Winter Bush Camp with My Dog for 2 Nights

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] ah well hello ladies and gentlemen I am out with the smile and style and stink and we're gonna spend a couple nights out here in the woods right now it's about 30 degrees 30 degrees Fahrenheit so it's pretty warm I'm building up quite the sweat I'm taking lots of breaks because when you move too much even though it's just my waterproof layer in just one layer of merino wool layers I'm still sweating and I don't like to sweat a lot and get wet so I kind of just take my time so it's taking a lot longer um you know I got an early start I thought I got up early and I started drive it and you know then I had to dig out the truck a spot for the truck cuz there's just not like I was just not like a parking spot you know on these random two tracks so with all that kind of turned out to be a late start again which is not good I'm looking right now the plan is to make like a framed tarp lay up with like a firewall and we've got a couple delicious meals plan to cook up over the campfire I'm pretty excited about gonna have a breakfast coffee it should be a good time we're gonna have lots of fun but anyways right now we're in a big open maple stand and there's beach and everything so we need to find the perfect spot it's kind of lumpy all through here but it's nice and open which is not good for wind but it's great for fronting a nice big open spot so we're gonna walk a little bit further and I'm just gonna pretty much go with the first spot I see so I'm gonna just actually you know I probably put down my pack worst in a walk around look for a spot so we'll do what do you say Monty let's find a spot let's find a nice spot yeah you find the spot alright Eko [Music] it's echoey in here huh so echoey yeah so echo here alright let's come on let's go stinker fairly certain those are wolf or coyote tracks better watch out Monty oh okay this is going to be our spot for the next couple nights okay so what we're gonna do what we should do how would you you make the plans huh you make the plans I'll make the plans will do a ridge Pole right here between these two trees and then we'll take two logs lay them down like this and then we'll drape our tarp over those logs to make it nice and sturdy because they're supposed to have some highways tomorrow it's warm today so let's to get cold tonight windy tomorrow blowing from this way and it just happens to be perfect that we have a hill blocking that wind so we should be nice and protected right here even though we're in this open uh you know sand so we'll have that draped over will pile up snow on the walls then we'll build a fire reflector or we'll just use snow it depends on how deep it is and well probably in a building a fire reflector and then backing it with snow to make it nice and sturdy first things first we're gonna start clearing off all the snow and discover how uneven this ground is and what's underneath I'm sure there's logs I'm sure it's just lumpy so we'll find out that's what's first that's what's first Monty more shoveling Oh tear it already I'm just kid we got a ways to go Avanti so winter camp is all about you know you got a shovel your driveway so you can get out and stuff and then you got a drive out somewhere shovel the spot for your car then you just go on the woods and you shovel more snow for the heck of it alright Monte little turd nugget are you branching me you pinching me don't do that that's rude you know I've had the question how do you you know start getting into bushcrafting and the answer is simple you just you grab a shovel you get all the wood start bushcrafting sit top some lawyers to it seizes bushcraft snow removal right here there's a bush pass there's another bush you're going by this logic you can push crafts in your driveway you know hey you better watch out mister you better back off mister it was got a message sir Monty you know I got to keep my toes keep a little blue tees and I would lately I've been given him venison bones to keep me occupied he's fine he doesn't need him but there's a reason he's not getting one today this trip it's because he's already it spoiled too much and if I gave him a visit venison born on top of it I think we'd end up with the ultimate but mess I think this would be all you know it's kind of whitish it'd be it'd be probably brown if I forgave him a venison bone on top Oh what else is getting no question I get a lot it's how do you stay warm and you're out here I got a better question for you hon the heck you stay cold you know it's harder to find bushcrafting so what I'd like to say I'm doing it's fun crafting because that is what I'm doing well-crafted lots of fun fun crafted I'm a fun craft or you know bushcrafter ain't no expert I'm an expert having fun oh I'm a girl [Applause] you know I'm now thinking with all this shoveling I could be building a pretty big Quincy next time we'll build a Quincy this winter I didn't expect the snow to be so deep it's at least like two two and a half feet I mean let's see right here it goes above my knee I mean that's a solid two and a half I don't think it's three maybe I know I've got some long legs anyways it's deeper than I thought [Applause] okay for now I think that's pretty good you got a log right here Oh Chuck this out how far it goes okay so next plan of attack is to get a few logs so we need a ridgepole and then we need a couple beams the tie along the ridge pole so we have a nice sturdy tarp setup so let's get out the axe find ourselves a ridge Pole snowshoes on snowshoes on axe out but sweating Monty quest sweating Monty let's go come on all right now nice dead one here it's really long and tall let's see if we can just okay so I probably could get this one wobbly and push it over but sometimes you don't want to do that the reason being I'm not gonna do on this one is it's kinda it's super tall and the top it kind of wise up and they're definitely dead up there so if I keep wobble like this it's a pretty big piece that could break off and uh you know follow me when you wiggle it back and forth so if I just chop it down probably better to do with the saw but will just be fine with the axe [Applause] [Applause] easy peasy there we go okay actually now I'm gonna get my saw and we're gonna cut up a nice chunk this it's definitely solid super solid shoulda brought the saw first you know we're gonna do first is we're gonna find three pieces that we want this could almost be two but this will also be fire way we're any firewood either way so let's look for another couple more and then and then we'll go back to get this off [Applause] [Applause] there we go one more just one this one this sounds pretty thick that was easy there's another piece right over there just got it just fell right down let's see if this because this could be firewood [Applause] okay now have you got four so I'm gonna go put this back get the saw and start cutting up pieces and bring them all back to camp [Applause] doh ray me ah so la T done okay so a light snow has begun Monte was laying out as a little peasant mattress there Monte hi okay hi Monty oh jeez don't hurt yourself there pal I've been around the whole time okay so I've got more than enough turns out I probably only needed one and a half of those trees but uh yeah time is we've got an hour and a half of light left a snow has begun so we need to get crews in here so what I'm going to do is this is going to be more than enough for our firewood and everything for tonight and I don't think I want to make the fire reflector tonight we're just gonna use snow and then tomorrow what we'll do is all the snow is going to melt back and then we can build a fire reflector tomorrow because tomorrow is the colder they say is warm and it's getting a little cooler tonight that's why I probably the snow starter the temperatures starting to drop so I'm gonna take the smallest diameter most sturdy pieces right now because I don't want the big heavy one that's gonna be some beautiful delicious firewood so we're just gonna get the smallest pieces and use those we only need three to build our frame so let's get these snowshoes off and do it Monte man this that last tree that I cut I think it's pretty sure it's solid oak it is so heavy oh man that one maybe we'll make another cut or two but we are burning that one in half ain't chopping that one up into small pieces no way no how this one will do the trick plenty we're just gonna be like you will go over the wall makes it easier so we'll have this one going back here that this one now if I was going to make a lean-to out of logs I wouldn't use this this is still solid it would probably hold up a lot of weight but I wouldn't use this small diameter for a ridge Pole but since we're just using a tarp this one's gonna do just fine so we need about that for length so we'll leave that there we'll give a tap here just to make sure it's saw on this end oh yeah and like I said it's not supporting a lot of weight so it's just fine yeah they should do the trick okay okay okay even though I'm still I'm a little warm it's actually snowing more than I thought it was gonna I don't I didn't know I was in the snow at all well that's that's the weather for yeah but I mean yeah I'm still warm like I'm saying but I'm gonna have to put this shell on here unless I want to get soaked I do not feel like getting wet no sir hey Bunty what do you think huh what do you think guy like what what are we doing out here you know I expect comfort when I'm out here I expect a sleeping pad that's not that lame stuff I want it Oh with the good stuff I'll get it for you Monty just make sure measure twice cut once that's good on that end out here give her the old cut Oh interesting rat's nest it strikes again there you go you'll froster okie Dokes okay so to tie up our Ridge pole we are gonna use what's called the arbor knot so we're just gonna make a knot in the end using the old overhand and then you're gonna make a second one close to it or we're not gonna pull this one tight so let me just show that again so to do the harbor not all you're gonna do it's very simple let's we're gonna be a little out of focus because I'm not reaching over to refocus about we're gonna make one little overhand knot easy and then the second one of the same thing except this one's gonna be loose and all we're gonna do is go over a round or tree back through this and pulls tight and cinches I think it's true name is the arbor nut call whatever you want you do you so we'll make it about sea ball this tall and one thing I learned is you want to put the bottom side of the knot around the tree on the inside first because the weight of the log is going to pull in if you have it I think it works out too I don't know maybe it doesn't matter I probably I probably talked about this every single time I do this and we're going to put it through here maybe the backwards even this time oh wait backwards see I might have done it backwards I don't remember we're just going with it we'll do another one if it's backwards all right so we're just gonna pull her tight come around again tie it off here easy as that okay and the same thing on the other side mighty don't worry I know you're freaking out right now rusty bunny the Monty is most at peace when it is snowing heavily outside it's thick layer of blubber and fur keeps it warm and the snow does not now to when it reaches him stay there I'm just okay carry your frosty bunny might as well give the Monte hey yeah you miss old wool blanket while we're thinking around in the shelter setup right Monty okay all right it's tied up and I know it ooh yes see if I were to uh I would probably crack it if I try to do the old pull up on it but we're not putting any weight here in the center like I said or just pull log here and here to drape our tarp over but first we need to make this smooth doesn't rip our tarp we're just gonna rest these on top of our snow bank here and then what we'll do is we'll drape the tarp over and then we'll you pile up snow or whatever else we have left over okay all right now I'm gonna smooth these out let's just cut these ends off here all right all right I'm gonna take I'm gonna do the same thing as before put two knots secure these two pieces into place and then we're going to grab our tarp over and what I probably will need to do is get a third one to go right in the center here we'll get a lighter one I don't know if we'll get it today but that will help support it in the middle we'll do a third one probably but we shall see those ones are a little bit heavy yeah we'll see we'll see maybe it'll just be fine it'll probably just be fine it's always just fine right Monty okay no take my gloves put them back on we're gonna smooth out these sticks are these logs here and then we are going to break the touch over and get that started well say you multi we're also gonna need some stakes here so let's just do that really quick to tie our ropes into pretty much just needs sturdy sticks there's one that'll be too look at that perfect the front two will probably tie off on and the back tool is pound in okay tarp time Oh sorry Monty turns out this gap is wider than I thought it would be so what we're gonna do is we're gonna bring these logs in to about here okay let's loosen these and bring these in closer make sure these your bet the same here okay that should be much better we're gonna stake the back end first because the we can go as deep into this as we want we want to make sure that the back is touching back here so that we have you know there's no gap from the wind sorry Monty nothing anything specialties are just solid pieces of wood they're using the stakes okay got that side we're gonna go here well let's see here I may have made the whole thing a little too little too roomy oh let's just tie it up and see what happens I did bring out two tarps we'll probably just unstoppable tarps that's what we'll do sorry lucky oh there's one thing for certain we've got coverage from the snow not a lot of headroom but it's nice and deep and we've got snow protection so we're going to tie off of this that'll bring it up and then I'm gonna take my other tarp and we'll just go over it tool will just make it big and bunkered so let's let's say how much time do we got we've got 45 minutes we got plenty of firewood sitting here we're just gonna yeah we've got to we've got tons of time so we're gonna set up the second type [Music] all right yeah you're a clean camp is a happy camp you know I can't sir always happy but I'm not clean over right so this is harp this is my Noah's 12 I'm gonna take this one and this one's it's a diagonal Tar Pits for hammock camping but it'll work just fine here so I'm gonna drape that one we'll put the long part right here pull the top over we'll probably tie it back under and then I'll pull this out we'll get all tidied up and we should see how she looks I want to use the same nuts and yeah all right let's do it [Applause] luckily my camera stopped recording as I was finishing up you know luckily but we've got a decent shelter here snow is starting to come down really good it's snowing it's snowing more than I thought it was gonna I kind of wasn't expecting it the snow that's okay that's all we got the frame tarp setup you've got dual tarps so we've got the back one that comes back here this one's straight just for a little added protection and it's good so far so we've got let's see 20 minutes till the Sun sets so we need to get Monty's sleeping pad we need to lift that plate we've got two cups of firewood fire starter or gun fire reflector tomorrow simiiar skipper hi buddy oh there's a good boy so it's pretty good character solid this frame will help a lot because I can just keep tightening it and pull those stakes out we can make it super taut and we've got you know this much extra space all the way back I'll probably end up putting a stick back here or something it's gonna accumulate snow back there so we'll just need to do some knocking throughout the night but yeah I think tomorrow we might well let's see we we might add another pole in here but unfortunately I didn't measure before not very smart but now we've got gaps here my goal was to have the snow wall a little further over so that I could put the tarp like that right onto the snow well it's kind of like this side see how there's just a good couple inches over here or one of the same thing on this side this must not be tarps just smaller than I think I need to I'm gonna upgrade I'm gonna get the same tarp I'm gonna get a bigger size I like I love this tarp it just too small I need bigger I need more MA anyways let's blow up my days of sleeping pad but we'll be totally fine as it's gonna get it's pretty nice we've got lots of room we'll need to do some evening on the ground evening in the evening and then Monte you got your snowball oh you're so frisky how come how come you just want to attack all the time huh you're supposed to be my friend okay all right let's get some sleeping pad gone well let's see let's see you I'll sleep bed well sleep in y'all some comfort comfort [Music] you knock me down truce we have a truce Monty mighty juice oh that's a good boy mighty mighty how come I always get sort of breath when I blow up your sleeping pad I don't know what it is I swear is it blow it up and all of a sudden my breath however okay so now it is time to process up firewood we're losing daylight snow is still coming down it's not as heavy and big as it was it's still coming down decently nice little snowfall beautiful setting in the woods always is most beautiful when the snow is falling in wintertime so what I'm gonna do quick well I've got light is go gather up some dead broken off branches just get a bundle of them not gonna record it I'm just gonna go out there and wander around get them real quick and then we're gonna start sawing up our big old pieces into just moderate sizes maybe we'll save some nah now we'll get different logs for a fire reflector I don't even know we'll find out how far we're gonna or how close we're going to the fire tonight and do all that anyways I'm gonna get sticks and then we'll start processing up and get a fire get to relaxing okay it's starting to get dark now when I was out there getting sticks a little pile six here I found the perfect tree it's a nice skinny solid maple that'll work for support the middle I want to be need to really tie it today on this it up we're gonna give her a chop let's see it's get it a little leave a little extra so you'll put it on an angle we can serve it secure of a piece of rope in a [ __ ] I'm just gonna put this over the log here there's no rust knobs there's no one's no sharp eyes okay whoops who mess up a camera you need to there's a much easier way I could have done this but we're already here [Applause] okay it's only heat for right now well that's gonna do is uh it's know that sexy little that's gonna keep the turf one more time easy-peasy I should secure this with a rope but I totally fine for right now if anything it'll just slide to here worst-case scenario it's not gonna go anywhere other than that okay now we need to press up some wood starting to get dark mighty not going as much that's still light least on I just can't see cuz dark that makes sense I'm gonna drape these logs over right here we'll start cutting [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh geez okay so I've got some little pine sticks there's some medium ones we've got some medium meatballs we've got some big ol maples a couple Oaks over here nice plethora of firewood we got going on to the soul let's start our player on a couple big ol big ol stinking logs [Music] little one their own big jumble [Applause] yeah we've got I got a decent amount cut up here we'll probably burn some of these bigger ones in half let's just get so much feathery birch bark [Music] [Music] [Music] do you think it's not so bad it is enjoyable right now this is a very peaceful kind of like having the snow far back it's so eat it's just it just makes it so more lit up around the fire snow is definitely coming down we might get a few inches tonight you have to get this we don't have a ton of little stuff [Applause] first to get dim for a minute yeah this whole it's gonna be a while before we cook but that once this gets gone these big logs burning I'm not gonna get any little stuff just put these huge logs in half I'll just keep burning them in half that's gonna be a hot fire hot fire the last all night long it's already gone oh all right I'm gonna sit my chair sit down and join us for a little bit here it's gonna be a minute before we cook I might need to put on some layers soon huh Monty we're gonna throw the stick in a little bit okay deal oh yeah you want this Monty come here frosty bunny I get your scent on it yeah there you go hey [Music] girl rub it under your armpits come on what come on get that stick yeah yeah get you there you go get some slime on there yeah there you go don't want you losing it Monty I'm gonna find the right path all right we've got a pack down trail do you think you can stick to the pack down trail Jim it's alright okay get it Monty will he find it oh he's got it he's a good boy yeah so I've got all my logs and I brought back kind of draped I would say these these these four big ones on top here are not like these two right here directly not directly like on the flames it'll take a while foes burn half but eventually all the oldest wood is going to get burned up over the course of today and tomorrow I don't think I'll burn through all this tonight but we've got a hot coal bed going most things that were underneath before a burden in half but I just wanted to keep it warm and hot I've learned that you never want to leave your gloves out of your sleeping bag at night on a night like this when they're just like soaked up moisture because they get crunchy I left my gloves out oh man yeah that was that was my first time actually with the DSLR on that video I left my gloves I was my first was it my first snowstorm yeah is my first time camping in the snowstorm winter snowstorm learned a couple things what gloves freeze and that that was the only time I ever put my DSLR under a umbrella and that was a pain because it was a brand new camera that was a first video I did with it I wanted to protect it and now I just let it sit out the snow like it is no I just it's fine it's a champ it's a champ did we lose Monty Monty bring it here Monty anyways yeah I'm just taking my time I haven't I'm in no rush to cook right now I mean I am hungry don't get me wrong but I'm kind of just you know relax it was relaxing where we go for time oh yeah it's still early bring your right you bring it rested come on rubber on stick Monty's chilling bring it here Monty shelters hold up good we've got lots of snow accumulating I'll probably still knock it off but as you can see it's not sagging you can see where it's definitely still sagging a bit but not nearly as much as if we didn't use a ridge Pole and these logs it would be a saggy mess and I might only have to knock it off before I go to bed and then when I wake up I won't have to do it all night long just because these this would all support I actually really like the shelter a lot this is a really cool setup I like having two tarps because I got a deep it's like I don't know at least like 12 feet back 12 to like 14 feet back come on stinky puffs cause sticky pop what this do you want this oh do you want this though you hear the plane Joe okay all right all right I'll throw it for real you ready I'm not gonna fake throw it I promise yeah [Music] where's the Monty Oh your usual are you looking for this are you looking for this weren't you all right I'll throw for real I don't get it Oh what's that noise was it this oh yeah all right go get it buddy Monty I'm a big jerk right here all right one more time [Music] I'll really throw it don't get okay so I'm gonna keep throwing the stick for Monty here doing the snowing dance stand whoa I put all my layers I put on more layers I'm very warm right now I'm toasty I'm toasty in the snow toasty in the snap and so while yeah we're just let this burn down let some stuff burn in half and then eventually we're gonna start preparing dinner [Music] well I'm warm moving around any distance though my layers on gets me toasty we have got a very hot fire so I suppose it's time to start making dinner another unfortunate drawback to the I'm gonna call it high temperature there's so much heat back in the fort here this is a slushy mess up here right here very slushy and just wet and heavy so those sticks are kind of required but yeah our logs they'll eventually burn on half we've got a hot coal bed so for dinner or making today is a beef and broccoli over rice sounds simple tastes complex it's gonna be good I love this meal I'd have to much to prepare we're just gotta cut up some some yeah we got some stuff to prepare what am I saying so let's do it start cooking I'm hungry okay first things first of course of course of course of course of course garlic that's to have the dalek can't not have garlic Monty don't worry don't worry your patients gonna pay off I just fed him a beef stick and some cheese cheese will be used in tomorrow's meal but that's the only spoiler I'm going to give till tomorrow so as far as like if you guys like following along with my recipes and you like cooking what I cook I don't really you know I don't post these recipes these are kind of it's not like a these these recipes ain't they're just not ABC recipes I don't really cook ABC recipes where you're like 1 clove of garlic 1 TSP of this and 1/2 TSP of that I don't just I just don't cook like that you just kind of got to follow along with what I do here and yeah you kind of I cook off flavor i cook off of what I like because I'm eating it me and Monty well me mostly when I'm in making these you know big old portions so I just cook what I enjoy it I like lots of garlic you know the right amount of salt you can't over salt you can't understand and just my I cater to my flavors what I enjoy so for this one it's gonna be three cloves of garlic that's gonna be that I won't hear it so if you what I guess what I'm saying is if you want to follow along you gotta just follow along with the video just do what I'm doing I do all the steps I don't leave anything out there we go diced up some garlic now the most important thing and you know as far as a recipe book goes well we'll see about that one day but anyways the most important thing for this meal ginger fresh has to be fresh I'm gonna save this for later all the parts of the ginger are good I'll probably bring that home but I'm gonna put so much ginger in this meal I love ginger and for this meal if you don't like ginger you're not gonna be able to get the true flavor of this one you gotta have heavy ginger cuz it's just such a good flavor ooh I don't know if I should put all that in we'll see that's a lot of ginger we're gonna see if I like it or dislike it but if you're if you're making this at home you're following along I wouldn't put this much ginger I would put half back but I'm gonna go for gold and see if I like it because I love ginger anyways lots of change at all that smell oh yeah we've got some white onion I need to use a third of this and you need it for other things we'll use that much the rest is going to go back okay just gonna add this into the pot and then next we've got some mushrooms oh way there's no mushrooms in this one nice chunk of butter in there I've got more than enough butter for the next two days there's no way I'm gonna eat two sticks actually I should probably not say that because then I probably will eat two sticks of butter we're probably gonna eat these two sticks of butter is what I'm saying that in there okay all right we need the Monti dish great Monte we need your dish because you can't have beef and broccoli without beef so for this one we're not grilling it up with a fire we're gonna take these fatty pieces and we're just gonna throw a muy I'm just kidding this is Monty's delight he's gonna get these little bits tucked up in a pan he's in it and this is I think a New York Strip here so I'll give him some of this pad all right yes that's good for the monty and then we got to save him we're gonna cut off a little bit more fat and meat look up a little bit more because we like our monty this is for tomorrow so that's this is tomorrow's dinner for months we've gotta put this away we're gonna cut this up into nice chunks and we're not gonna cook this yet but we'll just have it prepared right down the middle there we go okay now we're gonna get this on the fire and get cooking so really quickly before we start cooking dinner I just want to show you what's going on up here the heat is reflecting very well under the shelter here and this is just all melting and just turning into a slush and if you look down here see if it focuses very well yeah that's just uh right there it's pooled water that's frozen because this this goes up and the snow is all because it's you know kind of there and it's yeah it that's just pooled slush water that'll freeze solid by at the end of the night and it's just gonna keep accumulating oh man the moisture is really coming along there we brought along the inferior great for this one for this trip because it's got more surface area we need that for this meal currently we're gonna need some coal maybe not logs we don't need logs you need coals no longer stick is what we need oh yeah hot hot fire first things first we need to get our rice going we need two cups of water so we're gonna go one down all right bring that up to a boil and then we cover we got Monty's little pan here we're gonna cert that cooking water and then we've got our big old pot of goodness we will start simmering up here okay we're cookin I'll be careful you'll note that I don't I don't cook rice over the fire that often but I don't know why I don't it's really not that bad oh that's a hot fire that's cooked up enough on the garlic rice is almost ready to get the lid on there but before the rice let's add some other goodies so first things first we're gonna add a little bit of soy [Music] that's just a Deval what the heck what the heck we're going to end some pepper black pepper okay and then some salt not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt we don't need much we've got soy in there just a little bit because because that's why because and then we need some of course brown sugar a little chunk of that a little chunk of that and then we need some good old-fashioned water not too much water just a little bit a little bit more that's would be good enough for the lid we're gonna add that on there let that sit we're not doing this at home at home I wouldn't you know I will cook this up a little bit let those onions get a little translucent before add any other stuff but this is over the fire and I'm not sure how it's gonna go so we're just gonna add in everything now and just go for gold so to our beef and broccoli we're gonna add some broccoli oh yeah we're gonna keep stirring that oh yeah and then we might as well add in our beef just gonna add in our chunks of beef woohoo we almost lost it alright this little stir around oh we got a log burning in half there okay we're gonna need a little bit more that's a hot fire what are you doing we need a little more water we need to get the heat on this going because we need this stuff to kind of roast in this so this needs to go in closer this needs to get going I'm now realizing that we probably shouldn't have put it in the beef so early and that's just something I'm gonna have to live with for the rest of my life but it's okay because listen be good well we had two logs burning what I'm talking about yeah thing is not as hot as I thought it would be Monty oh so racing to be way done early so this is my second beer I already eat one during the cooking process now this log I'm not even gonna burn this one in half here well I mean it's burned in half but I'm gonna save it for tomorrow we don't need we don't need more that is a very hot fire we're already having yeah this is I don't even feel snow cause it's just slushy and wet you can hear the sound of it normally it sounds kind of like dry and that's just solid because it's just a just a slush mess we got too much heat reflecting back yeah last week's video when he tried that escargot his face was hilarious I tried to do some editing and I did some very technical stuff and you should be able to hear the sounds he was making a lot better now check it out [Music] hey Marty great great booty puss boots fuzz booty fuzz all right we need to scrape more holes I don't think my uh my beef and broccoli ate simmer in the way I want it to be simmer and I want to I want to have some heat under there [Music] here we go Monte you know what you look like you want I see what you want you were you were old school so concerned because I wasn't cradling you like a baby that was is this what you were missing on Oh [Music] what the heck was that I was like an attack you just tongue attack my face it's okay I guess you're just giving me kisses back there choke a mangy they're gonna have a treat tonight you have a big treat you never treat you love treats [Music] please time into every good you just never know when to stop you're right I don't know when to stop they're gonna get treat so you're gonna get good boy treats where we go our this broccoli I cook down a bunch oh yeah we're about done they cooked down a lot more than I thought what there's a lot more liquid but that's okay it's gonna soak into that rice and be extra delicious so we've got one final step one final step now normally I would mix this in with some cold water because it's cornstarch but there's already so much liquid in here I don't want to add any more moisture so we're just gonna kind of add it in this is just a thickened let's just hope it doesn't clump up and it mixes in just fine oh yeah it looks like it's mixing in just fine [Music] where are we're going to cook this for another minute here with this cornstarch add it in oh that's gonna be so good then we're gonna stir in our rice Monte's with you a little kibble and get a little powder pumpkin going on in there Oh would you say rice rice you say okay all right if you say so a little white rice in there a little venison why not medicine beef cook the beat now it just needs a cool Manti you can't eat it yet you'll burn your mouth okay it's time this comes off the fire okay that's some deliciousness right there all right I think let's just see mmm oh it smells so good I think the only logical choice is to add in all this rice that's the only thing we can do oh well it's gonna be too much food so we might have a little leftovers just a little bit just a little bit that rice is gonna absorb all that juice there we go okay um it's time to feast that's gonna be so good oh yeah country do on tree Monty the finished brewski number two's he done [Music] all this food right here there's no way I'm gonna eat all this that is just like a oh that's at least a couple pounds no way it's gonna happen have you been a good boy all day did you fetch any sticks he warded off some enemies earlier he heard something but he heard something evil and he barked a bit so he deserves a meal okay Monty let's see if our uh-oh that was a pre-dinner part see if our beef is overdone [Music] ah the beep is barely over hook I'm surprised that it's not chewier than it is [Music] [Music] oh yeah the beef perfect huh as far as the ginger goes definitely wasn't too much ginger is good heck even put more ginger in there [Music] I'm slowing down I don't know how he doesn't show symptoms of being full blows my mind because that bowl right there was full it was a little heaping and I weighed three times as much as him so if you were to take 3 times as much as it was in this bowl and put it in here I mean it would be like that so I'm struggling there was less than that in there so I don't know how he's just fine wanting more [Music] you're a monster you're your worst food monster than me you are because you have no limit there's no limit I'm going to shut off that camera there finish up with whatever I'm gonna eat and we're gonna clean up a little bit and then Moses blow my Sigma stuff and get ready to lay down so sort of you're real full and sleepy [Music] okay yeah I'm very stuffed Brice pills yup yeah so I'm gonna do is uh that's gonna be fine Senate freeze overnight we'll warm it back up tomorrow I'm gonna use this pan that all that food is in to cook tomorrow so I'll probably clean out the pan I use for rice tonight and we'll warm everything back up and we'll put this meal in that and I'll seal the container I could do it tonight I guess while it's so warm but why do today which you can push off until tomorrow oh [Music] all right you Royal montanus [Music] are you gonna lay a 180 so the way I want you to lay your good boy so anywho that was delicious meal I am completely satisfied with the shelter oh there's the ice chunk right there yeah this is ice right here it doesn't feel too heavy oh wait this is just on this tarp oh the pooling oh yeah oh yeah there is a slushie okay yeah the heat Oh No yeah so yeah we're gonna have some ice to deal with the morning we're just gonna knock it off in the morning we'll let it freeze tonight it'll be fine we're just gonna be careful not to rip our tears buddy whoo this is this is definitely these poles are helping it hold up the weight if it were to snow all night I think would just be fine we'd probably have a little saggy here just like this and yeah it would just hold up but anyways we'll see what we do tomorrow um on the shelter I don't know if we're gonna do a fire reflector because I like the way the snow pit the big open snow pit glows like this but anyways I'm tired I'm full I'm ready to pass out so uh I'll catch you guys in the morning I've been made everybody [Music] good morning [Music] opening impressive [Music] the Monti present Heidi morning there's a big boy what that might be oh come on Gio I lied your back hahahaha dd-did you he's super sleepy alright Oh chilly out there it's very breezy but the winds are actually coming from the way they said they're gonna come from Oh which is a beautiful thing I'm gonna be I burned up a lot of my little food so I'll probably need to collect a little bit to get a fire started this morning just a little bit and yeah first to nadir of the winter season oh boy it's kind of nice being able to sleep in it was very peaceful okay it's time to get up put some layers on let's do it okay so who ya it's chilly I'm ready to get a fire going oh nice we burned the big one in half whose paw these up so we've got a couple inches of snow in here so we definitely got poor snow last night but yeah held up nice so let's find some wood get a fire god I'm gonna walk around and we're gonna find a nice little nice little dead one I don't want too big we got time today so we're gonna we'll just find one like that diameter kind of like this one this one would be perfect for processing up get the fire going and then we're going to burn more big logs well gather a few more today because we're going to burn it all day but yeah [Music] this'll be a perfect one I'm about to cut it back in two pieces or bring it back in two pieces but the top half is nice and smaller how do I break off the top half if I keep doing that and it could follow me so don't want to do that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh I'm not cool here we go oh yeah [Music] [Music] and out the worst thing wait little kindling already [Music] all right let's start up a fire come on you gonna help start the fire Sonny help huh why is it going over there we'll see if that was enough kindling it's cutting it close I might need to restart and get more that's pretty dry so it might do the job now once you have a little fire going you always want to make sure to power it on a Floyd to smother it out ASAP it's the number one rule of bushcrafting I'm just kidding it's fire making 101 some other it some other that fire we've got some blue skies going on this slice just a little over there yeah I don't think we're gonna make a fire reflective today I mean the wind is just blowing around and it's coming from this way so I don't think it's gonna do much good either way that way we can pile out big old logs like these burn them in half and have a big ol rip of fire we're just gonna need to create massive amounts of heat to combat this wind and we'll just keep it close enough so where we can sit around our shelter hopefully not burn too many holes from embers cuz you know me usually I put the fire pretty far away I like to protect my tarps last night we got a little little crazy well it definitely put a warmth under here so let's get some big logs on here let's get this fire going [Music] I think this fires Annapurna Oh so as I was saying before I think breakfast my frozen beef and broccoli is in here yeah it's frozen so we're gonna warm this up and then I'm going to transfer the contents of this so this here pot which I should have done last night but I see why do today what you can do tomorrow you know me so yeah we got to do that now that's more complicated warm it up a little bit because we're gonna need a boil cement some snow make some more water for the day and then we'll have ourselves a casual noon noon thirty lunch maybe one maybe one thirty you know Irv more breakfast I didn't mean lunch it's breakfast cuz you can't put it you can't define the time for lunch and breakfast I say it's the first meal you have after getting up within a few hours lunch is like middle of your day not not the technical day your day middle your day we're gonna cheese for lunch we're having breakfast I like it [Music] [Music] now I'm just going to clean this thing out there's not really any fat there so it should be pretty easy let's put some snow in warm it up melt it clean it out quick and then start cooking Oh boiling water first oh of the dough once you're in my way okay okay my G so what we were having for breakfast today is I was thinking since we got a little sheepherder here why don't we have a classic sheepherders breakfast all right Monte they all sheepherders breakfast very simple and you know was this gonna make it for myself but since we got the sheepherder here we can't have a sheepherders breakfast without the sheepherder getting some of the sheepherders breakfast so you're supposed to do it with hash browns but Monte can't have regular potatoes so I'm just gonna chunk up his sweet potato and that's just gonna have to do for them instead of hash all those slice it thin ich wait I don't most of in your sleeping pad that's right there Monty it's right next to you just sit on the cold hard ground all right that's just gonna count as Monty sweet potato hash problems right there for me I just need a little light on y'all I'm gonna do how much of it and save the rest for later [Music] okay and that to the pan then I just got some bacon already slice it up a little bit the nice chunks mind he's got his own little pouch of bacon I'll go right in he's gonna need some snow all we do is fry this up and then add the other stuff and it's pretty simple so let's get cookin we'll add more snow to montez's need it or need to adjust with fire here [Music] [Music] so I was just sawed up a couple of these logs here to get the fire going better it's going good now but I stretched my legs apart and I rip my pants so these a waterproof Nomo oh we've got a pad of water going it's almost time for coffee [Music] [Music] oh yeah got my little MSR mug mate I love this little thingy Oh build some grounds this definitely boiling will have a little schmutz in there but that's okay there we go all right I'm gonna have more snow we're gonna keep this going we got to fill up a knowledge eater and a half almost two now jeans this is looking good by the fire time to add any other goodies we ran out of frozen hash browns okay a little black pepper we're gonna add some salt not too much salt not too little salt just the right about us all okay now waiting up for Nalgene here do they have a little stuff get in there that's okay there you go and little Bernie we needed a chunk of butter on top oh yeah so it's pretty late in the afternoon I slipped in a bit today [Music] should we admit what time it is Monty it's almost 2:00 oh yeah that's okay we're just having a relaxing date today that's what's all about you know enjoy yourself do the work first day and relax second day stay warm we do need to get some more firewood I mean we could make do with what we got but we'd have a sad fire it wouldn't be sad it'd be sad all right we'll get more and then I think what I might do is I was gonna move the tarps and I was going to take this top right here and move it over but the snow that's built up on the back side there's an inch or two it's make me the whole thing solid so it's not flapping in this wind you'll notice it's it's not flapping at all so that's kind of nice not having it flap and it's kind of creating insulation so what I'm gonna do is either leave it or after I get firewood we're gonna pile up some snow because the winds is only coming from right here we'll just build up these walls another foot or two and that should block a majority of the wind which I'll probably end up doing that other than that we're gonna relax today okay so that's about good so now what you do for the sheepherders is you're supposed to make just little pockets to put your eggs in I'm gonna go right down to the pan lift them you're not really supposed to go to the pages to cook this cupboard bus and we're cooking it not covered and over the campfire just gonna make three little pockets here like that Monte's well you've got plots of water in there I don't care what his looks like his spell sheepherders because it's for a sheepherder okay that's the rule so we're going with so now let's drop our eggs in here oh we don't want that she'll a little shell top fire the mud is pretty much gonna have Pope sheepherders dr. poached now poped oh that's so hot ah burns a hands oh geez we're almost there it's almost breakfast time at Tallulah so we've got the right idea for the sheepherders breakfast but unfortunately I was gonna use this pot and the reason I was gonna use this pot to cook the sheepherders is because it's got a lid and I'm seeing how difficult that's gonna be to cook these eggs without a lid so we're just going to call this a mangled sheepherders breakfast because I'm just gonna mix this in so these cook up better so we have just invented a new dish it's called the mangled jeepers breakfast that's right that's what we do on the chat we invent stomp and if I was worried about looks I probably wouldn't go camping be out now we're gonna put on some heat Monte's oh man look at his besides all the water look at that he's got like a poached egg if there wasn't so much water this would be a total sheepherders breakfast it's still she fries baby what am I talking about Margie's got the poached sheepherders breakfast there is some poached sheep yeah see we invented another one the poached sheep hers breakfast and the mangled sheep herders breakfast dang how do we do this Monty there's just one last step to any mangled or poached Scheepers breakfast yeah there we go cheese or cheese or cheese gots to have the cheese but Monty is also going to get there's a little cheese just a little bit and there wouldn't be a poached sheet for breakfast about it there we go we've got the mangled sheepherders breakfast and the poached sheepherders breakfast you ready Monty read some breakfast on tree all right okay go ahead mine you've waited long enough for your two o'clock breakfast breakfast it too [Music] all right here we go here goes nothing oh it's cheesy goodness [Music] uh-huh apart oh good though Oh so I set up my watch and check the temperature it's about negative 3.8 Celsius which is roughly 25 Fahrenheit thank ya negative 3.0 Celsius about 25 maybe 24 25 whatever 25 Fahrenheit and that's without windchill because it is definitely much colder with windchill it's killing my batteries on my camera real quick so what we're gonna do is just eat up our breakfast here I think we'll get wood first and then we'll think about building up this wall which I probably will do won't take too much work go ahead Monty oh he's he's struggling it's like a big it's the thick patty in there put in your fall [Music] help you [Music] I can't see [Music] yeah I feel like today that's the latest I slept it in a long time but it's so cozy in that sleeping bag I just didn't want to get up usually undies and I have to go home and like edit or something I tend to go home earlier but if I'm out here for a second day I like to sleep in it's so peaceful with the sound of the breeze and just being that you're it your sleeping bag gets a little warmer in the morning when the Sun rises generally unless the day is gonna be like bitterly cold and you just kind of get a little extra toasty and it just makes you want to leave that much less get all your sleeping bag and mati was fine he wasn't handsy [Music] it could have slept longer when I was at max capacity this is that kind of stick-to-your-ribs food okay I was going to keep eating sipping on my coffee and enjoy the morning morning and then let's get some firewood some more firewood because this thing is getting a little sad we got to keep it going all day okay ah oh I was a good breakfast breakfast breakfast don't you tell me otherwise I won't have it it's my camping trip and if I want breakfast it - that's gonna how it's gonna do but yeah even though it's only like 25 I think it's gonna start to get much colder throughout the night with this wind chill it's pretty brisk it's pretty brisk I'm actually surprised at how brisket feels so anyways let's suit up and get some firewood [Music] and the sword [Music] great party you gonna come with are you gonna stay here alright leave the way power before that one you sure see your friend left this one's right next to camp let's see if [Music] [Music] was easy okay I see two right there through the role let's track this one back let me go to the next ones [Music] [Music] nope [Music] rip chopper [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay I think we're gonna do my god [Music] sighs austin austin our stark [Music] okay yeah [Music] now we'll just drag these two back to camp we should be set up firewood for the night yeah [Music] you might not believe it but there's a Monti in the camp there yes [Music] oh oh man may the traits be with you always cope to the dark side my name is Darth Montes oh you poor guy oh man I'm sorry about tea I'm sorry hookie dogs so we've got two hours of daylight left I hope I processes breakfast soon cos aw I'm the ugly at all but I'm gonna fill up these walls just a little bit here speak a little higher little added wind bloop it's okay if a little snow falls in here because I've got my sled with the tarp over it [Music] [Music] that should be a little added protection there [Music] okay Monte's all taking the map for now I'm gonna hang these pieces over we're gonna burn actually burn a lot of this in half so basically what I'm going to do is I'm going to cut them all to lengths like that Bay and then we're gonna pile them on bar them in half and then we'll have the rest of the night to have these nice big seconds of logs to burn so it'll be just fine so I'm going to set these all up to cut right now and then we'll get burning and relaxing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now we're gonna do we've got an hour and a half of oops we're gonna powder fire really quick I'm gonna clean this off so what I'm going to do is we're going to load up a bunch of these all these right here these need to be burned in half this is my shorter ones so what we're going to do is put all these on at once that'll be a nice hot rip and fire that'll go through till dark for quite a while burn those in half re pile those on we might not even need this firewood but that's that's pretty much the plan and that's just this will definitely be a hot fire the rest of the night very hot players I'm probably gonna fix up my wall here a little bit just a little bit a little bit out of the wind protection you know what make camp look pretty we do you know we have this beautiful camp here [Music] this will be an extremely hot fire you watch now we're going to bill up our walls [Music] I think that's gonna do it it's good enough a little more wind protection not crazy amounts it'll melt down as that fire gets hot fun hey I'm happy with it it's gonna get nice and toasty under here very soon there's a flame started and it's going to get it rip it he doesn't want to drink the water I provide him just freezes solid there's proof you provided dog water and his name is Monty and he doesn't drink it it's a turd I'm not feeling any wind whatsoever it's very light right now anyways I'm kind of excited for some gusts see how much that wall actually helps I've got icicles moti don't you lick that pan little monster I am just gonna be chilling relaxing thinking about life and stuff until it's dark we're going to throw the stick for Monty but we're not doing anything but sitting here is staying warm and enjoying the time out here [Music] we got a hot fire [Music] [Music] [Applause] so I get what I deserve this little beggar we've been eating a briquette English cheddar it's pretty good pretty sharp and he just can't get enough you got it to a month you let the flavor you know absorb in your mouth little right it's been two and a half hours since I piled all these logs and they're pretty much burned out I put them in half once or maybe no wait two hours no two and a half wait I don't know something like that it's dark now it's dark but tonight's dinner it's a little different one on this channel so why don't you go with a time old classic and that is grilled cheese and tomato soup and we're just gonna do a very simple classic grilled cheese classic tomato soup it's a nice simple one you just take your can of tomato soup you open it up you throw your American cheese on your white bread you can just sear that up once your soups heat it up you dip it and that's it delicious we're gonna do the same thing except we're gonna make our tomato soup from scratch using fresh tomatoes and herbs and whatnot and we're gonna use some artisan bread for our bread and like five different gourmet cheeses other than that it's the same as the classic tomato soup and grilled cheese the exact same except just just just a couple additional steps you know cuz yeah we're gonna eat good it's gonna be good but this is one of the probably one of the most rare moments on the channel and that is a vegetarian meal I thought about putting some ham or pepperoni in the grilled cheese and I probably should have I'm probably gonna regret not doing it but note the day we're going vegetarian tonight kinda i've been munching on beef sticks so I'll probably eat one with the sandwiches to make them get better but we're gonna get simmer in our soup because I'm gonna suits I'm gonna simmer the soup for a couple hours I want everything to dis turn I don't want it to be too Chuck I mean I'm probably chunky and I don't really I don't care if it's chunky or not but I want it to be you know a nice mushed up deliciousness right Monte all right it's kind of warm near that fire huh it's a very hot fire so I guess let's prepare some stuff we got we've got a long simmer right Monte Bloo you're very warm Monte he thinks he's getting more cheese that's why he's like Oh burn my face as long as like you cheese I don't care just give me that cheese everything will be okay so for our soup oops we just need some stuff what stuff we're saying no stop stop start with whoops crushed it we get a bonus one garlic oles gots to have the garlic if you don't have garlic I think I put garlic in every meal I've ever made that's going to go into the soup pot then of course horse of course white onion [Music] Hey into the pot that goes I was debating whether I wanted to cut these up or not but I think I'm just gonna cook them whole these are cherry tomatoes which are probably frozen or Taiwan oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh I'm gonna add those in little ice blocks all right we're gonna cook those down chop them up with a spatula now we need a little bit of water all right now that's gonna evaporate okay for now we're just gonna start dissolving all this and start cooking it down and we're gonna add more stuff as we go by this is gonna need to simmer for quite a while so we're gonna throw the lid on here get this on the fire all right get down the fire so coals under here just start once we get a boil we're gonna keep it away from the heat as long as it just keeps bubbling and it cook it for a minimum of an hour and then probably we're gonna cook it for about an hour and then we'll add other stuff so now it's just simmer time stop symma time okay we've been simmering for a minute here wonderful my gloves on I'm sure this fight has hot hot fire what I can see steam coming out oh yeah chopping these up a little bit I've got some chicken base up a little water in the bag to get it liquefied mostly all the way up there now we need a little pepper black pepper and some salt not too much salt about too little salt just the right amount of salt a little bit more alright then I've got some fresh bright fresh basil that's frozen completely I'm just gonna tear that up and throw it in there nice and basil II know we've also got some frozen parsley let's just tear that up okay mm-hmm tomato soup is coming good whoo I love the smell of basil mmm all right now we're just gonna throw it back on the fire in just another 20 minutes and we'll see how it looks in 20 minutes all right let's give it a taste test hmm oh yeah ooh I started to taste good it's still a hair bland it's gonna have to cook down and some of the moisture still you have to boil out and the flavors gonna get better as it goes [Music] you fall asleep wait for that soup huh you're still gonna get there oh okay that is a very hot fire we've got just a ripping coal bed I'm gonna crack open a beer here Oh some good stop okay so our soup has been simmering for what when do we start it I don't know it's been an hour it's been simmering for an hour so we're gonna give it like 20 more minutes it's not gonna be a puree you know tomato soup it's gonna be more chunky because I didn't cut anything up super small and that's pretty much why also if you use a food processor to chop things up I'm not sure if you do it before you cook it or after but either way if it was in smaller bits it would definitely help it cook down a lot but it's it's gonna be chunkier which is just fine the flavors gonna be exact same it's just gonna have some chunks but that's gonna be just fine with me I don't mind a little chunk of your soup but we're still gonna let it simmer for another half-hour ish we'll probably start getting the rest of it ready shortly here and we'll start cooking Monte's you've got some steak blankey on so we're just gonna relax and enjoy the heat of the fire okay let's take one more peek at this before we prepare other stuff oh yeah okay that start looking like a tomato soup all right oh yeah it's gonna be a chunky tomato soup but it's gonna be delicious oh yeah scrape that bottom nation up and burn it let's get the rest going hey Monty are you gonna help I can't see Monty Monty could you please go over here come here Monty thank you yeah go right okay so we've got four different types of cheeses I'm gonna slice up the first is some pepper jack hmm next we've got I'm gonna slaughter some of these names this is uh cheddar cheese with Gruyere notes we're really I don't know what it what it says gray or we're gonna definitely slaughter some of these let's taste this this one - mm-hmm Garson goat cheese this one which I already took a bite out of it because I was wanted to taste it this is Havarti cheese and this is I can't remember what this one is it's some kind of special cheddar I don't know what was special about it but it's special so just just know this is a special cheddar some kind of special special soft cheddar all right we got our bread here let's divvy this up here might be a little little too much cheese is there such a thing as too much cheese I don't think so poor Monty come on tear some more come here okay oh that's me good all right hey I want you but we need to get Monty's frozen meat ready all right okay let's get grown some cheese's pregnant Monty's meat let's do it watch out my feet sure we're gonna put this over though yeah the hot oh jeez Monty I could have knocked my camera in the fire are you crazy come here pop oh that's looks so good okay get some butter just a little bit about her just a little casual a chunk of a quarter bar a bed stick of butter you know casual [Music] let's carefully lay on oh that's not very careful awesome cheese it's all gonna stay in there well they're gonna be so cheesy it's gonna be so good I've got extra bread just in case these uh but I just I feel like there's a lot of bread there so I'm going to do oh we don't want that ah we're gonna save this chunk of bread or butter okay well soak butter into the bread that side like it a little toasty and then we'll flip them will keep we're gonna flip them a lot because we don't want we want to get burnt bread and we want this cheese to get nice and melty it's gonna be tough that's a whole lot of cheese on there okay okay okay okay we've got to make a flip of utmost importance okay one flip my hands burnin hold it together keep it together oh okay we're getting some melty cheese's oh-ho-ho this is gonna be a pretty good vegetarian meal I must say I think this is the only vegetarian meal ever cooked [Music] what's so hot the fire oh geez ah it's hard to keep my hands near it ah oh ah jeez okay all right let's check her tomato soup oh yeah that's looking good okay so this is done since our our sandwiches are getting close we're gonna take this off the fire so that it doesn't burn my mouth too much when I start to eat it because if I don't take it off the fire now and we and our grilled cheeses already I'm totally gonna burn my mouth over and over trying to ingest all this so we're gonna put glop on to hold the spatula Oh turn the cheese through the cheese is melting through you can see it oh yeah oh it's gonna be good this one's not melting quite as much this side so we'll turn them a little bit let's just take this oh it's hot they've gotta be melted together love will prepare master Mounties putting his pumpkin powder will go extra pumpkin today with that with that beat you know right long pumpkin off making a nice pumpkin New York Strip puree and then we're gonna mix us someone in this food and we're gonna set it off to the side because he needs his nice and cool so you can scarf it down in two seconds oh it's getting dangerously toasted oh no oh no that's what we don't want that's too much char okay okay they're coming off the fire I have it all there perfectly they're good let's see if we got the gooeyness we were hoping for oh yeah look at that oh this one too oh it's pretty gooey all right all with our soup oh that looks so good okay let's feast hmm okay feast I'm Monty you waited patiently go ahead that's all you that's all you like I'm way to make you wait any longer okay I really hope the soup oh it looks very warm hope it's not too hot just wanna take a bite of it really quick hmm oh that's some good tomato soup right there our grilled cheese we gooey dip it in the tomato soup of course you gots to do it [Music] [Music] hmm go ahead Monty hmm Oh soup is still pretty hot oh it's so flavorful macho get back get back back up back up back up get back back up okay go ahead trying to help you Monty I want you to eat it all I just want you to not hmm [Music] Margie [Music] tomato soup and grilled cheese will never be the same no way nope I just reached a new level love you what's up hey-oh was just not enough did you want my dinner - would you like my dinner - oh sure here here Monty I have a nice chunk of grilled cheese yeah help yourself no don't mind me don't mind me I just weigh three times as much as you and I know I already over fed you and fed you treats all day but don't worry about me you still won't mine Oh it's okay Monty I understand I share the same lack of self-control which is why I'm probably to eat too much until I feel sick [Music] oh it's so hot that is all our firewood that's it all that Monty you do children job Monty thanks for helping with dinner and by helping I mean help and eat it yeah all right one for the one for the night one just just one just go okay Monte Louise go fetch the stick there's about a 10% chance we'll bring it back that's it so yeah we've got all our food we've got our wood on the fire I've eaten most of our food Monte didn't get any but I ate it all no I've eaten most of the food so they brought out but oh I am sleepy now I'm ready to go lay down oh yeah I'm gonna shut off that camera here I'm gonna clean up camp clean up all this crap that's everywhere and then no we're gonna get tuck - you ready for bed so check bakers you guys Monty booty is gonna keep our bottles from freezing the magic of Monty's booty hut Almighty oh do do you think that warmed up you want me to flip you around you just lay down up with your own okay do you know how I like to flip your own when you lay down do it every night it's like a it's like a fun little game very careful not to get a Monty fur sleeping bag zipper all right Monty zipped away finalize our Monty seal full wool blanket action stop oh no he's still gone you just put a wool blanket over them and he ain't going anywhere until the morning light well that was delicious we've got quite icy tart I gotta be careful I don't want to rip this oh man yeah we whoo oh that's a heavy whoo oh man that's a chugga that's a picture guys oh yeah I guess that makes sense ray at the bottom Knowles we're gonna pull that chunk out tomorrow and see what it looks like if I can remember oh yeah this whole thing well I hope I don't rip my tarp I've never had to deal with so much ice oh man all that's a heavy piece to cheese or am i doing here farting is what I'm doing okay anyways yeah it seems we've got a lot of ice in the tarp I'm a little scared I'm gonna pass out I'm ready to sleep so I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody oh that's he [Applause] already stinks in here there's that little nose hey hi it's a dude day good morning Monty you know Margie hi so yeah do you think chilly gives you lots of gas and sticky parts Eddie got nothing on tomato soup it's like I was playing a stinky instrument all night I was hitting those high notes and the low notes and the steak chili chili no pun intended it's soupy so I'm pretty good we got earlier today that's for sure with Seoul today's the day and we're gonna pack up and head home and get to see how much ice is up here so it's a little brisk out there let me get up hey put on some layers no good throw on the stick for mati first uh come on crunchy munchy come here we're gonna put on your booties djibouti's mine no we're not going back to bed I mean if you really want to I guess [Laughter] [Music] what is it ready your this oh man it was a crisp brisk mornin the snow is crunchy its it's gotta be at least in the teens you're burning brick holders for it's pretty chilly Monte that's not where the stick is here's some snowmobiles off of the distant here those here that moose mmm-hmm it's pretty early for snowmobiles all the fuzzy bleep oh man okay Mikey he's full of piss and vinegar this morning oh I think I want to see how big this is a stream this is just like the outside the no rap hey it's a frozen some paracord in it but it's take its like this thick and it was like with those pieces on there was like this big and a big bowl it's just a big ol bowl I see I'm not the use Monty stick here my axe to break it off I've never had so much heat and snow going to the tarp and create so much ice like that before I probably should have knocked it off periodically and not let that ice build up because I was kind of worried when I was peeling that ice off the tent and the tarp it was gonna rip it didn't rip luckily it felt like it was gonna but I guess that material is tougher than I give it credit for but anyways we've got a sunny morning blue skies day it's so still I thought it was gonna be so much windier last night but it's very still this morning just a pristine wintry scene so go get that stick party get that stick anyways we're gonna start packing up yeah no no no yes please yeah no let me cheat a little Pross beard oh no don't just deflate it [Applause] this is a sign of my surrender this is the Big Muddy I'm God ja ja ja ja okay I'm sorry we're gonna be careful we rip the tariff oh I like this is all [Applause] oh man serious ice on it lesson learned if you have a really hot fire and the snow is melting under your tarp a lot and you're having pooling water knocks it off quickly so you don't get ice buildup oh it just sounds like it's gonna rip with it's a stronger material I'll give it a credit I got enough of it off this one we're gonna just I'm just gonna pack this up and melt it at home I don't want to ruin my turf none of the ice really stuck to this one big chunk I pulled up ice it just slid just slid right off oh I guess they're made out of slightly different materials I'm gonna go ahead on a limb here and say that this aqua quest tarp is made out of better material I don't know what the heck that is but well maybe it was just was closer but there was definitely pulled up ice on this one I thought they were like the same material but I guess maybe not well yeah this one the ice didn't even stick to it [Applause] don't worry Monty don't bring it back I'll just keep playing fetch with you and myself and time to shed a couple layers hmm this is always the cold part should layers until you get moving and then you get warm then everything's okay but right now I'm gonna be a little chilly so I had my watch set up to check the temperatures this morning and it did the thing it does when it's too cold and it doesn't put a reading on and then I put it on my wrist and as soon as I put it on my wrist it read negative ten Celsius so that's that's teens Fahrenheit so I'm thinking it was colder than that so I'm thinking it's it was probably more like negative twelve Celsius and single digits Fahrenheit so a little chilly this morning if there was wind it would be so cold but there is no way and that's without wind that's zero wind so it's a first morning with a brisk morning you get them snowmobiles okie Dokes folks so that was a couple of fun nights had some delicious food there oh how pretty average winter temperatures pretty average winter weather we had a little bit of snow got it maybe a couple inches you know we had a little higher temperatures little lower temperatures we had some wind now we've got Sun I think we got a little bit of everything didn't we yeah so that's pretty good so we're gonna get heading back to the car and we've got a drive to do to get home and I've got to thaw out some stuff here so as always if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and I'll catch you guys in the next video let's go [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 1,760,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, bushcraft, winter camping, bushcrafting, survival, shelter, shelter building, adventure, adventurer, backpacking, backcountry, backcountry camping, wilderness, wilderness area, wilderness camping, wild camp, bushcraft shelter, survival shelter, campfire, campfire cooking, dog, dog training, outdoor education, outdoor recreation, wilderness living, canada, nature, bushcraft skills, nature skills, outdoorsman, survivor man, camping dog, extreme weather, cold weather, cold camp, asmr
Id: xT6HYgSv1hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 51sec (10911 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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