5 Signs He’s Moved On (mentally)

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hey hey Tony Gaskins here wanted to pop in and go through this video because I get a lot of questions on the Instagram Q&A and one thing I always see I was talking to my wife about this and we read these questions sometimes and it's like he does this he doesn't do that he does this is it over should I move on should I stay and so I want to give you five signs now there could be seven there could be twelve there could be 50 but I just want to go over the five biggest signs most common signs so that you can know he has moved on and this means he's moved on mentally not physically not emotionally when a man moves on physically he's no longer talking to you he doesn't live with you he's out of your life when he moves on emotionally I think you will know it then but this is when a man has moved on but he's still with you you still see him y'all still talk but you're kind of confused about where you are and where you're going now these are not necessarily in order but so you can move them in order of importance that you feel now the first one is he stops investing time you got to think about this and realize that to paint a picture so you understand I'm going on 13 years of marriage and I still take my wife on a date every week if we can't go on a date that we kiss because my son's have soccer you know some type of sports things going on early Saturday morning and so we hang out at home on Friday night if your man is not investing time meaning he is not scheduling a day booking the appointment the reservation letting you know hey got a surprise for you or hey this is where we're going this is how we need to dress because of their dress cold if he's not doing that and if he can't go out if he's not setting up a night where he said hey let's do a cheese board or let's do popcorn and let's watch this new movie on Netflix if he's not investing time and being active and serious about this time then guess what he that's a sign he's moved on now sometimes you can have one of these and not all of these and so it may not fully mean everything now when you think about this when you go from that number two is he argues a lot so in a relationship you're gonna have disagreements a disagreement does not have to become an argument but think about your last argument when was it then before that argument when was it if you find yourself kind of arguing even if it's just a three minute argument a five minute argument but it's an argument it's not a disagreement it's like it gets to where you get that feeling and you have them chemicals released from your brain and it kind of makes your stomach hurt or you may even cry or come close to it it's an argument if he is doing this and he's starting the arguments just nitpicking about what you're not doing who you aren't this and that and this happening like every other day every week and it's maybe at least twice a week then that is a sign he has moved on because when a man is invested and he's all in he's not trying to argue because the more you argue then the less love you're building and the more you argue it means that you are not seeking to understand your partner and see your partner as your teammate instead you're seeing your partner as your opponent and you're trying to start arguments to take shots at your partner make your partner feel like she is less than like she is inadequate and so that will make her begin to shut down or a lot of women get to this place and they start to serve a man like just go become like a maid like a handmaid and just start to bend over backwards and walking on eggshells and trying to say okay should I not say this because it might anger him should I not say this should I not do this should I not ask for this should I not go here should I not go there should I not wear this and you're constantly processing what do I need to do next so what can I do next to not make him angry and it feels like he's getting angry about everything when a man is arguing a lot getting angry a lot then that is a sign that he's moved on mentally so think about this and really kind of look at your relationship and see if you feel like this is going on now as you think about the next step is he starts to be less affectionate it almost becomes like obsolete to wear when a man is moved on mentally he will stop planning your hair massaging your back holding your hand rubbing on your thigh when you're sitting down on the couch he'll stop being affectionate you know kissing you on the forehead hugging you just like an embrace even you know squeezing your booty when he won't pass you you know it's just those little things that a man does to his woman when he's in love and when he's locked in and I won't go into too much detail but you know I think you understand what I mean but when it starts to feel cold in the bed in on the couch in the room when you around your man and you feel it in coal and you're feeling cold and you're feeling lonely then that is a sign that he's moved on mentally now this has to go with the other ones because a man could be going through a tough time in his life financially so some of these things could if they are just standalone then it might not mean he moved on it could mean that he's dealing with something internally in his body a sickness illness or something on the job with his finances he's getting ready to be laid off or he's been laid off something like that or he works for himself and he's not making as much money in this quarter as he made last quarter or this year as he made last year so it's other things that can affect the man that doesn't mean he's moved on but when you put all these together then that's when you kind of have to worry but at the same time think about this I want you to think about this um if he has financial issues then these signs really can apply to that like if his money is funny now if his job is the same paying him the same as he's always been paid or even more then okay money is not the issue it has nothing to do with it so think about this how often does your man hug you does he rob you does he you know just kind of caress you or playing your hair or something think about it and compare it to something else that maybe you've experienced when he was deeply in love with trying to win you so that you have a clear picture and understanding about this now the fourth one would be he doesn't care about your feelings so you see that and we all as humans kind of go through those little moments where maybe five minutes to where he just kind of you know whatever but when he doesn't care about your feelings when he starts to say things that he knows is hurting your feelings like really you're gonna wear that like do you see what you look like like have you looked in the mirror like what is this you know Shamu day and like mood like are you really trying to look like a cow today like he may say something that's just so hurtful you may actually it may hurt you so bad you have to go cry somewhere but when he is doing this and this will be like a everyday thing that he kind of says something to take a jab at you and you're like wow like that hurt you and you really like feel hurt and you're wondering like is this me like am i is it just because it's the time of the month and I'm just real sensitive is it because I just lost my my loved one my my family member is it because my job is stressing me is it because I'm not sleeping enough like why is so much of what he says each day hurting my feelings when it gets to that point and you know it's not clearly something else then stop blaming yourself stop blaming yourself to understand that that is another sign we could say sign number four that he's moved on mentally and he's just not caring anymore now on number five I would say he is distant or he's gone a lot and so what I mean by this it just depends if your long-distance if you live together or you just live in the same city you understand meaning that you don't have undivided attention like you once had it means that you don't have his time and his you know effort and energy like you once had so what this means is he may be on his phone when he's around you he's on his phone and he's in the corner and he's on the phone typing you know he's texting or he's on Instagram all the time like he's always on the phone and if he's not on the phone that he's gone hey me and the boys going golfing me and the boys going to the club me and the boys doing this we're doing this I'm in the Soccer League I'm in the basketball league and he's just always gone and whenever it would be time to date he has something else to do oh I got a mastermind meeting with the networking group or I got this right here kind of meat you know that kind of meeting and he's just distant he's distant or he's gone a lot in this period may also be some you know a little bit of ghosting but or silent treatment whichever will go with to where you don't hear from from to that for two days you don't hear from for three days if it's seven days you don't hear from then it's all the way 100 percent you need to pack up and leave so I want you to understand that these are five signs and here's why and if you got this far put be blessed in the comments but but don't leave yet the reason why you need to understand these and why man does this is because men a lot of men don't know what they are looking for in a woman and so they get with you because you seem to be enough or have enough but then they meet someone else that they their mind plays a trick on them and make something that maybe she's even more than you that maybe she brings more to the table in one area or another than you do so he starts to get interested in her and he starts to text her connect with her whether it's in the DM on social media or actually on the phone on text or they're talking at work all day every day she becomes his work wife and he starts to go there but he doesn't really fully understand or know if he's going to leave you because he doesn't know if what he's seeing is real he doesn't know if this grass is actually greener or if it's just the way the Sun is hitting it and so he's trying to juggle you and keep you there do just enough and play on your good heart play on your love for him because he knows y'all have history and that you're not just gonna wash your hands and take off just because he seems to be going through something that you're gonna try to figure it out and and that's why you here watching this video so he knows he has some time or at least he thinks but he's trying to really move on and if he feels that the grass is actually greener and the water bill won't be too much higher then he they're gonna drop you like a bad happen to take off and that's when he gone he's gone mentally and physically but that may not mean he's gone emotionally so I'll do some other videos on on those if I can so I want you to understand this that it's a method to his madness but you don't have to just sit around and wait you can say okay you want to act like that look this is not working out I'm gonna have to go my own way if you got to cry every day if you got to do a coaching session every day if you got to get on here and watch all 200-plus all my videos whatever you got to do to get your mind Center and the strength in yourself and to rebuild yourself then do that do that and don't worry about it but just let him know I'm not your puppet I'm not your teddy bear I'm not your lap dog I'm not just gonna sit around here and wait on you to get your act together or decide what you want to do with my life and your life like I'm out of here if you can't be invested and all-in then do what you're doing she can have you it can have you I'm gone but I need a man who is emotionally intelligent and that's gonna step up to the plate and treat me the way I need to be treated and that's kind of how you have to approach it you ain't got to be yelling you don't have to be cursing but that's how you have to approach it if you a man watching this then you need to understand that if you plan your woman you're good woman for this other woman and you showing these five signs you bite to get left and you better get your act together because the grass is not greener on the other side and you need to do what you got to do hey this is Tony guys if you're watching this video hit that subscribe button what is you hating for you coming over here you watching the video every day and you won't hit the subscribe hey hit the subscribe button and set a notification so that you see when I post every day Monday through Friday 11:45 a.m. Eastern hey god bless you we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 271,501
Rating: 4.9454618 out of 5
Id: 0GrRm9sPt_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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