A Man and his Social Media!

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hey hey Tony Gaskins here popping in got a question about a man and his social media now I actually have stayed away from this because I kind of was looking at it as something that is very trivial and I remember years ago mentioning social media and just being brushed off by women like oh it's just social media it doesn't mean anything who cares if my man like someone picture or repost someone and you know women were just kind of blowing it under I mean brushing it under the road and of course men are gonna you know pretend it means nothing and a lot of times it's because a woman just kind of has enough sense to not go to a man's page who has his shirt off showing his abs or posting a selfie trying to make you lust after his cheekbones or something a woman kind of has enough sense not to go hit the like button on that picture even if she feels like that he's attractive so but then you have men who will see a woman that is half dressed or in something provocative or in a bathing suit or you know some type of picture that is kind of you know lustful and he'll go like the picture and then you have men who will strike up conversations with women on social media and talk in the DM you know hey like that picture hey you know pretty cool tell me more about that place you visit it strike up a conversation and these men are in a relationship married got a girlfriend or fiance and so it happens a lot and there are commercials now being advertised that says hey one in five relationships today start online and people are meeting online more than meeting in person in a lot of ways today to be honest with you and when I say meeting online I don't necessarily mean online dating I mean meeting people on Facebook on Instagram and it's a lot of cases even to where you get on Facebook and you're bumping into an old classmate and then you're starting to date or starting to talk or build reconnect so to let you know although you may have been in the boat with the people of saying social media is meaningless and it means nothing you actually wrong hate to break it to you hate the you know breaking news newsflash social media is very serious it is very serious it has very serious implications and repercussions because it means something so I want to help you understand this about men now see as men we find any kind of way to shoot our shot before our social media you had to walk up to a woman and then it went to having your friend walk up to the woman if you were too nervous then it went to passing a note in school or at work you pass a note to say what you got to say I remember when I was like in the field saw a woman I told her story to another video song woman that I was you know wanted to approach was a little intimidated by her cuz she looked a little hood and so I typed up on my phone you know I was in the mall young tyke up on my phone hey hey I lost my voice so I can't speak but wanted to know if you would be okay giving me your number now I could talk just as good as I'm talking now but that was a little tactic because was a little nervous didn't know my voice or crack didn't know if I say something the wrong way so just type the on the flip phone and you know it works so me and I'll do anything I remember when I met my wife later on in life getting a little more serious I went up to her jewelry stand and pretended that I wanted to buy some jewelry didn't have a doll to my name could not afford them diamond charms she was selling but I sat down and looked through every one of them like I had the money to buy something and then at the very end after I had calmed my nerves my heartbeat had slowed down on ahead and take my deep breaths then I said do you have a boyfriend shot my shot at the very end when I was getting ready to walk on off and was able to hook connect get a phone number and the rest is history so I say that to say men use what we can use to get to a woman whatever that takes whatever it takes whatever it takes men are you jewelry men are you money men are you take our men on use a job so guess what today with product 50 60 % of the world population online then men using social media and that's what you have to understand why social media is so dangerous can be so dangerous and it's such a hunting ground is because most men were not raised and groomed to be a husband so most men don't know what a wife looks like most men don't understand what he's looking for if a man is honest with himself a lot of men have to ask the question well what is a wife look like like what should I look for in a wife and guys have come to me and asked me that question and it's really honestly no real science to it you looking for a decent person that you can build with that's gonna be honest that's gonna be trustworthy somebody that's kind huh Mille giving forgiving understanding compassionate you know just a decent human being that you would want to be friends with you want to be teammates with that you want to work on a project within school be co-workers with on the job so it's just that but when we go to looking for love we make it a little more complicated than it should be so men are actually paralyzed by fear they're sitting there and they're worried and they're wondering hey y'all hold on need a little commercial break they've got a new hat my hair too big it's a little too tight commercial break all right back to rebel skeleton program y'all forgetting my got scraped his head out a little bit why he bought me two fo new hat but my head a little too big either give him a headache okay and you know I'm wearing a hat right now cuz I can't get no haircut in this he'll situation we in so understand this now men coming out and they're looking and they say okay where's my wife at so here's the thing and it's unfortunate this is unfortunate and but you have to understand this and that's why that's why I try to tell women and help women learn how to protect yourself because it's unfortunate what's happening so what's happening out here is a man will be looking for a woman and he finds a woman and you seem like a decent person so he gets with you treat you like a queen courting you makes it official y'all all the way in y'all date in you going somewhere but he has Instagram he has Facebook whatever tick toss snapchat Twitter YouTube whatever he's using if he has social media you have something to worry about you have a fruit few problems so what happened is he's with you things seem to be going decent you're a good person you may be a good catch but he may not know what he's trying to catch he may not know what you pitching for him to catch so and that's because he just was not tall he's unlearned in that area so he gets online and he's looking around and it's like hmm this one over here looks good hmm do I want that do I okay marriage that's for life this was born to a man mind okay you asked the goat in the man mind so don't be complaining about what you find all right listen tip so hmm I'm a butt man she really got panel a booty but this woman away yeah oh she got us some hams on her knife I got to live out the rest of my days with a woman do I want this or do I want that hmm whatever it is it may be these it may be that bat girl it may be eyes it may be lips it may be height it may be complexion it may be hair texture whatever it is that he is into that he has been convinced or programmed to believe is beautiful he's looking for that first men are visual creatures he's looking for that first so he'd get online he sees that so this is where stuff gets a little iffy at and it's so many nuances to this this video before I was long I can't I really can't go all the way into all of it okay because you got different syndromes out here with these man tool but this worse stuff gets a little iffy so what's happening is his man have been raised by a woman 99% of the time and when you're raised by a woman what that mom typically is gonna do or that grandmother aren't she typically gonna cook she's gonna clean she's gonna you know take care of you provide she's gonna really just be like your eyes ears hands and feet like I remember my son got to a certain age and he asked my wife to open the ketchup packet I grabbed the kids I packed I said hold on hold on give me I listen I do what you do yeah and get away the team uh-huh yeah just like that okay ketchup packet over here you go so I cuz my wife she'll run over and just do it for him like everything he needed done she'll do it she'll do it she doing I'm like this at some point you gotta start showing him how to do this I know you wanna be useful I know you don't want to sit there and watch him struggling doing it but he got to learn because Lord called you home tomorrow what he gonna know so I started telling her that she started showing him more stuff teaching him more stuff because what a mom will do it mama just do it mama just do it she just take care everything but when he started getting older and so most men and that's me see a man bring balance me being in the home being a father i'ma see stuff a different way so when he asked for stop your hand broke your leg broke as a man but guess what a lot of these men raised by single mothers so that mom she just let me hurry up and do this so I ain't got to be stressed what you trying to figure this out and she does everything for so what you have today is that's why you have a lot of grown boys because it's so many single mothers and it's so many mothers who are in unhealthy relationships that moms marry their sons moms will make their son their king will make their son their husband and will serve their son hand and foot so men today are spoiled and spoiled rotten and that's why I'm Anna give you his but the kiss when you want to lay out some standards when you want to keep your legs closed when you want to do the right things it's so many men that have given you their but the kids because they spoil week and they started with their mama and then it went on to these other women who were raised with no sense by people who told her you need to get you a man and get you a man with some money so now this is the site and this was social media when you got weak-minded people who are immature who just grew and we're not raised social media is a disaster because everything is at your fingertips and it's so much easier to shoot your shot to make a connection and to just play the field so when your man has a password on his social media that you don't know you got problems you're gonna have some problems 9 out of 10 times you're gonna have some problems ok and even if you're a good man and so this but but here's where it gets serious at now ok when your man start liking the pictures of other women that's when it's starting to get serious because it's gonna start with a like and then it might start with another like and another like then it's gonna go to a DM the DM might start innocent oh wow amazing Tiger you got the pet what city was that in I would love to take my girlfriend there he might even take that angle so you read that message like oh well he told her about me he know that no woman don't care about him having no girlfriend if she's single and thirsty and won't hunt man you hear me because it's weight cuz he knows so many women that side chicks that's playing the other role because this week it'll be I'm gonna I want to take my girlfriend to that zoo where you pet that Tiger King at and then a month from now it'll be you know I've been following you for some time now and I just really respect the woman that you are my girlfriend and I broke up and and you and you sitting right next to him you laying down on the couch my girlfriend and I broke up and it's really helped me appreciate good women now and and then the Ergo started out slow had to ease his way in circusy when he told her he got a girlfriend or a wife she dropped our guards cuz she's like okay he taken so he's just a nice guy he's just a nice man but then and you know what women do the same thing I didn't see him women do the same thing we're gonna come in my DM tell my boyfriend a husband and I be so ready to cheat on the cheat on that man in a heartbeat for upgrade because the man ain't doing right anyway so she's looking for a replacement but she know if she come to a married man and say she got a man then I'm not gonna she think I'm not going something I know better than that so this is what's happening so absolutely that like let me tell you what I like is depending on the type of man you have if you got a grown boy that like is that's like this look there's a Buddha cheat right huh and what I like is like and what I like is if not if you got a grown man a man that you consider a good man that like is like this right here kiss on the forehead that's what they're like yes oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah although it look like this under that Facebook yeah although it look like that what this is this love this love makes a big thumbs up okay they could've did a piece on what they did love so you know what it's me love it meaning at you finding you getting it started it mean I love this but see when a man like a woman post it mean I love you you mean my sister was showing me my cells was showing me on Facebook her story she pulled a story and guy wrote her I need you in my life she don't know the man from a can of she posted a story the other day he wrote back I love you and he wrote back I love you he then wrote that a few times and she said just I don't understand how a man can say this like hi even what does he mean you only notice person and but that's how men are not that man who write my sister probably got a girlfriend cuz you know why you won't find too many men that's 100% single it most of times you meet a man he coming out of something or he got a situation shield or he own a break but a hundred percent single man that ain't talking to no woman romantically it's a it's a lot less those okay there's a lot less of those and and you know it because that's all y'all asked me about why I keep attracting an unavailable man why I keep attracting men who married man who got a girlfriend man who got a fiancee and who got a baby mama man who in a situation why do I keep because that's the numbers today so that's why you got to work on yourself to continue to elevate so you get to that level of the honest faithful good man and and to get beyond the riffraff so this man on here on this social media when he locking him picture let me tell you two pictures that's okay for him to like alright Michelle Obama pieces if he like Michelle Obama pictures that's something that's totally different because she unreachable she unreachable you're not gonna get a deal you're not gonna get a date she not gonna see you and thank you cute and one cheat on Barack for you yes okay Oprah same thing okay anybody else you know the woman he think he got a shot another one be on see that's different but see Beyonce is a um six simple she put she'd the way she put him clothes on for them outfits for them concerts she wanna portray a lustful object she objectifies herself with you know the booty cheeks jiggling they're hanging out that bathing suit when she upped up but okay during whatever halftime show or whatever show every man watching that luster pump plant periodic okay on care fits your past don't care if it's your Pope on catfish I can't even look at it when it when Beyonce oh I got to go in the kitchen and get some chips until because I'm not gonna affect my spirit like that anybody up there I'm scantily clad outfits so that's what you got to understand that's the difference so now if he liking a picture of a woman that you may think he can't get access to like for example it's women who have like my posts that have over five million followers on Instagram you would think that they wouldn't know who I am because I father was so different you would think that I wouldn't be able to talk to them because our cuz they own a mega level you see what I mean so it's like men have this thing that they believe they can get this woman that's on this reality show this woman that's a supermodel if they like enough pictures because when she goes to her notifications she's gonna see yo man in her notification once she see him three times she going to his page because she human she going through his page she gonna look at his pictures if she loose and not seen got to be loose but if she just want to be nice if she wanna flirt bike and she see he posts a deep quote or he read the book to the children to the kindergartens guess what she gonna like that picture when she if she go back on his page and like that picture It's A Wrap for Nieto for neat it's a wrap it's gonna go down in the deal believe me when I tell he's going down in DM do not sleep on that what he meant mad with me right I ain't mad with me a long jump froggy you will get laid down keep it on me so don't get froggy Oh a mad boy listen he'll but listen I'm here to expose the grown boy game because we need real relationship we need healthy relationships we need real bonds and see that's what social media does social media will expose your weak relationship social media see the problem is not social media it's your raggedy relationship you didn't have nothing to begin with y'all don't have a real bond y'all don't have real love and that's why social media is causing problems it's driving a wedge so listen if he follows women the only women a man should be following is women who inspire him motivate him like push his life forward so what I mean by that is follow Joyce Meyer okay follow uh and I'm not stamping her I'm just saying she preached the word she's gonna post scriptures so he that might be a daily devotional he might have her devotional book okay follow Michelle Obama so you see what a wife is and what a wife looks like to a man living his purpose and you know being upstanding good man see what type of woman stand beside that type man so you could be that kind of man and then your woman learn and grow and be that type of woman y'all will be a power couple in your own community see follow Michelle Obama the Joyce Meyer okay people like that if it's somebody who inspires you to greatness a star athlete like a Serena Williams or one of those WNBA players you know not at the same time he could be attracted to these women but they ought to reach so that's different now when he when he fallen loose booty 901 and that's what name when he falling loose booty 901 that when you go to this one page you see just all kind of provocative 'ti I'm talking about you seen all kind of hams jiggling you seeing all kind of skin eye all the pictures is from the side view or from the body he got and he initial boyfriend he got to get rid of that he got unfollowed that not still he's still gonna search your name so okay you get help hold of that phone you kick that search you'll be able to see what he'd been searching but now he don't watch the video he fender searching didn't delete his searches okay so that's gonna be out the window but at least when he all follow her he don't have to see her on his timeline and be tempted every day but if he following her if you call him I said why are you following her like what does she do for your timeline like what does she do for your feed is she feeding your spirit like huh like I follow Tony Gaston because what he pulls feed my spirit now why'd you follow me loose booty 901 because do you want me to follow go over here and follow you no Big D 305 because if you don't want me to follow Big D 305 why are you following loose booty 901 now when he saying I don't care you fallibility 305 you follow him all you want all you want follow him that ain't your man that ain't your man if he tell you it's okay for you to fall a bit D 305 that ain't your man going back to business relationship old relationship ole cuz he's saying I don't care prostitute yourself price july's yourself sale you'll sell go out there giving to all the lust you want to lust after these other men I don't care if he finger being your DM on care if you fender be on your bike with him hey go right ahead because I'm away whoo I'm always good at 9:01 okay if yo man tell you that relationship or relationship or listen to them my wife shouldn't follow no man on Instagram you know she followed bloggers fashion bloggers women that she know you know some of the women might be provocative and stuff online that's because she followed them because they my client like because they talked to me and so they follow her and she followed them and they might post stuff that's a little racy or what-have-you but she don't follow no man and the only time we were going through our follow this she was following a guy white guy she know it was accident because he just was probably on his fashion page and hit the button but she don't follow no man and I asked why you don't follow no man like why you don't follow you know these pastors he preaches she like cuz I'm in the industry like I'm with you I know the real body guy behind closed doors cuz I know it from you and I'm gonna follow these men and I live with you so I don't want to listen today relationship advice like only relationship advice my relationship good so why don't we follow them for and it was some relationship coaches that try to follow her follow her follow her unfollow her and she noticed and she shows like this this is clown follow me on follow me follow me on follow me all no she's like guess he trying to get my attention so I'll follow him back and not realizing why am I gonna follow you when I'm with the man my husband I'm not gonna follow you so that's her mentality guess what when I got on Instagram I said the same thing I'll follow one person on Instagram the reason why is because it's a picture site and I remember women saying oh you want us to follow you but then you only want to follow your wife and I said I never asked you to follow me I ain't you ain't you go down my whole timeline you don't see one post they follow me please so if you follow me hopefully it's because it's something that I add to your life what do you add to my life other than selfies why am I gonna follow you so why am I gonna follow women when women post selfies and I'm married so what is me looking at another one myself you're gonna do for me and I don't need to read nobody quotes because I don't I don't go to Instagram for that if that's one of your sources for your inspiration then good for you god bless you but me that's not I'm suffering with the Lord because I'm a minister because I got to be speaking I don't get my inspiration the same way other people do ain't knocking you for that and that's why you may be follow me because something that I can add to your life now if it's something you can add to my life on a site that's not a picture site so if you got a YouTube and it's something that I need to learn about credit repair filing taxes you know some you do cooking recipes I subscribe to you why because it's not a picture site where you just posting selfies and what not so I follow one woman and that's my wife and so and the reason why is because I understand the dangers of social media and I understand that it's not a game I understand that it's a playing field it is a playing field but it is not a game it's serious your relationship is on the line and so this thing when you follow somebody online you need to be for a reason either you know this person in real life and and or they do something for you they add some to your life they got this they got something they saying something they showing something that you are interested in okay if that's not the case then you shouldn't be filing a person online male or female because it just had jumped to your timeline so which which with your man what you gotta ask is okay what did this person add to your life oh this my friend from high school okay cool did y'all ever date have anything going on yeah we used to date okay unfollow you can't be filing your exes if you already with your Nexus you can't be following your exes if you with your Nexus point blank period you you you file you out of line okay this other thing when you're in a relationship and when you become exclusive when you're in a relationship and you become exclusive and it's y'all y'all all the way in guess what that's the time and period that if somebody being 100% faithful they won't have a problem giving you a password a honest man will actually say hey here's my password because I know the kind of games that's played on social media and I know that it's a lot of man cheating on a woman on social media and I know that I used to be that man and play those games so hitting my password I'm giving this to you so that my social media is not forbidden fruit you could check it out anytime you want to and and people howl about privacy like privacy like what do what what you doing like what kind of what you in the CIA like what kind of problem privacy what you're talking to old man in your DeYoung but what about what you buy what you wanna do to him like what kind of privacy you need like yeah you need top secret oh that my privacy you want to invade my privacy oh I can't here on the front oh you know what I can't you be in this relationship come on let's see I receive what kind of woman you with you insecure you know what you need help it's a ring right that show it's a cure cuz that's what you is you need to be on HBO too so he'll try to put that on you but listen ain't no privacy if you if this your wife if you see this this is your wife now if you see her as a placeholder okay this coaster see just holding the place right now okay that you to sit on and lit and sweat on let all your condensation falling on her forehead if that's all she is okay you need your privacy so you can shoot your shots so you can meet your other women so you could you know talk to your little boyfriend cuz a lot of y'all men been from both sides of the plate today that way you need your privacy but listen to men if this your wife if y'all are building for marriage if y'all dating intentionally didn't guess what you don't need no password you don't need no code and put the code on your phone in case you lose it a stranger can't get in your phone but your other half should have your cold and your passwords you know why I give my wife all my clothes and my passwords because if some happened to me I want her to be able to log in there and it might be somebody that I'm cool with but I'm not on the phone with she may need to make a pose unfortunately you my husband has you know how to slip and fall and hurt his knee I ain't gone speeding I know me most I could speak on me is hurting me okay she may need to make a pose fun while I'm in there you know give me look I'm a little drip in the IV okay it may be something to where she need to run the page fun mildewed song you see so she got all my passwords because guess what it's it's certain things like toon core when you put music on she got the password she know my password so that any and every site she could go to yeah if she needed to go to if the Lord need to have a meeting with me she know how to continue to run the business she would know how to send out the emails to to the students on Tony Gaskins Academy keep the course is going keep everything flowing so the house could still be fed in addition you see what I mean so that's what you do when you're in a real relationship with your life partner when you see this as your wife that's what a real man gonna do he's gonna include his woman in everything I know this me over here it's my privacy no ain't none of that me and my wife got a joint account and I said wife 9 he said girlfriends sold yes it is a difference between wife and girlfriend but what I'm saying is if this man sees you as his wife and that's what he'd know he going and he know that without a shadow of a doubt then you gonna get some wife benefits as a girlfriend me and my wife got a joint account and that's what everytime go every dime go down she got her own personal account because that's where her pay goes from the joint account I got my own personal account cuz that's well if I need to buy her something like Mother's Day coming up so I transferred money to my personal account so I go when I buy it she can see what site is coming from so it's still a surprise that's the only purpose of our personal account everything else is joint you know I'm saying and so that's what a man who was all the way with you for one he gonna let every other woman know you ain't got nothing on my one you got nothing on my one you know I have I have female clients that I'm close to in the sense of they do a lot of sessions they could text me actually random question by business that ain't nothing hey how you doing shooting breathe like friends it's always my business but guess what if they test me out to serve time at night I could be on my phone and I look at that text and let it sit just let them know Oh intense women all no kind of time a night okay unless it's some Eve mercy got to get all got to get done deadlines tomorrow or something like that that difference but guess what my wife got my cold she could read any and everything in my phone you know I'm telling you so I remember when I used to leave my laptop home and I'll be texting my message it popping up on my laptop so she's sitting I read the message yeah that's how she knew what I was saying what was that being say I tell it to my female clients and it's transparency its transparency so listen to me don't feel dumb for expecting or wanting transparency don't feel dawn for that like not yes technically before you're married there should be before you're married there is privacy y'all are two individuals when you're married the two become one so if you marry there is no privacy there is no privacy okay when you marry do you want you want I need to know the inner workings of my wife entire body she need to know the inner workings of my entire body you know every pain point every issue every insecurity you won because you team makes and that's how you build and that's why you gotta be careful that you marry a teammate and not a secret opponent be careful now but here's the thing in dating I don't condone and you'll hear me say you his girlfriend so you don't get wife benefits you don't expect wife benefits but see the caveat to that is if he sees you as his wife he can give you wife benefits you can't expect that you can't demand it because you a girlfriend you a boyfriend that's a trial period that's why woman should not be given a boyfriend husband benefits so she here's the thing typically typically not all the time but typically women are faithful so a woman wants to have complete transparency here hey here's my code just in case you know something ever happens to me or you can you can get into my phone and text my mom text my dad if we need them for whatever reason I have low blood sugar so if I kind of like get faint and I'm passing out you can get in my phone and you can text my mom and my dad and my sister call my doctor and so the one want complete transparency because she has no intentions of cheating she has no intentions of hiding anything then she's sitting over there and she thinking after she finished her spiel that he's gonna say oh yeah that's that's hey you know what that's really smart you know so here's my here's the code to my phone okay 69 69 and she thinks she friended hear that and he like oh okay thank you alright cool cool yeah yeah oh for sure definitely got you and she sitting over there life uh so yeah like and so you like with your phone or whatever like you don't think I'll ever need to call your mom or dad or anything like that would I you know go do I don't have any low blood sugar and everything I got perfect bill of health so yeah so she's sitting up and see this the thing you're starting to think like mmm what am I being insecure am I being immature no you not it's just that his life ain't clean yet that my periodic point blank period that's all I'm beyond which it I'm be honest with you your life ain't clean yet life and clean yet I hate to tell you that I hate to tell you that and I know it's gonna be me and some I gotta have my privacy this my privacy I'm 100 percent favor to my one minute just because you don't have my code to my phone don't mean I'm not faithful you stop pushing this agenda you out here destroying relationship boy shut up you ain't fooling me man going somewhere Satan get thee behind me Satan get thee behind me shut that mess up come on who you think you talking to brah come on I've been out there on a whole nother level than you way deeper than you in the game why believe me you hit me way deeper I had a team of women you hit me if your woman can't have your password.you up the song that Jeannie posed to be up to on your social media on your phone Point Blank period I know and it might not be another woman uh-huh it might be a man take it up with the Lord but in fooling me we are here doing the Lord's work so so do me this favor here playboy if you don't wanna let it go so another man could have somebody else looking for a wife you hold on a hostage you hold on the house why are you playing your games on social media Yui here wanna be how you D in the dirt I hear squandering your life you I hear wanna waste people time you messing up your harvest if you can't be honest with the woman open with the woman 100% faithful to the woman don't let the woman go so she could live her life cuz obviously she not your wife obviously not the one that you want so let her go so that you could go ahead and find you somebody but listen to me I thought trying to play that game being immature growing boy and get your life together and so listen to me nine letters if your man at that point that period yeah yeah well I was that man the first two years of marriage I ain't give my wife my password cuz I wasn't all the way ready yet hmm mm I had a trial period in my mind I'm like hmm this ain't gonna work they say 60% of marriages in our age group fail in the first five years so do I need to keep the options open oh yeah the devil was right there on my shoulder talking to him oh yeah hey when I when I got on Twitter that first year 2009 ain't post nothing bout my wife and he pulls nothing bout my wife and that's how I learned because I evaluated my heart I said why didn't you post me why they were ill with the devil saying you don't know who you're gonna meet what if you get out here you even got on you're getting on Twitter you did went on Oakland Tyra brain a more what ifs lesson such available to you okay you're gonna need a small-town young lady in an elevator come on not leave some room but guess what God had to get me had to get me had to get me in line and say no no play well get your life together get your life together you want me to pull out in your life you want me to bless you you're gonna have to be in bright standing cuz I can't bless mess your heart messy yes you indeed nothing yet but you planning to I came blessed mess there's a difference between potential and production that what my college football coach used to say and then what God said to me look you got potential to be a great man to be a servant to the people for me to pull out and bless you and your family but you need to produce and if your heart ain't in the right place I can't bless that because if I bless you in that state you're gonna stay in that state and you're gonna get complacent and then you're gonna fall on your face in sin see that what Lord to let you know so see the Lord let you struggle so you got a good conscience my boy you thank you a good man that's why you ain't real in your dreams cuz your heart's not really in the right place that's why God ain't open up the floodgates a heaven for you because your heart not in the right place so you got to show yourself approved you got to prove yourself and show that you could be trusted show that you consistent show that you can show that you good ground that you good soil see God don't sow seed on good soil eat God ain't God knows he's not gonna bless you if you're not blessed boy if you're not in the right place people outside oh god a blessed mess that's a lie you got to be in right standing with the Lord and then he said well why people who live and wrong getting blessing those not blessings those are snares they working for the adversary they work for Satan okay and he controls day money day opportunities because his millions are the gatekeepers of those industries the television networks the the record labels it's the devil people that's actor that's the gatekeepers so if you got somebody that they heart ain't in the right place they enter the nasty movies they into you know cheating lying deceiving they trying to use the name of the Lord they advanced themselves guess what god no they faith so God not gonna bless them know who gonna bless some Satan because Satan gonna say oh hey open up this TV show fight you hit go a TV show fight you hey keep watching nasty movies like you've been doing but yet saying the name of the Lord you go a TV show oh the partner you with Oprah got my people over here in old circles - here you go hey keep watching nasty move keep cheating on your wife and keep saying the name of the Lord and making people think you a Christian I'm gonna elevate you okay then when I get you to the top I'm sending a little booty 9:01 you finna fall for guess what she got receipts guess what you at the top and you've been saying the name my lord guess what it's gonna be millions of people lose faith in God because of you because you've been saying the name of the Lord and you ain't living right and you've been claiming God's blessing but all the wild it's been me that's what the adversary over there saying you see what I'm saying so this what happened to the grown boys they getting on their social media and they see men who ain't living right who not married and faithful they see in this and they see any men with money so they saying oh if this man got all kind of women and he a millionaire then what do I need to be faithful for what am I being faithful for this is obviously a way to go there's a way to make it so he want to be Pope pimping on his love but he broke busted and disgusted looking like who shot Johnny forgot to kill him and he want to be Pope Pippin from that state because he see million now still pimping see that's the issue that's why social media dangerous because he get on social media and he see all these clips lady st. milk left the day a boy doing a skit o ignorant young man just perpetuating terrible cycle trying to get a laugh and can't ain't even funny and the boy did a skit of telling the woman he don't ever want to go on a date with her don't ever want to see her again because she was saving herself to a marriage just ignorant stuff like that but guess what a grown boy see that and be like yes yes that's what I'm talking about hey glad you made a skit man look I'm tired of he ain't Jose eye hits home I they save and they seldom air could help he listen old Tony Gaskins they listen to him and you need somebody saving his system air and I be honest we just get literally looked like something might have said y'all know how sometimes normal interaction y'all blacks on you need do a movie Tony you need to do this it literally look like the boy watch more video took the scenario what I'm teaching and then made us kid about it literally what it look like and somebody sent it to him people to my Instagram pure ignorance pure ignorance pure stupidity and that's what the devil will have idiots doing pushing this toxic agenda that's breaking down society that way that social media it does way more to your relationship then just hitting likes and sending DMS the videos you watching the post you seen all of that affects the relationship and if you got you a grown boy this how you know you got your grown boy when he following women that ain't got nothing to do with his life didn't co-workers it ain't friends from high school he only know the woman he said bumped into it with a booty I in a bathing suit or down doing a shoot for a nasty magazine and he gonna follow and he filed already half-naked women don't bit mo normed in a can of paint guess what that's how you know you got a grown boy if he liking a pictures that's how you know you got a grown boy if he argued and debating and fussing and fighting for the right to like being random women pictures that's how you know you got a grown boy he in the DM witty random women that's how you know you got a grown boy social media means something social media ain't just funny games social media means something that's how me and shooting a shot that's how man getting in the game that's how women shooting a shot that's how women getting in the game that's today social media is the club it's the schoolhouse it's the courtyard what you used to call it in college the courtyard or the quad or whatever it was we're here about a hangout that's what social media is the day for grown folks so it's a lot going down in them DMS okay it's a lady who probably in her fifties Caucasian Lady Mary got a husband sent me a video bear what J so I get the video so I'm like okay Caucasian that's that's not a small percentage of my demographic okay you know fifties or sixties look at you know fifties or sixties so I've said okay what does one want with me because this is a small percentage of my demographic yes I have some clients that are white female in their 50s and in their 60s I do so I'm not foreign to it but it's a small percentage I go to the DeYoung it's a video I click the video it's bare naked vajay with little whiskers on it and the camera pan around it and give a full area I said why that thing floor me I said I wonder if she meant descent I said her husband named Tony but why would she do that to her husband oh that thing confused me I said maybe it's her side man name start with the T and she went to center and accidentally hit my name or is she sending this to me and thinking I'm gonna see who has a trophy and wanna shoot my shot I'm like this part of her fetish like she just want to get this on her system phone she'd go meet the Lord like what's going on yeah social media ain't no playground I had to tell me why but I told why but I told my dad about it cuz that's in his age group I say man look what the other your other senior citizens knowing he will blow it away he will blow it away I said yes I'm gonna tell you why about this nah but look what's going on are you the world is real so guess what young man in that deal there what do you mean doing that what a man doing today on social media always came real it's game what emend doing today on social media and this cross the board it's so meaning on what they could do if they cash a pin these women PayPal I need women and II women sending them naked pictures to the Instagram DM that disappear to the snapchat that disappear okay the transgenders desist genders these ones out here not once not the ones who can win all the way through with the surgery but the ones who they a man and they still got okay dangling down else still got it down there but they dressed like a woman talk like a woman walk like a woman do all that like a woman it's a lot of them that's I hear working and they charge need men for videos nasty videos nasty pictures doing whatever and there's so many men into this did in this society right now this society is being controlled by perm okay I'm saying it looked different solar systems don't catch it nasty movies this society these men today is gone on that nasty so you when you meet a man you got to look within and you got to pay attention closely and you got because cuz I hear some men bragging about being abstinent and bragging about being a virgin but they ain't bragging about not dealing with Angelo Oh brag about that they ain't brag about not watching nasty movies Oh brag bout that oh let me hear bout that oh you sleep with no women but you watch the nasty movies and with that with that Jergens lotion we're hands alone oh you just it bad yeah you can't have no baby that way you can't get an STD - but you defiling your spirit you vex in your spirit you so you just gonna be just as much as a hot mess of the man who I hear actually touching stuff physically you're gonna be just as much as a loss hot mess because you into the nasty movies and hands alone so a brag my dad beat that to beat that too then come on let's talk but what did real manhood and not here making a living the honest way and living your dream living your best like then let's talk about that but don't keep fighting a good fight get past hands alone get past them nasty movies get out that deal flirting and cheating get out that be young okay stop liking all the naked pictures all the booty pics stop like it already pitch trying to shoot your shot hoping the woman recognize you so you can scratch up a combo fake conversation okay and get in line and do the right thing and if you a woman don't play with it don't play with it i'ma tell you you need to get this hit book read one influential book I'm tell you one right here it won't rain up will not play with me you hear me I can't like no picture I can't follow because the silent treatment I get that eyeballs I get and and the eyeballs that I would get and the silent treatment that I give for that 24 to 72 hours it'll be just to let me know just to let me feel her energy and if I'm catch what she pitching guess what the bags will be packed she'll be a part of that will being somebody divorce court yeah off of something as simple as me liking naked booted other booty women pictures and filing loose booty 901 on social media you know why because if you multiply it by three what I tell you if you multiply that little action that you call it that y'all call it simple and trivial and don't mean that you multiply it by three it'll be the end of your relationship it is Tony Gaston social media real my people god bless you we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 78,448
Rating: 4.9468555 out of 5
Id: l1wdhPfV6r4
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Length: 59min 23sec (3563 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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