Wild Morels, Fresh Trout and a Campfire - Spring Camping

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oh my gosh look at those all right beautiful rainbow trout right [Music] there [Music] meet up in there [Music] look at a big well hello ladies and gentlemen i am out with mr first mate pee poops mctoots and um my father's mother-in-law's daughter's sister which is my mom okay fathers mother-in-law's daughters brother-in-law's son my brother i got this we did it we did it we're spending tonight we're gonna spend the night out here camping um we're gonna do an overnight catch and cook hopefully we're hoping to catch some trout but uh the first thing i want to say is it's mother's day happy mother's day happy mother's day so this is a little my dad last year on a father's day father's son's week-long cabin so my mom wanted to do an overnight so we're doing a mother's day overnight so what we're going to do is my mom is getting scared no expense for luxury we're setting up the hot tent [Music] so we got a spot right here with a nice overlook we got a big flat spot monty's getting nice and dirty all right buddy yeah well it's a beautiful day it's uh blue skies big puppy clouds and uh yeah we're just gonna get set up quickly and then we're gonna get out there fishing because we need fish for dinner tonight we didn't bring it back up so if we don't catch fish we're gonna be eating vegetarian and nobody wants that none of us us poses don't like eating we like meating [Music] okay let's get this thing dirty all right so when you guys are ready i've got a mission for you okay i'm ready i'm just gonna pretty much like just you can go with mom with the electric chainsaw i need eight holes about this long about this thickish and sturdy for the hot tub so just nice long straightest they got to be decently straight to hold them up yeah so they're going to be sticking the outsides all right so yeah i'll be the carrier nothing green yeah nice and green all right they're on the stake duty they're going to get a little bit of firewood monty's probably going to run off with them i'm going to stake this bad boy out let's see here [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh oh my gosh look at all that beautiful beautiful [Music] it's [Music] so it's just me monty i'm sorry i'm sorry mike this is me it's just me you know where the plate is what a black flat plate that thing is under the [Music] with all the things in it [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay that's all set here we go i always get the stove in there and we're pretty much set up josh thinks me and my mom's feet are disgusting no slightly crocodile alec amphibian look at this guy grandma's got one you ready i think the double double team would call them on me oh [Music] okay this this stuff isn't really working that crazy what kind of bag is that because that's right i'm the closest to the stove so i have to be the i have to have the most room here so shows it's right here but it's the only spot that can uh it's easiest to put firewood in the middle of the night um yeah for now we're gonna keep it tidy in here i don't like this new pad look how big the mouthpiece is it makes me gag sometimes because i have a terrible gag reflex i can't like hold up my mouth like i can those ones okay we've got firewood we've got pretty much all our sleep stuff set up we've pretty much got camp secured so we're just gonna finish tidying up here uh and then we're gonna get on that water and catching some fish oh yeah did i mention we got an early start we've got eight hours of light left that's just too much time too much too much there's no way we can't not catch a million fish we should probably go back yeah we got everything yeah we should yeah that's right there you go go back then we come back out and it'll be like a late start mom what's the international call for i got a fish [Applause] there you go okay it is time to set my lines quiet to my lines and gets to trolling all right he's sitting good boy monty get that booty sitting all right we are fishing come on fishes i don't wait too long i'll wait five minutes but i better get a bite by then you here here ready monty yeah you good boy he's already settled there you go that was another bite dang it you saw it right you'll do a slow-mo replay if it really was it had to be there's no way i'm getting it uh snags right now come here the fishes i found them you know when you're out in the woods and you're just trying to be with nature and you know you've got blue skies nice beautiful clouds on a sunny day perfect temperatures the bugs aren't bothering you you got your monty in the back you want to drink the most natural thing you can and that of course is water now am i talking about filtered lake water in this pristine area obviously not i'm talking about lacroix carbonated water nature come on fish do your duty and bite my line you stay for dinner do it there's one jumping right near this tree okay we're gonna go super stealthily stealth face be very quiet i wanted you out i got snagged i got it free look at all the turtles on this log there's one two three four five six seven eight nine that i can see let's see how close there's two hi turtles so you guys chilling all right all right cool hey you don't have to go swimming don't do it don't do it don't do it but if you do i want to record it okay it's just turtles [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] i just heard the international fish call for fish on i've got to go see what's going on what's going on back here what are you trying to do here trying to show me up i think so oh yeah those are beautiful little ears yeah those are like 10 inches yeah yeah those will be perfect oh yeah it'll be good i think i got more spoons too if you want to try that a little bit further and went a little bit deeper spoon i catch these on spoons all the time let's see if they want to bite my spoon oh did you hear that they're jumping all over i mean they might just not like this silver spoon right now oh there we go yeah yep that's a that's that's just just big enough oh man these are on right teeny okay yeah then who cares all right we're we're catching a little trout today we're we're honoring captain teeny trout but that's okay we need fish for dinner so this is this is definitely big enough it'll do okay monty how you doing we need to catch monty a fish huh oh yeah i mean we'll cook it for him he loves fish there's one thing i know about water where there's water there's fish where there's fish you'll catch them yeah when you're just getting hammered by the wind yeah you know what i might try i might try just trolling um a shorter length just i'm gonna try that we're gonna we're gonna go for a short length troll i'm about to catch one i can feel it it just got calm and cloudy oh yeah come on all right i'm scared oh my gosh i'm running my lines through that i'm about to make you guys i have to i have to run my lines through this hi i'm being slightly evil all right i'll turn now get a bite on the worm mom oh they're just going nuts oh there we go there we go that's one oh that's a good-sized one oh oh this is this is exactly what we want and it's got my other line hooked on it or maybe it doesn't uh the rapalas oh this is a good one oh no oh oh no jeez oh geez oh my gosh oh my gosh i got it oh that was terrible i almost lost it all that is perfect yes this one is beautiful all right this guy oh don't don't no no no no we'll simmer down simmer down simmer down there skippy simmer down in a skippy this guy was not getting off all right beautiful rainbow trout right there there we go that's a perfect eater size the others were a little bit small but that's okay they're they're still gonna be delicious this is oh all right i'm gonna get them on the string before i lose this guy no you don't want the sun with these trout i feel like we need to like have like a sun and then then back to like yeah that that would help but the shade is shade is what you want uh which area you want to go all right come on you can do it you got to get your mother's day fish this is the first time i've ever caught trout like this yeah pretty sweet it is pretty sweet it's a different style of fishing it is yeah monty congratulations you have earned the award for the best boat dog in the world your prize will be an entire rainbow trout congratulations quick disclaimer about the uh best dog claws obviously the best dog is always your dog okay that goes without saying everybody should know that so if you have a vote dog that is obviously the best boat dog monty right now is the best boat dog if ruger was here he'd be the best boat dog because that's how it works and they're always the goodest boy or goodest girl and that's just life so yeah there's a big one right next to sure i'm trying to get my lines to go over it we'll see i might spook him so i got him yes well i got eight i got eight fish oh oh that's a beautiful one oh yeah oh yes oh and he just got off [Music] now that is a beautiful rainbow oh yeah oh yeah always getting some slime everywhere oh geez i think i am going to call it for a minute here because i want my mom to catch one because i i don't i don't want to keep the reason she's not trolling like we are is she sliced open a couple of her fingers with a box cutter so she can't paddle like crazy there we go that is a beautiful rainbow now i wish the first couple were this size but when we're going for a fish dinner and we require fish if it's a legal size um you know i'll take it i've i've passed fish up before but now now we're gonna have a good fish dinner and uh monty's gonna get his own fish it's gonna be amazing so yeah oh yeah that is a beautiful perfect just got so still oh there's another one at this point i'm probably just gonna let him go oh yeah it's a smaller one we're gonna just let this one go that's smaller than the first one so i'm with these trout especially the smaller ones if um you want to let them go do your best to not touch them the reason being is why you don't want to touch the trout unless you wet your hands because they have a they're they're more sensitive than the big like scaled fish or bigger fish and whatnot so they've got like a a protective coat and your dry hands there we go your dry hands uh removes that coat and they can get like diseases and they just die they're very sensitive so you want to be careful with them hey mom oh is this starting to rain it is starting to rain it's very light um if you want uh i can just tie your boat to mine and i can be your trolling motor okay you got you got the old hook in the shirt so you want you want me to be your trolling motor no i i can do it because you can't pedal yeah and then you can set whatever lines you want and i'll just paddle you around i'll be your i'll be your your son servant on mother's day we're gonna take a brief intermission because it's starting to get slight chilly and then we're gonna get back on this water my mom will catch a fish no matter what the cost oh he's got a fish yeah he's got a fish oh that's amazing that was pretty cool yeah that hawk definitely just got a fish i am now a trolling motor and monty is my first mate to make sure the engine runs perfectly we're trolling now all right we're trolling but definitely all the outdoor stuff like us roaming around the lakes oh yeah it was so funny because i had to keep you guys entertained still while providing him with all of his tools beverages and whatnot yeah man it i can't believe how calm it got i love it yeah this is this is some ideal like ambitions right now what is that oh monty shift no bites yet huh you got a fish all right all right get your net ready yep you gotta you gotta do both so when you go to grab your net keep your arm moving and kind of pulling it towards you reel your tip down to the water now there you go oh yeah all right that's a nice one all right get the net you want me to help or you want to try to do it i'm gonna try to do it even if i all right i see them yep keep pulling don't let it go loose yeah keep moving around with your one hand while you don't pull them out of the water do not pull them out of the water let them go back in there you go all right now scoop them up yeah nice we got one all right that's a good one too oh my god he's beautiful oh that was awesome we got him all right perfect what it what did you find i found black morels things are shaping up quite nicely for this one we've got everybody's caught fish we've got plenty of trout now one more would make us just have a just feast tonight monty would get to eat fish we'd have like extra pieces on our sandwiches just a feast and now josh my brother there is finding black morels so we're going to have some delicious little mushrooms to throw on our sandwiches i've never found a morel i've tried i've just been terrible at finding him but i never thought to look here and he was like i want to do it and then he was just saw one and that was his first actual morel find so yeah and this was her first trout ever caught and first fish of the year and this is josh's first uh trout caught like this so yeah it's pretty good it's a very productive afternoon yeah i i just can't believe how it turned out like it just uh calmed down got cloudy and it's just been perfect everything good i'm having a great time matthew thank you you're welcome i feel like you're you're drunk set i got one here yeah yeah all right fish one [Applause] [Music] there we go we just needed that one more just one more fish be careful be careful netem oh you got me pretty good i thought you lost it oh that was awesome oh it was pretty good all right oh that's a pretty one we'll turn them to the side a little bit oh yeah that's a good one nice job let's only get to eat it i don't care all right where's our stringer all right oh yeah all right wow that was fun bundy you're about to pass out right now yeah it's just like yeah this would be pretty you want to treat the dog park monty go and treat you take a treat he's that way there's a creature that way [Music] the morale can you see the morel in this photo it's right near the center we're gonna have about 10 seconds and we're going to slowly zoom in can you spot the morel keep him close do you see it yet do you see the morel because it's right there there it is good job josh thank you that's a nice one oh yeah beautiful we're gonna feast tonight hell yeah this is gonna be so good we're gonna pinch the stem awesome right here that's sick you like this oh hey i'm gonna find my first dang morale what's gonna happen better today this has been the first morel i have ever found yes it is it is a wonderful glorious feeling [Music] yes i shall now pinch it it's a double oh oh geez come back oh there we go all right and then the other oh where did he just blend it in oh no there it is okay all right all right i got my first morale heck yeah this is sweet my second morel is even better than the first one it is beautiful we shall feast tonight i think my mom found her first one that's a monster i only found one but it was like yeah jeez um it's a it's people well if people call them peckerheads they're half-free morels they're half-free morels so you can eat them some people get upset stomachs but you just usually take the tip and oh just the tip huh yeah um look at how beautiful that is in in a old oh that is a pretty good one yeah in an old thing we'll eat this did find one oh nice yeah awesome now that is beautiful oh my gosh look at those good find yeah oh my gosh another one too oh my gosh honestly it's so good that one right there oh my gosh yeah wow that is like the perfect just absolute perfect morel cluster that was a beautiful closet that is just amazing oh that's a big one yeah at this point it's just getting it's just getting too dang easy making sure to pinch off the stems good so they grow back oh oh oh oh my goodness my goodness that is a a black morel right there oh that is a chunker yeah that's a thicken further along or something that's a far away that's a big one well i can just pinch this one i'd say that's a fair bit of morels i think we're gonna have a tasty little piece tonight oh yeah that's like perfect oh yeah we're gonna be feasting that is awesome that is so good it's like a little pot of gold it is it's beautiful that's things don't always go according to plan you sometimes you're backing out to go fishing and you hit a log or you step off a log to go pee did i think i was gonna go swimming today no i did not monty all right so monty's hanging out with josh for a minute while he gets dried puts on a second set of clothes and i'm just gonna take a few casts it is just a pristine evening out right now it does not get more ideal than this uh cloudy calm perfect temperature about 40 degrees i think the water temperature is perfect for the fish because they've been biting all day as soon as the clouds came out they've been biting and then morels uh we've already got fish we just want one you know you got to look at the amount of fish we got then you got to look at what you what you're dealing with you got 300 poses so it we could use a little bit more i mean you guys have seen me eat oh my gosh [Music] i'm struggling [Music] hey too much you know and there's two more of me so uh yeah it's gonna get real tonight [Music] my teeth he's like wait what is going on here hey so let's get this straight round two on the father son's trip i dunked into the water and on the mother sons trip you dunked in the water yes i did it was meant to be now i'm not trying to sound greedy here but the perfect ending to this day would just be one more fish just one more no more no less a two would be okay three even better but still just one just one just just one to complete the feast i mean come on i think monty deserves two fish today this is so pristine right now oh this is pretty it's pretty epic right now are you upgrading from captain teeny trout for the day we'll see if you net it i hope so everyone's holding the the world's holding its breath i've upgraded nice all right dang it it's the second one that i got it on this line here and it got off i think my hook might be bent because those are two good bites i just want one more fish so i need you guys to know the sacrifice i am making by coming off the water when i know the fish are biting i can see them jumping and i keep getting bites to make a fire and watch a sunset i know that's beautiful i know i know it's just a fish just come on in the most freeway possible there we go that's it that's a good fishy yes please come to me fishy yes you are just what i needed without you i don't know if i could go back in [Music] yes okay one more beautiful trout okay now we are going to have the most delicious vicious beast of a feast it scared me i thought that was something important it was just my paddle anyways okay i'm gonna get this guy in the stringer we're gonna get back start a fire watch the sunset and then we're going to uh feast at some point yeah it's it's it's now it's happening it's really happening my voice is that is quite the sunset i must say it is pretty epic right there okay all right now go ahead and get them get the knife out so take your left hand and plant the fire steel firmly you want to kind of bundle it up a little bit more yes all right now plant the fire yourself firmly into that wood and hold it with just the palm of yeah now so is the fire still like firm like make sure it's okay so the back side yep get your thumb away there you go now you want to get it get closer to the base of the knife nope okay there you go now all the way to the top yep and you're just going to firmly go down oop now hold this oh it's okay yeah so so hold the fire still more straight up and down there you go i thought you had to and straight down don't dig it into the fire still too much there you go you had it perfect don't dig it into the fire still too much okay yeah just straight down just do a nice fir just straight down there you go there you go all right now get your little sticks and everything good job nice job rob yeah who do you think taught you guys look at that guy oh yeah [Music] oh there he is i can see him right there see his eyes oh you just ducked his eyes straight up there yeah there he is there he is that's so cool yeah it's so hard to see him yeah she just silently he's blown away he didn't make a peep [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i think they were having a fun time up there in the tree [Music] mom on the cabbage duty so we are just getting stuff ready for dinner just for uh finely shredded cabbage come here we have a special guest [Music] see it right there oh let me get them okay you saw him i did yeah i think i got him i might have got that i might have got it i'm trying to keep him safe yeah oh yeah oh yeah that's the shot it's sick oh that's crazy yeah see their tail yeah oh wow that's an eastern newt whoa the first place i discovered him i was like oh my god he's awesome wow he's all colorful and spotted sparkly let me see if we can get his i'm being very gentle oh look at his face in his belly he's got a very yellow smiling he's a yellow bellied all right let's throw them some way oh yeah there he is right there oh hi buddy where are you oh yeah wow he's on the leaf leave me alone a little dragon or something there he goes now this thing will actually when you're walking through the water will uh give you a powerful pinch and it will it's called a toe biter because it will bite your toe and it's a very powerful are you ready for this yep that right there is a toe biter watch this see wait did you see that oh i gotta focus it just attacked this stick all right we're good i don't know if it'll do it again but yeah it just it just lunged at the stick so those are in our lakes oh man it's disgusting yeah it's called snow biter it's like oh the cockroach of the lake yeah except there very powerful bite i had one go after my finger almost done gotta make our slaw which is right there gotta mix up the pickles with the mayo for real for sauce homemade and we're gonna find some lemons and get that slaw going to get the most juice out of a lemon you roll it and it breaks the membranes and you get most juice out of it rolling rolling rolling potentially this one you can feel it so sure yeah i need to cut that up pretty oh my stinky oh monty oh so if it isn't apparent by now we're having funky fish sandwiches for dinner oh yeah with rainbow trout monty is getting two whole trout to himself plus sweet potato come on you can get a treat are you gonna get treat they put me down i don't want to deal with this right now i've been enjoying myself all day this is the worst place stop embarrassing me oh they could let your tail down i could see your butt let's just get that you dealt with my embarrassment i'm sorry i'm sorry come here i'm sorry i'm sorry mr guy okay so they prepared the slaw uh i got the fish plate up they got the tartar so yeah we took uh my mom did thinly sliced cabbage with lemon juice salt and pepper and then the tartar is just teeny petite pickles and uh mayo and then now we just gotta frapper fish in our batter and then put it all together and we're gonna have delicious fish of sandwiches okay the show starts off with of course the double break right yep we're doing it oh geez why is it why is it like that what's going on here it's kind of janky oh that's hot don't call the the great great janky i'll have a great extra drink great extra drink don't laugh at it that one's good this one's just what's the word for it janky insufficient just compatible it's a skew i just don't trust that non-optimal you guys are really given the great greater connection right now it is the greatest of all times true i can't get this one to stay well it looks like it got hit with a stick went crosstalk it's seen greater days all right that'll oh yeah that'll do okay so it's time to batter the fish and then we're gonna start frying so we've got our homemade batter here which is just half white flour half yellow cornmeal and i put a bunch of montreal steak seasoning in there then we've got our rainbow trout right here all in the pan normally i don't do this but i brought a couple of eggs pre-scrambled i usually don't do this out of the woods i do this at home but i figured hey what the heck we're doing it today and we're just going to get them coated in egg there we go i'm going to take and dump some of this batter in here an important trick to do when you're battering fish is you always want to have one wet hand and one dry hand so this hand that's touching the eggy fish is never gonna i'm never gonna stick this hand in this batter because then it turns into a goopy mess oop that that goes to monty it's it's gone monty just got more fish take a piece grab some of the batter lay it in sprinkle with the dry hand and make sure that this never touches anything wet just kind of get it coated nice and good there you go put this on the platter and continue on now i'm gonna just batter all this up like this oh yeah [Applause] that sounds delicious got the morels cooking oh yeah i'm excited to try those out oh those owls they're not optimal because i almost boiled them but the flavor is there right you'll be able to get the beefy flavor i think you could you could put another pizza on there are you sure yep all right it looks pretty good yeah you like it good monty's pretty jealous how much you think of two pieces first or whatever you want i mean do we have enough for two pieces for your sandwich yeah we got more than enough for even more than that you want to do the morel mushrooms on the fish sandwich oh yeah how is that that's pretty awesome all right i'm just going to take just eat a bunch and just get the flavor yeah they're delicious right oh yeah those are good yeah they're like beefy i need some more of that absolutely like 17 morels right now there we go okay nice plate of cabbage slaw on the bottom and we're gonna go nice hearty sandwiches nice bit of avocado delicious rainbow trout just pile that on there oh yeah put in your mouth some cheese and then of course the tartar and that that right there is a funky fishy sandwich oh yeah let's eat that bad boy all right monty you've been the goodest boy of the day oh go ahead oh go away was it too hot oh hot dang it um i don't know what to do i put the cold water in it already oh i can put an ice cube you got an ice cube cooler right i don't know oh yeah sorry monty thank you mom's gonna save you well my mom that would be your grandma yeah there we go i'm she's getting the ice cube i i gotta i gotta go for this my tammy there's just there's no there's no holding this back any longer um my there you go [Music] [Music] oh hmm this is such a mess i got figures oh could you pass me a liquid i feel like i'm experiencing what you just experienced yeah but i get that i i guess that all the time where like i'll literally go thank you i'll literally choke if i don't have a drink of like liquid before i eat almost anything typically when i don't eat or drink in a while always thanks you saved me there that was that was i'm literally like choking that's what moms do i held that i'm gonna you know i'm just gonna do a little classic where you take a piece of fish and you put some tartar on it or fast from the fresh lemon yeah maybe a little a little slow on there you're doing like the keto yeah keto version i think you can eat too much more of the bread but this that's a tasty little fish taco thing um monty i don't want him walking by on the fire oh he's not gonna walk in the fire he's in the skate right by this wall monty come here monty let's go to bed come on monty bedtime mind he's just like looking i'm just like so tired he's like i just can't i can barely make it come on join the fun josh says while wearing my lung underwear he's getting the random essence of teeth it's true i don't know where it's coming from but it's stuff yeah it's definitely from somewhere oh yeah josh i feel the same everyone's getting tucked in ready for bed monty's got his face and some crocs and uh i'm exhausted and [Music] okay um [Music] good morning did you sleep well somebody's sleeping real well you sound like you're sleeping pretty good josh you only using one pillow you're only using one pillow nice rolling around feels cold you ever been attacked by a wild monty in the morning and then she'll she'll curl right up i'll be stuck against the wall she'll curl right here and i'll say okay i gotta get up and then she'll just like roll on her back i'm stuck between the wall and the dog josh is trying to figure out what life is i'm sorry josh so now that i really like working my brother [Laughter] it's okay he can handle it oh we're gonna we're gonna get packed up here um today is actually mother's day so mom gets a happy mother's day double double mother's day uh yeah so she's got more festivities with my dad so we're not gonna fiddle battle around too long it was the best mother's day ever i'm one lucky mother all right well we're gonna get up and get moving here shortly soon [Music] hi buddy [Music] maybe just maybe mr monty not stinky you're so stinky i'm thinking you smell like poo poo and something must be cakey he's a stinky doggy stinky oh there it is yep this one's stuck in there [Music] okay we're just going to finish packing up here and it gets into water and gets to paddling and fishing pours worsen all that good stuff stuff things great science math oh come on you sticky poof ball we gotta find where the boat is it's it's right okay there it is i found it you did good monsieur [Music] do you hear the plane monty the plane [Applause] hey [Music] well i do believe that i would be quite upset at myself if i didn't just wet a line you see i must wet the line and get the fish to complete the day yes yes okay well those guys are up ahead of me my line set [Music] and uh we're just gonna head back now i've got a busy day ahead of me i've got to uh you know your drive home i gotta get this stuff online i'm gonna get to editing and i'm going to try to have this video online on the youtubes mechanisms by uh midnight tonight eastern that's the goal 11 59 that's that's what we're gonna try for um so yeah there's gonna there's a lot of hours of work between here and there you know stuff and things so i think we're just gonna wrap this one up right here if i catch a fish i'll show you guys if i don't just expect that i made it out of here alive if the video gets posted okay okay so as always guys happy mother's day to all you mothers out there is that what i was gonna say oh no oh yeah oh yeah the thing so as always guys if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like that hit that subscribe button and i will catch you guys at the next video [Music] you
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 116,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morel, morels, mushroom, mushroom hunting, morel mushrooms, black morels, wild edibles, foraging, camping, spring camping, canoe camping, canoe, bushcraft, bushcraft skills, campfire, campfire cooking, catch and cook, dog, camping dog, dog training, spring, how to camp, wild camp, wilderness, wilderness area, fishing, fish, cooking, fire cooking, gourmet, gourmet cooking, backcountry, backcountry camping, adventure, outdoors, outdoorsman, sounds of nature, spring animals, trout, overnight, fire
Id: 4KEX4b1RMls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 54sec (4494 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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