I Created a Nightmare Junction Mess in Cities Skylines Then Fixed It!

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please get the middle of the road he's just like nope this is my right to cross i'm gonna stop i'm gonna stand here what a bonehead watch out hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines fix my city with me biffer we're going back and fixing my old cities and this is beef shireton and this city was built um when the after dark dlc was released we've already started doing one fix on this city we did a lot of traffic fixing we took a look at the trains and there's still a lot to do and i like this city this is i think i've started to get good at city building at this point my first city was a bit oh my goodness me my second one was like okay i can see where we going this one we're trying to be a little bit more adventurous and i like the way that it's all set out i don't think i looked at this last time oh jump game jumpy game annoying jumpy game look at this with all these um all these cargo things set out here this is looking really cool we've got these double train lines coming in unusual to see cargo train terminals back to back like this and then both actually being used which is really good so anyway traffic is still an issue um in certain places in the city it's 57 we did actually get up to around about sort of sixty percent i'm wondering whether for some reason my traffic manager has been adjusted let's just quickly check that so simulation accuracy high advanced ai and that yeah that's normally what i would have it on so there's maybe some other things along here that need fixed i'm just looking at all this look they're using all the lanes and then it gets buffeted down to like three lanes if you're lucky and then there's all these roads going off wow i tell you what isn't going to help here if we just take a quick look at this definitely dedicated turning lanes off there uh we'll come back to that bit the other side in a minute definitely dedicated turning lanes there and there i'm not gonna bother with the lane mathematics that guy was like i'm gonna go up there no i'm not gonna go up there and then like this here what is going on yeah okay let's just do a bit of lame mathematics here so one lane coming off and we're gonna keep it at one lane i don't know why i've gone up to two and this one down here comes down here so we're gonna make that one lane so now we've only got one layer and one lane into two lanes that just makes that so much easier to get this onto here and look at them all lane changing right before there and then these guys can't get out which is basically then causing this huge mess over here i'm also going to change that to this one and give a dedicated turning lane off there there we go and i'd like them to pick their lane here when they come through and then they can pick their lane again at the other end and not do all this hawky bulky lane switching in the middle so we're going to say no lane switching for you who go there for you you go there for you and hugo there for you and then when they come through this node it's automatic but i always like to check uh pick a lane so now when they come down here the only other thing we need to do yes it's going to be hard to get these to have separate lanes to merge in here and still be able to come off oh look i can see a problem here there's two lanes going off here which is narrowing all of this down we only need one lane going off this road's massive i don't know where this three-lane one goes under here it just see i'm just saying how good i am at city building and i see things like this three lane underground crossroad what that just doesn't need to be that big do i yes i do i'm going to put it down to two lanes come on that one didn't actually don't you change one of these roads i don't think so that one that one that only needs to be that and then you've got a left and a right at the end it could actually be three lanes at the end i'll tell you why because there's a left uh no there's this is one way isn't it so there is only a left and a straight on so back to two lanes there we go and then this one down here has only got one lane coming off we need to do the same for this one uh that one there so we'll say you go on you go off and then where does this one go so this one goes along here along here along oh keep spotting these there we go along here along here and it joins up here so yeah that could be that could be two lanes at the end because it's got two different ways to go there we go and i'll give it the dedicated turning lanes but then the rest of it could be one lane you know it's basically a glorified slip lane oh here we go so yeah let's just get that one there all the way down here all the way down here and then all the way off and then suddenly this becomes more manageable one laying off one lid off and then the only problem we've got here is this bit which wouldn't normally be an issue but because this is so close i'm just wondering whether we could yeah do you know what we could do okay let's just stop this we're gonna delete that and that and that and we're going to have it split off of here instead so we do pick a picker this one here and then this can branch off into two there we go so they can still get to the two separate places but now it branches off i'm not going to bother changing that to a two-lane thing there and then that means that this bit here we can do a hugo there you get dedicated lanes coming out it's still squishy squishy in people together which i don't like but you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna break my own rules uh let's not be underground i don't wanna be underground i want i'm gonna have that go back to one so the merging happens here and not here i could just rebuild the whole thing and now everybody should get their own lane so you get elaine you get elaine why are you two going into one lane oh it's three plus one that should be four lanes do you know what a bit early in the morning for me why is that this one uh so but then we can have four and then one goes off and three carries suddenly see if i'd stuck to the lane mathematics that i said i wasn't gonna do you go ahead you go ahead you will get a lane coming on then you get a dedicated lane going off it's down to three one goes off this should go down to two but i don't think i'm gonna bother with that or should i do you know what i've learned my lesson i didn't do lane mathematics and i should have done so this is going to get answered too and i've had a few comments about this oh it's so unrealistic have you ever driven over a junction and seen that well quick zipper t before i get on my soapbox yeah i've driven a lot and i've seen it done both ways i've seen it where the lanes don't go down like this in inverted commas lane mathematics i've seen it when they have but for those of you that like to jump up on their soap boxes and give me a good talking to this is a computer game okay she hadn't noticed i am playing a computer game i do what the heck i want um to make the game work the way i want it to work let me just add that on the game isn't broken it's just the way i like to get it working um so look yeah we've got a lot of these coming in here and two lanes going into one lane and i'm just looking at this what is this it's like they're crossing over to come up here to cross up there to get over here to it's like i've tried to be clever and add all these little roads on and it's just like i mean what's this one here where does that go even it joins this one over here so this is like in where does that one go and that one joins over here mama mia yeah okay this is what we're gonna do do okay i'm pretty sure i've got that all set up right so if they want to get on this road they can come around this way they've got access to this road this road here that junction's a bit close i'm going to move that and then that one comes in and out yeah that looks good to me let me just redo these ones there we go we'll reapply the quick roundabout setup to a giveaway for coming on and all that goodness and that should help that hawkeyborg mess a lot so let us just oh i just want to quickly do something here because there's going to be cars coming down here we're going to have dedicated turning lanes and what i would like to do is give these guys the access uh coming out so they go first and then over here i'm gonna try give way that way just see whether that works and then here i don't know why this road slims down like that it just makes me twitch if it does i've got to change it uh this is the one i'm looking for let's do that yeah and we'll see how actually it feels like it needs to be this one actually two in one out like that so it matches the same but then at the end here it could do with being yeah that'll do that'll do we'll go with that and we'll see how that works so i'm going to leave it like this we're going to watch this traffic at the back here i want to get all the junctions in view so we can sort of see what's going on okay it hasn't taken long to see a flaw in our plan this is all backing up round here because this whoops long way this is backing up so these guys just need to keep going down here um which we can we can help with that so let's grab this one here and say you keep going i don't think we've got yes they've got light of way they've got right of way they've got light of white and then it's all getting stuck here oh my goodness oh we've like dived into another minefield in this area here haven't we look at all of this oh it's a cargo terminal that is what's causing the problem right we don't want our cargo traffic coming back into here we want to get our cargo traffic straight onto the highway up here if possible so i'm going to readjust this road that runs along here okay there we go so now hopefully what is this thing here oh a humongous crematorium let's just move that somewhere else we'll pop that over there so now hopefully this will start moving a lot smoother and that will get out up onto the highway and this highway isn't too busy so merging in shouldn't be a problem they can change lanes not getting forced to go anywhere either they can pick a lane that they want uh let's just double check that they can yeah pick a lane do what you like off you go i'm going to give this dedicated turning lanes here so doesn't cause any problems later and that one yeah that should be okay and just help get that moving out a bit and that's going to lessen the traffic in this area here now what else have we got we've got connecting roads coming through here and through here and they they're all trying to get onto this highway junction which runs down this is a mess this is an utter mess what are we gonna do with this okay so to help us sort of see what's going on here i'm gonna use the in-game tool which shows us where everyone's going the traffic routes tool we're gonna pick first of all this bridge here so all the traffic coming in and just sort of get a rough overview so most are coming down here purple on private vehicles okay and then pick this one here as well so it's got a lot going straight off over there yeah okay so they are trying to a lot of them trying to get up over here and these even more so on this one coming up and down these roads okay so that gives us something to think about this may actually clear up now that we've sort of solved that other problem i'm not sure this road here will because this junction at the end is a nightmare so what we're going to do is we're going to fix this junction here first of all we're going to remove whatever's in here and we're just going to make this a much better junction so we've got let's do some lame mathematics here first to help us out you know what this fix of this city here i think is going to be bigger than we all thought that's okay i don't mind all right so we'll do that so we've now got lame mathematics working at each end so that means down here we can have got three lanes and three lanes we can use come here i clicked it no not that one this one here we can just pop that straight to there and then we'll have a three three-lane road we'll have that one going that way and that one going that way okay so now this is looking a bit better and if we make sure they've all got the correct directions to go so we'll say you go to there oh you go there so you come in that way have i missed downgrading a road here or something i feel like we'll keep an eye on that see how it goes and then this one at the end here so three lanes going out we only really need two lanes coming in but seeing how busy things are what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna make it go like that so two going round and one going left and technically we could make that so he's coming up here don't turn this might end up being a roundabout we might just end up seeing this as a roundabout and then what i'm gonna do but hopefully not let's try it without i want these to keep going i want you to keep going i don't want traffic lights here i want you to keep going you're going to cut across yeah so if i do that for you coming down here you just keep going you just keep going and then i want these to give way and then what i'm gonna say is don't change lane there don't change lane there i want you to pick your lane at the junction also you're going to give way and we're going to have dedicated turning lanes oh that's all coming out isn't it so that just basically goes straight on so that's fine um i'm also not going to let is this road one way coming out it is is that a good place for it yeah because this one goes up doesn't it and that one goes out no this one comes down as well oh okay let's change that the other way around i think that might be a good idea have this one in and that one out i think that will work better then we'll give dedicated turning lanes there and again i'm gonna say don't change lanes in the middle hugo there hugo there and i'm gonna do the same for here you can go there hugo there and i'm actually gonna take away those bus lanes at the end it's just not helping and then we'll have dedicated turning lanes at the end so we've got three lanes coming in everywhere here so now we're gonna have some time traffic lights right in there right actually click on it fail to create time traffic light it's part of a time script did i actually actually do it i'll tell you what i'm going to just stop and remove that uh remove there we go we'll just do it again control left click there we go so hopefully so we've got right hand turns on red turned on now which is good so hopefully with all of that that will work a little bit better i mean already this bit down here is not looking half as blocked as it was which is nice these are still all getting a bit hawky bulky let us just say i don't know what is going on here yeah okay that looks a little bit better i've just moved it back a bit giving them some space i'm not going to force them into a certain lane here because then that forced them into a certain lane up here and i don't want that um so we'll keep that going i'm still thinking this is going to end up being the little roundabout at the end it's just so busy like these are stopping when these are coming and i want to keep this going yeah do you know what i'm going to do it i'm going to put a teeny tiny what's going on oh i'm pressing the wrong button that's what ah that's why i ended up underground last time because i'm a bonehead that's what it is and i don't want that to be that i want it to be this so we're going to lose a couple of houses but actually i don't think that's the end of the world so if we get rid of these here check that there isn't anybody building on the roundabout now you're okay and then we could even add another connection over here don't worry i'll sort this bit down here that might be a good idea let us grab that and we'll come out like that uh i could be making things worse for myself we'll do that we'll take away any traffic lights there we'll turn off that and then we'll just pop in this control left click and then this bit here needs to just be sorted right we've got dedicated turning lanes for coming off we've got all sorts of things going on that should be much much better so let's just watch this little junction here for a moment or two you can't live there please leave thank you very much well i have to say this area here is looking much much better where's my mouse there it is that is much better than it was this is sort of busy there's people coming out of there but this is moving this is moving this is cleared up so that's okay it's just this bit going this way but there's not so many cars coming down here now so at this end here i mean i'm half tempted to make this like a square about so they come in here they have to go up around that way whether that would just help or not and just sort of keep it all moving and then you wouldn't need all the time traffic lights and yeah thank you and all that sort of stuff why don't we give it a go let's give it a go so this is probably the only time i'd ever use these six lane one-way roads which are massive uh let's give it a try i'm going to change that yes this is the way we want to go sorry for your houses it's important okay so this is our square about and then if we do this here and hold yeah so it recognizes that control shift left click there we go we've got a giveaway coming in here that's a bit annoying that comes out right there i might move that we've got giveaway coming on there giveaway coming on there this one not want to do it for us ah time script of course uh let's get rid of that because that is not what we want on a roundabout remove that so let's just do that again there we go and now we should have dedicated lanes for all the directions it doesn't always do it which is a bit annoying so i'm going to do it manually for each of the corners i don't know whether this is solution that we're looking for but it's the solution that we're going to try let's just keep an eye on that well there we go that certainly cleared that up didn't it a nice square about and the only problem is is all the people coming in here but i can see what sort of stopping that is the people crossing the road that they're all just getting clogged up so what we can do we just pause that is if we grab a crossing here and we just sort of do a little something probably gonna lose a building or two but let's see what we can work out you know i'm looking at that thinking that really probably isn't the best way to do it but it looks nice so they've got access to this road to over the bridge and to this road and all we need to do is turn off the crossing there see there's also another crossing here so let me just pause a second and turn that off and then what i'm going to do is put a little something from here over to here okay there we go it works we've got the tunnel going underneath let's just turn off crossings they're already turned off which is fine and look at all those people pouring across our lovely new bridges to get to where they want to go yeah this needs to go up a little bit higher doesn't it there we go we'll just go like this page up here excellent excellent that's what we want to see do you know what i'm going to just move that here this is slightly closer there we go nice okay that's good so that now will keep this moving and so hopefully we won't have as many cars doing silly things you're not going to say as well with these ones here i'm going to say uh you go there you go there you go there hugo there so you pick your lane when you're up here like that car did and then you stay in a straight line all the way down here and then hopefully well it's better better than it was which is nice this is all clear now this is all going a little bit of traffic here uh somebody trying to sneakily change lanes in the middle which is causing issues you go there and hugo there so you can pick your lane down here this road coming i'm gonna do the same so they're all turning none of them are going straight on are they which isn't right so i'm gonna take that one off of there and i'm going to say you can go over there if that's what you want to do and then i'll say here you go there and i'm not going to do it there there we go look some of them do want to go straight on excellent so that will help clear that up a bit that is much better look so now it's just this little section here so what is going on here everyone's turning left and of course it's judging by what's going on with that roundabout so what can we do to help these guys now because they're basically all of these look are all trying to get up through this one junction here so can we give them access to go somewhere else and immediately my eye is drawn to this and this and this so this bridge goes under the footpath that is weird and then all these cars are coming down here and getting stuck at the ends my eye has been diverted by another little issue we can quickly fix let's do that let's say you go through you go through yeah we'll come back to that we don't want to move out of our area so i'm just wondering whether we can attach a road here to this underground bridge which i'm pretty sure we could do so let's pick this here let's grab that and we're going to come off of there say to there and then we'll go ah i've got this on let's turn that off and then we'll go underground there we go like that and we'll get our underground view and we can attach to that and then we can give delegated turning lanes there and let's come above ground again and we're going to do the movement mods get rid of the trees and then we'll put some dedicated turning lanes there is that going to work with the bus yeah that's fine that's okay yeah that'll be good so then these have all now got another way they can go as opposed to all up here and over the bridge it's going to take them a while to work out that it's there but we might just need to just let that run a little bit and see how it goes i'm pretty sure having no crossing here and having this walkway over the top is going to help we've got crossing here as well so i think i'm going to run another underground crossing like this one actually this one here i think we're going to do something fun with it why not let's run it down here who wouldn't want to try out this amazing path down here underneath the bridge by the waterfront curling around the other side i think that looks absolutely fantastic oh they've got access there that's good i was worried that they weren't able to get onto there they seemed quite happy to jump up well i'm happy to let them do that and that stops anybody crossing the road sir what are you doing please get the middle of the road he's just like nope this is my right to cross i'm gonna stay i'm gonna stand here what a bonehead watch out yep this guy he's refusing to use the crossings that i put in his eyes look a bit weird to be honest i don't know whether he's uh he's been hit by a car already but yeah this is not the place to stand but is he he's like no i'm staying here whoa flip a dick i'm staying here all day he says he's not going anywhere i think we need to raise that bridge at the back of it as well oh dear the trucks are getting through okay sir you can stop what is his name let's just see what his name is his name is jeremy dixon and he's going to simon souvenirs but he's got a bit lost on his way jeremy dixon you just enjoy the middle of the road good luck okay so now looking at this junction here this is much better this is moving this is moving now so now it's just waiting for these cars to get coming down here and then these cars up here oh my giddy aunt this is absolutely nuts you know i've been looking at this darn junction for flipping ages and just couldn't find a way to get it to work and i've gone off have lunch scratch my head and i've made a couple of changes and as you can see all the traffic is all cleared up which is fantastic i've just noticed this little road over here could probably do with everest a slightly bit of adjusting let's just do this if we can make it look a little bit better okay so what have we done ah what i say equity let's see let's come back over here again so we've got the roundabout set up we've got these roads separated here um over this section i had to add in a little roundabout this has got so busy because everybody's coming from this top junction here wanting to go through here and get over this way by our square about here so i needed this to keep flowing just this small roundabout seems to be just about keeping up um but then what was also happening was people were coming up this road remember this one along by the coast here we added this road in they were coming up here and then they were also using the roundabout to get over here so that was two completely different directions would go in the same way and it was just too much traffic so i just added here a little roundabout this little bypass road um and that goes underground and joins up here going onto the highway and then this little bypass road one way just down here so they can skip the roundabout down here through this little roundabout and go and that works out fine and then the la and even that didn't fix it all i was like what do i need to do that was when i had enough walked away had a cup of tea had some lunch and this final fix these two roads here now quite often if you've got for instance like this a straight road coming into a roundabout if it's really busy they are just never going to get out onto the roundabout because it's a straight let's just try to make that a little bit nicer there let's just go up a bit it's like a straight um straight out onto the 90 degree turn onto the roundabout and it they just struggle whereas here if you separate them like this so that's the in that's the out and just put that bend on them it's less of a 90 degree turn when you can sort of bring that out a little bit more and it just works so much better they smoothly flow off we've got the same here probably could just put a little bend on those we've got the same that you saw on here that worked much better and the same there and it just keeps it all moving and as always all the way through if we hover over that no despawning so harder mode traffic and look as i'm talking it's getting busy again no um i think we'll be okay every now and again we're gonna get a little bit extra traffic but it's fine there we go like that we suddenly get 20 cars come down at once and then the last little thing that really helped is on our square about whoops wrong button that we've got here um technically this one here is coming on to the roundabout so that should be give way but that was blocking it up here that was blocking out the roundabout that was blocking up this blocking up all the way around there and it was just too much so i put that as keep on going because not much traffic's coming up this leg of the roundabout and that just helps and that with no stopping at these junctions because of our oh man this is what my brain is like at the moment homeschooling kids so much stuff going on while we've been in lockdown and all that sort of thing this is what my brain looks like inside but it works um so it is just backing up just a little bit too much the last little thing i wanted to maybe check was this road here um so if we use the in-game tool uh no not that truck okay so we can see basically this one is also trying to get over here and across the bridge across our two bridges here so is there any way we can help this underground tunnel go a different way look if we gave them access to this bridge here as well a lot of these would go that way because that's where most of them are going so could we do that they're coming down this road i'm pretty sure this is a one-way road yeah they're all going the one direction but if i could just take a spur off a little tunnel and join on here that would then give them access over there let me just try that okay so they've now got access over here so hopefully now some are going to use this we're going to make sure that's got dedicated turning lanes if you do that and go underground and go like that they will now get dedicated turning lanes and see whether that decreases the cars coming up here which to be honest it's only going to take a few to do that so there we go look they're all coming out there that means there's less coming out here and that means this junction is cleared up and that junction has been such a flipping nightmare to fix but it's all running much much smoother than it was before flipping neck i tell you what you know this city is going to take a lot of fixing if you want to see more be sure to subscribe and leave a like as well because that really helps don't forget i'm running through oxygen not included on my biffor play strategy channel and if you want to check that out go over there and i will see you all very soon have a fantastic weekend take care bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 418,787
Rating: 4.9168944 out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines fix my city, cities skylines how to fix your city, city fix, biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, fix metro, fix mass transit, fix bus, fix busses, cities skylines biffa, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, Biffa2001
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 52sec (2032 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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