Weeklong Spring Wilderness Adventure With My Dog (Part 1 of 5) [Extended Series]

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[Music] [Music] [Music] go [Applause] [Music] [Music] and we're off well hello ladies and gentlemen oh sorry you probably can't see anything I'm in the boat with first mate pee poop smack toots what are we doing and we have just embarked on a seven night wilderness adventure you may or may not have noticed but we got a late start so I was planning to be out the door at the latest at 8 a.m. the Sun has set tonight not that yet it's dark out um I was seven hours behind schedule and yeah we didn't get you the sunset like an hour ago so it's pretty dark now it's a clear sky there's no wind it's calm so we are gonna be fine and is actually gonna be a nice evening paddle you can see the tree lines because the skies clear so I'll be able to follow the contour lines and I'll show you on the map where we got to go tonight we actually have to do two porridges paddle two miles across this lake I believe and we have to find a campsite all in the dark now I can't say this is my first time doing this it started snowing like crazy and we couldn't see can't say it's my second time doing this once again me and FUNKER keeping our tradition can't even say it's my third time doing this what I'm trying to say is this ain't my first rodeo doing a late start like this I paddle in the dark before but I will say this is probably the best night to paddle the dark I've ever had because I paddled in snow rain anyways so we're spending seven nights out here we're hoping to catch some fish dinners and yeah do a lot of Palin and Porsche and we'll go over the trip tomorrow but I'm not gonna have this light in my face much probably won't check in much at all because I need to acquire night vision so you're gonna hear you're gonna see few Clips until we get to the portage unless I can see something crazy or hears something crazy or have an update but yeah so it's gonna be a little quiet here for a minute so let's get to a Monty okay so here's what we had to do tonight we put in right here we got a paddle down to here do a 50 ride portage which is about an eighth of a mile a little over that paddle down this Lake right here do an almost quarter mile portage and then find a campsite on this Lake and we're going to wait for the perfect campsite and the perfect campsite be the first one we find so let's get to it so there are two versions of this video there's either the extended versions which are released into six or seven episodes or the shortened condensed version so whichever version you happen to be watching if you're interested in the other version there's a link down in the description of the video to check out the other version there's a shortened condensed version that's just got the highlights of the trip and then there's the extended version it's got a lot more me talking in boat time and just drawing out more time so yeah whatever version you want to watch so we're looking at some pretty mild weather this trip I don't think we're gonna have any thunderstorms barely maybe any rain today it's actually the coldest night it's currently 45 degrees Fahrenheit and I think the average is gonna be 74 the highest throughout the trip so it's gonna nippy right now on the boat but it's really not bad this is this is nothing especially for an early spring so we're hoping to catch some larry lake trout some walter walleyes and some bobby bass and a nice peter pike too I'm sure there's a nice peter pike in here we did miss that if you missed my last spring tripathi was last spring we missed a 71 and a half inch pike and it was a monster I really wish they'd go don't go pick this up because I can actually see quite well now them eyes are adjusting I can see pretty good the stars are out it's a beautiful calm evening just a slight breeze so this is actually it's actually kind of cool to paddle like this at night and I wouldn't recommend this if you're not good at reading Maps but yeah I've done this before I've done it a few times oh geez beaver scared the crap out of me beaver please use the red it doesn't mess with your night vision I'd also like to give a quick shout out to funk she has funky fresh Monty all right this is the pre brush Monty this booty okay look at that ratty booty yeah I got that thing yeah okay all right yeah my deep for you check them out and tell me is dirty and gross okay now let's flip to Monty being brushed oh look at him now that smooth rough collie he just got funky fresh look at that it's all cut under here oh look at this booty we're gonna smooth that booty is now you got a new pair of pants on Monty look at this pile it's a Monty wearing a Monty rig how ironic putty good boy good boy mighty you're gonna get wet and dirty so he needed to be brushed out half his winter coat brushed out is it bad that I kind of want to troll wine right now for some why money is fully settled in you trust me so much good boy Monty thank you okay dude I've been here before so you can soup she couldn't peaceful yeah I wonder if you can see me like that because I can still see kinda if it was the white light I couldn't see it all by it anyways this is this is turning out much better than expected I get set in the weather there was gonna be gusts up to 22 miles an hour tonight there's no wind whatsoever and it's just clear this is so peaceful this is awesome currently I'm full of energy because I'm just soaking it and embracing it and getting ready for the trip was settling in like a Monty okay we are about to approach our first porridge of the trip yeah you can see better than you'd think you can the Starling is crazy right now wasn't crazy going fall in the shoreline no turnarounds yes that right there was a toe biter I had one of those two trips ago I think go after my finger and apparently they have a really painful bite and I didn't even know they existed until two trips ago and I just was cleaning my hands in the water and that thing like took those pincers and grabbed at me you know I was just like oh but yeah they're there around here [Music] although leeches reach there those things if I was smart I would take these for bait look at them all you're allowed to use live bait here there's one in there maybe I should grab a few I just don't have anything to keep them in go ahead it's crazy all the creepy crawly creatures that come out at night there was so many reaches I I've ever seen that meat leeches all right there there was tons of them like I didn't pick him up all and camera when I move my boat there's tons of a man I am embracing the cold temperatures it's like I feel like it's like low 40s maybe just below 45 but either way foraging oh poor eating this is my perfect temperature for parting nice and chilly so that you can move and not sweat at all because the rest of the trip I'm porridge in the day and the hot Sun I'm gonna be sweating sweltering now be not as fun maybe we'll just do our partying at night and we'll just sleep all day jeez you just got the horizon of the trees and you can this is a long skinny leg so you can see it kind of like on the left on the right you can imagine it the trees are tall right next to me and it slowly goes to a point on both sides of exactly where I need to go and it's almost like it's almost I think it's making a shallow triangle in the sky with the point at the end of the tip or the point of the little shallow triangle is like the portage okay we're on our lake for the evening now we just gotta find a campsite now I really hope that I don't come across anybody at the campsite I find because it's like past 1:00 in the morning and I don't want them to be like what the heck is that guy had a boat shining is with this light what's going on I might get worried so all right let's find a campsite ridiculous boy who's the goodest boy you are you don't you don't go to me mr. little wins so I saw those two walleye and then had to take some cast my GoPro diet try to record under the water I don't see it at all or not but I didn't go with the first camps that I found I wanted to check out a couple because I want to see if there's anybody around his sound travels always that I haven't see anybody so I picked the nicest one you know had all the time in the world is just so nice out it's pretty late you know it's it's like 1:30 a.m. so uh yeah I'm glad I went with a site because there's some firewood here and the best news of the day is with this when I plan this trip there was a fire ban there was no campfires allowed and on the way here they lifted the fire ban or at least I found out they looked at the fire bad today so campfires aren't allowed like I double confirmed it to make sure I I was gonna go this whole week with no campfires ok so I'm gonna start filtering some water and set up my tent right here and then yeah we're gonna spark up a fire so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna record you know setting up a tent right now the dark or I'm just gonna get everything all set up and ready for chillaxing and feast time so I'll check if I can you guys might spark a little fire I hey Steve how's it going oh oh oh that's a big Steve [Applause] oh there yo I'll set up gonna float my sleeping pads but we need you some water on me and Monty need to eat is been far too long since our last fooding yeah I'm pretty hungry so I'm just gonna fill this thing up with water first I'm not gonna put my food in right now so I go with Monty some more water all right get that warmed I'm all busy Monty so for dinner today and every day unless we catch some fish it's spaghetti homemade dehydrated spaghetti I've made it myself - the flash that whereas touch touch touch touch touch touch who fasts squish - oh no yeah look at this nice cushy spot next to the fire and me you look nice yeah does doesn't it yeah that's not bad yeah well you're probably gonna leave but that's okay I am pooped I had a burst energy when I was paddling or brittle we belly we're all set up I'm exhausted it is setting in my mood or not my mood my mood is so good and a good mood but my energy is deteriorating my ability to converse stage and stay awake is fastly going away so we're gonna give my tea I'm gonna get some dog food there all right we're not gonna be eating together tonight he's just gonna get his food when the water warmed up a little bit pretty much you don't want to wait you're hungry but I want to give him a nice warm meal you know he deserves it so yeah my spaghetti this time I went with uh wheat noodles rolled more fiber whole wheat noodles so little healthier one more nutrition probably not my favorite doesn't taste quite as good to me personally but for the nutrition and being out here sake it'll be just fine all right it's lukewarm he's just hungry so he doesn't need a boiler No yeah all right go ahead go ahead go ahead not gonna make you wait go ahead Monty go ahead this is my good turn I am okay so you're wondering how to make my homemade dehydrated spaghetti I will leave that up on the left left for link there's a video of Maine on how to make it pretty good stuff but rehydrate it you just born in your pot is the way I do it cover it with a little extra water because I like it soupy bring it up to a nice simmer and then let it rest for a bit and feast your proper state transition dinner I mean that you you eat I need a little chili I just got my hoodie my little flannel on I've got my thermal layers I don't know well you said today's gonna be the coldest night of the trip please husband's call for us we'll see it warmer every night choosing to fight through the sitting pat over the stick look at how he wants he wants to play with this instead he's okay with it stick to something just happened now Monty when he's at home he used to be picky when we're going camping and he wouldn't eat his dog food and at home loons he's been looking forward to his dog but you just put some cold water in it just dog food in plain water and he goes crazy for it he just loves it so I prepared him his dinner and I put warm water and pumpkin powder and he ate a third of it and then he just stopped eating it you know I thought I just put it off to the side I thought he would just eat it I put it over by the tenth and just figured he'd eat it because normally just gobbles it up and he didn't and I tried to get him to eat and just didn't want anything to do with it so I was like what the heck I thought maybe he didn't feel good or something that wasn't the case I just put a ton of pumpkin in there and mix his host gooey gooey gooey and then he reluctantly started eating it so he has gotten used to being out camping and expecting more like sweet potato or chicken and I think he's just smart and he's just like this isn't good enough this is not what I get out here so he knows that home is this crappy dog food plain and out here he gets the finer things and that I thought he was just gonna be a change dog and just heat his dog food with some pumpkin I mean it was warm water and pumpkin just wasn't good enough he needed a whole bunch of pumpkin a little fuzzy turd alright let's see what we got here oh yeah oh that's just a beautiful pot of spaghetti it's probably gonna be too hot but I don't want to wait wait it's too hot [Music] hmm it's so good and I came in tell if they're wheat noodles right now it's just delicious mm-hmm ah it's too hot all right I'm just so tired right now I'm gonna let this cool down I'm gonna inhale that once it's all cooled down I'm gonna sit here and just zone out because I'm pretty much like falling asleep right now and I can't stop yawning and then once I'm done eating I'm gonna put this fire out clean up and I am just gonna get in that bed and we're just gonna nestle in there and just yeah so I'll check back in you guys with better safety [Music] all right use your spot even though I did it all chosen for you [Music] you big fuzzy teddy bear he's so fluffy he's so lovely you're smaller um so I don't bring out sleeping pad for her sleeping bag for Monty because he's gonna be fine he's asleep he's been sleeping outside all the time but it is a little chilly so I've this is this is about your sleeping pad here this is buddy but this was more insulated so I'm gonna give it to him tonight just just because give a little more warmth but anyways my battery is drained by battery I mean me I have no more energy left so I'm gonna pass out and recharge so I'll catch you guys in the morning good oh yeah let's go to see much [Music] you slept good I know you did simply go rock yeah yeah you did yeah well it certainly got colder than 40 last night it got quite chilly I said in front of my lawyer it was quite chilly I put what you burp I put my sweatshirt over bottie who we were five it was definitely dippy out as a cold but now it's like super warm I'm starting to sweat so it's time to get up Monty ages up in your face Oh No ah stinky Monty breath hi I bet you want to go outside don't you don't go outside at the dog park you want some food you go boy yeah okay oh I suppose let's get up it's reached today hey Monty hi hi frisky critter hi what do we got over here oh let's just go take a peek at this year view all watch it just look not just beautiful wilderness first time I set my eyes on it you know cuz the whole arrived in the dark thing oh yeah alright so yeah I think we're gonna do some troll on the way I know there's walleye in here I saw those too and they were good size they were not crazy big but they're like they're eaters oh it's bright and this Sun is warm it's nice yeah I slept like a rock last night the sunglasses today mr. Bhati [Music] all right so yeah I felt like I slept hard less I I slept normally we got like every hour and a half when I slept for I don't know a good three-hour chunk and then I woke up and I was like who looks like just chilly and then yeah put on my stuff and then I just slept hard again and then I will up checkout Monte and but I felt like I slept just I felt like it was like one warned the afternoon I'm buying something so long and uh it was 9:00 for some reason out here and these wilderness trips and canoe season whenever I sleep until I feel like I could sleep no more it's always 9:00 I just don't get it 9:00 or 10:00 9:00 here I just I don't know I mean that's fine maybe it's just like my bias like hey wake up we got we got wilderness to go Porter's you've got fishing it's beautiful sunny day like no more no don't do it don't don't sleep the day away yeah we hear much for you right here [Music] look at how just handsome ideas we need to take a minute to appreciate just I know I said it yesterday but I can't get over how handsome he looks and it's just it's just not gonna last because he's gonna be a dirty dog soon we're into it we're gonna talk we're gonna take a crowd to you like a specimen very soon [Music] okay so just gonna throw the stick for another minute here and it is time to cue up the first coffee and oatmeal sequence of the trip and then I'm gonna pack up my tent and all the stuff and then we're gonna get on the boat it's poor did you get depan let it get the fish you know right I mean just look at how handsome Monty is oh yeah my you're just so handsome look it he's got it just a nice haircut on the undercarriage he's nice and poofy just look at this booty oh yeah you got a nice pants trimming yeah how smooth that booty is and not freely show me your little feets even look there's little feets they're all trimmed up and just Purdy right Monty you're just so handsome you're ready to get dirty you already get dirty and muddy and wet okay okay okay so here's the trip here's what we're gonna be doing here this whole time okay so pay attention will you do this once so we put in here and we paddle in the dark down through here down here did this portage down to here down here and then we went to here we checked out we checked out these three campsites and we're staying right there so now we're gonna pour through here today go down here this way and I think we're going to stay on this Lake tonight at least that's the plan and then we're gonna move along this way down over to here stay on this Lake and then kind of skate along this map edge here stay down here oh you're following me and then we're gonna come through here the hell over through this big lake up through here FATA Joe portage already here oh my max are flying away and then we're gonna come we're gonna stand this Lake come up here go back through here and then out that way now a few any you wash my fall trip this there is a lot of we're redoing a lot of what I did on that trip but I didn't you know miss a huge Pike on this lake and didn't really get to do any good fishing on some of these other lakes I really wanted to try so I kind of wanted to retouch the lake and yeah that's the trip [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sube there's just no better place to eat oatmeal you know [Music] come on breeze feels nice probably be a little breezy today it's definitely got at least 10 degrees hotter since I was preparing that stuff I started to I was getting too uncontrollably hot I'm and when I'm standing back there out of the breeze I'm already getting like just too hot in my t-shirt so those waterproof socks are probably pretty warm with those mug boots today but we're going to tough it out today and just do it and see how it goes see if it's too unbearable see if my feet are dry you know well suppose see wolfy but Maundy is not gonna be swimming until he's panting and really warm I'm not gonna make him swim here yet the water is really cold so uh yeah he doesn't mind swimming sometimes he puts up a fuss at first when he's all driving but then once he gets wet he's fine [Music] he likes to swim forgets how wonderful it is and how it feels until he doesn't begin okay so I'm gonna finish up my old bail I'm almost all the way packed up other than my cookware and stuff and then finish up pack it up and get in the boat get to paddling and fishing let's do it all the Baltimore Express leaves in ten seconds so do you have your ticket no tickets no entry they might throw unfilled right I scared it was an rocky Tori's okay so one thing I wanted to quickly mention is I made a gear list video for this trip including all the gear and food that I used for this trip I will link it up in the left here it'll probably already have been released right before these videos get released but two things I wanted to mention as you might have seen in the video is I've got two new things I'm trying out new life vest and a new canoe seat the life vests I ordered because of the canoe seat partially that thing was I didn't like that canoes that old that's a that's a kayak life was over the other one this one's got a the cushion isn't in the back like that other one it was kind of down a little bit so on this seat it was like riding right on along the edge it just felt super awkward this one the back is super high and up and it actually feels awesome in this chair this chair is so great I could sit in this coming your butt sitting on the cushions that's the only part that usually gets sore sitting all day and it used to be my back would just get a key after pallet all day but this seat is just like oh man back support back support back support what can I say more than that it's so good I am fully happy with it and it's just a little bit more weight than my other one seems a lot more durable just way better support I'll probably never get another chairs unless something like crazy happens you know unexpected with this thing 15 Portage's today I don't even know why I said that I think it's because our first with the portage is a 15 rod portage we've got six portage us today in two are teeny tiny that don't even really count so we've got time the wind is blowing with us it's gonna be pushing us like is do a lot of fishing along the way ah so you may have already noticed I've got a big black thing attached to my other fishing rod and that is a camera that we're gonna be testing out trolling yeah you can you snag it's uh yeah it records your lure and I tested it out on a previous trip and I tried tried casting with it it was just not working out I think it was scaring the fish so we're not doing that let's try going out it's a little bit sunny - did that's breezy I would like to catch a fish every day of the trip that's that's probably our trip goal this time around obviously I'd love to catch a Larry Lake child Walter walleye Bop Avastin a Peter Pike the whole trio or quad whatever but you know and I say every day because last night wasn't a day of camp and fish and I was it that was the night take some casts and enjoy this beautiful gorgeous weather in this wilderness okay [Music] we got a nice dead tree up ahead as soon as you get into this out of the wind man it's like 20 degree difference feel like it's like 55 in the wind and then it's like 75 when you're just sitting here is just hot nasty no bites yet yeah like I said the waters pretty cold so it could be tough fishing never really know and will vary a lot from Lake to Lake you know bigger Lakes will have colder water and the small links might have warmer water now I know they'd like to be more shallow that's cool just flew off forward and whipped that way it was like a little but there was like dual cyclones in the water right in front of me floats maybe I should put the strap on well I need to dry out for a minute there no it looks little water is it so that was interesting for guy I'm just like what why is this not feel right right now what's wrong I'm missing them baby blues oh yeah there we go that's better that's better so that's probably a sign for mother nature get out of here for the next like okay sure we'll take that we'll take that sign I'll take a few casts on this end it's like I was saying I know they they like to be shallow right now and I also know that wherever the winds blasting the shore were that what's the windiest it gets it pushes a lot of that surface warm water and then there's bait fish and the big official go there so we'll try that a little bit right before we portage the lake here the wind's blasted shallow and sunny see if this does us any justice I might be retrieving it a little too fast right now probably to be honest but I've got a quarter ounce jig on here cuz it helps it makes a lot easier to cast in the bait caster so I got a I got a reel it in kind of fast though as it sinks except right here but yeah we don't have any lockable switch to a smaller one and last night with those walleye I guarantee I could have put a slip on Bob around with those fake leeches and caught one of those we'll pull that trick out another night ooh was he there bouncing off the bottom or I had a little nibble no weeds or something same working out so well moving on to the next Lake [Music] hey just a nice nice down tree I'd hate myself in the morning if I didn't cast near it you know the biggest fish you might like could be a monster that's a little bit bigger than that 71 and three-quarter inch pike from last year oh no it's just a snag still snagged hey Monty so what I am seeing I'm seeing snow still all over in the woods and anywhere that's low-lying and doesn't get a lot of Sun there's still a lot of snow in the woods I mean not a lot I would say not a lot but there's still snow there's still snow you know and I'm a still snow on the ground just a little muck pound before the next reportage but I saw another leech with a big old leech so as far as leeches go I know that those will work great on a slip bobber or even a jig what I'm gonna do is any lakes that I target for walleye and we're gonna like stay there and fish awhile I will grab some and use them as bait they're just there's a lot of them I just don't want to be transporting moving around leeches and stuff and carrying them you know signe so I'll just if I see them on the lake that I'm gonna fish for walleye or bass or any do any hard fish and maybe we'll just put some on there and try it out because anything I'll buy a leech pretty much [Music] also as far as Musco never have a tough time seen them in this hot sunny weather unless they're just like sit in the shade somewhere we start a little more there you know swim in the water drink in I mean there's still a chance obviously mornings and nights would be best but yeah I think the chances are gonna be a little bit lower seeing one but you never really know loops are always doing moose things wherever they moves be moose and hopefully we'll see what I like to see some moves we're really confused by that noise this time of year that's not so far roses be trippin okay so one thing I'm noticing is there is not a single black PHY there's not a single mosquito and I think that's due to the cold temperatures at night which don't get me wrong I love not having mosquitoes but mosquitoes and black flies are usually a good indicator that the temps are good for fishing so what that's leaving me to believe if I'm using logic in my brain and my knowledge of fishing and stuff is that it's early and fishing is gonna be tough so what I'm saying is I'm not gonna be too picky I'm gonna pretty much whatever fish I catch unless it's like a monster I'm gonna keep and eat whether it's a pike Bobby Walter Larry I just can't get too picky because then I just might not get a fish dinner and I'm thinking Oh catching a fish every day might also be tough but we'll see but I think we're gonna do a little troll on this Lake we might even test out the little camera there this is a bigger Lake and we're gonna be going with the wind so we can just cruise and you know and also most the time we're gonna be arriving to camp right at sunset because I'm gonna be fishing a lot along the way we're gonna need to change up lures and stuff heck we might even have to switch to slip bobbers and little leeches we just need to find a good spot for them we're gonna try this thing out here so to turn it on you've gotta just pull her up flip it on start recording it's going but the waterproof housing back on and now we're set okay so we've got the chartreuse layer my favorite trolling lure I'm gonna see oh yes things gonna drag it down at first and then it'll soften let out little by little so we get out of little ways that things gonna drag it down and then once it gets going you know I don't like that it pulls up little by little here I might have to put a weight in front of this camera because it's got fins and it just makes your lure glide right up to the surface almost wish those fins weren't really on it or half the size so that it just kind of maintained where it supposed to sit but we'll see so I guess that is kind of nice with those fins now that I think about it again to contradict myself as the fins at least pull it up higher than the lure so the lures gonna snag first maybe that's the purpose should be good let's try that for now let's see what happens I really hope we catch least one fish with this I was only gonna do like one troll session but I brought along some extra battery packs and I'm just going to dedicate one of the battery packs to charging this so I think we'll get three or four twenty to thirty minutes roll sessions out of this and today is a nice day so we're gonna try one today man it is just like a perfect day out right now this is awesome now there's two of I have two types of favorite weather when they're very close and with good reason this a slight breeze a hot Sun no bugs biting me clear skies this is awesome this is pretty perfect you know it's just it just keep me cool enough with the breeze and the Sun just kind of just take that toasty hot cold feeling that's really nice and it's just yeah it's like perfect out and we're just blowing with the wind I mean you can't ask for better weather right now we're just today's all days travel is just going down long legs with this wind wind at my back and then my other favorite is when it's a nice like overcast cloudy day it's nice and calm aeneas late breeze but it's like 50 el-sheikh wear your long sleeves I love that weather because then you don't need sunglasses and the fishing's I always do better fishing when it's like shouting feel like they're just you know this hot Sun they cast shadows it's bright Sun so they might be a little more skittish or they're sticking to clever Morgan I don't know it's just I think the patient's a lot better on cloudy days it's not equally good I just like that you're gonna hear me say this and then you're gonna hear me say that I contradict me repeat myself already say this you're gonna stick around after this video you're gonna hear me say it again maybe even the next clip so on the topic of weather like I said already once it's supposed to be a very very mild good weather trip and that's pretty perfect you know it's gonna be 70s for the high and with this wind chills bringing it down to about 55 60 is what I'm feeling right now and the Sun cooking yeah you know makes you feel nice in it but anyways doesn't seem like we're gonna get rain at all it's not calling for any rain and while a little complain you know having perfect weather the whole trip I will you know be a little sad if I don't get a rain storm I'd love a good thunderstorm I love a good rain especially in a week-long trip you know I feel like I've been getting streaks of just like perfect weather all the time well no never mind last trip we got some rain either way I like to get a little taste of all the elements and I always prefer rain in the starting of the trip if I had a choice and then you dry out have the perfect weather at the end but you know if it's perfect little sunny days all the whole trip you know I can't complain about that some people love that the whole time dream for this this is three mother furs for most people dream weather for me too but I want a little taste of rain like that like like putting on all my rain gear get Monte in the poncho and then hunkering down under a tarp and listening to the sound of the tarp or the rain on the tent and the Thunder seeing some lightning I love that stuff and live for that stuff so yeah I don't think we're gonna getting it at this trip but hey who knows who knows the weather is never a hundred percent right so we've been trolling this thing for 16 minutes I'm gonna estimate it says it's supposed to have an hour and a half from a battery life at 60fps 1080p and my last video it did not last that long so what I'm gonna do is just troll it here let it go for about 40 minutes if we make it that long and see if it's still on when I pull it up hopefully it will be I would like it if it could hit 45 minutes but it's very cold water so that's definitely gonna have a play on how long it lasts so I'm gonna realistically say maybe a half hour but anyways what I'm gonna do is a little test to see if it's pulling my lure up or not is I'm going to go over some twenty feet water where it shows like a shallow drop-off and it shows to be about 20 feet we're gonna go right near that and if I don't bounce bottom with my lure this thing is pulling it way up because normally whatever whenever I go something that's like even 30 feet on a drop-off on the contour lines I'll catch stuff and drag hit bottom especially with a 100 feet of line out so we'll see I just I just want to test it want to see where I met I think we're gonna have our most success on a Larry Lake the lake trout lake where I can put on a big ol spoon with big deep water and go against big drop-offs and maybe put on a big weight in front of it get deep yeah okay so it's been trolling for 30 minutes we went over what I thought was like 20 feet of water and shallower and we didn't get a single snag or bump I think this thing is significantly making my lower core shell its dead as those recording again well well shoot shoot so I guess what I'm gonna do is since I'm not gonna be able to find out how long this thing's last until I get home I'm gonna troll up ahead a bit there's another deeper spot and we're just gonna turn it back on and see how long goes for and I won't know any of this till I get home so now we're gonna downgrade the time it records to 15 to 20 minutes maybe which is not worth it I'm not there's no this thing is not worth it if I can only record for 15 minutes and then have to charge it this thing will probably be going back mother lode of dead trees right here I got a cast near this I'm gonna skate by quite controversially this is so windy right here but I'll do my best to get to pass it quickly quick cast I was about to say quest there we go come on give me a fish [Music] my last-ditch effort it's going way too fast for the crashes of rock we're just cruising right now okay dang it it didn't work about to race by some more trees that's pretty good yeah for those of you that have watched my last trips and stuff I have made you'll know that I made the switch to bait casters already and if you're wondering why I have done this it's a couple of reasons there's a couple advantages disadvantages drawbacks whatever first and foremost they're just more comfortable to fish with and more fun that is for certain I for how I like to fish you know being able to whip it and one-handed casting really far and quick the amount of cast you can do in succession are much faster with this than with an open face you can just reel in I switch hands a lot so that's just how I do it but yeah you can once you get the hang of it it's really not that big of a deal everyone's fearful of the birds nests and stuff and it's just once you get it down it's just you're fine yeah they're gonna still happen and I'll you get a couple more at first but it's really not that bad the only drawbacks I would say is it's much harder to cast lighter lures like for my ultralight when I go trout fishing definitely I'm gonna stick to using my and just I don't think the line has this be able to fall off when it's just so light so yeah we don't got too much further to go I'm just gonna troll this thing a little ways I'm not gonna cast any more and we're gonna get moving on with the next like I want to get to a smaller lake it spent some time casting moose poop went moose poop okay you're fine cost nineteen it was unnecessary [Music] [Music] since your ego what how do you feel about going back in the water oh yeah he's evil cess he's fine I don't know why he's - I know it feels good for him cuz I would jump in the water right now no no I mean I would but I'm not going to maybe after this portage we'll see we'll see how I'm feeling I am starting to swell a little bit we're gonna at least take a snack break out for the next portage Huff's woman's in the cards yet you shouldn't carry sticks like that in your mouth want to see hooked into something you're just gonna shove it down your throat you have to go around get to go around putting up a fuss realizes oh I was a Worman panting before coming up for the long winter with all my thick fur boots good night let's gotta do what he's thinking he's gonna throw the stick MIT for another minute here and now we've got another just over a quarter mile portage to go and then we're do some fishing we're taking one's a little snack break and fish and a water break maybe we'll throw the stick for running do some more on the other side you don't have to crawl these rocks okay go around or you just want to stay in you just want to just swim from here oh so we've only had chore for just one day and I was gonna swim it really was but we're just gonna blast with wind and Colby right off lunch break here but it's not gonna eat too much heeds morning and nights I don't want to feed him anymore during the day when he's running around swimming you know it's just not as good for dogs but he can get his aldente treat you want this treat good boy go ahead Monty that's your treat get your treat Monty no begging he's like well check it I need to fill my nails I have a protein shake it's a new thing I'm doing we're gonna see how it goes today because sometimes I'm feeling left a little drained like not enough food throughout the day so I'm going to try have an urchin chick now gene specifically set aside for whey protein because it'll get a little stinky we've only got two more Portage's that are half the size of these ones today for the day and then we're gonna spend the night on a lake which is a long skinny lake we got to paddle down away but we'll just end up boy so it's gonna be quick we've got time we've got four and a half hours four hours and forty-five minutes of light left so we're we're well I had a schedule I've been taking my time and then bracing just the nice weather and enjoying the day see in this this whey protein this is also a nice way to force myself to drink water because I usually just take sips I don't drink a lot of water all at once so it'll be kind of nice because now I'm gonna get 32 ounces in I should be just forcing myself to drink 32 ounces here in there anyways but I just don't do it but if it's got like some food in it if it's liquid food then yeah I'll eat it but don't don't take my hydration that's how you should do your hydration you should drink water as much and as often as you can not to the point where your belly's falling you're feeling sick but like just keep drinking I don't drink enough see how much of a mess we can make put this stuff I got a little I'm gonna have 1/3 of a cup of whey protein why no smoke some okay come on now geez way come on now hey Sierra she goes down by t if you want to approach a trick we're real good oh look too much lake water protein shake pretty good oh yeah this little satiate me alright so I'm just gonna drink this up eat a granola bar and then we're gonna get moving we're gonna hold off on our beef jerky and cheese I brought that out too but I my camera's bent a little bit up I want to hold on the other day so we can pick out more the next day we can last a couple days we get more when we decide to is we don't just get a little snack get a whole bunch you know what I'm saying yeah let me to be the book your first night lights demand entry you're already thinking about just jumping in hurry come on all right so we're gonna try fishing this Lake cuz we got a watch for time today taking our time relax and enjoying the day we need to find somewhere a little bit out of the wind another thing I realized that well my my hat flew off is you know you've got the strap here to to keep it from flying off now it works great when the winds in your face okay hat goes like this but if the wind comes at your back hat goes away and I don't know why but I've never thought to put this strap behind your head when the winds blowing from behind you and it worked like the Hat fly off and it like caught like that so never thought of that I don't know why totally makes sense and if I'm just like the only one out of the loop on that so be it but well I learned okay I know now good that you're back put your loop behind your hat her head your head okay let's take some casts let's catch a fish I also think for this time of year I'm reeling in too fast it's moving too fast and that comes with the weighted lure the quarter ounce jig head it's gonna sink a lot faster so I got to reel it in faster especially when I'm in the shallows so that's working against me a little bit when it gets out at when it calms down we need to do it a little night fishing I'll switch to an eight ounce because fighting this wind I don't want to cast off eight ounce jig head this Lake looks pretty good looks like there should be fish in here there's probably fishing every single Lake they just don't want to bite when I'm fishing for him they're just like now that looks weird he's doing it wrong he did it like this I'd bite I happened to find one of those lakes where the waters rushing in or rushing out from the lake before I know I'll have a good chance catching fish there but oh there now we're just casting along structured and the shore trying to stick to five feet to two feet of water because that's where I think they're gonna be but I've been wrong before this time of year usually there are hanging around logs and stuff but again it's a sunny day maybe we had some clouds to be a little better maybe I just washed measurement the world Montee squeaking so I was going right towards it it felt like a fish at first kind ish everything every Stang is gonna feel like a facial till I catch one and remember what it feels like because I've forgotten cuz it's been so long just give me one just one it gets to the point where I don't get a bite in like the first few hours of the first day of the trip and then I'm just like all of a sudden things like what if I don't catch a fish the whole trip like I'm probably I'm probably just gonna get stunk this whole trip and just you have all these just terrible thoughts and that's where I'm at right now I just feel like I'm gonna get smoked the whole time it's over but I love this thing works for everything and I've also decided I was dinking around with other colors before I'm just going back to all-white it just just makes it easier I don't like when I've had a bunch of different colors in there and I was like you know what if I have like Browns and blacks and oranges and stuff I'm just gonna keep switching and switching and think it's the color and stuff if I stick to white but I just then I can just fish and they either bite it or they don't know messing around oh my gosh nerds in the world and I don't when I was talking about before this eighth ounce is cast and just fine all right we've got a nice little spot here I'll take off my hat for a minute brace a little sunshine on my face okay we got a calm Bay okay so what's happening is the lures too light for this all right so I see a bunch of dead trees up here in this little Bay here we're just gonna cast along these if you don't have any luck we're gonna move along and keep going on with our day and then we'll probably just fish our way to camp and get to camp early tonight and then yeah we get to camp early and spend a nice just kind of relax and then fish the evening good take our time we can set up a slip bobber on this pole here and then we can see if we can pick something up that way cuz that might be the ticket live bait if I can get some leeches or just slower moving stuff that they can look at first then grab there is no possible reason there shouldn't be a fish nice big dead down trees there's no explanation if they don't bite nut that's my final ends okie Dokes we're gonna be moving on haven't found the fish yet all right yet go bite stealth getting warm now you let myself air out a little bit now I would I would like to take these pants off or I mean the the shorts thingies the leggings the legs I mean but I got those waterproof socks on it's a big jumbled mess and they're really not that sweaty they're they're like they're dry is the thing I think with these socks these waterproof socks the moisture just gets pulled out like as soon as it's created so it's like actually even though I've got a nice layer of smart wool socks and then the waterproof socks inside non-breathable Muck Boots they're really not that just hot and just terrible I think it's just because they don't feel wet that's kind of crazy I would as soon be assuming that they would just be just suffering just sweltering feet but I don't know they don't feel that bad really not interesting I'm sure it still feels good to get these socks off buddy so we've got a long skinny lake we've got to go let's see one two three three miles one two yeah bout three three miles of paddling with the wind so it's nothing so what I'm gonna do since if we got a long skinny Lake I'm just gonna put on a shallow troller and once we get to like the open out here I'm just gonna troll we're gonna troll down this one because I haven't been having much luck casting and we'll see if we just pick up something trolling and if we get a bunch of snags we're gonna stop trolling and if the wind gets chilly we're just starting to feel a little chilly I'm sure bad guy man you can see whoa geez I'm getting some Sun oh no oh jeez that's ruder than I thought oh I didn't feel good well the cool breezes maybe not notice I'm being cooked yeah I'm not getting out to get my sunscreen will do that at camp oh man I should have thought about that oh well definitely remember to put on sunscreen tomorrow okay I'm Matt poza let's do it tomorrow now sure if I already mentioned it but I took off that camera off this pole and just put it away I'll bring it back I don't think we're not gonna use that the rest of the day today for sure and I'm not sure we're gonna pick one of the bigger nicer lakes probably ones with lake trout so that I can do some trolling so I usually troll for lake trout this time of year yeah so I think it's about time we try for a pike so I got a steel eater on here we're gonna go with the orange and gold hammered spoon 3/4 ounce I'm not gonna let it too far back that's pretty good I'll let it out a little bit further once we get moving but yeah we definitely need a pike I want to get a nice big pie gonna get a personal best I I lost that 71 and thirteen sixteenths inch pike last spring so I need to top that luhan's you'll be my friend okay see you later all right here on the lake that we are staying for this night I got Monti and iced his favorite stick a beaver stick once again he's not falling for it this time no prune there Phil for that we want anyways we are going to be looking for a campsite that is out of the wind because not that I don't mind the wind it kind of feels nice right now low breeze would be Oh this isn't too bad a little bit more would be nice ideal but for camp for your sake I don't want to have the wind is blowing on us because it is fairly dry out so we want to pick a nice spot there's really only one campsite it seems like it'll be out of the wind maybe two so we'll go check out the one that seems the best first see if it's a nice spot maybe we'll take a couple casts along the way yeah oh the Sun just hit some cast they got real chilly so I'm gonna I'm gonna look at the maps and depending on the lake that we're going to tomorrow will be dependent on if I happen to eat a fish if I catch one tonight because if we're going oh if we're going to a lake with lake trout I feel like the lake trout are our best bet for catching something if the water temps are still cold because the lake trout will be biting I completely forgot but I camped here with Jay ski guy and Dan in the fall right Monte remember the spot this is where we had to deal with heavy rain and really cold temperatures yeah so I've camped here before I just completely forgot oh I saw bait fish down there whoo this is like a great Rocky Point to throw a slip bobber with a leash tonight oh yeah this is gonna be a good spot anyone's been here since we were the ones that kept her last I think we're I think I was the last person to camp here because this is all the firewood we gather there's the log that me and Jake were working together to split but we can only split the one so we gave up on the rest of it I don't think that's gonna cut it please don't hit me in the face hey one we got our first split you can cut it like small and then split it it's a lot easier to do it that way so I'm gonna I'm gonna process up some of this but yeah heck already gather this firewood might as well use it what what what did I do I just went oh because I'm just relieved dirt relaxing you stinker you stay okay okay okay all right all right kick off these Muck Boots here Monty that's a real nice spot take these waterproof socks I got to make sure this one smells the same whoo yep okay all that feels nice Oh heaven to Betsy having to Betsy Marty I feel a little tired flowing day in the Sun are you just sitting he's gonna sit on my knowledge about Monte geez so I'm gonna set up the tent here we're gonna process up some firewood before we fish night now I don't know I'll probably end up going out and casting a little bit but I think I'm just gonna maybe stick to just doing slip bobbers with the leech there you go nice and slow think that'll be my best bet for catching fish I suppose we can do a little round of that a multitask in here [Applause] you know you got it if I'm breathing already I might as well be put in that air into a sleeping pad [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hey what are you doing okay I thought I'd knocked over the camera oh I'm sorry okay okay okay [Music] you're gonna do the Monty version of campfire process wood processing swap your booty down and then you do the work that was efficient but more comfortable that's for sure [Music] [Applause] you know [Music] that is some season for your wood let's try something else [Music] why'd you get sick of it there we go that's the ticket oh just want to see if I can split this all that I'm not just doing this for nothing well it's gonna take a little air goes okay yeah nice as long as I make it a smaller should do just fine so addicting chopped up this firewood but it's a nice fire it like this the only pain about this I don't mind splitting it it's just with this saw I've even got less lengthen normal this teeny little hand so I snapped off the tip so it's kind of a pain cutting through this bigger log but I'm gonna make two more cuts maybe three real quick and then just split it up maybe all of it cuz yeah burn someone else's firewood last night now we got to pay it forward so I'll process up a little extra firewood okay figure since I'm sitting you're processing the firewood and I'm actually I start going out fishing soon I rigged up my foot bobber I was gonna toss this out for a good 15 minutes why and she's gonna process it up a little bit more firewood well Miley's gonna finish the cut and I might not split til later but we're gonna tell us on one of these gulp leeches he's worked in the past good wedge yourself in between some rocks to do the trick I'm gonna finish process it up we'll see if that gets anything probably won't but hey throw the try the perfect spot okay should be enough for tonight so um right when it started to get cool the mosquitoes have come out so there are mosquitoes yep killed like six maybe they're not crazy yet I think they're gonna be out but they're gonna be pretty tame until there's a nice rain first time there's a big rain they'll get pretty insane all right so ready try to slip bobber first I don't see how that goes we're just gonna take it easy do some lazy casts this spot right by camp seems to be pretty good there's a stream up here I mean as much as I want to cast I want to catch fish as well so we're gonna try it out the impatient casting with like flippers kind of instant gratification on Beaver please okay so we're gonna give this like ten more casts and then I'm gonna go to Old Faithful controlling a jointed chartreuse for Paul that's a top floater for walleyes I just can't I can't handle it right now I can't handle casting a slip bobber this will wait till we're at camp and we're just chilling I just can't make up my mind right now so what I'm gonna do so what I decided I'm gonna do is a little bit of trolling we're just gonna troll cuz I know that's a good way of getting walleye even pike even bass i was trolling these little chartreuse lures and yeah son some jumped me up today I'm a hair pooped so I don't mind let's see we got two of these small walleye lures the other ones are really big and then you're not supposed to use big lures and spring that's for fall is the bigger hope a pike don't bite this off the char I've been trolling just seems like it's a little too drop-off fee and then it seems like a spot over here that's pretty shallow a nice big flat shallow area so we're gonna slowly troll through that cuz I do think things are going to be in the shallows not really in drop-offs right now but yeah I'm just kind of letting it sink in accepting that I'm pretty early and it's been very cold spring and fishings gonna be slow pretty dang slow till this water warms up a little bit so uh yeah I'm just gonna look forward to the lake trout spent a lot of time fishing and lake trout lakes well if we look at our maps later but I think tomorrow we might be to like a lake not sure but if so we'll try to get there early and go crazy catching a Larry only got some loons yeah by no means am I gonna give up and not try to catch fish every day and every night but I just think I'm gonna have very scattered success another perfectly calm clear evening I'll be a little bit windier tonight but that's totally fine it's gonna look real pretty up there sunset 15 minutes ago we're just gonna head back to camp we're gonna go start a fire watch this over the campfire yep that's what I feel like doing Oh beaver please [Applause] what a gorgeous sunset beeper please [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] yeah see you seen us sneaky beaver looked over those aspecto chillin here on the slide I'm toad oh I'm sorry I wasn't gonna touch ya let's just see if your you're gonna react oh yeah he's he's not happy about it don't worry I'm not gonna I'm not gonna miss ya Tommy toad Oh see you later okay Monty we need to make a spot for one these vlogs aren't really serving much purpose Monty made you a spot this campsites gonna have to be I'll rearrange these lugs weren't doing justice and it's kind of not a good spot for one of those camp blog you know you see a camp sites a lot with the configuration because it's so close to the rock there was a couple of logs here but it literally put you foot away from the fire so I just moved up I think they were just that was not working that was not good placement I've got some water boiling for some tea to start my night off and Monty's food since he didn't want Monty you are up in my grill hey you can bank from that distance just like that okay cuz it's gonna be a minute okay pal let me see here oh yeah water's boiling have myself a little cup of chamomile tea I think even if it's not as much pumpkin as he wants with it being nice and soft he's gonna really enjoy it nice hot soft doggy foodstuff I love the spaghetti if I have to eat it seven nights in a row that's fine I can do it we're making it extra soupy today so I suppose it is time to have a little treat well for me Monty I'm sorry you don't get near this one I've got some starbursts I've got some Jolly Ranchers and some Lindor chocolates ooh we're gonna start with a Linda or chocolate just one for tonight I don't got many of them but they were out of Cadbury fruit and nuts that's my go-to mmm Monday I'm sure you would love to eat some candy which is not it's not something that's meant for dogs okay mati is just getting up in my face about his food licking his lips he wants it real bad it was just too hot so close I need a little bit more cold water just trying to get it to the right temperature for Monty to eat but I want you to burn your mouth Monty or your tummy okay I don't know if you ever had the feeling of swallowing or putting to howto food in your mouth and you realize it's too hot for your mouth so you swallow it it burns your throat I don't think you have Monty but I sure have it's not a good feeling I don't know why I do it like that I just lost to off my mouth don't spit it out swallow it all right go ahead feast away oh he's eating it today no problem I think that hot water helps the boiling water it makes his food soft they're kind of slurp slurp eyes everything it's quite a little too cold yesterday I saw this on Monty's legging at first it was just like a brown little dot and I was like what the heck is that it's a leech well I just got a little teeny leech stuck in his fur is holding on for dear life I guess I'll let you go back to the water [Music] a little bit more fire wet Bronte just a couple more pieces take a look oh we got for tomorrow not too bad one big old portage let's see what the flick I think this lake has lake trout lake trout yep okay we are going for a fish dinner tomorrow I think we can catch some lake trout so yeah it looks like we've got let's see one little cordage the one big portage which is a pain and a couple teeny tiny then we'll be under Lake so we can get there relatively early we will troll along the way to a campsite never got up to a boil but I'm still gonna be good there's a beaver there's like an island over there and it's right over cross there and it's not up sticks and trees and dragging stuff into the water and it's got Ponte on high-alert buddy sit next to the water just cool so after looking at the map and stuff I'm starting to feel better about the fishing again it's gonna pick up here because I just think it is you know the first like that that we stayed out I think they had good walleye fish and the rest of these I just don't know they're just like long skinny Lakes and they're just pulling I just don't think we've hit the good stuff yet tomorrow I think that Lake that we're staying at is gonna be good fish it's gonna have lake trout then there's some lake so we're gonna hit on the way that up more lake trout and then we're gonna stay in a walleye lake and it's even got bass and pike I think that's gonna be good fishing then we're gonna head over to that Lake that I lost that monster pike on that's got a lake trout we'll try for another Pike or something there so I think I think we've still got we've still got hope I think we're gonna have fish dinner lose mm-hmm I'm so hungry yep loons okay come on be cold enough or not hot not too hot that burns my mouth enough hmm well I'm gonna finish up my spaghetti here and put my fare I'll call and clean up all my crap and then we're gonna get the bed we're gonna get the tent and get ready for bed cuz I'm actually pretty sleepy the Sun just drained me today and we get to sleep in today well tomorrow probably till 9:00 because it seems to be the latest I can sleep in but yeah only a couple Portage's tomorrow or a few one big one bunch of littles and let's wear it and hopefully we'll have a fish dinner tomorrow so I'll check back on you guys when I'm ready for bed you're not gonna like this but it's for your own good just be thankful that you're dry oh sorry Monty it's good there you go hey go Mattie oh okay well that was a tasty little supper nice long day in the Sun I had lots of fun no fish no fish beautiful sunset though but anyways I'm gonna pass out now tomorrow I dream of catching a Larry so I will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 132,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, wilderness, wilderness area, camp, how to camp, adventure, adventurer, bushcraft, bushcrafter, bushcrafting, campfire cooking, cooking, campfire, fire, fire skills, fishing, canoe, canoeing, bwca, canoe camping, fall camping, fall, dog, dog training, camping dog, boundary waters, nikon d5500, canada, backpacking, survival, survival skills, gopro, going camping, wilderness adventure, winter camping, paddling, canoe paddle, canoe trip, outdoors, forest, funny, hilarious, silly, gourmet cooking
Id: ILj7RNQ6waA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 14sec (7634 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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