Winter Camping During A Wet Snowfall With My Dog

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are you good boy [Music] meat [Music] we got a big old region [Music] there you go boy [Music] that's another bed right there i mean there's trails going everywhere all through these woods see all these all these footprints here all these footprints here are deer tracks and they weave their way through all this thick crap and they love it here so you can tell it's a deer bed because there's the rim and it's like a big bowl and it's melted down so they've definitely bedded here oh well hello ladies and gentlemen i am out with sir ruges tugues butt badugus first of his name steeler of sticks ruiner of panchos and rolliest of police and uh we're gonna spend another night out here in the woods so i don't know if you can tell by now the camera picks it up or not but it's snowing and it's not your normal snow it's not uh you know a light fluffy it's going to accumulate a ton snow it's a w-h-e-t wet snow so that means the air temperature is right at 32 degrees or zero celsius it's right at freezing and that means everything else is kind of above freezing just a little bit i would say so it's all melting and it's just wet that's why rug's got the poncho on uh i've got my rain gear on but it's gonna get kind of soaked and saturated it's gonna be a wet one it's it's not the most ideal thing but this has been the weirdest winter so far and the other thing is i don't know if you can tell but it's kind of thick in here this is one of the joys of going to a new spot and finding spots uh when you just you know just head on in there i thought it was going to be more open maple stand like i like but uh it's very thick and there's a lot of ton of young growth and tiny trees so what i'm gonna do here is uh set down the pack and uh there's deer trails everywhere there's sign for deer all over so i'm going to set down the pack and i'm going to follow one of these deer trails for a bit here and just leave this stuff here and see if we can find a nice open spot because i found a few spots but there's just like right here this would be a good good spot except it's just a big lump it's a big mess so anyways yeah i'm gonna look for a spot we're gonna try to make a nice little shelter with a tarp and uh cook up some delicious food over a campfire so bruce let's find a spot come on we're gonna leave this stuff behind cuz i'm sick of dragging it right now through this thick crack okay let's go this way come on this is the other problem i have with this type of weather is look at the balls on this guy i'm so sorry i mean look at this oh no rogues oh come here all right see this happens when the snow is just sticky this isn't the worst i've seen ruger's snowballs are getting out of control oh my gosh rooks come here buddy oh my gosh oh no you poor thing all right this is going to be our spot for the evening took a little bit longer than expected because it's so thick and whatnot but uh we finally broke through the super thick crap and it opened up into more reasonable force the force would be a little unreasonable back there but good news is i can see plenty of nice firewood all over i mean it's just so delicious it just looks so delicious i just want to sign up start up into nice little pieces and burn it so with that being said since of course we got a little bit of a late start we've got oh you know less than an hour of sunlight left so we've got to get them moving so what we're going to do is use these two trees here um i'm thinking since we got a wet snow we're going to want to frame this tarp with a few logs so we're going to cut a nice little ridge pole here secure that get two logs to go down the sides and then lay our tarp over that i wanted to do it kind of skinnier this way today and do my tarp wider so that we have more like wind protection and snow and we can kind of hunker into it a little better so first things first let's get a few logs eight ropes yeah yeah roofs so i know i got these snowshoes on but uh well spoiler alert i don't really need them we've got let's get a measurement on the snow here it's right here is the ground it goes right up to this line i would say six inches of snow but up to here on the snow shoe there ain't much snow i don't really need the snowshoe it's kind of just to make a nice trail for my sled to glide on and uh it'll be easier finding our way back tomorrow through all this thick crap just to follow the trail even if it gets snow even when there's heavy snowfall and you make a trail with your snowshoes you can still see the divot in the indent of your snowshoe so it's really easy to follow your trail right back out so i don't really need these right there right there okay so since that late start mr rooks we've got to hustle buddy we got to do the hustle dude you got all sorts of snowballs on you your balls are showing [Music] oh we've got a nice dead one right here watch out ropes come over here come over here come here come here i don't want you getting crushed all right oh rose that's poop no that's poop [Music] don't eat poop gross there's deer poop right here all right this one should just need a little little persuasion [Applause] a little bit more persuasion hey get over here hey come here come here come here come here come here mr balls come here mr balls all right all right stay there stay there stay steed [Music] good job good job bruce we just need a section for a ridge pole to start and then we will go from there and since we're pretty close to camp we are gonna grab this afterwards so let's get a nice section here so there's this whole rule i usually i usually use when i'm doing construction measure twice cut once but we're just gonna we're gonna put that rule off to the side for a minute here we're just gonna guestimate you know we're not gonna take our own advice we're just gonna say that this looks good okay now let's see if we did a good job or a bad job let's see rooks that's i uh i'm a little nervous oh measure twice cut once let's just not measure it all oh it doesn't fit [Music] that's what i get for not following my own advice well luckily we've got an abundance of material to choose from i've got a nice dead stander here i've got a nice little skinny dead sander here and then i've got a nice dead leaner here that one's pretty straight that one's gonna come down easy and then i got another nice dead stander right here so let's just bring him around town bring him down and stop being a clown i'm a poet and i didn't know it oh let's just give her some safety wax [Music] all right rose you gotta go over there come over here go go go go go go go go go that's good that's good okay [Applause] see one good thing to notice is i was chopping right here and when i pushed on the tree it broke here at the rod rotten bottom i was chopping some solid maple there and uh just wasting energy i gotta i gotta i gotta try pushing these over instead of just starting to hit with my axe see see see what do i even need you for huh what what do i even need this thing for all right rubes let's bring these back they can oh oh yeah i was rafaels [Laughter] [Music] let's take the old fail ridge pole and use this as a measuring device for the new one so we'll see okay right there and we've got see this one was just barely not long enough so we're gonna give it an extra two feet i want some nice solid firewood okay let's just see how tall this is in relation to me so i'm about six six and a half feet tall so i'm going to say that that's roughly that's roughly 10 feet this is roughly 10 feet tall so that's perfect because i need another couple pieces for my tarp so we're going to cut those quick because like i said it's a wet sticky uh snow so i want to run two poles and i want to make them roughly the same size as my tarp so that my tarp goes all the way to the ground and meets the snow so we have air rushing through i mean it's not really windy today yeah it's you can hear a little wind swirling but it's just coming straight down for the most part right rooks all right so we're gonna measure that'll work right there these don't need to be super thick i might have i probably should have made them a little longer now that i'm thinking about it you know what we're just gonna go with it and uh just see what happens in the spirit of not measuring twice and cutting a bunch we're just gonna go with the flow we'll make this one a little bit longer so it can overhang [Laughter] okay let's set up some spots you always like to say when you're out here camping and you got a late start you need to get things done you always want to make sure to give yourself more obstacles to deal with because that's you know my favorite obstacle is the dang rat's nest you know so [Music] forget it nope still tangled you know you'd think just pulling on it over and over again would just make it come apart but it doesn't this is to practice my problem-solving skill that's all this is i do it on purpose because i like to you know troubleshoot while i'm out here and he just keeps my brain working you know oh we just we just got so much paracord we got a whole 10 feet oh man oh man okay there's another strip there's another strip just take this and go like this and stuff it back into the bag like we found it perfect okay now that the sun's probably said let's get let's get this set up made it extra long this time i'm gonna start on this end and we're gonna use the old arbor nut to uh secure this don't even tell me i didn't make it long enough don't you dare don't you dare even think about sand oh no uh oh oh phew this one's long enough that's good anyways yeah the old arbor nut we're gonna get this a little bit higher and i will show that knot in a second because i'm gonna use the same knot for all these okay on that side let's hold it up here we're gonna go a little bit higher because it's gonna sell [Music] okay even though we don't need it we're always going to do our little ridge pole test if you can do some pull-ups on it it should be sturdy and i'm kind of bouncing my torso is too tall to go all the way to the ground okay now let's lay on our other pieces and see what those look like [Music] and then we're just gonna set these like this a little bit wider let's see if we're sleeping like this you're going to be fine my face is going to be right next to this tarp rogues so we're gonna push this a little closer to the edge that should be pretty good [Music] all right now let's show you this knot here all right let's see where are we at where are we okay so what you're gonna do is you got your piece of rope here okay on one end you're just gonna do a little overhand knot thingy tighten it up okay step one then just above that you're gonna do the same thing except you're not gonna tighten it up you're gonna leave it loose like that so we've got the titan knot here and the loose thing right here and then we're just gonna put this over the log you're going to go over around whatever you want to go through and you're going to put your rope back through this little loose thing right here and then what it's going to do is as this tightens it's going to catch on this and you're able to cinch it down as tight as you want so you just work it nice and slow then it gets nice and tight oop it's going to move our bridge pull but you can really you can really pull as high as you want the only reason i'm not pulling super tight is because my ridge pole is going to shift around if i just you know well if i rip pull down it won't but if i'm pulling to the side it will so yeah and then you just put a few nuts through there to secure it that is the arbor knot i'm notorious for extremely good explanations of how to tie knots so i hope that was in the top 10 explanations i mean see how it's pretty close because i i measured once i didn't measure really i just kind of cut it but all right we're gonna do the same thing on the other one hi buddy hi the sun's settling so ruger here you may be wondering oh is he getting cold whatnot not really see with monty when i took him out last we were just car camping so he didn't get to run around like rogues did today and uh rooks is just constantly moving around uh yeah just getting we're gonna turn this around you know just getting warmed up so he's fine he wants me to throw the stick which we will soon i just got to get set up here and it's getting dark luckily i've got tons of firewood right here we've got this all set up we just got to throw up the tarp and cut up some firewood and we can do everything else in the dark oh yeah hey what's this rooks it's another rat's nest this is gonna go [Music] let's just see how much room we got on each side [Music] okay so so far what i've got here is [Music] not the best thing in the world work once i tie these up here i gotta i gotta bring this up so yeah this needs to come up and get tied tight and then this will be good so what i did what my mistake was believe it or not was not making these long enough and it's funny because i've set this up before but not since last year never mind let's just moving on moving on that's what we're gonna do we're just gonna move forward we're gonna forget about the mistakes we may or may not have made and we're gonna just adapt we're just gonna deal with the situation i put myself in got a late start dinking around too much not measuring and uh we're gonna be just fine we could be better probably but we're going to be fighting oh and now all of a sudden it feels like the wind's coming from this way perfect that's exactly what we want rooks all right so we gotta adjust this whole thing this is tight this is real tight all right what do we got down here okay oh yeah this will work hey what was i even talking about so what's gonna happen is uh if the snow sags too much it gets too heavy it's gonna lay on these poles here and since i made them too short it's probably going to end up laying on my face but that's okay that'll be all right if it lays on my face so be it i'll be in my sleeping bag anyways okay so what we've got to do now is i've got to just tie something to the back here and then we're done setting up okay we've got our makeshift little shelter roofs now it's time to get roofed let's just get this under here oh okay we're gonna have to deal with all this so what we're gonna do now is i'm gonna get mr arugus here a nice stick yeah cause he wants that's all he's wanted to do from the get-go i just wanted to get set up all right is that stick rogues so right here we've got the chosen stick of the rogues and now since he's going to want to play with us all night i need to find him a safe path where he can run into the night and not get injured so let's let's walk a path here rogues safe path for you [Music] ready roots ready you ready you little cutie pie you know cutie pie so this this poncho was sent to us by a subscriber and uh ruger was not happy putting it on in the house he wouldn't move at first but you gotta find out what he likes the most that's frisbee and being outside and right here rooks we talked about the last time we went camping [Music] good boy time to put the stick right in my hands okay so we're gonna be sitting here and we're gonna have our fire right like i said we're gonna have our fire right here right here yeah well it's gonna be right here now right right here this little spot that's where it's gonna be because this thing ain't moving that's okay all right night is definitely settling in it's definitely getting dark uh it's still snowing it's not crazy it's just a very light wet snow a light hot snow yeah i can still feel it on my face um it's still gonna get us wet but it's nothing nothing like they forecasted of course so uh what we're gonna do since the night of settling in is i'm gonna chop a bunch of firewood i'm gonna do all big long pieces and we're just gonna burn them in half that'll save on time and work and uh yeah we're going to get a fire going then once the fire is going i'm going to smooth this out get us our sleep stuff set up and then we're going to start relaxing so rooks need some help finding this stick oh my gosh look at this rooks jeez rogues yeah there you go there you go oh yeah did get a roof stop get it come on oh fine you just want me to throw it huh okay firewood type [Music] yeah right here okay yeah okay ready [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] yes [Music] right here good boy [Applause] oh geez almost took out the camera right here thank you for the stick there you go [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay so me and rubes had a little walk around to gather up little sticks for the fire and birch bark and there are no no birch bark trees around so and everything else is wet so what we're gonna have to do is split some wood to get to these dry centers for our kindling so i'm gonna make a flat spot here on this to uh oh rogues you're fine so i can split some wood if you want me to throw it you got to bring it here rooks i ain't coming to you you bring it right here you bring it right here right here right here bring her here that's good boy okay go ahead be careful mister all right so i've got some little pieces up here i didn't cut up all my wood but i got enough to make a fire so we're gonna get some dry centers going [Music] oh yeah that's what i'm talking about we're gonna save that one to start the fire on and then we'll just keep how do we go in here i didn't cut it too straight apparently well it's got a check mark see a little split oh see how easy that was that was wonderful i'm just gonna do it like this [Music] that's easy okay i'm gonna keep keep that dry as possible that'll be some firewood i did not cut these with a straight edge it's splitting so easily i'm not even putting any effort that's how seasoned it is i got a nice sharp axe it's just i'm not even put any effort into it i'm just going to split up a few more pieces here then we're going to create some feather sticks and get this fire going it's so easy i'm just gonna let the axe fall with its own weight and see if it splits it nope it didn't let's try one more time from up here it's not it's not working like i planned i was hoping it would just look cool and just like work perfectly all right here we go again way to the x all right we're gonna lift it up and let it fall dang it just do what i want you to do to look cool being difficult one more try one more time we're gonna do it just a little here we go dropping it see that counted hey way to the x cut that right off perfect exactly what i was going for okay let's make some feather sticks here this might not be the most perfect stick for it i don't like this stick it's got a nice knot right where i'm trying to carve the feather stick into oh i'm a bit rusty on these hey i think we're gonna need to start practicing these a little bit more i think we're gonna get the job done just not super efficiently [Music] try to get them a little bit lighter [Music] okay let's see if we can use just these two feather sticks to get this thing started all right we'll set that down just like that okay i've got a bundle of i got a little bit of sticks these are a little wet and then i've got these ones that i split these nice little cleaning pieces those should burn right up the only gamble we're taking is that this is enough feather sticks to spark all that which is i'd say we got a 50 50 chance of it working out let's see if i got any birch bark in here just to be sure check the old pockets nope okay let's see how this goes oh this this fire steel is seen better days oh almost [Music] there's a very good chance that this just might not be enough we'll try that way oh we've almost got flamage yeah we're gonna need more feather sticks i'm thinking at this point we're just being stubborn now we're gonna try one more fire steel real quick just to be sure that fire steel was a little too short for my liking [Music] so [Music] so now this is the dangerous moment do we have enough dry little pieces to keep this thing going enough little teeny kindling oh dangerous [Music] there's a point when you're building a fire that you know it's not going to go out and we're not quite there yet on this one it's getting there but we still keep babying it we'll let it do its thing for a minute should be good to go there we go that's what i like to see all right so now when it the fire gets like this and it's just like billowing up and you can tell all your insides are getting caught i know that it's not going to go out for pretty much anything unless i push it over because we don't have any coals built yet so now we just got to let it do its thing for a minute and once these start to get pretty well burning then i can start laying on wet crap and uh go from there because everything else is wet i'm gonna split a few more pieces to pile on here it's okay rooks i'll throw it for you okay and then yeah so it's almost almost to the point where we can just start throwing on wet crap but not quite yet right here [Music] wow [Music] so [Music] i almost just killed my fire i might have killed my fire i don't know i think it's gonna make it but that was i made a mistake [Music] well i was close i just uh i laid some sticks on it and it was the snow was keeping it up so i just pushed and it it smashed my fire that's gonna make it now that's a fire that ain't going out for anything i smashed a tone and it recovered but i've got like i'm doing like a it's almost looks like a number sign i've got three logs one way three more the other way three the other way and they're all wet and they are burning just fine so now i can pile any sort of snow covered wet log on there and it's going to burn he never stops playing it's never enough here's me whispering about him he doesn't know what's going on he's like what the heck is that noise what is that who are you who's there [Music] hey rubes hey oh don't you break at me don't you gripe at me he just never stops but i've got a secret weapon i sure do rooks there you go i'm gonna bust out that secret weapon soon we just got to get some sleep stuff set up so this is a this should be a stark contrast to the last time i went winter camping with mr monty and we were car camping we got roughly started about the same time or i left the i got to the woods roughly the same time and uh yeah that time i didn't really hike in i just left you know go outside the car and i was set up within you know leaving the getting everything out of the car i would say 25 minutes max we are all set up and ready to go it did not take long ah this time took much longer because you know we were hiking through that thick crap i'm not even sure how far but we didn't go too far i don't even think i even think we went a mile today um but yeah that thick crap slowed us down and then you know looking around for a spot finally got to this clearing then making mistakes with cutting the logs blah blah blah yadda yadda we didn't get we got a fire i hear ya i'm sick of it i'm sick of it okay i'll throw you the stick but you bring it to my feet see isn't that better and you don't need to whine at me geez anyways we didn't get the fire started today till dark and last time i got started like an hour or so before dark so that just shows you i haven't got any sleep stuff set up we don't get anything you know all partied up in here so let's get to some of that oops i'm gonna throw the stick for you one more time and then i've got to get camp set up and then we're gonna bust our secret weapon which i'm sure some people got a good guess [Music] uh that's where you're gonna go all right rogues time to bust out the secret weapon yeah you little cutie pie oh you're so wet you're so wet okay come over here let's take off a few things for you okay okay let's just let's we're gonna get you all cozied up it's time to simmer it down you got to play you got to chew up endless amounts of sticks you got to be the full rogues all right stay there stay there there you go let's get this out over here so let's get this one out right here okay we got the evil poncho ah froze okay good boy let's see oh yeah you're nice and dry you're nice and dry all right come here okay come here stay there stay there all right we got some we got some big balls on the rooks here oh these are these are not this is not good we're gonna have to get those off rogue sorry but first off take these off for now come all right let's let's get some of these off okay [Music] i've got a little something for you mr robes and uh we're gonna go ahead and get it out here okay so the trick to getting any of your dogs to just sit down and relax where you want them to sit down is a good old-fashioned raw venison bone huh what do you think about that there big guy good boy go ahead yeah go ahead he might want to take it and move but i'm going to make him stay under here and we're gonna wrap him in a blankie and get him to chillax for now all right okay now we just got to watch our rooks because rogues will eat that entire thing the whole bone everything and if he eats the whole bone i'm not he's this is what he gets for tonight so i'm gonna get him a proper sleeping pad set up we'll move him to that and then we'll get a blankie on him but he he should be pretty good with relaxing now [Music] jeez jeez rooks he is just crunching that thing oh my gosh oh my gosh rose he is just well that's all he's gonna need for tonight oh [Music] [Music] oh geez well that's the first gus to win like that cool well i guess there's the other one all right ruxin give me here come here give me this no no no leave it leave [Music] oh well you can take it there for a second i'm gonna make you bring it back okay let's get this thing all right bring it here bring your treat bring it over here bring in your roots bring your roots bring it here bring it here bring it bring it here bring your roots bring it right here there you go okay now we've got our rooks settling a little bit i anticipated our rogues being a little more unruly than our monty and in the beginning it was true he was a little bit more you know he well he wants to play stick ruger's ruger's a go-go-go kind of guy and uh i brought out three towels for him because i figured he was going to be getting wet making me use him a bunch so we're just going to keep him dry as best we can look at that i'm just putting a towel over his face he doesn't even care he could care less he's got a raw venison bone right now so we're going to dry them out and i brought two wool blankets for him so i don't know if i've already mentioned this but this is ruger's first time winter camping under a tarp the last time he was out winter camping i believe was when he got into a boxing match with with old mont stinky hey ruger go my little bloodies look like boxing gloves get back over here fly like a man [Music] stop it so i brought him out two wool blankets on top of that because i do not want the ruger to get cold he is he does not have the coat like monty so we gotta watch our rooks and make sure he stays nice and toasty gotta keep dry tucked in as still as we can [Music] we'll probably put a sleeping bag draped over him soon here but right now he's going to be working on that bone so we don't want to get the sleeping bag covered in raw meat sleeping pad i can deal with i mean i've done it multiple times but the sleeping bag i don't know i'd rather have meat smell on the sleeping pad he's got some crazy eyes going on yeah but uh [Music] definitely some snow building up here but we're gonna survive the night that's always that's always the best part you know my shelter may not be perfect it's it's never really perfect ever they're never perfect but they're perfect enough they'll get you through the night i mean this is gonna keep snow off of this is gonna keep snow off of us and uh we're gonna be warm and dry all through the night so yeah it's gonna serve its purpose anyways he's gonna munch on that bone i'm gonna keep him dry i'm gonna set up all my sleep stuff and uh just relax and uh yeah i don't mind that it's kind of late because that means as soon as i'm done setting up we can we can get start cooking pretty soon here you know crazy how wet it is for the middle of january i mean close to this time two years ago we had four feet of snow now we got six inches i mean what the heck is going on all right i'm gonna set some stuff up i'll check back with you guys a little bit here [Music] so so what do we got here what do we got here oh we've got this brewski oh we got a red thing i've been listening to mr ruger here enjoy his bone for what feels like an eternity what do we got here on time oh maybe an hour i don't know he's uh bring it over here yeah stinker [Music] it's definitely a warm little hot pocket i got both wool blankets on them i've got layers on for me all my sleep stuff set up we've got a ripping hot fire we're just relaxing the snow is still coming down it's just not accumulating like crazy i mean it's been snowing this whole time but it's just a wet it's finally starting to sound frozen so it's been just wet this whole time and i'm i'm not really seeing any accumulation for how much it's snowing which is crazy what a weird winter i mean we're just not gonna have much snow this winter i guess unless we get some crazy storms um i was planning on doing some building this week with the old rooks here we'll probably still get to that maybe next week do something cool but uh i saw i was gonna go earlier and do that but i saw that there was a potential snowstorm so i was like all right let's wait and see it looked pretty good up until we got out here and then it just warmed up and just wet it's still coming down don't get me wrong it's just not accumulating it's not that fluffy frozen snow it's that wet snow that w-h-e-t wet wet snow oh oh yeah so i'm starting to get hungry um so one thing i want to address really quick i talk about this sometimes sometimes i don't but we're gonna bring it up right now why am i so far away from the fire fire's over there i can't really feel it from over here and i'm sitting under my tarp so like i said it's a wet snow i don't want to get snowed on and be next to the fire and it melt and then i just get even further soaked so that's why me and rogues are back here under the tarp staying out of the wet snow and away from the fire like there's a some slight radiant heat we could feel from here but it's nothing crazy it's nothing that you'd warm up next to but uh the way i combat that is i have enough layers on to where i'm fine you know i've got uh two layers of thermals tops and bottoms and then i've got my old stinky ready flannel all under this got some gloves on hat i'm good and uh you know i've just been sitting here so the other thing is is uh no matter what the temperature is whether it's 30 degrees out 10 degrees out or negative 10 degrees out i always bring the same layers the only difference i do is the colder it gets the more i move and the closer i'll get to the fire so if it were a warm if it were cold enough for this snow to not be wet and if it was like 10 degrees um i would definitely be closer to the fire and the snow wouldn't it still melt but it wouldn't just hit me and be wet it'd be frosty snow you know and if it's negative 10 i'm gonna be real close to that fire and that fire's gonna be hot or i'll just be moving a lot i'm either gonna be moving or next to a really hot fire and that's just pretty much how you stay warm you keep moving and if you're not moving you better have a hot fire and a good amount of layers on that's just the way it is i do a lot of movement for the most part though but uh the only worry i've got with rooks here chewing on this bone is it's it's got a little sharp piece on the the bone that he chewed off he's going to town on it and i'm just worried he's going to like puncture the sleeping pad with it and we're going for no pop sleeping pads 20 21 so i don't want him to do that but watching him just enjoy this bone so much he's just been eating the bone [Music] doing his favorite thing chewing on the bone he he enjoys his bones more than monty monty loves the bones doug and rowan they love him equally but monty won't chew it to get that uh bone marrow like rogues will roost is occupied by these way longer he gets every scrap but anyways watch them chewing that bone is starting to make me hungry so we're going to start making some dinner here and what we are making for dinner today is a double bacon cheeseburger with all the fixins and some grilled potatoes we are grilling out today that's right sounds good echo kind of echoey oh oh oh rugex he doesn't care it's equity out there anyways uh we got a ripping hot coal bed i'm going to get some food prepared here and we're going to get to cooking because i'm getting hungry and i want double bacon cheeseburger with all the fixings and some grilled potatoes right now so let's do it bruce what do you got there this is what's left of rogue's bone hey can i have that can i have this is this is it okay if i have this or do you want it okay you can have it you can have it you can finish it up there yeah you're enjoying that huh so uh rogues is just gonna he i was gonna cook out the bone marrow if he didn't destroy this but since he ate this whole thing he's not getting much with dinner he's getting a light dinner because he ate that entire thing and it was just oh man rooks okay let's prepare some stuff the first thing we've got is a potato and we're gonna cut this long ways into nice potato slices now i might have got a little thick there but that's okay that's what happens sometimes okay those are dull set these off to the side [Music] and then of course we've got an onion the white onion we're just gonna take a nice middle piece just like that okay now i'm gonna save the rest of this for home but all we need is this right here that beautiful slab of white onion let's put this back in the what we're gonna do with this white onion is we're gonna grill it so what i like to do is take four toothpicks and poke it in like that and this will keep all those onion rings together when you're grilling i've done i haven't cooked it like this over the fire before i've done it on the grill so we'll see but there we go the onion is ready i wasn't recording that whole time what did i do i i sliced up some nice slabs of tomato ah i got ruger's sweet potato all cut up dang it i always do that and then of course for bacon cheese the last thing since we got all that prepared is some bacon okay um this is covered in bacon grease all right so what i'm gonna do is uh for the potatoes here these grilled potatoes here are my parents famous potatoes okay they're very simple all you do is you take your potatoes slice them up just like that i usually go a little bit thinner but we're cooking over the fire it's going to be hot and a little bit of oil canola oil vegetable oil i'm using olive oil i'm going to put it in so i'm going to do it all in this bag so it doesn't make a big mess a little bit of olive oil in there and then we're gonna coat these potatoes in the olive oil there we go get them get them coated in there okay and then the last step to these famous grilled potatoes is of course montreal steak seasoning the greatest spice known to man we'll put that in there and then we're gonna coat these now i would normally just do this in a bowl or something but you know we're out here in the woods and uh i don't want to get oil all over everything oh the it turns out the montreal is sticking to the sides of the bag so we might have to recoat these when they come out with montreal but they still got oil on them okay so now let's get everything on the fire and get to cooking that's what we need to do next oh all right we've got a very hot coal bed here oh jeez oh that's what happens when you grab a log that's a coal you burn your fingers well jeez that was fun that was real fun yeah that'll wake you up all right let's just let's just get this all so we gotta have cooking coals and then we got to keep the fire going so let's take a majority of these coals scrape them over here and then we'll put this guy here oh it's coals are hot oh jeez who would have thunk oh that is that is a hot fire okay all right all right so for cooking today we do not have the great great we do not have the not so great great we have this great that's what we're calling it this great this was sent to me by a subscriber i have actually i think i've only used it maybe once or the fire but it's oh no i just broke it why no oh geez well what the heck okay we've got it to the point where it's gonna it's gonna do its job just enough we're gonna be very gentle with it so one thing we've learned about this grate is that you can't beat on it because these are just poked into like a little indent oh so they i just popped them right out really get these potatoes grown on here oh they're coated in montreal let's see there's a big one over here in the corner okay potatoes are on now we gotta grill these up first and we're gonna get our bacon on here as well bacon going on we'll see how this goes i have a feeling these toothpick ends are gonna burn so we need to sink them in here a little bit more oh the smoke is killing me oh geez okay we got rose potatoes all right we're cooking hi puppy hi hi little turd guy oh yeah she's a good boy that's a good boy isn't it [Music] oh all right sounds like my food is sizzling too much here oh geez oh that's well that's gonna be some crispy potato okay well we're gonna have to just keep a little bit better oh my gosh oh geez oh geez well the onion's not getting it too bad we might need to move this off the heat a little bit the bacon here we're just going to grill these for another second then move them up to the side this is a hot fire grade a hot fire we've got i've got the potatoes moved off way to the side here this one's on top of this one because they got pretty cooked i'd say see that's what it's supposed to look like that right there that's this is perfectly what we want this yeah well you know hot fire that's what that means look at our onion here oh that's getting nice and done i got this little crispy potato off to the side we just don't want well it's a little too crispy right there there's two things we don't want overly burnt potatoes which we already have and then secondly under done potatoes i'm gonna scooch over kate there we go what do you hey yeah look at you now who would have thought that we would have roots here just completely chilling like this in winter i wouldn't have thought it but here he is now of course he would love to uh p-l-a-y with the s-t-i-c-k i think he almost understands what i'm saying d-o-y-o-u-u-n-d-e-r-s-t-a-n-d m-e question mark i'm a little worried that you do don't be that smart please no you just relax we're gonna get you dinner okay but yeah he is just chilling he is being a good boy he is nestling up he is just kind of dozing off i think a key thing with monty here that i've learned well well something i've learned bringing rooks out is that putting this wool blanket down on the sleeping pad to keep it from getting wet and kind of soaking up any moisture and then putting the other one on top of him is real comfy drew's just he's just cleaning his paws from all the meat sauce or whatever on there and now i've got a sleeping bag on him so he is just nestled comfy there's no way he's cold this is a zero degree synthetic he has a dog with fur on a sleeping pad with a thermal sleeping pad underneath that two wool blankets i'm not worried and i think he seems to be enjoying himself and i'm just surprised that i've got a sec he i thought monty was the only one that would just just relax like this but he showed he is up for the task all right rogues yeah you sure are he had a fulfilling day oh it's still growing this over here and then the bacon this is almost done once we're gonna put this here for a minute what we're gonna do is just finish cooking this up quick give it a few minutes and then we're gonna throw on our burgers and get those cooking so the last step of this whole thing is to get our burger's cooked so let's create some fresh coals hotspot so what i've done this time that i didn't do normally or in the past is that i preformed the patties and wrapped them in parchment paper so that they would just i would not need to really touch them much if at all just slap him on there oh that's on fire okay i'm going to do a final little sprinkle of montreal because i like a little montreal about burgers so do it on one side here oh that's on fire oh geez okay there's a little monster on the burger there we go okay there it is rogues oh yeah oh oh jeez oh hot fire they're rubes are you are you chilling right now what do you think roofs do you wanna treat okay i wanna prepare for you you get ready to eat it you look pretty comfy right now you look pretty relaxed i'm i'm i'm enjoying that you look relaxed you look like you doze off at any moment you look like you are in the process of dozing off yeah that's a that's a rose it's like dozing off oh yeah okay there he goes [Music] oh there we go there's the color we're looking for a little char on there okay these don't need much longer it is time to get the last final steps and get prepared for this feast okay all right these potatoes can go off to the side here these are done this onion is pretty much done let's get it going okay what we've got to do here is dangerous but we've got to pile on this bacon right onto here we had to eat a piece okay and then what we've got here is that good old-fashioned crappy american cheese i don't use it on much but when i'm making cheeseburgers i use it i like its meltiness put that over that bacon there and then of course we've got to toast our bun oh yeah get that butt a little bit toasted once this cheese is melted and this bun is toasted we are putting it all together and eating it oh yeah let's get to it now i'm not sure what order you're supposed to do your burger in for a professional uh you know burger put it together but we're gonna just put it together in the order that i see fit so what we've got there is our perfectly toasted bun we're gonna just lay a bed of romaine lettuce on the bottom on top of that we're gonna just put these two tomatoes and i'm just gonna eat this one right now on top of that i've got some dill pickle chips i'm throwing on there is this gonna be a mess yes am i going to eat it all yes do i care absolutely not okay we've got that on there next i'm going to take the toothpicks out of our grilled onion and slop that on right there oh yeah just like that next we're going to pile on our double patties oh this is this is not looking good this is not going to stay together oh man with the bacon and the cheese all on there i definitely did the order wrong but that's okay that's neither here nor there i mean it is here because i want all the fixins i've got a mixture i guess well it was separate but we've got mayo and ketchup right here slap that on there [Music] there we go put that on the bun then of course i wouldn't feel right if i didn't put mustard on there i like mustard and then we're gonna slap this on top making this a six inch tall double bacon cheeseburger let's just get a side shot of that before it falls apart this thing oh my gosh it's gonna be so good [Music] our grilled potatoes on that plate and one final thing that has to go with my parents famous grilled potatoes sour cream you gots to have the sour cream with these grilled potatoes oh yeah okay oh yeah [Music] rose let's eat oh it's gonna be so good oh man i'm so excited to eat this it's gonna be such a mess but i do not care let's eat rooks let me just make sure it's not too hot okay there you go rooks go ahead get it get it roosts oh no my burger fell apart again go to rooks get it there you go good boy oh my burgers the tomato is it's too much it it's falling apart we're gonna hold it together as long as we can okay okay [Music] i know my hands are about to get real messy so take a last sip of beer this is brewski number two ski by the way okay let's get this there's one big bite i i cannot fit this in my mouth [Music] it's it's stacked all right we're just gonna do what we can here hmm well this meals two things the best burger i've eaten out in the woods and the messiest meal i've eaten out in the woods my hands and my face are just a mess what's about to happen is not something that should be seen by another person roots can see it monty occasionally gets to see it but uh no more that's right we're going to destroy what's left here and it's not going to be pretty so i will check back in with you guys when i am done feasting [Music] having the betsy that was delicious and filling and messy yeah i am pretty full right now um i didn't think i was going to be so full off a one little teeny tiny burger and a and a potato i just didn't i didn't think it rooks rouge is satisfied ruse is chillaxin but i think we're gonna get ready for bed here um we got a bunch of firewood well i mean we're not gonna sleep for a little bit here we're gonna we're gonna stay up for a little bit but roses he's definitely sleepy he's definitely had a fulfilling day but i know more than anything he would just love if i threw this stick for him a couple more times oh but then again he did just eat that whole meal he would pr he would love to throw the stick but i don't like to like he just feasted he ate that whole bone and then he had a sweet potato oh yeah he is just having a good old time huh i really wanna t-o-s-s t-h-i-s g-u-y t-h-e s-t-i-c-k b u t h e j u s t a t e a and d i t h i n k t h a t w o u l d b e a b a d i d e a b e c u a s e h e h a s a f u l l s t o m h he just passed out because he just didn't want to follow all that if you follow all that good for you if you didn't i don't know i hope i spelled everything right otherwise it must look silly but he did not like see that that's exactly what we wanted we got what we wanted by doing all that okay we're just gonna let this firewood burn down and then we are gonna crawl in our sleeping bags get ready for bed we need to call you over huh you're ready for me yeah go ahead lay down oops good boy that was pretty much perfect except we're going to need to turn you around okay rogues over here no no no look look right here luke's come here perfect no roots come on roots right here perfect yes that's a good boy oh see look at him looking over he's gonna screech it back oh look at him oh yeah thank you okay yeah yeah he's getting in the sleeping bag look at him oh that's a good boy okay all right all right let me zip you up okay hold on dude such a good boy look at you look at you who would have thought you would be in a sleeping bag in the winter huh who has done this oh good boy he's going to take a minute to adjust but uh yeah he'll get it what do you smell rooks look at this dog this is rube's first night where he's sleeping in a sleeping bag um not in a tent well no when we did the rain uh the cold rain we just did i guess he slept in a sleeping bag i'm pretty sure i can't i can't remember if he's having a sleep bag or not but i'm pretty sure he did but uh this is his first winter camp under a tarp not in the hot tent the coldest weather he's had to sleep in a sleeping bag so far of his life and he is i know he's tired i know he's content i know he's got all the things he want to do he's fed everything's good he's pretty much just going to wait on me to turn off the lights and as soon as i settle down and go to bed he's going to settle and go to bed because this is how he is at home um monty is very independent and does his own thing ruger will follow us around and he will go to bed when we go to bed he will stay with us until we get up and follow us around the rest of the day so he is just like waiting for me he's waiting for me to lay though he's confused why he's he's laying this way right ropes oh you're such a good player we're gonna settle in and get ready for bed and i'm gonna pass out so i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody good morning [Music] hi oh jeez oh hi oh no no no we're going to watch our rogues oh cheese roots come here rooks okay oh geez okay okay okay all right come here come here come here come here oh he's getting my sleep back oh you give me that butt all right lay down there we go here we go whoa he's a wild animal rooks i'm sorry lay down lay down lay down lay down let me just put you like a normal dog oh there we go yeah yeah here we go oh yeah he's happy to be alive do we make it through the night rugs did we make it through the night yes we did gross did we make it did you have fun oh there you go that's a rope right there [Music] oh would you feel that good huh oh yeah okay oh all right well it seems like rooks is happy to be alive hi rogues oh so yeah um he did pretty good last night surprisingly uh a little different than monty um any time i made a noise he kind of shut up so anytime i roll the flip sides for the most part monty will just lay there and just pass out on the side until he's ready to shift sides and then he'll get up and he'll sit up until uh i sw like move it for him ruger on the other hand was uh he would just like get up at any time i made a noise and then i would like get i would try to adjust them and he didn't really want to adjust he was just like you know checking in on me [Music] so i i checked out who would actually about times so i said pretty good but i definitely got up a quid a few times checking on the old rogues there but he did it he stayed in the sleeping bag as his first time sleeping the tart he didn't really like having his face down here but he got used to it by the end and now he's just a a rookie a ruger hi buddy hi fooks he's a wild animal in the mornings anyways it's a winter wonderland out there it finally turned to frosty snow and all the trees are coated a nice little fluffy layer of snow everything's got just a little little snow on it so it finally just it just looks like a beautiful wintery wonderland out there so let's get up and put on some layers and show you what this scene here looks like because this is beautiful okay let's do it well hi rogues hi robes come here hi oh jeez give me ropes rogues come here hi oh don't you do that okay no no no i just want to say hi i just want to say hi come here i just want just want to say hi okay i just want to say hi stop barking at me hey he's just so excited right now he thinks saying hi is gonna mean play stick here rooks hi buddy come here oops come here come here come here yeah hi come here don't bark at me don't work at me oh what are these noises you're making rooks come here come on come here just say hi to me just say i see you come here come on no no no no okay all right fine you get your way you get the sticker whoa hey simmer down we don't want no injuries you made it through the night so we don't want you hurting yourself okay i don't know if you can tell but it's definitely a wintry scene we got snow up on the ridge pole the it the shelter works better than i expected it to um so last night the snow is coming down at a little bit of an angle so it's slightly getting on this edge and i had my sleeping bag in my baby sack um but as i turned it was too constricting so i decided to since we're only doing one night i pulled my sleeping bag out just let it it got a little snow on it's a little wet but for last night it was totally fine if we were doing multiple nights i probably wouldn't have done that i would have dealt with it my feet being tight on there but i was again what the heck oh yeah let's get you a little 360 action of what this here looks like right now okay 360 action brooks bring me that stick go ahead oh see well that was just straight up road go ahead bye all right bring it here thank you he's a psycho it's official so yeah supposed to keep snowing the rest of the day today uh possibly into tonight but definitely not any sort of accumulation that was crazy it looks like we only got a couple inches really i mean it snowed all day yesterday all it's all night and we've got like a couple inches to show for us i think it's finally fluffy snow that's accumulating this must have just happened in the past few hours because it was just really not accumulating i suppose i'm gonna keep throwing room to stick here and then i'm gonna get packed up yeah we're gonna get all packaged up is a little more prompt on the fetch versus monty monte likes to mess with you he'll he'll grab that stick he'll bring it back to camp it'll thrash it around and he won't bring it back to you rogues likes to keep on going with it until he starts to get into a fit of eating snow oh you got to put it in my hand no in my hand in my hand there you go good boy hey watch your step there okay let's start packing up some stuff bring it to me right here we'll save this rat's this for another day all right bring it here rogues geez he's just faithfully sitting by his stick and just excitedly shaking waiting for me to throw it for him the old rose shake yeah i see you buddy i see ya i see you mister i see you mister forget it so i had a pool of water on the backside of my tarp so uh this frame definitely helped otherwise my tarp would have been sagging like crazy you hear the plane rogues hear the plane or is all you hear the sound of me not throwing you the stick i don't know for such a smart dog [Music] how come you haven't learned that if you just bring it right to me i'll throw it you keep holding it over there and then winding it this thing you want what do you want me to do with this throw it for the millionth time well you know i wish that's all i desired you know if that's all i ever desired was a person to throw me a dead piece of wood over and over again i mean life would be so simple think about it if all you wanted was to just stick someone throws it you bring it back and you are perfectly content and that is just your life's desires are meant your dreams that's the that's his dreams he's living the dream right now i mean keep it simple you know i would i would give uh chasing the stick a try but just don't sound good for my back right now you know crawling on all fours my teeth how can you even do that it's chilly once you take off all your layers yeah so my gloves are surprisingly pretty dry i uh put them next to the fire for a while last night and uh yeah just uh let them roast by the fire even though they're getting snowed on still it was drying them out a little bit quicker than the amount of snow that was getting on there and then i stuck them in my sleeping bag and they're still a little wet but my body heat dried them out pretty good and now the insides are definitely not wet oh i need this smokey jokes so we had a fun little evening night last night hey rolex come here did you get your stick sessions in did you lose that stick come here come on hi yeah okay that's a good boy that's a good one yeah he had fun this was the first successful little winter camp for roofs well not his first winter camp but his first official tarp monty his first monty style winter camp where he got to be the role of monty sleeping in a pad laying on a tarp or a pad anyways i don't even know what i'm talking about anymore we had fun we ate some good food that burger was so good last night i could eat one of those right now oh it was definitely a mess but it was that was that was a good stick to your ribs style burger anyways it's time to get back to the car so as always if you like the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and i will catch you guys at the next video come on rose let's go [Music] [Music] so [Music] so those three holes right there were my tripod my camera and that's my tire tracks when i drove away leaving my camera behind and i came to the realization in the car that i probably just ran over my camera and came sprinting back but luckily i didn't turn when i left and it was sitting near the back whoo just had a mild heart attack well this is what happens when you go down a questionable two track after a wet snow and there's trees laying over and you decide to just go for it and one of them catches into your passenger side handle there's a big old dent here and it cracked this and luckily it still works you gotta think positive right it still works it's fine it's fine [Music] you
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 276,536
Rating: 4.9006181 out of 5
Keywords: snowstorm, snow storm, blizzard, winter camping, winter, camping, camp, bushcraft, bushcrafter, canada, asmr, snow, survival, storm, winter storm, winter weather, backpacking, backpack camping, dog, adventure, wilderness, wilderness area, bushcrafting, how to camp, wild camp, backcountry, backcountry camping, snowstorm camping, camping in a snowstorm, shelter, bushcraft shelter, campfire cooking, campfire, cooking, food, camping in a blizzard, snowshoeing, overnight, camping dog, survival shelter
Id: Y--K_kByPHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 30sec (6750 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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