12 Nights in the Wilderness With a Puppy

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hey everybody Matt poza here and I'm heading up to the Boundary Waters my girlfriend and my dog to do some fall camping we're about halfway there and we got about three four more hours to drive and we'll be getting to our destination in the dark so we'll be setting up camp in the dark and hopefully it's not raining are you gonna do some camping Monty come here well it's we're about 45 minutes from getting to where we need to put in and it started snowing our first night out here and we got a paddle in dark and in the snow this will be really great I'm super excited how about you guys you excited funk you excited Monte pedal snow hi ho hi ho camping and paddling at night in the snow we just got ready and it's about nine o'clock and we're all packed up and ready to go now we're gonna do a little night paddle to get to our spot Monte and funk are all set to go boats are loaded up normally wouldn't paddle at night but we don't got too far to go all you gotta do we're gonna start here over to there you're pretty easy to navigate these channels let's get going how you doing funk doing good you can see pretty good in this Hey alright keep being a good boy my dear almost there alright so we just got to our campsite take us a little longer than expected cuz it started snowing like crazy and we couldn't see first campsite we can't had to move on from because we could just couldn't find in the snow this one was on a teeny little island this was pretty much pretty obvious to find Monte's doing good she's nice and warm he's a little bit wet but it was first for yeah we'll get tent set up first so that we can get our stuff inside and dry and then you know we got a fire going mommy's getting all warm and dry next to the fire I'm eating some of our homemade chili and our homemade packaging they're all meals free tasty and nice good get that out of your bag please why what oh yeah he's friendly should I touch him touch him all right so first we're talking about doing this trip in the cold weathers and how sometimes I'm getting the teens out here this time of year weren't sure what to pack for Monte and like if he would be warm enough as an eight month old puppy and it turns out we brought a sleeping bag just in case and he was pretty excited to crawl inside of it and become a warm tortilla he's still shivering a little bit hasn't been in there too long but he's definitely loving it all zipped up and cozy [Music] or did you sleep good Monty did you sleep good Monty oh good morning I'm gonna very interesting evening last night paddling and snowing in the dark and the cold it's fun time there's been a few firsts I'd say took care of those one two what you think you never slept in a sleeping bag before like you come here what what what you think about sleeping and sleep back huh what you think what do you think collies are very vocal but we're doing our best to keep him not so vocal you feel cute yeah we got this little campsite here the colors up in northern Minnesota her yellows and greens it's still very beautiful back home we get all the reds and oranges and whatnot Purple's Reds here it's all about the orange or the yellow and the green we got a pretty long day today a little late start because we stayed up so late last night but we'll get to our spot and we'll get some fishing done what do you think Monty who make them breakfast let's make some breakfast this place was all on the mostly in the burn fire right Monty what do you think about that Monty it's a good boy boy sit sit boy or stand that's cool gonna test out your sea legs huh this your lake the waves that are site crashing into us you betcha don't you know George I know so the winds are blowing a little bit harder than I'd like and they're blowing against us and with Monty up in the tip of the boat it's making it a little tougher to go across this good-sized lake and we have a lot of Palin to do so what we're gonna do is change up our trip a little bit because we're moving a little bit slower than I'd like so we're going to head over to Alpine and then stand Jasper rather than go all the way to August c'mon see Monty Monty didn't like going across the big lake and getting splashed by waves did he did you did you did you not like it no yeah that's it's got to be done sometimes you got to change up your plans and change up your trip depending on weather and depending on how everything's going that's how it is when you decide to skip a portage [Music] birds are you ever got the choice between pulling your boat through rocks and rushing water and a 30 rod portage take the 30 rod portage every time so we decided to make some changes to this trip we're gonna do a lot more work and cover a lot more ground but for the sake of fishing and enjoyment Monte's comfortability we're gonna yeah is that the right word no comfortability comfortability it's comfortability no comfy nest I don't know whatever the word is so we're deciding to make it a little bit more casual and cover less ground then I can get some more fishing in so we're gonna stand Alpine tonight and I'll do some fishing later okay I'll catch some dinner looking to get to a campsite that's on the south shore so we're gonna block by the winds and get a fire going make some lunch pretty hungry you're pretty hungry bug we're pretty hungry Sun came out there's a bald eagle at the top of that tree over there just arrived at a campsite beautiful little spot there's a bald eagle right over there watching us Monty come on call Monty oh that's slick watch yourself there Monty there we go beautiful little spot a little bit out of the wind All That Bird Oh Monty [Music] I'm gonna make up some lunch here I'm gonna make some little tuna tacos I was gonna get all fancy and eat them up but now I'm just hungry so I'm just gonna eat them cold and when I have a little extra time I will keep them up a little bit geez brought a head of cabbage so that'll be tasty little addition oh it's gonna be so good I'm so excited I want to pick up this cabbage right after but that's okay little cheese on there a little bit I'm a big cheese person brought up about five pounds of cheese it's another joy of fall camping is perishable foods she's good Mexican style tuna would be nice smelly trash yummy oh yeah Bon Appetit definitely be a lot better hot Sun send time do some fishing what there's fish you're catching it's just jump right whatever those little things are they don't want to bite when I got over I'm throwing it you know one small little they almost I'm not the trout to run it up there definitely have like feeding frenzy right now so I'm gonna move down to the shallows I need to get back it's getting late alright we got our fire set up we're making dinner and the northern lights are out and the moon is nearly full so that's unfortunate for the show of these Northern Lights but if you can doubt you can pick it up on the camera but it is beautiful oh I love them Monte's toasty did you even want to get up oh yeah a little bit at Target right this is morning I'm having homemade rice and beans we make our own meals I think they're just like backpackers meals we make the meal whatever you want in it dehydrate it and then you just boil water and I bought these boiling bags little inefficient fill it up a little extra full of water for my coffee I got my little Trangia 28 stove just a little alcohol burning stove I like it cuz it's reliable very reliable and then you just let this rehydrate you get that stack you get that stick well got very far to go today we are right here one of these islands and we're gonna go down this way we had a short portage going across Jasper another short portage Kingfisher a short portage and then we're gonna be a novice c'mon see and we're gonna stay there for two nights so the winds are gonna be a little bit stronger today gusts up to 30 whoa what do you think of that hi Monty hi funk you saw a couple moves I'm gonna drop my lines here in a second decent role while we paddle through this lake right now feels like in the wind like this it's not fun all right oh it's nice to catch a first pitch come on put your engines all right we got one reportage to go another short one nice easy day Suns coming out it's always a beautiful thing maybe I can charge some stuff up with my little solar panel batteries don't last quite as long on the GoPro with cold so definitely definitely you need to do some charging I'm gonna do some fishing today because the winds haven't picked up as much as I said they were going to it yeah sure they'll get their midday for now it's a slight breeze I want to I want to have a little fish fry tonight delicious little treat we're about to leave the Bern if you look you can see right there there's the edge of the burden is on this side and it stops in the trees start and then looking forward big trees in the wind close to the campsite almost there and a big fish on my line pretty sure it was Pike it was real hard I'm using those steel eaters the Sun Sun is out it's a beautiful thing a beautiful day a little windy that's all right so sometimes you only get a few sunny days and you're on an extended trip it happens so I take my take my times I got the two solar panels and I'm gonna charge up all my GoPro batteries and anything electronic that I use really fast when I get a bright sunny day so all I need is like three four hours and I can get most of my stuff charged up pretty quick we just got camp all set up making some spaghetti for lunch nice little campsite there's a fire great we're tucked away over here we set up the nose tarp kids supposed to rain tomorrow tucked away in this little cold right mighty wash yeah alright guys that time live even one up for sunsets we'll catch some fish just set my line troll across the lake cuz I got a reach and go to the side without the wind and I can call fish in the calm that's much more enjoyable than fishing in the wind especially in a solo canoe that's not weighed down around like crazy hours good for lacrosse pick some up fish on I don't know what [Music] definitely tugging hope it's a nice bass a nice walleye hack a whitefish I got my line way out there so it's gonna be a minute before I get this fish in here just troll and pass a little island where there's a nice drop off haven't even been trolled for two minutes to three minutes you look like you're tangled in the string funny hopefully not lines plus he's rap funny it's not really pulling that hard but he's staying low oh you're a bass and you are honking really funny look at this poor guy well this one's going for that makes me happy so I'm gonna brightest guy up tonight I'm not gonna take a welcome string or the hook right now oh he's attached a little bit either way nice sized bass gonna have some dinner tonight straining he is full we got a crab poking out of his butt okay it's even in time and we are having ourselves a fish fry eating that bass we're gonna some couscous and then we're gonna have a cabbage salad with lemon juice on it Monte's enjoying the warmth of the fire passed out yes please alright as you can see the fish is frying it is delicious oh yeah there's only one problem with frying fish out in a while that's it's a big mess I don't like big messes but I'll make an exception when it comes to having a fish fry I would like to catch one more fish cuz I mean I can eat about four or five baths but I really wanted to pick out their fries but well cool up a little bit but that's okay it'll he packed up for which means we have plenty more time to be out here full cloud there's some light drizzle and Monty he's just sleepy but but he is a bet he's altered hmm I'm smiling my name is Monty yeah I'm happy to be under what's right slipped it a little bit so gonna make some coffee and some breakfast and then gear up and do some fishing breakfast and gotta love me some breakfast little mr. Bree uh please have a little bit more of my rice and beans okay so it's day four and we're gonna go do some fishing perfect day for fishing little drizzly cloudy the winds have died down and it's warmed up so I hope we're gonna catch some good fish today and we're gonna make a little day adventure out of it make some lunch somewhere I'll definitely be shedding a few layers got a beautiful view of the trees nice place to have some lunch Monte's suited up and ready for a rain travel so let's get going hey that's a good boy hoorah well there's still Sun you'd better get out fishing okay let's go Sibylline here I'll like give it up you don't say a mighty mighty knows what I'm saying pass the salad one more time [Applause] stay for months he finally learned that the crazy Creek is great insulation from the cold ground well you think what that Monty was this Oh hold your bridges bumpy use your precious oh yeah we'll see how well this picks it up but there's a full moon out tonight saw Northern Lights on our second night and we got a full moon on our fourth night so far the weather has been great I was calling for rain and it didn't happen now tomorrow we're gonna get to paddle with the wind and the winds haven't been too crazy maybe a little rough on that second day but otherwise not so bad tomorrow we're gonna head out and do more fishing whatnot where we all Monty more than time Sun hasn't even rose yet but we like to get an early start sometimes got eight Portage's to do today but don't worry they're not huge they're really small part ajiz so we're gonna get an early start and get it taken care of and get to the next Lake and get some fishing down a long way everybody all right good boy come here buddy got my first fish of the day on give him little tugs oh yeah oh yeah you go pike oh you're a pike I was wrong I'll take a northern there we go little black spotted pike go bye-bye Punk just had a nice bite a little like or portion through catching fish looks more bad right pretty cool eh there we go got one looks like it nice with is a nice bass spicy baby nice alright we we're gonna keep these guys and have some dinner with them there this guy got these guys just one so I'm almost ringing we got some dinner with a gorgeous little length or these bass higher there's a lot of something trees you can see they're all just like covered in water so it's kind of like drops right off makes for some good fishing tell mother little pike little guy goodbye No there was the bite and it look mom no hands when I'm working the shoreline I like to keep moving and castlelong and you down trees rock drop-offs or anything I can see my favorite ones either yeah big tree as you can see under the water but you can't little issue Funke forgot our garbage bag at one of the Portage's so i've got to take an empty canoe and portage back and find it I hope it's at the first portage not the second one gonna have to across another lake but we'll get it done we're gonna take garbage bag back victory I have recovered the trash bag just hooked into a good-sized pike that's a nice pike oh yeah that's a beautiful fish right there alright chill out buddy I might get you off here quick that is a nice-sized fish look at that guy oh yeah a good-sized plate well he's got a big tangler on here so I'm gonna undo him quick and then let him free but he's got my little it big little pinky go there he goes see you later buddy up in that book downy only every portage was this small we got five Portage's down few more to go two of the next three are very very small just as small as the last portage and one that's a little bit longer look Monty I know the reason your exhaust is because you've done all these Portage's you've carried all the stuff for us it's okay you've done a great job you just got one more little pond across and one more portage and then a big pond across and we'll be there okay all right you're doing great folks doing great to get there within an hour we have our campsite the docking of the final teeny portage for the day you can even see up to the lake myself across this lake whole areas like this where with steep sheer rock drop-offs pretty much every Lake is like a big rock bowl I love it up here all my favorite places to come camping and fishing we made it a campsite look again we've only seen one person the entire trip and that was a second Lake so we're not too worried about campsites this is a pretty one though nice up here and a little rock edge there's firewood already chopped up for us got some nice seats beautiful view then beaten good spots to put the tent and then tomorrow we're gonna wake up and make our way to knife Lake if anyone's questioning this dogs happiness watch how he terrorizes a stick but do you just having a good time not much better than a hot meal after a long day I'm having my stir-fry with chicken right now pretty delicious enjoying a little fire this evening today was a longer day with fishing and whatnot it was eight Portage's they're small but they still take time to get in and out of some things that Monty suggests spring is crazy Creek and you guys be an extra toasty and bundled up next to a fire are you so precious music you kid nice cloudy morning we didn't get to stay up as late as we wanted to because it started to rain and we couldn't have our fish fry so what we're gonna do is we're gonna keep our fish on the stringers and they're they're gonna be fine it's it's cold enough to where the fish will last till tonight and we'll have it for dinner tonight and hopefully it doesn't rain on us we got four Portage's today not too windy yet Sun just rose and making some breakfast and then we're gonna get going you're such a little turd [Applause] [Music] got the garbage bag right okay good me neither fishing yesterday was awesome fishing today is poop you have a good sleep you have a good nap huh you have a good nap yeah you ready to get up and do another portage okay let's get up and do it in the portage [Applause] we're about to arrive at her last words of the day it's time to make some lunch and then finish the last portage or vice versa the portion and make lunch and then I'm gonna paddle to our campsite and get some fishing and maybe do a little hike in or whatever and have a nice little day I'm just beautifully calmed by a day so what's there Monty did not do a little even fishing let's fightin got an hour and a half for it sunset so I will see what I can catch anything there we go they're nice bass or it's a lake trout doesn't feel like a pike is a feisty whatever it is it's got to be a lake trout he's fighting pretty hard jeez buddy like really cut her out of season can't eat them and walk have to let him go it's too big for you many ways nice get you free buddy now I gotta clean down the wall done fishin didn't really catch much more just the lake John another a lake trout and just let them go no more bass or pike or anything so we're just gonna eat the one bass we're gonna fry it up and make some fish tacos it should be enough to go around make a couple of tacos with each other please light rain going so we set up the tarp we're just gonna chill over here not gonna make a fire tonight we'll just cook it up over our stoves mati are you gonna try some what do you think we make him a little piece but probably not there's just enough for us all right Monty Monty's learning that when we lay something down this insulation from the ground anyone to Lana now like a chin scratched tray with a couple pieces left then we got the tortillas lemon and cabbage and we got it frying right there they're homemade batter and oil yeah it's gonna be tasty Hey last fishes frying we got it on the tackle just put some cabbage on there good more cabbage more cabbage this may have extra lemons something soak it and lemon juice mm-hmm mm-hmm [Music] we've been eating the lemons to do so many lemons tasty and tardy oh yeah just smother we got a lemon see them there yeah out of here a little bit more juice is just so much lemon mmm wasteful lemon it's just my god oh what a beautiful morning oh it's a beautiful day got an easy day today we slept in a little bit mmm little chilly I need to put some more clothes on yeah and I'm going to do some adventuring and some fishing today will be a great day umm sleepy they call me crawler she's using for break I'll be Mohammed II D Malone diamond I could use him for baby but I'll even be people I just found something over in the bushes that Monty fully agrees with what do you think Monty you like this you like this idea yeah he's diggin it he's diggin it yeah yeah give it here this here is this your toy are you just happy to be alive it's a nice breezy cold day looking like it could rain at any moment again so I'm just finishing up my oatmeal having some coffee and then we're gonna pack up camp and head on out what do you think about that Monty you like your new toy we found someone left it behind just for you we're gonna have to do some traveling in the rain it's a light rain so far hopefully it doesn't get too much heavier Monty doesn't like rain do you Monty I don't mind it but my D is fishy maybe you tighten your dragon lilies brick in your lineup oh there you go Justin hoping that Nick nice nice job hold it up all the water just something that nice good catch we gotta let them free release good job another beautiful breezy day little chill in the air Suns kind of pumping out over the clouds so I think coming out today very cloudy for a while but we might get our chance to wash our clothes jump in the lake maybe charge up some stuff solar panels be nice we need just one good day like three four hours of sunshine for the next couple of days I think we're just gonna stay in this lake and pick a spot just chill and do some wildlife watching later maybe check out a cool some cool rock Bluffs is one up ahead were checking out a couples fight about it right over there [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] plenty you natural little climber alright so good you what let's go go ahead right lead the way he's just soaking it in he's just soaking that view in Monte the gorgeous thing gorgeous gorgeous day of paddling get a reasonable amount of sunshine by the time we get to camp starting to break up more good work with a little Sun weather's been good so far this trip it's only really rained hard at night Suns been out decently can't complain some good weather supposed to see some snow in a few days a couple days actually for a couple days so that'll be fun snow is always fun you're paddling you gotta keep your little butt boy toasty little Monty little turd nugget we're about halfway to our campsite that we're hoping to get we're gonna check out a couple along the way see what everyone's protected from the wind the best got a nice view we're gonna stop up ahead it looks like it was a nice little spot on the map there's a drop-off where we can fish off up and maybe eat some food or something have a little snack let Monte out and get warmed up gotta let him out of the boat everyone so I'll go to the bathroom throw his new toy we found let him run around his body temperature up again it's somewhat chilly in the boat so we're gonna move in a slower pace and let him out and get warmed up every once in a while it's nice to get your legs out and stretch and take some cast for Shore too so still breezy let the dog out what knocks that around we didn't really eat anything we're gonna wait till we pick our campsite for you make lunch but we're making our way and Sun came out so we need to get there quick and start watching solar paneling and whatnot all right we decided to stay at this campsite cause a little bit out of the wind and we're close to a spot where we can put our stuff up in the Sun so I'm gonna go walk up and try to see if I can get up on that little hill up there but actually this Ridge right here might work fine what are you doing what you see are you barking it huh you weirdo water my buckets getting a little scummy so far I've only use three pairs of socks and two pairs of underwear maybe that's gross I don't know but I'm washing them try to stretch them out at least a few days socks I change more frequently I get stinky feet I can't help it the Sun is powerful so is the wind we have bolt today the wind and the Sun I shall try just laundry we head down here I've got my solar panels going charging up some things and I got my Muck Boots drying out I'm gonna drop my Muck Boots and we got our stuff drying up over there on that side of that Ridge up there and I made some lunch now set up camp but can we say hello hey buddy watch for some wildlife tonight a little late start and just had a late dinner and there's a little bit getting set up and drying the clothes and yeah so tomorrow we're just gonna move further down the lake maybe catch some fish other than lake trout so we can eat some more I planned three dinners and we got we got to get one more we had the bass the one night and the bass the other night or last night and then one more and then we don't have to eat any more fish much drinking it's a beautiful evening day eight we decided to change the plans again we're just gonna spend today here again and have a relaxing day just burn a fire drink some tea maybe do some fishing later we're definitely going to go there's a nice spot where you can hike up a hill and overlooks a few lakes and little swamps that we're gonna go check out later and watch for some wildlife hopefully see some moose or something you know than that we're just never relaxing day just burn the day fire and warm up it's in the low 40s so it's a chillier day but get some firewood and start a fire here [Music] are you gonna get these six again help me break them all up want me to make a big pile of sticks all right let's get going all right we're all done he's got a big sticky night Monty right Monty you cute little puppy oh you should you should my boots just taking a little break day nice mid trip break on a cold breezy day or blocked from the wind so it's okay to have a fire the wind's coming this way we're black by these trees and watch it some wildlife late tonight so he doesn't have his full Coast here's one of the ways we do that just lay down some stuff and he is wrapped up like a little tortilla in a sleeping bag and sweatshirts and whatnot he is toasty and loving it he doesn't even want to come out here hey Monty oh he doesn't want to come out it's pretty cold out today nothing crazy low 40s but still I get you a little nippy if you're sitting down there for two weeks what happens when you give a dog a little spot to nestle [Applause] [Music] mati would you there you go put your face right in the log that's a good boy you're so smart you're so smart [Music] that's impossible for lunch spaghetti it's all dehydrated and ready to go on a boil in pouch these things pretty good a standing up to abuse I'm gonna make a little cup of hot cocoa and treat myself on this fine jelly today I just poured in some boiling water and now I'm just gonna stick my hat on here for a minute just put it on the ground keep it warm for a minute here and we'll see it looks like that a few minutes let's take a peek that's a nice a little bit watery but that's okay that's gonna taste so good roast marshmallows we're Oh socks Monte and I are gonna go ahead on a little evening adventure we're going to go look for some wildlife up on a ridge around the corner being about as stealthy as a semi-truck this unjust said we haven't seen anything yet starting to be a little dark out so we're gonna head back to camp knightly adventure wasn't enough Monty it's a beautiful meticles we got going good job funk it's gonna make many a cups of tea Monty has taken over my sleeping pad some point in the night and I just worked around him made it work but he doesn't like get up no you don't want to get up just packing up on another fine morning supposed to be in the high 30s low 40s today feeling a little chilly already just making some coffee and then we're gonna head out to the next spot and continue onward day 9 this is what Monty's rocking in these cold days he's got a wind wind proof water-resistant sweatshirt draped over him with some insulation underneath and he's just passed out toasteen comfortable in the back of the boat Monte Monstar has awakened yeah a little that's your impression I can do might get some Sun do they started to puncture the clouds and little spots of blue here in there so I paid a nice little treat we're about say 30 minutes from camp so the Sun came out charge everything up a little more laundry a nice little day watch the sunset somewhere beautiful we got camp all set up and I'm gonna head out and do some fishing and get some firewood it's a pretty little spot we got going on here it's a pretty chilly day but still gonna get out there the sun's kind of coming in and out of the clouds and there's really light flurries of snow but I'll still get some fishing done hopefully I'll catch something I don't even care if it's something I can eat just something to catch yes think it's time I think it's time [Music] it's one of those days it's gonna be son then brain son snow and rain then pull it all three at once there's a little see that how those rocks kind of it's a bunch of small rocks that fall into the water really steep that's the type of Larry I love on a bigger lake those are always great spots so I'm gonna get out here and cast off the edge of this see what I can catch every type of fish likes to hang out on the areas like this well the late there we go I'm just gonna head up off the Portage trail and the woods and get some firewood bring it back to camp make some lunch and then we can go hike that Bluff or something all right got enough firewood for the evening so break it up i thinkI sickeness you taken we didn't really see any wildlife other than some seagulls flying around that's alright it's a beautiful view and it's very peaceful we're gonna get going now so the sun's about to set and we want to get back to camp before it gets too dark I get some trouble are you just chillin on a canoe you're a little stinker just a couple evening casts I caught a teeny little pykon day9 comes to a close very pretty day and we got some good sunshine it's off and on little flurries got the hike up on that Bluff is pretty good tomorrow we're gonna wake up and do our longest porridge of the trip stay two nights in the next spot do some fire lovin heating up some water put some food and some hot chocolate just warming up by a fire it's supposed to get down upper 20s tonight so be a little chilly but won't be nothing we can't handle good morning stay ten we're getting packed up and ready to move just got my coffees steeping and oh you know cooking Sun is out in the sky is clear looks like it's gonna be a gorgeous day Oh time we get to that portage get that thing taken care of for the day well done well that was a wonderful little portage but he's already laying down he's all toasty he's just ready to relax let's get going to camp it's quite nippy when that Sun is behind the couch come on tease me they're playing hard to get cool bunks waiting for me to catch up all right we pick something up all your trolling let's see what kind of fish we're dealing with feels like it's coming in like a log there goes pullback let's go hike fast I think it's all a true Judy don't see we got are you going to be lake trout oh of course it is that's alright relax for a minute you didn't want to relax though we are creating the ultimate comfort zone Monty what do you think what do you think about this you want to go in here Monty's ready I get him I see no he's just gonna later call Monty come out come out he's like no he wants to lay down hi Monty come on out alright camps all set up just making some food probably gonna make some tea as well today we're gonna just chill I'm probably gonna go hike this rock bluff that I've been looking at across the way looks like a pretty cool spot to watch the sunset me and Monty go do that charging up some stuff of the GoPro bugs making moose noises over there trying to be funny so you gotta do it let's do a little fishing I think it's time to get going on a little hike [Music] [Music] [Music] boy autumn trees have no leaves there's still hope to see sunset looks like the sky's on fire so the Sun just set now we're headed back to camp gonna make a fire have some food some tea wake up tomorrow do a little day adventure we're stay of this campsite for two nights so tomorrow we're gonna head out and check out a few lakes getting dark at 6:30 got a look call come on guy oh let's go to bed Monty come on let's go good let's go to bed come on Oh give him a downward good dour time or I get him nestled in there we've grown in okay good I might take another fine day do some fishing hmm let's get goin right Monty hey so good boy yeah - I got part oh you make your trench yeah oh yeah it is a beautiful day for paddling great day to go fishing an adventure in this not much win no clouds in the sky oh I could die right now I could die right now today that's pretty pull them out of the water my fault disk Matthew what you're gonna do baby all right I got a bass go no smart guy so I'll need a couple of couple of these for dinner and they'll be great delicious no wait my my light little boat blows around funk just signaled me from across the lake with her aura we have different signals with our paddles to communicate from across the lake she just told me that she just catching fish over here so I'm gonna head over and see what's going on all right so I caught a bass and funk show him what you got she's got a nice bass - so that's what we're having for dinner tonight we're gonna have a couple of bass and maybe some mashed potatoes or some couscous it'll be delicious a little waterfall next to this portion Exley all right it's time for us to find a nice spot to have lunch a nice little view it's a little island ahead that I think we're gonna try out very monte all right where we going Monte go ahead Pyke all right it's a little guy he's barely hooked let's get him off quick my metallics no times hey pal all right relax get it right out barely hooked on there there you go good little Pike goodbye blinded by the light wrapped up like a noose slower watches an hour fast so there's only four o'clock right now so what that means is that we got to get head and back as the Sun sets at 6:15 probably action we're 6:12 today we're gonna make some fish paddle straight into the Sun one gonna be a beautiful sunset gonna have to go hike a block take the boy Mikey you good boy yes you are you're such a good boy you good boy and ignore the hike and watch a sunset yes you are ready all right stay there stay there oh good boy good boy climb climb boys I'll climb your professional your professional climber yes you are yes you are yes you are we're getting there need some assistance there oh jeez Monty and frisky oh yeah she'll be a beautiful this guy's like I'm pretty epic is definitely the best sunset of the trip we had a good day we're gonna go back lay up some fish and have him for dinner it was I think it was the only day where the Sun was out the entire day and the winds weren't that bad wonderful day comes to a close I think Monty's not quite ready to leave the sunset spot are you getting a big boy look at you oh yeah all right let's go Monty let's go we're gonna go back to camp it's time to go come on give us a downward dog or something no there it is there is this is my boat I know it's got a nice nice horn all right so our loans are no good so we're just gonna pray on oarfish anyways tonight and we're gonna cook Monty little now Monty's gonna get his pieces cooked the way we normally cook fish put a little water in there and this will be good that's all he needs that's plenty for Monty and for us I'm just gonna grab our piece earth cut up our pieces in the little blue littler bit so when they fry it's nice and even okay so Monty's is just wrapped up in tin foil with a little water he doesn't need a seasoned area like that for ours I got a little water and keep them wet sprinkled batter over take it both sides trying to conserve our batter as much as possible and I'm just going to batter them all just like that oh you let that heat up and then we'll put our batter fish in their fish we're gonna add right over the fire this doesn't take much to cook we've also got some water boiling so that we can have some baby red instant mashed potatoes keep your elves ready mr. Smith this is poppin we're ready to lay in some fake mm-hmm oh yeah it's gonna be so good one more piece oh yeah give that a few minutes and you flip it and then when it's crispy on both sides it's ready to be destroyed okay and when it's all about ready I'll eat it I need to get some tongs out here we're gonna load up some more really quick we'll get a big tail piece on there yeah all right and then you just enjoy it mmm oh God mmm let's check my this fish looks good to me looks like some great a fish hey Monty let's let that cool down and get the bones out of there and then we're gonna serve it here we go yeah monty loves fish mmm that good Monty just loves the taste of fish it's a good boy that's a good boy Ernest tree yes he did today was one of the best days of the trip for sure good fishing I had good food plenty of sunshine now we have a nice warm fire Monty's just staying toasty next to the fire we're gonna head to bed soon well stay 12 and I had to go and be a big ding-dong and James says last night and say hey get out here for 11 days we having then to travel in the rain woods that's pretty cool and so now it's raining it'll be good for us we needed this anyways it's time to travel in the rain we gotta get it done we must move great Lefty we're prepared for this just completed the portage number one now we're in a race against time in the rain get to the next spot so let's get moving yeah ours read scroll over there oh wow a Canadian red squirrel oh my gosh in a while since I see one of those man whoo yeah that's Canada I'm gonna go put my done with another portage only to Portage's remain in this trip and then we're gonna go home I don't think we're gonna make it to Zephyr today just started a little too late and take too much time to get there and set up and whatnot so we're just and saga Naga good old Lake sag Onaga let's get going to camp where are you Monty gonna dance with me funk your dance with me alright now we could dance in our canoe lose still counts as a portage I don't care what you say it still counts got the camp took us took us a while I mean a late start and the rain was there now it's just breezy and cold we're gonna get set up we got three hours of daylight left so we're just going to relax today and make some food go to bed early get a get it early start tomorrow yeah might do what do you think it's wet bug says Fung says wet I always bring your backup sleeping pad with me and this time there's one for me and funk so we blown it up and it fits perfectly in the bottom of the tent to make a solid sleeping pad and now that we've let Monty experience that you can't wait to get in here who's just creeping over here near the tent we're all set up we're ready to hunker down it's a cold chilly day and we've only got a couple hours of sunlight left so we're just gonna make some tea make some food and take a little nap stay warm and dry good morning it's a little chilly last night probably the coldest night of the trip we've got frost i'ma bottom of our canoes a little frozen pretty cold out there today we're just gonna do a long paddle and it looks like it's gonna be sunny all day again so it'll be a beautiful last day to spend in the Boundary Waters so I'm pretty excited for today hopefully there'll be some good fishing we'll see there's definitely gonna be some fun in the Sun Monty says good morning a final day of the Boundary Waters trim it's a beautiful sunny day we've got a long paddle today we're going all the way across the lake like Sag Onaga pretty much from West End to the southeast huh this sneaky little fine sunny last day with Boundary Waters I don't even know if I'm gonna fish there hey I'm just gonna enjoy the paddle enjoy the views and soak it all in oh my geez Thomas he's thirsty this is not the best place for a drink of water Monty but I'll let it slide yeah he's definitely got his sea legs I wish I had the little balls to drink straight out of the lake filter all my water with the wind at our backs we shall move at lightning speed back to the burn once again heading back to where the which one is it the Hamm Lake fire destroyed thousands and thousands of acres of wood Monte sit down said sit down boy who's the boy that's a good boy I gotta take you know like one okay it's just too too good a territory there's like my spider senses are tingling there's down trees everywhere probably a super popular spot to fish it's a little ducky drinking in the water save ducklings Hey duck the end is nigh starting to see the houses we're headed down the river towards the final portage and then we're happening across the lake going away from it which means we have officially exited the Boundary Waters Canoe Area that Monty let the rap we got a little ways to go that is that it's the fun's not over yet we have to do a little paddling upstream let's see if I can even handle it let's try with the stop Rosalita [Applause] it's so close [Music] [Music] we're making her starting to be clouds we just got a little bit more pal about another half hour left it'll be the boat lunch with the truck was a pretty good trip any trip where there's no major injuries you don't flip the bowl the weather was great those are you know perfect they had a pretty good trip Monte remember this panel we did this part in the dark yeah and the starkness snow and you were such a good boy oh it was the story that put anyone to sleep I see do we need a puppy tired and ready to be done and that is that we're there we're here [Applause] well I hope you enjoyed the video as much as we enjoyed making it leave comments below we had a lot of fun was a pretty epic trip nothing went wrong and had great weather we're gonna get going now and hopefully I'll make another video of something similar to this in the near future and we're gonna do what any responsible camper should do after being in the woods for a couple of weeks and let's get a bacon cheeseburger so let's get going to that you
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 469,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping with a puppy, 12 nights in the wilderness, wilderness camping, camping in the wild, camping in the wilderness, boundary waters, bwca, boundary waters canoe area, camping with a girl, canoe camping, camping, overnight, adventure, outdoors, outside, fishing, camping and fishing, camping with a dog, dog, nature, minnesota, catch and cook, matthew posa, posa, puppy, wilderness, wild, funk, wilderness area
Id: p9zzK4x7-Es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 15sec (9555 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2017
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