Overnight Winter Camping in a Snowstorm

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey there guys I'm out again in the woods with Monty and it's snowing we're gonna do another overnighter some more good old-fashioned winter camping there's a winter storm going on today and it is just starting now figured is a good time to get out so Monty he's all full of snow already yep so we're just I think we're just gonna sleep under a tarp today and make some bacon cheeseburger this should be real delicious we've got some more ground to cover and we got to find a nice spot and make sure there's no dead trees around because it's gonna be a little windy tonight and I don't want anything I don't want any trees follows so we've got to get moving [Applause] all righty yeah Monty we're here we're here all right so this is gonna be our spot we've got plenty of firewood right there all we need we got tea trees to tie down to and there's no dead trees overhanging so looks like a good spot first thing I'm going to do is clear out a nice section for I got a little special something this is Monte I brought out Monty some pigs ears can you sit up at all well I'd say said that Brittany sit pretty what's it Freddy what tip Sid is a pretty good boy all right lay down lay down craw craw craw oh that's good enough all right good boy good enough Monty so instead of making a fire reflector out of wood today I'm just going to take this snow here and pile it up you're crazy it's snowing it is it's not too cold out which is you know is what it is it's about 20 27 degrees so we got a nice snowstorm coming in everything is getting covered with snow today so we got to set up the tarp here give ourself some shelter how Monty good boy Monty so I planned today is since it's snowing a lot and we're gonna kind of want to chill near the shelter under the tarp probably I'm gonna set it a bit higher than normal I'm gonna kind of set it and leave the sides open and then I'm just gonna pile snow make snow hills so it's kind of like a big open port that's the plan anyways I'm a monster when it comes to this pair or this uh yeah paracord I always leave it on the tarp they just let it get into a big tangled mess and have to deal with it every time that's okay though I don't mind much you're gonna get a little snow on you but it's warm outside so I know you're fine we have a big fun shelter Monty don't you worry dad's gonna work his butt off piling snow to make sure it looks extra extra roomy and sweet just for you Monty I don't even care about myself I just want you to be comfortable you know that's what it's all about end of the day it's all about how comfortable your Monty is even if you're not having a good time and you're upset but you're Monty's comfortable it's good thing it's good good thing wouldn't you agree Monty wouldn't you agree [Music] oh yeah I'm gonna have to pile so much snow that is just too much so are my feet we're not gonna pile as much snow as I thought but we're still gonna pile a bunch of snow okay I said it a little high all right we're gonna have a we're gonna have a nice shelter start a little shelter here I've got to lower this side all right now I've got some snow to pile up now this isn't the best setup in the world especially for a windy situation but I'm kinda in the forest a good amount and the winds blocked by a lot of these trees I'm in a little bit of an open spot there's trees all around me so I'm pretty protected against the wind now normally I would you know hunker down and make it nice and low kind of like in my winter overnight or the other one I did a week or two ago but this time I wanted to be able to sit you know sit here have a bunch of open room and cook my food so now I'm gonna spend some time and pile up some snow around the edges and just kind of make a little wind block around the outsides doesn't have to be perfect I just want it so that snows not piling on us and it just kind of feels comfortable in there you think you deserve another treat yeah that looks like a yes good just good clues oh shoot I said sit sit pretty it's a pretty good that's a good one oh that's a look at that what a good say pretty good boy hey you know split up those treats and I give them to you where's it not good enough for you sucking steak or pork roast or chili or something what a jerk thank you watch out Marty Marty yourself a spot huh [Laughter] [Applause] I'm gonna make us snow anchor some of the strings now I'm gonna take sticks like this and I'm gonna wrap paracord around them and then pull them tight and wedge them into the snow and kind of stomp them down and that'll keep it nice and tight it'll hold and that's how I'm gonna pull the tarp over the snow mounds and keep it taut so I'm going to do that all the way around pretty much where where there's snow mounds and get it over the edge so that I can pile up snow on the edge of the tarp [Music] no my this stick isn't for you silly dog this is for a little a here sorry pal [Music] sorry to break your heart which we're going to get some snow collection up there hey a Monte want a need this stick use that beef en Monte yeah my pocket huh what is it is it a glove it's a glove and is it another glove all right let's see I made this - oh yeah that's she's a bit tall there Monte we got to cut off some more [Laughter] [Music] still might be a little tall we're gonna try out [Music] right [Music] yeah we on the snow accumulation laughing hey come on come here boy you're such a snowy doggy it's gonna happen a few times especially throughout the night let's see if I cracked any beers this time hey Monty stop that no cracked beers that's a good thing it sure is a good thing I really won't need to do much processing with all these they say sticks and stuff I'll probably still cut up a few big ones just to have some Roasters but for the most part I was gonna burn this get a big old pile of this going great Monty so you can tear up my sticks you want me to throw a stick for you Monty is that what you're looking at me for you want the stick okay I threw that way Monty Monty you dingleberry hey don't you yell at me you want this get it my friend what are you doing Monty look look look with your eyes look with your eyes ready Monty look good boy don't get it to the deep snow he's struggling alright gotta make that fire flicker out of snow ya know no sense chopping up a bunch of wood when you get all this snow it'll do a mighty fine job of reflecting feet you think we think all right I'm just gonna let this snow settle and break up these sticks here and then when I get these all broken up hey Monty I'll be able to dig out the this little fire flexor here it's gonna be some little frozen e stuff wet a little bit on the outside up to collect a bunch of dry stuff those are the little dry twigs you keep them separate because a lot of this stuff is you know it's got frozen yeah ice on there and that's no good for starting a fire it won't be bad once it's ripping but for starting you don't want to start with what you snow-covered ice-covered sticks Monty just wants any sort of stick right now yeah maybe you want more treats now you want to stick huh alright I'll throw a stick for you that is what you want okay here we go over that move over this way go there go here go go go go no no all right much you ready well I just broke up a pile of sticks I don't think I'm gonna cut up any logs tonight because I just got endless amounts of those sticks over there I mean I can just break up the ends and it's just fine do that sticking with you Bree here cool bring it here Monte give me that stick come on T bring me that stick come on Monty bring me that stick you bring me that stick you bring me that stick you bring me that stick yes do you like winter camping are you ready you ready okay all right chill out chill out there yelling at me Monty all right anyways the snow settled enough to where I can dig out yeah we got a nice nice here get a cook there to have a player and always got my pocket full Burch work here see we got today a bunch of fun birch bark same little little bit in there pressing down a little extra alright you know what I'm gonna get yelled at if I don't put down a few sticks because it is smart definitely helps when you're trying to push on this birch bar the bear rod and you need to push down hard it definitely helps to have a stick underneath there like this failure the battery died while starting the fire oh it's that new camera didn't make a sound GoPros will beep at you [Laughter] [Music] all right [Music] sorry buddy ready ready get in my teeth I've literally been throwing the stick firm for like 20 minutes he's super enthusiastic about it but it keeps finding a even it's going to beep snow so you throwing it boy you got your seam stick huh I think this is the longest you've ever had the same state it's a new record get MIT go get it go get a Monty same spot no different go get Monty go eat your step looks pretty deep over here this is very peaceful I love this want to go get your stick go get your stick go get it I know you can find it you got a sniffer go boy get that stick get that snake Monty get'em auntie go boy get it Monty yeah he'll find it anyways this is super peaceful with the snowfall I love it like this it's it's almost as peaceful as thunderstorm and rain when you're camping in the spring summer and fall but uh it's I'm definitely getting a lot of accumulation on the tarp I'm gonna have to wake up and tap the tarp off a few times throughout the night but that's okay it is what it is I could have I you know what I should have done is set up the tarp in my little hunker down mode where just like I did yes I should have set it up like that but I kind of wanted it more open so that when I'm cooking you know I can sit under it on top to sit there and sit on the snow but I'm you know it is what it is Oh it'll be fine I'm only doing one night out here I don't have to worry about it too much oh yeah it's starting it's getting pretty dark now I'm ready to crack open a beer mmm and then I'll start cooking we're having bacon cheeseburgers tonight I was gonna bring out like lettuce and tomato and all that fun stuff but I did I'm just gonna go meat and cheese and fun no mayo mustard ketchup you know you don't need that stuff you know it's good I like it on there you don't need it you done pitching this can I be done throwing it have you done throwing it can be done throwing it alright that's no I guess I'm gonna keep throwing this stick ladies Monty has spoken so I guess I'll just keep doing this until it gets dark or until he stops I don't see him wanting to stop anytime soon he's you really loves Fetchit it's funny um he loves fetching so much but when there's any other dog around like Ruger or anybody that's also enthusiastic about fetching he shuts down he does not fetch it all he's like uh I think a pushover or something he just lets the other dog play fetch and he just sits there and watches and barks you almost feel bad for him but definitely a weird little habit he just doesn't even try he really wants to but the other dogs there just go faster and he just lets him win doesn't even try poor little Monty Oh Monty Monty Monty that's why I try to fetch firm as much as possible what I'm out here like this give me this stick Monty come on give me that stick so I think I'm gonna end up sitting under the snow after all let's do it I've run out of chair no more sitting in the snow well at least this trip I should have brought up trail a strap fight after I you know I had my slit all packed up and I realized how how little stuff I actually had misled and whatnot I should just throw it away much at all there's no way I was going without it this time I want the comfy but won't be comfy all that fires going where we turn off my lantern in there there we go there we go gloves are wet Monte's just sitting under the tarp here cleaning himself off and right it's warm out it's not that cold that's one of the downfalls of camping in this warmer weather when it's just a little freezing like I am wet I mean I mean I've got waterproof clothing on but it is wet if I did not have waterproof clothing on I'd be getting soaked not bad I'll be very bad it isn't that fun getting really wet especially if you're gonna do multiple days like I'm just gonna be out here tonight going home tomorrow not a big deal if I get wet always got the dry change of clothes and my sleeping bag so even if I got soaked to the bone you know I could just get all changed out jump in my sleeping bag I'm just gonna let this burn down a little bit sip on a beer and then I'm gonna start cooking it is coming down now and sure it's coming down on you you want to get up get up closer okay I'll move the woods for you there you go are we gonna cook some treats soon Lindsay yeah I should we play enough firewood for tonight I mean I don't even need to I can cook all my food on the coal bed that's there where you think Monty know you're gonna stay here you don't need to go out there right now no just lay down oh you jerk he's just gonna he just uh he just likes to explore check things out he's not cold at all that's a that's a problem with him right now is he doesn't need to sit down for anything he's just going out and he's getting wet he's not worried about the cold when he gets really cold when it's really cold out he'll just come chill you know under the blanket you've seen him do that before right now he is walking around I guess that wall is going to be his new walkway since I blocked this one off that's the thing about these chairs they're great lightweight and everything but you don't send them just writing this like snow or soft ground and they'll flop backwards and fall over but if you're sitting on them right they do their job and they're great it's really nice having a chair when you're outdoors I'm not gonna sit on it like full weight laying back right now cuz I put Waddell ball backwards but don't play a little game right now put on some more wood the game's gonna be how long can I go without eating it cooking cooking sticks six oh yeah because like I said before you run out of things to do I cannot sleep for more than ten hours like I just can't do it so if I'm you know if I'm up til 10:00 tonight the Sun doesn't rise till at least eight so if I can get if I get to bed by by eight that's ten hours or I get to bed by 10:00 10:00 p.m. tonight that's ten hours of sleep I wake up at eight when the Sun and that that's still too much sleep for me I mean if I'm exhausted that's not so bad but I still like eight hours I'm good and it's really hard to stay up till 10:00 when it's only 6:15 that's three hours and 45 minutes I gotta stay up I can cook my food gonna be ready and I don't know 45 minutes and they need it relax for a little while but burn some more wood come here go around go around go around come on go around go around or just come right there along the camera your little monster what do you want treat is that all you want anymore you're just getting full of snow it's snowing too much for you you want the last one right now are you sure this is what you want are you sure are you sure can you speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak well there you go cheese maybe work for that one oh yeah another beer so any you guys out there it got instant that's got Instagram I got an Instagram too and I'm gonna start up in my game on Instagram once I figure out how to use this camera to its full potential a little bit a little bit about photography not photography as funk hates when it sounds like I say that photography photography photography she thought I said photography it does not say photography photography anyways I'd like it better with that my Instagram will get better and an Instagram if you're if you're following me on Instagram you a little bonus just a little bit a little bit bonus I put out pictures of an upcoming video at least a few days before the video comes out so I guess I follow me on Instagram you get to see a sneak peak I guess what's coming but I'll link it down it's always linked down in the description of my videos and if you want to see more of Monti and Ruger on Instagram funks Instagram she has pretty much all pictures of Monti and Ruger on her Instagram so I'll link that one down in the description of this video too and if you want to see a whole bunch of pictures of Monti and Ruger galore that's that's where hers is that's what that's where they'll be on funks I got a little mixture of everything you know a lot of mostly outdoor stuff but I do some I do some fun ones in there there's a nice picture of me and Liberty spikes from high school I did see grab you guys want to see that funny picture when I used to be in a band all right we're ready to cook mmm so I brought out a cutting board this time it's a IKEA voila it's very bendy flexible it's nice it's Emmy it's sturdy it's definitely sturdy but it's not like plastic it's like a Rubbermaid material or something like that but it slips right in the back of your backpack you don't even notice this is there it's not even that heavy but I usually always bring one of these I have been bringing on winter camping as much but fall camping spring summer I always bring one of these puppies they work great for chopping up stuff filleting fish whatever you need to do but I got some burger meat I got bacon I got potatoes I've got cheese butter salt pepper we're gonna make a meal right now so first things first I got to cut up some potatoes I brought out a Philip knife it's a open L also known as a fillet knife well this thing is sharp it's really sharp because I sharpened it before the end of fall before winter began and I haven't used it I've been fishing but she is sharp oh yeah great for cutting the potatoes right now Monte is just out right now I finally got him to lay down under the tarp pretty much by just forcing been like no no bad dog and now he's doing it okay so we got some potatoes right there now we gotta add some butter I'm gonna add a decent amount of butter right now it's best when you use olive oil or oil but I got butter I didn't say bring out some of that that's a pretty big chunk of butter I won't I won't deny it at some had some serious butter but I don't want these things burning crazy so butter it is I'm not saying I don't like butter I just know that's probably an unhealthy portion of butter hey then we gotta add some pepper save a little pepper the case I need it for something else you know then we got some salt mm-hmm don't ever want to overdo this salt that's good all right here we go now with this fire I'm just gonna tuck this just like that and I'll add some sticks just other side keep the fire going but I'm just gonna cook on the coals I I brought out the great but I'm gonna use that to hook the burgers these things are cooking I already lost a couple of potatoes oops I don't even know all right so for the burgers I want to cook them over the fire great but at the same time if I put them over that great with the big gaps like that it's gonna they're gonna like fall through or get all four and weird so I'm gonna start by searing them in this pan and unfortunately I'm gonna have to get my hands covered in our ground beef up there [Music] potatoes are cooking you see when you're making burgers you just kind of leave them in unformed balls like that and you cook them and eventually they just magically turn into burgers just like that I'm just kidding you roll them around you have some fun and you form them into patties of course you do now you know we'll be really good on here that I did not bring out you guessed it Montreal that'll be really good it'll be tasty give my burgers a little extra flavor oh but you know what I'm just going to go burger flavor today just meat I'm gonna go Cole roasted flavor now this pan isn't gonna be big enough to do all three of these at once so what I'm gonna do is all three of these at once and hope it works out that's what we do I'm just gonna get them a little bit brown on one side each or on both sides it's a little bit Brown just so that when I put it on the grate it it it'll stay out there oh yes about now Monte is gonna get one burger I'm getting two all right so yeah we'll do that and now I've got meat hands yay my favorite get this on here oh they're a little cold and that's making the fat from the meat just stand my hands Monte come on really Monte you have to doesn't feels better than rubbing your hands on ice and cold ground sure feels good trying to get that beef fat off if you do it enough you rub enough snow on your hands you get frostbite and that's how you know your hands are clean when you got frostbite I have some really bad advice sometimes it's just sarcastic I'm sorry man that was such a bad idea to form those patties I should have preformed those mistake I should have preformed the patties because now my hands are real greasy and it's not going away let's just make you hungry oh yeah look at those hands makes Monty hungry they're getting better the leaves are helping there we go Brown on the one side a little grease in there ooh Matthew just got an idea takes into this burger grease that'll help keep them from burning too much a Monte you're not getting any of these potatoes but you'll get a burger so if anybody's wondering if it's actually snowing hard or not look at Monte look at this this is happening every five minutes he's just getting snow all over my chair the camera doesn't pick it up very well but look at this I mean it's snow is accumulating it is coming down right now it's coming down it is definitely a snowstorm [Music] Oh Christmas goose long all right I want to keep I break out on the song you just got to get used to it even though it's January all right so these are brown enough we're gonna bust out the gray here now these can go and cook up here whoo oh yeah see that worked out good if I want to put them right on there on this grate with these big gaps we would have we would had some burgers folding through I am just born oh oh there's nothing nothing like a little char some hard char on your burger all right now we gonna start cooking up some bacon let's see that looks like it's just never enough when it comes to bacon load them up do that Monty your heads in the way yeah they can't see the bacon because of you they can't see the bacon the potatoes nor do you see Monty lick his lips can you catch that he's still got a while Monty the bacon let's just take look Charlie the burgers now oh yeah well they're getting a little extra charge I'll probably move them off of this flame here in a second other Wellborn burgers oh oh my gosh no what have I done it's the same burger it's the same burger that fell on the fire it's cursed it's cursed it's cursed to continue to fall in the fire hands are cooking nice lost another on and we got these are coming together we're getting there so I apologize everybody if you're wondering why the camera hasn't moved much it's just been sitting kind in the same spot it's because it's my new camera and it is a snowstorm out and I have already got a bunch of water on that DSLR and I don't think that's good for it I'm doing my best it's sitting on a it's sitting under an umbrella right now a yellow I'll show you a picture of it in the morning but it's a yellow umbrella with like white polka dots or no it's white with yellow polka dots it's a cutest thing anyways it's sitting under that under a second tripod and this is a brand new camera and I really don't want to ruin it I'm already taking a huge risk by using it in the snowstorm because it's just gotten wet and I really hope I don't ruin it but I'm just gonna take it home be really safe with it dry it out be careful but anyways that's why you're not getting many close-ups you're just kind of getting to sit back there and watch from a distance trying to use the new camera and trying to not ruin it but my Bacon's almost done whoo that that's real close you know the GoPro that thing's waterproof so I don't have to worry about it but this camera I just I just don't know I've got a lot to learn about using this thing a lot to learn let's just let's just taste test season my teeth mmm all right all right okay all right okay all right okay all right Monte got my trusty bun keeper I love this thing for keeping bun safe just a little dry box man the snow is coming down right now it is accumulate I don't even know how much we've got would had to got at least at least three inches at least probably much more than that but since I've been here I've had to clear off my shelter multiple times multiple multiple times so let's just toast up some buns here quick and yes Monty you will get a bun we're going to toast you up a bun let's see where these buns are at Oh perfectly toasted okay okay that's a bottom at the top at the top bottom that's top toasted enough it's time to add the joy all right so Monty isn't gonna get any fake American cheese thank you it's real American cheese I just don't believe it's real cheese like I've said before so let's get these puppies with some cheese on here I'll take the messed-up one okay Monty that'll be yours that'll be mine okay then we're gonna add bacon a bunch of little pieces of bacon or curl up bacon you get bacon too we'll give you nice pieces of bacon Monty you know what you deserve it you get the nice bacon I'll take a few more pieces of bacon alright then my need a little bit more cheese on there just just another piece just just to top it off you know oh man okay okay it's time it's time to enjoy this thing let's settle in alright Monty you first cuz you're a good boy Monty that's a bacon bacon burger bacon hamburger there's no cheese you ready go ahead go ahead outdoor bacon burger right here from Monty all right they don't need to see you eat the whole thing he's getting his there you go enjoy this dad's turned it's dads time oh I lost a piece of bacon no the cheese on the outside isn't as melted but let me tell you this is so good I've never had an outdoor bacon cheeseburger it's always the thing I crave when I'm coming back from a long trip just burp geez that's my job I'm supposed to be the gross one ooh my bun got toasted on the bottom [Music] it's a snowstorm you've already got an entire bacon cheeseburger I'm not feeling guilty today already let me just put on my wet love here and hmm these potatoes are good too he really wants some of these potatoes he won't eat his dog food until I'm done eating there's nothing left you know then he'll go first dog food but until that you're gonna see his head right there staring at me you know I'd give you some of these actually there's no garlic there's no onions just a little salt and pepper okay Monty you convinced me you have a few potatoes you can't tell anybody I think I'm what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna finish up my last beer here too the last one I'll finish up my potatoes here see if this fire gets going and I'm gonna clear out some stuff and get my bed stuff out and we might get me getting ready for bed not even close to ten o'clock it's 8:00 it's 8:00 right now so if I go to bed right now that's 12 hours 12 hours yeah I'm gonna be up listening to the wind blow for a while but yep I'm gonna get ready get all this stuff cleaned up and kind of get ready for bed a little bit monkey stop doing that mighty why do you do the dig thing on D : lay down that's really rude that's a good Monty that is right there I don't know why you do the dig thing I don't know why you do the big thing you're fit you're all wet you're all wet Poochie you're all wet buddy that's okay you're gonna get nice and warm and dry throughout the night in your sleeping bag I dried them off a bit but I can't get them fully dry all right now I mean he'll be totally fine as far as warmth goes st. is like I said it's not a really cold night so even if he's a little bit wet he's gonna be all right and especially because he's he'll warm up he'll be toasty throughout the night so another winter camping overnighter it is snowing it is still snowing it's snowing good I love the sound of the snow on the tarp though it's almost like rain when it's this heavy it's almost just like rain anyways good evening I love camping out in these winter storms and love the pitter-patter of the snow so I'm gonna get head into bed good night everybody I will catch you in the morning what we won Mun Toby says good morning madam Mei Mei the treats be with you good morning aunty did you sleep good [Music] beautiful wintry scene out there there's my yellow polka-dot well brilla with the tripod hmm we're just still didn't cover the fire pit folks it it's close mrs. D pretty hot Griego yeah lot of snow melt up on the shelter I've whacked it off I knocked it off a bunch but I was worried a little bit because this purse got pretty full and I thought I was gonna have to take it out like get up in the night and take a shovel and get it but it was good she stayed good and we didn't get any snow on us I got little bits but nothing like my gear anyway as you can see how hmm yup so I'm gonna get up now and put some clothes on oh boy so here's a scoop so I was gonna um it's not really snowing just a little windy I was gonna make breakfast and then I saw Monty and he was definitely looking like he's ready to go home and I'll spare you the the vivid details Monty come here Monty anyways Monty made a big mess in the back side of his body under his tail I don't think the burger settled with them perfectly he's got a little bit of a mess back there so I don't I don't want to make him sit around with that it's pretty gross so I got to get him home and clean him off it's pretty gross Marty do you go to the poops [Music] I left my gloves out oh man there's hard as a rock right now I don't even know this is Oh No yeah good thing you got second I got my wool gloves bah that's a nice morning it's not snowing anymore we got a lot of snow last night a good amount of accumulation everything on me is frozen I mean my jacket I had to like work my arms through to get my gloves are completely rock-solid pants everything is pretty much frozen up Monte dried out though that's good so I think what we're gonna do is I'm just gonna pack up here and we're gonna get moving back to the car we got a we got a hike out of here a bunch of fresh snow on the trees so it'll be falling all over us which is great but it's time to get packing [Music] definitely got some snow last night two more strings untied forgot about my snow anchor Monty as a trip over it [Music] look at my paracord nuts oh it's like a double-edged sword I always leave all the strings attached to the tarp so that I'm never without you know long ropes but at the same time every time I take the tarp out again I think not a naughty mess [Music] [Music] ah well that was a nice evening peaceful bacon cheeseburgers got Monty the poops you poor thing you'll be okay we'll get you home I'll clean up your butt he's got a buck bath coming to him when he gets home anyways so we're all packed up so I hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit the subscribe button but we're gonna get going and we'll catch you guys the next video alright Monty let's go go ahead [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 492,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, snowstorm, camping, backpacking, snowshoeing, dog, winter, blizzard, camping in a blizzard, camping in a storm, storm, bushcraft, survival, shelter, sleeping, cooking, campfire, campfire cooking, nature, hiking, camping dog, primitive skills, adventure, winter time, snow shoe, snow, food, fun, hilarious, bushcrafter, bushcraft skills, natural shelter, extreme weather, snowing, forest, sled, wilderness, wild, wild camping, wilderness camping, winter camping in a snowstorm
Id: 55GxIQA-bTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 48sec (5028 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2018
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