Extreme Cargo Traffic that made me want to QUIT Cities Skylines...!

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no no I learned enough I'm not doing anything that's it I can't take any more welcome back to another fictional city with me biffer where we take traffic like this and just make it disappear with a few simple tweaks and tips you can get your city running and lots of you leaving comments like which you can come and fix my city I live in Alberta I live in Wyoming I think that would be fantastic I'm not sure whether the sort of tweaks that I do would work in your life knock down these office blocks thinking around about but anyway we're here we've got lots of traffic in here this city was sent in by Louis ball and he says the traffic's not terrible but it backs up a lot on the highways in certain areas as you can see and I'm pretty sure if I just left this city running it would just keep backing up and backing up and backing out and backing up so let's get to the bottom of the problem we've got some issues here so this is backing up already and if we follow this back it's affecting this Junction in both directions so already all the way out of the city what are we at by the way traffic wise 56% and only getting worse and then it's backing up this way yeah so we need you to get these guys and moving in here into this industrial area and you've got the out and you've got the inner chips what do you know what I would do I mean I thought I would put the roundabout in there but actually I'm gonna change that I'm not gonna do a roundabout how about that I am gonna say that these guys here just need to keep moving come on can you let me click that down little red thing let's pause the game there we go I can't see what I've got it or not we're just gonna get these guys going and say you can only go this way it's small but it's three lanes that's all we want three lane three lane yeah we'll see how that goes whether we get many people going that way so you're gonna go straight on which is obvious because there's no way for you to turn so that gets that moving in Oh what excuse me you come on now come on now people you can sort yourself there we go so that's just gonna keep on moving that's gonna stop this doing all of that malarkey three lanes coming in each way let's just leave that that doesn't look like this is going to be as busy but it's just going to mean just gonna keep moving and then we'll get this Junction restrictions tall and say just keep moving just keep moving there we go just keep swimming just keep swimming and then what would do also we're gonna say stop lane switching there and they're just so things keep moving and I'm gonna say there as well and and what we're gonna find that as that traffic goes through this isn't gonna be so much of a problem I'll come back to this area because things like this with the lane merging free lane plus one lane and all that sort of thing we'll see how that goes once that has all gone down so there we go look that's all moving in and then they can spread out you've got all these nice big road sets and they can spread out everywhere so that's good let's just do a little teeny bit of maintenance on your roundabout so some roundabouts maintenance that we like to do we want people coming onto the roundabout to give way that is always the best way to do your roundabouts you also mentioned about train lines which we'll get to in a moment we want the people on the roundabout to keep going through the junction there we go excellent let's have a quick look at this one here got lots of park cars park cars always end up looking like traffic but they're not try think of course there we go unless they're parking in the middle of the load then bar cars can be traffic that goes straight through not that one there we go that will leave that's those two roundabouts you've got this one here which too busy I mean I do this is sort of preventative measures just in case at any point in the future this gets super busy you'll be thanking me yeah will do that's not too bad what else have we got here we go a nice busy roundabout so where are these guys going or they're coming down this way okay so basically it is this roundabout this court in an issue and then it's backing up on the highway right let's let's sort this out so this is where you'll see a good example of traffic fixing itself just when you say can you just give why when you come onto a roundabout I'm assuming that's going up yep that's fine and then only allowing those on the roundabout there we go so that means they can go straight through this Junction here because that's a junction that means they can't so it lets the ones on the roundabout keep moving like that let the ones on the roundabout but not those if it's a very small roundabout but not too busy I'll put both on but in this case we're just gonna do that one there we go and that now if we just speed things up a bit he's gonna start allowing people to come down people to move just watching this Lane here most of those are pulling off I mean you've got something like this which isn't good you don't want a junction we don't need that gel machine you've got that one there and that one there just want to keep this moving keep it moving keep it moving let's just see how it goes look at that cleared up already that is brilliant and then this will start clearing up because things will keep moving and that should be okay what I'm also gonna just do because this is so busy with all of this coming down here this third step on a roundabout you don't always have to do but again you can see the lanes here we've got one for lights and this one for straight on and right so I'm going to make that straight on so anybody coming up here is gonna pick their lane and it's giving twice as much opportunity as those turning right just to keep on going and it doesn't block the traffic where else could they go they could just come round the back and keep on going you know what I'm gonna take that out and take that out you just don't need it they can go up here and join me on the back to get to where they want to go that's better keep it flowing keep it flowing that's what we want yep what are we at 49% it's got worse good that's what we want to see let's have a look at these roundabouts up here that was sarcasm by the way I'm British you'll get lots of sarcasm auntie autosave stupid see oh there we go so quite often with these fixes I mean you'll see like we did this one down here immediately the fix is freed up that roundabout but like the first fix we did there's so much traffic that you just need to let the game run a bit let it breathe is what I say there we go and let that one flew did I do that one there as well no we didn't give why let's do the same on here yeah let it breathe let the cars move let them change where they're gonna go think about what they're doing pick their routes not that one I'll do that one and that one ah nope this one here through the junction and that one there a lot of trucks going into here I'm just wondering where we can add a slip road like from here down into there just to bypass that little roundabout I bet we can or they look at that while we've been talking it's like cleared straight up maybe we don't even have to it's cleared up I'm not even gonna bother I'm not gonna bother why okay let's help these guys down here there's a lot of hokey-pokey Lane switching going on yeah let's do that so if we grab our four-lane highway now that people say about this I don't know how many times I'll tell you what I'm gonna do and then we'll we'll talk about it so if I do that you'll notice now it automatically gives you a lane off here and then the other three lanes straight on and then I always have another one in behind just to give a clear breathing space and I'll say don't Lane switch in between there we go by pressing shift S on that load and they can lane switch here as they come from the three to the four they can decide where to go and look at that immediately that's moving over here this is where we don't have let's see where that's also happening oh my goodness me oh my goodness me oh my goodness me why is that ah here we go so all of these guys look at that we just followed that from all the way up over there because of that same issue we've got people all in this Lane that want to go straight on but look they're all taking that Lane some are going left some are going straight on and it's such an easy fix bash and bash for lanes don't forget the no switch in between it's just a personal thing so straight away the game is like one lane for turning three lanes are straight on and your start notices in let's speed up the game that more of these guys are gonna start diving down here now and taking that Lane but once that clears that's gonna clear all of that and just get the movies you know I'm gonna do four lanes a little bit further back because there's so much traffic no switching no switching and just so there are hundred percent clear in there yes straight through that's fine and look at that clearing up moving already this is a better example yeah so we've got the anyway people say make the little middle bit two lanes instead of going for but that to me is just the way you would do it in your life we know going down a motorway like that it doesn't suddenly go from three lanes to two lanes you've got the three lane part of your highway just carries on you always get an extra little slip plane now I'm talking about in the UK I've done all my driving in the UK I've driven once in Italy we won't even talk about that that was just a nightmare but you always get an extra slip plane that comes off and that is just the easiest way in the game to do it buying a couple of four-lane sections in it gives you that extra Lane you could if you wanted to use one of these like a highway ramp you know then you could bring that down and add in oh it just it's just so much harder you just don't need that in your life it's just banging the four lanes and you're done let's just check what's going on here look the same the same going down there there I guarantee there's guys in this Lane here that want to go straight on and calm because of the hokey-pokey hey I let's give them some options that will probably be enough we'll do that and look at that this bit here freeing up already freeing up three and out that's not gonna be traffic anymore why where is this all going so they were whacking each other and they were all coming down to this roundabout well let's have a look at this you've got typical situation where you've got loads of traffic coming in and hitting junctions straightaway and everybody's like wow these are waiting at the traffic lights I don't know what those guys are doing let's just work through this step by step so we're gonna do the roundabout stuff first people coming on give way then we're gonna say if you're on the roundabouts you can continue straight on I'm gonna do it a lane management we've got the same thing here we've got tons of traffic coming down so that is two lanes for going around the roundabout one lane for going off so look see some of these are going straight on some are going lie so we're gonna say we can do in that Lane is straight on use this one the lights yeah so we do the same they're one-off light to straight on and then probably the same here's where one off lights to straight on there we go that just unbunch is the traffic a bit that's starting to move we're gonna stop all of these from crossing each other just to get the traffic to move in you've got plenty of roads if people want to get around different places they can go different ways so we're gonna say you can only hear that way so any traffic coming in can come in only leave this direction so these guys can go in stop it now and let that guide turn around and gave up let me just rescind what I just did and say straight on straight on straight on that's it so if you guys want to go straight on that's fine you can come off and go through there you can come up there you know any other ones is going in yeah that's it so nobody gets in each other's way and if anybody wants to leave they can just go around and come up this way so that will start clearing itself up and I'm gonna do the same here let's just have a look plenty of rows going on here there we go so nobody crosses over and anybody coming down here that wants to come up here so we do we'll do that and then just Junction here just so they're not feeling too bad about things we're gonna say anyone coming down here can do a you sir Oh going like that guy there wit and he can come straight back again and join this traffic coming out and that should keep that I'll move in these will keep moving right we've got some lane merging and going off over here which is holding stuff up or lane for lane we're gonna go all the way along so we've got the one laying off and the rest going on excellent do I want to stop lane switching in the middle because you've got this Lane here I'm gonna say no Lane switch in there yeah and hopefully that'll be enough hopefully that'll be enough and then wherever these guys all go in these are getting down here so we're sort of getting to the point of being gridlocked oh my goodness me it's absolutely got terrible what all this is moving up here okay isn't it right let me just take a minute to have a little think that's moving nice look that one we messed up over there hopefully he's gonna get better I bet okay we have a guess what do you reckon the traffic is at now if I do this do you won't see you but you'll see how read it all is it's all that put your guesses in the comments below I'm reckoning a 32% let's have a look 28% to write like this London for a bit and hopefully the snarl apps will disappear and we can start getting things moving another little section here coming form your cargo train station down into your industry where it's one of these little junctions you know what instead of putting in I'm gonna put a roundabout in here because you haven't done one today let's stick in a roundabout we are gonna use the highway row three lane highway there we go excellent and then just double double check your traffic manager stuff is set up it should be is that tree right in the middle there let's delete that tree cool good what is this guy doing here he's like no no I learned enough I'm not doing anything that's it I can't take any more yes let's just check this so yeah give Y give Y give Y and then don't forget those already on can go those already on can go and those already on can go and that'll just get those moving in and we'll just get that one going look and that starts clearing up already and that's gonna clear out all of this which is stopping all of that which is stopping all of this one if you got going on here okay and then you've got that coming out I can see what you're doing I mean this might be okay once this starts moving so I'm gonna just leave that but look look moving moving keep on moving that is fantastic and then we should be outside this little slip laying in here no I want to get it away from the junction as much as possible let's do that there we go so it's not them sitting there left I mean so I only turn him lights that's good hopefully this doesn't get in the way of these guys coming on we'll sort of see two and three yeah that's the one we want do that there we go so it's three lanes there two lanes coming in and then adds on to that one lane and then they don't have to start so we move the traffic lights there we go and say you can keep going you can keep going you can keep going and what we'll do as well which will just say that you go there you go there and you go there that's fine and I'll just keep flowing through and hopefully we'll get some people taking that yeah we've got a lane coming off there I'm just just find in so many spots we're just adding in a four-lane road and stopping people turning off it's making all the difference look all these cars now diving up lay on the outside saying yeah we don't want to come off here we want to go straight on say right straight on straight on straight on I think that's because this is a two-lane road going down here which that really doesn't help it doesn't it makes no difference I've been a two-lane one down there let's change that to one lane to Lane one lane yeah you don't need two lanes coming off so now we've got one lane coming off three lane going on that's one lane and that's hitting this so I mean look it's just a perfect example there of just one little slip lane like that and then we just going to use the move it more just to make that a bit more so they can now come off there or go straight on and in fact just to encourage that we're gonna say you come off you go straight onto there or there I want to leave this as four lane because it's leading into that other section there we go and then when you get down here you can go left or right and that might just keep things moving a bit better are all of these right okay it's just something else to check all of these cars wanting to turn right trucks cars whatever supply that vehicles there's just none on here there's just none it's all trucks but yeah most of them are just wanting to come up here to this so that tells me we need we need another cargo depot down here and you did mention about wanting to do something with your trains so all of these trucks all of these trucks there we go all of the trucks come in from this area and from this area so we could have a little cog and we've got around about right there just waiting to be used so let me set up a little cargo thing why here and hopefully deal with most of this traffic that's coming up here okay little bit of jiggery-pokery to fit this in because I didn't want to buy any more squares for you because it looks like you're not using any mods to get squares I didn't want to just waste there we go why is the square just to fit this in so I just had to move this roundabout up a little bit and I put this one way roads coming round here so they can go in and come out and I'm hoping that some of these trucks are gonna change their destination and start coming in here that's like it's just a little two-way road from going in and out we don't want these to go straight on actually so let's just say no all you can do is go out all you can do is come in and then you just keep on moving when you get into this one keep on moving keep on moving here we go they're gonna start coming in and I've done a nice little extra bit of space here so if a lot of trucks start using this one then yeah there's space for them let me run this a bit and see what happens with these guys right well this is definitely being used there's a lot of trucks on here we might need to add a bit more of a buffer but that's fine and I'm just adding giveaways on here so this main road can keep shifting along go in the other direction and we're just gonna say carry on through and then as you saw perhaps I put a little time lapse in there I've just slightly changed you want other cargo terminal there we go keep going so the cars coming up here there we go look it's not as bad as it was before I did put this little slip lane in here they want to come off you've used the toll road here that's got the four lanes so three lanes plus the one lane into four and then I've given a bit of breathing space four lanes each way then back into three so look that is totally clear now that it's not backing up like it was before and then we've got this here again I might just add a little bit more of a runoff to give these guys some space so they're not blocking up this because soon you're gonna expand this area I would maybe keep this area separate from this area so don't have these rows going back in keep that separate you've got your main highway and then if these guys want access to a cargo term and old bash you've got your train line right there stick one in there there we go that's it just a nice long road just to soak up all that traffic that's coming up here which is good keep things moving on your main routes through and down here as well again we're just soaking up some of the space if you want you to move this University you'd have a bit more room there but we've got a nice long out road going up there I mean I might just and just hit that little Junction there there's plenty of space there and then also what we can do is say if you want to go up there you can do that and see how that goes and we could even just then change that into two lanes so they've got the choice and it would move a lot quicker that might be an idea although I probably haven't left enough room oh yeah we had there we go just change that into two lanes as far as we can there we go so when they're coming out immediately they can choose where they're gonna go yeah maybe just split that up a bit and see how that goes there we go that's clearing up nicely there we've got a little roundabout here and one there it could make it into one big oval roundabout but it's fine as it is and that's clear that up nicely we're up to 51% and growing so I'm just gonna let this continue running and see how things are going again I keep coming across these little hotspots where you've got three lanes with the lane going off every time I've done quite a few of these I haven't put them all on the camera but I keep changing those to the four lane just so things can keep moving smoothly so I'm not going to show you every time I do one of those but yeah I am doing it a lot every time there's a backup like that I don't know some people ask look vehicle D spawning is turned off you have to click that to enable the dis morning so that's going well yeah that's going fine this is good what do we ask 50 - it's going up that's fine that's fine I think if you just need to let the game to run a bit and it's gonna be fine and this one here what have we got going on here we've got traffic lights okay we didn't look at this roundabout maybe did I put those traffic lights on by mistake no there we go let's do that let's do that I think we're nearly there folks I think we are nearly there so they can go through they can go through you can go through not you but you you can go through not you there we go keep that one moving right let's just start from the top of the city and look through so okay white coming down here still backing up those two junctions are far too close to each other so this through you can tell when it gets bad they just start driving over the top of shale so everyone's coming down this lane here let's follow it along they're spreading out a bit but then they're coming on this outside lane then they're all spreading out but then they're coming on this outside lane and then they're doing the hokey-pokey lane switch here which I don't know why oh it's these guys coming out isn't it yes that's what we're gonna say yes we're gonna say let's upgrade you to that and use that we've gotten off lane we've got an unlocked lamp and just to give them the room to come on we're gonna say you just go there you go there you go there you go there Thank You Hugo that's going straight off I hate it when they do that I know what's gonna happen I'm gonna say don't do it and there's gonna do it somewhere else so this guy comes down there goes there and then he's stuck going off which is not what I want I suppose it's these guys I've got a lane switch somewhere I'll tell you what I'm gonna say is you can only lane switch once to there and then you can go straight on and then you can do something else down there and then that's not too bad well like these outside lane guys I suppose they've got to do it effort they they've got to cut all the way across but yeah that's moving now look this is moving what I've got going on here we've got the silly four lane thing again okay I'm gonna go around the city carry on doing a bit of this on the highways and I'll be back with you what are we at 52% well after all that work things have finally cleared up on the highway we are at let us have a look 72% and it's going out that is just fantastic for some reason there's just an ordinate amount of traffic that comes in from this direction up here so another suggestion would be to have a passenger train station in here and just run a line through your city but lots of space and run it through here run it down alongside your highway you can have one come up here and drop some passengers one come over here and just keep it separate from everything else all your other cargo train lines and all that sort of thing and that will just stop this huge amount of traffic that comes in because it does but I've just sort of smoothed out some of your loads as well which were bit bent like this here this slows down traffic so we just sort of get that bring it in get that bring it in make it more into a curve there we go excellent the same over here just keeps the traffic moving nicely and not everybody happen to slam on the brakes to get around the corner and things are moving very well I'm really pleased that's taken a lot of work but I think that's gone very well we're back to growing again so you're soon hit fifty thousand population you had unlimited money on anyway so we don't need to worry about that but yeah there we go would you like me to take a look at your city take a look at the pin post below all the items in a description you can find it in there telling you how to put one of your cities in to be fixed thank you very much for watching check out the next video on the screen and I will see all you guys and girls very very soon take care bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 1,465,613
Rating: 4.830307 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, biffa2001, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, cities, skylines, cities skylines traffic management, how to fix traffic, cities skylines meteor, cities skylines tornado, cities skylines tsunami, city planner, cities skylines, cities skylines tutorial
Id: Q5DhoaVeh0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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