Banning ALL CARS Causes CHAOS in the City! (Cities: Skylines No Cars Challenge)

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so in city skylines our residents love to use their cars for getting about but what would happen if we completely banned cars trucks any other vehicle from a city well we're gonna find out today that is today's challenge here we are in our one Road city and just before we get to the point of banning all the cars and trucks and any other way of driving yourself around there's a couple of little things that we're gonna change in the one road city so for those that haven't seen it we had a one Road challenge the road comes in it goes up it goes down it goes through wiggle wiggle it goes along it goes over the river it Wiggles up and around again it heads up into the mountain and the end is over here somewhere and you know the city's grown as you can see we've got lovely mountain chalets up here and things haven't been going too bad we even survived a couple of disasters in the last episode but one thing that you all said I should change I should add is a lot of people said build a roundabout that would still count as one Road I am actually going to just lengthen this road here say to there there we go so this is still one road going through our city but now things like garbage trucks can actually turn around this end of the city as well as the other end of the city which is one of the main issues that were causing lots of problems but what I am gonna do is fix this bus route so we're going to drag that stopped to move it and then that should complete the line there we go excellent what are we actually going to get 62 trucks buses and we should see buses by the ton there goes one there goes two heading out into our city let's start seeing if we can ban banned trucks now we have policies that will help us do this to a certain extent heavy traffic ban so we can ban heavy traffic on an area no heavy transport vehicles allowed does not affect highways now if we stop trucks coming in our city will have to rely on its own industry to make good they will not be able to bring them in from the outside we can definitely encourage biking assets that is something we are going to do we're gonna put that on Old Town is another one only residents and businesses can use the area for Motor Vehicles ban other motor traffic that's not really gonna stop trucks is it all together we can ban combustion engine but that means they will use electric cars let's just ban combustion cars first and see what difference that makes whether our traffic flow goes up whether we're going to stop people coming into the city or not I don't know what is going on it's just like the wig Leah strode this is turned into Brands Hatch or something isn't it it's it's nuts but wouldn't you love to live in a place like that imagine if you owned a really cool sports car and you could come down this road this is where they're gonna film the next James box they are gonna film it down here I mean some people have said but another little road coming out but that to meet you knows they could turn around that to me is like a second row the idea is we do one road and that is it not enough money we've spent all the money okay hopefully once those trucks returned from turning around at the other end of the city here they'll come in and fill up and go and that is still one road isn't it yes we're so close to hitting our next target we've just hit it big towns 7,000 we can unlock we've got new taxation policies blimps metros the amount of cars coming in has not lessened at all we still have the same amount of cars coming in how many people are using our amazing bus routes that we've set up 161 people I was expecting more and we've got look at all the stocks look at all the look at all the buses they are rammed with people oh my goodness you see them all but still there's a lot of cars so now I'm wondering can we completely ban cars let's try the next policy let's try the next policy okay so heavy traffic ban it says no heavy transport vehicles allowed does not affect highways hopefully they'll be able to send goods to each other because if we ban heavy traffic and what I'm gonna do is I'm not gonna ban it in the whole city because we still want to bring the stuff in for the oil there we go crest Heights this is gonna be traffic ban so now we know why it's there we look at the policies where is it where is it where is it city planning heavy traffic ban so hopefully now that's gonna stop anything coming in from the outside but they'll still be able to move their stuff around to each other ah okay so we need to make sure we get more materials in for these guys so let's have a look at our natural resources what do we have we have farmlands this side over here so we could get rid of these houses down here and we're gonna change this we're gonna make this farmland only zip farmland all along there so that's gonna start getting in some natural resources yes there we go got somebody with the winter tree Mary's livestock welcome welcome welcome you are now providing all the industry for all of these guys good luck okay we do actually have the option now of high-density buildings so I'm just wondering whether this little mountain area up here we could add in a nice little loop of high-density buildings to really get some more people moving in let's just do this little loop here why the sudden influx of cars we are actually trying to ban cars and we've got a sudden huge influx of cars coming in but we've definitely not got any trucks in all of that have way.look cars cars cars as far as the eye can see all the way down the highway look let's zoom along here look the cars along the highway have some trucks there where are they going no they're not coming in Oh My giddy aunt that is a heck of a lot of cars and so many people waiting at the bus stops we must get some more buses in we've got to help our people let's take another look at this line 60 passengers 51 passage 26 vehicles they just so bunched up they're taking ages aren't those 400 people at this stop that's this one right here it's just taking them so long to get around should we just give them some more vehicles there's 74 I'm gonna give them over a hundred a hundred and three and let's just see how if eventually that helps okay so that huge conga liner traffic's gone all the people have moved in so in the entire city we've got heavy traffic band encourage biking combustion engine ban we're gonna go old town only residents and businesses can use the area for motor vehicles ban other motor traffic so that is the entire city so I'm assuming that means we're going to be banning visitors we're gonna be banning people going through our city well there's actually nowhere to go they want to go through the city there's absolutely no point that we are going to ban if we think we can with the policies that is all the policies is no other policies that I can see that are going to help us not have any cars so after this we're gonna have to go to other extremes to try and ban traffic and already we're getting less cars coming in by the look of it so this is gonna be really interesting are more people use as traffic eighty-seven eighty-eight percent HS not bad what about using the buses 110 passengers and we still got people queuing up like mad okay some of these buses I've got space on loads of people waiting this end of town and down here not so many okay so people are using the buses excellent why these people sick up here there's people sick everywhere the drinking water is dirty and we're making mistakes here aren't we we are making mistakes where's the drinking water coming in Oh this needs to move yeah we need to move that I'm sorry people that was entirely my fault electricity is still a problem and I don't understand why we haven't banned trucks coming in here heavy traffic ban all of that is that count in here as well I'm wondering whether it is and it's stopping people coming in because look no oil no coal no coal so maybe that is a bad way of doing it and we should have just stopped to just having it in the traffic ban policies section here I think that might be the case so I tell you what we're gonna do in the policies for the entire city we're going to turn off heavy traffic ban and we're gonna only residents and businesses can use you we'll leave that one on ya and hopefully that means we will get some trucks coming in with the fuel why I'm turning off banning combustion engine in the city that just doesn't seem the way to do it the things are getting weird things are getting weird I'm gonna see if I can afford to put a small warehouse yard near these guys here and we are gonna have in there we want that to be well I'll leave it on balance for now we want that to be zoned industry Goods oil or we want that to be all products which these guys use these need or we also seem to have a problem with our incineration plants not wanting to send things out oh my goodness me what is going on now again I thought that was a policy and I think it's old town so it the minute we have between zero and one trucks going out if we turn off old town I think that's gonna start going up so old town will stop trucks going out to pick up trash in an area or it just so happens we've got it in the whole town there we go look you see them all going past to pick out the pick up the trash which makes sense which makes sense so only residents and businesses can use the area so to me that's broken because you could put old town on a little zone and they'll never get their trash picked up we've really messed up this city I mean what are these people complaining about not enough goods to sell well that will probably balance itself out a bit now we've turned off those policies because those policies suck for using on the entire city and for the same reasons we can't just use them on this little zone going in and out because it would block all the trucks going in to collect the trash yeah so we've got to try and think of another way of banning all the cars so we've got to bail out 50,000 a week we just need to take it we really need to take it and we need to try and make some more money and get some more people coming back in again because at the moment nobody wants to live here we're gonna have to drop the tax rates to 12 on everything and a bit lower on residents to get people moving in and still oh that's just connection issues I can sort that out so we're still burning money like there's no tomorrow and one thing we can do to encourage people to walk around now lots of people said to me they would not consider this cheating in a one Road City Challenge which is fair enough is add lots of pods everywhere so we are gonna do that and people will happily walk much for it means we're going to be getting rid of some houses but hey-ho or we could put the part of the site here like that oh hang on do that is that gonna connect probably not gonna connect there is it oh yeah it's connecting through there through somebody's house so anywhere where you think people are gonna have to walk far too far to get around have a path through there we should put some pods in there we go like that yeah that connects and that connects there and I think that will help people to stop using their car so much what do you reckon what are you reckon let's chuck a load of these in and see I'm frantically looking through all of my things here to see what's costing us so much money and I think our buses our buses are just costing us so much money at the moment that we can't even afford to run our bus route so I'm actually gonna can I turn that off I can't I'd have to we delete it no can I like turn the budget down and get rid of most of the vehicles to save money because we're hemorrhaging cash ah sit well we had one week left to go on this loan and because we're losing money we just can't pay it off how much is that costing us now man I might just have to delete our bus route to save our city about 82 vehicles on it I wish there was a way we could just turn it off without completely removing the whole thing delete line I don't know delete the line we're down to 5% if I drop down this here as well to 50% still - 2003 2100 1800 I think the fact that we're not able to explore goods probably because of a policy because you've still got this policy set in here a traffic ban only we haven't returned it off oh okay drinking water oh man not again Wow average drinking water pollution 49% it's dropping we seriously need these guys to be moved over here somewhere and for this to all be cleaned up wow wow wow we have there we go look it's all going it's all being washed away wash away the poop drinking water so now then this can move over here somewhere away from this thing totally five hundred to be located yeah better there we go okay there's one more thing we can do to stop cars coming in and coming out of our city and we're gonna have to do it with a mod man this rain it's everywhere we're going to use the traffic manager mod and we're going to pick this piece of road here because I don't want to affect this Junction in case it stops something working over there with our power there we go so this road here we are gonna say now if I ban all vehicles I can't do that because you're just not gonna get trash collected we're gonna stop cars going in and out at the city we're gonna stop buses although I've just deleted the bus line that does not exist anymore we're gonna stop taxis we're going to leave goods trucks we're gonna leave emergency vehicles and garbage collection rubbish collection and we're gonna see what that does man this is just turning into a complete and utter disaster what budgets have all gone down I've shut down some of my power because we just don't need them we just don't need that many because but we don't have cars coming in do we yep no cars are coming in which is good a few trucks okay he came into here which is a little bit before the ban so I think we actually need to let cars come in so we can grow our city without that but I think maybe we can stop cars leaving the city can't we so which side of the road they're driving on this side let's allow cars in we're gonna get a sudden influx of cars but they can't go they can come in but they can't leave how does that sound as a compromise let's just wait and see whether we suddenly get a load of cars of people moving in we have no needs for anything we have less than eight hundred people in a moment we'll have less than eight hundred people losing money I'm happy to drop the tax rate to get some interest would be able to move in and nobody wants sue I don't think our city is gonna survive the ban of trucks and cars oh look you see they've come up here look look yeah people are moving in I heard somebody upgrading Oh someone's moved in thank you the Empire resident thank you for coming but yes - 41,000 why are we losing so much money I don't get it it's just our services the buses are still costumers oh I know why that's costing us we've still got the bus depot and we all I bet this is still turned on I'll the - Disaster Response Unit I was only 640 a week I mean grief that's not like the end of the world is it we've got a recycling center over here that's going don't need that anymore oh man look we're decimated we're devastated we're just the left of people and so many people don't have enough power because they're disconnected from everything else oh it's just this little thing here we got no money anyway so you know tough so what point do we say that this is an unmitigated disaster and the whole city just collapses I mean look at all the problems we're down to - oh we've got people moving in we've got people moving in everyone's unhappy global happiness let's check that yep unhappy unhappy don't exist very unhappy everything I don't need is shut down schools are shut down everything is shut down most things don't even have enough power I'm DS owned all of this and it's still moving in over there the banana brains oh my goodness it's coming back we're making money we've still got - quarter of a million in the bank and the city hasn't like died look at all the people coming in and we're growing again what I did was just DS owned all of this and left the game running and it's finally kicked in to get more people we've got a beard of a trash problem which is a bit odd because ah we've only got this guy collecting trash that is what the problem is so if we up the budget for you what are we gonna get 34 trucks is that just gonna completely decimate our budget I think we need to just get everybody happy first but people can come in but they can't leave so hopefully this time they won't go anywhere nobody's complies our industry doing so nobody over here is complaining about lack of goods which is good so they're getting goods from the farm thing we've got enough water we've got enough everything so what I'm thinking now is what if we just ban cars if we put enough pads down everywhere menu open when you're ready put enough paths down everywhere we got no money we literally cannot put any paths down so the paths that we've got now will sort of have to do if we went through and banned cars on all of the modes which actually shouldn't be that difficult because we use this here pick this road and hold shift it will do it to the next Junction where is the next Junction well technically we haven't got a junction so let's just see what happens if I unselect all of these and ban COG and hold shift bank are all it's done the one to the right ban cars in and out has that done everything always done it up to here because the road changes all right we'll do it here has that done it all it's done it there it's done it here it's done it round the loo it's done it up here no cuz the blow changes again that's okay doesn't mean we have to do the whole thing it's done it all the way along here you can see the little symbols until here so now we're gonna pick this one no cars in all bounds holding shift it's done if you think it's done all around the wiggle yeah around the wiggle all over the bridge is all on these roads yeah yeah and then the road goes along here as it done up here yeah it's done on the bridge has it down all the way to the end it's done everything right we have just banned cars everywhere in the whole of our city hopefully that's not stopping the garbage trucks no they're fine that won't stop anything else what I'm gonna do just so we keep this oh yeah there we go yeah that's fine so let us see how that affects things I mean are these cars gonna start d spawning and disappearing that is what I want to know seems to be a lot more people walk in and technically traffic should start getting much much better 87-88 can we get all the garbage fellows come on that will get picked up soon don't worry 88 I mean it's not gonna get up to 100 you could have still got people on here but I want to see all these cars just disappear can we see people walking look they're walking they're walking to work they're walking to school do we still actually have any schools open because we're losing so much money I probably doughnuts education I can't remember let's go to this tab down here high school elementary school no high schools AB C's here we have one elementary school that I produce but they are walking everywhere so they can sort of cut across here going up there there's a few paths this bit up here that need to sort of follow the road I would have liked to put a path in here somewhere to help these people but walking is happening cars are disappearing and growth still growing follow me laughs still making money oh look all the cars are coming into the city look they're all coming in they've all stopped in there they're all getting out and going to sink so let's just see this person here resides at the popular residents working okay so he lives all the way up here here so he's gonna walk all the way out there my goodness works at the bacon over there and for some reason has been out of the city but all the cars are now coming in and stopping here I don't know what's going on with this bit of road but we won't worry about that and they're walking to where they need to go let's party they'll walk there round here and they can get quickly up to there they can cross over they can cross over they can get over there yeah this is a bit of a wiggle to walk or they can walk through the park is our park making this money again the park making us money we're bringing the city back the only thing that worries me the most is the trash collection and we can't do anything about it just as we get some nice uplifting music we're processing our garbage I've deleted all the other garbage but yeah people are happy to stop him and walk oh hang on yet growth is dropping a bit still making money could we stimulate our economy at 10% maybe we filled up we may have filled up all of our spots we have filled up all of our spots how about our thing is we're gonna struggle because I don't think I might have to sort of cheat a cable in or something if it doesn't reach over to here somehow if we fill this begin with electricity jump across oh yeah look it'll go there so if they start yep coming in here we've got one high school we can afford to open that and there's a path let's see if we can start getting people to move back in again over here because we filled up everything else and as long as they've got electricity that might might just happen yeah they're leaving because of the garbage problem these have now all got a garbage problem as well I did remove my other waste of I still got them here I didn't remove them did I just turn them off otherwise collecting places I stupidly deleted them what a lucky mistake and now I can't turn them back on again so we've got it the lie on this one guy here in his 34 trucks so what would you say you've learned from this episode well I would say 1 it's very easy for biffer to completely destroy a city to the policies that you can use in game 1 completely eradicate cars and we have to use a mod like Traffic Manager but if you completely remove cars from the game they will walk they will walk and we've seen that no cars are coming in no cars are on the road if we have a look at what we've got I mean there's a load of cars parked here but they're not using them I think that's just like a visual thing we could remove parking but the actual vehicles on the load of all service vehicles delivery vehicles police trucks all that sort of thing which you actually need you need those in your city otherwise your city will just completely fall apart and we're going through a little mini death wave at the minute but we are making our way back we are making money and we've gone from quarter of a million loss in the bank - 250 million plus oh sorry - 250 thousand plus to actually coming up - I think they've only got like - 150 thousand so it is possible people will walk in your city and not use their cars and they will walk a very very long way which is fantastic so what challenge do you want to see next leave it in the comments below we can stuff got a big long list that we're going to be going through every few days if you're like City skylines check out my LP as well we do the nice snowy map at the moment having lots of fun with that and thank you for watching hit the big baby the tea stains you subscribe and I'll see you very soon for some more City skylines take care bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 966,290
Rating: 4.7110839 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays cities skylines, when city planning in city skylines, cities skylines ban cars, Cities Skylines No Cars, Cities Skylines Cars, biffaplays, biffa plays, No Cars, Cities Skylines Roads, cities skylines challenge, cities skylines, cities skylines gameplay, funny clips, funny montage, cities skylines funny, cities skylines funny city, cities skylines city, cities skylines city planning, cities: skylines, experiment, challenge, biffa, biffa2001
Id: 4Vz2HKZll5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 59sec (1619 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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