4 Night Wilderness Adventure

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oh hey didn't see you there I'm just brewing a fish stew I would in a wilderness adventure with my friend and my dog we've been embracing the wilderness by fishing every day hanging out with the local wildlife and eating good so why don't you stick around and join us Monte I done told you you ain't allowed to swim on this trip ding nabbit ok I'm just kidding you consume all you want we've got bonus paddles we've got fishing poles tackle food sleeps up here good and we are off something just don't feel right oh no it's just the sunshine in my eyes there we go all right now already well hello ladies and gentlemen I am in the boat with first mate people's Mick toots I know with captain teeny trout and I have just embarked on another wilderness adventure we're gonna be spending four nights out here we're hoping to do a good amount of fishing this was more about the fishing and yeah we're hoping to catch some fish dinners we're gonna be eating good some of the nights and hopefully having some fun seeing some weather you may have noticed I'm using a kind of a newer palette here and well so we had to drive to get these paddles and I just had it in my head no I didn't even think about anything and just were to get this paddle and we drove there and when we got to where these pedals are we bottomed it was in the wrong spot in the wilderness area and put us two and a half hours out of the way Sol got a little bit of a late start it's just this captain thos fault not mine it's his idea yeah it definitely is it's a little bit windy you got to be careful when you're turning on these waves now maybe wondering who is captain tini Travers where did he come from why is he the way that he is well the only thing I can tell you is how he got his nickname and for that we must tell a story you see there was a time when sir captain th out could not catch a fish no matter how hard he tried he used to come with me and I catch fish after fish just pulling him in the boat and he gets so jealous and well he thought maybe if he changed his vessel he could catch more fish so what he did is he went out and got the fanciest vessel he could for fishing he even let me try it out and even with his new vessel he still could not hurt me so I came up with a plan to take him to a lake where you could catch infinite amounts of fish and he could never not catch a fish we spent three hours driving down terrible roads and two tracks only to fail getting to the lake and just having to admit defeat what we then did was go to this other lake right at sunset and then Lucas which is captain teeny trout's real name happened to land upon a monster fish which was okay yes an eight and a half inch teeny trout and the legend was born oh yeah it's a windy one we're on the side where the wind's coming from soul we're gonna be ducking behind some islands well we've got a paddle across this big old lake and it was it was looking to call for it was coming for like rain the whole day today but we got lucky and it's cleared up already by the time we got here because someone's genius idea for a late start so I guess you could thank me red squirrel I referred the wind in my face even though it's it's not as fun they just think you can't catch you off-guard if you get these waves I just kind of push it on one side and you get a little a little tippy feet on it's not it's not the best feeling and yeah so we're gonna do a trip that's not gonna be crazy amounts of work and more focus on the fishing if you watch my last trip where I did the six nights now the joke find out I mentioned in the extended series that I kind of thought about the word to go in this for this trip we've been planning it and I might have said we were doing this in July bow we found the time now and yeah so we're focused more on catching some fish we want some Walters bobbies Larry's in a big ol Peter that's we want he's looking for a personal best he's trying to beat my 72 and a quarter inch er that I lost last spring plank of legend there's no doubt in my mind that it was at least 72 you know third pitches squeakin right to squeakin I'd love to catch a fish every day that's that's definitely the goal of the trip you know where we are on the map mr. Boy Scout yeah your wonder where Monty is oh he's back there he's squeakin he decided to go swimming right away I didn't even make him get in nah not at all he just went right in so he's just his heads down is he likes to get in the water he likes to clean himself you know clean it up dry himself out it is gorgeous out oh yeah just because we got a late start don't mean I know see it's gonna be unspoken except the bum speaker right now but there's definitely gonna be a little competition going on between me and this guy here now I'm very I'm totally is his first trip I'm totally cool if he catches fish and has a great time and big fish but if he catches more fish than me a bigger fish I'll be not gonna be happy about it so we're getting the occasional like the swells are coming from straight back that way for the big open part and the wind is blowing this way so we're going with the wind cruising directly and then every once while you get some swells that'll kind of make the boat bully this a little bit it makes you just feel a little uneasy it's never it's never the most fun thing having weird ways they can't make up their minds look at this side of the say hello get the dog perk you're gonna get treats to eat really give any spoilers about dinner oh heck no no way one thing we also might do may or may not but probably will is well like I said we're gonna be eating good because we're not doing a lot of work and I got a cooler with some ice so if we catch fish like one fish we're gonna probably keep the fillets and save up for a nice big old fish dinner you know Monte he wants a proper proportion portion and I want a proper fish proportion for fish portion drops and so yeah we might glam up they keep the cooler save them up and have a big ole non spoilers can't spoil anything I can't be beat I'm not spoil anything back off yeah oh yeah it's windy out there oh man yeah that's crazy you can see we're tucked in this Bay about how windy it is out there I don't know if the camera picks that up very well we've got two and a half hours of light left we still gotta find the spot and set up and get firewood but you guys that's usually how I feel about it if you go paddle in your first paddle this is this is what you want be careful there this is not the best see these ones at the side this is Lee's favorite right here keeping an eye on the way is a little bit where we go we're about to pal through to the next Lake we're gonna try for a campsite that I stayed at last trip this is a nice sight on a nice Lake I think I'm going to take a few casts if it deepens up a little bit so sunny I can't see I got a cast here you okay you okay back there where there's a nice little hole there's a fish where's a fish he'll catch him oh that was just the best cast of ever done in my whole life let's do a little wager first one it first one catches that catches a fish gets the other person's bag of beef jerky I'll uphold my end of the deal if I catch a first fish snag we're gonna head over to a campsite but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna troll the old chartreuse layer just a little bit yeah I got I got on the beach into the first fish it's just I won't feel right if you come out here you catch a fish before me you know it just it's just leave a bad taste in my mouth and I can't give that to you oh shoot Easton floats okay whoo well that's wet oh yeah all right it looks like we found our first campsite and I think I was just here not too long ago we got to see if we can quickly pick up a fish for captain teeny truck it's over here there's still time well I hope you didn't get lost think you might have went to the wrong side here I don't know about his math reading skills so far oh I think we're playing ring-around-the-rosy around an island right now you lose captain teeny trout for just one second now where the heck did he go he's early are you probably paddling back this way now again this is quite the game ring around the rocks hey where you going the campsite hey Monty Monty have we camped here before huh hi Monty Jessica boy - soke oh boy yeah alright oh geez okay sorry I didn't mean to do that - yeah alright yeah last time I was here you set up the tent right there it was a nice little spot a beautiful campsite only one on this lake looking pretty good it's actually a really protected from the wind so this is really nice so this Katherine teeny trout's first campsite out in the huh yeah you're in there so you get first choice first dibs so what we're gonna do really quickly we're just gonna throw up our bags really quick he's gonna pick where he's gonna stay and then we're gonna go collect firewood to process up first and yeah we'll just bust out the saws leave our bags here and we'll get some firewood and then we're gonna do all our setting up process all the firewood see where we're at if we can even go out fishing or if we're just gonna cash from camp tonight who knows it's our first day long day we're little pooped I'm pooped drink three coffees big coffees so yeah alright so we're gonna go get some firewood and then we're gonna set up hi my teeth hi guy oh all right I'm gonna set up up here because it's a little breezy today and yeah it's just a little breezy and it might be a little chillier and we got chance of rain all night firewood collection was a little more hectic than anticipated took a little longer and everything's saturated right now mr. captain th are over there soaked this boot for the first time first of many hopefully right oh yeah oh yeah it's a good spot okay so our chances of night fishing tonight are looking slightly grim as we have about 30 minutes on the sunsets a whole bunch of firewood to process up we're very pooped today and dinner sounded pretty good I don't know how you feel about that yeah we got a good one tonight ladies and gentlemen oh we sure do we've got a beautiful dinner tonight gonna be a tall guy Marty the mosquitos getting yeah are they good yeah well you're getting yeah all right we're gonna try something so the mosquitoes are gonna be potentially pretty bad this trip so I'm trying some new stuff try it out permethrin spray in my clothing and this eucalyptus stuff now this lotion it's a it's an off lotion I tried to find it I had a real trouble finding it and I had to ask for some help and Nigel over it call the wild he's got a YouTube channel you should check out I'll link it on the screen here but he I contacted him and he actually helped me acquire this lotion because I found something I'm not sure if it's the same they don't make it here and it was like twice the price if not more and I'm not sure if it's the same but so we're gonna try a little bit of this on Monty's nose I'm not gonna it's just gonna be dabbled just a little right up the mill where he can't lick because that's his most sensitive spot and then on the tips of his ears where he can't get to it he wants to because he likes motion and weird and we'll see if they get him they've already been biting up his nose so yeah yeah hey calm down calm down don't home bro calm down okay okay okay okay but maybe another night I'm just Connecticut yep no right no no okay you're messing with captain teeny trout's ambience of the nature oh I really hope you ricocheting it right into my tent make make sure mountains behind you you gotta protect the Monti you put a big little sleeve in my rain fly oh I'll never you'll never hear the end of it I think I got this first ride I did all right I'm gonna finish get my crap in your in your hated processing some firewood here soon there we go you see that is that wall I wish always literally about to snap a picture and it started when I took it away should we take a break in fish okay we just had a fish jump right out of the water I'm trying to quickly get the slip bobber going this is where you like discovered it does work right yeah Kathy Cheney trail has a bag problem Contini trout losses lure now I'm about to about to spit oh geez haha that didn't sound good didn't wasn't right oh yeah ready like a bus put a park counter on your video yeah counter yeah are you the dog park do you want to treat do you want to go for dog oh good point oh this hey you got a fish gonna fish you got a fish get over here hurry hurry gonna fish I'm bringing it if you don't get over here what are you doing over there oh I can't Jesus left-handed what is it oh I do it it's a nice chunky Smalley oh oh yeah oh dude no no it's staffed your line like a 20-inch Smalley yeah I wasn't kidding oh dude I wasn't kidding at all yeah that thing was huge no I swear to God I screamed dude you got a fish and I was like I'm bringing this thing in oh that was the fish splash it I got it to shore and it took off and snapped the line doubt I'm not even kidding no I'm not dude it snapped the line right here I was not kidding it was a hundred percent sure they know you're Paul next time say I'm not well hey you are you trying oh you're so not Jalali just like me I'm not falling for this I mean what was I gonna do right now hold on if you want proof I'm gonna replay the video yeah I saw it I had it almost in my hand and then it took off and snapped line he legitimately didn't believe me um how does does that even who does that go to is it well your love lost my you love the person you said it was your fish you lost the first bitch dude that thing was chunky that have been some good food I had it like you could have had surf and turf we could have oh it was like in my hand and then it took off and snapped the line well it was just like it don't happen so fast and I was I was honestly just like why the heck it's you know excited right now cuz you already Frank you want I thought we do you remember what I do you remember what I said when I pray to you I said I didn't even sound the truth that one you didn't found that in the beginning whoa I would do I gotta finish sure dude you go to fish well I'm not gonna prank you when it's like day yes that was like that was dual fault all around that was so weird I was reeling it upside down feel responsible about what a bit pretty hilarious so yeah we just we were just like hooked on watching these bobbers for a good 20 minutes there cuz that happened that whole thing happened yep that happened true did Monty we gotta process up some firewood I heard a splash and I just like that is this next level like you're way overthinking about what I'm not I'm a trickster but you now you're giving me some ideas now I know like start splashing a stick yeah barbar paranoia oh yeah that kind of couldn't have been any any more perfect to be a pretty much comedy routine right there that whole situation but yeah we're just silent firewood if you watch my last video I use that dinky little Super Excel to process all my firewood that's the ticket this time I wasn't messer on I brought out the silkie big boy he brought his Ogawa Yannick had yawn boreal 21 I didn't I don't think I'm ever gonna bring out a dinky little saw to process a bunch of Claire oh it again it's just not worth it when I can use this and we can just rip to the logs it's not any work at all yeah you don't like that REIT idea there's like four feet off the bank so the guys I had to put the boat and we go get it oh man oh yeah this is this is some good stuff right here we got some nice firewood we've done good I never mind having too much firewood it's when yeah it's when you wish you had more or if you want to be a firewood gnome you can always leave it yeah yeah you can go write your own okay so what we're having for dinner is ribeye steak oh yeah one of those beautiful one-time device oh it's gonna be good okay so we're gonna have some other things with it and the first portion of that other things is oh wait honey on taters all we got taters for tonight oh I'm so hungry what happened Liv the fire use some of those little pieces are I'm gonna add this to the pot here to our onions we're gonna add some potatoes Walt puzzles Brussels oh we've got we've got a lot of potatoes in here oh oh so that's potatoes and onions I'm going to add a chunk of butter to that and then we've got another little guest coming along to go with the revised and that's some asparagus we'll do half the asparagus tonight that should be plenty all right we're gonna add a little salt to both of these not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt oh yeah we're gonna add some black pepper in black pepper there we go I'm gonna save some for another day okay we're gonna add in a nice chunk of butter to each of these cut it out there we go all right butter for that one okay we're getting us on the fire I'm gonna put the rib eyes on there and then we are going to add the seasoning as I flip them well we've got a Monte hey Monte those potatoes on there those are gonna need to cook for a minute before I put this asparagus on set that right there and then the steaks are no way a little bit home but yeah I mean I said I leaned it I I can't remember I think I leaned in it but it's it's true you got a good point there good thinking see that's some cooking teamwork right there oh it's so hot we're getting borderline hangry Lucas over here is just demanding food more than Monti does yeah that's what I'm talking about right there and of course and here just gonna flip these things by hand oh you betcha there we go oh wow Montreal on that side we're gonna flip right now so they'll stick too hard already almost stickin don't you oh there oh the smoke is in my eyes oh it's not so bad we're gonna move ooh it's starting to look like a steak ah it's just the nerve endings of my fingers just about flesh burning what's funny but yourself these don't even look close around it's gonna be on you oh these are what I hate to drop your snake like that that's the potatoes you're gonna start eating these here all right we're gonna start adding steak some Monty's all right I'm not doing this on the fire I'm gonna lose steak in the fire this is going on these potatoes okay bring it buddy stay crap alright that's so that's the state for mati I'll give them some extra pieces of fat there this asparagus is almost done oh it's all the time two feet oh yeah and that right there ladies and gentlemen is some delicious food home ready to feast I just gonna get Monty's finalized and Alesi be fat I don't want to get too much cuz he's gonna make a poop man he's gonna whoop that down then he's gonna beg for some of mine guaranteed okay Monty go ahead go ahead Monty good boy all right oh here we go Oh No feel like a savage beast yeah I just devoured that three years was a fork and knife though yeah you're a sophisticated savage beast all right is this also good I need to turn off this camera and just eat this like a savage it's about to get real unsightly it's already unsightly that was a satisfying meal oh well I I can eat more steak I was so hungry I could definitely no doubt some more but it was definitely delicious between me and my to eat that whole thing I gave him a few more chunks of steak fat I'm just so hungry or I was so hungry I'm not hungry more okay I'm saying I'm satisfied yeah we're just cleaning up our dishes watching the moonrise they're very greasy dishes that it's cold so we've got to heat up our water and wipe it out and it's taken a few just it's taking a bit here to get all this steak fat and the butter off that's how the process goes for cleaning dishes so you know we're just gonna clean up our stuff here pack away all our crap in huh we're gonna get ready for bed cause it's very late Monty mutti munch munch is done here this is his button I'm not gonna move the camera I'm not gonna move him that's where he shows away I saw stood I'm ready to pass out is a very long day I've been told I didn't go go go for mm-hmm 16 hours no more eighteen hours go-go-go I've been go-go-go for 18 hours is that right yeah that is okay long day almost kind of duel kind of fish anyway those delicious dinner I'm about to pass out so I'll catch you guys in the morning ready did you draw muddy last night no she's gonna be drooling no that's gross Monty okay well I slept pretty great last night you could hear the woodpecker early this morning you hear that guy there's definitely a woodpecker going for quite a while really close huh yeah anyways we get up on Monty's bug bandana eyed I sprayed a bandana permethrin to help keep away from his face actually got this band dinner for mrs. Kramer at one point but no that's a bug bandana hopefully it works put a little that lotion on his nose in here so he doesn't just get mauled and hopefully we got a protected my ID but okay you know no let's do it Monty I don't see any mosquitoes eating you up hey that's nice oh we got captain teeny trout down here on the condom thingy oh it's a nice calm morning oh yeah cloud coverage ooh hey do you know if there's any bass in here you think maybe no you didn't see no bass yesterday you didn't see no bass oh it's beautiful out there I am it's supposed to be really hot today so we're gonna check the cooler we are going to see if our big old breakfast we had planned is gonna make it till tomorrow after this 80 degree day that's supposedly coming but I ain't seen it yet if it is we're gonna save it till tomorrow if it's not gonna make it we're gonna have a big breakfast today but I am eager to get out there and fish so I'd rather just whip up some quick food we'll see let's check I think we're pushing off the big breakfast till tomorrow morning we've got lots of movement and fishing today not not many portage is one one big portage but we're gonna be fishing all day so I'm gonna get ready and make my breakfast here make my coffee we're gonna get his breakfast and then we're gonna get it packed up and get on this water but yeah if if I were to land that fish we would have no we wouldn't have known whoo-hoo to claim that too or what to do because he set the line it was really put it in the money spot but I told you what to do and I said yeah no all credit goes to the person who wins the fish what I lost the fish that's true so it's kind of like I lost your fish no no watch needs a little bit more water soupy ever heard a couple ruffles the Thunder didn't turn in any rain though or anything so we kind of packed up a little little faster just had everything put little stops X quick Justi keys well with biscuits and gravy well hey the sun's out you're doing what now Oh Monty look at this guy I mean his food all pumpkiny and I had it sit are you I didn't use enough hot water I don't think now he's on strike dagnabbit Monty you eat that food mister that sure aren't your only breakfast you're getting today good boy please please just eat it I'm gonna get him to eat it even if I have to heat up more water anyways I'm finish eating breakfast here we're gonna get packed up hey we're gonna get on that water fishing Portage IN and paddling and fishing with a little fishing come on come on in Monty get in let's go let's go whoo all right good boy we're off I'm gonna stay he's gonna throw on the white twister tail he is a fan of the white twister tail as well I think that's why we both do so bad at fishing but I'm going to use this to a slip bobber I'm gonna try over these rocks well he was just chuckling like he had the first fish and you got a snag do you know how to fish there we go there we go oh god dang it dang it get over we got out of here well I need to catch this pretty quick break it first and you catch us first all right here.this he took it right away so if you get it in front of them yeah oh I got one oh you took it instantly you took it instantly oh come on do you rip it off no there I'm not I need to set the his the hook and deeper that's two fish on already yeah just gonna keep like going along the shore wherever the drop-off is I'm so try for a minute Oh something just went after my bobber so literally just it hit the water and it went for my bobber what the heck was that it was weird huh oh yeah big ol bass whoo now that is a beautiful big old smallmouth bass this is the first fish of the trip hey if you need to know how to catch fish just come over and I'll give you some tips should I put that you want to eat this guy tonight all right we're gonna put this we're gonna put this guy on the stringer like I said we got the cooler with ice so we're gonna probably play this guy before we move on with the day but I'm gonna keep fishing for now because they're bitin they're biting really good how many bites have you got oh it's just so fortunate I happened to catch the first one cuz now I get to just I just get to be maybe a stinker oh that's a beautiful fish right there first one's always the best-looking I think this is it went for my bobber right when it landed I'm just going like right where you can see the rocks and just like right off the edge of it so far this thing is the key to catching fish right now every single fish we've had on has been on these things it's been all bass to see I don't mind fishing with these slip poppers when I'm figuring out where they're at I feel like I just had a bite yeah I don't mind this at all if you're catching fish I will use whatever it takes especially if I can cast just makes me happy feel like I already caught as many fish as I did or has many fish on as they did in the whole last trip ooh there we go whoo I just had a pike go after it you gonna see my bass I need you to I need to we need to make eye contact so you know I got one yeah it looks about 1718 it's not like crazy fat which is fine hey oh you got one hahaha hopefully it's a walleye but oh hey hey wait wait let's compare passes you got another small bass huh I want to go back to those rocks this isn't working out oh um fun the back of the board don't wear months you're gonna be swimming today you'll be fetching you'll be doing all sorts of fun doggy things do a little run around maybe we'll go hike a bluff yeah all the dog park all possible by you yeah achieve your dreams at the dog park Monty ya little beaver home let's see if there's a fish hanging out near the beaver home why he's gonna get hot today he's a little pen that means one thing Monty you're gonna go swim in the question is will he gripe about it or will he not oh well he just run right into the water oh really how's it going E I like that bird the one that sounds like echoes those are so my favorite birds there we go there we go Oh pull around his mouth she gave it there we go he's back on it there we go oh oh we got a little Bobby bass little Bobby bass all right all right nice little fish let's let him go oh geez dang it he got free it might be deep right now I'd say I just don't know where they I'm pretty sure they'd probably go deep or suspended or something with when the sun's out like this well there we go here we go oh there we go yeah this a bass it does look weird it's a bass there we go and we should be keeping these smaller ones yeah huh this is a perfect little bass this one's got some eggs yeah we'll let him go how many fish you caught two okay good I got three so to make sure I had more than you even started yeah no I'll probably cut it out never we got to keep track we definitely got to keep track of them we got to get to it we have to go over the biggest fish the biggest of each category on that or the most yeah how you want to run it how you want to run this tournament yeah we'll say nicest fish because like you got to take a picture with your your little camera and that way like if your fish looks nicer than mine does I mean I will be like it it'll be obvious it's like oh you have a big old fat bass over the same size where's my little skinny one here we'll just do the biggest nicest of each category just like the best of each category and if no one if I'm not around to see it or you're not around you got to take a picture of it for proof that's how we're rolling it so far I'm definitely in the lead oh it's gonna come down to that Pike though who catches a bigger pike oh there we go there we go oh there's a good boy oh that's a grown you Monty oh yeah you want that but wrapped you like that ball wrapped just gonna just just say it's like 20 just because for no reason I just eyeball on it oh there we go that's how it's done right there oh and that's that's not bad one oh sorry oh sorry excuse me there we go another nice bass not crazy if he catches the bass and he wants to keep it we're gonna otherwise I'm going to wait for a walleye this does seem like we're if I was a fish I fell behind right here to in here you cast it on me and Monty my just getting in your way it's just chilly what the heck is this guy do it you lasso - Monty there you go I just don't know what I'm doing here for these walleyes I'm not I'm not a letter master middle of the day walleye fisherman we're going over this there's a portage right here which we are not gonna take and I'm gonna throw the stick for Monty get em low well Danielle a wet this is swimmies pan super junior go so me doing this ooh ooh ooh sorry yeah okay you wanna go swimming no jack I have a feeling I'm gonna fill up a boot here oh there was I almost just did it that one's just fill the boot I don't got my waterproof socks on Oh buddy watch out for that tree watch out there you wet critter you ready she's gettin mighty all right he's gonna be cooled off now looks like the Beavers were gone doing some work on this birch tree look at that oh I mean I just I just don't mind if I if I don't what yes Oh beautiful poor truck no rushing water means there's fish and if there's fish you'll catch up as deep as I'd like but let's just see what happens we'll let the Lord oh there we go right off the bat first cast oh he let go oh there we go there we go there we go I'm Palin he's taking it he's taking it got him there we go hopefull advantage I was wondering what you're doing alright here we go in the fishing yeah how many do I got like five or six I can't I'm catching so many I can't keep track three there's all these dragonflies that are popping out of their shells oh well look at that that's kind of creepy looking I just saw I'm like pushing that one right there Wow about to come out there's one right there that's what they look like you all you can see it's coming out of that one that's crazy I've never seen this whoa everywhere look at that this one's coming out oh that's so crazy the birth of the dragonfly emerge from its shell that's crazy yeah so they go from that where you saw him crawl out and they extend their ways to sitting like this on the rock just took off look at that this one's trying to take off - it's crazy yeah they just extend their wings and then they're there all around there and they fly off man I've never seen that before you can see this one it's it's just shooting it swings out slowly it's kind of creepy if I I should have set up that's just crazy Monte's just like would you guys stop Monroe the dragonflies cuddle me Ripley's just really dreamy world news what's going on so that those all that was thousands and thousands of tadpoles and if you watch my last series you'll see that as a result of the toad orgy yeah just there were thousands of eggs I'm pretty sure that's all toads and stuff there's a nice hole here this guy there's got to be something sin here bugs are flying around oh there's a bass right there I can see one let's see if I can get a boom I scared them everyone thinks this deer over here is the friendliest guy in the world hey Steve how's it going Steve you're looking rather big looks like you're trying to go swimmin or something I don't know why he's doing waiting for food or always waiting for bugs to come by maybe snatch them up this crazy world looking thing I will not get out of my boat not unless I have to you're not panting he's nice and cool so I think there's a definitely a high chance that swimming is gonna happen today especially after this portage right now we're on the last Lake before the portage I really want to try to catch a wall out here or there's rocks there's fish where there's fish you'll catch him it's funny that this is gonna be your first portage because this is our bunny dance first portage to the same one oh I'm just gonna go deeper we're gonna try right off this drop-off try casting out and we're going we're seeing how deep we can get this thing like for some reason think they're not the Sun so high they got to be at least like 10 15 feet down alright let's let's just go crazy with it let's just do that out here in the middle now that I'm nervous I want to catch a little bass again I'm not gonna happen we got a Monty get a bite oh he's got one you're after it out of its mouth what you doing Oh what oh no there goes our walleye dinner how could you do that put a steel liter on there just kidding I'm never using month huh yeah Monty seems hot we're taking him for another swim MIT swimming okay all right hot dog having a good time you're having a good time whoa you like a little beaver he's like a little beaver it was very gracefully it is sure getting hot though we've got what six and a half hours of light left we're gonna do this porridge of the hottest part of the day yeah we're definitely doing this at the hottest part of the day I got to play this fish though before we do it okay I want to find a nice spot to play these fish put them in the cooler I got to get in my bag and everything I think we're do the part is pretty soon here get to the other side and probably go swimming because it is hot it's very hot in the middle of the day it's hot part of the day so that's the best time to do the portage but we got blue skies and I think it'll be good to do some swimming just a little tadpole just it looks like oil or bugs or something there's just there the whole shoreline it's crazy oh you just gotta go dumper baby feels good oh yeah honestly your body goes a little enough what's it get in here yeah I'll tell you what though that portage was so muggy and hot it's almost 90 it's humid I had to sweat dripping off my face yeah I don't need much longer that's my body's warm lunch you're good we're wearing bathing suits pins I want captain team car see my nozzle thi okay I feel better I feel alive that was a muggy portage we just had a snack break I've got my now deal with my whey protein in it new thing I'm doing I measure the last video but I'm gonna fill this up with water drink that Monte got a nice swimming he's a good boy he's just relaxing he got his dented treat I won't offer him food in the middle of the day anymore but Almighty yeah I'm all sunscreen up don't do that but yeah it's hot it's sunny we're gonna fish here Matty stop it he's just licking my bag like a weird Oh mud tea please leave it all right trying to lick my sweaty lotion 'back Oh gross all right we are we're just feeling like heading to camp making our way to camp and just paddling along the way enjoying the breeze cuz we've got a lot of fish this morning no we don't have enough for a big fish dinner we might just see what we got but we definitely feel like cruising through and set up to camp or get into camp and maybe just hanging out there relaxing a bit so I think we're just gonna paddle through the next lakes and just porridge and just kind of soak in the scenery you know I'm just stinky doggy he's just passed out back there pretty good we got blue skies back here clouds and it just comes and turns into this we knew it's pretty much gonna be scatter the whole time but maybe we're gonna get a thunderstorm today probably but it's gonna be better it'll be good that we are getting a camp a little earlier and setting up cuz we can always go out fishing if we're feeling it later but setting up in the rains not ideal alright the work for the day is done man it is just like glass there's some kind of little fish surfacing definitely gonna be stroll in the chartreuse layer I don't know what these little fish are low could be perch I don't know but they're surface that they're surfacing all over the place if we can get set up it looks at it it just looks like thunderstorm you back there if we get set up we set up some tarps and we're all good then it'll be awesome to get hit with a storm especially through the night Oh that'd be that's the best nuttin puts me to sleep better than just a thunderstorm sometimes it actually keeps me awake so I'm so excited for it like the intense power the thunder and flashes of lightning I'm thinking we might get some I would be curious they're gonna have to be perch or something we're getting hit with pockets a nice cool air at random to feel so good he's gotta be perch or something driving me nuts makes me want to put on light tackle but yeah we got a camp set up here we're gonna check out see if we want to stay here maybe toss a slip bobber off the see that one that wouldn't seem like decent size I don't think these are teeny tiny little fish all of them yeah okay what the heck is going on I want to try to catch one of these I've got these other little power baits here I set my thing only like a couple four and a half down I've got this little thing on the jig head these things are everywhere let's just I just have one right a gun oh I've gone down this rabbit hole many times and I've never caught one these little things so this is going to be our campsite for the even we have a beautiful view of the lake a little fire pits and places set up the tent so we're just gonna do some setting up here and I think that we had to get some firewood I don't know if we're gonna get back out Fisher we had a long day on the water but we got a nice view of the bluff over there the Rock Bluff will probably definitely toss some leeches off the rock here because it just drops right out yeah I mean it's a nice point it drops right off we're gonna go get some firewood but I don't know if we ready to go back out fishing I think we're probably just gonna fish from camp not sure we probably we gotta see if that ISIL lasts but we might save that fish for tomorrow just eat it up tonight it's all in the air the Sun we'll just take it idea I'm just I'm still warm it's very warm oh so so yeah I'm just gonna imma sell lazily setup oh my god Birkin string no I actually almost doubted the only bin the second time I've ever done that you want to use it got a nice another little one there you want to see my cool trick did you want to see my cool trick this little red scroll right here is just running all over my stuff and he doesn't seem to care about me he picked his head up hey guy he just doesn't seem to mind me too much we're gonna close I am to this little squirrel I don't know if it's picking up me do this dude does not care what are you eating there guy hey will you eating huh can't come a little closer what's the point where you're gonna just like attack me or run away oh okay all right you didn't want the hand there hey I'm I'm cool he's eating these ants I'm pretty sure he almost dead there is a good boy you're the best dog you ain't know you need to build duty you should go boy you're such a good boy yeah you have fun day to day Jeff on jgj okay to be honest if you went out to where it's deep and you went down about this far your chant like if you scoop there like that fart chancellor you're not gonna get sick at all because everything's pretty much on the top and bottom well good to know next time I'm stranded in the wilderness sorry Monty Holy Smoke he enjoyed me will you like this unite society I think he likes this okay oh why it's too much it's too much just for the heck of it we're gonna toss some spoons right from camp to the drops right off but I've got these glow-in-the-dark spoons charged up with your headlamp quick check this out there we go if I was a fish and I saw that I'd bite it fishing all the big ol Larry the lake trout or a Peter Pike oh yeah so we've just been chillax and we're processing up some fire one here and we're gonna spark up a fire I don't think we're cooking fish tonight I think we're going the old sketti yeah these nice big tools definitely make it better than with the little soft well that is just some delicious firewood right there did you ever use the word delicious when you're talking about firewood I do this is just gonna be some delicious fire what oh it's so beautiful there's no more fun wood to do this with I did not mind at all splitting wood how many strikes will take captain teeny trout just like the fire with a fire steel the pressure so high just one strike this thing right up in front of everybody yes stakes are high pressures on stakes are high wait I gave you see that that frilly stuff yeah like put a crumpled piece of that crumpled it up you had one oh there you go oh he got it that was like what 34 55 782 I was kidding delicious seasoned dry the inside sticks yeah we're just having spaghetti we're not frying that fish we've spent a lot of time in the Sun today fishing they the Sun really takes it out of you we just get some water going for Monty's fortune our food I think we're gonna stay at the same campsite tomorrow and just fish all day tomorrow seems to be the plan it's it's pretty warm out yeah this this shirt provides no warmth I think it actually cools you down more than arms yeah and I'm still fine right now as you can see it's a brand new long white sleeve or white long-sleeve what I meant to say that's pretty good maybe a hair more yeah it's pretty good you boil that out it looks like a bowl it is mud so yeah we're seeing lightning it's not like strikes of lightning but yeah we're definitely seeing lightning coming this way we it was calm as glass you saw that earlier and now we've got a nice wind looks like a southeast wind yeah that's southeast definitely a southeast wind so it's not weather change but we were seeing lightning we're hearing a little thunder I brought along a couple surprises Oh got some desserts I got the stuff to make s'mores guys and James rice pudding but you ever have James rice pudding James rice pudding you don't know James well James makes some pretty good rice pudding I can't believe you've never had James rice pudding like James is the guy I can't even remember the last time I've had the skin t get that on the fire there oh yeah extra soupy yeah Laurie oh oh it's gonna be some soupy sketti oh yeah I've been cooling it for well 20 30 minutes the lid off oh I bet it's still gonna burn my mouth well it's gonna be so good yeah it definitely gives a little squid shared same thing with you oh I got my voice is cracked oh that was good Oh Oh same thing as your pillow oh I don't know if you could see me back here but you never see Monty has just been out get a long day hmm captain teeny trout's already eaten his spaghetti and he has tucked away and just now shutting off with lights getting ready to pass out I'm kind of jealous we're not doing James rice pudding tonight all right I'm stuffing this down and then we are just cleaning up I'm getting in that I am just pooped Monte's laying out there passed out Monty come on well I'm pooped like I said I felt up on spaghetti very tired I'm gonna pass out so we'll catch you guys in the morning whirring it's very warm in here but he's getting more care maanteeeca no not that don't do this don't do this he's been looking at me to get up for a while dog show I just have to get up a good day look at me to warm my village you're free let's joy I see a nice big old Pike start the morning No we're gonna just save this one for later Oh puppy all we're just taking or easy this morning you're gonna make a big ol breakfast here soon he's like poopy - oh you didn't like that oh it's a Boylan are you looking at one of those he's get them Jett boils that they're Jetboil I've got my little alcohol burner I've always wondered which ones more fuel-efficient the Jetboil are these little alcohol stoves not see you want piece of beef jerky 24:00 boils mm-hmm so we're just chillin relax we spent a good hour just hanging out even actually an hour and a half we're about to start breakfast here making some coffee Monti got some food Monti career Anzhi hungry come here karate hey you bring it to me hey movin hey you win you an hot breakfast make all my teeth my hat go ahead Monty you better eat that go ahead Monty get your breakfast go ahead so cool good we're good yeah well bump for breakfast today since we brought a cooler we're having bacon liquid carton eggs and diced potatoes as Lucas's idea let's get preparing some food I'm hungry we are gonna cut up some potatoes here I think this is the only thing we really got to prepare I'm gonna make sure to cut these a lot smaller and the other nights it didn't cook so well I didn't join me to do like scallop I'm just gonna do it like this perfect they're like semi scalloped look at those thin potatoes he's gonna fry up that was thick like that knife yeah it's a nice knife seems really sharp for you thing you never sharpened my tone there we go look at those just let's just get a close-up of these potatoes look at how beautiful and thin these these little potatoes are oh yeah that's just nice thin potatoes booze yeah that's what we want all right let's get cock in the ll black pepper these are I think these are actually like Nalgene salt too much salt not too little salt just a right amount of salt or any a nice chunk of butter you like butter ooh we're cooking potatoes first on my stove here and then we're gonna get the bacon and the eggs going this it cooks all faster than I always think about it yeah you think we should cut the bacon in half or just big ol strips you would we're just going right down the center I was going into this one get a little dirt in there for you you like dirt with your bacon all these are getting close the flame is like I'm pushing it too far in its shooting yeah okay these are these are about done he's burning my hand doesn't feel good these potatoes are done we need to keep these out of the wind in the Sun let's get that bacon on do it yeah eggs coming in hot Oh yummy ooh I'm gonna look so bad oh these are burnt oops they are a little burnt my bad oops cooking a passionate hot this little pan these are very close do you like do you like dryer or weather sometimes I could mix a ball so for the Jetboil for this that's way better in boiler water but this this thing with its flame that kind of distributes it kind of goes over the pan a little better but anyways got my potatoes eggs Monte's gonna have a little bit of eggs and a little bit of potatoes and a couple pieces of bacon because he's already eaten breakfast so he's still gonna get a taste but just a little bit okay we're calling the bacon done oh yeah let's get ready I'm just slightly reheating my eggs and potatoes so we got just a little cold oh oh man oh that's looking so good that's all hungry okay that's a that's a beautiful breakfast right there oh let's see oh yeah oh yeah crispy little piece of bacon this is so good the world's greatest dog the wilderness today you get another piece of bacon there you go that's all that's it today we're going on fishing with Michael back those legs like I said we're not letting any bass go until we got what we need for a nice dinner and it's gonna be a nice day I hope when we're in the Sun today we don't fry catching fish okay Monte okay little sissy Sally he's fine it's hot his knees to get wet I don't need to keep explaining it just likes being dry he loves swimming he doesn't prefer being wet that's what it is so yeah we're just cleaning up we've definitely just hung out a good chunk of the day here at camp is just kind of been beautiful we have the loons Colin so yeah we just been hanging out and we're gonna go back to those Lakes hopefully catch some bass and have a good old fish dinner so we're just pulling off mighty packing away things slap on the sunscreen we're just debating if we want to jump in quick before we go there's only one way to do this one who feels pretty good okay he's okay oh it's chilly Jenny what's good all right the one we're gonna do since wind is blowing right in our face we're gonna quickly pass over to the other lake and then we're gonna paddle all the way to the end of that and then just prick and fish the shoreline all the way back to where we are right now eventually back to the other like is this breezy you know we did the smart thing sleepin hanging the windiest sunniest worst part of the day for fishing had no fishing I'm gonna get out a little ways and troll the chartreuse layer alright it's time to catch some fish all right Hey calm down pretty nice guest a nice dead tree right here this father's pretty good up here what the heck there we go I was a good cast I'd be really surprised I don't get a nibble right here what dang it snag and this all looks so good right on the edge you just dropped right off and it's rocks with trees all sorts of stuff dang it's alright I've got this crayfish looking Rapala a little shad rap I'm gonna troll this up the shore a little bit here along this drop-off and see maybe we can pick up one that way and then I'll fish out of the wind a little bit I've got an area here it reminds of what we were fishing yesterday like rocks and stuff out from shore this is holding a basket loons just cleaning itself fluffing up his feathers Kevin teacher has got a pike I thought I snagged a bridge because I was going past that Beaver Dam and my pole just slowly just wall bent over so I just kept paddling and then it like slacked up all of a sudden I'm like that doesn't make sense family that thing didn't clip me you got a little bass which he let go and a pike troll a little crayfish lure it seems shallow here in rocky and it seems like it goes out so I'm just gonna cast through here it doesn't feel the same all right I'm switching to the white thing huh you got one this guy captain TD trout's day today oh good job it's a good one what were you using dang the crayfish is slaying it today how big is it Oh oh yeah guess what that means we're eating fish tonight you get that on the string you make sure it's secure this guy over here is just pulling up fish after fish come and steal a spot I can't be having this this ain't cool dinner show show us your dinner yeah let's just get a good ol classic look good all right there we go I'm just glad I caught the first fish otherwise I'd never be here in the end of this yeah what are you doing you're too busy putting your fish on the stringers what it is I'm getting skug today what you pulled in four already dang it hmm all right I got the old rebel crawfish lure I'm gonna throw it on since that's what he's catching them on we're at roll this guy and see if we can pick one up because we're fishless for the day and that's no good I can't do it run the trolling mood today rather just keep casting if I don't catch them I don't catch him want to get something oh I'm gonna need a bunch of snags I think Oh see that's how it gets for every time perfect I was plenty on that being a little bit more graceful there you go first dibs you know all I'm really doing is letting captain team job just I'm not really trying to catch fish I'm sure I make him feel better you know I was just whooping him yesterday so this is just let him do a little catch-up you know I wasn't gonna pull out the big guns and really try to catch some fish but John yeah he got there it'll make him happy make me happy I don't need to try too hard I'm just gonna I'm just gonna relax you know yeah all right I've just been relaxing eating some candy some snacks to be tricky with Monty we're gonna slowly make our way back because it is just the winds are slowed down and we got cloud coverage we got dinner secured yeah I'm just talking about John Rancho we're gonna head back to the next Lake at least see if we feel like fish in I'll probably just make our way back to camp I'm gonna troll cuz I don't really need to get going today something that doesn't need to happen could happen but doesn't need to yeah I might eat Monte's just chicken this guy over here I'm telling the story of Jake's ski guy and how he got his name he's just using the same lures me just happens to pull up a fish right next to me you think you're so cool don't you just fish after fish huh oh that's disappointing Hey better than no fish good job Oh Steve you you you scared me a little bit there guy Steve a friend Mia spider Steve look at the Steve hey Steve Oh I've got this big old jig on I didn't have mine and I forgot him back at camp but I'm not sure I don't think this is a one-ounce er but it's maybe 1/2 or 3/4 I'm gonna try bouncing off the bottom but if this doesn't work I might go grab mine at camp I'm gonna try for a lake shot right off the bottom I'd rather get my heavier jigs I'm going to just troll the chartreuse layer 2.0 back to camp Halon how's it going that was awesome I just got some underwater footage as loons hanging out right here by camp and I didn't even see him I was just paddling up ready to get out and almost and he popped up right next to the boat and then I was just like oh that's cool and all this time I saw him swimming under the boat and I was like heck yeah so I just like waited for him and he kept just checking out the boat and I got a couple glimpses of them but that is sweet that was awesome hey dude okay we just got a cloudy call perfect evening for fishing captain teeny trout has caught so many fish that he's content and he doesn't feel the need to go back out like me because I had got skunked today I left Monte with him just because you might you probably feel like chilling the boy who sat in the Sun all day but anyways I am going to be trying the Isle Royal special and what that is is I'm gonna take I've got a snap swivel I don't have any trice levels but take a snap so a big heavy-duty one and I'm gonna run a leader with a weight off the bottom which is a big 1 ounce jig and then a spoon on a leader off the back so I can get my lure down and go for some lake trout because it is a warmer is a little warmer I normally don't fish for them out here when it's a swarm like this so we're gonna try going a little deeper I know they like it deep let's just give it a shot fishing line it just don't know how it does it but it'll magically get super tangled so I gotta keep moving forward oh that's captain teenager out there I've got my okay it's swimming okay so now we just need to keep moving all the one-handed paddle paddle kind of just drop it down it's me Monty it's okay it's me Monty just let on over our line is set we are over sixty feet of water right now and it's gonna get over to one hundred hundred and twenty up here uh this has to be at least 30 40 feet down I mean yeah I've got like 75 200 feet of line out I've got all got it all the way out we've got a ounce and a half weight on there with a big ol spoon it's down there I think these two loons are competing or something there's like splash at each other sort of screaming like that I've given up on the trollin now just putting the jig on I'm trying to get a I'm gonna try to pound and bounce I come back from camp at 14 eat routes but captain Tina trout's been watching Monty and look at Monty's face what'd you do to him Monty what's this what happened the perfect Mountie spot good job Monty you've done it you said yeah he's making a dirt hole thank this was bringing a little bit of yesterday's wood so we're just relax it and fires burnin so what we're having for dinner tonight is a big ol fish fry now I got the one that we've been hanging on to you got two today so that's three baths that means Monty can get a whole play and I think that'll be plenty for them and then we're gonna pick out enough fish fry so we're gonna get preparing things here because we're getting hungry yeah okay we have got our three Bobby basses just some beautiful fish right here look at that oh yeah so we just had some rained so we're gonna kind of start cooking here pretty quick but this is gonna be Monty's he's gonna get an entire bass play I hope this isn't too much a little older in there yeah that's that's plenty for Monty that's a good portion of fish and then I'm going to cut up ours into nice pieces and put them in a ziplock baggie all right that is some meat we are gonna have a fish fry tonight all right we're having a feast tonight we're gonna do potatoes with some onions and asparagus okay this stuff got a little wet sitting in the cooler today all the ice melted so it's got to get cooked up well that's it's quite a bit of white onion oh man to this we're gonna add a little black pepper the last of the black pepper then we're gonna add some salt not too much salt not too little salt just right amount of salt and then our butter you got completely melted but we put it back in the cooler and it chunked right back up we're gonna use a good chunk of butter here today I don't want these to stick so I'm gonna have Captain T trout start cooking these up and won't be all good to go okay and then we've got some asparagus chopped up alright cut off the ends at home but this is still good put that in there in here we're gonna just add Montreal we don't got any more salt and pepper but dad's okay it's delicious but I got anything with Montreal on it okay we need a nice chunk of butter here just a little bit it's a little monster chunk of butter a little bit more just to be safe save the rest and then we are going to cook the potatoes in the batter some fish so I've got homemade batter got this one for my parents it's half cornmeal half flour salt and pepper but I always go super heavy on the salt just so it's very flavorful and super heavy on the pepper but what we're gonna do is we're gonna we're better in this fish you always want to make sure you keep one hand dry and the other hand can get wet because otherwise your batter I'll get all clumpy and I've got a little bit of water in this bag of fish here so I'm gonna drop it in and I keep my dry hand kind of roll it around we're gonna set it on here but you always want to make sure to keep this one hand dry this hand wet so that your fish your batter doesn't just get wasted and ruined and then I can just add more as needed you oh man this is gonna be so good this is gonna be a fish fry all right let's get cooking Lucas got the potatoes going Monte slurry is going asparagus can wait we are about to heat up the oil we've decided that we're just gonna fry fish up since there's so much and we're just gonna start eating it as it goes mozzies delectable primordial soup over here it's almost ready nice amount of meat in there just pumpkin in there oh yeah it's gonna be a lean green mighty machine meal needs to soak in there okay that's gonna take a while for that cools all right popping okay we're ready oh it's not going as fast I thought I knew more flavors all right I think we just get more pieces in there we'll be fine yes Oh it's not looking very well oh man maybe so good blew these I think these are done oh yeah okay okay you've got a split balsam serving platter here for each of us or plate to absorb that grease and then we can burn it what we're done oh yeah okay we're about to try this here fish fry for the first time the first pieces Monte's isn't ready so it's still cooling over there so I'll share he's he's creature and right back here I'll share some with him Oh mm-hmm why'd you go away you're gonna get yours go ahead a little hot for them Oh ma'am fried fish is so good these potatoes are done okay yeah there you go are you ready oh you want your food yeah I bet you do uses losing that right though okay go ahead by two years ago boy go ahead Monty all right come on try some of your potatoes see those fish almost done just don't look crisp yet I just put in some cold water it's still warm seems like it's picking up the rain even more yeah it's but it was just starting to sprinkle and now as soon as we pick it up oh great it's gonna start actually rain raining here all right so I'm gonna put that deal solar away we've got one more round of fish fry them we've only got four more pieces after that some asparagus so we're gonna quickly just eat feast finish and clean up about I don't want my DSLR getting rained on so that's gonna go away so I will keep eating here with you guys or we would but I'm a check back with you when were in the tent so as you can tell it's raining out just finished eating cleaned up and got in the tent and finally it was starting to get really wet and yeah I got piled on the town with everything mr. Monty here puked on the sleeping pad because he had too much fish and then when I was out cleaning it up he graciously climbed in here and just laid on my pillow he just had his head of my pillow back there yeah yeah it's warm in here it's muggy I know it's okay Monty and it's okay yeah so that was fun now I'm even wetter but I'd appreciate it if you just waited for me to get back and use your sleeping pad Monty oh it's muggy in here that was a good dinner I ate every scrap of my food and I could still eat more because I'm just a food monster Monty obviously overrate that's why I can't give him too many too much fish that's the last I'm gonna do that he's just gonna get dog sized portions I just thought I'd spoil them today and it bit me in the butt so it is muggy in here I need to strip down on my clothes and get my messy tent figured out and pass out so as you can see it's very foggy that's just giving you a little indication of how muggy it is in this tent that's why Monty's panting but I'm wearing all these sticky clothes I'm already wet so I'm passing out so I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody morning mmm it seemed receptive we sucked it a little bit it's looking like it's very windy and rainy yes I said that already but it doesn't seem like it stopped or slowing down so uh we're gonna have to pick up at the rain here oh yeah so probably gonna have to set up a tarp out there to make breakfast in there and whatnot so I'll make you my ready rod boys your stuff really tight here ed great today so let's do it how's it going in there Monty how's it going there Monty I'll let you have your head out there you go oh geez you're what oh my fart smell bad too come on T oh yeah it's not crazy heavy rain but it is still raining it's just whip it oh it's gonna be right into our faces today we requite the paddle all your ponchos fall it off Monty hi okay okay okay Monty mr. Pancho Monty the hero we need maybe just maybe Oh No already to take Monty's poncho if it's really not raining that heart it's just kind of whipping and light so what we're gonna do is I'm not gonna record a whole lot of this but I'm just gonna whip up breakfast coffee pack away my stuff here I'll record little Clips here and there but yeah it's very breezy out there we're gonna have to go right into that wind we don't have far to go on this big lake which is very fortunate but yeah I'm gonna make breakfast back here and kind of just pack away my stuff quick into my bag as I'm making breakfast because I don't want to make it over here oh that winds getting rough so yeah because we gotta get moving so I'm not gonna measure out the camera too much come on she looks the ball yeah this is chillin Lucas over here he's got his coffee ready and his breakfast already made because he's got the Jetboil I'm still back up here waiting for my water to heat up cuz I got the alcohol stove oh I'm just making burgers I got the same thing so he had a Southwest skillet I had to get one too yeah mine is ready still waiting for my water bout to start packing up we've got mr. Monty's to the ready coffee's old Meetup oh look at that my soupy Southwest skillet oh yeah Monte oh you know what uh huh all right get your food go ahead get my teeth there you go guys I hope what is it to record me I'm a burst burst incoming waves then we're gonna get on that water do some Palin and portage in probably not any fishing mines yeah I know you're all up here looking all majestic and stuff but it's time to go in the boat whoa jeez I almost just made it I always hated my sh t hi it's breezy it's a breezy one all right spurts rain but it's not so bad always love a good day like this always loving I hope it come home slippy there ooh a nice cloudy day gotta take a few casts I'm just wrong what is it pull them back you got a fish on right now a pike look at this guides what the heck what were you using which color all right it's time to troll this chartreuse layer we got a line out we're trolling need to pick something up like Hank it's going to days a row he has a guns good the day end I mean what the heck I guess the first AP count yeah didn't even believe me classic classic classic well I feel good now I feel like just Caston I think everybody do that you know I got a fish possibilities are endless Oh myzel try a couple casts here a little drizzle it ain't so bad slight would be rain pouring this would be rough rain to the wind oh I love the look of the woods when it's like it's just like foggy looking with the rain rolling through in the wind there's a better chance than any day the trip will see a moose today I'm hopeful I'm sorry Monty he doesn't like when I do that but he likes chin scratches huh well it's time to take care of the long portage for the day last portage of the trip got a half mile er should be nice and easy last time we did it was a few days ago and it was like 85 muggy sunny sweaty and we were all it was like uphill most the way today it's all downhill except for the little start here and it's nice and cool so there's gonna be a lot nicer I much prefer to portage when it's cool then when it's hot and muggy it just makes them that much worse so let's take care of it Oh what the heck is that well there it is odd digging it something's biting it right here I just had a bite too we're gonna go try there's these rocks that you could see underwater but was still like eight feet of water I think there's gonna be some fish hanging out near there today oh hey getting getting a bite oh you just come you just caught one nice we just need to catch some walleye keep your dry Monty what's your heads angle out though that's a nice Bobby bass Oh think it's at least 20 inches oh it's always so much more fun to get them with your casts in and you can feel them just nail it oh that's what I'm talking about right there ladies and gentlemen nice Bobby bass looks like he's about 16 inches nothing crazy quite a good fish nonetheless all right let's let him go dang it oh that was a snack hey fishings great today this is awesome I'm feeling good about a walleye today Oh y-yes whoa I was just casting along these logs at the white twister tail they hit like a bass huh yeah we're at we're having a fish fry tonight we still got the stuff that a little fish fry like I said that is a nice little eater it's not a monster I prefer bigger but this is the first wall I've caught in two trips so we were gonna eat this guy oh yeah he's gonna be delicious all right look at that thing he's about 14 15 inches 15 I'd say you solved fifties not the fattest but hey Who am I to complain that's a while I haven't lookin to eat some walleye for quite a while now it's the first of all I caught all year oh yeah I figured today would be a good walleye day just because there's no Sun it's Mizzy it's drizzly so they can just it seems as though everything's aggressive right now oh yeah Pike just forget towards the open part of the legacy in the windy rain hearing my face okay I got a pipe right here oh geez he's barely hooked on Jase see ya this fishing is on the hook hello I'm saying yeah yeah sons kind of coming oh it's gotten brighter I think that could possibly affect the walleye a little bit I'm I'm thinking they're gonna prefer the drizzly super cloudy but I think we can still get some this is brutal trying to fish in this wind alright in this wind I'm just gonna switch the troll in here I'm gonna try troll and past this little rocky thing just not let a lot of line out seeing if that'll work oh I got a fish no no it's a pike I was just reeling it in to be done to get to the nice lake hey hey hey see all y'all do is this there you go good bye cheesy just wouldn't call him down gust of wind to help us push through that buoy well looks like we got a captain teeny chart up ahead AKA captain crappie drop e the or captain drop into bass drop into bass oh man you have to dig deep to find out where those nicknames came from yeah yeah yeah hey buddy are you doing huh yeah boogies okay got it there we go I got it for you Monty don't you worry okay let's put a few beans in the boat here this is class 5 Rapids jeez scoot get a scoot scoot to glory scoot go left mister mister map reader Boy Scout champion this is a pretty graceful one so we are looking to reclaim the campsite we stayed the first night if it's open we're definitely gonna stay here we're gonna set up the tarp just been off and on rain all day probably gonna wait for the wind to chill out a little bit then gets back out fishing think he's gonna head over towards camp and I am just gonna take a quick kissed nothing better than a nice kissed I'm gonna pull up the biggest fish of the trip right in front yeah I think it's the first night bass yeah it was huge it was so huge minimum 19 inches well he and Monte of camps here before this exact spot and this is the same spot we were a couple days ago so this off lemon eucalyptus lotion stuff so far it's working pretty good I like it because I can Monte hates hates aerosol cans so we could never spray but this right on the nose where they're getting them they usually only get them right here and you can't like on the top here and then they buzz around his ears so far when I put this on them and I just get the tips of his ears they don't mess with them so it's working out perfect the mosquitos are nowhere near as bad as I thought they were gonna be to begin with they are next to nothing right now I'm gonna put a little on my hands here to my face Nick just because they are out but I'm in the wind I mean they should be just completely nasty right now but they're really not that bad nothing like when me and Funke went out with Ruger and Monty that's what I was expecting I just wish there was a way to set up camp just like that oh hey that was pretty sweet but this isn't right what the heck how did that happen we're missing something you want this Jimmy throw it huh that's it yes okay that's a yes yeah Oh No okay we learn about team and see what you do okay bring it back bring it over here Monty mukti what are you doing to it it landed in the water right off shore and he barked at it and then he grabbed it I didn't want you to go in the water I don't want you to get wet so he was wrapping around the free yeah pull it through just a little rain protection oh geez Monte that's at our part we're just channeling filter in water this guy over here is making dinner he wants an earlier dinner but I can't just sit here and watch him eat and not eat so I have to cook up a spaghetti and I have to come on Thea's food and I'm gonna try this Jetboil thing out with my little MSR stove a pot if it makes spaghetti pretty fast I might be sold and have to just get one because I will say Jake's been used one for a long time and he's always boiling up food and I just like my little how its toes way his little cook set but he's used that teeny little that teeny little fuel pod for this whole trip and I use my big one mine's almost gone and mine weighs like three times as much as that if not more so it's so nice there we go it's getting a little chilly I'm in ether on the hoodie here Oh Monty mud is patiently waiting like a good boy because I think you could eat that Monty I think you could eat it do you think you could eat it look good you know this beef jerky and dog flu water pumpkiny well tamati that is just gourmet I've started dinner all right go ahead Monty go ahead I'll bring it back to you how about this all right so we've got looks like an hour and a half a light left huh that's it if there ever was any yeah I think I'm going back out there no matter what but if the wind dies down I'm gonna slip bobber it if it doesn't die down I'm just gonna troll for a little bit look at him whenever you touch his butt when he's eating just slowly please yeah I'm sorry about you one more time why do you do this what do you huh oh man Oh with you guys a video I just need to show this on the camera it's so beautiful so good oh yeah yeah no like how good it filters it out yeah it's pretty good stuff better than this idea that's for sure oh yeah I love the water out here it tastes better than plastic bottle of water hmm I mean there's some pretty good Bob so hi yeah also burned on the inside oh dang it burning my fingers burning my hands burning my mouth and I'm burning my stomach I'm actually sunburned in my back and my arms my face how comfortable his face is like wedged into that stump underneath that log how would that comfortable hey Mountie I'm sorry I just saying hi well I'm gonna head out of the night fish here Monty is clearly very comfortable so I'm gonna let him stay at camp with Lucas and yeah we go out do some fishing try to get some treats for your Monty but big fluffy stinky doggy and these guys just spot wedge right under this log it's just the perfect spot no one knows why except for Monty he only knows what is the perfect spot I know we know the chartreuse layer works but I'm gonna try out a natural color and I even got a piece of fake leech on the end there yeah we're gonna try this and I don't know how I'm gonna fish here coz it's starting to grizzly and get white again and it's kind of chilly out pretty nippy blue the wind just died down for a second I'll probably pick back up but yeah we'll see I'm gonna get to the end here where the winds not blowing I don't know if I have the patience to use the slip bobber right now and just sit in wait so maybe I'll try the white twister tail and just cast in a few times and then troll my way back to camp but if there it gets any Rainier or Drizzy err on my head back because my hands are gonna start to get cold here just have my first angry beaver of the trip he slapped the water was really hard it's almost like someone threw a big rock that was a big girl normally it's just like a cookie that was like okay I'm at the corner of the lake or the river moving water from the other lakes coming through no hits on the troll end I'm going to see me cast my white twist your tale my all-time favorite lure of all time yeah I'm gonna take a couple more cast that we're gonna troll our way back to camp starting to get a little chilly in the fingers the Sun is setting I'm not getting any bites and I don't need a fish another fish for fish dinner I'm just we're gonna have a little what is this just a fish this is a fish what was that that was so strange okay all right there we go I'm gonna take that that's a nice bobby bass oh yeah the food that's a nice Bobby bass that's about a 17 inch here that'll be perfect with the walleye perfect enough for a nice nice fish dinner there there we go I thought I had a snag or something than a hit it or maybe it hit it and then I got a snag I don't know one way or the other that was awesome looks like your fires a little smoky there bud is just smoldering mighty are you ready to jump into bullet you want to come with good hey Monty how's it going you ready to eat some fish and have a tree a tree yeah that's a good boy did you keep you keep Lukas safe did you keep him safe that's a good boy got its fire over here we're just drying out some firewood no one is camped here since we last camped here so we still got most of our firewood Lukas chopped up some more though and yeah you got a fire going he's got a hit he did a sweet bushcraft fire he did it bushcraft style we're just gonna sit here watch the fire burn down I'm gonna Flay up the fish and then yeah we're gonna get frying a bit here okay we've got our fillets here we've got a little bit for Monty he's got about a little over half of a fillet here of a bass Flay I'm not he he had too much last night it was probably the deep fried fish that was my bad I learned my lesson but anyways we're gonna have some bass and we're each having a whole wall I fillet just like that so I'm just gonna sprinkle on the batter here we're gonna we're gonna do a little bit different I've got a lot extra batter so yeah I'm just gonna finish battering these up here and then we are gonna get the oil on the fire and have a little mini fish fry we don't have any lemons left but that's okay this fire is heading up today get Monty's on there for boiling Oh oh yeah it's crispy today so how fire Oh ah okay oh yeah oh yeah uh-huh yeah the wall some room oh yeah so yeah we've got like five more pieces here frying up we're gonna eat those it is starting to drizzle a little bit though and I know I don't buy camera to get ruined so I'm gonna put it back on to the tire and then yeah if it stopped drizzling we'll bring the camera back out for dessert Reverend dessert tonight this is just a testament to how much I like to just eat food rather than dessert because every night we've had dessert we'd have multiple desserts but we've just been eating so much just dinner food that dessert hasn't sounded appealing except for tonight okay here's your bar chocolate sir got a little melted just the Sun the other day oops you get four marshmallows and your mark for those and then let's see if I how well I kept poops how will I kept the graham crackers this was just rolling around my food bag oh yeah right there's one just one for me one for you here's two oh man they stayed how many sports can I make let's see would you like this wait oh man oh it's too good my bad farts more ooh I just had an idea I've got a Cadbury fruit and nut I'm going extra shocked that you want some fine I'm going so much chocolate I miss more it's gonna get crazy I am out of control Oh ma'am so good will you drop that one tune your what okay now this is a small right there ooh there we go GUI GUI oh yeah oh that's a chocolaty small right there oh look at that mm-hmm well no sure hmm I am about to eat my second s'more these are so dang good a little sticky but I always forget how good s'mores are until I have them again all right well I'm gonna hit this up relax over the campfire clean it up and just enjoy last night here on the trip and then I'm gonna crawl on that tent and get ready for bed so I'll check back in with you guys when I'm crawl them in tent Barry Monty great buddy huh small fart that's my pet mr. Monty hi hi Marty don't do that Oh Madusa Oh Ted part I'm so gassy oh it's ridiculous wow that smells like beef jerky mighty Dutch part stinky that was a delicious meal once again had a tasty little dessert good day of fishin God I raided had a nice rain last night so it's a pretty good day today nice cooler temps I like the cooler temps I'm a big fan made the portaging a lot more fun even though we didn't have a hardcore port just trip it was not crazy it was you know when it's muggy it's not so fun but we only have the one big one but anyways I'm pooped I'm satisfied I'm ready to pass out so we will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody why are you doing this good morning these big but sticky dog which sounds pretty windy out there this is really we're gonna probably need to get up and get moving here quick cuz if that wind picks up too much war we're gonna be able to cross that link cuz it's just been gusty very gusty it's already gonna be a rough panel so let's get up let's do it I am going to pack away all this stuff up and then pack away that DSLR and then we're gonna get the paddling on this breezy breezy morning let's do it mighty well really quickly I'm going to show you suddenly get your Bronte really riled up you just take something long and pointy and you just point it at them even from a distance okay I'm sorry my team I'm sorry he doesn't like being pointed out with things all right how about in one montes go let's go there you go good boy all right we're off oh here we go that's better it's cute okay so we're gonna be in a bay here and then once we start to go out of the bay we should have the wind at our backs but we're gonna be open to the big part of the lake on the shorter side so that means it's got the whole Lake to blow wind so I'm hoping we don't see big ol swells and white cast which I can already see some Whitecaps from here so that's not good oh man this will be interesting we're not at the open part yet once that I don't know if you can see it on the via camera but there's a point we're headed to in the distance after that point it'll be a little rough water so the wind the route the waves are rough that looks very sketchy coming around this point so we're gonna actually take the very long route so I don't know I can't really show right now the whiz blasted from this way so they just take it easy just take a long way come back out this would go for in Monte do a great back there might be first mate he poops week two it's doing a proper job today okie Dokes the worst is in the past that one part where I was saying that point that was rough they were is rolling up from the sides he was getting pushed broadside he couldn't keep his boats for you had this back pedal or back paddle in the big rolling waves and then he of the wind pushing you so you were just it's very uneasy but once we got around that point we kind of duck traumatic cold and then it was not so bad and basically with the wind blowing this way and the rollers coming this way anytime you get an island like this it's blocking those big rolling waves from the end of the lake you're kind of good to go and then you just like this is normal okey-dokey ladies and gentlemen we just got a short little paddle the worst is way behind us we just got to go with the Weddell ittle bit here and then put we'll be back at the car so we had an awesome trip caught lots of fish I think I think it was a draw on how many fish we caught pretty dang close and as far as best fish goes I think bass was a draw I think he got the best Pike and I got the best walleye pretty even pretty even but yeah we have to see some cool wildlife no moose wait super delicious but had a great time even got our rain so yeah that's gonna wrap this one up so as always guys you liked the video the leg foot I wanna see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button Monte are you a good boy do you want to treat is this deliciousness right here this bacon cheeseburger just meat and bun is that yours is that yours you want it to be hand-fed oh you're drooling here you go there you go oh there you go that's a good boy oh you want a little bit more you want a little bit more there you go Monte oh okay okay oh oh geez it's a mess alright alright okay good boy we're gonna give that mess oh jeez
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 292,917
Rating: 4.889523 out of 5
Keywords: camping, wilderness, wilderness area, camp, how to camp, adventure, adventurer, bushcraft, bushcrafter, bushcrafting, campfire cooking, cooking, campfire, fire, fire skills, fishing, canoe, canoeing, bwca, canoe camping, fall camping, fall, dog, dog training, camping dog, boundary waters, nikon d5500, canada, backpacking, survival, survival skills, gopro, going camping, wilderness adventure, winter camping, paddling, canoe paddle, canoe trip, outdoors, forest, funny, hilarious, silly, gourmet cooking
Id: IaYwZ9tpAVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 5sec (12785 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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