9 Night Wilderness Adventure with My Dog [Full Trip]

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[Music] snowball fight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello there ladies and gentlemen I am in the boat with Monty and we have just embarked on a 10 day wilderness adventure we're gonna be moving from Lake to Lake and staying at a different site every night sleeping in a tent hopefully we catch some fish at dinners and other than that I've brought a bunch of snacks and homemade dehydrated meals yeah we got a late start again today not super late we've got an hour and then it'll be dark we're gonna get as far as we can and once it starts to get dark we're just gonna pick the first campsite we see but anyways I'm pretty excited you know it's fall time you can see the leaves changing there's some oranges some reds lots of yellow still a lot of green though what it's coming in and I think the high for the entire trip is today it's like 50 150 out something like that it's gonna be in the mid to lower 40s for highs most of the trip right around there and it's supposed to rain a lot it supposed to be off and on rain is supposed to snow on Friday the lady at the ranger station said so we're in for some stuff we'll see [Music] [Music] it is so beautiful peaceful all right now this is gonna be a good trip oh jeez Oh chief cut along the road will sir really hurts my casting of these dead down trees I love those fries I gotta move are we at the dog park is our treat sir oh we sure are at the dog park decimal point we made it first [Music] you know I could be off on when the Sun sets I'm just guessing I'm thinking it's gonna start setting in 10 minutes which means I'm going to be finishing up the next portage and then I've got one teeny one and then it's gonna get dark and I guess we're not gonna make it as far as I thought so we've got a really long day tomorrow cuz I've got a pretty ambitious trip planned we'll see how it goes oh the slightest sprinkling started up sure hope it doesn't turn into a rain yet this seems low rationing rocks [Music] sorry rainy not super-heavy so late rain so I'm gonna get this portage done really quick then we're gonna get out Monty's poncho in a headlamp because it is getting dark by the minute the Sun is set [Music] [Music] [Music] as you can see it's very dark so I'm so with my map really quick so we stick to the right Shore and there's three campsites on the end of the peninsula for krisily okay shut off my light let my eyes adjust to the darkness I might run into a rock or something what's the ski channel - oh mighty just let on a big all groan look at this guy anyways it's dark we got to find a campsite man they paddles are really becoming the norm hey Monty it's just what we do now oh wow if you look over there you can see some really nice beautiful fall colors there's some reds and oranges oh gosh is that wolf I think it's got a fish in its mouth oh the fish is pregnant okay I own the campsite I'm gonna hurry up and just get set up get all my stuff up here and everything cuz it's late and the rain kind of stopped by Denis anyways we're here getting set up well that sure was fun I got the tent set up I fed Monty yeah this is so bright so yeah we just got set up stopped raining it's actually not too bad to see in the dark when it's just just a dark when it's not pitch-black oh yeah and like you can just see the water and the shoreline and this guy but yeah making a pretty good habit about these nighttime paddles so I'm not gonna get crazy tonight and probably stay up to lakes I'm a little tired and pooped out from this morning I've been go-go-go since this morning so I'm gonna try to start up a fire really quick and we're gonna see if that works and I'm just gonna boil some water for some spaghetti so let's see if we can start a fire fire otherwise I'm just gonna use my stove I just started to rain when I got the fire going and it's starting to pick up so I'm left to put the stuff away I'm probably just in a cookout and my stole out in the tent but I gotta hide this thing picked up for a minute there but now it's just a light little rain and if I'm being perfectly honest with you I'm just gonna cook in here under the tarp and make my spaghetti chill out and not do too much too crazy it's a first night and I don't feel like getting wet it's got a little damp on the way and stuff it was it was very light right it's light right now dude just bring me out here we're just gonna sit in the tent all day first the cord then the boat no the tent it's blissfully homemade dehydrated spaghetti I brought two meals this time and bring just spaghetti I also brought stir-fry dehydrated stir-fry with chicken this one's got beef I want to cook this one up Monty's gonna be really jealous of me but he ate his dog he's a good boy maybe he'll get a trea T to dump in my spaghetti like so and basically I'm just gonna cover it up Monty don't you dare just get some water above and I'm gonna let it boil for a minute cover it and you will see that krispity krunch e dried stuff look like a gourmet meal oh yeah now I'm just gonna stir that up and pull it off there and cover it up and let it reabsorb for a minute oh yeah yeah that s spaghetti delicious looking spaghetti what do you think Monty I'm sorry to do this to me you can't have it it's got mushrooms and onions oh it just looks like a perfect consistency just like spaghetti yeah you stinker haven't you since like 8:00 this morning [Applause] mmm-hmm could be my best batch at Monte oh yeah that hits a spot every time so yeah Monty's gonna beg for my food I'm just gonna relax probably glance over the maps again finish this up and we're gonna pass out I'm pretty tired so on that note guys I will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody morning nice headrest don't like my face don't do it it's time to get up and get some layers on here we pack make my oatmeal coffee and we've got to cover some ground today I was gonna get up when I was still dark up I was like meeh meeh but anyways let's get moving let's do it watch your little turd oh it's a nice cloudy chilly morning oh yeah I'm gonna get my morning oatmeal and coffee going and get packing up here and when my coffee and everything is done pretty much ready we'll look over the map really quick see we're trying to tackle today and for the whole trip and then we're gonna get on the water and get moving [Music] [Music] oatmeal oh yeah boats don't seem like they're gonna be too soupy I'm not too bad first couple of camp and coffee in a while oh yeah well I'm uh I am about 60% of the way packed up Oh probably more than that I'm just throwing my things in my bag I'm gonna finish up my oats and my coffee here peek at the maps finish packing and let's get on the water so here's just a general overview of the trip so we started here yesterday and we made it up to about here in the dark today we're planning on going through here up to here we're gonna try to get all the way over to here we'll see so then we're going to move up here go over here down through this up through here up through all these Lakes back out to here somewhere down and then we're gonna follow this and we're either gonna jump out this way or go around down this way no no that's a I thought big chunk of area I mean look at the entire Boundary Waters that's the whole thing we're trying to cover that now pretty ambitious today is going to decide if I can make it to there I can totally do all this what we're going to see [Music] well so begins the light rain definitely said it was gonna rain today the rain we all know how you don't like getting wet nothing like a rainy start to attend a trip when you're paddling in colder temperatures like this and it's raining you're the main thing is you want to stay dry you do not want to be soaked and if you do get wet you definitely want a nice set of dry clothes to be able to change into so let's say you know I get sometimes freezing and I'm thinking or something you want to be able to pour to shore set up a tarp and dry off completely and getting your own clothes if need be [Music] [Music] Monte I'm not trying to say anything mean but I'm saying this we're pretty heavy in the rear end of the boat not saying it's you watch a lot of the weights in the back Monte Monte good point I've never been to single one of these lakes we're gonna been to this side of the mountain waters [Music] The Sun will come out tomorrow bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there'll be song we're not moving too fast so I don't know if we're gonna make you our planet today I think we're gonna fall a little bit short Monty's not super thrilled to just be all day rain Monty I can't control the weather I can only control and get out here I'm sorry so I planned out three fish dinners for this trip if it's gonna be cold and rainy like this is gonna be tough fishing but I did bring out meals too as backups in case they don't catch me a fish I'm sure I'll catch something and I'll have a meal or two maybe not all three who knows all right the ring is really late now Monty you can poke your ears oh there you go you can hear again a real dog [Music] all right would you look at that barely raining at all starting to get light over there Sun could break out that was beating nuts there's a big part of me that wants to drop the line in the water intro right now but it's just not the time yet cuz I've got a lake plan the next two nights if I can make to it or make it to it only one campsite on it you have to do an extra portage to get to it but it looks like a good little lake for Lake Travis so we're gonna we're gonna hunt for Larry again last year the similar time you know had that clutch catch and he just slipped away that's not gonna happen this year no we catch him we're putting that net over the boat [Music] that was such a funny moment though the this year I can't believe that just happened look on my face it's too good such a funny moment [Music] [Music] your food if he eats his food or even a little bit I'll bust out the jerky Monte's a week so I don't get any beef jerky neither does he I'm keeping I'm sticking to it this time you know he thinks he thinks I'm a softy and I'm always gonna break in cave not this trip mister I've got news for you just knock it this way this time I will not eat that beef jerky if he can't eat that beef jerky in front of us and I just have to share your shame cuz we're pals right now I see blue skies up ahead behind those grey clouds Wow can't say I was expecting that well maybe that was cringeworthy he dipped out run back into the water [Music] [Music] who this one was just a hop skip and a jump I almost killed with the boat with water getting in there I stepped it was one of those ones where it's like deep right here the portage so you kinda have to just step 20 of your boat and it was like it was a swamp and I stepped and then Monte decided to do a ship to get the other side of the boat just swung the weight and I just like whoo but like I mean - what shower wasn't like house in my hand I basically I just put all my weight right here and hold up like a good minute I could get a paddle hold up my weight [Music] [Music] [Music] mmm-hmm means one thing Monty must have used our food right so I just want you guys to understand how ridiculous this creature here is yeah you so I offer them as food again because I really want to beef jerky sounds like alright we ready we're gonna get you eat months you need to eat so I just put it out sat down on a rock and just stare it off just did things to sat there like a statue to try to entice him to eat didn't want it so that I marched over to his ball I was like much you eat this eat this he looked at it sniffed it walked away they start eating grass but I know he's which means he's hungry and then I just kind of stood over the bowl and I brought him over there and I tried to get him to eat and he wouldn't do it so what I finally did was take a piece of food and put it in his mouth like a pill and just kind of hold his mouth shut to get him to like salivate and he eventually he spit it out the first one that I did it again and yeah he chewed it and crunched it and then he realized that he wanted some food and started eating food it took me to have to put it in his mouth and make him eat it force him to eat it to get some of the same beef jerky ridiculous [Music] [Music] [Music] I was thinking about just going for it right in the middle but it's a it's a steep one as you can see it would have been a really bad decision yeah Monty the rain is off and on yeah I agree it's annoying [Music] how beautiful is my hat hair so I think I'm gonna get to camp free late regardless of which one I go to it's gonna be right at dark yes one thing that I'm always happy I brought at the end of the day is chapstick the lips are so chapped right now I don't wait to get that Carmex I might wait though it's more leaving that way [Music] too many rocks Almonte [Music] good job Monty we did it well let's just see how many rocks we're gonna bump into [Music] [Music] what mine is just like a new truth [Music] [Music] No house camping a 60 run chorus goes all right I needed a minute to get this stuff out chicken [ __ ] for dryness and yeah Riku permitted Dig Dug always making their house fun so I've got good nuts got bad news good news is me and Monty here just fine I got one little one little nick I'm a hand a wet bottom I just got a wet bottom some wet stuff and we're but we'll find the bad news is that my maps washed downriver [Music] my only set of maps luckily I hauled ass to chase them down this is the second set of Rapids after I shut off the camera I saw my maps floating and I was like chasing them down and they got to that set of Rapids and they just washed I was like oh no so I hurried up and unfilled the boat and just porridge the boat and grabbed Monte and just like race down the river luckily they're sealed up nice they're floating the crazy creek also washed downriver but I found that and I don't think we lost anything else and as far as my bags you saw my boat was submerged completely fill up with water my bags were just sitting in there they did not get much water in them at all I am really surprised they did a great job being dry backs I was expecting to at least have you know some water pooling in there but it just kind of got the top a little bit it was just slowly leaking in so what do we learn today Matthew don't skip don't skip pay me quarter-mile Portage's don't do it Oh dog monkeys just like juice little such a ravenous little teeny ones like that I'm gonna have to rekindle Monty's trust in me we've got an hour and a half to go far down the river so we gotta move [Music] [Music] now I would totally stay on this Lake except for one thing there are no hosted campsites up and you have to say the campsite in the Boundary Waters so I've got a push on through oh oh this is total campsite that is a relief this is the most disappointing thing ever no fire great no fire great means I can't I can't legally camp here [Music] [Music] [Music] good dude please have some more beef jerky campsite and we can start a fire and get warm and then we could make food and is the us [Music] it's okay Monty baby swans not even pee [Music] [Music] sunset or is setting right now so it is gonna start to get dark very fast [Music] now we should just have a short paddle and the porch I might be able to make it [Music] [Music] [Music] there's no where over there it's all this big rocks it's just a slick wet angle and it's just deep this will be fun I'm probably gonna slay the boat right there on the rock set things in and just kind of launch it that was a whole lot of fun getting in was really fun too it's dark now we set a record guys I was our first nighttime portage the first half I kind of see I didn't even headlamp but then the second half it got so dark I couldn't see [ __ ] so anyways I just took a drink of water me and Monty Hansen victory beef jerky we just got a paddle now hopefully there's no special Portage's but I got a look at my maps I'm not gonna do a whole lot of talking to the camera and recording because it's just dark and you're just gonna see my headlamp and me chat and so [ __ ] out some important to say or something silly to say I'll say it but we've got a good half hour to an hour of paddling in the dark and navigating to find a campsite so it's just started to rain again oh it's so funny oh man well not put on the headline up right now because it makes it damn near impossible to see because it's it's raining right now we made it we made it guys I am beat I am tired my back hurts so I'm gonna get set up get stuff around boy ladies and gentlemen I am officially P oo PE D pooped everything is taken care of I am in completely dry clothes okay this is dry is it dry yeah everything's dry I am a hundred percent dry I got the uses dry set of clothes I was talking about got my Crocs on fresh socks thermals everything I am like a new man except I am still drained but I'm not gonna make a fire I'm just gonna cook stir fry up right here I'm not gonna move from this spot for a little bit so we cook up the stir fry the same way as a spaghetti [Music] did you just fart or perp I think you might have just farted it oh yeah no stir-fry doesn't always look the most appealing when it's rehydrated but oh it's a little soupy it's okay but say got broccoli in there and there's pea pods mmm all right I want you your creature behind me let's see how this tastes [Music] mm-hmm oh yeah mm-hmm there you go big boy holy gentleman I'm pooped I am poke poke poke poke poke that was a delicious meal we had a long day made a big old dingle maryberry a mistake today dad was I would I was a dingus that's okay we live and we learn right Monty said you'll never learn to eat your food to get beef jerky you just magically get it anyways guys I am gonna take some ibuprofen and pass out hard and wake up when I wake up so I will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody no morning aunty oh they're just you be doggie I slept so good last night I just was watching my team you didn't want to get out of bed so we slept in a bit are you swimming Mugsy are you swimming right now so we'll see how far we get today I don't know if I'll make you to mr. link I don't know what time it is but we'll go as far as we can the one thing that's gonna suck that I'm not looking forward to right now it's putting on a lot of wet stuff cuz it's kind of chilly up this is terrible when you're sitting your warm sleeping bag I have to put a little that wet crap well well so we're gonna get up get packed up make our oatmeal coffee let's get to it [Music] ow ow oh mighty sound sick I just want to throw it you're going crazy all right okay oh Jesus he's a nutcase right now anyway so I'm just gonna get packed up here make my oatmeal and we'll catch you guys on the boat I'm gonna trying to move a little quicker I'm I'm a little slow but I've got energy today so much energy like a little rain to go with your wind always desired [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the four just behind all this muck and logs we've got a paddle about 150 200 more feet to the next portage so I think it's only three more Portage's and two bigger paddles and one teeny paddle to get to our lake you're not getting any no begging no begging oh my G we've got a battle small current Monty right now little turd but more sleet or hail coming in across this big lake here right across the middle with the waves either come in our sides [Music] just a nice ball paddle you know good boy Monty yeah you don't put in a good boy this panel right now is killing our time I don't think we're gonna be able to make it to moister fighting this win I'm gonna get there right at dark again so think we're changing for plans again I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get over to the shore I'm gonna put on the lure where it's gonna troll this lake on the way to a campsite and we're gonna stay here tonight I feel like we just accomplished something we just paddled from over there where that I don't know if you can see that white rock straight to here in in heavy winds my arm is done right now nothing like some snow to make you want to go fishing [Music] zoom it down yeah this is the only flat spot in this whole area it's all big slatted it's rock I don't even know if we're gonna be able to get the snakes and maybe gggg [Music] I'm just gonna pound the crap in here now and then we'll get a little bit of firewood and then once we got firewood we'll take a few casts and then we'll spark up a fire there's a nice little scream mini waterfall right here this campsite do that hey Monty that's pretty cool Monty it's snowing yep it's snowing oh that's cold oh yeah Monty you know supposed to have snow on you in September what are you doing what do you think this is what do you think this is Monty why is it snowing Almonte what the heck what's going on where are we Monty what are you doing you frosty bunny [Music] okay let's process some of this up it's a nice Kinlan here oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] let's cook up some food Monte here you can have a thin tea tree see we're just associating opening this bag with joy here you go where's your Dundee good boy we're treating ourselves to a portion and a half spaghetti tonight we've earned it oh yeah let's just get extra this is gonna put me in a coma I like a little something special when I'm out an extended trip and you know some people everyone's got their snacks you know but I like starbursts and a bar of chocolate Cadbury fruit nut bar and if you're wondering how to make these meals yourself this this spaghetti I will post a link let's see I don't know it's gonna be one of these two sides I'm very terrible at picking where it's gonna be it's gonna be the top right corner oh yeah oh yeah that is so glorious looking okay it looks so hot I want to burn my mouth but I can't not hmm oh it's good [Music] doesn't matter how many times I eat spaghetti when I'm hungry it hits home [Music] Monty is ready for bed he's been creeping around the tent hey Monty hey check out my new shades that I've just found aren't they hip stop trying to eat my hand lotion you weirdo we're not gonna snuggle him up yet well you know what the heck when in Rome right okay our Monty's tucked in I don't know if he needs us if he gets warm he'll uh he'll get up but I think he'll just chill he is pretty content right now anyways I'm heading to bed guys I will catch you in the morning good night everybody good morning gets an early morning breath dude how's mine Oh probably just as bad so anyways we're we don't have too far to go today we'll try to catch Larry and if we do maybe we'll Flay them up and we'll move on to some other Lakes and cook them up but we'll see how things play out so anyways I'm gonna get up put some wet socks and some wet boots on the rest should be dry and we're gonna have some oatmeal and get packed up so let's do it what are you doing over there chasing squirrels Monty it's the Sun the Sun is out we got blue sky blue skies ahead skies oh yeah I'm just trying out the new shades that I found turns out they suck they're not healthy at all anyways it's bright and sunny so I've got my barefoot Crocs on right now and I've got my boots trying to dry them out them so you can see how the sun's blasting on the bottom of the boot there cuz that's what's soppy and wet so I'm gonna kind of poke around right now since I'm gonna take I'm gonna take this opportunity of sunlight I'm just gonna poke around make up my oatmeal take my time getting ready just let these things dry out and I should have 100% dryness again [Music] oh yeah oh yeah oh it's first time ever done that soupy oatmeal soupy oh just a beautiful beautiful morning today this Sunday morning is a nice treat I'm gonna finish up my oatmeal and coffee here and we're gonna get on the water so let's get to that all right we are mobile Monte's sitting right in this is gonna go two ways we're either gonna not catch any lake trout and probably move on from oyster we're gonna catch tons of lake trout and then potentially fillet them and move on to moisture or we'll have really Spidey results and have fights and struggle really hard all day but know that they're biting and then we'll stay a toy store just to get that Larry meal see those swirls up in the sky it's pretty cool again [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that was a fun little portage dual-zone for you half of it you go up the other half you go back down I think this section right here is going to be our best chance for moose the whole trip [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're on a Larry Lake we're just gonna get a little bit away from shore here drop a line dousset rollin i think regardless we're gonna fish this fish the shore for a while and move on there's a couple of 3/4 mile Portage's that if i get them done today will definitely make tomorrow a whole lot easier all right so I'm gonna be using my Larry lure I set the line way out I'm gonna say this is our first real chance of fishing right now it's the first real fishing we've done we're already on date for normally I fish the whole time but as you saw the first couple days isn't that much time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well it's not looking good reportage well we tried we try it we pedaled we drove from that low-lying spot all the way down there and all along the shore up to here or at the end it looks like we're going to have to admit defeat on Easter [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go that's it go boy well that was a delightful little portage definitely was at least a mile long I don't got a steelier on let even a swivel soar in the nude if we find a campsite that's good I'm just gonna throw my my big bag my dry bag here unsure just a claim there or whatever real quick and get back on the water we'll just try to fish till dark I'll take any fish I can get at this point one bass a small bass Pike walleye whatever I find this lack of fish disturbing dang Nevitt dang Navin that was a wall I think didn't feel like a pike could have been a bass alright nothing I just troll across the middle this seemed like a nice little lake wish I had time to fish it better probably catch dinner if I stayed here but we're gonna hammer out this next porridge see how fast we can get it done how fast we do it will dictate how long we get fish on the other lake and hopefully go for that dinner let's get it done [Music] whoo-hoo knocked that one out so we got here and the Sun is still in the sky it's about to set but crucial timing yes I'm finally in like the zone of you know paddlin important Asian nose those last two parties as long as two of the trip and I have way more energy after being done with those than I did half the size Portage's the couple days before we're gonna try and get fat sassy on fat Lake that's the plan that was the lake I was I can catch lake trout guys catch Larry here so we'll see see if I was right or we're just gonna do we did an oyster and not get a single bite or we can do what I did on bat Lake last year Larry we'll catch him and he'll get away I don't want that to happen we got a fish you know what it's not the biggest bass in the world but it's a bass that's Bobby jr. right there we're gonna take it dinner okay here he is like I said it's a small guy maybe 13 14 inches somewhere in there but it's food I'm gonna eat it I want a fish dinner really bad and there's still a good chance we another one have faith I have faith I need a try casting couple times okay no other fish just got the camp so I'm just have a taste a little morsel but I'm gonna get camp set up and collect some firewood and then we will get processing it start a fire and cook up some dinner you know I really used to dislike blowing up the sleeping pads you know just sitting down dedicating time to it for some weird reason it's my least favorite thing no I just keep in my mouth and I set up the tent and open up my sleeping bags air up things and just I just breathe and it's blown up it's like magic so it's 37 right now I set the watch off like a half hour and yesterday it was 32 and it feels much colder here because there's a just a constant breeze of like 10 miles an hour it feels like this is a really windy spot so it's pretty chilly oh yeah that's just perfectly dry firewood [Music] let's go say should go more like that [Music] since it's cold and chilly oh and it's windy I left the tent open there's a critter has found his way into the tent you know sometimes I just find processing firewood addicting I think we got enough firewood for tonight and maybe another person's other night if they come here mind you using your sleeping pad wrong I don't think he cares so let's prepare dinner and I'm gonna play the fish so first I gotta cut some stuff up we're gonna make it a little it's gonna be delicious we'll do that much [Music] [Music] oh yeah and then four sides this time I went with for this one we're going to have chicken broccoli rice and pasta blend [Music] he isn't going to get any of the fish tonight and I feel guilty so I'm gonna be giving him piece of beef jerky throughout the cooking process I've got 2 cups of water here for my rice stuff it is starting to rain lightly hope it doesn't get heavy at this [Music] yes seeds out of here I need to get this fire built up a little bit [Music] let's add in these bad boys oh yeah final step to any outdoors meal Montreal steak seasoning okay where's this sprinkle a little bit more mantra on here oh it's almost done okay it's raining and it's it's pretty much done so I'm gonna eat it in the tent I can't keep the DSLR out here walls rainy if it stops all you outside right now it's about done anyways and it's just sprinkly and get my camera wet and I can't have that look at that you can kind of see it just a lemon butter onion sauce the fish is cooked my face all black oh it is I'm dirty I'm so sorry about teeth you're gonna get beef jerkey after this I promise I find this lack of fish disturbing for me that's not bad it's definitely lacking flavor compared to my fish over there it tastes kind of bland but it's still good it's food no no you may think of that was the tedious Bastian world and I'm pretty big guy and I'm happy about that teeny little basketball mm-hmm this is doesn't matter how small was it okay go ahead I want more fish we're going hard tomorrow I think we're gonna try to get up pretty early I got a semi alarm I got to remember how to do that but yeah I'm just gonna clean up and then I'm gonna head to bed try to get up early so I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody yes I see oh gee it's time to get up wotty wotty 90 I can't sleep all day come on I'm going to get up I'll check it out mighty you gotta get up I don't think he wants to get up we're gonna get up today it's gonna be a long day let's do it I'm gonna whip up some oatmeal quick and pack up and everybody get on the water I also had a bunch of leftover firewood I put it under the tree there and you can see there's the line of dry and there's the wet so it should stay dry for whoever comes next show me a new trick ready ready do it clapping his legs clapping is little feet good job Monty that's so impressive it's so impressive just breaking the old bill today I'm gonna finish this up and get the boat picked up we'll pretty much ready to go I've got five minutes until the time that I was hoping to leave by so what's on the plate for today we've got eight Portage's ones like a mile long two half miles a few quarters and I think a couple that are smaller than that I really want to get fat sassy up at Lake stay like 21 times don't worry but that's definitely a goal of this trip was to get to that Lake and catch a lake trout there catch Larry the lake trout there today is the last day for the season of lake trout for 2018 in Minnesota so we need that make it happen today he didn't like my Seagal call hey Monte do the ladies ever tell you how Stowe he looks sometimes pretty stoked right now sitting on that rock you ready to do this porch all right let's go I get fat and sassy on fat lake Montacute taste Larry now [Music] [Music] [Music] hey you crazy dog [Music] [Music] always fun hi spike this Lakes a bit deeper nice drop-offs so I'm gonna set the Deep Diver we've got a waste panel might as well troll along the drop-offs [Music] [Music] [Music] hey its son son isn't a son son son don't like sweater I like getting super scummy I'm already pre scummy we're gonna have to roughly address the bathing situation later today [Music] starting to rain a little bit just a sprinkle where there's a sprinkle there's a sprinkle or there's a sprinkle there's a steady rain wishing a little lunch break now drinking some water or get back to it I need a little energy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see my idea wasn't so bad there's the culprits made the dams right there as our home Monty where'd your ears go okay so the next portage is going to be a rough one it's like a half mile and it's like a hundred meters of incline or feet I don't know this one's gonna be rough so we ruff ruff would you just look at those fall colors just beautiful gorgeous the mystical [Music] well that was a rough portage I need to take a cast of this tree right here quick before we go any further I love the rocks I don't know if that's lichen on the rocks I think that's what's called moss big trees this sort of thing feels like home to me just rocks and trees like this oh man this big rock here I'm kind of out away from the shore was not expecting look at that monster [Music] you got a poop coming on but I am holding it till that Lake if we get that camps a monster bad old dump a victory fat dump I'm fat Lake [Music] all right got one cordage to get too fat lake we've got a little paddle hopefully we're with the wind timing we're doing good on time if we can make it to fat like in 35 minutes we'll get like an hour two hours of fishing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I'm pretty sure fat Lake is ours so I throw up my lunch bag I'm not gonna set up anything just real quick tidy up the boat and then we are going to get fishing fishing till evening all right let's get to fishing I might take a few casts right off this point right here really quick I'll take five with the spoon and then we're gonna get to it trolling casts and jiggin whatever hey Monty let's do this I'm gonna start with a big ole we're gonna try this then I've got a smaller one this one's three four rounds we're into a couple casts here off this point and then we will troll and then maybe switch spoons cast keep going back and forth do me justice the colors here on this liquor just gorgeous must get chillier up here or something cuz there's a lot more color up in these these trees here I got a snag well that Lake is claim is first Rapala I just have one snap my line I don't think they really did that but I guess they do have teeth I know they're in here they have to be biting it's been so cold out it's just not looking good nothing nothing nothing nothing it seems as though Larry has evaded us for another year the evening is not over but it's very close oh yeah it's gonna start to get real dark real quick so we travel all this way to fat Lake didn't catch a lake trout didn't catch Larry it's disappointing wait is this Larry yeah Larry hey buddy yes oh we just caught him on the chartreuse going over Lake the open we're gonna go for another one quick here I pull that quick print oh it's so feels so good it's like the last light of the last chance for catching all right we're gonna try again quick ladies and gentlemen may I present Larry the lake trout the second he is perfect eating size wow you got some teeth yeah I'm gonna dispatch that guy set up camp and everything really quick we'll get some firewood we're gonna do it right tonight we're gonna have a nice fire yeah this guy is big teddy bear we're gonna have a nice fire tonight and make a delicious meal and take our time I am so happy you ladies in general we worked for this this lake was like the middle of the trip we fought hard to get here I've been talking about this lake and catching liked right here from the get-go last like half hour of light anyways let's get camp set up let's get some firewood let's do this okay so mr. Monty I'm almost done set up and I want to give him the option to lay in the tent but he is so dirty he needs some of this like look at this thing and you got Pickers all in all those Pickers Monty all right Monty Alta don't you feel better did you feel better be like a million dollars good boy all done [Music] or that sound of the wood clanking isn't it delightful these things are frozen so it takes some like in a half hour to chew it all right so pretty alright sit pretty better than that that's a pretty good boy twirl twirl good boy all right go around was it big go around come here all right you can have it go boy there is our sweet sweet sweet beautiful Larry all right so we need to portion this up for me and Monte I'm gonna get a lion's share because you know I'm a human and I'm big so we're gonna give him that chunk we'll give them the same chunk on this side that's a lot of meat in those end pieces that you know I can give you a million excuses as to why I'm gonna eat more fish tonight but the best one is is that I just want to and he will be okay and I am hungry so yeah we're given one more chunk yeah it hurts one more chunk you little turd and I get once butter Chunk we're just trying to make a delicious slurry for him you didn't get fat and sassy with me too and today our pasta choice thing.you rice is Spanish rice let's see if it's a little bit more flavorful than the last one let's just dump this slurry here fish you water and what there's a dog sliding the chunk of butter oh yeah do we need a splash of water though what's gonna be good no we're gonna let some of this water boil out we're gonna saute him for a little bit here Monty are you the definition of good boy yeah go ahead go ahead get it see doesn't matter that was just a smaller portion he's still happy almost time any of the other goodies let's get frozen lemon juice oh yeah oh and one more thing some Montreal oh that is gonna be so good I'm just going to do one more light little sprinkle that is done all mad time to feast look at that glory lemony butter juicy goodness oh yeah oh man hmm this is definitely a lot better than yeah I don't know what it was I think tonight may be the coldest night yet my mind's telling me yes my body is saying no satisfied I'm definitely gonna be I'm definitely full so yeah I'm gonna clear this all up and then we're gonna get in the tent and get ready for bed I'll keep you warm it's called the tents frozen everything's frozen yeah you look in the camera oh yeah I die Joe good boy it's I'm tired it's cold and I gotta put on all my layers and get in there they had a snuggle monty up in this sleeping bag then we're gonna pass out so on that no guys I'm fat and sassy mmm morning you double up on my face it's so still up there's no rain so let's go have a look let's go outside Monty I'm so real quick before I get out of bed I want to address the bathing situation when you're out here in his cold weather you know anyone could say go for a swim but it's freaking freezing I was already getting wet enough so I don't really want to go on that water if you're if you're one of those people that you know go camping for extended time in the cold weather I think you can just jump in the freezing cold water and be cool is it good for you kudos That's not me you could boil water or you can go with option C wilderness wipes one very important step with these things don't wash your crotch and then your face I've only done it like five or six times but you don't want to do that so that's how good a bath so overdo that before I get out of the tent I'm still packing up the tent but no stoic that dog is right now he just sitting up on that rock watching over the lake watching the world go by I'm gonna treat you want to go for a dog park they're just extra pretty on this Lake [Music] watch your step gonna stand here and enjoy this view just like morning I take this tip from Monty he always comes out in the mornings and you know you see him he's sitting on the rack just watching over the lake so that's I kind of dapped it to him and that's how I spend my mornings now with my oatmeal coffee I just kind of stand on the edge look out over the lake yeah I'm gonna finish this up take a big old poop then yeah we're gonna get cleaned up packed up and get on the water so let's get to it we're off oh I made such a nice poop big ol fat dump on Fat Lake we got fancy last night I'm extra sassy right now if I would've got here earlier yesterday what a slay the lake trout too little too late when I got here if I woulda known I should have just stuck to my chartreuse stroller I know that lure works I don't know why switch to silver and blue that chartreuse one always does work I should have just stuck to the chartreuse patrols around the edges gone across the open and I would have caught out I caught a couple more that's okay we live when we learn right just like you don't want to shoot Rapids when you just want to skip a 60 Road portage I learned that lesson anyways let's get this portage done let's get onto the day so I just want to say right now in this moment at this exact time is my absolute favorite perfect best favoritest most happiest camping conditions possible it's perfect it is perfect right now there's always a spot you hit when you're on an extended trip where it's just kind of wow as you you're out here and this is it's just so beautiful and I'm in that spot right now just gonna sit here for a minute how to soak it in [Music] my echo sometimes the names of these lakes just cracked me up thumb finger pocket green toe bottle ton who names these lakes how do they how do they go about that there's a go thumb finger I'm getting sick of name and lakes I feel like if I was left in charge of naming lakes they would have a lot of funny names stinky but poop stink like poop but Lake oh this is the childhood me [Music] you know while we're on the topic of stinky things you know where where I am right now I've one thing I've never done is chance to fart and lost in the woods I have not done that you guys ever chance the wrong part in the woods and lost the game man sometimes the the colors along these portage trails are just so beautiful I just have to stop for a minute and admire and they're just man I love the fall colors and it was long but whatever but it gives you time to stop and you know Monte you know you got to keep him on his toes [Music] one rod portage a I'll show you one rod portage [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we take a little snack break we've only got two more Portage's they're very small until we get to the big open water I'm not worried about how far we get today I think we're gonna do one less portage how awesome is that hello the Sun wouldn't be bad to keep taking forecast it's just shallow and weedy so super shallow I can't stop farting oh sorry [Music] but we are currently on lock lacroix the magnificent lock Lefroy this so begins the journey of mostly paddling [Music] easy-peasy isn't that gorgeous what a sky beautiful sunset think this so far is the best sunset of the trip linty yoga boy we hit the dog park we're gonna use some treats later I'll give you some beef jerky [Music] oh what a pretty spot we can't really see the sunset or anything Monte's taking a drink does it taste like Lacroix get it I am a fan of the fizzy drink Lacroix it's not pop but it's fizzy and it cracks me up to say does it taste like Lacroix boom frame of the tent up so the new way to do it guys it's getting dark so I'm going to finish up camp and then we're gonna relax and cook some food and get that light on there hey why he doing I have all my stuff here so I don't really have to move at all other than sit in this chair and cook up food Monty you're not getting any just chocolate this is my big stuffed animal his name is Monty he's battery-operated he looks like a real dog sometimes acts like a real dog but for the most part you can tell if you pay attention that he's just a stuffed animal because he just you know sit in the back of the boat motionless for hours no dog does that Monty anyways guys I am full very full majority the portaging is done for the trip beautiful gorgeous day so I am going to pass out and get up pretty early so I will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody oh good morning but we gotta get packed up and get moving care much [Music] what's he lets you get a tee time to get up again movement lunch no it much is requested that I throw the stick for him first thing he's brought it up to me and then dropped it at my feet and then just sort of like pawing at it so I'm not throwing home a couple more times and we're just gonna get packed up really quick and I'm gonna whip up my oatmeal and eat it oh yeah bring on the coffee mmm oh yeah soupy oatmeal so soupy so good you know Oh upward dog because oh mighty just did the upward dog good job all righty well I am going to finish up my coffee and oatmeal make a nice poop now we're gonna get moving quick paddling our warm up shoulders personal favorites that one that far sure that you can see us it's Canada hello Canada Oh Canada well well it is Ricky call him on this pig lake I couldn't ask for better conditions right now since the darn weather's so good why don't we take the old chartreuse Larry lure see if we can pick something up Big Lake you never know there could be an undiscovered freshwater shark in this Lake I mean they can't they can't say there isn't until they know every square inch in they've you know tagged every fish I got a pedal far all the way down to that far end for the portage even we've got a ways to go and look at how calm it is these huge rocks are that's some cool pictographs right there check that out it's like a good guy there's like a trail walking down there's a good hourglass looking thing you get a handprints look at that and then you got a moose right here that is so cool oh there's more there's more moose up here and handprints wow this is a whole crazy story going on here it's like see the dude was it's like a V and he's got his big hand up and horns and a spear something a bunch of hands you get that very well that's sweet there's a whole bunch more hands they're all over here tons of them tons of hand prints that was sweet that was so cool I love finding stuff like that and not knowing about it and just like hey you know that could be there and then checking it out adventurous days it intro so you got like another 15 20 30 minutes of paddling or so we're almost to the port [Music] [Music] we guys think it's better my wolf call or my my moose call oh I just never remember how it supposed to sound something like that [Applause] [Music] hey Monty it's not so bad are you stinky dog a vicious vicious or you silly vicious silly that's a good boy looks like we might have to portage here although there might be a little scream oh I don't think we have to porch you guys know how much I love them at skipper Portage's that wasn't so bad that wasn't so bad right Monty we're gonna have to get out three the boat for 50 feet oh that would have just been the worst here we are back on iron Lake you know let's gory don't think I'm gonna do a lot a whole a whole lot of fishing to LA we get to Crickett Lake they all fake starting to get some of that midday win come on fish hunter pound walleye on if he's so big it just rips out all my line snaps it and I'm so baffled I don't even know what to think and then I could just make up all the stories in the world about what it was can't get no fishy action I know the portage is right up ahead so I'm just gonna reel her in so let's take care of this portage and get out into more paddling and doing some fishing oh yeah you betcha I just thought of something else too if there's a nice rapid section near the base of these waterfalls on the trifle fishing we lost our line lost my lure on that one like getting sucked down that mess over there so we're just gonna take care of this porridge we'll do some fishing our perfect light check out these novel hall that's a waterfall a monkey not tea did you like your swim I'm just kidding I could never throw you in the river you're okay with that I'm sorry I'm sorry I choked I'm sorry about Addie I'm sorry all right now that was a waterfall my aunty wanted to go for a swim you know the last second I decided me he shouldn't swim in this we took an extended lunch break there we were just getting truly awesome weather the past I don't know five days it's I'd rather have oh I got carried away I let all my line that didn't snap oh well yeah I'd rather it be you know the rain and stuff and all the work right in the beginning you get into it then you start to get the nice weather I don't have much line that whole anyways take fish bites I'm in trouble but yeah you get the nice weather and then it's just all joy enjoying it mr. Monty is just tired tuckered out satisfied [Music] [Music] [Music] nothing I guess we should figure that trolling over 80-foot water is not the best for when the Eliot 20-foot deep diver oh yeah that's a decent-sized fish it wasn't expecting to catch a fish air it feels decent it's staying down what's it gonna be what's it gonna be and you are a what a nice walleye oh yeah that is a beautiful fish oh hello Walter oh man that is a beauty oh man that's awesome yes all right this is what's for dinner ladies and gentlemen Monty is going to get a big fat portion of this guy oh yeah we only need one with this all right first thing we're gonna do I'm gonna shut the camera here for a minute and I'm gonna get him out of the net and get him on the springer so that he is going nowhere so let me get that done quick all right that's a personal best Boundary Waters walleye for me that is a deliciously sized fish oh now we're at that gets firewood have a nice fire tonight I'm gonna char it up to babies getting calm and it is gonna be glass tonight just glass is so I'm ready to stand up because my butt is so I'm tired to sit in so let's get up hey Monty not a bad spot a bad spot at all yes pretty spot so we're gonna get the tent set up probably get get the firewood next and then I'm gonna probably do my stretch session because my back does hurt oh yeah it's all grassy here I'm just gonna go barefoot hey that's kind of nice or can they spot mine too all right so I'm gonna finish her off this crap in here real quick and setting up for the most part and then we're gonna get some firewood okay I've got a nice little pile of firewood here I'm gonna prepare for my food I'm gonna cut my onion get the butter in the pan ready to go fillet the fish portion it out and everything get it all prepped and then we're gonna spark a fire and get cooking let's get into split cuts oh I feel so good look a little beautiful walleye place oh yeah now we need to portion up Monty's and we just got a we got to get my fair portion this is it this is gonna make him a big fat bowl I know it doesn't look like a crazy amount but that's a lot for a dog and that's gonna be plenty for me oh yeah all right it is time to get cooking okay let's throw on Monty's oh yeah hey Monty do you promise to not get diarrhea or make a poopy butt mess if I feed you a bunch of fish you promise all right I trust you yes I trust you yeah my dears needs to cool onions onions are already starting a little bit caramelized look at those onions getting that nice char on there okay it's time to add the rest of the deliciousness to the pan let's do this put your stuff a big ol chunk of butter and don't you dare think you forgot the Montreal steak seasoning and when Jesse licking your lips a dinar baby red potatoes these can sit per bet they're gonna stay super hot guaranteed to burn my mouth with them I may have made them a little too soupy oops a ladies and gentlemen is done it is time to feast upon this delicious creation let me just drizzle a little lemon juice on here just a little to start I'm so excited right now this is gonna be so good I can just see it this char the onions are super caramelized just the buttery are you ready okay go ahead now that is some gourmet fish right there oh man oh man I am probably gonna cook up my fish like this every time now I don't know this this this is on par with deep fried like I can eat deep fried fish until I throw up I can smash them G prime fish but this has it it's so good it's like it's equally delicious but not deep fried and crispy Oh Sam I didn't cook it the other two nights like that even though it's hard in the fast yeah we're just gonna boil out some water clean this pan up I think I'm gonna have a little dessert or I'm set just five all right guys so I'm gonna eat couple more starburst here I'm gonna clean up my dishes let this fire burn down just relax a little bit turn off this light and get this light out of my face so I can just enjoy the light of the fire the glow the fire for a minute probably for like 20 20 30 minutes somewhere in there definitely chill for a minute but yeah clean up my mess and then I will check with you guys back when I am in the tent and getting ready for bed sure if you're hurt oh by yourself and you need a lower back massage it looks funny but you find a nice flat spot like the grass and you just go and you rock like that and you hold your legs and you do this on the hard ground don't do it on rocks doesn't hurt unless you have a cushion but that massage your lower back so well it also makes you push up again slap-happy I'm ready for bad so anyways guys it's time for me to pass out like a Monty so I will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody there's stinky doggy yeah would you like totally don't scratch my Almighty you're making a mess almighty almighty what are you doing yeah we're gonna get up and I'm just gonna pack up make my oatmeal and coffee like I always do every morning just like clockwork and then we're gonna get on the water and get to paddle in oh yeah what do you say Monty what do you say what do you say that's what you say [Music] oh no whew what a glorious feeling hey it's raining again oh yeah we're mobile read Monty are you already settled in I need a little warm-up on my arms bull there's all this part really burns oh yeah we have to poncho you up buddy [Music] [Music] [Music] it's just turning into a beautiful light rain I know every time you hear me eat I'm just like this is so good oh yeah and it's it's true like every time I'm eating especially when I'm out in the woods it's it's always so good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that right there is the common American red squall Monte's a shift around will he stink so bad you just read it himself out so anybody that is concerned about me yelling and making wolf noises and stuff I am fairly certain that there's not many people around when I'm doing those sort of things I can see where the campsites are you know I can't see every nook and cranny but when you haven't seen people or you know it's been a while and you're out in the wilderness yeah I'll let out a few you know loud noises here and there just because that was too funny he was freaking himself out just with the bark you had barking and hearing his bark echo and then bark again and he's gonna be like an endless chain of him just freaking himself out [Music] [Music] did you hear that wow that was the rare Canadian red squirrel um very distinct from the American red squirrel the you can tell by the noise it makes it goes I'm just kidding what a beautiful day in good old Wednesday be Mundy's happy Monte's like dad stop messing with me what about you here's Monty is that consider messing with you for Monty he has to put up with my shenanigans all the time you know or those things it sounded like they had horns for mouths as we speak we're heading down a channel and we are leaving the big water behind we have had absolute best possible weather four big water travel this feels less like a lake and more like a big river I'm paddling down I just heard a definite big rumble of thunder I'll be so stoked if we got a thunderstorm tonight barely see if there's like a man and maybe like a deer right there there's that big dot this is pretty cool man this big under hang walked by the rain I think there's more up there they're up high [Music] [Music] there's some kind of drawing there I'll see up there up high there's there's some moose those are pretty cool there's other drawings down there oh there's like a crane over there buddy chill out all right okay I see they're just way up high these are pretty good I don't know what that figure is that's definitely a crane like a swamp or something okay cool so it's getting pretty rainy and my battery's about to die so camps just up ahead we're gonna get the camp set up the tarp and yeah get get going on that [Music] [Music] [Music] I got all set up I took my sweet sweet time setting up so what I think we're going to do right now is we've got like an hour and a half till the Sun sets we're gonna get back in the boat and around this Bend there's a bunch of drop-offs and there should be some downed trees and there's the edge of that waterfall we had to go that way tomorrow anyways but I'd like to go do some fishing just for like an hour so and then we'll come back hook up dinner and pass out I'm gonna get some snacks here well no look at the water pulse I got a snag lost my line so it's starting to rain a little bit and it just really drizzly out like super drizzly so we're gonna make our way back cast a couple times definitely going to do this portion this half and a little extra from the other portion just because it give me so much food it's gonna be so awesome [Applause] let's see oh that is like perfectly done it is so much spaghetti I am gonna struggle so hard to finish this may be plenty sorry but you don't get any of this this is bad food it's bad for dogs okay bone Appetit huh oh yeah it's just like perfectly rehydrated this batch I'm starting to feel like I'm in a food coma that was a lot of spaghetti well here we are again ladies and gentlemen Nona's a little bit of a stroget in here my stomach's pretty full Wow it is really getting windy you know before I go to bed I'm gonna go check on things and make sure everything's ready for this kind of wind wind is the one thing I don't enjoy being out in crazy winds that's probably my biggest fear being out in the woods is being a tree landing on you will in a crazy windstorm so I'm finally going to turn this off here I'm just gonna get all smug on my sleeping bag look over my maps and just eventually pass out and just lay around so on that note I will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody it's our final day of the Boundary Waters trip Monty morning guys I just got this fuzzy teddy bear here battery-operated hey Monty Gigi's baby I'm afraid aren't you yeah they don't call me that - don't call me battery-operated a living soul so we survived last night it wasn't a warm wind coming in it was cold it was cold like to know buddy what are you doin don't flick my camera lens yes sicko anyways there's a cold front coming this cold last night it's probably the coldest night last night that's a diagnose Monty it's a giant moose yeah anyways we're gonna get up and get moving get a little dry it out in the Sun so yeah mister licking my camera lens you little turd and I get [Music] supey I'm pretty much 100% packed up I just got to put this away once my food bag gets lighter I start to put a couple things in my food bag just to make packing up my main bag easier cuz normally I probably already said this but I have to wait for my oatmeal to finish so I can wash this up and put my dishes back in my big bag but once I eat enough food I can put it in there so I can finish packing up blah blah blah blah blah blah blah whoa so anyways I'm gonna finish up and we're gonna get on the water [Music] [Music] oh oh oh that's enough oh yeah that's two out of five for the day go to seven my bad it's a pretty niblet day today I have never seen a bear in the Boundary Waters seen on on the road a couple off the road to get here a couple times but never a bear and never a wolf know how Monty would react so wolves maybe you'd want to run up and be friends with them maybe he'd get me an inn and I could just pet the cups I'm sure that's what how it go Monty would just go up to him with his little beady eyes he's like us and then they'd be like sure human come pet our cubs and then they'd be all super snuggly and I'd name them and then I'd go to visit him again they'd come running and jumping into my arms when they got older that's probably how it play out exactly just like that [Music] it's just a beautiful day for paddling [Music] [Music] maybe I should have taken the portage it was on the wrong side so I figured this was the place for the portage thought I just had to cross this and go up one more there's no portage over there so I'm gonna check this left side because I don't feel like dragging enough that okay so the maps were wrong the portage is on the left side it's back away so we're gonna have to go back down these Rapids to get to the parts outside bushwhack in so I'll just drag the boat back down but yeah good thing I rely on these maps [Music] [Music] [Music] it's right there 105 I wanted to get out again I have defeated Jude small teeny rapid I win I seize the day moving slow hey pal oh there he goes was pretty cool he was just chillin [Music] thanks for this great Monty high-five that's okay I'll just take a little face time [Music] so much for dry feet oh I was thinking maybe my feet would stay dry for the final day but no so much for the muck boots right I've missed one Rock I had an angle I thought I'll lose my glasses okay I think we're finally at the lake oh how dirty that is oh that's nasty it's still okay maybe they needed that watch how dirty this water is oh that's disgusting oh that's so gross well the gig is up now you know my feet smell like okay now the lake and we got the quarter-mile order to take care of [Music] [Music] that son makes it so warm oh oh oh my ship [Music] oh yeah you selling Monty you settling he's settling this boat was turning out to be a calm sunny evening there could be a beautiful sunset tonight beautiful out you know last day is sunshine and it's like cold it's like chilly but the sun's making it house like have my jacket off right now perfect just absolutely perfect all right that was like the easiest flattest straightest portage I've ever done look at that like 95% of the trees are all colored they're mostly all just yellowing they're not bright orange I don't know if it's past peak early peak or mid peak whatever for these type of trees but I'm used to the yellows up here but it's still just beautiful with the light green and the greens in there the dark greens this lake is just got all colored trees I think that's because the birches they just get yellow so let's just be a lot of perch and Papa maybe [Music] [Music] man this Lake seems great for fishing it seems just like a deep hole all right we have to take a few casts I can't not all right this better be a fish right here come on that was that wasn't bad oh it was a pike dang never I didn't have my steel eater on we almost got our Peter no all right guys a final portage of the Boundary Waters trip it looks like it's all inclined it's a quarter mile and it looks like it's just all inclined from the contour line so that's rough but let's get this bad boy taken care of let's do it Monte you ready much we're here might get excited yeah we're here the final portage I mean catch any fish that one was fun it's ours whoo so that means the work for the trip is done we need to relax on this beautifully calm lake we've got 40 minutes till the Sun sets I don't even think I'm gonna fish I think I'm just gonna enjoy this view that means we wake up tomorrow all we got to do is paddle across this lake and head home and the trips gonna be done it's kind of a bittersweet feeling right now feel like we accomplished something now don't don't think that it's over okay I could totally bang my head flip my canoe and bang my head and drown tomorrow on the way home on this last lake you got to be keep on your toes don't ever give up and think it's over that's terrible what's true just because I'm on the last lake and I've done all that doesn't mean I can still mess I can't mess up you know sorry how beautiful and call it is out there let's get up set up I don't know if I'll have a fire there's a little bit of firewood there I'm probably not gonna have a fire I'll be honest I'm very hungry tired my back's a little sore so I think we're just gonna relax it on out set up the tent make a little food sit over this calm beautiful Lake eat food and pass out and get up real early because I got a drive tomorrow so when I get up early I'm not gonna have any oatmeal nothing like that so let's set up the camp for the final time not I'm not saying like it needs to do this but it would be very nice if it didn't rain tonight ah well it is slowly getting dark it is just so calm out right now so what I'm gonna do is just put away my stuff it's light for another 10-15 minutes it's getting dark already it's gonna start getting dark quick so she goes cloud in the sky so uh yeah I was going to put away my crap and then we're going to sit down and cook some food eat the rest of our snacks treats and everything no no don't do a Monty don't do it Monty I'll tear you it I promise please don't go on that water coming what seat please oh I want just pulled bad prank on myself to you you gotta leave it alone whatever it is Betty leave it Monty something it's a beaver or something you can see it in there it's coming on to land near Camp Monty leave it we might get to see what it is oh look at that oh it's like a mink I think it's a mink but you leave it well there's this cute little face yeah Monty's been on high alert this thing has been in and out of the water it hissed at Monty had stormed to get bit by it and then have rabies or something I know he has rabies vaccine but Monty leave her alone let's just well it's just crazy for a minute there it's our last night Monty hmm always and gentlemen what a trip Monty is not he wasn't leaving that mink alone for a while maybe that's what it was at least if I'm wrong someone tell me it looked like a little mink one people what a trip oh yeah you're just enough to sit here for a minute okay you know I carry all this stuff for you and me and all this extra stuff for you and your food and you get to go out on the woods and all I ask is that I get to play pranks on you and cradle you what I want that's all that's all I need from you so I need Monty just this they're doing we hate this why are we doing this yeah here we got a stir-fry stir-fry tonight I'm gonna sit like a Monty let me tell you Monty sleeps a lot when he's not on adventuring he's sleeping probably sleeping right now somewhere Monty are you messing with that mink Monty come here oh noise right there I am going to have some starbursts and chocolate while we wait see I did pretty good I made my chocolate bar less on the final night Monte here's a crinkling wrapper and comes running that's why isn't for you aunty I'm super happy we got to do the whole loop I had planned when we got to catch our Larry on fat Lake tree dark Park it was dark Park you I need you to treat at the dog park you staying warm town scratch believe believe tonight on this episode of overeating stir fry now I'm just gonna let this sit for a good 20 minutes I'm gonna do my back yoga it is now all the time where I will eat it no matter what because I am that hungry oh it's still a little soupy but I don't care you know I don't mind soupy food I'm just so hungry let's eat oh it's the last meal just crack my neck I stretched out my back you did stretch out the stomach for this one eh I'm sorry you don't appreciate your dog food he ate his dog food finally made a good bowl of it but alright let us enjoy the sustenance this deliciousness ma'am and that is that that was good well well well well well Monte do want to get in the tent do you want to go to bed you know and go to bed gonna go for dog park treat it is time to clean up and head into the tent you know Monte needs you know Monte needs a proper zip up yes [Applause] whoo I'm ready to do that same thing pal it's a chilly one yeah it's the least as close as it wasn't and I am so full I am tired I'm little sore I'm passing out so I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody good morning and then what you're probably thinking that it's raining out but you'd be wrong it's snowed last night they can see beautiful snow on the edge of the tent I don't know how much is out there because I have knocked it off a couple times last night but it definitely snowed all night and it was chilly I'm okay ma I swear so yeah I'm really excited to go outside and see what it looks like all right let's do it let's get out there before it melts that's awesome Oh Monty it's a winter wonderland out here I'm so thrilled right now I'm risking a little bit getting the camera wet but this is too cool ha ha I love it right now just snow and fall colors and it's like early October it's like October 5th oh man this is great let's a little bond hey Monty snowball fight snowball fight defend yourself snowball fight I won't throw anymore I promise ok I won't throw anymore I promise Monty here we go it's a happy little snowman ha ha ha Monty look it I made a snowman isn't he wonderful Monty you know what he is missing something he's missing a little something stop it just as I hey just cuz they killed your friend the Snowman you better watch out ha alright ladies and gentlemen so as you can see it is snowing the light wet beautiful snow we had some fun ha ha I'm just kidding I just wanna play around in it all day but we can't we got it we got to do a big drive we got to get packed up so what I'm gonna do is just pack up everything's packed up right now except for the tent rain fly and the footprint so we are just gonna I'm gonna put away the DSLR because I can't have it out here much longer it's just gonna get ruined it sit inside a tent right now so I'm gonna pack it away and we are going to get onto the water and get ahead not here so we'll have to do it Monty let's do it let's do it much like the common snow angel a canoe angel is much more geared towards the outdoorsman Ray Monty [Music] this gorgeous alright now what a beautiful way to end the trip this is just awesome just snow all right ladies and gentlemen we don't have very far to go we're already like halfway across this like it's a teeny little lake and then we've just got a short paddle like TV just not even it's gonna take me ten minutes to get to the car not even it's right up here this has been an epic adventure I've had a great time we had a dingleberry move on day two a couple dingo moves paddling in the the dark we caught the fish we were targeting except for the pike we lost that one yesterday we ate some delicious food I did some work we got to see some scenery pictographs we got all sorts of we got great weather we got all sorts of weather that's have we got sunshine rain snow sleet wind calm fog cool was just it's just been great I've had a blast this trip but it is time to get back to the car and head back home I've got lots of footage to edit and everything like that so I'm gonna get to it so as always guys if you like the video hit the like button if you want to see more something like this hit that subscribe button and I will catch you guys in the next video [Music] it's crazy how fresh hat fresh underwear fresh socks firm pants that a fresh shirt will make you feel but it doesn't wipe away the stank no sir Monty have you been a good boy do you want to treat do you want a delicious treat all right Monty you've waited patiently for this here you go here you go come on here's the treat Monty it's right here come on Monty that's not what you want the nice people that drive through that's what they gave you Monty that's what they expect you to eat here's a dud puts a dog tree don't you think I'm above that is this what you want Monty oh oh we lost a couple fun pieces Monty doesn't mind if they get dropped all right there's a little hair on that month is this what you want do you want to be hand-fed always that drill hole all right all right all right Monty there you go that's a good boy go ahead you eat at your pace go ahead Monty that's a happy dog right there oh oh so fluffy oh he's a crazy he's a crazy Rudy to me oh look at [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 510,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, wilderness, wilderness area, bushcraft, canoe, bushcrafter, boundary waters, backpacking, canoe camping, dog, dog training, camping dog, backcountry, backcountry camping, rain, campfire, campfire cooking, gourmet cooking, cooking over a fire, bushcraft skills, canada, survival, survival skills, fall, funny, bushcrafting, gopro, wild camping, wild camp, bushcraft camp, nature, adventure, paddling, paddle trip, canoe trip, extended trip, cold weather, winter camping, backpack camping
Id: yVul3RxYvqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 21sec (11841 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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