Fall Camping on a Riverbank with My Dog

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[Music] [Music] so meat up in there look at a big old region [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] well hello ladies and gentlemen i am in the boat with 70 pounds of fluff and uh we're doing another overnighter we're heading down a little river here uh and it is fall time it is getting a little bit past peak colors a lot of the colors are fading got some ducks up ahead but uh it's about the 40 degree range upper 40s fahrenheit so i don't even know what that is off the top of my head celsius without doing any conversions what seven five five to seven six eight ten something like that i don't know i'll give it a solid ten eight to ten but yeah so there's a little a little bit of a nip to the air hey monty oh where are you just standing yourself up oh oh melty what are you doing monty so we're gonna be cooking up some delicious food tonight over a campfire apparently we're gonna be getting stuck okay so tonight we're going to be paddling for three or four miles roughly uh down this river here and then we're gonna find a nice spot to set up um as you can see a lot of it's swampy on one side and sometimes it's swampy and the other then there's nice big banks but uh we're just gonna find a nice little spot either up off a bank where it humps up so we're not in that mucky wet or yeah maybe we'll go a little further in i'd like to camp by the water but you never know butt punchy scoot right here oh here we go okay oh monty we got a little bit of an obstacle well okay hey that wasn't so bad it didn't affect you much hey i brought out the old fishing pole so i got a nice little spinner on there a little mep spinner we're gonna try for some trout that's once once we get we're gonna get it we're gonna get into a little bit more you know just i want to paddle for a good hour then we'll start casting i'm not gonna go crazy but uh if i pick up a little trout um we'll feed her to monty tonight that's what we're gonna do so it'd be really nice to get one i've seen a few good spots but we're just paddling for now you know but now that when i say the words fishing it makes me uh kind of want to take a cast you know the more i think about it the more i want to fish okay we're taking a few casts just just a couple got a nice little hole here i'm not really that great of a trout fisherman i would say so let's just go like this oh no dang it as i was saying not an amazing trump fisherman oh jeez this was a great spot that i've just messed up dang it take it monty see we can carefully carefully go over here oh my don't do this mighty be quiet very quiet i'm hunting it's such a good little spot i'm gonna try again monty oh i said a bite no way i just had a bite hey i did not think i was gonna get a bite so easily we're gonna cast there again right i got the bite right here right next to the boat [Applause] well we'll fish the next one that makes me happy now one thing i know for sure is you want to be fishing the opposite of the way i'm going because all the noise i'm making and they're all the trout are faced this way the way i'm heading so they're already looking at my direction so they can see me casting and whatnot so that definitely makes it not ideal oh jeez and it's just tough see it sucks these big open spots are the easiest to fish but they're definitely there's definitely going to be trout where it's all a bunch of logs piled up in a big deep hole not so much in this big open i mean they might still be here it's just so much easier to fish these bigger open spots i'll keep trying there's a nice little pile of leaves and stuff we've got a million downtrees right here oh it's not working out oh probably a nice troll sitting under this one okay don't worry mr monty monty don't get all bent out of shape i mean come on just relax [Music] it would help if you lost a few pounds of fluff okay oh you got some water back here monty all right monty corey here right here come on right there watching over here don't you even think about going on that log go right here look no you're making it difficult for me i just want to help help me help you okay there you go all right monty come here come on come here come on oh good boy you done did it now okay hopefully i don't fall face first into the river and you know just get all wet and yeah let's just not do that let's uh let's just get the boat here knock on wood i don't want that happening okay that was more difficult than it looked like it was going to be but hey it's done it's done that is in the past oh this would be a great spot to set up it's nice and like firm and hard right on the bank right on the water but i want to get a little further and do some more fishing so that is not going to be our spot new new new this is awesome so i don't know if i mentioned it or not but i got a little bit of a late start just a little itty bitty teeny weensy little late like little late start and i was in a rush to pack and i may have forgotten the hat yeah so my ears they're not bad um you know because i'm i'm although i am going with the current i'm still working so i'm staying pretty warm i don't got any thermals on or anything under this jacket it's just pretty much uh waterproof but yeah i i might have packed it in my bag i got the main stuff i always got the main stuff like what i need to survive for the night and be comfortable but if i don't have my hat i'll just have to wear a hood it won't be a big deal i don't think it's supposed to get below freezing tonight and even if it did i think i'd be all right but uh yeah yep that'll happen you know i got my eye on the prize got it oh [Music] [Music] oh yeah never know when you're gonna need a pocket full of birch bark i've said this before but i've definitely gone to a restaurant and uh pulled out birch bark out of my pockets in search of my wallet i mean that's pretty normal i think but uh they've definitely done that once or twice or maybe three or four times more slightly more rapid i know it's flat ooh there's a nice rock oh no i thought that was maybe gonna there's a nice little rock there i know they like to hide up behind those i'm sure there's many a trout in here oh that was definitely a bite dang it i'm about to hit the tree i just cast damn another bite i'm sorry monty i know you're squeaking away these bites are not big though i haven't had i don't even think that the first bite was a little bigger that one was like a nip teeny nip that would have been uh probably throw it back i'm thinking oh sorry oh no oh it's so treacherous oh no i got a tangle over two branches i'm floating into some trees okay will i be able to get this one out let's see all right i'm stuck on a sand bar but there's all sorts of good little trees no not there dang it oh oh oh there's a little trout oh dang it i had one go for it don't oh dang it i almost had that trout on that when i could see him i could see him nipping it and that one was that was about a 10 inch trowel that was a good one that was a good eater do you want a treat do you want to go for the dog park do you want a treat [Music] oh sorry monkey you get treats later i promise that was kind of a nightmare i'm gonna try oh i there's no fish right on the spot i just caught such a ruckus what am i even trying for [Applause] there's a reason i usually don't river fish that's because i'm not as graceful with it i uh tend to uh get a lot of tangles like that much i much prefer just not having to be in between trees and stuff just constantly and i don't fly fish so uh yeah there's that too so i get real excited when i get a little bite you know the teeny trout captain t trump be having field day makes me happy though that i am getting bites the few the couple bites that i've had it's still exciting this looks promising right here underneath all this trees and stuff i'm gonna get a snag right away but hey how do i just i just want you to be wow if i could just get one stinking little fish the problem is all these spots that i know there's fish sitting it's just like just tangle city i can just if i could just stop and fish right here i know i can get a bite but i have to get in here and then it's just a mess i know oh no we're gonna try [Music] [Applause] monty if any sticks are hitting you in the face i apologize i don't mean to do it it is not on purpose [Applause] yeah i think i think this is why people don't canoe and canoe and fish oh what was that i either had a bite i'm gonna get jokes oh geez all right this looks like a good [Music] spot how you doing back there monty i don't know honestly i just can't tell you keep running me into bushes and stuff but the smells are nice i love that autumn yeah it's actually super windy today it's just that we're down you know in the thick of it so it doesn't seem all that bad but on the drive here it was super windy oh how low can you go hopefully i don't ah there we go we've been paddling for a few hours now and uh had a couple of bites which i'll be honest um whoa the couple of bites that i've had was kind of more than i was expecting so i'll take it i will take it totally take it getting a little hectic over here um yeah like i said the couple of bites i got was more than i was expecting so i'm okay with not really catching a fish oh can't finish a sentence scoot what are for a while oh geez well i bet there's a nice fish under here oh what was that well that fish ain't gonna bite now whatever that noise was that wasn't bent a stick or broke a stick or something okay so we have got roughly two hours till the sun sets so what i'm gonna do is spend the next half an hour looking for some prime real estate and what i mean by that is uh you know i could camp any old ware i could camp right there if i wanted to it's flat it's not swampy it'd work i could go up into the woods there um you know i could find a spot really quick if i just needed a spot but i want a beautiful spot right on the bank i need two perfect little trees to set up my tarp and that's we're gonna spend the next 30 minutes looking for um after that 30 minutes and i have an hour and a half of light left i'm just gonna pick a spot so right now we are looking for a beautiful spot and we're just gonna you know give it that time and see what happens when we see it we'll see it and it'll be there because it's there okay yeah that's how we know it's you know it looked like it might be a decent spot we're gonna almost look like it was blue supplies but it's just kind of like grayish blueish clouds come on fishy oh that was just the river it made it look like a fish just started to move there's a nice hole back there i'm starting to think that there's no way i'm going to catch a trout oh it came loose hey hey the old slaperoni worked i cannot let the trout dream die there has to be a hungry fishy somewhere in this dang body of water how you doing monty it's cool you know just uh enjoying the day oh this is a nice little pedal this could be good so yeah when i called this little stinker back here 70 pounds of fluff that's not an exaggeration this little turd nugget back here weighs a solid 70 pounds maybe even a pound or two more than that but uh the reason i'm telling you this is because you know you see me pick them up and you know i make them look like a little teddy bear little uh a little uh ah teddy stuffed animal with a heartbeat and uh i don't want you to get the impression that his booty ain't dense and he ain't thick and uh he's light i've just gotten used to the way i carry him so it's not that big of a deal for me but he's he's heavy he's a heavy little turd i can get one or two casts in before i ran into this little log jam oh that was such a good cast how is there not a fish waiting there how is this possible all right right here come on oh what is that oh that's a branch that was a trout oh i just love that cool crisp air of autumn fall smell the leaves i just want to eat it up this is called a stir the pot stroke oh a little bit of blue skies off in the distance there between the trees just a little bit so oh dang i'm passing up some good spots like up in the woods i can see right there oh there's definitely nice trees i'm getting a little getting greedy with where i want to camp right now it's just such a beautiful time of year i just want like just i just have in my head what i want and i know it's there's going to be something okay i'm going to inspect the spot for wet ground the ground's too soggy it looks like it's going to be a close one it looks like it's just high enough to where it's not going to be soggy ground but it could be if i could just get away from these trees there we go okay let's check it out so the ground is a little soggy it's not the worst but we've just got we've got this beautiful tree next to us we got blue skies i think if i go from that tree to that tree and we kind of just will have all this protection from the wind because the wind is coming from this way um yeah i think i can make it work i mean it's a little hold on hold your horses monty i know you've been a good voice but as you can see if you go down yeah it's like mud [Music] oh i don't know if i want to but right here [Music] ah other than this mud this would be a perfect spot all right monty i need two minutes to think i'm gonna let you run around okay so this is going to be our spot um it's not i'm making a bit of a sacrifice because it's so beautiful you know i've got this nice tree here i love the colors of it it's just like a perfect little tree and right on the bank it's flat everything's perfect about it except one thing and it's slightly soggy ground so i'm not gonna set up right here because this is the most soggy we're gonna have our fire here which is actually it's good for fire to have soggy ground but um i'm gonna set my tarp back this way and it's not insanely soggy the whole thing but i do have a ground tarp that i'm going to use to keep it from getting completely soggy and wet on all my stuff but with the ground tarp it's going to be totally fine but i am a little chilled so i'm gonna put on a sweatshirt for now that's right monty that's right mine t hi oh it's a little you got a little wet in the back of the boat there huh i didn't catch a treat what [Music] hey don't do that these are my ground sticks no no no no no no no oh you hear the plane mountain hey i don't want you tearing up the ground too much [Music] okay oh did you bring it back yeah you did huh okay [Music] [Music] yeah oh you do something frisky critter right there simmer down so this spot right here this is all super dry it's nice and elevated so this is where i'm going to set a majority of my stuff over near that tree too it's kind of just yeah like i said soft down there so it'll probably be sitting tonight right here we'll have a fire right around here yeah that's what we're gonna do that's what we're gonna do i know i've said this 100 million times on the channel but fall right now with colors like this no bugs i haven't seen a single bug since we've been out just the cooler temperatures so there's no sweating i love having a slight chill just absolute favorite time of year to camp this is this is my bread and butter and i'm pretty sure it's monty's two because he doesn't like the hot weather he he doesn't mind the cold weather but he'd prefer when it's like not frigid i think he likes like this i think this is monty's preference time of year as well oh hey i did bring my hat look at that nice oh hey tourette's list it's back okay where am i mary here oh hey how's it going since we're setting up a tarp we're getting a tarp season we're gonna go with my current favorite way of tying a tarp up give you a little rundown of the nuts here so on one side i just do a little little i got a hair in my mouth here i do a little anchor knot so it's pretty much just like an overhand knot you know overhand knot you just go over like that cross it and you do the same thing again and then you tighten it that's an overhead knot but those kind of those can slip i hope i'm in frame here so what you do for this one is is essentially you start like the overhand knot and you you turn it on its side see how how it's turned on its side instead of just being like that yeah you turn it like that and then you just come through i'm not explaining this at all very well but just just look what i'm doing i turned the overhand out on the side and i'm putting a pinch and there you go and you just pull it and uh if you look at this side it's it's this nut it's it's it's not that not it's this knot i don't know what it's called it just does its job okay tutorial over let's see are we are we right here yeah okay so that knot's not as important just use any old knot that'll anchor it down okay that's what i've been doing so yeah i guess i should just explain what i'm doing here lately when i'm tying up a tarp in the lean-to style i am doing a ridge line and i'm pulling that tight and then just tying the ends and i'll show you what i mean by that afterwards but i'll show you the the more important knot the other one you just anchor it down any old knot that'll hold it in place will work look at this bundle of joy here see is that gonna be oh it's so perfect so this side i know what this one's called is called the double it's called the tot line hitch with a quick release that's my preferred tarp nut so what you do is you go around the tree you got your one side anchored now what we're gonna do is we're gonna take our line and we're gonna go over two times that's one going over that tight line and then we're gonna go two now we're over now there's not this knot can be done you can go over or under as long as you keep doing the same so we went over twice now we're gonna go over again on back on this side we did those two over there now we're gonna go on this side cross it over and do another one and then we're gonna oh this is it's so hard to just show and explain i'm terrible at it i'm just terrible but we're gonna retry okay so like i said you pick i'm just gonna pinch it here we're gonna go over twice and do this we're gonna show you this taut line hitch knot with a quick release okay we went over twice now we're going to go over again on the other side and we're going to take a little loop as we go over and we're going to come back through and pull it tight we did it i kind of showed you i don't know if it was in frame or not but anyways this is this is the top line hitch because now i can take here we'll zoom out now now that the knot's done you can see this turf is sagging here so what you can do with this knot is you can tighten it and it'll it'll pinch so i'll just keep pulling this and it gets super taut there we go and then when i want to take this knot down all i gotta do is pull on this and it all come undone but i can i'll get this more tight as i'm dinking around but right now it's pretty dang tight it's sagging a little bit because the whole tarps right here as soon as i spread it out i'll be able to tighten it more but yeah this is my favorite setup because if it gets loose you can just tighten it up again now what i do is just kind of pull the tarp out to where i want it this is a little bit of a narrow spot so it's going to be right on the edges yep right on the edges so now i just take oh i got two more strings that i just tied to the tree and pull it tight to where i want it that's how i've been doing it i like to have the ridge lined and then tighten it right to the trees all right and then there's the stake down the back i've just got three sticks i'm just gonna pull this back take it down [Music] okay that's home sweet home for the evening now i'm just gonna get all set up here and then we're gonna get some firewood [Music] [Music] yes [Music] stuff so i'm sure you can tell we're just up in the woods from where we're camping right over there can't see the river from here but it's solid ground there's open hardwoods this is a much better spot for camping for actually setting up the tarpon stuff but when i'm out here camping by myself i'm out here for me and i want to be right next to the water so i'm willing to deal with a little soggy ground wetness just for the sake of getting that beautiful spot and just soaking in with my eyeballs you know so i'm just i'm admitting right now that this is definitely better ground for camping so i know what i'm getting myself into with that wet there we go that's some firewood see i need some coal tonight [Music] oh that's a built right there [Music] okay [Music] i got a pine and a maple you know what that maple means get that song sorry i'm working where i set my hatchet right there [Music] okay hockey dogs marty they're getting warm oh sunset very soon okay so since the ground is soggy here whenever you have got soggy ground you want to put something solid underneath it at least for just starting it once once the fire gets going it won't really matter it'll dry out the ground a little bit but just to start you definitely want something solid let's just take and crumple up our birch bark here and my preferred method of lighting with a fire steel is planting it into the piece of wood and then you can just go firmly down legendary one strike baby oh yeah always feels good when you get one of those no warming up the fire is still nothing just striking it starts that's i think it's the third one i ever got oh just proud of myself in this moment i think i got a tear in my eye so beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] oh monty help all right i'm gonna go ahead and i've got my two saws out i've always thought that this one's better for hardwoods this one's better for soft woods and i've just been using this one and it's taking a minute to cut through these maples so i'm going to switch to this one and see how it goes i'm a little chilly with my jackets off but soon as i start cutting through this wood i'll get warm again a nice coal bed building so um you'll notice as we're getting into a new season there's a lot of there's some seasonal changes that'll happen first and foremost is the tarp sleeping under a tarp no more tent why is that bugs no bugs i want to be able to wake up and just see the stars if they're out see the woods when it's dawn i want to be able to see the stream and just see the trees i like sleeping under a tarp it's just more you know you're out here in the woods to see the woods and when i'm sleeping the last thing i want to see is just woods you know and when all the lights are off and everything you can see a little glow of the trees and the outline and the horizon and stuff so yeah i like to sleep under a tarp over a tent now if i'm in a rainy windy storm i would like my tent it would be not as fun to be under a tarp in that situation but you do your best but i stick to the tent in the buggy season the other thing is little perfectly chopped firewood that is a canoe camping when i have to use the special grates or a hot tent thing now that we're cooking over the flame here i don't have to worry about it too much and we're going to be making a nice big coal bed i'm going to cut a big old piece here and we're going to let it burn in half since this is dense maple i don't want to have to do too much cutting i don't have to oh yeah this thing definitely cuts through the hardwood better so i'm going to do i'm going to place this on here let this thing burn in half and then that's like what one two three i would have made three more cuts on that log and now i'm just going to burn it in half and it's going to be fine that's definitely another change there's plenty other changes but these are just some of them oh yeah man i haven't used this saw in a minute and this thing just tears through the dense hardwood that's nice i was thinking it's gonna be a pain to cut this log but i haven't used this saw really in a quite a while this thing this thing was a nightmare to cut through pines and stuff that weren't super seasoned but this thing sure it's got a really aggressive teeth boreal 21 doing justice on the dense firewood so that's my my final i'll bring it up again i'm sure but i'm gonna say that i'm not gonna but my final comparison of the two you know softer woods harder woods that's where they do better this one's a little bit better for canoe camping but i was i had since i'm sleeping under a tarp i had plenty of room in my pack so another little change that comes with the colder weather is i like to bring out a couple of beers and i've got one right here and i'm gonna crack it open and listen to the beautiful side of the stream i don't know if you can hear that on the camera but you can hear running water i love it i love that sound i love rain it's so good so what i've got here is a pale ale it's a trick coor as trikur [Music] nr.77 is from iceland i was sent this by a subscriber on my most recent giveaway and you know i don't try a lot of crazy beers so i'm kind of excited i've never been sent beer before so definitely going to try and since we're getting into the whole winter camp but if you ever ever feel like you got some kind of cool beer you want me to try don't hesitate to send it i ain't going to be upset at all not at all go ahead p.o box is right in the description winter camp and i usually bring out a couple and i'm i'm done with trying out some others otherwise i default to the same old one i love let's see what we got here smells like beer kind of smells like beer interesting oh also i wanted to say we've got some kind of critter i thought it was a big old fish at first it splashed really big and loud right there once i made a movement and then it went over here and monty got all bent out of shape let's see what we got here iceland beer oh that's interesting i kind of like that it's not too let's do my best as a connoisseur here to uh review this it's got a hint of like a a sour taste to it but it's not too heavy it's kind of light um you can really taste that it's beer um i like it this one's good the a.s so yeah tonight's meal is gonna be a little bit of uh we're gonna need some cold coals and you know i'm gonna pretend like i did this on purpose but i'm gonna admit that i didn't right now so everything i'm saying doesn't matter i forgot the great grape so what i mean by that is i i purposely want to cook just on the coals no i forgot the great great late start rush i didn't even think about it i haven't used the great grate i think since there was snow on the ground i haven't used it once maybe wait did i a hiking cook maybe no i don't think i've used the great grate all sensors yeah since there's been snow or wait i might have used it during the spring thing uh my bad greatest great in all the land and i forgot i just didn't think about it it's just been out of my mind for such a long time gotta remember that or i'm gonna be in trouble i guess we can talk about dinner a little bit so i was thinking out you know what's getting colder i want something that's hearty i want something that's tasty i want someone's gonna fill me up and i want something i've never tried before and also i didn't want to use chicken because i just made a chicken dish so i wanted to do beef or pork but i went with beef what we're making is an untraditional traditional spanish rice and it's gonna be good i've never made spanish rice before and uh i know it's supposed to be like sticky and as usual with everything that i cook i'm just gonna put my own spin i'm just gonna do my own thing and i'm probably gonna eat every bite even though i'm making too big of a portion so we're just gonna go with it and i and i know it's supposed to be sticky but i'm a soupy guy so we're gonna try to make a little saucy i want to be like a wet spanish rice i'm i'm definitely pumped though uh i've never i've never made it i just know the basics so we're just going to come out here we're going to throw things in a pan and figure it out all we're going to do is wait for this fire to cool like cook down into some nice coals and uh yeah then we're going to get cooking get preparing things it is time to prepare some food so i've been sitting here contemplating how i want to cook this up and approach this and i was debating whether i should fry up the rice and oil and then add the veggies or fry up the veggies with the beef and then add it all in or fry up the veggies and oil first and what i think i'm gonna try this time is i'm gonna fry up the veggies in a little oil get them kind of cooked up and then add in the rice in a little bit we'll see how it goes now as i always cook you know there's many ways to cook things i never cook things the traditional way for the most part some things i do but for the most part i don't but first thing going in the white onion always cooking with the white onion um got that in the pot now we've got a half of a red bell pepper so so far we've got half a white onion half of a red bell pepper if you're gonna try and cook some of the things that i cook when i'm cooking out here i never i don't measure a lot i just kind of put what i like in or what i think is good and just you know just wing it so if you're ever going to follow along with my recipes you got to just kind of follow along to the point where the ingredients are so right now we've got white onion bell pepper i'm not too sure on the mouth i'm just guesstimating there's no there's no right answer you could use a whole red bell pepper and right now i'm doing half an orange bell pepper you could do one of each you could do three onions it doesn't matter it's all flavor it's all delicious flavor now i'm sure if gordon ramsay was out he'd be like why are you putting mean bell pepper in a spanish rice you donut are you mental that's what he'd be saying but you know what this is my spanish rice i get to choose he he can go worry about his kitchen i'll be out here in the dirt all right then to this we're gonna add in our olive oil i've got i don't know a few tablespoons probably more than i need i'm just gonna let that drain in there we're gonna leave that to drain get all that oil out well i almost forgot we got some garlic crush it with my thick thumbs [Music] you know that's a real the fun thing with cooking is like once you learn what you like personally and if you're just cooking for yourself just put put what you like i don't know if bell peppers are supposed to go in spanish rice or not probably not but i love bell peppers and i think it's going to taste great in there so i'm just cooking for me so i want what tastes good to me add that in okay what else do we got here master monty needs his we don't want to get too much garlic on master monty's [Music] master monty requires sweet potato [Music] and you they got dogs out there sweet potatoes are very healthy for dogs so you can cook them up you can get microwave one if you want boil it up monty and ruger love sweet potato i think it's even healthier than pumpkin don't don't quote me on that but i think it is sweet potatoes very good even for humans too i prefer my old starchy potatoes but sweet potatoes are good stuff i'll eat them they're good okay and then i think that's it other than the ground beef yeah so i'm gonna sear up this ground beef but what i gotta do is get a nice little chunk the old monty since i didn't get him any uh fish now the monty needs we can't we can't make our monty puke we can give him another little that's about all he's gonna get with a sweet potato a little dog food once that's added some water boiled up so uh the beef i'm using here is super lean ground beef because i don't want to deal with a bunch of grease cooking out of it cause i'm gonna pretty much drain it anyways so i get the leanest stuff i can get so what we're gonna do is we're gonna fry up our garlic onions and peppers get that cooked down a little bit and then we're gonna add in our rice get the beef all cooked up and get monty's cooking and then we are going to get to the next step so let's get to cooking oh yeah [Music] hot fire all right let's get these cooking on here this is probably going to be too hot so um for the rice it's gonna be a little bit of a challenge because rice you need to simmer for a while and uh this is gonna be a hot fire that's not going to be they're not going to mix very well we're just going to do our best now as far as the beef goes i kind of want it to be in chunks not ground like you're making tacos i'm going to leave it i'm going to kind of break it up into bigger pieces bigger hunks another thing i've been um loving about the cold weather is you can take home leftovers i had someone comment and say that there's no way that i took home leftovers to funk when i said that i was going to and trust me i do take the leftovers home to funk and she enjoys them very much especially if she watches the video and she's getting to eat the leftovers from the meal that i cook yeah oh i lost little onions she she loves them okay so the beef when i put it over here it slows down so i think that's where we are going to cook our rice it's kind of just angle on the side here once we add the rice into this this is getting close to uh cook down a little bit oh man [Applause] these won't be so good okay this has been fried up for a minute what we're gonna do is we're gonna add our rice i've got one cup of white parboiled i rice i put a bunch of oil in there so i want to make sure to coat it all in that oil [Applause] get it fried up a little bit now i don't know if the type of rice you use makes a big difference i'm just using my favorite rice and right now i've always loved this hard broiled white rice which just cooks great so we're going to add that in and fry it up for a minute oh hot cheese all right we're going to move this off into the lower heat because i really don't want to burn this rice and this fire is so hot oh my gosh i can't even ah hot fire even right here oh it just burns my knuckles dang it the beef is almost good to go it is since it is uh lean that's breaking up a little bit now the fun begins the first thing we are going to add in is some tomato sauce i've got like 16 ounces here i'm just gonna add about half ish and i'll add more as i need oh i added a little bit more than half mix that in quick oh my gosh i gotta move it off the fire a little bit it's so hot it's gonna burn the crap out of everything oh next i've got some chicken base i'm gonna add in uh with a little bit of water now you can use chicken bouillon but when you're cooking rice you gotta account for you know the water that you have so unless you like it soupy like me be careful with that but i'm just i've got a little jar of chicken base all right i'm gonna add that in some chicken base ready to go back on the heat a little bit there oh it just gets so hot so fast all right geez look at it just boiling already this is not what we're going for the first thing we are going to add to this spice wise is some chili powder now i don't know if that's a good or bad idea but hey this is my spanish rice we're experimenting i'm adding some chili powder and you can't stop me then we're going to have some crushed red pepper a little spice i'm a to spice but i always like to burn my mouth in two ways heat and heat and of course we've got a little black pepper then because i can i'm gonna add a little bit of basil and also because i can i'm going to add a little oregano and then one last thing salt not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt all right now we're going to cook this in we're just going to cook this for a minute like this and then we're are gonna add in our beef here and then we gotta simmer it for 20 minutes let that rice cook and then we've got to add in the water to cook the rice i need i'm going to do one and a half cups got to be careful this is this is a full pot of food [Music] okay we're gonna mix this all in we need to cover this and simmer it for 20 minutes or so get that rice cooked and uh pray that this is not a big soupy mess and it's delicious spanish rice when we're all done so we're gonna add this lid and we're gonna do our best i'm gonna what i'm gonna do is since it's it's insanely hot right here and it's cold right here i'm just gonna keep turning this every couple minutes and try to get all the uh the sides to get heat because man that coal bed i don't know if you can see this let's let's just right here okay right here this is super hot right here going right here that burns my hand oh but if i go down here i don't even feel heat right here but go right there chase yeah that's crazy oh my gosh i don't know why i'm doing this do you want a treat do you want a treat [Music] do you want to go for a dog park it's not a joke do you understand what i'm smelling right now okay why are you picking me up oh what huh just a good boy [Music] oh yeah that just this is a stinky monty right here sometimes he loves us sometimes he hates us right now he's not happy about it because there's a delicious pot of food that he knows is his he can smell the sweet potato and that's the one thing dogs have really strong noses so uh every time i cook sweet potato over a campfire he gets it so he knows that smell do you want to do a treat sit down stop messing around i do want a treat why do you keep asking me don't you understand i always want a treat stop being ridiculous yep piggy yeah see the thing you need to know about monty's mangled mush is you just take a stick here and you just this is what he likes just let's see [Music] you gotta poke it with a stick to make sure it's not alive still [Music] final steps tomorrow is a little dog food you're getting it all i'm just gonna let it sit off here and cool okay it's just my finger monty you don't don't smell a person's finger he without hesitation he smelled my finger you don't want to do that i would never smell another person's finger even if they wash their hands unless it was for money then i might do it yeah so if you are cooking this at home uh you do not want to do what i'm about to do and that is lift the lid and give it a stir but since i am cooking over a fire um i heard it kind of simmering and i don't want to have burnt one one of the corners burnt so i am just going to give it a stir like i said if you're doing this at home don't do this step just keep the lid on but i need to check it because we're cooking over a fire and my face is getting burnt by that fire okay go ahead good boy good morning you avoided the water i didn't want to he needed something to take his mind off of the uh food he's about to get because he would just stand next to the fire burn themselves okay yeah you like this go ahead he is a frisky little floof today oh yeah oh you brought me back half a stick yeah he's he's full of full energy today normally he doesn't bring me the stick like this like i've just i mean we've got a this isn't this thing oh jeez this you want this this right here all right i'm sorry go ahead go get it let's see what we're dealing with here all right so it's been simmering for like 30 minutes i just added in the rest of the tomato sauce it's starting to look the way i want it but not quite so i've got a little bit of simmering to go but the rice is definitely cooking just not in the perfect way but i think it's still going to be delicious okay i have been simmering this turning it and cooking it for over an hour i i said 20 minutes it's been about 70-ish it's been a while so let's just see where we're at oh yes that that oh that's what i'm looking for oh yeah okay okay okay so this is done what i'm going to do pull this off the fire here oh yeah oh yeah and i'm going to let this sit for a minute with the lid on and kind of cool and continue to absorb that oh yeah it's done okay oh yeah and that right there is some untraditional traditional spanish rice oh my gosh it's like the perfect consistency i did not want it uh sticky i wanted a wet just like this not too wet not too soupy oh this looks perfect oh yeah okay let's eat quick honorable mention to monty's mingled mush so mushy so mangled you can't tell and neither will he it's getting serious we're about to eat it's like yeah i see mine don't you taunt me anymore i'm gonna eat it without you i'm getting sick of waiting you see you see me get sick of it you've been such a good boy you've been such a good boy yeah i know you see your food and you're about to get it let me just finish my beer we'll eat together don't drool don't do that all right i'm not gonna finish it i'm gonna save a sip this is like five pounds of food there's no way i'm eating all this go ahead he's been so excited he's been such a good boy all right let's try my first go at spanish rice now i've only had spanish rice a couple times so this is going to be a very biased version it smells amazing though it's probably going to burn my mouth um not sure what spanish rice is supposed to taste like but this is so good oh it's hot it's uh it's spicy a little spicy a little spicy yeah the main thing i'm happy about is a consistency i do not like dry food or sticky food i like wet saucy soupy food that is that is my preferred and this is nice it's it's it's slightly saucy and wet not dry and sticky not soupy just slightly saucy and wet um if you're gonna try this for your first time i would go without some of that chili powder maybe even just try it without i think the next time i make it i'm gonna try without because um i can taste a lot of chili powder i'm not saying it's a terrible thing i just might add a little too much yep i'm gonna say that this one is a great success oh that just added so much room to my belly monty's eating up what i'm gonna do shut off that camera shut off that light eat as much of this as i can until i'm pretty much uncomfortable and rolling around like a little walrus um on a beach that is out of water and can't get back in and moaning and then uh i'm gonna check back in with you guys when i'm at that point what rolling around getting into my sleep bag so yeah see you at walrus stage come on come on you can do it yeah this is this bedtime lay it down oh oh i guessed i guess i'm not going to zip them up but i don't think he'll mind that it's not too cold of an evening it's pretty uh i mean it's it's chilly but it's not freezing cold uh it's definitely not below freezing it's it's maybe low 40s upper 30s so just above freezing not that cold it's not too cold so i am super full um i definitely got some leftovers uh yeah i stuffed a bunch in i'm kind of uncomfortable but you know it's just another day but anyways i'm gonna pass out now it's time to go good night everybody seriously dude seriously you're gonna keep doing that [Laughter] i'm sorry good morning [Music] hi monty hi okay ah so i slept pretty dang good last night it was a little chilly the stars were out for most of the night pretty clear um our camp alarm system went off at about five in the morning there's some big critter roaming the other side of the river my camp alarm system i mean our monty here right monty yeah he she he shot up as soon as i heard it too evolve we're up but he was like he did his little like and then yeah that's pretty much what he saw like exactly so um it's chilly out um anywho today is actually sunday believe it or not so um i gotta go home i gotta paddle down this river i gotta drive home i gotta put my footage on my computer i gotta edit i gotta produce it i gotta check it for mistakes and then i gotta upload it so um i don't think this one's gonna be uploaded too early today it's gonna be late start upload right monty so yeah i'm gonna be getting up here and skidaddling i don't really want to get out of my sleeping bag it's toasty in here and it's cold outside but we oh anyways let's go let's do it come on hey monty good morning [Music] oh what a beautiful morning yes we had that critter going all night via a little splashy one then we had the uh big roamer over there somewhere and there's no way it was a deer because i know what deer sound like and it was definitely not a deer but it wasn't it like made its way this way and then marty started going off and then it kind of just walked away slowly so it could have been a bear [Music] oh we gotta pack up monty we gotta pack up the camper i don't think i'm gonna be doing any fishing on the way out i'd like to but you know still happy with the the couple bites i got and i at least saw one trowel it looked like a brown trout going for my lure definitely looked like a brown trout [Music] so so oh shoot okay there big guy i think that's a wrap on the old campsite oh all right where's the ball monty where is it [Music] oh there it is and we are off [Applause] see that little hole right there it's the second one i've seen like it's definitely the critters little home you can see fresh sand kind of coming out the hole maybe there's a critter making all the noise last night [Music] man this is a beautiful morning just so peaceful way taller than yesterday oh oh geez that wasn't so bad i'm a little hungry i'm gonna have to snack on some of that spanish rice when we get to the truck i love how calm monty is back there i'm just running into trees and whipping his face in a brand new stuff he's just nothing new it's not like you haven't done this 100 times to me before so uh i'm pretty on facebook it's like i know it's better than the cost of getting all these beautiful sights and beautiful spells it's just gonna take a branch to the face every once in a while oh yeah i forgot to mention last night we had a deer snort at us i was very upset we were there we had owls hooting all night long there it is so i've been paddling for about 40 minutes now and i am moving at quite the pace um pretty quick pace because like i said i've got to edit this one up today so i'm going to actually not do so much recording and just kind of get out of here because i should only have another 20 30 minutes of paddling at the speed i'm going i'm going pretty quick but uh yeah expect this one to be a little bit of a late start productions uh you know video so i think we're just gonna get back to the car and that's gonna wrap this one up so as always if you like the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and i will catch you guys at the next video [Music] [Music] so [Applause] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 366,190
Rating: 4.9080949 out of 5
Keywords: camping, wilderness, wilderness area, camp, how to camp, adventure, adventurer, bushcraft, bushcrafter, bushcrafting, campfire cooking, cooking, campfire, fire, fire skills, fishing, canoe, canoeing, bwca, canoe camping, fall camping, fall, dog, dog training, camping dog, boundary waters, nikon d5500, canada, backpacking, survival, survival skills, gopro, going camping, wilderness adventure, winter camping, paddling, canoe paddle, canoe trip, outdoors, forest, funny, hilarious, silly, gourmet cooking
Id: gVETIb6hgwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 24sec (5844 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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