Fixing HORRENDOUS Intersections that made me Cry in Cities: Skylines Fix Your City

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and it is at 6% Wow that is getting really really bad I guess it's getting worse we're at 5% good grief welcome back to City skylines fix your cities with me biffer would you like the traffic fixed in your city would you have any other problems that you need fixing look at the pins a post below send me your cities and I will fix them right up before you that is the plan this is the city of Rock Valley sent in by Ethan Patton and as you can see we're sort of scrolling through some of these shots here there is a heck of a lot of traffic that is coming out all over the place I think the last time I looked it was about 33% or something like that I mean look at that that is absolutely nuts that see how low the traffic has gone and it is at 6% Wow that is getting really really bad I guess it's getting worse we're at 5% good grief okay well let's take a look at a couple of highway junctions that we've got first of all that are causing a bit of an issue you've got this cloverleaf one here which I mean they're not they're not amazingly brilliant the cloverleaf ones we already know that and they can't cause problems and when you've got this sort of thing here where you've got traffic coming down straight into a junction I'm guessing this road comes from over here somewhere yeah so basically all of this is trying to get up here as well I would just to be honest let's have a look to the yup just delete these here let's delete that one there and delete that one there there we go and then let's go on the ground and delete that and that just means this traffic here can just move smoothly in without any problems and then if we just stop these guys from doing their lane turning that we don't want them to do you want them to go straight on why right and right there we go excellent you come down pick a lane any Lane and then what we can do is get these guys to keep moving quickly through this I think that's already set up is it no there we go would do that's just to keep these moving through here yeah that'll be quite good that we'll just get that moving along nicely and then you've got things like this where you've got three lanes and an extra Lane this needs to be four lanes down here at least just for this little section in it's gonna have to just be one yeah and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use this Lane tool come on let me get that little thing there there we go - then say to these guys if you could just go straight over into those lanes and stop sort of merging into each other I mean this Junction here is quite close to this Junction here but at least it's gonna get those cars out let's just wait for these for you to get go in there we go and they can move straight in excellent that's working much better in it look that's moving along that's going fine and then you've got a similar thing here we've got three lanes plus another one so well upgrade that one too there we go and then we'll go back down to the three lanes again for that section this isn't too bad that's doing similar thing look I mean what you could do there is upgrade that to four lanes and have a slip lane or you could just say I want that just to be a slip laying off so we'll grab that one there and say you can't go straight on all you can do is go straight off and that's it and then they'll switch their lanes a bit further back I'm just gonna let them switch where they like and again another little one three to four lanes let's change that and then we've got the same over this side these guys are trying to get on let's fix that one as well there we go and all that traffic that was backing up on the highway there is now gone that's moving in smoothly stood a little bit of lane switching going on under here but we need to let them do that and I mean I could change this one to four lane and do it as well but it's it's moving okay it's moving much better than it was that's not backed up that's not backed up that's great you've got this little Junction over here which is doing a similar thing it looks like you've tried to put a highway under and about under here which has gone a bit Hawk Ibuki and under quite what's going on there yeah you've got like an extra piece of load or something under their veneer which is making that all a bit weird what is happening here look at all this oh my goodness so this is backing up this is all stopping this is all stopping these can't get out which is all they're all coming down here is this the only way out of this section yes it is are we gonna do that this needs to go this just isn't working that's what that's the first thing we're gonna do Oh just before we do that let's pause the game this traffic is backing up from this little Junction that we've worked on all the way down here all the way down here all the way down here everyone's coming off here and then it's all going into this little section here which is mainly your industry and these guys are stopping what have we got traffic lights traffic lights traffic lights so we're gonna take away those traffic lights and we are gonna say that these guys get priority you have to wait you have to wait and you have to wait we want these to move out and go and I would as well I mean you've got like straight on left and right I would upgrade those roads to three lane one way if I can find it in here somewhere two lane to Lane two lanes it's gonna be in here isn't it do I not have a three lane one-way seriously Mamamia I haven't got that asset installed ok well let's at least do a two lane there we go and then we've got left white and straight on might just get things moving a little bit quicker in fact well upgrade most of that yeah down to there there we go and just keep these guys moving which is what we need there we go these cars are just all sorting themselves that could have all backed up but this is moving a lot freer this is empty and that's moving along there as well excellent that's good right let's see what we can do way back over here there's not a huge amount of room in here so I am thinking some sort of roundabout and then an access to all of this and then the highway over the top how does that sound ok so that should move much better on there things are moving nicely around there on and off the highway very good and this keeps moving as well I've just set qualities for these roads coming on so I upset a give way for these roads coming on just to keep this moving and this is all cleared up down here already so just the change of that little Junction there and what did you get all along the back here Oh little houses and things I mean you could sort of help these guys to get onto the highway with a couple of little slip lanes as well I mean that wouldn't be bad you know something like this road here you could have coming out and going on there you could do another one there that'd be fine you could do the same over here with rows that are this close like that it sort of seems silly not to really there we go cheers to give them other options there we go we'll add another one there and I would say another one there yeah excellent okay a pretty bad traffic hotspot over here which is being caused by the space elevator now the space elevator will bring you lots and lots and lots of tourists and as you can see here this whole thing is just completely chock-a-block so what we're gonna do here is I'm gonna use my net picker I'm gonna get that load there so it's one of these and I'm gonna change this to one way this way all the way around so you're gonna go that way you're gonna go that way you're gonna get that way you're gonna go that way that could go like that and then that could come down here and then that could all change whoops crowd a cut of other roads it shouldn't that could all go down there so let's change that one back and all right there we go so that hopefully we'll start getting these guys going you've got these little little roads down here you know what I'm actually gonna change all of these to go down as well so we're moving all the traffic away there we go you can see it starting to move already we're moving all the traffic away from there so that is just like a mini sort of roundabout going round and then what I would do is I would treat that as a and about so I would say you guys coming on here have to give way so these keep going and then it goes down there and rounds here so again you guys come in on there have to give way so it keeps going yeah that's fine I would remove on this traffic lights everywhere let's remove all the traffic lights down here don't need any of those you want these cars to keep going all the way to the end and then I would do the same down here I would say you've got to give way so these guys get some priority that goes both ways does it yet so we want to change that one to be up like that they were going to that gets you around about getting in and then I'm assuming yet we've got traffic lights here so let's remove those and we're gonna tell the guys coming in to give way because this is a roundabout and then all of these down here no no traffic lights no traffic lights no traffic lights no traffic lights yeah excellent there we go so that should clear up that they're gonna stop sort of all sitting there now what if you got in the way of mass transit so no buses no trams no Metro no trains no ships no planes no motor got like you've got it looks like you've started to put in her tram network and then if you'd like deleted it out or if we just not finished it off or what's going on here that is a very very strange yeah you've got some bus lanes but you haven't even got any lines set up so you basically you haven't finished that off that would also help a lot for moving a traffic around here I don't know why you haven't done that so I don't know if I'm not gonna go through and add it all on but we've definitely removed that and the equation which is great right just up the road we have this little shenanigans going on here there will stop these guys are trying to come out and it's all causing problems where they're joining in with this which is joining in with that which is all my giddy aunt these are all coming down the main highway whoa this is all backed up over here okay so let's follow this along and see what's going on so most of these are coming off and go in here which is coming off and go in here which is going all into there look you can see all of these and trying to get into here and it is just not working now he's just a horrendous set of junctions there I mean what I really try and do with these when people send me these cities is I don't just demolish I mean he did say demolish what you like but I look at that and I think is there something else we can do rather than just demolish the whole thing because you know sometimes that's more fun rather than just rebuilding the city exactly how I would want it let's let's see what we can do so let's go like that and let us remove the traffic lights and let's say we're gonna do you guys gonna get priority at know you guys are gonna get priority you've got to give way so just let that traffic move let's just have a look what have we got going on here we've got that one coming in as well which this just this okay so you got one two three four and then these two we we could do with a better Junction here I tell you what this is all going to go I've changed mind that Junction it ain't working oh look it's right by this cargo so where are they all coming up off of here yeah so that's probably why this you've got all this horrendous traffic all coming off this cargo thing as well okay well let's get rid of all of this and here go the cars ping ping ping ping and all gone excellent well I'm gonna try and get this one working in here and just get your highways connected out because at the moment your highways are all over the place I don't know how we're gonna do this I'm gonna just chuck it in so like down here for instance you've got your highway coming in and going out and then it sort of goes around the corner here and joins on to this I mean I don't know what I don't know what's going on there but yeah this is gonna be interesting because this is not how I would have put the highways in to start with but we're gonna sort of see what we can do okay we've got that set up so that's gonna work a lot better getting everybody moving through the city and I've got obviously connects up some of these side places you've got this big bridge here which is basically you've put it in as a bypass from one end of your highway to the other which you really don't need you don't need that at all so let's remove that so let's have a look these guys here they're gonna now come all the way down here into this section and then come on the highway over here so that's gonna make that terrible all they're gonna come over here and come onto the highway here so we need a little highway Junction in here just to help these guys get in and out and this is like a perfect spot for a small interchange if we can fit one in there we go so we've got a turbine interchange in there and then I'm just gonna make this one come in I want that to connect to here if I can let's do it like that yep there we go and I want this one to go out over here and let's curve that around like come on let's get it in like that and then like that there we go so it comes in and out at different places of that should move things along a little quicker hopefully there we go and that'll help everybody getting in and out of here much much better and this needed to be connected out although we've now got that connection there this one here which is causing a few issues on the highway let's have a look why so they're coming out here you've got like a weird sort of road connection going on oh I see what you're doing okay yeah let's put let's put that back in again so I just took out and then we'll just set up yeah we'll take out the lane switching over here so we'll grab this one stop these guys from turning left we want all of them to go straight on straight on straight on straight on very good and then when they get down here we want them to keep moving and not stop at that Junction so you keep moving and you keep moving and then we want to give these guys priority so let's say this one here you guys have priority you have to wait you have to wait and you have to wait so that will hopefully they'll keep going we've got some people crossing over here which isn't gonna help what is this guy doing where are he's waiting to come down here my vets and this is all blocked up they're waiting to leave maybe we'll just give that a few minutes to keep moving and see how it goes and then we need to keep this one moving here as well so we're going to remove the traffic lights from there there we go let these guys keep going I think we've got left light and straight on left straight on and right there we go so a lane for each and then we'll say you can keep moving and then we'll give them priority as well so we'll say you've gotta wait you've gotta wait you've got away you guys get priority there we go to keep that thing humming along how are we doing just with those few small changes 45 percent not too shabby not too shabby um yeah again we've got this thing where you've put all these roads which is good until you get something like this where we want things to keep moving so how would you want these guys to come out we want them to go out down there and we want these guys to keep moving as well so we need if that went one way through there then when they wanted to leave they can't get over here to leave no so all of these guys at the minute have to come through there to go to that light we need a road connection across here and that is what we needs so let us just perps it's just gonna be a very small one way over the top of the highway if it lets me it won't let me go up go up go up but on this one there we go let's come down come down there we go so I want that to go across the top there I want that to connect up to there and on that to connect up to there and that is gonna be they get across so they can leave over there so we're gonna make this one white so let's just use nitpicker there we go and then we know we want this one if you've got glass on it yeah let's do grass one way so we're gonna have you in you in and we're gonna have you and you and you like that so everything it's coming in one way going away so that's going to keep that moving and ever need to leave they can come over the top and come round that way let's just have a look how that's going you've got some guys doing the put we're jiggery-pokery changing lanes but I think in a few minutes that will clear up actually to get that working we need these guys to not go that way don't we that shouldn't be too difficult so if you have our lane changing all we want here is straight on so they on stay on you can go right yep that's fine so then there won't cut across there in fact we could even I'm also just going around and moving all the traffic lights from from this grid in area because you just don't need them they're slowing cars down for no reason at all it's just because you've got these great big roads I mean there's not that much traffic going on them yeah there we go that's nearly all of them gone all of them gone nearly all of them gone there we go and just keep that moving freely just coming back to check on this Junction it's moving fine there was a lot of traffic coming down here so I've just upgraded these two to four lane roads stop them switching in the middle so they can change lane here just to give an extra slip lane for coming off and that's keeping everything moving nicely very good let us check what we are at traffic wise we are at 74% that is not bad at all so let's see if we can find some other hot spots in our city like you've got these sort of junctions here coming on and coming off and then it's just hitting it hitting it here which isn't much isn't brilliant and I saw the look around that's not too shabby that's not too shabby this is quite busy over here let's take a look what we've got going on okay so let's just do a few little changes to the Lane's here she-dummy okay you've got the free light no you haven't have you've got two lane to lane one lane yeah okay I can see what you've done that's fine let's just change this up a bit we don't want people coming down and immediately switch around the corner so if we grab that Road and say no left turns you can go straight on that's fine and I would not have buildings along here and because you're gonna have cars stopping parking people doing stuff let's just remove all of that and those and I would even say that little bit there just to keep that flowing freely in fact let's take that out there we go just to keep that flowing freely that's what you want and just to help it a bit more we'll take out the parking and you don't park in there all there there we go excellent so keep that one moving along and how they do what is this going trying to do I think he's trying to get into that Lane there I wanted to pick their lane at the junction so we're gonna say no lane switch in there now that's fine you can do that so we just check that they I was a lane switch or look at our Junction restrictions and we'll say yep you can lane switch and you can lane switch don't go up there even are the heads and then they can do that and that's fine and then they can move out here again just to keep these guys move in I'm gonna take this four-lane road and say we're gonna make that four lanes and we're gonna say this one here is a slip lane for these guys there we go and now I just keep the movie now that's half the solution to traffic is a traffic flow you just want them to keep on moving no Lane switch in there but they can switch there where it goes back to three that's fine and that will hopefully clear up this here and then it sort of backs up a bit to this Junction and then to this junction here which is pretty big so I mean that's moving that's backing up only because of this it's really getting this to go isn't it so let me have a look here I mean we as a couple of things we could try we could try just saying that you have to give way and so do you just to keep this going and then we're gonna say to these guys coming on if you want to go in you can go straight in yeah I'm just looking at this this is everybody here as I only got this little one connection to the highway and these guys I've only got this connection to this sort of feeder road that goes over the top which comes around here which joins the highway over there okay so we could give these guys some options and have just a little connector road coming over here somewhere and just have a look where would be a good spot to try and get that to go up and over here and let's just go here and we'll say we'll go there over the top then we're gonna come over this way to there and connect up to there just to give another another route to go and then I've got to be honest a highway junction coming off straight like this just has to go into a roundabout that has to be around about otherwise we're we're just on a hiding to nothing so let's select the highway let us pause the game let's chuck that in there and let's just delete some buildings but in there there and let's just take a look and see how that's been set up normally that sets up all the traffic managers stuff for us okay for some reason it didn't do it this time in me of not tick the button there we go so we give way to traffic there's Audion there and then we'll say yeah you can go you can go you can go and you can go let's see how that handles this traffic we've also got this huge amount of traffic coming out of this Industrial Estate with all sorts of junctions going on we just want these guys to be able to merge into this traffic without causing any problems so we're gonna do this again with the four lanes there we go over there how's it going over here joining again yeah maybe once that gets moving that'll split it up a bit yeah it's moving nice and freely up here isn't it so doing like some nice Lane switching down here everybody loves a good random Lane switchin thank you very much don't Lane switch there or there if you don't mind do it somewhere else so that will help with that and then what are we up to must be 7 th percent 75 73 okay and then again you want this just moving freely anything that's coming in you want them to have quality you give why you give why you've got a bus stop right here by the junction which is not great so I don't know whether you deleted all the metro areas before sending the sending the city to me or what but it's a bit odd unless you've used some sort of metro an asset that for some reason is not on the workshop anymore I always make sure to download all the assets that go with the savegame and I'm not going to redo your metro it's not set up in the best way I've got to say but I am gonna hook it all back up again and yeah see if we can get a roots running round I'm just gonna pop that one there look at that look at that for amazing a metro tunnel so I'm gonna get a route running around and that's definitely gonna help with all the people that are travelling at this metros we know that it's not how you do Metro that that's probably why you just removed it because yeah there we go you've got a few places in the city like this with the aquarium which gets a lot of visitors but with no metro running anywhere near it that is a prime example of a place where you need a metro look how happy it makes everybody when you stick in stick in Metro so I've just given you a standards clockwise and anti clockwise or counter clockwise routes so those are both running in each direction let's just make that a color you can see there we go excellent so after a while that is definitely gonna help even though it's not set up in the best way it is gonna take cars off the road for sure so let's take a final look at your metros like I said not the best metro setup I've ever seen but it's there and we made use of it and you've got you know between three four hundred people using and that number fluctuates a lot so you know that's a lot of people not using the roads I would recommend that you set up metros in all your different areas like here like over here and get them going from one place to another like this big area down here have a little set put Metro there I've done other videos that have covered metros I have a like a loop there a loop in here a loop over here and a loop over here and give people the option to use your Metro and move around and again more bus lines or bus lines you've got a lot of places that could have buses yeah so maybe look at your mass transit in your public transport a little bit more and your traffic 78% I mean you know I'd normally like to try and get it to 80 77 it's sort of fluctuating a lot and one of the main things that you really need to sort of try and get out of the habit of doing is using the same load like here you've got a nice big road going around the outside which is good and then oh using the same big Road in the middle and I would use smaller roads in the middle as a little feeder roads into the larger Road which then leads into a nice Junction to go somewhere out and try and give as many areas straight access to the highway as possible like this here much better moving much better we put that one in earlier but yeah you've done the same here big road around the outside big Road around the middle so I mean I would go maybe a large road around the outside one big road through the middle and then small roads coming off and if you want to do it in a grid pattern that's fine but yeah that will stop then all the traffic lights you've got traffic lights traffic lights traffic lights every traffic lights traffic lights like you don't need them I haven't got the time to go through and take out all of your traffic lights I think that's something you're gonna have to do yourself I think nearly 80% on this city was pretty pretty good going I pleased with the way it's turned out so thank you very much for sending me your city in I will put the links to the prefix and the post fix down below in the comments as I always do if you would like to have your city fix then follow the pin post below in the comments and it's early I would like to fix traffic or parks or industry whatever you want fixing I will do my best to fix it for you so thank you very much for watching check out the next video on the screen I will see you very soon take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 1,201,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, how to fix your city, biffaplays, biffa2001, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, biffa, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, cities skylines fixing congestion, city fix, cities: skylines, cities, skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines traffic tips, cities skylines intersection, cities skylines interchange
Id: 6p0SGTYMweM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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