I am BLOWN AWAY by how AMAZING this Traffic Fix is in Cities Skylines!

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hello everybody welcome to the next fictional city with me biffer and here we are with the city of Sao Mustad sent in by lads and sent in a couple of months ago actually just got man to check in this one out and it's actually a very well-built city it started off with about forty thousand population the traffic is down to like 18% 19% so it is pretty bad at the moment I've been run in the city for five or ten minutes like I do just to see how bad it gets and it gets pretty pretty bad let's just take a look at the roads whoa mama Oh Mamma Mia look at that that is pretty pretty rough and yeah we are gonna try to fix this up you've got a lot of roundabouts which is good you've used a lot of traffic manager which is also good you've done Lane management but why is the thing still backing up we're gonna get this fixed up and humming along smoothly for you if you would like me to take a look at your city then check out the description below it shows you how to send it in just before we dive in I'm gonna let you know you can check out the mods that I'm using in one of the videos that's linked in the pins comment below I also have traffic you're spawning turned off and it's on unlimited money because that is how the person running the game sends it to me I always do it the way that you sent it so I don't mess anything up for you so let's try and that let's just pause the game of sack and try and get a handle on what's going on here so we can see coming off the highway it starts backing up here and then it goes down here and let's just follow this along a bit and see what's going on it goes along here it goes along here right let's just see if I can spot anything on this main road that's gonna help this is like the back of the queue but things like this can really help so if we have a look here we can see that there this Lane here is for turning in two different directions so we are gonna go along here and fix this up and say one lane for turning left two for going straight on that is fine going through there and there's another turn here we're gonna do the same here so this is traffic manager it doesn't come into Vanille again for those of you that ask there we go so they're going to left two lanes going straight on don't know why he stopped right in the middle of the road what are you doing but now you don't exist and that girl if this one's already been done which is good and that's just really gonna help things keep moving along right we've got a bit of a thing going on with no just like you bought your line up here I've already checked the lines on your metro because you've got Metro buses you've got like the works have a quick look you've got tons of us is which we'll come back to you've got tram lines you've got metro set up you've got some people using Metro so I would definitely try and increase that you've got some train lines and you've got ferry lines yeah you've got everything which is good but I know for a fact that there's no trams coming up here so I'm not going to change the road for you and leave it as it is but yeah I'm not too worried about that let's actually just stick some traffic lights in there just so people stop and other people get a chance to go although they're not gonna get anywhere cuz this is just like nods up here right I want to check this lane yeah you see this Lane goes both ways you don't need it one lane for like one lane for left because you've created Lane connections by hand oh okay so maybe you've already done that oh you have and tell you what I'm gonna delete all of those because easier just to do this look and now there's suddenly going again so we're gonna have lane one lane for left and right here we're gonna have one lane for straight on on one lane for left and then here we're gonna have one lane for straight on on one lane for right so now people can pick their lane and look low too people want to go left which is good start moving that traffic out of the way and I'm just gonna put traffic lights in there as well did I take the traffic lights out I did I'm gonna put traffic lights in just to help them move right okay let us try oh my goodness I'm feeling like this is gonna be a tough one already let's check this roundabout so you look give way coming on you've got a stop coming okay I'm gonna do this whole roundabout that's also gonna take in all these roads all right we'll do it by hand give way coming on give way coming on that's fine let's check your Junction restrictions yep so only the people on the highway get to go through the junction on the roundabouts I mean yeah that's fine Oh also save quit Zippity very good and we're back in the room yes so that one's set up okay that one's set up okay that was set up okay good so this is all moving nicely I don't like this here there's a lot of cars coming up and going round we've got a road over here uh okay that's good so that can go straight off let's just check the lane here to make sure people aren't budging why is there not a light hand on pause your second you're gonna go there and you're gonna go there I think it's because they're quite close together it's getting a bit confused and then it spits out into two to come down here oh man when people go overboard with these sort of things it's just too much you can let the game do it itself and also I wouldn't turn this into two lanes you've got your one up one down yeah so that just to give them a chance to work out what the heck's going on yeah we just make sure that that's still give why yeah that's fine good right okay so although these are coming around they're all getting blocked up here because they're getting blocked here because they're getting blocked up here let's just check this one so everybody's given why coming on okay let's check the junction restrictions so this bits going straight through that bit isn't so we're gonna do that that bits going straight through I'll see what you've done you've got like slip lane on and off bits as well what's plus fine you want that one going around the roundabout set you want that one going around the roundabout set that one there you done that one there and we've seen this before one little change like this can get things move in okay now these are coming up these are coming up and everybody's then going up this road under here and these are all coming up here and these are all going up here to come off to this roundabout let's check the lane restrictions on this one no we don't want those going straight through that's fine that's fine that's fine that's fine it's fine they go look things start moving I'm gonna change these lanes on here as well as obviously this is a pretty busy one you know I do have fun doing this you know I do have fun and what I want is only one lane for going off because those going off they're getting in the way of those that are going round that one's okay that will do this one as well so it's one often one rounder this one here is where I wanna from one round good and then everybody's coming down here they were all getting over into this side lane and then they're all doing a similar thing let's just check this roundabout and yet that one's fine then that's gonna do that and then they're all two lanes some are moving over and then some are going up they're like what I'm gonna say is I don't want any Lane switching in the middle here you go straight through you go straight through I want them to pick their lane here so we're gonna use this again and we're gonna say when you're coming down here you can pick your lane so you turn lie and you can pick whichever Lane you want and then this will flow straight and then this little bit here Lots come in and go in this is crying out for a little tiny roundabout nothing I mean there's not a lot of people walking around here either so we could do a two lane highway one here and I think that would work perfectly well let's just yeah we'll keep it a reasonable-sized let's go a little bit bigger fish bash Bosh there we go and we'll turn that off we'll just double check that that's all set up giveaway coming on everywhere yeah and then we got this I turn off that one because I think that just works better when there's a ton of traffic and then we'll just do the lane management so one for coming off one for going straight rounds one for coming off one for going straight round yet one for coming off one for going straight round good let's just get that off the screen speed that up and just watching this start flowing a bit I mean it's still blocked down here and once these guys start moving they will get out of the way so they're then coming down here we've got two lanes getting into one lane and then we've got this okay hopefully you've done your lane management here you have she of you're saying no you see you've got them crossed over so they're still gonna get in each other's way so let's turn that off wait pick it pick it thank gilt she got three lanes plus one is four so this is yeah this needs to go down to two lanes so this is where we did Lane mathematics three lanes coming up one goes off so this goes down to two so now automatically the game says oh we've got one lane going off which should do all right I think it's because it's too far away the node so I will do it by hand so that one goes up to that and then you two go straight on yeah and then coming along here we'll do the same here and then you can come out onto there so this is gonna clear up a lot of the traffic that we had where is it there is definitely because now they can all let's just watch this a minute now they can all smoothly move out until they start are okay they're doing a bit of walky walky Lane switching why I tell you what let us delete this car so we allowed for 2017 year burns okay you're gone but then you've got this tool going on down here but anyway these can can keep moving yeah we'll leave that for now so what is happening here they're all coming down here what are we at let's have a look 34% is going up and then you're hitting this bit so some are coming off some are this is a little roundabout here it will make all the difference it's gonna be another little two-lane highway roundabouts like that okay good we'll just leave that to go so give way coming on give way coming on yeah and then not you and not you and not you that one should be fine and then I'm gonna do the lane management and say one lane off I mean people might be wondering why I'm doing two lane roads here's that a three lane is because of the size of the mode that's coming into it I mean it could come into there I'd rather it go into down here somewhere so I'm just gonna use toggle mode snap you just get it a bit further downs the space from here and space from there asked to give the game there we go and because I braced it it's not gonna change the shape of their band about there we go and then we just double check that still set up give way and going through good alright let's just look at this for a moment and see how this is gonna start flowing so that's going better definitely these aren't getting in the way of those coming on but then they're getting stuck here not enough lacy some of these might want to go straight on but they're stuck so we're gonna change this three lane asymmetrical road there we go so we're gonna grab that one yes so now we've got a turning off and a straight on and then see this one here's gonna get in the way if anyone comes up there but nobody is there anybody wants to go straight on there we go can dive around the outside and go straight on I'm just gonna make sure they know that they can lean switch here does they're coming up you pick your lane go around the outside then go up there okay that's fine and then coming down here again we've got two lanes coming in to each other alright let's just have a look that's three lanes one going off yet this can change the two lane let's just stopped all three show straight on and this one shows light if we downgrade this road now a two lane I have to use the anarchy mods there we go to allow me to put that in now that should just show there we go just off light and two straight on so that will help clear up some of this trophy right I'm gonna change this a bit I've just you or you can see here look a lot of people I want you to come up here they're coming down they're going through two junctions just to get on this road there's a roundabout right here I'm thinking we could just have a slip road off the top yeah let's take these out in the middle here and let's just say this roundabout up and see how it works so we're gonna do give way there give away their give away there enough that's coming out of there that is just going in that is good and then we're gonna say you can go straight through you can go straight through you throw straight and you can go straight through and then down here it's causing a bit of a hoo-hah okay right just wonder whether we could get them to go somewhere else instead we've got this little road up here cuz they just join here and go up there instead of coming up here and if they want to get down there they can come down here and go through somewhere else you know what that just might be a better way of doing it let's come out of there and go like that just change that all together and then you just we just want this to move and then what I want is where Lee's the lanes here and that's three one coming off down to two I'm gonna leave that like this because there's another one coming off what I'll do is I'll just do a little bit of lane management will grab that and say one load for going off to four games straight yeah I'm not taking my while to think about it and that would help look instantly that clears up because not everybody's now coming off to go round the only time they're gonna come off down here now is if they want to go hopefully not straight across again that'd just be stupid yeah look you've already done it they can only go through there but don't pick both of these look just pick the one because then you can have this one for there good okay Oh My giddy aunt let's have a look what you've done you've got one for going right you've got that one for going there or here and then delete it or do it yourself so have one load for going this way yeah so two lanes there have one road for going this way so now when they go they can go which is fine so when the traffic light goes these guys get flowing oops game jumps and then you'll say no Lane switchin only and then you're making them lane switch there instead of doing that there we go turn that off turn off it's just use this tool instead and say when you're in here it's okay to lane switch and that's just the easier way of doing it and then when they get down here they're moving look it's all moving let's move in this is moving this is all cleared up oh man this is all cleared up this is all clear what we on 63% and we're only I don't know what 15 minutes into the video suddenly things are looking good right this is all clearing up these guys have all gone somewhere else I mean this little connection road we've done isn't going too bad is it I stopped going too bad you've got one lane for going two ways and it's going fine I'm just gonna leave that as it is Wow we just need to get these guys get this traffic to go down I mean you could even add a little slip road into here delete that down to there that's where my little slip roads gonna be so we're gonna grab the slip road this one there we go but we don't all the trucks using it so what we're gonna do is we're gonna get a little district just on here called autumn district and then we're going to go to the policies and we are gonna find the policy that says we do heavy traffic ban so then what you might see is cars coming down here but certainly not any trucks and they're not there we go look cars are coming down up also save sippin seat oh and then what I'm gonna do once the game gets going it's just do their bit of lane management here that we do so one lane for off two lane for on I'm not going to downgrade that to two because we've got all of this going on and it just splits the amount of cars and trucks and things that are coming down here and they're moving through fine and we grow in as well which is nice what are we at 66 percent traffic noise this is getting a little bit busy here and then I'm gonna just upgrade this road as well to three lane so you've got a load for left and four lights there like that if I just take it all the way back and then we just do a little bit of lane hawky bulkiness here and say you can go there and there and then you can go there and then when it just stops everybody getting in each other's way and that should just let the traffic build up there into two lanes and then when the traffic lights go they can go through 75% what I haven't got dsport on by mistake if I know now I happen oh he's just not Wow I'll tell you what you know I'm pretty happy with that let's try and find some other little spots here let's have a look at this what's going on here so that these guys going down and they're hitting this okay I bet I can sort this out quite quickly let's look at the lanes here and we've got yeah look we wonder straights on one for left so that'll sort that out so they'll work it out themselves and they've got these trying to join as well and this is coming from around here well if we could get this to join in here instead of round here and just take this road out it just seems like that is a bit unnecessary got a railway line here well that's okay I tell you what we'll do we use the move it mod I'm gonna grab that mode that note on that note do page down and I've dipped that down lower that is looking good and I want this to keep moving so I'm gonna take out the traffic lights from there and hopefully that will just stop all of these guys getting in each other's way and just keep that area moving a bit 74 percent yeah I'm gonna delete that road there it's just adding too many junctions it they can go up there and come round here instead right let's go on the hunter 76% Wow look at this look at this look how smoothly that is all moving he's brilliant oh we've got one little one little hiccup down here alright let's have a look what have we got yeah this can be fixed with Lane management oh this is where we put the traffic lights in I be honest I bet if we took those out now I just did Lane management instead so once lay on one lights let's take out all the lane I know things yeah this one here one string on one light yet this one here one right and left that one here too straight on one light that one we've got maybe a look instantly freed it up wow I feel like we need a little traffic time-lapse on this area how about that [Music] [Music] right we're hitting 79 to 80 percent atrophy I'm just seeing whether we could do something about that and get it even better I'm just looking around for any places where there are these cars apart any places where we can do something to increase it 77 oh it's going down oh okay let's have a look at this spot over here this is where I added in that road it's helping but it's still sort of slowing down look there we go bus stop right by the junction that bus stop is gonna move okay let's get the mass start get the vast off or something you got there oh yeah okay and let's move these bus stops way way way way way way way way down it there we go move and move out the way and then you're not gonna stop right here and then try and get across into another Lane you know which is good and then what's going on down look at all these buses that all want to stop fortunately there's bus lanes on that one but so even if they do stop down here there's a lane to go past them so hopefully I just want to check you got any non lane switching stuff set up no that's fine do you know what I bet we don't need traffic lights there now that is just I'll there isn't any I'm an idiot okay that's fine yeah go ahead they'd be fast rice again I think this bus here is stuck no he's not there's just like 47 lines there right you've got two metro lines you've got one going from lilac hills running through here and going down to plywood Heights and then you've got another one from Bly wood Heights running up to there you actually have I know that's train lines that's fine so what we're gonna do let's go back to that again is we're gonna take this line here and we're gonna loop it round here and join it up to there there we go so that goes around in a nice big loop and I put some other stations around here and the outside so people want to use those then it goes back up there I've just noticed where they join up here is the Grand Central Terminal Grand Hotel terminus which is absolutely fantastic so we can use that to have our lines separated but people can easily swap from one to the other so I'm gonna actually delete or metro lines that you've got on here just so we can make this a bit easier to see there we go and then what I'm gonna do is set up a loop so we're gonna use this one here for this setup that we've got on this side and it's quite close together there but I'll just leave them yeah and we're gonna do a clockwise and an anti-clockwise loop going around here that's running in both directions in a nice loop around there I mean there's a lot of stuff in the center here that isn't really I mean you've got some big stuff here but there's a metro nearby so you've got other transportation stuff there we go is a metro there but all these houses they can use the buses to get over to the stations that's fine so that you may want to just check your bus stops to make sure that there's bus stops within walking distance of these metros which is sort of a raid and it's quiet being they will walk quite far so that's fine and then we're going to use this bottom section here to run a metro just over into chestnut Park Sunset District a bit of a loop here and then if ever you expand you could cover this area too so let me just do that right there we go that's our other loop it goes around the top back into here the Paris terminus and then back round again and you've got that clockwise and anti-clockwise I've got a couple of spare stations here feel free to move these out here adjust your lines when you expand you get the idea a nice loop what I would like to do as well so we've got our loop here first loop we put in down here you've got this section of housing up here as well so you've got a lot of houses you've got businesses you've got farms order all sorts of stuff going on and you're probably going to expand I'd imagine in some of these spaces I'd like to add a little loop up here so what I'm gonna do is add a station near to this station here let's just see what we've got going on yeah that'll be fine let's turn off anarchy so it gets rid of the buildings there we go so they can cross over from one to the other they can walk around the outside get in there and we are gonna add a nice it foot loop that runs up and down and takes in all of this area and there we go there's our third loop going round there and as we said you've got this little crossover point here and we should see people coming out of one this one here and running around and going into the other as time goes by there we go look look here we go all of these people are coming out wherever they go in and a load of them we're going in there fantastic and as time goes on that will increase more and more and we will see more and more people using your Metro let's just take a quick look oh there we go these are the lines of them at the beginning so these are starting to go up as well excellent what is the traffic on 77% let's see one aus we can fix up what is going on down here see a lot of the light see this is what you'll find in traffic fixing you've got a lot of places that are reds and that's just because they're well used and that will knock down your overall percentage and there's not a huge amount you could do about it this little bit here is causing some issues isn't it let's what are you doing oh you're going down that way I think we just need some give way signs in here so people don't just now you give way don't just get in each other's way and then you give why that one's okay and he might just find it just stops people doing this hopefully we got an e you know nobody's going straight through there's a lot of people coming down here I'm just wondering let me just check where they're all going let's use the in-game tool yep super helpful young boulevards they're just going everywhere lots are going up there's probably not much we can do without a little roundabout in there which I'm loathe to do because you've got all these other little stops and things going on do you know what I did I think I might just leave that one and we'll just have to live with it well I've just popped off for a cup of tea left this running for 20 minutes it's still at 80% which is fantastic I mean we've got a few little hot spot light over here in the middle of the city but aren't to be honest I'm not overly concerned about that but if you give way signs and things in and it just seems to be running okay and I'm also going to just take a quick look at the metros to see how they are doing look at that loads and loads of people using them which is absolutely brilliant you can even add some more in if you wanted to and bet your bus lines are hardly being used now are they not too bad actually still people using them you could probably drop some of these buses down but I'll let you go through and sort that out I'm really pleased with that that has worked out really really well let me know what you think in the comments below don't forget if you would like to have your city fixed very check out the description it will tell you there how to do it and leave a like as well and subscribe if you'd like to see more and don't forget to always have your tea with you as we fix your cities and I will see you all very very soon thanks for watching take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 1,615,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, biffa2001, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, cities, skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines broken, cities skylines expert
Id: 5mv8YBavcZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 50sec (1610 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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