Overnight Winter Storm Bushcraft Camp

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[Music] [Music] Meads [Music] [Music] you're crazy okay orgies oh uh sorry Monty sorry you popped your nosin around I'm sorry [Music] well hello ladies and gentlemen I am out with Monty lord of the overbite and we're gonna spend another night out here winter camping I've always wondered what it must be like to never be able to close your mouth I don't think he's had his mouth closed a day in his life I always like to imagine that his top lip is singing to his bottom lip and they're just like hold me closer let's try to close mouth today hey Monty what are you doing what are you doing sitting on my stuff anyways so we've got a winter storm warning today we are at the beginning of a winter storm it's gonna supposed to get really windy here soon and gusts up to 40 miles an hour I think we're hosed to get at least a foot of snow tonight so it's gonna be a good one it was a whiteout conditions earlier on the road and it was very dangerous driving that's probably the most dangerous thing about coming on here in a winter storm I'm not gonna lie I almost ruined as a semi totally okay but I did that thing you know when there's when you're driving and snowy and you've got just the path there's just the tire tracks and then there's that mid Bank a snow well the semi was going like 35 miles an hour with the blinking lights and I was like oh I'm very confident driver gonna pass this so I start to go to turn and both my tires get stuck in those two divots of snow and I couldn't go left I couldn't go right I couldn't stop and I was just skidding into the semi just maintaining speed and I just like brake brake Frankie's also knows like needless to say once I gain control my car stayed behind that semi the rest of the way so yeah late start yeah we we got a late start as you can see because because of the storm and everything and you know I've had a lot of people asked me why I'm always getting late starts anyways we're gonna try to build a shelter tonight that's like kind of bunker down because we're supposed to get heavy snowfall heavy winds we don't want to get smoked out like last time so we've got to go ways further find a nice spot and get to work so let's get to it Monty let's go so I wanted to mention quick why sometimes when I'm out in these winter storms it doesn't seem like this crazy snowfall or those crazy amounts of wind well that is because I try to plan it out so that I'm in a protected area that blocks the wind and there's a big difference between you know winter storm or snowstorm versus a blizzard which I never you know I haven't camped out in a blizzard that's that's a little nuts in these parts because as you can see it's very thick I'm going through some thick stuff so if you were to camp out in a blizzard which is 60 mile an hour winds sustained you have a higher risk of trees falling on you and I don't really mess around with that but even though the winds are supposed to get up to I think 20 sustained gusts up to 40 it's not gonna seem that bad because I'm gonna pick an area that's protected now I got to be careful cuz see that up there that tall tree all these tall trees there's a good chance these tall skinny Pines the top snap enough making a spear and falling down on you you don't want that not at all so it's gonna be snowing and it's gonna be breezy but it's not gonna look like it because we're gonna be in a protected spot according to plan and also what's the weather I never know what the weather's gonna do hey Kiko get sunny and just turn to 50 make a little puddle and maybe we'll just go bathing and a pun later you never know it's the weather but I have to find my way through this crap okay I'm sweating yep sweating like a pig uh-huh and for those of you that say pigs don't sweat well that that little phrase right there wasn't derived from pigs at all get up oh yeah it's warm today it's uh about 30 degrees Fahrenheit which is like zero negative one Celsius pretty much negative one it's not zero 32 fahrenheit so it's close right in the verge but I'm go to this six times I'm out of breath sweatin anyways this is our spot for the evening pretty good spot couldn't be much better than this so basically we don't got many tall trees right next to us for snapping off lots of open little stuff there's these pine trees but the wind should be coming from this way if I did everything correctly oh wait a second yeah when do they come from this way like this so yeah pretty good spot it's the perfect spot but I am warm but as I said beyond late start we have got roughly two and a half hours to get everything done the plan right now is to see how deep the snow is it should be at least a couple feet so we've had some warm days should be deep enough to dig down I'm gonna make a nice insert and some high walls down to a fire pit and then we're going to lay logs over the top if we have enough material and we have enough time will use only logs if we don't we'll put some logs in the tarp and we'll have a nice little dead we're gonna call it a Monty bears den the first things first we got to get to work shoveling to be here fire pit down here I'm sorry my teeth I'm sorry Monty what are you doing in my shelter you know one of my most important tools that you know you don't think about go ahead and this deep snow cuz winter camping here all these deep snow always got lots of snow I mean it's been melting we still got feet I mean feet of snow is a shovel that's the tool not to get too off topic here you know they make light collapsible shovels you know for backpacking and whatnot but you wouldn't want to be doing this with the teeny little possible to break shovel this is a poly I don't know it's called it's a polypro shovel it's like indestructible I think is what it's like claimed to be but it definitely does its job and I would not want to be caught without my shovel doing this sort of stuff especially like Quincy making oh yeah that's very still the wind is not picked up at all it's not supposed to pick up till dark and the snows coming down it's not anything right now it's accumulating but it's nothing crazy it's all supposed to start I think right when it gets dark is when the heavier accumulations supposed to begin and the storm starts to kick in because right now we got southeast winds and every hour it's switching to north-northeast we do this way and that's when we're going to start to see the winds and snow is when the weather change comes with wind shifting directions oh sorry [Applause] [Applause] okay there you go yes six in your tail are ladar Monty [Applause] it's at least four feet my little walls here I'm sure it'll go a little bit lower once I lay on the logs but so far we've got a nice little spot here should be pretty good he's gonna wet I brought out two towels for him today I need to get wet I'm gonna be wet too I'm gonna wake up with crunchy crunchy gear again because when it's snowing like this and he around the verge of freezing my body heat is making this so it's kind of just melt and as soon as it gets to me nothing you can do about that same with Monte that's why he's looking so much it's not because he's cold or he's hurt it's cuz he's wet and Monte when he's wet he licks it until it's dry he just he's a groomer he grooms himself but it's beautiful all right now it's so still definitely just it's not a storm right now it's just like beautiful winter weather big snowflakes falling yeah it's gorgeous out I love it when the snow is falling like this it's not even cold oh I'm just like I'm warm got my jacket open I'm sweating well luckily no logs or trees on the ground so far so yeah well have a fire pit right here this is pretty much the dugout just need to be lightly cleaned up but the grounds gonna be uneven anyway so I need a little snow to make it flat but yeah we've got a nice little spot here so I need to catch my breath hey hey yeah shoveling snow so now we need to get some logs luckily through this really thick stuff there's lots of dead pines I think there's a solid bunch on the way in so I'm assuming I'm gonna find a bunch but they don't need to be thick or long they just need to be somewhat sturdy I mean they can even be like pretty dead and not so sturdy but if we get too much snow which I don't know I think it's just it's just gonna be a light fluffy snow all night I don't think it's gonna be too crazy so even if we got a foot of this it wouldn't be you wouldn't need a bunch of super dense logs to handle this so anyways let's bust off the axe let's get some logs pull them back here start laying them up this is pretty much perfect that's right here I mean yeah see it's very light pine and dead I can just and it's just got a small diameter but it's gonna be plenty to keep the snow off me tonight oh yeah I love working with dead pine that's not wet so what I'm gonna do is start by just walking around and seeing what I can push up with my hands and then we'll bring them back but that's that's definitely got enough length but yeah we're just gonna see what we can get without having the chop anything is pushing it over for now to start so train some are worried about any of these this is long [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hi Monty no frosty bunny this should be a start mighty yeah that's a wet snow it's a snowman snow that's what it is so first thing we need to do is measure out one piece and then we will cut that piece and make all our cuts let's see is this the widest section right there it's a little bit wider right this will give them a little extra room either way it should be fine like that so what we're gonna do is basically put a log every foot as far as we can go and then we're gonna lay the tarp over it and take some stakes and pull it taut and these logs are gonna keep the snow that accumulates it's not gonna say it might sag like a hair in between each log just a little bit it's not going to matter as long as the stakes are pulling on the outside it's going to be supported and these these are all dry dead pine some of them are gonna be a little more rotten near the bases but for the most part it won't really matter as long as they're not falling apart you know give them a little tap with the axe when we break off all the sticks here but this would be a good first one so let's measure this this will be the link we're gonna need to take all these snowshoes high mighty Hey hey pal that should be there's gonna be more than enough because the way I've got it angled this will be safety margin length and I want to make sure to save all these ends because he's gonna be my stakes and firewood okay well apparently I wasn't recording that whole time I uh you know when I take off the snowshoes I have to march through this like three feet of snow and it's going up to my waist here and I was trudging through and I set up the camera over here to capture it me measuring the logs of kind of this way that's all huffing and puffing out of breath and I turned it on focus it and turned it back off Oh so yeah I just measured up our logs we got some that are a little too short but it should be our right and we did get our first to wind this the snow has gotten really light and I don't know really really fine snow so it's definitely we're hearing some breeze I've seen the trees moves a little bit so the weather's coming at least the wind's coming like it said we've got roughly I don't know not not quite an hour of light left and the wind is supposed to be coming around dark so it's so far it's on schedule well right now we're just gonna take a whole these pokies for the that'll rip my tarp up a little bit and then we're gonna stack them up get the tarp up see how many we got see what else we need to do okay I've got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and if we do one every foot we should have plenty because my tarp is only ten feet long [Music] buried there so we have to move our monty we are going to stack these up get the tarp get the shelter complete and then we'll work on a firewood and whatnot cuz we're we're we're getting a little low in time we've still got some time we've got half hour 45 ish I'm not quite sure when the Sun sets but let's stack these logs and then set the tar because we are starting to get a little breezy here you think it's reasonable to just sit there and get covered in snow I don't think it's reasonable wotty are you closing your eyes on me you are aren't you you just doze enough think I'm talking to the camera again Monty I'm talking to you this time Monty Monty Monty Monty Monty come here yeah you mister mr. frosty bunny we'll get you back here Matthew don't worry don't worry we just need to I set up the shelter so let's go with the shorter one to start and we'll just we're level this all off we're going to have to pound them down to make them kind of even the key here make this a short gap don't trust the skin you on see that was like a support ton okay looking good so far but I don't know how far it's gonna stretch out to I don't think it's gonna make it this far but let's see if we got enough room here oh yeah one more and that should be plenty but we got two so let's just use okay I don't think were to make it this far with the tarp so we might just use these logs at the end here whatever doesn't make it and push it over so now let's lay the tarp over the top see how much room we got all right definitely wide enough that's good news I need a couple of sticks of steaks back here smells actually coming down a little bit more now there you go over there see we can always adjust the front logs to make this a little bit longer let's get this in here make sure it's back far enough do that I'm going to come back just a hair on this side [Music] so it comes over this little back part here a little better okay now we're going to do okay so once it's done we're gonna kind of pull out this middle here a little bit see if we gave ourselves in the fruit my team oh that's about perfect all right hey for once we did something the perfect size well j-just huh I can't even believe it oh yeah this is gonna be super cozy oh yeah this is awesome I think I'm even vample of dango a light in there machi what do you think we are snow was coming down the hole it probably doesn't look any different on camera but it's picked up it's definitely picked up all right now I'm just gonna smoosh down these edges here you know make it so there's no wind coming through and then all we got to do is clean up in here and shelters done that wasn't so bad and it looks like it's gonna be cozy no wind put a little snow over the edges [Music] this one I do need a little stick back here it's a little Brad just to hold it in place this will actually work all right oh yeah okay well we got here about to come here Monty this is nice hey buddy hi don't know kiss it no sticky kisses mudgy hi puppy I took off his front two booties if you're wondering because he wasn't he was just elected I'm coupons he's picking out so I just got to clean this up a hair and this is this is cozy and she's definitely gonna be a cozy one now the only unfortunate thing about this is I might well it's not really unfortunate but I'm probably gonna end up just sitting like this with the fire gone if it's too snowy yeah so let's get Monty set up here so he has got a nice spot come here hold on stay stay they stay one second you're a little too frosty right now you're getting just over ston yeah come on in what do you think check it out hey that's not so bad right bunny frosty bunny bunny down here this'll probably end up being my seat for the night but [Music] you might as well wrap up Monte a little bit this wool blanket even though it's he's probably still pretty warm won't really feel like it well no he doesn't feel like it if he gets up and leaves what if he stays he's all about it okay Monty good job good job dude all right so we're all set up I mean I gotta put my sleep stuff and everything but we have got a warm dry spot that is safe from the storm coming the incoming storm it's definitely the snow's gotten heavier and the winds starting to get there I think we're gonna get some gusts tonight but will be nice and bunker down sound asleep and I don't think the smoke is really going to bother us there's still a chance I've got that paranoia about the smoke coming in and choking us out but I'll probably end up sitting here for making dinner and just sitting on the ground and just using this sitting on my sleeping pad using this as my back probably won't set up my chair because it's just too cozy down here not to but let's see we've got we've got 15 minutes roughly till the Sun sets snows coming down I'm gonna go get some more we need to get some more firewood and then spark up a fire right Monty okay I'll be back I gotta get firewood and I gotta put my hood up because I'm starting to get soaked oh boy oh yeah this is fairly solid we're gonna take a bunch off of this whole big dead thing okay ooh together a bunch of this this is nice and seasoned and resin II this would be good and then we wrap the bird mostly pine tonight so we're starting a fire now get a coal bed built get the warmth of flow in for the monty under the shelter and then I'm gonna keep collecting dead stuff and see if we can find a nice little bigger diameter one to bring back in process but if I don't I can just grab a bunch of this but it is getting visibilities going down and the breeze is starting to pick up so I'm bringing this back [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh boy Mikey okay snows are coming down got it all set up I do need to get more fire with those so I'm gonna go quickly grab some more branches I'm not going to record it it's starting to get dark a little bit we grabbed my headlamp go get some more trees and bring them back and then we can process in the dark we definitely need more firewood for the night [Music] [Music] [Music] hi Monty so the Monty is bear the Monty fair escape no the Monty bears deadness complete great cozy Monty no no I don't want kisses back yeah so yeah we're not gonna be able to feel the warmth of the fire like crazy you know being over here but we're gonna stay out of the snow I'll probably end up setting my chair up and just putting on my hood so I brought a bunch of logs back I'm gonna process those up and then we're gonna get to chillaxing and I had to put on some layers that's for sure get some layers going [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh okay so I got all my layers on got my firewood shopped up got the shelter set up you got all my cigarette layers on yeah I did I'm repeating myself look at me I have made a path full of Monty fire is going so now we've only got one thing left to do and this play fetch with might remind you at the stick draw the stick pretty fuzzy oh yeah so this is a great shelter I love it it's nice and cozy under there you can't even tell it's really windy the more the snow piles on the less you can really hear with the gusts are starting yeah it's it's coming and the snows coming down Monty come here bring it here mighty bring here mighty Jessica oh boy come on good boy Monty oh yes dinky oh oh you're vicious furniture oh yeah you don't wanna let go huh oh gee get a get a get stick wheezes this is the most resistance I've got from the Monty huh little stinker yeah Monty so yeah one unfortunate thing out of all the snowstorms I've camped in which has been what two three four five I don't know somewhere in there two or three two three four yeah yeah but anyways this has been the wettest one I am it is like hovering right around that just below freezing and the snow is melting when it's hitting me so it's definitely gonna be a wet one tomorrow my gear is gonna freeze so I'm gonna have to you know I'll try maybe put my jacket underneath Monte there I don't really want the zippers to rip the sleeping pad because we've had a couple couple mishaps a sleeping pad Department because saying he's oh no what could have caused a hole I don't know but yeah it's gonna be wet things are gonna freeze not the best not the best thing my gloves are just sopping wet I could probably if I squeeze them and it's kind of just soaking throughout but at least my hands are warm the gloves are wet everything's wet except for my insides my shell is wet on the outside this is that Carhartt jacket so it's it's a little more it's not just like rain rain gear material it's it's it's a little thicker but it still does its job we're getting some nice Gus Monte bring me that stick what's he doing no right you are this guy go boy get MIT say I'm just gonna keep throwing the stick for Monty here keep him entertained and then our fire is burning down I got all the wood cut up and everything so I'm just gonna play with my idea bed here and then we're gonna prepare dinner get to cookin I'm getting a little hungry yeah oh yeah mm-hmm gonna have a good good good [ __ ] campfire meal tonight yeah oh yeah let's just take a minute to appreciate this camera this nikon d50 500 tried and true the only DSLR i've ever owned the only one I'll probably ever buy again I might change again but I mean look at this thing it's a tank this is like its fifth snowstorm I've done this every time I mean look at this every time I do a zoom shot I gotta open up the lens like that and then all the snow gets on there and then I reclose it it melts this is all I see and it's not just like it's it's dry snow this is wet snow and so I have to every time and look it there's just wet ice and if you look over here it's open the sound thingy so it's this thing is just taking a beating and the microphone microphone is doing great too but this is yeah look I just like I said I do this all the time and this thing's still going yeah every once in a while you get one of those electronics that just keep on going no matter what and this is my my one right here this thing is this camera has been a beast for me I love this camera it's done its duty you know one of these days it won't work out so well but guess what until then it's still going I mean this is when I go back over near the fire this has been away from the fire this is all gonna turn to water all of it all of its gonna turn to water the screens all frosty I know it's just gloating about how awesome that camera but we're having a little bit of issues with it like I said the water is the snow is all melty so the buttons are freezing so I can't really change the volume and stop whoo this you can see the little crack there this this is my last one of these boards so I'd be careful with that okay we need to cut some stuff up we need to prepare some dinner so what we are having for dinner tonight is a campfire venison stew it's gonna be delicious it's gonna be good eat it and I like it and I'm excited I don't think we need to Melanie so we're gonna put Monty's in the big pot yeah yeah we're put mines in the big populate okay the snow see it's coming down it may not look like it but it's coming down okay first things first we're gonna do this to a little bit unconventional you know normally I'll cook stuff up and add it as I go we're gonna kind of just throw it all in at once and cook it because it's snowstorm and that's just how I want to do it so we're gonna put a little chunk of butter in there just start and we're gonna get we're gonna get added moisture as it goes it's gonna like replenish itself so the first thing we need to cut up is up for the white onion we're gonna put half a white onion in here now I'm gonna try to make it up stew to where I can consume all this I might not I might not be able to only time will tell I'm not really good at consuming all the food that I create oh geez okay no close-up of the white onion today just kidding must close white add that to the pot it is just stormy out here and we've got some potatoes and I'm gonna add to the pot you got four little red red skin potatoes snow just getting too much snow on the cutting board as I'm cutting it up but yeah like I said I would normally cook this all at different stages but we're just gonna add it all in simmer it all up at the same time and see how it goes because I'm sure it's gonna be delicious I'm not gonna complain I'm quite hungry quite excited for the food whoa that my headlamp on the whole time I just kick out of nowhere what's still on what are you doing turn off oh you know what what's going on here I've had it with this what is going on with this thing what are you doing putting it off to the side for now because I don't know what was going on with it there and we've got some parsley here we got more parsley this should probably go in later but you know what it's still this is campfire venison stew we're just gonna coarsely chop it up and add it in it's gonna be fine I'll be fine we've got some garlic [Music] and shove this up will make its do in a snowstorm stood in a snowstorm still in a snap star still in the snowstorm yeah we're not gonna we're not gonna mince this garlic this is gonna be a rough chop that's going in just like that good enough for me we've also got this massive carrot that we're gonna throw in there I don't know why it's so big but this is the size of the carrots today the bulk carrots I swear there's no GMO in these carrots they're just this is the normal size of carrots my fingers are getting cold all right carrots going in go into the stoop black pepper [Music] oh yeah there we go okay that's some salt not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt we've also got to add a fresh monty turd harvested fresh straight from the source you can see that is a grade-a Monty turd right there we're gonna just throw that into the pot as a deep rich flavor that cannot be matched by anything else oh I guess for a venison stew might as well add the venison oh yeah okay it's getting serious now I'm just gonna cut this up into chunks here it's kind of frozen you know because it's winter and we're out out here we're just gonna chunk this up and Monty's gonna get a portion of this and we're gonna boil it up in some water or snow for him and then we'll give him some pumpkin with dinner oh my hands are so cold I cannot feel my fingers oh yeah I'll be careful they're kind of my favorite I wouldn't even know okay we're gonna give Monte just a nice portion of Medicine here just back them up some there that's a couple more pieces okay that's good for him just hold hands okay our stew is ready we're gonna throw in a little bit of water my hands are so cold Paul is that oh that's just ice it looks like plastic there's just pieces of ice all right we're gonna start with a little bit of water and then we're gonna add in some snow to make up for the rest of it but it is now time to get this on the fire and get to cooking oh yeah I'm hungry okay my hands need to go on some gloves all right the ground here we've got a set down the great gravy one the only the greatest great level and the greatest of the great mati is out here we need he's a little snow Monte's stood on there I don't know whose idea was to put the touch side thing on these headlamps but there's definite networking you think that's gonna tip over oh yeah it's probably in tip over that's not good [Music] [Music] that's good enough okay whoa wins blonde oh yeah okay we're starting to stew we're starting to stew okay okay I even can you even see me Monte thinking my frame pardon me doesn't want to get up but the other part of me does you know I'm saying okay it's snowing yeah I'm toasty winds definitely coming straight from that way underneath there were Mattias it's nice and toasty or nice and cozy I guess you could say but we're gonna have some snow that comes in about this far so Monte I mean it's not gonna matter he's been getting a little bit of snow on right here but he's not gonna he's gonna sleep at the end and my sleeping pads pushed in but I'm getting a little bit of snow on the end there but it's gonna be fine I normally I don't sleep with my leg straight and extended right here I'm kind of just sitting in the snow a little bit too tough to move too much for cooking well my electronics are acting a little goofy the light on the cameras kind of acted up and headlamps acting up for sure i headlamp kept turning on so what I did is you know the thing the thing you'd expect an outdoors I'm going to do I just wrapped it against this log really hard and just went and it stopped turning on like crazy and just turn it on enough it now works with just the button just like this see like it should that's what it should do not just turn on nowhere and just beat it against the law how it's working normal again that's how I solved my electronics issues oh man you know I did bring an extra beer today but I don't know how it was for the stew we'll see if I put it in the stew we'll see we'll see [Music] that's good buddy okay well who's gonna kinda stay toasty and uh you know comfortable until all my treats ready and then I'll eat don't know this'll open a sick bag [Music] he was getting so excited to go out today hi boogies he was following me around he knows he knows so much how when the winter camping is coming he loves it [Music] oh yeah this uh this is snow snow snow snow [Music] we gotta get this ear mixin there we go oh that's a hot fire Oh burn all right now it's all the moisture what is it there's something you want is there something you oh I know what it is I I know what he wants I know I know come over here yes what he wants Raymond yeah she wants to be treated like a little puppy a little baby [Music] hmm no I think he wants venison but little Monte bear will take this I guess because well now he doesn't have any choice frosty bunny isn't enough okay I'll let you down oh and he wants his venison he I don't you sure sure sure sure sure sure sure sure looks interesting I think it's time to stole my Jesus but this is going for the hard-boil we got to be careful oh geez but it smelt a little bit ear medicine water well we have a little bit of a member in there oh that's looking good even though it's got a ways to go this couple embers in there you know what when you're cooking over the campfire you're gonna get some embers it's okay it's gonna happen there's so much wind and steam that you can't even see in there it's simmering though it's still got a ways to go the onions are getting a little more cooked down but you can tell the potatoes and carrots still got a bit to go once the the meats gonna be done the meats probably already cooked but it's probably tough right now the longer at simmer is it's gonna kind of break down and fall apart so uh when these onions and carrots and potatoes are all cooked down and kind of soft the meat will be pretty cooked down - whoa it's gonna be good I am getting excited I'm getting real hungry that's a lot stew what's doing it's coming down here Monty come here [Music] watch your mangy treats my headlamps going crazy again or nope look at it it's just just turn it on enough for a reason you know what needs another dad just work work better cavemen Oh hug well it ain't randomly turn it on and off no mo yeah the old caveman smash work ma you're just getting full of snow [Music] okay well I know I had a beer up here ya're heavier up here so we're just simmering away I've been throwing the stick for Monty for a good half hour at least he's just been yeah he didn't really want to sit around here for too long because he can smell his food but I just had him out there we're just fetching snow is coming down as you can see yeah that's coming down it's a-comin known gusting around sure you can see the wind blowing it definitely every once in a while it gets me it's just like like right there oh it's cold up my neck okay our stoop everything's about cooked I uh I did a little taste test I'm not gonna lie and it's about cooked so I'm gonna add in some flour thicken it up all right that's gonna thicken just nicely oh yeah Stu because we've got something [Music] delicious but if you have a crispy toasted French baguette to dip it just it brings it all together yeah we need we need some right here oh this is this is done we're gonna put this off to the side let this cool down while our fridge we don't we want to be got a little bit burned on the outside it's okay toasty on that side hole let's check thickness of our soup oh that is perfectly stewey I am going to burn my mouth guarantee at least twice at least twice look at that [Music] as oh I'm so hungry okay Monty look at my face you've been such a good boy I put my finger in it a minute ago it is a nice hot warm meal not too hot for him it's perfect right now it's probably perfect in five four three two one okay going now I am so excited to try this I want to take my hood off but kind of need it it's snowstorm let's just let's just dip this crispy heat it up begin let's see if we get a nice crunch on this [Music] I don't know if the camera picked that up over the crackle of the campfire in the wind but it crunched Oh crunchy bread and like a stew or a soup or chili I just appreciate food so much being able to have a hot meal in this wind's blowing around like crazy and just getting wet from the snow falling but meeting this guy we're having a hot meal a delicious hot meal the chance of me eating all this stew is 100% it's all in one of my belly it's not gonna happen this is garlic and onions and spices and salt pepper just just non dog friendly stuff not know and you this I'm not even go we're not gonna go there no he 70 pounds 210 one third he had at least half the amount of food I had so he talked to the hand talk today and get back go lay in your sleeping pad in your nice shelter go ahead go go dog they get the sleeping pad one upper go go go lay down go yeah go well well somebody keep stuffing my face here [Music] mother's gonna keep bagging and I promise you he's not getting anything just blowing in my belly with me mm-hmm I'm gonna stuff my face eat all this fires gonna burn down I'm gonna get all my sleep stuff ready we're gonna get into this cozy shelter and get ready for bed when I'm done eating so I will check back in with you guys when it's bedtime you're kind of too frosty to use a towel on but you know to towel this don't you yeah you know you're to frosties now you're not wet anymore you're just frosty their first eva boniva who's that [Music] get that Sonya you may not what all these layers are warmth but we will see if we got a restless mangy tonight he doesn't want all this one if we got a silent pass out just laying there Monte then he approves okay so snows coming down I think the winds still blowing around I can't really hear it in here it's very quiet and silent and it's cozy you can see my breath just like just like hovering around cuz we got a nice cozy den here but anyways delicious dinner yeah so far those shells are super cozy on the the past scale that we developed last time we attempted to camp this was a high rating so firm to give this one a 8 or 8 8 out of 10 I mean I want to say it's a 10 out of 10 like it's perfect because it's exactly what I planned on doing but we haven't spent the night in it yes so we'll assess we'll reassess in the morning but for now it's an 8 out of 10 it'll be a 10 out of 10 if it does its job throughout the night because I it's cozy there are no leaks in here it's perfect so I'll pass out I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody [Music] [Music] oh hi Monty oh hey pal hey how's it going it's a new day it's a new day oh yes so I slept great last night in the winds rage on for a while and then dying off early this morning well I thought they died off last night and then I got up to go to take a pee and I heard him Gus here oh they're still blowing it's harder to hear it in here but uh yeah yeah it's up so it well it's lightly snowing right now but the heavy snow stops but yeah we're nice and cozy in here I didn't feel any wind whatsoever so this shelter gets a 10 out of 10 on the past scale 10 out of 10 an opposes assessment of shelter superiority I saw it stands for great mangy because uh yeah we did give me stupid we're here my feet but it did its job you know if I wanted to make this warmer which we didn't need it I'd make it smaller but you know I gotta make room for the dog and yeah I really satisfied this is a nice easy shelter very enjoyable why are you enjoyable anyways it's time to put some layers on get up Monty needs a sticks throwing session for a pickup hmmm let's do it yes Oh No I tried to stuff this into right oh the old crunchy jacket it's back oh yeah it's crunchy great oh it's gonna be such a joy to put on the crunchy jacket oh I feel so good put your hand through this oh it's cold oh that's cool all my figures are going no I got it it's a cookie these glows on here these are still a little wet well they're there they're way uh but it doesn't matter cuz they were kept warm in my sleeping bag all night sure my clothes absorbs all the moisture see if we can't even zip this thing up not looking good [Music] okay feel a little restricted what if I get moving a little bit my body he'll warm it up okay you wanna stick Verger stick on everything is sold okay boy okay buddy okay I see but yeah all in all this is a good shelter this is a fun night I like having a cozy shelter the only problem with this one was I would say that I couldn't sit under it with my chair and keep the snow off me I mean I could have if I would have just not used the chair but I like that chair I like that your lights good well anywho we've got a beautiful wintry scene out here in March looks like when winters got no signs of slowing down but let's go through the stick for buy a few more times are we gonna start packing up yep mighty to lose your stick juniors your stick did your sister all right okay let's go get it let's go get it let's go you see yeah alright let's tear it down oh man everything is gonna need a drying out when I get home also go make a mess how the bathroom oh you'll notice that everything is a little frosty looking and that's because some some of that moisture that got in my lens is I think it's in the camera maybe on the mirror or something it's inside the camera it's not on the outside the outside looks fine but yeah it's frosty I couldn't even I had to turn it on this morning I had to sit there and warm up the button for like 3-4 minutes it wouldn't I couldn't turn on the camera and everything was frozen I couldn't make the screen come out and I couldn't zoom either to focus but that's finally moving well yeah since I got to unload this stuff and dry it out as soon as I get home I I don't put it back in his stuff sacks and it usually is just fine well it's always just fine ah Oh [Applause] boys I there's some junk in a sledge trunk [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] a couple layers Amonte you wouldn't know nothing about that wait yeah no you don't shed layers all over the house all the time no that's just me marking my territory yeah when you get hair in my nose I've had it where I've woken up and just had the worst idea stuffiest plugged up nose and I just tried to blow it and nothing couldn't get nothing and then I was just digging in there with my fingers and I'll feel a hair that's uh I finally get out a little bit also to pull on it and I have a whole monty hair that's gone up through my nostril you know and it's just in there just the whole thing is just clogging it up and as soon as I get that hair out I pull out Monty's long hair it's uh I could breathe again it's like I breathe in his hair and inhale it okie Dokes folks I am all packed up shelters torn down that was a wonderful little overnighter good shelter really like that I'll definitely make that shelter design again in the future I still have hopes to do a Quincy this winter this gave me hope that I can still shovel the snow good well yeah a tasty meal slept like a baby not the craziest story I've ever spent the night in but it's still a nice little winter storm nice little snowfall it's always beautiful out in these storms but anyways where are you heading back to the car Sol as always if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and I'll catch you guys at the next video come on G let's go oh geez [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 652,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snowstorm, snow storm, blizzard, winter camping, winter, camping, camp, bushcraft, bushcrafter, canada, asmr, snow, survival, storm, winter storm, winter weather, backpacking, backpack camping, dog, adventure, wilderness, wilderness area, bushcrafting, how to camp, wild camp, backcountry, backcountry camping, snowstorm camping, camping in a snowstorm, shelter, bushcraft shelter, campfire cooking, campfire, cooking, food, camping in a blizzard, snowshoeing, overnight, camping dog, survival shelter
Id: LxFCpScuoCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 24sec (5844 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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