What will Pedestrians Choose: Walk? Bike? Taxi? Car? Bus? Metro? - Cities Skylines

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oh my giddy aunts uh this is getting worse and worse and worse [Music] hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer and today we're going to be working on traffic fixing mass transit pedestrian access i've got a whole list of things that i want to get done because we built this new area over here which as yet i've not named it in line with your suggestions because uh you haven't seen this video yet i'm recording in the future yes and yeah there's loads of people wanting to come over here look at all this coming in all over the place blocking this area up causing traffic and all of that now when i made this area let's just see what our traffic is at the moment about 70 yeah 73 so when i made this area i knew that access was a thing we've basically got this road here and this road here coming off of this main road with the roundabout going down to the highway so they're coming in off the highway let's have a look if they're coming in there they're swinging down there then they can come there can they actually turn around to go back up again is this counting as like a roundabout yeah so they would come down there swing back round and then join this long queue going up there so actually having a little road off of here would be a good start or they can come down oh i didn't see that little road there look there we go they can come up there they join all of this then join the roundabout then come in and then once they come into this area it's all a bit of a hodgepodge um because they're trying to get to places and it's all just getting caught up now these two spots at the top i just give way signs we may put in some dedicated traffic lines but the main thing that i think we need to do is set up our mass transit so if we have a look at our mass transit lines that we have so of course we set up the spider hub and we don't have any access right in the middle here so we've got this one here this dog leg that comes off i think we're going to run that through into here and also i'll have a little stop over here for whatever this section's going to be as well um and that's just going to help people get around i mean at the minute they'll have to get the metro from here all the way into there and back out again i'm assuming that's going to help some people um i don't want to have sort of a branch coming off of this one i'm trying to avoid that let's see how it goes anyway so it's going to have to be at one of these teeny tiny underground metro stations and i'm just trying to sort of see where the heck we can fit that in because all these buildings take up the entire road but i want it right in the middle here so i think what's going to happen is we're going to lose a tree and it's going to end up like here if we lose that oh it's going to be tight so i anarchy that in and then maybe we could move it over a touch like this okay let's turn that off and we could just line that up like that that will still work perfectly fine that looks perfectly fine and then if we just get underground with this let me go on the ground please come on i've got the thing on to go underground on and this one and that one what is going on oh it's set to above ground please work thank you it's working i didn't even notice right so i'm just going to hook that up to this one here so if we grab that yeah we're gonna keep this going out straight to say here there we go hook that into there and then we can add a root going from here all the way up past the mountain all the way into here and that's going to be that side okay and then all the way back again i'm going to come back and name all my metro routes once we've named all these new areas so now people can come from whatever this spider term was gonna end up being called and have access from over in other areas there is metro here yeah but anyway that's one way to get across so we're gonna add that um buses i'm thinking as a sort of quicker fix short-term route i mean i'm thinking ahead here as well because accessing to what is known to cedar hills at the moment everybody living in all of these other areas will want to get down here so maybe that metro is going to help future residents more than current residents so how about we do a dedicated bus that comes from the terminal so over here people are coming in by their trains they're coming in by this metro line perhaps or they're walking in from here we've got a lot of people in this area lots of high-density houses and they need to get from here over to here and they can walk they are walking lots of people are walking which is good maybe let's just make it a little bit quicker for them with a dedicated bus so where does this line go well that just goes up there yeah we're not going to mess with that oh there's actually a bus stop outside here oh i didn't realize i tell you what let's use that bus stop then there's one already there and it's not causing any problems let's change the color of that to sort of a green color there we go we'll add a new line and that is literally going to come around this roundabout and into this area right in here i would say even let's do it this way around i can see where it's coming in do i want it coming in the further point over here would be good but i think it's just going to come in where it comes in yeah we'll have it go in there we'll go straight left to outside the metro stop there we go and then back again and i think that would be there we go yeah it can turn right into there stop out there when it comes in it's going right straight in round the loop and back again yep i'm happy with that that is going to be number one let's change our list here that's going to be number 13 isn't it is it flashing i can't see if the blue line's flashing 14 that's what it's going to be so let's just change that to a whatever color that is and let's just check how many buses are going to be on that five they've only got 30 each let's leave it at five and see how that goes and we can come back and check on that so that's going to give some options which is good and then over here on our pedestrian roundabout that is being heavily used by people which is absolutely brilliant i want to make a little upgrade here and maybe a tiny little change let's use the find it mod to fi actually i can go into our paths let's go into here i'm thinking i might want to upgrade all of that so the pnb pavement plus so pedestrians and bicycles on separate lanes i'm just gonna see how that looks if we could have this view thank you very much and let's just pause the game a sec so let's upgrade a bit of that and see yeah i think that'll be better we'll come back to the height of this thing in a second so let me just upgrade all of this there we go and along here as well is that not uh oh that's just uh that's just the road isn't it this path along here okay then my understanding of the way it works with the game is you'll get a okay let's come over here back to the train station so you will get a oh there's so many people wow look at that this is fantastic i love it when it's this busy look at the crowds if you'll get somebody come out and they they want to decide their journey i mean they've already decided part of the journey to get to here and the part they're now deciding is do we take a bus do we walk do we call a taxi i suppose that's an option do we use our pocket car or do we bike and then they'll sort of there's a randomness in there as well but it will be what's the quickest the best way to get there um and if we've got paths over here like this that allow them to use their bikes imagine cycling up that imagine allow them to use their bikes i was going to say that becomes part of the equation and i think these paths sort of give more of a not a priority as such but i'm gonna sort of help people to decide in the favor of using their bikes which is good because that is uh quicker i'm just gonna set all those a little bit lower like that hopefully that's all okay all the way around yes it's more of a slope more of a slope then you get up to there that's better so we should see more people biking although unfortunately i thought this was a path down here i could upgrade it's just part of this road i mean i could let's grab that if i did this along here let's turn off road guidelines and just sort of oh that's not really wonky let's do it that way what the heck where is that thing did that end up underground somewhere it did okay well let's try that again then let's put it above ground oh there we go look so that can now go along there and i can connect there so on the end of this are we going to see some people get to here and say actually i don't want to walk i'm going to cycle and come up here instead can i move this along without messing anything up oh that's i mean they're getting on this end let's just keep an eye on this a sec i do like that though so now their calculation of distance and speed instead of it being up here oh i can jump on a bike now that sort of adds this little bit into i don't know whether anyone's going to use it let's just watch for a sec [Music] yeah there's people coming out so it's obviously connecting okay so yeah let's go with that and then i'm just thinking perhaps across the other side they're going to come down here maybe cycle over the top come down the end here and then we're back to walking again although no of course yeah we have to cycle roads don't we are these cycle roads down here on my bonehead aren't i cycle lanes so they can always come off there and go up anyway i'm going to leave it there and then when i come over here they can cycle this bit is non-cyclable but unfortunately i've got these right in here so i can't even add a thin cyclable laying down the side to get them back onto the cyclable roads although i could do that here let's do that instead let's just run it from here to there yes they've got that connection and let's just line this up a bit better well that just didn't work at all let's just do it like this we'll go like that get that right up to the edge yeah i think that'll do so now they can get onto the cycling network in the city and cycle around i think that'll be good um these can get across yeah well i don't know i might just put one more let's just grab that again one more down this side so for those that are perhaps coming up here there we go then they can cycle from here over to there let's just shift defy that over a touch line it up a bit yep i think that'll do that'll do so that's going to help the cycling uh it's going to help the metro let's have a quick look at how the metro is doing it's only been a minute or two but are we getting anybody using it no not yet i'm sure that will happen soon right so what is next on the list right so next is helping these guys and girls here to get in and out of this area quicker and i've had a couple of thoughts um i have been thinking whether to make this one way in only so they come in down this main road here they would have access to all of this they could come down to the bottom go all the way around uh where's the one to go back out again oh this one here there it is and go up and out of this one which will make this one quite busy but it's further away from the roundabout and it could just keep things moving or the other option i don't really want to put a roundabout in here is to put in a timed traffic light so let's just grab those we're just going to do a basic time traffic light and see what happens there we go uh we're going to watch this watch all this traffic down here it goes all the way up to there and just see let's do it this way there we go we get a better view and just see what difference that makes so let's just let that run for a minute [Music] hey that's pretty good um i got like i set that going and just went off to do something else came back and you know that is not too shabby um i mean it is backing up a little bit but we've got these sort of time traffic lights because this was also well i put these in last episode because it's like a in inverted commas main road crossing with a main road but i don't know whether we do need these ones because there's not that many cars coming down there so i'm actually going to stop at these ones let's go up here and we'll stop them and remove them and then what i'm going to do instead is just put give way on each side so that can just keep going through this has got give way which means these guys don't get much chance to get out are these is this long enough on this to get people out no so what i'm going to do is we'll go back to this go to this one here let's just run it again and see when this section goes so that is so we get one of the turns there we go so what is that that is step two oh man this is so small zoom in zoom in okay so we're gonna stop that we're gonna edit number two we're gonna change that to eight and 12 arbitrary made up numbers off the top of my head save start and then we'll let that run again and then hopefully this time when it gets round to number two which is now look at that it's going to get everybody out and as soon as the last car comes out it will change there we go and then this will go but it's a balance between making sure these get out enough but also it doesn't back up onto the roundabout which is what is happening now look at that up backing up backing up okay so let's stop these again actually i'm going to find out which is the this side that's going there we go that one that's number three so let's edit number three and i mean i could just put this to eight and twelve as well because it's only a minimum and a maximum um but also let's just save that i'm gonna edit two to be instead of eight and twelve put that down to 5 and 12. there's hardly any cars coming up here now once they get going properly they just don't back up as much it's barely a problem so let's turn it this way and we can see they're coming around the roundabout and they're getting stuck here so hopefully if i started that yeah here we go so this is the one for the ones coming off the roundabout i tell what we've also got is people changing lane under that bridge and this turn is quite sharp so they're not getting around very quick so oops couple of things we can do let us grab the node controller just trying to line that up there we go i'm going to make that node bigger so it's at 14 uh 15 16. i just want this to be more of a curve coming around like that rather than a sharp right angle 18 because it's got to be an even number to keep you happy let's go for that it does increase it's a hard one because it increases the distance they've got to go if we just put it back to what it was 14 15 takes a big jump let's leave it on 15. let's go with that and i'm also wondering whether to have the lane as most people are turning right is to change our lane layout so if we go back to traffic manager so normally i'd have the one that's cutting across the traffic be its own lane but actually it's hardly any people going down there so i'm going to do that and just have this for right and have the straight on over here so we've got a dedicated turning lane for the people that are doing the most stuff on the road and then also this one here i'm going to do just about see i've selected that node and we're going to use lane connector control s you go there so they don't change lane under here they pick their lane when they come in and then go straight through to where they're going so this might take a little bit of balancing so i'll tell you what i'm going to do i'm going to keep an eye on this i'm going to run it for a bit see how it goes because i mean this not getting through it now has a knock-on effect of all of this being really bad at 69 which then messes up all down here so you know as soon as you start fiddling with stuff yeah so i'll be back i'm going to run this for a little bit let's turn it around this way so we can see keep you on this note down here the roundabout down here see this is not backing up around here anymore which means these can get out a bit quicker let's just keep an eye on it for a minute or two i'm gonna do this oh my gideons uh this is getting worse and worse and worse it's like all backing up everywhere i think what's causing uh a bigger problem is these cars are coming down here oh there we go and they're all coming down to this road and then they're sort of getting stuck because when they come down here um what are these cars here doing these lanes should be one for that way and one for straight on so i've never touched these junctions that we've got here oh yeah that's a bit weird isn't it well let's change that whoops that should be where they're going which means then we want to make sure there's no hawkeye bulky lane switching in the middle pick is your lane here yeah some of those are going to just disappear because they're stuck now i want them to go down there and then they can then get onto the highway to go into the city that way these junctions look nice these sort of highway junctions look nice and but they're a little bit impractical in quite a few places then that's going to come down here and like here we've got two lanes merging into one and we've got oh man i might end up replacing this and then like this guy is trying to go around and these have to be allowed to go around like that because otherwise everybody coming from this direction can't get somewhere else i can't well i can't remember which way around this is now but it's just i had somebody sent me a picture on uh on my discord saying hey people from that direction can't get around to a one other direction it's like yeah they can because here they can sort of switch around but it causes all of these issues these guys here shouldn't be doing that you've got a lane each don't miss a stupid look pick your lane back here there's a node here pick your lane then stick in your lane don't get in each other's way up here this needs to be it's we don't want right there do we because if they're gonna go right they can take this one down here and not even go up that one so that is gonna be literally you'll go in there because this is going to be yeah they need to turn around and then these are going to merge right okay we're going to do a bit of lane mathematics here highway i want a two-lane highway let's just pause a sec not that one this one uh let's just grab that road there and put that back to what it was yeah so these two here although it's a bit annoying because even though there's two lanes they're still gonna have to cross over because some are going to come around and some are going to go straight on but that might help a little bit i'm also going to add it to there so if some are going straight on and round yeah what i'm going to do is i'm going to do this that lane there is only for there so they come up here and they want to take that one they can take that and go and that just keeps this moving this is almost like a mini roundabout isn't it which is a bit of a pain but there we go and then what i'm going to do is do this one here and this could really do with being an asymmetric road a nice small asymmetric two and three two and one like that don't have an asymmetric highway road do we we do of course we do that one there like that there we go there we go there we go so now what we've got is this one again is dedicated to go in there and that one is dedicated to go in there this one is only coming up here because if they want to go round they'll do that one this one is only going down there because if not they're going to go to here and already this is cleared up look we're not being stupid with the the road placement this is still a bit hawkey bulky this should be a roundabout i'm going to at some point change that to be around about but for now and that means these can keep going so now all we've got is these guys under here merging in so we need to do something with that okay so we're getting there i mean the biggest issue is this coming down here and it stops over here i mean what i could do is upgrade this going back say to there just so they can stack up um too wide depending on where they want to go so if we do all the way back to here then when they come through this node they can pick uh which lane they're going into uh i want that so they can pick either there or there i don't need to do that with the lines but i'm gonna do it anyway um so that might just help stack them into here a bit and then of course they've been stopped by the train which is a bit of a pain um i'm just wondering whether like this yeah we could do this as well straight across there so if that's the lane they're in they're not wasting time changing lanes so that time there for the barriers to go up and down adds time doesn't it to the whole thing um and also that's a very sharp turn to get into there i mean these are all sort of micro changes that are so small if we move that back a bit there so it looks a bit better so that micro change might help them get through there a bit quicker there no horkey bulky lane switching means they're going to back up a stack up i should say so those that don't need that lane will stack up this side the other ones will go there this turning around i hate it we're going to change that but at the minute this is just slow coming in and out of here um and that is just the way that works is that something we could do with the let me get ones that appear right in the middle of the road what are they doing oh i know what i could do here just looking at this and thinking is there something i could do with a spawn point mod because this has been changed we now have other options on here as well as cargo train which is over there oh it must be the beta version gives you access to the cargo options oh that's a shame i was going to see if i could move the engine in the air although the in the out isn't really getting in each other's way is it it's just really slow actually do you know what now i've done that look ignore this but this isn't backing up now which means this isn't backing up which means this moves which means this isn't backing up so much forget that let's come back into this one so i tell you what might be the final fix is this here and turning this into a roundabout just to keep all of these going because this is a bit of a disaster isn't it right let's do some upgrades here okay so i'm going to start by deleting all these other extra roads that we've got in here and i'm going to delete all of that we might end up keeping a bypass but we just need the space for now so let's get rid of that let's get rid of that just looking at what's going on here yeah just normal sized roads okay um yeah that'll do i think that should give us enough space unfortunately we're gonna lose all these lovely trees and things uh how about we do actually do you know what let's just leave it all on bonk there we go if we grab all of those and we can move them down here out the way maybe we can use them in something in the future okay so let's grab one of these roads here and i want to just sort of try and get something in the middle to try and work out what's going on and that one's going to end up coming in straight so let's just go please don't jump to that let's just use move it mod get that semi lined up with that yep that will do back to this road here connect those up yep just get a rough idea yeah that will do excellent and then we've got this road here so sort of in the middle of those is about there which is good and then that ends up going wait stop clipping into there yeah i think that would do oh we've got some more plants and things up here let's grab those right and then back to our road so this is going to be the sort of the center here coming up that way and going that way excellent there we go that'll be perfectly fine yeah very good okay so let's get our roundabout builder on uh what do we want we want a three-lane road so one of these with no parking would be okay we could even use the highway road did you know what i'm gonna grab the three-lane uh four-lane highway three-lane highway this one here and we're gonna do that so let's just grab that again highway yeah excellent what do you reckon a little bit bigger it's gonna be busy so i'm gonna say that size should be good yeah we'll go with that and then what i'm going to do is use that road again oh where are we there we go and we're just going to connect all of these up excellent so we don't start messing around with the shape of the roundabout once we start working on the rest of this it should be a little something under here unless it's disappeared i think it's just deleted that one okay fine let's do that so this one up here let's grab that we may change what type of roads these are as we go along afterwards but for now that's going to go straight into there um yeah we'll just use the we'll just use the roads we've got yeah what i could actually do to make this work better if i grab this wall road if i bring that straight out here i could just go straight out 10 yeah let's try to actually line this up properly rather than eyeballing it and having to mess around with the movement mod afterwards which is normally what i might do i'm gonna grab that so we're gonna go in the middle there and just connect straight to there and the same with that one and we'll go there and we'll go see that one ends up being straight which is weird why does that one not curve like these ones if all the measurements were the same all the other ones curve but that one doesn't which i don't know why okay we'll do it like that right so what i want to try and do is keep the sort of lane mathematics going that we've got here so we've got two and one um so we do need some sort of asymmetric road like this one which would be fantastic so if we just start that there somewhere actually we'll go from here and we'll go straight out like that and then this side we've got two and two okay so that would just be a normal four-lane highway so we could just bring that out to there and then we can just connect these up and then there's probably going to be a ton of finagling with the uh movement mod because that is always the way and then we'll do that one to there there we go that wasn't too bad so let's grab that like that and we may should we just upgrade this side to that and then it changes when it gets over there to me that probably makes a little more sense excellent okay and then that's gonna go the other way around let's just turn this one round there we go uh one going in two going out so what we would do here is grab some hugo there like a sue and then also here oh yeah we've got these extra rows haven't we let's delete that let's delete all of this let's delete that let's delete that so what's going to happen is oh yeah that's a two down to one hang on which way oh i haven't turned the rows the right way around wound the right way around it was what i was trying to say so that's coming in this one's going out there we go so that one only needs to be a one lane coming down there so that literally could be that we might uh end up changing this yeah and this one's going the wrong way isn't it there we go get my brain and get we might end up changing this road depending on how it goes let's just go with that for now let's just go with that for now i can foresee after i've had a cup of tea and some lunch i'm going to be changing this a bit okay so i've just used the move it mod to straighten these out that's a lot better now when it comes off the roundabout that's nice and straight to get down there a bit of a turn to come this way let's just quickly look at the node controller if we can help here that looks a bit better doesn't it and this one over here is probably okay that one goes straight through so that's all right and this one here um yeah i'm gonna just do you know what i'm gonna do actually no what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna delete that road there and we're gonna separate these so what have we got coming down here we've got this one that goes both ways and that one that goes one way so yeah that was the asymmetric road that we had before so let's just grab that and join that up again uh there we go if we turn on snap into the node if you'd be so kind thank you very much and then i'm just wondering if we could then split that so that's two out and one in so that's sort of similar to this isn't it so if we grab that there unfortunately the node that that would grab to is super close to this one so i'm going to go like come on there we go like that for that one there and then we're going to grab that one there and go in to there so maybe not as smooth as these ones but i think that would work fine so if we do that to and then this is going to change down here so don't worry about that there we go they've all got lanes they've all got lanes and this needs to be a two lane oh lane mathematics i tell you what you know some days it works perfectly fine in your brain other times it makes your brain go well that is not what we want okay what we've got going on here yeah so this needs to be a one doesn't it i thought i did that before i'm just a little bit confused i've obviously got one road wrong somewhere because when you do this it should do that yay so one lane coming off going into one lane going into one lane all the way up then these two coming down so that red and the blue line still two lanes all the way up to the roundabout that is uh so good i'm gonna have a super tuned celebration of my brain yay brain um and then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna grab this one here and i'm going to do the control shift and click on there right so what that's done is if i just hover over so you can see all the ones coming on i've got give way signs now which is good all the nodes in between i've got hugo throughs so straight on straight on straight on it's done in all the side modes as well which is great if it needed them but what it does mean is when they come on at this node they pick their lane and then at the next node they can change it if they wish so they will only move over at the nodes it's just a good way of it working um it's all 100 mile an hour it's pretty quick for a roundabout but do you know what i think this is going to work much much better so this traffic up here we're looking at this all backing up once it all gets going oh hang on a sec okay we've got a little thing going on here let's just double check got no weird stop signs i think what it is is nodes just being close together no we've got no weird stop sign so what we can do is say do not stop i want you to go through there and there and there's also that node there i want you to go through go through and go through i think that was that one there yeah and i'm going to do the same over here just want to keep everybody moving don't stop until you get enough there we go and that should there we go look they're moving down that should keep going this should stay clear look at i love it when they come on they pick their lane they go round this is all clear now and if you look up here this is clearing up which means now that this isn't so busy this should start clearing up there we go look that's not backing up onto there anymore these are all going down they're getting through so this is the only uh we'll come back to that that's the only sort of thing in my mind that might cause an issue look at that so much better another that none of that hawkeyborg switching lanes that didn't work a roundabout comes in clutch for the win and then all we've got down here is this then being a sort of problem yeah what they're doing here again is they're changing lanes right in the middle of that which you don't want so if you go you go where you go there yeah okay there we go that's fine so they pick their lanes here so this guy if he's going up goes up this guy is going straight on and then there we go thank you for the example what's your name you get a gold star sport's got emma thank you emma for your able assistance there and then they come over to here to this one and they pick the lanes there and it all just moves it all just goes excellent so that's clear this is clear this is clear this is clear this down here was the other bit i may have to just adjust the timing on these traffic lights this one's okay i think the lights are about to change yeah so what i want to see is is it long enough to get these people out because they're still backing up all the way down here okay there they go okay this one's going i feel like i need i feel like i need right i'll tell you what i'm going to do here i don't know where this is normal message automatically change the lights or not but we'll see if it does is this here i'm going to say no straight over if you want to go straight over you can go left round around about and back in another way over here or back down the other road and i'm wondering whether to do the same on this one although it isn't as busy so you can go left round around about and back and then i'm gonna do the same over here you don't uh this one here you don't go straight over it's just left and right if you want to go over the top you've got these dedicated roads for going over the top if you want to get onto this main road you just go left and right like that and i'm hoping that that's automatically adjusted the light i don't think it has so what i'm going to do i know this is going to mess up all of my workings out i'm going to stop that i'm going to remove it and then i'm going to control click and pop in the new one oh it might have actually done it done well now that we've sorted out the other traffic problems let's just do it like that that might have actually now be that might now be okay on defaults without me adjusting all the settings like we did before so let's just run that for a minute what i'm keeping my eye on is this lane down here whether it starts backing up onto the highway beg your pardon onto the roundabout which it is but we'll just give it a couple of iterations and this one down here whether it starts backing up past i mean ideally not past this junction would be good see that one all gets out almost if not i'll adjust it a bit and then i'll just come back to you that'll probably be the best thing okay i think i fixed it what i've done is i've made this one way coming in and then over here this is one way going out but also i've given it a dedicated right-hand turn so whatever iteration the lights are on it always turns right and that is the busiest one because of people wanting to come into this area so if that's free that means the roundabout's free which means this road's free when it's going up in that direction towards the roundabout and everything else is working okay what are we up to 81 percent that is pretty darn good i'm just hoping the rest of this doesn't get caught up and that should be going yeah it's okay it's fine i think i'm pleased with that we might do a little bit of tweaking but for now that is doing okay so let's maybe just take a quick look at the mass transit routes that we put in here to get across so all of these people here i know are waiting on this new line that we put in um and yeah there's absolutely loads so we've got this stop over here in our new area it's got 219 people we've got the one over here by our main stop has got 600 and then we've got oh that is just the two stops isn't it yeah that's that shuttle bus going backwards and forwards so there's so many people there and these buses only take 30 each so i'm sort of thinking we need to either upgrade the route to go from one to the other delete it so they walk or i don't know i mean the other thing is a lot of those people could be using cars they would have used cars but now they're just waiting at a bus stop instead um we can see where they will go in if we zoom out look they're all heading over here know taking my own advice from a previous episode i would then say they actually need a better transport option to get from one to the other so i tell you what i'm gonna do i'm gonna slightly change because if we look at the metro and let's spin it around this way so if you look at our metro that green line we put in no that's this one uh here green line six no passengers at all um going from here to over here then they don't want to come over this far and then switch and then come down and even though that's not the point that this spider junction was wasn't there to get people from here to here obviously um but what i am going to do is i'm going to change our little metro configuration and by the way thank you to the couple of people that told me about using node controller on the nodes here for the metro that's nice and sloped yeah i am going to add a slight adjustment to our metro line so instead of it just going straight to the spider hub in this case because there's so many people that are moving around i'm gonna see if do we go to tunnel and go to that one we can adjust somehow get this one to line up with there just to go backwards and forwards that's all i want yeah there we go took a bit of messing around to get that working i think we're okay so if i create a new line from there to in here yeah it's gonna take another stop and then back down to here again i think we're gonna see most of those people waiting at the bus stops instead coming in here to use our metro line that's line seven isn't it so let's just change that color a little bit there we go so we can see it so if we just give that a few minutes and i expect to see these numbers increase drastically and the numbers outside here decrease a lot so let's just give that a minute or two oh there we go it's a mass stampede i needed to delete the bus line to get them to rethink their options and they're now all going up here look we can see them they've all decided to get the metro instead whoa can we get in there and see look at the queues which is great i will put that bus stop back again but for now they're all now waiting for the metro can you cram yourselves on excellent oh wow and there we go we look at the figures on our metro line 370 waiting where's this yeah in the middle over here and then over this way it's 510 so yeah most definitely we need to up the amount of um metro on here so we've got one two three is the most we can get really yeah and they're instantly full to the brim [Music] yeah and i'll just let you know because i know there'll be a thousand comments about it i've just moved the stop over onto this side so it doesn't get in the way of the other lines that we've got as well so they've all got their own stop on their own line whoa which is fantastic let's take a peek in there see how it's going there we go let's move back a bit oh and up a bit there we go excellent so they'll cue in for that orange train here there we go that's just coming in oh look at that barely a few minutes later those three super fast metros are keeping on top of this absolutely no problem at all yay so let's check the traffic 82 which is great so this is all moving up here in and out no problem at all the roundabout is clear it's not backing up down there this connecting road this is fine i did sort of think about a mini roundabout here but no it's fine it's all going well at this junction that we upgraded perfectly good i didn't put this bypass on him in the end but we don't sort of need it do we it's working fine and then down here this is all cleared up as well i am really really pleased with the way that turned out what do you reckon let me know in the comments below thank you very very much for watching all of your suggestions all of your feedback i absolutely love it so keep it coming and we are going to be expanding in the next episode even more so be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on that and have a great day take care everybody bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 157,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines how to start your city, cities skylines bridges and piers, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines megalopolis, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, Metro Hub
Id: Amsa4_jZqMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 16sec (2596 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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