His real reason! | IWU | Tony Gaskins

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hey hey tony guys here popping in doing another video uh following up what i was talking about yesterday when we were talking about the intimidation and uh try to further help y'all understand something there's a lot of ladies that still didn't really get it and you know a lot of women saying oh no men really are intimidated by women oh no it was a man that told me he was intimidated by me oh some men you know you can't be doing more than they doing can't make more money than them and some men do struggle with that if a woman is the breadwinner like we we've heard that but typically what it is it's really a not it's not about the money it's about how he views you as a woman now listen this gonna be hard to hear this is gonna be hard to hear that's why i just you and the lord listen to these videos all right some of y'all listed the video with the six seven year old son you some night you might wanna listen this by yourself in case it hurt your feelings now listen when this man let you go or any other woman that got let go it's not because he's intimidated it's not because he's intimidated it's because he didn't want you to begin with it's because he does not feel you are looks compatible with him you're not his type you're not his style his steeds that's why he let you go with your nine degrees and making nine hundred thousand dollars a year he didn't let you go because you intimidated him he's not upset because you make more money than him he didn't like you to begin with y'all we're not a fit to begin with the video gonna be short because the game on right now and i'm a little tired today got a little headache so i can't talk the whole hour today now so you don't have to watch this many times you need to but this is what i want you to understand when a man let you go you can't even go off of what he tells you since when you start believing what a man telling you a man that you sleeping with or a man that was in position to sleep with you since when you start believing what he tell you but now when he tell you you're intimidating you believe that said when you start believing him i'm here to tell you on the outside looking in as a man who don't want nothing with you don't want nothing from you can't do nothing with you i'm here to tell you he didn't leave you because he was intimidated uh young ladies say no women ain't lying no no women are not lying when they say oh yeah men are intimidated they're not lying because they're just saying what they think you saying what you think but you not a man you not no man understand that you going off what you you going off the narrative you telling yourself you going off of what a grown boy didn't told you oh you intimidating to men when another man tell you or you intimidating to me and for one he misusing the word and then two he's just trying to flirt he's trying to get hitler compliment in he trying to let you know he thinks you look good he thank you all that but he know good and well him and no other man is not intimidated by you in the literal sense of the word so let me help you understand this it all come down when it when you dealing with men in the initial stages okay we talk about in the beginning when you meet a man because this way you determine this way you determine whether he's intimidated by you or not we're not talking about after you develop the relationship in the beginning one of the first components of a relationship is attraction so what you have to realize is that it all comes down to how attracted he is to you if he is not attracted to you you will get a world of excuses it because he doesn't want to hurt your feelings so he will say it's not you it's me i gotta work on me i need to let this relationship go because i need to get closer to god i need to let this relationship go because i need to focus on my business and focus on my grind and get financially stable get in a good position financially before i go into a relationship i really can't be with you because you're too good for me i'm not worthy of you i really can't be with you because we're not on the same level you you earn way more than me and i'm uncomfortable with that i just talked to a brother i just talked to a brother i just coached a brother and he really liked his woman he really liked his woman and he said now i'm gonna tell you tony just so you understand the difference between us she made way more than me he it's man the man it's man two man [Music] he did not want say and he could have said it because he was very transparent he could have said and that bothers me you know as a man you don't really want to be with no woman that made more than you he could have said that if he felt that way i know i know he wasn't gonna say that i got other male clients who all of them they woman make more than them it ain't bothering now one of them because men are not intimidated by that that is the excuse that he may use or that is the story that your friends or your family or your pastor or you have told yourself so understand that let go of that narrative stop thinking that because when you think that you associate that with men and so you say okay well if this man intimidated by me then what's going to stop the next man how is the next man not going to be intimidated by me so then you going into these different relationships you meeting these different men and you coming in jaded already because you told yourself that men are intimidated by you and what you got to understand is that man just was not attracted to you y'all just were not looks compatible and that does not mean that you looks challenged that does not mean that you ugly growing up we say oogly um that does not mean that it just means that to him you won his style and steve's he could have been yours that don't mean you was his listen to me if you look how man wants you to look if you if he's attracted to you you can own cattle on thousand hills you can own nasa and all the rockets you you own half of the world he can own this much of land he ain't going nowhere if he is attracted to you so what you got to understand when these men up and disappear and your girlfriend girl listen you have to understand girl that you are so accomplished and you have so many degrees you're educated you're articulate you're tall you're beautiful these men are simply intimidated by you nine point nine nine nine nine nine percent i mean out of 10 men not percent are intimidated by you just understand that and what you have to understand girl you are a point zero zero zero zero zero one percent woman and that's the kind of man that you have to attract so i need you to understand that girlfriend high five girl keep your head up so your friend come tell you that so now you know what you know what i these men are intimidated by me i'm i am so educated and so articulate these men are intimidated by me so now the next man you meet you're probably intimidated that what you saying to yourself so he like oh wrong why's she looking at me like that my goodness i would get ready to speak to you dude you look my goodness like i slept with your sister and didn't call her the next day that's what the look felt like he like wow like my goodness but it's because of what you didn't told yourself you see what i'm saying so what you have to realize is let go of that narrative let go of that it's not intimidation y'all just ain't compatible y'all just ain't on the same page y'all just ain't on the same wavelength because to be intimidated is to be fearful of you know timid a man only intimidated by something that he feels can knock him out or take his life he don't feel like that about a one it don't matter what you have it don't matter how many degrees you got understand what i'm trying to tell you like a bomb on the street will not be intimidated by you you think i'm playing you think i'm playing go let that bomb shoot a shot just walk walk walk up to him back your eyes just let him know he got a chance that you friendly that bomb finna shoot his shot you know what not excuse me now homeless man i don't know what the word bomb mean no nah okay so we gonna call them home we're gonna call them rentless man out of no landlord gentlemen he got no landlord so listen that man without a landlord sleep on the side of that 711 that gas station he'll come right on up to you oh oh young lady whoa you is one five one man now let me ask you something if i had a cell phone could i have your number that's what he got that's that's what he will say to you now listen i ain't got no cell phone now but you see that card over there you let me know anytime i would cuz cd legs on me they strong i could walk the way you live and with that cart if you have me i'll let all that stuff go to have you that's what he'll tell you and then you'll be sitting there looking crazy because you'll be like oh my goodness i thought men were intimidated by me you mean to tell me you have a buggy full of other people clothes and you feel that you and i are compatible oh but excuse me i guess tony gotham was right oh my goodness you don't believe me now i ain't gonna tell you to do that because we don't know if him being in that sun then cook his brain to the point that he could be out of his mind and i don't want nothing to happen to you so don't actually do that but i'm here to tell you because see i haven't seen it happen i haven't seen i haven't seen them gentlemen come up and shoot they shot i don't seem to have something y'all it happened to one of the gentlemen in the shot they shot you roll down that window oh young lady why you got this wonder now i actually happened to get my cell phone somebody gave me this cricket time phone yesterday uh put can i you mind if i have your number i'ma call you sometime some of y'all haven't been hollered at by one of them men that's that right they'll let you know [Music] it's not intimidation it's just no compatibility so you got to remove that from your mind because because you you successful you got a job you got a car you got a place to stay you working on your certification so you could get on my mentor.life you just gonna be your second or third stream of income so now you out here and you building so if you telling yourself men intimidated by you you're gonna be repelling every man that could potentially be your husband so you have to say you got to stop saying men intimidated by me or by any woman and you got to start saying i will attract what i become the man for me is looking for me and i want to be ready when he sees me that's what you got to tell yourself because see if women intimidate men then [Music] serena williams wouldn't be married huh huh uh that man ain't got the kind of money she got um alice alexis oh honey he got some arena money he got some real money he that old company might have used to have been worth a billion he ain't in the bank account he ain't got that money uh beyonce she wouldn't have no man if men was intimidated by women beyonce wouldn't handle me oprah would not have stepped now what do statment bring to the table what do steven bring to the table nine steph might have something nah cause he on over payroll but what nah all rights there might be a secret meeting now and just forgive me but he's not bob johnson he ain't got tyler pierre money so when he read nothing about statement and his net worth so hotstat was so comfortable with oprah on the red carpet holding her hand and they dating and he just the boyfriend he just the comfortable in his role look at um look at um beyonce mama uh husband he looked like another version of steadman what do he bring to the come on this woman daughter this one built this woman gave birth to one of the biggest artists the world has ever known i don't agree with the music but she got so much money so that means mama got money mama mia now because she got her stake in that so what do her husband i don't know if he's hugging a boyfriend what what do he bring to the table for her to her table that she can't bring to the table [Music] this right here this all it brings to the table different swinging between their legs swinging that's it because them women that i just mentioned they don't need nothing from no man so if men was intimidated by women them the kind of women you would not have a man so listen hi beyonce and serena williams married and you walk around talking about oh man intimidated by me and it just was five years ago you got a pot to pee in and a window to throw it out of and not being intimidated by you come on you gotta come on you gotta let that go you gotta let that go listen to them so listen you blocking your blessing with that with that narrative right now see and this is what you understand on the spiritual side of things on the spiritual side of things that's what the devil doing that's what the adversary want to do he wants to the adversary wants to create division so if he could make women think that they are intimidating to men then it makes women want to put on the genes and the overalls because they saying i am intimidating men so that changes a woman's countenance and gives her a negative and jaded disposition so when she comes in contact with boaz now boaz looking at her like okay wow excuse me is it the time of the month did did i do something did i say something so now he confused but guess what now what it does is it makes the man want to compete not make him want to make her pay so now he get over her defenses and her with the wall up looking down on him and growling at him scowling at him thinking that she intimidates him and then he say okay i'm finna make you pay because i know you were eminem hard on the outside soft on the inside you melt in the heat so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna put the heat on you and then i'm finna uh flip it and toss you uh flipping and tossing then cause you wanna come in with your nose turned up looking down on me i'm finna be looking down on you and then after then guess what he's gonna do gone so now the woman scarred because she was already jaded talking about she intimidate me so then she me mugging a man looking at the man the man come on into her life she finally drop her guards and say well maybe i don't intimidate him but because of her initial disposition now they at odds now it's a competition not so war so now he tried to get her on her back she dropped her guards he put her on a bike then he cut her loose because he didn't like the way that she used to talk to him when he met her that's what the adversary goal is to put women against men to take and strip a woman hold on almost needed a commercial break though to take and strip a woman of her femininity and then take intoxify a man's masculinity and so now imagine a one a feminine woman who is mashed in false masculinity with a masculine man who now has toxic masculinity imagine them two things coming together what does that create all right see that's why these narratives that have been perpetrated and propagated across society all right vocabulary words i don't know what they mean but they sound good right now all right propagated across society is so dangerous because now you got women walking around with the breasts like you're intimidated by me aren't you because i'm successful because i have degrees because my shoulders are brought you're intimidated by me and so now it's woman versus the man he and we just button heads we just blend ahead because the woman don't understand that femininity does not mean weakness that being feminine and being you know self-confident does not mean that you're weak or that you naive or that you gullible or that you pray that you could be femininity is a pure essence it is wrapped in clothes in strength in dignity in integrity and so that energy it purifies a man's masculinity because when he comes in contact with it from whence he comes from a woman he comes from a woman so when your energy is pure and you're not in your head with these narratives that's been spread by the media see listen it's the movies and the music that's telling you that independent women who got a bag today name got a job and a car and a house are intimidating the men of today and so what that is doing is it is take making women take on this aura this energy and then it is angering men because man like oh you got the audacity to think that i'm intimidated are you all right okay all right all right okay i'm gonna show you some intimidation huh and then the next thing you know you down now all kind of microphone you oh oh did you have to do that oh my god did you oh did you have to do that he mad that's why he dogging you up like that he got that thing you like oh my goodness what is going on my name is not bumblebee triple x okay you trying to get a man your government name you reminded him of your government name because of the way he doing you when you then got into that fornication into that sin you know what you got into you oh whoa put that thing up somewhere what you keep hit me with that thing it's because you bought into the narrative that you intimidate me you came in with that energy he got offended because you tried him like a basil so now he become toxic so now he's gonna make you pay now let me actually now think about this now think about this thank you listen to me listen to me all right this too how many times have you said or have you heard a woman say i met a man i really wasn't all the way into him and feeling him like that then i decided to give him a chance now i have fallen for him and now he's distant we already sleeping together but now he acting like he wants me to chase him when i didn't even want him to begin with it he had to chase me you see that you see how the energy see how that energy transferred see how there was a transfer of power because it was not a pure and whole narrative when you came in you came in i don't know if you're on my level i don't know i guess i guess i mean the lord talked about bow ass but lord know that boaz could look like shrek so i don't so maybe i'm gonna give this shrek a try because i don't because if i wouldn't describe what boy ass looked like we don't know if he would handle them so let me just see if the lord got something different from me that's what you saying to yourself and that's how you looking at that man he sensed that so you know okay so you can just treat me like a peon huh so i'm just chop liver all right got some for you and he got some faith so now when he gets you to drop that guard he dog yeah he dog yeah because of the narrative you came in you looking down on him thinking you intimidate me and he the type of man that that is intimidated by you and you confused why he even trying you because he ain't on your level and then boom roll reversal the tables turn energy transferred hey i got to go at 30 minutes i told my wife i'm doing the video 20 to 30 minutes at night not that she waiting on me or anything but you know i like to keep my word but i want you to think about this okay and i had to hit on this again because a lot of women not understanding because a lot of them say oh well a man told me i intimidated him me a lie me a lot cause it's like do you expect him to say um really i'm gonna be leaving because as i got up close to you you don't look like what i thought you look like and when the bundles did not come in on time and you had to wear your natural hair i you look like a totally different person and i just was not ready for that so and the other night when you took your makeup off i did not know that your eyebrows were drawn on and i'm not that mature like i'm a mature man but i'm not mature enough to be with a woman who the entire eyebrows drawn i don't understand the end but the whole eyebrow drawn on i'm not that mature would you rather him say that would you rather him say that no he's not gonna say that he's gonna say you just you know i'm not worthy of you you deserve better than me listen to me when i'm telling you ain't no man on the face of the earth gonna tell you that you deserve better than him and mean it nobody letting go something that's better than what they deserve that's like your boss coming to you if you got a job and saying to you listen we're going to give you a 50 000 raise because you're just that valuable and then you saying oh no no ab no absolutely not i cannot accept the 50 000 raise because i do not deserve it you might know good and well you don't deserve it but you're not finna say that you might say oh i ain't working now i've been stealing pens every day too oh my goodness oh really wow oh my oh oh my god 50 oh that is so gracious i've just been waiting and hoping and praying that a job would see my worth you don't feel worth that so you think a man finna tell you if he really not on your level you think he's gonna tell you i'm not on your level and i don't deserve you so i'm gonna bow out gracefully so the man that does deserve you come no he's not gonna tell you that so when a man tells you that he lying to you because he don't want to hurt your feelings so what you have to understand is okay lord we were not compatible he is he can't deal with my natural beauty he can't deal with me for who i am that's not the man for me because listen sometimes you don't have too much heat on your edges sometimes you have too much glue on your edges sometimes your auntie used to pull your braids too tight and so your edges have been through a lot and that don't mean you got to go wear a lace front what it mean is the man for you gonna be mature enough he gonna he may have sisters he got a mama he know that edges go through a lot so he's not looking at your edges and judging you but an immature man who is superficial he gonna judge you when you wipe off your eyebrows when you take your lace front off with your wig off when he see your edges is in a season right now and you still looking for the proper ointment to get the edges back to where they thriving and flourishing he may not understand that but a mature man he don't say okay that come with a woman like mature men ultra mature man we we mature man we embrace cellulite we embrace natural hair to help we embrace you know adult acne we embrace you know that's how i know what a cystic bump is a cystic pimple that's how i know what it is because i'm married to a real woman and i see what women go through i see all the ups and downs you know when women lose x amount of pounds and she's so happy and then gain double what she lost and then lose it again like a mature man know a woman life is intense and she gonna go through bad edges she gonna go through breakouts she's gonna go through weight gain and weight loss and cellulite and stretch mark and this and that she gonna go through stuff a mature man know that but see when an immature man come into contact with you and you don't fit his immature vision of what a woman should look like dress like sound like act like then he come up with an excuse he come up with something to tell you because he don't want to just tell you he immature and superficial and you don't fit his vision that he had for his trophy wife he don't want to tell you that so he and he also don't want to tell you what about you doesn't fit his vision because he trying to be decent he trying to portray like he a decent man so he tell you or he tell your best friend or he tell a mutual friend i just don't feel worthy of her you know i just feel she deserves better than me and then that comes back to you and you take that as gospel but then it jades you because now you go and you wonder is the next man feel like this does the next man feel like this does the next man feel like this when instead you got to look at it and say okay we just want to fit he just saying like something about me and guess what if he don't like me i don't like him i want a man that want me for who i am or who i'm becoming or how i'm growing that's what you got to tell yourself and you got to repeat to yourself the man for me will be for me the man for me is looking for me and i'm ready for him i'm gonna be ready for him when i see him instead of telling yourself i intimidate men because i got degrees i intimidate men because i'm smart i intimidate black men because i speak articulately and they talk in ebonics i intimidate men because i graduated from yale i intimidate men because my dad is a millionaire all the stuff that you telling yourself that why you intimidate me and blocking your husband [Music] and when you understand that and when you understand that just everybody ain't gonna be no fit for you everybody ain't gonna thank you the best thing since sliced bread every and and you can't worry about that if some women think i'm ugly if some women think i'm short i remember one one of my clients i'm like who are you short all right girl i'm 5 10. you're calling me short jacka you a gold digger and you want a man who's six foot five ten ain't short and i remember my client nah she was like five one calling me short i'm like what i was offended but you know that's a personal opinion so imagine if i was a single man and she was a single woman and we met and i'm bringing all the goodness to the table and she look at me you short you're too short for me and then i and then i take that and i take that on and go into the dating world i'm gonna be so insecure that i'm gonna be projecting and i'm gonna be bitter towards women because i'm telling myself i'm too short and i'm 5 10. six foot on a good day six four with the favor of the lord on my life nine i'm six four nine so imagine that and that's what's happening it's the narratives now see we talking about intimidating men a woman being intimidating to a man but think about all the other narratives you know all the the you know the over feminists you know some people take feminists to to the extreme and just and make it something toxic instead of something empowering some people you know misconstrue it and all the other narratives that men wearing the skirts nine women wearing the pants and that women need to be leading the household now and and that you know the woman is smarter than the man and better than the man all these narratives that cause division and men getting narratives that women are gold diggers and women only and women cheat as much as and more than men but they better at it the narrative that's being pushed just to cause division that's what the adversary want so you got to understand when you believing a lie that could be blocking your blessing and then you got to do somebody hey this is tony gaskins god bless you i went over a little bit but we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 59,712
Rating: 4.9208817 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 51sec (2151 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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