5 Signs He’s Moved On (emotionally)

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hey hey Tony Gaskins here wanted to pop in and do a follow-up video on the five signs that he's moved on now the last video I talked about when he's moved on mentally but he's still with you in this video I'm talking about when he's moved on emotionally now when he's moved on emotionally that goes hand-in-hand with moving on physically so at this stage is when you don't live with him and if you never live with him then you can't use that as a gauge if he's moved on emotionally but when you don't live with him and or if you did and he moved out now this is a sign where it's going from just mentally being over the relationship to emotionally being over the relationship so these are not necessarily in order you can switch them they go however I'm just listing five signs and remember there could be ten you know but it's not the easiest thing in the world to identify these small things and separate them so when you think about this and he in today's time 2020 when your man removes you your ex man removes you from social media that is one of the signs that he has moved on emotionally when he removes you he now he could unfriend you he could unfollow you even if he blocks you blocking could it does mean a little different than just unfriending you unfollowing you but there's still the same to block it really can be confusing because sometimes a person can block someone out of anger or out of a mind game but at the same time you can block someone out of just detoxing and completely being over them and just moving on so it's a little different but it goes hand-in-hand when he is no longer following you and watching your stories or on your page hitting the like button on your post and he's unfriended you and he's not worried about people who may search and what they're gonna see he's not worried about you seeing it then that is when you know that is a sign he's moved on emotionally and so it's crazy that today a social media means a lot and I have to do another video on kind of everything that social media means inside of the dating world and even how a man like in a woman's picture says something and means something so don't take it lightly don't just look at like oh he's bitter old you know he's just angry know that that is a sign but that's why you kind of have to put all these signs together because one sign by itself may not be an exclusive answer to say he's moved on emotionally now another part of this is when the next sign is when he cuts off your family so when he stops talking to your mom or your sister or your brother whoever and when I say family even your best friend it can be a mutual friend that he befriended but he met that person through you when he cuts them off meaning he gets distance he's not talking to them once a week like he used to twice a week he's not even talking to them twice a month he just is very cordial like if he sees some hey how you doing oh you know I haven't heard from you yeah just been really busy doing a lot going on I'm hope everything goes well with you you know keep pressing when it when he hits your family with that and now he's cut them off he's not spraying I'm talking bad about him on social media showing all these you know crazy emotions he just has distanced himself dad is a son that he's moved on emotionally so don't take it lightly and understand that you have to start to pull your heart back you got to start coaching yourself and healing your heart and doing the work and working on you because when a man gets to that place that is showing you that this relationship is over now think about this outside of your family sign number three is when he's not contacting you now if you have children together that's different because he'll have to contact you about the children but when he's not contacting you like hey I miss you hey I was thinking about you because sometimes a man could be completely out of a woman's life and he could have another girlfriend he could be living with her he could be engaged it could be all sort of stuff going on with him in his relationship or situation ship stuff but he's still contacting you hey was thinking about you hey how are you just randomly out of the blue hey how are you I just wanted to check in and just see how you were doing hope everything's well he has not moved on emotionally he maybe was gone mentally and then if he moved out or y'all stopped going on dates he's gone physically but he's not moved on emotionally but when you're not getting any contact from him outside of business contact meaning dealing with the children the dog all share didn't he's gonna vent to let that go to the business that y'all started when it's strictly formal in this business then that is a sign he's moved on emotionally and understand that emotionally this is where your soul ties are this your spirit it's not just when you check out mentally when you just distant when you just you know in your mind in another place but when your heart starts to go with it that's when things really really are coming to an inn and you got to be able to understand that and to respect that now on the flip side of this is when he sees you you would know when he has moved on emotionally when he's just cordial with you now the reason why I say this is because if he is nasty and he's like trying to ignore you and act like he doesn't see you and he was right there he hasn't moved on emotionally he still he still has a weak spot for you and that's why he's overcompensating by trying to be nasty if he's like whispering somebody's ear looking towards you and they're laughing or he's ignoring you at treating you like Casper the ghost then he hasn't moved on emotionally if he comes up to you and he's flirting with you you're looking good girl hey it's been awhile since I seen you you still got it now hey and he's flirting with you he hasn't moved on emotionally but when he is cordial with you when he sees you and he comes up to you hey how are you okay great great Howard how's the fam how's the kids you know not if y'all got kids you got kids how the kids okay little Johnny playing baseball okay cool hey well great seeing you take care god bless when he's cordial and it's a good spirit and he's you know upbeat and he's not trying to play a role he has moved on in his heart emotionally he's moved on and you got to understand that and I think that's one issue that a lot of women make and I get is question a lot from women they say how should I act at work we work together so when I see him what should I do it's not about acting it's about doing the work it's about working on you and when you work on you and you heal your heart and you feel confident then now when you see him you could just be cordial hey how you doing and just keep it moving you don't have to ignore Matt like you don't see him you know and now he's I'm okay still got him she she knows she saw me and she trying to have my scene see heart still tangled up you know you don't have to be rude look at them roll your eyes you don't have to do any of that you just hey how you doing keep it moving so what a man hit you with that that's when you know he's moved on emotionally and a lot of times men will intentionally do things to kind of trigger you to keep you confused so he may flirt with you and then now you haven't you get mixed signals he like hmm is there a chance for us or he may be rude to you treat you like Casper the ghost and then you like huh why did he do me like that man that really hurts we had something special and so sometimes a man will do that to play mind games but when his energy is pure and he just being cordial with you that's when you know okay I gotta do my work I gotta work on me I gotta get right now sign number five is when there are no ill feelings so what I mean by this is when he's not sending messages back to you through your best friend through his best friend when he's not going on social media and on social media and posting subliminal memes and quotes that's jabbing you and saying you know women don't know how to appreciate good men until he's gone when he's not doing that anymore when he's not you know just ranting and venting in comment sections and on Facebook and Instagram sounding just like he's but her when he stops doing that and if it comes back to you hey I saw Johnny and um I asked him how y'all was doing it and he told me y'all split up and and he said man you know she's a great woman she's a great woman it just wasn't the right timing and you know we grew apart when our separate ways when you if you get messages back like that instead of saying oh he said you crazy he said it's your fault and he don't want to go into it because he don't want to you know put mud on your name but true he had some stuff to say and he just was when you're getting that he has not moved on emotionally but when you can sense like wow this man is like just living his life like he he's now understand this part right here cuz I get this a lot when he is flaunting another woman and he's all lovey-dovey and he posted pictures of him kissing her on the cheek and throwing her in the air and carrying her down the stairs and bay this and bait ad and MCM and MC Tuesday know what's the alcohol WCW WCW woman crushed and he's doing a one-man crush Thursday woman crush Friday woman crush Sunday warm across every day that's when you know he has not moved on he knows you and your personality and he knows that you like to play Blue's Clues and that you are on his page watching him every day every other day like an addict that you addicted to stalking him he know that if he blocks you you're gonna make a fake page and go follow him from a fake page or if he doesn't block your friend or your family that you're gonna go and look at his page from their page and if he is flaunting another woman and if it's not a woman but he's just overly compensating trying to show his new luxury car his new apartment or his new house and he just bragging and he's flexing and you know that that's not him and that he's reaching stretching doing the most the absolutely most then that's when you know he has not moved on emotionally but if he has no ill feelings and when you see his page he's not you can tell he's not trying to take jabs at you he's just living a normal life he's doing and posting the way he's always posted and nothing is extra and no messages getting back to you and when he sees you again go hand in hand with he's cordial all of that right there that is when you know he has moved on emotionally so what this means is this man has done the work and he has healed his heart whether that's through prayer coaching counseling his new relationship could be therapy for him that new woman could be bringing healing and peace and clarity that happens it happened to me with my wife when I got with her it helped me heal and just being with her talking to her learning with her reading the Bible praying just her pushing me to be a better person it helped me heal my heart and when a man goes into that space that's why I can speak from experience on this you can't be jealous and you can't continue to sit still you got to get up and you got to do the work you can't be mad because he looking healthy hole and blessed when you could be healthy hole and bless you can't look at it like oh why are things going good for him and why isn't he experiencing karma you know the words y'all want to use and all of that you got to focus on you you got to stop checking for him stop watching his page stop asking about him stop talking about him stop looking for him and you got to work on you you take the courses you get the knowledge I put the links in the description for them this is my year course to start 2020 off right for the love and relationship courses you do the work you read the books you go to the seminars you watch the videos on a daily basis and you get new knowledge and that's gonna build new confidence and then that's gonna heal your heart and then you're going to be able to move on emotionally and then you'll be able to open up and attract real love the man who is truly for you instead of wanting someone who doesn't want you so understand that latest Tony Gaskins thank you so much for watching the video if you made it this far please put be blessed in the comments I really appreciate you getting the extra insight and if you have not hit that subscribe button please subscribe and set your notifications because I try to post a video every day around 11:45 a.m. Eastern time so that's 8:45 if you in California 10:45 if you in Texas if you're in another country then you know just Google what time is it in Florida now so you'll know the difference the time difference and I try to post every day Monday through Friday at 11:45 a.m. and then Saturday I put it up like 8:45 a.m. and then on Sunday for the members of the channel which when you see the subscribe button beside it it should say join I do a live Q&A Sunday nights at 9 p.m. hey thank you so much we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 72,170
Rating: 4.926806 out of 5
Id: isJwx6Dbqg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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