see if this stuff is wet or green [Music] looks kind of green dang it it's double check [Music] yeah it's some green stuff not gonna do that's better but there's not much time till dark so I can process would later but I'm gonna take a few cast [Music] you know what it's call enough we're gonna troll this shoreline for just a little bit with a towel floating lure it just is too nice of an evening right now and the wind's just not bad I gotta try [Music] [Music] oh man of some crazy clouds rolling luckily I think they're blowing that way so they're just what would that be south of us north of us either way that looks nasty it could still oh that's coming over us well I'm gonna head back yeah might want to chill we should spark up a fire with the time we got and yeah cook up some food relax near a hot fire for a little bit but anyways we're gonna head back this battery is probably gonna die it died before I just warmed it up but we're gonna troll our way back if we catch a fish I'll let you know otherwise we're just gonna get back to processing wood so that was that was before I left when I was going to get firewood so I'm sure it's dropping now so it's definitely below freezing I'm sure would it would have read a little lower I'll give it another 10 minutes made like a degree why it's gonna be a cold one tonight will be Julie Julie Ginny Ginny Ginny I'm gonna have to snuggle up with my water filter doesn't breathe all right let's saw some of this up here hey Monty get a fire going yeah cuz it's cold outside watch your Monty [Music] [Music] nice Kinlan here oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I may have gotten too ambitious [Music] well that was a fail we need more birch bark and little twigs I got too ambitious million failure failure [Music] this one's going a little better [Music] let's cook up some food runty what a day what a day what a day hey what a day all right I can't do this right here you need to come now and catch a fish that much is obvious now Monty thinks every time I open this bag it's to get him out a delicious piece of beef jerky and that's just not the case fish is not the case mister Montello here hungry again whoops sorry even though I know you won't eat that right now damn it oh I know you can have here you can have a thin tea tree see we're just associating opening this bag with joy here you go there's your Dundee good boy Monty was running around chasing mice so that's gonna be a thing tonight little mice turds we're treating ourselves to a portion and a half of spaghetti tonight we've earned it and I brought out 10 total meals so I have one extra because I knew I was gonna want to do a portion of the half at least once better for you if we catch a fish and have a fish dinner it's gonna be more than once oh yeah I love doing this proportion and 1/2 it's so much joy hint okay should be good look at that all right you're gonna see this turn into a gourmet delicious let's just get it extra extra watery today so we're gonna pull a lecture water in there look at ways simmer it longer oh that's okay okay oh yeah all right oh this is gonna put me in a coma so I mentioned this before in other videos but when I go on extended trips I like a little a little treat Oh come on anyway so what I was saying is I like okay I can't touch him yet they're right here but uh I like a little something special when I'm out an extended trip and you know some people everyone's got their snacks you know some people like trail mix I bring out nuts I bring out beef jerky but I like starbursts and a bar of chocolate Cadbury fruit nut bar that is that is my treat of choice that's like dessert I like to have a couple of them here and there I don't know what it is about having starbursts out in the woods but I always bring a bag of candy because it's just like you know you have cravings when you're out here nice crave a sweet juicy treat that's what it is and that's mine that's my tree of choice you gotta have something though it helps with the cravings of bacon cheeseburgers and cheese curds and stuff like that that you get out here and pizza but don't get me wrong I love my spaghetti and I love mr. fry I do not mind those one bit but I cooked it myself so they're pretty good and if you're wondering how to make these meals yourself this list spaghetti I will post a link let's see I don't know it's gonna be one of these two sides I'm very terrible at picking where it's gonna be it's gonna be into the top right corner which when I'm pointing right now it's pointing at the top right but I think it's backwards so I think it's gonna flip here anyways I'll link it how to make your own dehydrated spaghetti I don't I don't use those backpackers meals anymore I have a bunch in my my closet that I bought at a discount a long time ago I use them when I just like I'm caught off guard and haven't made meals for a trip or something like that but for the most part we make our own I wanted to make some gourmet ones some different ones but I'm so satisfied with the spaghetti and the stir-fry that you know I had just haven't got around to it whew the oranges are my favorites hmm oh yeah action solid candy [Music] now these starbursts are tropical starbursts [Music] you can't repeat candy I do like job rancher to July ranchers are great I'm only allowing myself like seven seven a night and then usually on the last night I'll eat everything I'll make a double portion I'll eat all my candy I'll to make a nice big food baby not boiling yet it's gonna be good oh yeah but he hasn't needed his sleeping bag yet I've been I open it up and I just kind of like lay it over him and snuggle him around in it but he hasn't really needed it he's been good which I was I'm surprised I thought he was gonna need his sleeping bag but he doesn't yet I think you'll need it tonight I'm at least gonna wrap him up in it I'm curious let's check what set the temperature will set this up for temperature checking oh by the way what time did I get I didn't get to my campsite last night until another hour and 15 minutes from now yeah yeah and it's dark the stars are out it was a late one yesterday let's just say that oh I'll get a nice toasty fire going oh I'll just save that chocolate bar for like the last I'll eat half of it I'm like tomorrow not tomorrow night or the next night want mid-trip tomorrow day the next day le half of that thing I should be cooking my boots near the fire but they're not they're not so bad now they're uh they're damp still but they're not like soaked I think I really want to shoot for a fish dinner tomorrow that's what the plan is so I think we're gonna try Oh a stir what what we'll do is I'm going to look at Oyster and we're gonna travel around there and if I'm paddling along looking for a nice campsite and I'm trolling and I catch one then we're gonna stay on that Lake a hundred percent but if we troll around the edge and stuff we don't have a single bite that we might move on to something else but I'm definitely not going to be able to do the originally planned route because today I didn't get as far tomorrow I want a relaxing fish day so we're just we're just changing up the trip changing up a bit it's very cold out it's cold wet wet and rainy so we're not gonna just hammer through things and push on like crazy we're still moving and grooving each day though moving every day new campsite so we'll see I want to grab the maps see here man it's so tough I could totally do the originally planned route if I have a work hard day we could get to fat lake [Music] we'll see how we feel tomorrow we'll revisit I have multiple ways I could go we're gonna be spending a lot of time on big water so I might want to give myself more time to pedal across these big lakes is it's going to be bigger than the lakes today all of them a lot of big water boiling [Music] [Music] [Music] poor guys gotta set it somewhere we're set down here [Music] so still feels the warmth of the fire but it doesn't keep cooking now I know you may be thinking that's some soupy spaghetti there but I like mine a little bit watery and that'll sell absorb that real nice that won't be so soupy so yeah we're gonna decide tomorrow if I want to have a big old ten Portage day with two that are three-quarters of a mile a half-mile some big ol Portage's and that I might be able to do that after I have a rest day tomorrow when I have to get up early it would be a workday a voluntary work day I'd get up but crack it on the dark and I would haul ass I wouldn't even need to really haul ask that much actually if I just got up super early who knows we might that way be cool cuz I'm down for work days [Music] I'm down four days today was like a late start in I think I left camp at like 11:30 Oh today was a slow day but this Lake paddling on this big water right across the middle app that that slowed me down too much to want to keep going that's why I want to give myself lots of time for the last four days because it's all like this big lakes a big chain I'm going right along the border all big waters not much foraging but yeah we'll see how it plays out I know you're not gonna like this so let's just get it out of the way and roll over [Music] it's okay [Music] so turn get that booty [Music] he's tired he's leaning into me he's a good order to this dude oh oh come on up Monty you can do this [Music] so we keep through so handsome Monty yeah okay let's take a gander at dinner oh yeah oh yeah that is so glorious looking and see all that water how it was so watery it's really not that bad it's just really saucy oh that's gonna get as it cools it's even gonna thicken up more that's like perfect oh my gosh I'm so hungry this is gonna be amazing this is gonna put me to bed I have watch I will be way less fun after this but that's okay this is what I want this is why we're here we're here okay let's eat oh yeah okay it looks so hot I want to burn my mouth but I can't not hmm oh it's good [Music] doesn't matter how many times I eat spaghetti when I'm hungry it hits home [Music] oh yeah it's such a good consistency I gave this only a half-hour today we got a go check our watch [Music] well that's interesting it's actually reading warmer than it did before by 0.1 degrees must because the wind was so crazy earlier I don't know that's weird I figured it'd be much colder that was hours ago [Music] oh well that doesn't bother me yeah Monty's definitely got a much warmer coat than he used to have because if I had him out here laying on these rocks like this he'd be shivering but he is just chilling he's got a nice thick coat all right well you don't need to listen to me slurp up any more spaghetti I'm gonna finish eating this clean up my mess let this fire burn down just sit here relax for a good half hour and yeah put out the fire and everything and we're gonna get in the tent so that's the next step [Music] [Music] Monty is ready for bed he's been creeping around the tent hey Monty down here no no no no no no no no no he just wants to eat my hand lotion don't do it no Monty you're weird oh hey check out my new shades that I've just found aren't they hip Monty each is such a lazy butt oh he's so happy to be in the tent stop trying to eat my hand lotion you weirdo we're not gonna snuggle them up yet I just just wrap it over him it gets really cold we'll sit him up well he doesn't really need it well you know what the heck when in Rome right he doesn't seem to mind we'll leave your nose open-air K our Monty's tucked it I don't know if he needs us if he gets warm he'll uh he'll get up but I think he'll just chill he is pretty content right now he's happy to be in the tent make sure his nose yeah so I do think it is getting warmer outside because the the snow rain whatever on my tent earlier was frozen there's little ice balls all over and now it's melted it's wet so it it I don't know what what happened there I think that maybe the temperatures just rising or for a minute there it was saying some really cold wind blowing through with that snow something something along those lines but it's definitely like 33 out and it's definitely warmer than that in the tent well anyways I smashed that meal and not gonna lie I could have ate more I could eat like a double portion well I am pretty full but like the food monster and me could have kept eating I clean that bowl every scrap of noodle got Aiden so anyways yeah we'll be waking up tomorrow whenever we get up and it'll be a pretty easy day and hopefully we catch Larry we're gonna do some fish and we're gonna fish for them we're gonna do some good fishing tomorrow and I also thought of maybe tomorrow I will if I can catch a couple lake trout one or two lake trout whatever I need I could Flay them up earlier and we could porch to another lake if I catch them early on you know we want to just make the day-after easier so we'll see but anyways I'm heading to bed guys I will catch you in the morning good night everybody [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 1,540,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, wilderness, wilderness area, camp, how to camp, adventure, adventurer, bushcraft, bushcrafter, bushcrafting, campfire cooking, cooking, campfire, fire, fire skills, fishing, canoe, canoeing, bwca, canoe camping, fall camping, fall, dog, dog training, camping dog, boundary waters, nikon d5500, canada, backpacking, survival, survival skills, gopro, going camping, wilderness adventure, winter camping, paddling, canoe paddle, canoe trip, outdoors, forest, funny, hilarious, silly, gourmet cooking
Id: 30H45T7SApU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 43sec (14383 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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