How to Build a Monorail System / People Mover in Cities Skylines: Verde Beach #41

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hello and welcome back to city planner plays where we are building the city of verde beach and what we are currently looking at is the colossal lines the cruise ship at mulligan international airport and we're watching all of the people coming from the cruise ship but apparently a pretty significant number of senior citizens and the reason that we're looking at this is this is going to be one of our core destinations that we're going to want to reach with monorail so today we are going to be uh starting the very first of our series of transit episodes where we are going to look at every single mode of transit and implement it within verde beach now we've implemented a number of modes of transit at this point but we haven't been consistent with them and at this point verde the verde beach transit authority is going to be constructing a number of new transit lines and reconfiguring the existing offerings to make sure that it's right sized for the city and that the entire city is served so maglev or monorail and that all make love is monorail or vice versa either way we're going to look at monorail as being one of the things the top of our transit hierarchy looking at types of transit that can carry the most people so obviously subways up there we've got a lot of that already implemented and we're going to be reconfiguring some of that but it's not going to be the same as monorail which we haven't implemented at all so the way that we're going to use monorail is as a people mover for our tourism district or our tourism districts and specializations and the thing that's interesting about this is it's we have a lot of information available to us that would be of interest to a transit planner that you know transit planner wouldn't normally have so when planning a transit line it's really helpful to have a clear understanding of where people want to get on and get off uh for transit and that's something that you need to do on board surveys for surveying people on transit vehicles looking at census data and then kind of using educated guesses and sometimes asking people businesses and what not to survey people we have the ability to actually look at that so if we go into our tourism menu we can actually see the core destinations for tourism and the wealth of the people at those destinations so we can look at the attractiveness and the tourists and where they are and use that as our guide so obviously a lot of people are coming on here getting on the cruise ships and on airplanes and right now we're relying on subways and cars to get people where they need to go but if we take a look at this we can see that solemn palms is a place where people want to go you can see that there's some attractiveness here at cherry hills there's a significant note of attractiveness here at the corner of keller house and sunset which is close to central station another destination that would be important to get to and then obviously looking down here in our tourism district near the hamilton experience burr hills empire heights fire beach emery of shores we have a significant node of tourism attractiveness you're also going to see some attractiveness over here near the zoo and burning palms national forest and near our university sports complex so there's a lot of different places that we want to get to louis market district as well so for a monorail system you should have limited stops and really only see those core destinations that you want to reach so we need to be really careful and thoughtful in our planning and all that we're going to focus on today is monorail so we can be thoughtful and focused about that we're not going to hit everything the sugar hill over here would be very difficult to reach and the reason for that is if you look so it's already pretty apparent that there's going to be a line going down sunset and maybe one going down keller house but how do you reach over here and still serve some of these other areas without doing some really kooky stuff and we need to be mindful of the noise associated with the stops in these and if you look at our zoning we can tell that some places aren't going to be suitable so anything with residential is probably going to be off limits we're going to want to keep this either fairly separated from the residential or completely detached from it and close to our um close to offices or commercial or unique buildings so a lot to think about as we're going through this so i bring this menu back up because this is what we're going to be using as our guide we're also going to fix a couple of things along the way um and it will be with our cargo network but it's going to be relatively minor things and i'm not going to dwell on that right at the beginning i want to get started right away on our monorail so let's come back to mulligan international airport when i look at this i think that clearly the very best location for the monorail would be centrally located right in this park but we spent a lot of time and money building this park and it's really the centerpiece of the airport so we're not going to disrupt that at all and we don't have a collector here we don't have a collector here to insert one of these monorail station roads uh monorail stations with a road so we really only have one option that is a monorail station that is off a road so like i mentioned this would be the best spot but we could take a mulligan in the mulligan district and put one here but we don't really have we look at our district that's not a very big district and it's one of the tourism attractions here so we don't want to take that out so what i'm thinking is this corner right here of linden street and emily jackson street is probably the best location that we could possibly hope to get and you see that this is right in the path of all these tourists so we're going to place our very first monorail station right here calling a mulligan on these few businesses we thank you for your property and we are sorry that we had to take it so we will be a little bit thoughtful about this obviously not a great idea to block and and and have um we don't want to try to shoehorn in some businesses here maybe we'll add in some noise buffering here to to make that work so now we're going to use these monorail streets we'll convert some of these and make our connections to that station in just a second we don't really need any other stops through here and then over here we'll turn convert this road and have our line connect straight through the roundabout so this will be very fast so we're gonna stop here for a second because we have some things that we're gonna need to do and we also need to make a connection to our stop so this created an extra note here and i know that that's sharp it just means that the train is going to have to go slow which isn't necessarily a problem it's not a problem to go slow approaching this or coming from it so if i'm going to have a sharp bend that's the place to do it right at the beginning or right at the end near a stop so this is the place to do it this also kind of stinks it'd be nice that this was a little bit slower but it'll work so one of the things that we're going to struggle with as we implement this is every time that we have an existing rail line i'll show you we can't cross it we either need to go up which is expensive and pretty unreasonable or around so i think what we're going to do here is plan on having our monorail on the outside of our train network over here so we're gonna have to turn off our grid try to sneak it in there we go that's a nice connection that is pretty janky i do not like that so that's one of the the struggles that we're gonna have is how do we get over here because we know that we need to get to the outside if we want to be able to get around all of this mess and i have a very specific reason for wanting to do that which i will explain momentarily and i'm actually starting to think that maybe the best way of approaching this would be to as this angle happens just kind of go across the road and that worked out much better and i think it's a it's going to be a smoother connection all the way around so let's get this across the water real quick [Music] and now i'm kind of at a bit of a loss for where to go now i could continue to run this line without any thought to the future but i think we need to think about the future and sunset so one of the things i didn't do over here was create a sunset connection and i'm really regretting that at this point because this would be a nice place to begin our connection so let's remove the trees here you can see that i didn't really leave enough space to go forward so we're going to change that we're going to call them mulligan and make some fixes so what we're going to do here is if we go ahead and level this terrain you can kind of start to see what a problem we've left for ourselves so we've got pillars all over the place let me just clear out these trees so we can get a better vantage point so there are pillars everywhere i want to go as straight with this as i can so we are going to pause this for a moment and call it a minor mulligan hopefully it's a minor mulligan [Laughter] and do what we should have done in the first place so i also want to be cognizant of the height here so actually let's get this upgraded right off the bat to a monorail because i'm guessing if we go and grab our yep you just knew it wasn't going to be that easy so what i'm going to do here is turn off our road length and that will allow me to get as close as possible to our new road without being restricted at all but you see the problem here so i have to maintain the road guidelines as well so what i'm thinking now is maybe i need to raise this up a little bit sooner so notch it up a bit here and we'll do the same on this side okay so lots of fumbling around here but we made the connection work let's just make sure that i can actually upgrade it and it's a little bit bumpy but i think we can actually fix that fairly easily yeah and every time i say that i should know better [Music] so i'm gonna try a tip that was recommended to me in the comments just lower this unreasonably low into the ground and we'll see if we get a nice smooth connection would you look at that it actually works that's awesome so now we can go back through bring this back where it's supposed to be that is really slick what a neat what a neat tip i really i'm really impressed with that so i uh yeah wow that's that's neat so one last connection to make and that is with our rail you see the heights are pretty similar so hopefully this is as simple as just making the connection then why would it be okay so the way that we're gonna make this one work is again to kind of freestyle so we're gonna have to get this pillar a bit closer mmm we're gonna have to go higher too okay so not a problem we can get this [Music] so that works but it's ugly all right again did not get it close enough and that is pretty darn good i am i'm uh i'm pleased i'm i'm okay at least so now we can finally continue with our monorail so what i'm thinking is we don't want this just to continue straight we want to follow the beach or actually why don't we follow our existing rail lines so we'll turn our road guidelines back on try to see where it has our straight segment so this is clearly it we'll back off make sure we have enough space to leave a landscape buffer we'll turn on our topography yeah that's gonna be a problem [Music] so obviously we're gonna need to do some things here to make this work i'm just this would be what we'll consider this the planning phase we we would do the work afterwards to make this just right so the other thing with this is it's not going to go low enough so we're going to need to slope that down at least we're going to connect a place now where we can make this connection smooth as putter love that all right so now we want this to start sloping down so we'll right mouse click here go down here actually let's make a new grade for our train this will be it we're gonna have a pretty significant slope down look at that just beautiful bring this down no pillars to concern ourselves with and very very steep slope down that's unreasonable and we are going to do better we have to so i think the problem is we started dipping down here and rather than continuing the dip i let it go up there we go that's much better and then we will have let's have a portion of that road out here future planning now we do need to do something about this uh incredibly steep cliff here so we're going to feather that out just a bit we are running short on our soil though i do have some ideas for that as well so i think this would be an ideal spot to have a retaining wall but in light of not having one just bring this back what this will do is allow us to have our our greatest buildable pad in this area we can feather this back a little bit make it nice and smooth and then i'll move that filled over here and slope this and hopefully get rid of that dark cliff okay so don't get me wrong this is a dramatic slope but it is significantly better and now we are all the way over here with our with our monorail and this is going to be our first stop so the unfortunate thing about using these particular stations is we're going to be losing population so look at our population over 100 000 enjoy it because it's gonna fall i do want to look at our zoning we had a high density residential here we're gonna want to put that back this is unintentional eminent domain and this is probably the one place where i mentioned i would really love to not have these stations near high density residential i'd love to to maintain that for the most part this might be the one spot where i deviate a bit i'll put that back we'll see how it does worst case scenario we'll have to redevelop this in the future okay so now we're up and i think we can start to slowly run this again so we're at least in a spot where this should all work it's a little bit lumpy here i'm going to let perfect be the enemy a good and try to fix this i don't need to yeah i don't know that that's much better yeah you know what i think it is i like it so i'm gonna go with it it makes me happy and ultimately that's what we're doing in this game is making ourselves feel good and productive in a game so i like it so this is a sharp turn the other thing that we could have thought about doing maybe we should is maybe bending this over i really hate the angle that that's taking but see if we can get this to to be any more gentle yeah that is that's a better angle this will help us maintain our speed so we're going to go with it and it is a little lumpy and bumpy probably want to do something to fix that if we can [Music] that is better i like that all right that's smooth alright so now we can keep moving forward and we want to think why don't we give some more thought again to our station so we've got one station here this isn't the highest density tourism draw ooh you know what while we're over here we've got this fairly terrible path connection keep ignoring this and i know that it's starting to trigger some people and i know that because i'm one of them so we're gonna take care of that so we could try to mirror that angular connection kind of wondering what angle that is it's fine okay and before we go ahead and get all of our power lines back intact here why don't we just make our quick fence connections there we go so now we can move our power stations power substations back to where they're supposed to be [Music] we'll continue to call it substations even though there's no way in the world they'd ever be this close we'll redo our landscaping over here in a moment because we have a path connection that actually we need to make a connection over here at some point so we'll remove that and [Music] all right that is much better it is not straight oh that bugs me okay and just a little bit of landscaping and we should be home free and back to what we should be doing which is our rail one last check power still connected we are good yeah we're this we're in a good spot so now we have this nice connection to our park and we can go back to what we're supposed to be doing i will step away from solemn palms so our next stop so i i want to have a stop over here by cherry hills by the botanical garden that i feel like that would be a good spot we just need to make sure we don't gum up this view i know this view isn't perfect and a number of people have commented how great it would have been if from here you could have seen this so we got this tower flanking it let's not make it any worse at least from this corner here you can see the volcano so i think that really limits our placement to either here or here and i'm thinking over here is probably the more appropriate place because we're gonna have another stop in fairly short or order over by the central station district so right here we're going to eliminate this portion of sunset let's look at our zoning because we don't want to replace that again residential i don't think we're going to add residential back here i think we're going to go with commercial [Music] this is always a little bit tricky because you don't get road guidelines and you don't want to mess it up and i did so we're gonna have to we're gonna have to change this ah now it wants to relocate goodbye we have enough money to call incredible mulligans again not right you know i think you know you know it could be letting perfect the enemy a good that's okay i'll just move it to the other side because i think that'll be easier to rectify yes significantly easier and now here we do have a need for offices we're going to fulfill that need at the expense of these homes again very sorry for this eminent domain i actually feel really bad taking all these properties these well-established properties in this area but i feel even worse about them complaining that it's too loud and i have to take them out anyway to put in the stations so i guess might as well just go all the way okay time to upgrade our stops or our our uh sunset sunset boulevard ah that's why you don't go too fast you make mistakes mistakes that cost people their livelihood the planners getting fired for that mistake that is unacceptable unacceptable work right there can you imagine that meeting sitting there and you go so we inadvertently built some monorail track on street was that on chester street we just we didn't realize what we were doing we told them to go up the wrong street not an acceptable mistake not at all so we'll continue to bring this up straight through the chestnut district and now we are here to our diagonal which is what there it is we've got brock street and then we have sunset and the unfortunate thing is this is where we have our tree line segment this is probably one of the nicer parts of sunset but it's also where the tourists want to be so i think that right here at the corner of sunset and keller house we are going to place a new station the nice thing is that the existing zoning is compatible and because we have this plopped building it doesn't much matter that we just uh demolished the road and reconstructed something there now let's take a look at our distances here that is a very significant distance even this one very significant we want the monorail to pick up speed in between our stops but at the same time here this is only two blocks to get to central station so we could have placed this right in front of central station that may have alleviated some of our bus backups and whatnot actually it doesn't look that bad we can run this again that just looks like there's a lot of activity so we're going to run into issues now is we have our tram going through this whole area and that is not going to work for us anymore what i'm going to do is i'm going to make this a crazy tram color actually we're going to delete this whole line goodbye monorail line we are done with you we'll convert that right into a normal road because we're going to bring this back we're going to continue to move this back and then eventually we're going to have a junction between the existing monorail oh i don't like this at all what is going on here [Music] no for some reason it is unhappy with what i've done here so we are going to create all sorts of issues all of these towers are going to go bummer again more eminent domain didn't want to do didn't want to do it didn't i just trust me people who are now losing their office buildings i didn't want to do it all right so we're going to continue to bring this up and the next place we're going to stop we're going to make this a long one so we could either stop here let's let's let our tourists be our guide this would be another so-so location truthfully this is probably our best location at the corner of sterling zoo boulevard and sunset lots of residential again bummer we got we even got some low-rise residential oh we got that view corridor to preserve so actually we're gonna want to bring it closer to jackson at sunset so we don't interrupt our views so we're already going to do that by having monorail to a certain extent [Music] so i'm sure these single family homes downtown are going to love having a monorail buzzing past them but anyone who lives there needs to understand that there is a price to pay for the goodest accessibility that they have and i would hope that whoever lives there understands that you aren't going to have a quiet residential neighborhood in a downtown tourism district that doesn't mean that that's not how people feel in fact often oh interesting often you will have people who are in areas that are quite clearly urban areas complaining that the area is urbanizing but there's not a lot you can do besides kind of shrug your shoulders listen apologize and make any adjustments that you can to try to make things better and you don't want to leave someone high and dry and feeling neglected but at the same time you must respect the urban progress this is going to be our final stop on the monorail on sunset [Music] i'm going to take out even more of sunset we are going to pause it so i can remember the zoning that is really unfortunate for so many reasons but we are going to take this as an opportunity to build a path connection so this would be an excellent place to connect since these we're going to lose these buildings anyway let's make sure we have strong pedestrian connectivity through here got a lot of weird zoning stuff going on through here so this is an opportunity to clean that up so these sorts of things happen where you have maybe a parcel that's been divided and you realize it the city will initiate a zoning change and try to get that fixed uh unfortunately it does freak people out because you go you gotta notice a zoning change people like why are you changing the zoning by my house you know what are you doing and you're not doing anything malicious you are just cleaning up some things administratively it's just one of those things that you've got to do so this is not the tram episode but we are going to make sure that our tram network is complete whether we're going to do that is we're going to loop this around here it'll be our turn around and we will reconstruct that tram line we'll make sure that there are no other stellaway tracks looks like we're okay i do want to go back through here and rebuild this line we'll try not to overlap our buses too much there will be some overlap and so that we have some speed on this as well we're going to leave our stop spacing somewhat somewhat generous and try not to overlap and overload some of those stops that we have now we're going to look at this in a completely different way in the coming episodes so i don't want to overdo it here [Music] i'm not going to get too crazy about this being the perfect line it is a-line and it will work i will leave that chance to interface though with our new monorail so we have some work to do here with our monorail still but we can get our first line going so let's do it [Music] okay so let's take our first trip from the airport and see how it looks do we already have people coming in here speed it up for a second and i don't see a monorail yet but i do see an opportunity and that opportunity is to landscape see our very first passenger here at the airport queuing up all right let's slow this down let's hop on two passengers and look at this let's see how lumpy and bumpy and crazy this is so far so good and look at those views just beautiful nice views of the city and it feels fast whoa that's a camera thing but it still feels uncomfortable so this right here could probably be smoothed out a little bit if we really wanted to but not the end of the world the nice thing about the way this works imagining that this is maglev is that it would feel fairly smooth on there because you wouldn't be directly on the track so i'm fashioning this kind of similar to the people mover that's in las vegas nevada where you have this system it's completely automated there would be no driver it would be running 24 7 getting people from where they need to go to where or from where they are to where they need to go and be a very smooth seamless trip look at that we've got people and we're picking them up so it seems like things are going okay here i'm gonna speed this up just a little we'll go fast we'll get those crazy speeds and you can feel that there's a there are some bumps here but it's it's not that bad so i i think that you get some really striking views here this is the really the the tourism corridor and yeah wowzer people are using this in fact i want to take a step back 50 people this 151 people on there already that is awesome we are we are seeing some use already this one 10. okay well we're picking people up and bringing them somewhere so that's that's good i'm i'm very pleased with the success that we're already seeing 70 people here but we've got a full platform in fact i'm wondering if this is going to be so full that we don't even clean all the the queue out looks like we were able to pass it that's that's good so that's that's great so we're seeing some success here so our next bit of success that we could see would be coming down keller house so keller house is an arterial right now but you can see not that much traffic not that much traffic so let's just convert this oh that is a problem [Music] so it's not going to be as simple as just converting this we're gonna need to find another way hey this is city planner from the next day cutting in while editing and i spent an obscene amount of time creating this connection here going up and following along the side of keller house with mixed results you can tell that this is pretty lumpy pretty bumpy and pretty sad and i used some eminent domain to make this happen and it's totally unnecessary and i am really regretting my line of thought and one of the reasons is if you look here at bass street it's a collector and i'm guessing we can make the connection happen here let's give it a shot and see if this works we have the same issue but i don't think it's insurmountable here let's run this up bass okay so we've got our nice connection there we are going to use some eminent domain to make this work pause quickly eliminate that connection and i think what we need to do is go up let's get all of all of our snapchats off except for the grid and angle go up just a little bit and look at that nice clean connection interesting so we're having some sloping issues so let's fix this quickly so we'll come back into daytime to take a look at this and you can see that there's some weird lumpy bumpy stuff going on here that the game does not like so we'll take top of our slope and smooth this out we know we've eminent domain these buildings already so let's just eliminate them so we can actually see our slopes now let's see if we can hit this with a 90 nope that one more time no so i think what we're gonna need to do is again come off here with a 90 and then make it yeah that's bad so the problem is we have our node hooking in right here that is not the ideal location for it it's okay we can make it happen here that is very very steep but i think it's better than the solution that we had the other location to see there's anything i can do to calm this down okay so this to me is a little more doable let's fix our zoning and then eliminate all of the nonsense that i made while i was trying to trying to find a way to sneak past the the craziness over here so what you can see that i've done is i've run this right up here let's convert this it could be a nice tree-lined street for the trouble that i caused them [Music] is beautiful so no more craziness over here we do have some trees that we need to replace we uh went a little crazy with our landscaping eliminating things before much better filled that in we've got some gaps here truthfully we could probably have a stop in here if we really wanted one i just don't know how necessary it is when we look at our tourism view there's actually a fair number of destinations in this corridor but we want to keep this thing moving fast and we know that we already have a slowdown when we around this corner and we have another slowdown when we round this corner but things are going to be working well let's just take one more peek at this [Music] okay and it's working i'm satisfied and we'll go back to the regular video but i apologize if you see that previous line it is gone now but it was there all right back to the normally scheduled recorded video let's plan on having a stop right here so this will give us a nice connection potentially to our in the club district the issue that we're gonna have now is height so i'm guessing that if i upgrade this we're gonna take out our path we've got solutions so we're gonna eliminate part of keller house which we have to do anyway to construct this we're going to sink it down so let's go in here just drop this make it smaller now we'll use our plateau get that right up let's see if we can do this so start out with our station oh brutal so i need to have a little segment of this we're going to turn our grid on so this doesn't get wonky we'll make our connection and then hopefully we can bring keller house back up to where it needs to be [Music] [Laughter] yeah i'm feeling good now so i wish that oh it's so ugly i wish this wasn't as ugly as it is look at that perfect is the enemy of good surprise surprise surprise i think i might have just made it really bad [Music] yeah we're just gonna have to live with some wonkiness all right we're connected up so we've got our first connection on keller house our second one is going to be a little bit closer so this will give us access i i would love to have another one right here by the university i just don't know how we're gonna do that if we do do it yet okay we're gonna need to keep we're gonna drop down again maybe we'll have one right here underneath oak street oh no that's way too close so we are gonna just have one over here in the other end of the university i think so we're gonna need to drop this down [Music] again we will plateau our way to freedom there we go look at that nice and smooth butter love it [Music] oh that's so nice i i'm really really digging the plateau tool oh we've got to keep this up we can't we can't stop now so let's continue having a sunken keller house so we didn't turn as sharply as we should have and as a result we didn't we're not lining up where we used to the problem is if we do we're too high so we're just going to need to just slightly shift over keller house and be okay with that turn on our road guidelines make sure this lines up nice and square and then we'll fix our path connection over here and not worry about it too much it's not worth it not worth it okay so we're good there i don't i can't recall if we had a fence over here on this side of keller we did and it is gone so time to fix that too [Music] [Music] interesting so we did not have a path or a fence all the way down keller house in fact i'm adding it at this point and i want to take a beat on that because we need to get our next station in so this is an excellent spot for a station you'll be able to get the college kids coming home from the airport go right to the university and all the people who want to go and check out a game hmm no we that won't work so we have our city arch here let's move that back by the roundabout that's probably a suitable location for it and it's still unhappy with us why why oh because we're at the intersection we need to back up at least a couple tiles two enough yeah two's enough [Music] now we will need to find a way to make keller house connect again and hopefully not destroy all of our fences alright so there we are i am going to finish the fence building simulator and we'll be done in a second i've got all these snap twos and craziness on that just makes this harder so i don't want to block this off because this is what is going on with this why are you sad you have connection i i don't know what the problem is okay well it's good we're fine but i do want to make one connection here all the way across because that's a really critical connection at this point in time so there's one last connection one last monorail stop i want to make and that is to the louis garden district but this one's harder so you'd think i could just go up here and and swing by but we've got this bridge here so what i'm thinking is it might be nice to connect across here go on local streets and then come up here and have a station near this train station so our zoning is incompatible we're gonna we're gonna force it and just make it work so we're gonna need to redo some of our path connections through here this is our ultimate goal will connect up through here we are going to lose some bike lanes so we'll need to relocate those although we do have connections here maybe adding one here would be ideal turn on our angle here to make sure that we aren't getting this to be a really sharp arbitrary turn there we go nice connection all the way across here now we've really set ourselves up for some nice tourism in the louis garden city which i think would be an interesting tourism destination we do need to reconnect that last path this is not an absolutely critical path but i do think it was a nice amenity for the community to have and we should try to use eminent domain to restore it because we love to use eminent domain to restore path connections i could probably remove the zoning here too but i think here might leave it it's low density give people a place to get a cup of coffee on the way out of the district so the nice thing here is you see that we've got all of this stuff that's attracted to tourists including the tv stations and it's kind of our last connection so now we just need our line let's start running this again now the real question here is going to be where do we stop it and i think i'm going to force a transfer here at this particular stop okay so i want to name these so i don't forget what they are this one is going to be the keller house line this will be the sunset line there sunset will be orange oh and we'll lose our names [Music] and the keller house line will be green we've already got a lot of passengers here so you know you know i'm pleased with how this is turning out i want to keep an eye on this i don't know that we're necessarily improving our transit numbers just yet so much as we're shifting modes and this is going to be something that's going to be something we're going to keep an eye on i talk about this when i talk about transit to people the last thing you want to do is have too many overlapping duplicative services that cannibalize each other because then you have two services that are more expensive than they should be and both look like they have poor utilization that said one of the interesting things about this particular line is you can we can separate our resident uh trips from our transit from our tourist trips and that's something i'm gonna be really interested in keeping an eye on so as we look at these this is gonna be something i'm very interested in looking at where we're having backups so yeah obviously the busiest would be down here by the uh by the train station we'll have to see where this all shakes out we could we could have probably brought the keller house line all the way to the train but i don't think that that transfers that big of a deal i think it's probably okay so i'm pretty pleased with how this turned out i think that we've got some more work to do but wait what is this the brown line i thought that was orange but that doesn't look very orange to me interesting well let's go yellow not very yellow either all right well i need to not get crazy about that the color of the line is really arbitrary i suppose i just wish it was a little brighter a little more a little more interesting than that but we've got our monorail and we've got a nice system it's set up all throughout the community you can see that we've got a pretty good blanket coverage it it's fairly logical in its orientation and it has good coverage and you can see here slow down just take a look we've got passengers here how are we doing over here not so many [Laughter] not such good utilization just yet i suppose that's not really surprising when you look around and you see that's a hike to get here and there's a lot of other transit options in this area that even though i think you and i both know that this is a significantly better option than say a bus the sims sees that the bus is more direct to get to where they want to go although look at this we're getting some people on here it's not that bad we've got some people coming off it's working got 82 trips here i don't know if that justifies the infrastructure cost just yet but 106 here and an easy interface between this particular station which is seeing pretty good utilization um not bad now one of the things i think is unfortunate about what's happening here is if someone is coming in inner city there's really no way to get here it'd be really nice if we had a way to get in and then you could get off hop on the monorail but it'll work it'll be fine i would imagine that these aren't services that interface all that well in this particular location that might be something to keep an eye on in the future future improvement in in speaking of future improvements we do need one thing that we need to fix now it's not a future improvement it's a it's a past one we're gonna pause this for a brief second our we're missing a movement here so you're able to bring oil products in from this line but you're not able to get them from this line over here easy fix easy fix we're gonna take care of that right now and this gives me an opportunity to do something i wanted to do anyway which is kind of clean up this wonkiness okay so this isn't perfect but i hope zardis would approve i uh it's it's probably the best that i'm gonna do i do want to check one way to check to see if this is actually connected is to go back and look at our traffic routes and i'm seeing something that's kind of alarming me right now and that is i don't see any traffic routes reaching this which to me means that this angle might be a little bit too sharp [Music] it also might mean that i didn't give it enough time but i'm thinking it's actually too sharp [Music] so that is again very sharp but i think that it might work now i should say this curve would be very slow and you can we're still not seeing it i'll let this go for a second we'll see if it fix it there we go now we see it we know that this works and we can get we can get our products there either direction so that is what i was hoping for so i think we're in a good spot we're gonna leave it here i hope that you enjoyed this episode if you did please consider hitting the like button if you are not subscribed to my channel please consider doing so and if you want to be notified when i release new videos hit that notification icon and i want to give a huge shout out to my patreon supporters they help me make this content upgrade my equipment and generally support me and i appreciate them dearly for that i also appreciate you even if you can't support me on patreon your views your likes your subscribes help grow the channel i'm gonna leave you with a brief city tour we're gonna start that right [Music] now [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 337,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, city planner plays city builders, City planner plays cities skylines, city planner plays, cities:skylines, verde beach, verde beach cities skylines, cities: skylines, unmodded cities skylines, cities skylines monorail, cities skylines monorail tutorial, cities skylines monorail ride, cities skylines monorail tips, how to build monorail cities skylines, city skylines, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines how to
Id: UwsbIXE3g6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 36sec (3396 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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