The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Cities Skylines, Part 1 | Game Basics & City Layout (Vanilla)

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[Music] hello and welcome back to city planner plays where we are creating the ultimate beginner's guide to city skylines by creating the city of tutoria this is using the diamond coast map that is available with the vanilla version of city skylines and this is going to be a series where i introduce game mechanics and how i play the game and how i make realistic cities i'm going to try to keep this series very organized and predictable we're going to start out playing vanilla and then we're going to introduce each of the dlc's in the order i recommend them in my dlc recommendation episode linked above then we'll introduce the content creator packs and some basic mods and for each of these topics we're going to spend two episodes each for a total of 24 episodes the episodes will be guided by population with each episode gaining approximately 5 000 citizens so we're starting out just vanilla nothing else and we have a highway ramp and that's that's it and that's what you get when you start the game now a lot of players will make the mistake of over building their infrastructure and keeping the clock running so the very first thing we're going to do pause the clock and think about our interchange so when you start out you don't really have much available to you and that is until you build something so you build a road and immediately you have things unlocking for you so a lot of players will be mystified at this point in the game they'll start to think a whole heck of a lot about how to make a really elaborate interchange and i'm here to tell you that you shouldn't do that in fact you really should be very cautious with building roads in general so i'm starting out with 70 000 and that's not very much money so rather than creating an elaborate interchange all i'm doing is creating a collector road this is this four lane road that will be used to carry our traffic out of the community and carry major traffic through the community creating that road and really nothing else now i want to think about where i want this road to go you could decide there's a point that you want to reach or you could just decide just i just need to get somewhere so i'm going to take this road out a little ways not too far and stop there from this point in time you might be tempted to go ahead and use your two-lane roads but i'm going to tell you not to do that not yet we'll get there right now we want to use dirt roads if you look at the price the two lane road is forty dollars forty cents a sell with an upkeep of thirty two cents a week oh sorry forty dollars a cell and thirty two cents a week upkeep you go over to your dirt roads you see it's exactly half and right now money is in short supply so we're going to build off this road again not getting elaborate and that'll be the start of our city so when i'm coming off a collector a four-lane road or one of these roads that that has added with i'd like to count out 11 because that's going to make sure that i have the maximum density possible and there's a couple things to know so this right here is 10 tiles and you could count tiles all you want if you did that that's your thing the other thing you could do is use the money to be your guide so i see that this 10 tiles is 200 if i wanted to go out and do 15 i know that that's 300 but it's also where that line shows up so i love 15 i think it's an interesting block size and a lot of unique buildings fit with that and i go 11 back from this main road so that i get the maximum density possible so i'm going to go and mirror this and then we'll come back to the video so a couple things to know at this point in the game uh you might see as i bring this down so i get my 300 bring it in and then i get this line this dashed line that is a road guideline and when you go over here to toggle snapping you have a number of options so i have everything selected right now i don't need to have everything selected i have a lot of freedom if i don't if i pick angle now it snaps to my 90. if i pick road length it snaps to that grid line if i snap the grid it perfectly conforms to the grid which can be really useful and then road guidelines will conform to roads so it'll make sure that i'm lining up with roads in a way that will make sure that i'm not off off sku when i'm connecting roads so to start out i'm creating just a simple grid because my goal is not to have a fancy city it's to have a functional city so i've gotten really close to this highway and what you'll see is that the game will add in traffic signals at any point when a local road connects with a collector so the local roads being the dirt roads the collector being this four lane road so i'm going to go up here to my info views and i can do a couple of things so i can look here at my traffic routes and then go over to junctions and i can actually toggle my traffic lights then but if i go over to adjust roads first i select the road and i make it a priority road rather than needing to change all of these and add stop signs i can actually just go through and click on these and it'll add stop signs to the roads that are not the priority road giving free flow right here you do have to be careful on the highways on your interchange because it will add a stop sign there as well we don't want that so we've got a basic roadway network and you'll notice it's a little off skew and that's okay you don't need to get perfect with this uh this most likely if i wanted to make this perfect let's let's say that we do i think what happened is that it caught a road guideline and that road guideline led to some issues and you can see it right there it's catching this angle so i can turn off road guidelines focus on my money and hopefully that'll straighten it out unfortunately it is not so another tip you go out here add this outside it's perfect there sometimes you can fix it it's just not gonna work and this could be very discouraging i don't want it to be for you it's not that big of a deal roads are imperfect and they don't need to be perfect it's completely fine so when you're starting out with a city you need a couple of things you need power you need water and you need to be able to get rid of your waste water so those are the basic components of a city so the very first thing we're going to do is place this drain pipe and i want to look at my water flow and what i can see is that the water is coming down this river and flowing out towards what appears to be the ocean so i'm going to place this as far away from the city as possible because the last thing i want to do is have a water inlet and inadvertently suck in some waste water now that i have this cities does not differentiate between waste water and clean fresh water so we're not going to either now we're going to place some water pipes and we're going to place those underneath our roads because that's where they belong water pipes are supposed to be under roads because when they're under roads they don't conflict with buildings so i'm going to pull this water pipe out and connect it directly up with that inlet right there so the water system is covered we don't have power yet so we have some options we start the game we can get a coal power plant we need to import all of our coal then we can have a wind turbine and that's it so it's important to take a look at these and understand what you are going to need so this right here is only four mega megawatts of power this is 40. so i will need or this is eight rather uh between zero and eight so if i were to place one of these the amount of power i generate is going to be dependent upon where i place it and you can see that it's giving me a range so right here in this we got a mid-tone blue i'll get six megawatts of power if i bring it over here to the darker it'll get to eight or actually just seven and i'm not really seeing any places where i get eight except for along the coast there's this ring around it that is the area where it would create noise that would be disruptive to residential users so these are things to think about when you're planning the future of your city conversely i could place a coal power plant and i would need to import coal to make this work there's a range here and that's both noise and pollution that's something important to keep in mind so if i were to place the coal plant which one that's what i think i'm going to go with i don't necessarily love coal plants but i do think that they are a benefit at the start of the game i just want to be cognizant of that and place that as far away from any residential uses as possible so i know that within this cone i need to place zero residential uses so we have road names on you can see that right here this is given given the name of ward way automatically so we know that ward way is really our dividing line for pollution i'm just going to complete this block and we'll keep that in mind so at this point we need power lines we need those to connect up to our water system otherwise they will not operate appropriately so we are going to cross our highway and then go diagonally across there's no magic here i just want to make the shortest connection that i can to be as frugal as i can with these water with with our power system as you can see we're already using a significant amount of our budget and from here i just want to start to place some of my uses so along a main road like this commercial uses are really desired and one of the primary reasons for that is commercial uses generally need a lot of visibility to be successful so we're going to place our commercial uses there and our residential uses behind them and this will be beneficial for us in a couple of ways first because we place these away from this this main road that traffic noise isn't going to impact our residential users and the second thing is our commercial uses are going to have all of that visibility and and thrive because of that i'm going to zone some additional residential uses and try to avoid zoning within that roadway right-of-way so i don't have to take down houses in the future that would be eminent domain and that's challenging to say the least so at this point we should have a connection that's good enough to get our city going so we're going to start running it the other thing we could do is place some industrial uses these won't develop for a little while but we still want to have them anyway and you'll see right away start to see some development occurring you might be thinking what about police coverage what about fire coverage what about landfills what about health care we don't need to worry about that until the population milestones are reached so if you click on this padlock here you'll get your milestones until we get to 500 population we don't need to worry about garbage healthcare education none of that the city's not going to think about that in the slightest bit so you shouldn't either what you're worried about right now is balancing the budget so this economy tab right here will help you do that so there's a couple things i'm noticing right off the bat we are definitely over producing our power and our water i'm going to turn those down for the time being what this is going to do is allow me to balance my budget and i can see that it's not a problem because if i click into my electricity view or my water view i am completely fine things are okay now i am noticing that for some reason this looks like it has an issue so does this so let's take a look at our issue for some reason our power was not getting over here and you can see that now these are lit up and they're pumping as they should so down here is our rci meter so this that's residential commercial and industrial so those are our basic needs for our city and the higher the bar the more the need so right now it's saying that we have a load need for residential we have absolutely no demand for commercial and we have medium demand for industrial so if we want to balance our budget we're going to need to take care of those needs so we're going to extend our industrial district out we don't have water over here and that's a problem so let's take care of that then we'll zone some additional industrial so one thing i want you to take note of is where i've placed the industrial it is very close to this highway entrance industrial has one of the highest trip generation rates so we want to make sure that we are not overloading our highway uh or our main roads in our city by having our industrial out here for instance if we were to do that we can guarantee that we're going to see all this industrial traffic heading down our main street while we're thinking about it why don't we rename this street right now it's smithson street we can name that main street we know that this is our main drag so they'll go up mason drive and go to smithson street to leave the community this is signalized they must have missed that so we'll take care of that now we're in a pretty good spot you can see that we've balanced our budget and because we lowered our power and water we're going to want to keep an eye on that you can already see that our power we have a production of 10 megawatts and a consumption of 5. that's because this industrial takes a lot of power so our residential demand is creeping up and i zoned a whole bunch of residential over here but it's not connecting the primary reason for this is that it's outside of the range of our power lines no need to worry we will get that fixed let's zone just a bit more we know that we're going to have things over here we also know that it's within our service area where we already have utilities so why not take advantage of that and then i'm going to run a temporary power line right here and it's close enough for the game to be happy with it in just this short period of time we already have a city with 300 residents we are well on our way to reaching some of our thresholds all we have to do is wait so what we're going to do for the time being as our commercial demand creeps up and a residential continues to pick up we're gonna speed things up for just a moment and with that we've reached little hamlet and that opens up a number of opportunities to us and responsibilities so we now have the ability to increase or decrease our taxes take out loans we also have new services such as garbage healthcare and education all of which are now required so we're gonna need to take care of those so let's leave this our speed goes down and they give us some money which is wonderful in fact i believe that we receive a few thousand dollars for that and that's a way to help us along our way so i'm going to extend our grid out another 10 tiles and then our 15 and we will add a landfill this is not the most imaginative layout but it doesn't matter that is not the point right now the point is slow steady expansion so now i can place a clinic and i want you to think about something when you're placing the clinics i'm going to slow this down for a second i'll pause it some people will think i'm going to place this on the collector it's the right way the right place to place it it is not it is the absolute wrong place to place it you're going to be loading onto that collector with this use then don't want to do that the other thing is we have a median through here which means that if you are trying to access the hospital you either need to take a u-turn or loop around so you're going to create traffic problems so instead of loading it right there we're going to load it off our local road and with that they'll be able to come down and get in here and even go out the back road if they want to same will be true for our elementary school and you can see that our coverage is great on that collector but it's the exact same if you put it on the local road so don't put it on the collector going to extend our grid out again we'll go even further now we'll get rid of some of these power lines that are no longer necessary we're going to add some commercial uses here because they're not as sensitive to some of the pollution caused by the industrial area and we're already within our coverage area so we don't even need to extend our utilities so let's just resume i do want to make sure that we add a school we're going to add that off looks like layton smith way and that'll give us sufficient coverage so green means excellent coverage and this gray means it's not so great but it will still work people will still be able to get there so we don't need to fret you can see that our city is now rapidly expanding now that we're providing adequate city services we need additional industrial so i noticed that we have a really nice area over here and i don't want to impact that so as we move over i'm going to say that this is a protected area that we are unable to disturb and this has two effects first it'll create a more interesting it'll create a more interesting geography for our city so that is one benefit the other thing is in the future if we want to turn this into a park or something else we have not impacted our ability to do so i just wanted to extend that out and make this something a little more unique and fitting of the area so i'm going to go ahead and add additional industrial uses and you'll notice that there's this little icon right there with water that means that we are no longer meeting our water availability needs now before we fret let's go into our budget we created this problem and we can solve it we just need to increase our budget so let's get everything back to 100 generally this is what i like to do we have a positive budget number and i don't want to forget about this inadvertently destroy our city by killing our citizens or building excess infrastructure because we forgot that our budget is turned down the other thing we can do now is turn up our taxes if we want so these percentages i'm not really sure what they mean i'll be completely blunt with you it's not like uh in a real city where you have a mill rate but what i do know is that i can turn this up to 12 without upsetting the citizens all that much you go higher than 12 and you get abandonment issues so we're going to turn that up and we need to make sure we have water pipes in this new area there we go underneath our road where they belong so our industrial area now has this thoroughfare right here that will connect directly up to our highway in our collector bringing goods to our commercial district and making them available for export and we're in a good spot we're going to turn the speed up in the beginning of the game feel free to do that you're going to need to continue to expand so i want to stop expanding towards the industrial area and start expanding towards the water and we're in an interesting spot where we can basically expand without giving it a ton of thought because we have a easy predictable grid and there were a lot of cities developed on great grids like this and one of the main reasons that they were is how easy they are to develop and predictable they are for development but i don't want you to think about your grid and think i'm going to only zone one type of use in here we don't have the ability to zone mixed uses in city skylines at least vertically but we can add horizontal mixed use so what that means is adding little nodes of neighborhood activity so think of a barber shop coffee shop those sorts of things we can add little nodes of activity and we should i'm going to try to evenly space this going every other road for our water system now we can eliminate a bit of this excess infrastructure and that's going to save us money we don't want more infrastructure than we need so our water system still has power and the reason that it still has power is we're now drawing power from our buildings this is not the way it would work in reality you cannot draw power from a transmission line but you can in the game so take advantage so we have reached worthy village we've unlocked another tile we have districts policies more loans specializations and service policies we also have police and fire department which are now going to be responsibilities and unique buildings so we can have agriculture and forestry and pilot up some some really interesting policies like power usage water usage and smoke detector distribution we also have these new buildings for unique buildings you don't get a lot in fact i don't know that we get any [Music] so i guess we would have the ability to have a winter market and a chirp x launch site we aren't meeting the requirements just yet so unique buildings are under the unique buildings tab we can click through and see that nothing is unlocked for us but if you hover over you can figure out what you would need when your market needs a 5 000 population trip x 42 and here it's development we need development or money to be able to unlock these so interestingly the thing we're closest to unlocking is the statue of wealth most likely that's going to be the easiest one for us to reach because some of these other ones like the statue of industry or the lazarette plaza you're going to need to destroy your city or over develop certain land uses to accommodate that need so we have industrial need and that's about it we can improve things by adding our city services so we click in here to our fire department for instance and look at our firehouse we can see that everything is red now what that means is that we have low coverage i'm going to add a block out and add in a firehouse and a police department sorry a police station don't ever worry about adding these uses they add value to your city they improve the land values and as a result they're always good to place same thing with parks so i've gone into here and clicked on my districts i want to create some districts right now they're not going to do a lot but in the future they will and what they do for now is allow me to name things and look at values of specific areas and they snap to roads so it makes it easy to paint them clicking on the right mouse button will allow you to delete the district and calm it down if you've gone beyond where you want it to be they don't need to be perfect so if you click out of there you can click on the district name rename it if you'd like so this is the highland park industrial park a little redundant and then you can define policies for this district right now we don't have a lot but we could have uh power utilization water utilization smoke detector distribution those sorts of things you gotta really pay attention to these i would really put myself in a bad spot if i had five cents upkeep per building every week same thing with water and power utilization so i'm going to avoid those if i click out of the district i can make it a city-wide policy i also want to avoid that so i'm going to extend my services out here and now we're in a good spot i believe that we've placed all of the assets available to us that's important so at this point we just need to respond to city needs and our city needs more residents and it needs more industrial so i think industrial is what we're going to focus on for a moment so you'll notice that the road was curving when i try to attach it i don't love that now a way that i can eliminate that is to eliminate that road segment and then send the road up from there i can make some my roadway connections now it's not letting me make nice connections but what i can do is click on my freeform road tool go up and bring that in at a 90. now it's nice and clean what i've done is create a really nice roadway network throughout here so i don't love lyndon way in the way that it's developing i want to maintain my grid i'll just bring that through and now it's orderly and i like it and this is also beneficial when you're planning your water system it allows you to better follow the roads which as i've mentioned is where we want our water system to go i'm gonna clean this up i want my water system to be predictable and easy to understand me in the future so there we go and i'm going to extend my grid up and we're out of money which is an issue so at this point i know that i've gone a bit too far a little extreme on my spending and that can happen when you get too into designing your railway network now generally i like to respond to the needs but i was pre-planning nothing wrong with a little bit of planning and i'm making the money back i could have taken out a loan i'm patient nothing wrong with waiting a little bit to get where you need to go now we have a nice grid and we have low demand for basically everything we've got available land that's already zoned so at this point we could wait we could also examine what we're doing we can see that our landfill utilization is good fire coverage it's okay crime rates low we're doing okay with our elementary coverage healthcare is good death care is not so good we don't have the availability to place it now so we're just kind of waiting so i'm going to speed this up again and you can see that our next milestone is already almost unlocked little padlock has a pie chart underneath it and that tells us when we're gonna reach our next milestone our next milestone is tinytown and it will unlock a number of things for us we will just sit tight a second and wait for that to unlock [Music] and there we are so this gives us landscaping parks and plazas level two unique buildings which is great some new policies it gives us canals new buildings like public libraries high schools and then all of the parks that are unlocked so this is an excellent addition to the community it also gives us some additional money to build some of these buildings which is great because we are in dire need of funding so at this point i want to go into rapid expansion mode so we're just going to continue to expand our grid and do so in a logical and orderly way now all of this land could be developed if we were to choose to do so again i am going to develop this i'm going to add in a row of commercial to buffer from some of those noxious externalities of the industrial uses and then i'm gonna add in some neighborhood activity centers little pockets of commercial pizzerias coffee shops places where you could walk to do some things it doesn't need to be perfect just needs to to work i also want to think about our parks now so we have a number of parks we have small park small playground this is one that i'd love to have next to my elementary schools we might use some eminent domain to place this next to our school fits in well the kids need a place to play there's a little playground on the school but i like a bigger one feels like it fits more so we can also place a high school and we are absolutely going to create a little bit of a campus here a school campus then we have our parks the rest of our parks buildings which we no longer have funding for and those are in multiple tabs so if you sign up for a paradox account you get the paradox plaza that's nice to have and this plaza with trees those are great in commercial areas you also get these other parks in which you have a basketball court i would love to place one of these near the school we're gonna speed this up and really get things booming so what you'll notice is that when i place these parks the color of the buildings changes and that denotes our entertainment value which directly correlates to our happiness and our land values which are low right now so let's place this and see what it does to our land value and our happiness everyone loves this what they don't love is that we don't have enough power so i don't want to build another power plant and i can't afford it but i can go in here and crank up the budget or i can also implement that policy but that might have an impact on the amount of tax collections that we have we'll just crank that up and you can see that now we our consumption is just below our production not ideal what it would be ideal would be to have 19 000 to place another power plant why don't we just do that now we'll take out a loan from the silver sunset bank we'll have to repay that over 52 weeks that's a year at a 5 interest rate we could pay that back early if we want we'll place another power plant over here we know that the solution will not impact anyone and that will give us the opportunity to zone a whole bunch we're going to take advantage so we could be really deliberate with our zoning we could go and we could say we want three here and two here and one here and four here you could do that if you want a specific type of building and you could certainly go into your landscaping tools and once these develop make unique building patterns by adding landscape in between we're not going to do that but you certainly could we also have the ability to make paths so we can make a path connection through here and allow people to walk you could even upgrade or downgrade these pads so they fit in a little bit better but i'm going to avoid that that's not what we're trying to do right now let's just keep keep developing so i'm going through and making sure that i placed all of my city services and at this point i think we have everything covered except for our public library i think i want to add one we'll add it about a block away from the high school off pearl drive which is now really turning into an important street and i want to remember that so i'm going to upgrade this one road a lot of our educational facilities are located near this road now i'm going to go into my parks again whoops and inadvertently place a basketball court rather than delete that i'm going to move it so i click on it again and i can move it over now this does not get its zoning back so i'm going to add that back in what i really wanted to do was go into my parks and see if i could place any so i have this small park here and i know that we need to improve our land values so i don't want to interrupt our roadway network so i'm going to place that away from where it would interrupt that network there we go nice connection bring this over and we've reached boom town so now we have public transit level three buildings we can unlock another area we have the ore specialization recycling recreational use highways toll booths depth care elder care and child care and an advanced wind turbine so a lot of good stuff so it'll slow us down again and i noticed that i missed the roadway connection here we're gonna live with that we're not gonna use eminent domain to fix that it's okay we do need to place death care now the moment we unlock something like this it now becomes a need so i want to extend this road up we'll go our 300 and then we'll add in death care [Music] that will serve the city well we also have elder care and child health care now this is important because if we go up to our health tab you can see that our health care is not that great 69 percent and when we look at our child care which is child health we're at 73 elder care 61. so i want to focus on the elder care to start and we'll be a little bit morbid and place them right across from the cemetery but check my water to make sure these are covered they are we are fine we'll extend our water down to our new neighborhood we know that our road's going to go here so we can extend our pipes to the end of the road now what you'll notice here is when i go into my paint bucket tool it'll go around natural features it thinks that we should preserve that rock features one thing it thinks is valuable so we'll keep it so let's speed things up again take a look at our happiness happiness is improving as are our values that's because we're placing parks so let's go and take a look at some larger parks i love this park with trees it's bigger what i like even more is this if we take a look so that is that is the asset i was thinking of we're going to use this to break up the space we'll have a unique block in here go up 300 and you might think that's really awkward the way it's sitting there well one of the nice things about these parks are that you can add on roads and make connections distance does have to be long enough and you can't go through trees but you can make connections in a strategic way and even here i want to make this but road length is my problem so i'll turn it off turn off grid and i'll keep angle on that will allow me to make that connection perfect lots of commer or some residential uses around here so we have a commercial demand that is now unmet so why don't we add some more commercial uses here and then i want to use my highways to upgrade this little two-lane chunk that we have here now this is useful for a couple of reasons first it gives a loop back around it makes a road network make more sense i like it so significant industrial demand and we are going to solve that need so let's extend this back turn all of our guides back on our water coverage is good there now we can zone all of this perfect so i'm curious about my education pipeline i want to see if we have enough elementary schools we do not all of the citizens enter the city without an education and unless you give it to them they won't have it so i'll place that here which will create some zoning issues because we took out a power line so we'll fix that up again i like to place amenities near schools why don't we have this cool bouncy castle the kids will love it put that right across the street unfortunately the kids left to walk across the street to get to it that will improve our land values and now i can actually go into land values and click on the districts they'll tell me it's actually 37 per square meter in orchard square and then chest that it's 31. a big reason for that is first of all the district's size and second of all the amenities we have available let's create some more neighborhood districts now these districts could be any size you want for illustrative purposes i am just combining them i'm making them approximately the same size so that we can compare the values between districts with services and districts without them in industrial districts now our industrial district is not worth a lot our districts that are close to services have higher land values you can see that maple heights right here which has the high school this basketball court and a library close by it's doing pretty well so our elementary coverage is still teetering we have some capacity but not much high school is fine we do not have a university even though we have eligible students we'll be able to unlock universities at a population of approximately seven thousand five hundred so we could do a couple of things here we could specialize some industry and that's certainly something that's valuable so if we wanted to do that there's something that we should do we should go to our natural resources tab when we go in here we can see where our natural resources are so you could plan your whole city around this right here we have two things going for us we have oil and forestry over here some forestry this is fertile land and we could have farms there now one thing to keep in mind is that you can create a forestry district if you wanted to you could place trees you cannot create the other districts so if we wanted an oil industry that has to go right here and this resource will deplete unless you turn unlimited ore oil on same thing with the ore that we see over here that will deplete over time and if you're running on three times speed like i am right now it'll deplete very fast so let's say we wanted to create a farming district over here we're gonna make it twice as large as our other districts just because i think that it should be longer what we're gonna do is paint a new district over here then we're going to go into our policies or our specializations rather click on that and we can select a farming industry specialization and then we paint our district and we won't get any of those polluting factories do want to back this off let's have some commercial to add a buffer so we don't get lots of pollution then we'll run water up here to ensure that everyone has adequate coverage [Music] now we can look back at our natural resources and we know this is not all covered it will still develop you'll get some other sorts of buildings outside of the fertile grounds it'll still work there'll be processing plants rather than the actual production buildings at least that's my understanding if i'm wrong let me know in the comments so i'm going to extend our main street out this point we have the funding to do it generally roads are not extended unless there's development occurring that would spur that on but we can deviate from reality we're also having some issues with water and sewage treatment and this is a major problem particularly sewage that will lead to death so we're going to add a second sewage pipe place that right on the existing water line we'll do the exact same thing with our water i do want to make sure that our power is connected we deleted some lines inadvertently and the last thing we want to do is have these disconnect we can visually inspect this to make sure it's working pouring plenty of pollution out in the water i guess that's good our water though did not connect oh that's because i placed a sewage pipe that is a devastating mistake to make so i've made this mistake i'm really hoping i don't suck the pollution out but i hope it goes downstream if i suck this up i am going to poison the citizens we're also having pop problems with our power we're going to add yet another power plant but not before we reach busy town so this gives us planning policies unique four buildings leisure and tourism the oil industry public transport policies and more roads including roads with trees it's wonderful we will take a look at those soon we're also getting an oil power plant fire station police headquarters and tropical garden and a big hospital so i'm going to slow this down place our new power plant and this is where we're going to end for the day but i do want to make sure that the city is working before we just call it you can see now we're way over producing which is fine i want to look here at our pollution you can see that the pollution is now no longer near our water so we should be okay there and if we look water and sewage is perfectly adequate our electricity is beyond adequate we could lower that if we wanted we should take a look to make sure we're not over producing we are we'll lower that back to 100 and we're in a good spot we're ending this in a place i am very comfortable city is growing well and i am happy so we are going to call this i hope that you enjoyed this series let me know in the comments if you like this series idea hit a please hit the thumbs up button if you like the video subscribe to my channel if you aren't already hit notification bell if you want to know when i release the next video in the series and all other videos i also will give a huge shout out to my patreon supporters who support me while i create this content i appreciate them and i appreciate you you like shares and subscribes help grow the channel i'm gonna leave you with a brief city tour like i always do and i'll start that right now [Music] here [Music] so [Music] so [Music] bye
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 678,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines beginners guide, cities skylines beginners guide 2021, cities skylines beginner, cities skylines beginner tips, cities skylines beginner layout, cities skylines how to start your city, cities skylines, how to start a city in cities skylines, how to play cities skylines, cities skylines beginners, cities skylines how to start a city, cities skylines tips, cities: skylines, cities skylines xbox one, Cities skylines ps4, cities skylines how to start your city 2021
Id: Iu8YwpngbzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 46sec (2806 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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