Panic Challenge: How BIG can you Grow a City in 30 Mins? Cities Skylines

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hello everybody welcome back to city skylines or with me bitter this is gonna be a bland new challenge that I'm gonna be given to you that I'm gonna be doing myself and we're gonna see how we get on with this challenge how big can you build your city in 30 minutes couple of walls for vanilla city skylines and I have all the DLC but you can do this with no DLC or anything in between you can do it on console PC let's see what we can do I've used the no workshop toggle I've got no mods and I've got no assets but all the other mods that come with the game are all turned off so stock of vanilla and you've basically got 13 minutes and that is it so if you do this challenge upload it to youtube but I would say it needs to be an unedited video from when you start building to the end just so we can make sure that everyone's sticking to the rules and it's fair and feel free to link it in the comments below if you do that I don't normally encourage a link into videos in the comments but for this one yeah let's see we can get this challenge going I would say you can just pick whatever map you want to pick I'm gonna go with Azure golf because I know the starting spot is a nice big square open area okay here we go nice big flat starting area to build on and my goodness the stress is real okay here we go I'm gonna start my countdown timer on my phone I'm hopefully gonna have Sonic up on the screen as well I'm planning not to stop recording all the way through three two one go right I'm not gonna unpause my game until we start putting people inca there's no need on a great big road that is gonna go through their excellence and that we can start building I'm gonna have this road come down here spend a little bit of money on a big row to start off with and hopefully let's see how this goes oh my goodness this is just so nerve-wracking because I'm feeling like everything I'm doing is not quick enough or people are gonna be commenting why are you doing that there's a faster way of doing it every single thing I do what do we need we need water to pick up I'm gonna go with this just cuz it's a little bit cheaper to start off with we're going to connect that there and this point is going to go down there for my industry staff we need a bit of sewage let's pop that in all the way down here the why why it needs to be all the way down there out the way I don't know but it is and we're gonna go for some power up here some power over there that should hook up and then this I'm gonna run I still put money but I'm pausing falls again yeah we're fine so let's get some people in we're gonna start there there there and there let's go full speed hopefully that power is going to jump over there now it works too far away okay let's just run back there we go get going yeah this needs this power grid needs to be connected up to that power grid otherwise everything's gonna get confusing so I'm gonna go oh no mods I would normally just put an e key on there and solve that problem but I can't so let's just waste a lot of money doing max there we go okay all the grids are connected that's fine we need some industry oh my goodness me let's slow down a little bit here catch our breath like this is gonna be a big road along here and we're gonna start that was telling me I have no money is that what ready and we're gonna start going down there we're gonna need we've got some water pipe so let's try not to worry about everything being lined up biffer just get it in there we go get the industry going you have got water pipes oh yeah we didn't put it I can't help myself gotta get it lined up better get it lined up and what I don't want to do is start getting rid of houses once I've built them and we just got to start hitting our targets like really quickly so here I'm gonna go like that we're going for the grid method just because no other reason than that let's get some of this in on I don't know what I've done like challenged things before I've got that same feeling you get like when you're playing challenges in Minecraft or other games it's just like Oh got to get it done got a have yeah so we need four hundreds to hit our target oh my goodness what's going on over here oh yeah I didn't connect the pipe art let's do electricity let's do that okay and we just really want to keep our needs filled that is like the biggest thing we can do what do I really need to keep using these great big roads here I probably really don't we're just gonna use the cheaper road sorry Oh hoping I could get the road in before they disappeared yeah we're gonna use the cheaper Road and go like this and grids really doesn't matter because yeah you can have this road through here because this work this city isn't gonna be around long enough to worry about traffic so some of these aren't gonna have water so let's get that in there we go let's keep that going along now I'm sure there's gonna be some people out there that would have planned this down to the minutia and would be like absolutely perfect at doing all of this no problems at all let's just put this in here to plan ahead let's stop spending money in fact I'm gonna increase the taxes no can't do that yes we just got a hit for hundreds to get our new options taxis and all things like that they can get backwards and forwards they can't make yeah that's good can't do any lane mathematics it's making me twitch here we go 400 excellent so I'm gonna pop up the taxis to 12 just to get a load more money it'll slow the growth ever so slightly but we really need the money so oh and we now have things that they're gonna want to do so we're gonna pop that in that's working good so yeah like I said before I practiced this once I don't want to get rid of any things at boarding fields and had a couple of issues with things not working properly she's really weak in sitting I'm doing this all vanilla but there we go this one this one is working so far this is gonna be a problem for traffic down here I can tell that already but yeah let's just let's just keep on going oh hang on what else have we got we've got this so you want to take care of all of that let's pop that in there some health care and we're going to have schools as well let's pop a school over there that is gonna fill up like really quickly in fact I'm gonna go across then let's go and down Oh money is becoming a thing there we go you've all got water haven't you almost go to the end money need five hundred and twenty come on give me the money okay I'm keeping this on the main road but this isn't really a main road anymore my commercial was on this nice big road but I am gonna try and keep I'd you know what it really doesn't matter I keep talking about things I'm gonna do and try and do and hope to get working better it really doesn't matter cuz we seem to slam everything down as quickly as possible so with that in mind I'm gonna take a loan and we're gonna stop faffing around with small power producing things and Chuck that in worthy village so now we've got emergency services and police and the reason I'm spending money poppin knees down that it's gonna go over here so we can access both it's because people like those and they will expand they will increase upgrade if they've got things like that they will grow so that's what we want okay let's just spend money I think most of our money is going to be spent on chucking roads in and making the most of the areas that we've got do I get a second loan I do we're gonna take that as well we are gonna spend the poor tree stop jumping around okay go to there No I've gotta have a career ah wasting precious seconds there thank you very much check you for what water access you do all parks do we have park no quit sipping tea six minutes gone and we're about to hit a thousand let's just see how our schools are going I bet that's thing you fill up is it no not yet okay we do need some more commercial we've got that this is all gonna be I really feel like I want this as the main road but I really feel like I just shouldn't care oh here we go let's get this going across there that needs to go down a bit could it's not quite right there we go take a breath we're doing okay we've got tons of money I mean I can I'm gonna work another school over here because I know we're gonna need to you've got that coverage you've got that coverage we've got that coverage we've got garbage collection is that working or I yeah and we've actually got so much money's because I'm not using the really big roads that I've done before so that is working out really well I'm gonna come down here and just spend a ton of money and just get more roads in because last time I did this I use that big four-lane road when I did a little practice to make sure that the whole idea would work I use that four lane main roads just because I thought I had it going around the outside here like that and then up here we don't need that and it's just cost us so much money okay we need more commercial I'm gonna pop some in there just to people don't travel so far that's gonna get the electricity go in yes it is are we need to check our whatsit cables pipes there we go then we need some more commercial I'm gonna dot a few commercial around and then I really want to get the parks and plazas 1300 we are about to hit that fantastic so let us pop in a small how much of these costs 1000 1000 ton yeah we go for this one's got a massive alien and we'll do one over there overlaps a bit but hey ho how's the school doing I've got 180 for one there I'll we've slowed down come on keep it on full speed full speed ahead this is all gonna be low-density traffic's going okay everything's working right when I ask it a little bit more space out here so I can't remember if I mentioned this already but yeah if you do any videos of this put it in the comments below getting rid of that I'm a gay man the outside it's gonna have to be a little bit of trust here as I said come on keep going keep going there's no cheating going on but what is going on with that road yeah you know sticky can't do videos to get in the comments below I'll be interested to see okay she's going alright let's check that one out and put some commercial and we need some more and then our coverage is gonna start going down with these things after a time so I'm gonna put one over there that coverage is where I'm gonna pop one over there police we're never normally worried about we need new pipes I'll be interesting to see your videos if you do this as well and see how my bad decisions really didn't help you know we've actually making a decent amount of money that is not the one I want I am gonna put my taxes back down a bit and hopefully encourage some growth because growth has slowed down a lot what are we at 1600 and we're 10 minutes in and that is interesting you know I am really gonna knock my taxes down a couple of percent and hopefully get this going things are glowing over here we're doing all right yeah let's get some more roads in ready for the next and also what we don't have is really nice roads there's like the roads and all the trees over anything that increases the attractiveness of the area where people live so whether that services the type of road I'm all of that sort of thing is gonna make more people move in and more people upgrade as well so that is always worth keeping in mind we go do that and then we just add like another little crossroad doing this so people have got more than one option to go to all the different places so hopefully you don't get any traffic problems okay what's our next unlock we're almost there 1,300 we get industry we get fishing more parks and plazas we're not doing too shabby let's plot another couple of those in and then we're just gonna fill in all of this there we go we need high schools ah do we have access to that yes we do let's get people we're running out of water availability yes we are okay I'm gonna some of these in there that should be connected by a power yeah that should be fine so we've got a high school going so we're gonna get people educated to come and work over here I'm gonna expand this with in mind that we are gonna need some more industries soon fact this can just sort of come out down here Kearney industries always it is going to cause the most traffic but actually so far at the moment it's not too bad how's our park situation we got that down there let's pop another one in there Services boomtown excellent services coverage we're doing all right oh yeah of course elder care child health care increases birth rates oh yes get in there we want that we want all the birth rate possible speed up the game it's slowed down I didn't even realize come on over here to the park it's working I'm just wondering whether there's anything here that would policies that are gonna increase parks and recreation it's gonna take our budgets but not actually get us to grow any quicker yeah I don't think there is we're gonna leave that it's all about quit okay need more industry what are we at 13 minutes so we're basically sort of halfway through ish let's just pop that in there how's everything looking do you know what it's not looking too bad is it he's not looking too shabby at the moment which is good Oh power problem okay let's have a look not enough electricity good we've got enough money I'm gonna pop another one of these down there we go I'm just gonna blast it in take care of all the needs slowly got some more needs down here really slowly Wow what is okay what can we do what else can we put in that's gonna help so medical facility all the way over there I'm gonna put one up here what's that gonna be 10,000 likes oh we haven't got any death care cemetery I'm gonna put that in the middle as much as possible god I remember to keep up with the new things that you've been given because as soon as you get something new they want it so we've done that we've done that I've got better industry we haven't got time for that I'm not worried about any of those that's fine transport yes bus is gonna cost us money but it's gonna fill the needs of people so that's gonna make them grow a bit more need a sip of tea hmm we've got traffic coming in and out of here I am thinking of adding another road in up here where can I do that it's gonna go there I'm gonna upgrade this road so that's gonna come in and out yes see how that one goes so bus is what do we need we need 30 thousands Oh My giddy arms can I take another loan no I can pay off my loan but I don't really want to do that all right we need more commercial let's just pop a commercial in there you've got no water for some reason because you've got Gokai there we go all right let's just expand a bit more while waiting for more money let's grab this one here I'm quite surprised actually at the lack of traffic I know where the traffic's mainly gonna be which is why at the beginning of the city where the crossover point is between our two areas it's gonna be there and there and look people are coming in and they're sort of slowing down a bit but it's not too bad I mean that would normally be a roundabout wouldn't it there boy let's just fill all of this in it's funny you know because the last time I practiced this needs a growth of population was nowhere near as slow as this and I'm trying to think what I've done different buses is about the only thing I can think of so yeah we're gonna have to wait for that more commercial let's pop some they're trying to sort of spread the commercial out amongst the residential so they don't have to travel that far which is always a good idea and then all of this is gonna be residential might end up with more commercial up there industry's growing yeah you know what it's not going too bad slowly we get in needs coming in I'm just gonna sort of go out there with that one and we're gonna just sort of change what we do in okay it's all these roads I'm getting to the point now I don't care about the length of the road it's just like panic is sitting in to try and get as much growth as possible okay let's fill some of these in we've gotta be careful we don't feel too much in otherwise you'll get them complaining although who cares let's just fill them in and that might also be the thing as well the fact that I'm keeping up with my I've got so much spare let's pop that in there what is this called residential zones in and other zones that we don't have time for them to worry about needing some I think this is a bit annoying stopping all of these getting in do I have time to change it to a roundabout now I don't you know I'm just gonna leave it I don't care alright let's just check how buses we're waiting for weren't we definitely they can expand more if we put in bus routes I think that is the one thing we're missing I really want to just put a roundabout in here okay pause oh my goodness me can I draw a really really quick roundabout without messing around too much probably not okay that's going to go from there to there that's going to go from it's there that's going to go from there to there this is gonna go this is gonna be like a weed shake roundabout I'm sure yeah it certainly is yeah that's the highway road isn't it so that's gonna go let's just delete that Matt I'm straight it's gonna go out there that's gonna come in there these two are going to connect like they're connected so let's just upgrade that we don't need that in there let's delete all of those off you go and then what I'm gonna do is use the building traffic this one here junctions and say stop doing its panicking and sitting in junctions why is it showing me the mode I don't want Matt's junctions I'm gonna have stop sign there stop sign stop sign there Oh busy town no I'm not gonna have stop sign coming in you keep going alright that's gonna keep that moving that's like the worst shape roundabouts ever we need more industry we have White's let's have a look at our schools high school is fine elementary school we need another one of those let's pop that all the way over here so I'm gonna put it on the middle there let's add that in what are we up to 4,500 like 10 minutes left oh the power cable is disconnected does it matter yes it does where's my cursor go as that doing that's okay right let's look at what coverage of staff all right this needs more coverage that's going to go there that's okay buses bar C's busted busted busted buses what you're going all the way over there what is that that is yet bus depot and then we're going to pop our bus route in here so it's not going to go on the main roads it's gonna go on the little side roads and this is gonna come in every other one no that one I'll power is a problem that one that one and that's gonna come all the way back and then we're gonna do another one over here Oh power all sorts of things going on and then you're gonna come up here it's just a sort of give a bit of a coverage there then you're gonna come to the industry in here there we go just they can say yeah we've got a bus route and they're happy right what's happening with the power power availability is going down over here there we go hopefully that's gonna take care of it jumpy jump jump go up come on oh and sewage treatments so it's hard to make decisions you know when you're rushing electricity availability is still not jumping up why the heck not ten minutes left cuz that was roads what a muppet told you it's hard to make good decisions didn't know I won't really more commercial we need to expand let's get expanding it's like ten minutes left I know what my previous target was what I got before and I want to beat that I'm not gonna tell you what it was and I have I done things differently from my first little test run yeah putting bus bus lanes in late you can hear them upgraded you can hear you might have here to hear but like the ding-ding-ding-ding that's like people upgrading because they want they want access to everything so that's why I'm always checking oh do we have we've got a cemetery yes we do so coverage on that's fine that's fine that's not so good I'm gonna pop one of those in it's gonna cost us a ton of money I'm gonna pop one of these in no we're okay for that or we need loads of commercial let's just do three in there and then these are all gonna be residential there we go traffic is 93% schools are yes school school schools let's check that is filling our this one is elementary that is filling our that is filling our probably could do with another one of those high school don't have enough high school what capacity and we don't have enough high school coverage let's go for that what was that that was an elementary school okay I'm gonna do that anyway and then high school what do we need we need forty no II don't 24000 do we have any more loans I thought we'd get another loan 17,000 population we are never gonna get that loan I'd like another high school over in this area I might need a sip of tea hmm but you can see the coverage is all red I don't know why but there we go but there the roads the roads here are not green like those ones that's the couple which isn't it that's what we want yeah the red is how how how educated they are do I want to spend that no what's the water line I can get another 20 in there it was probably a bad spend of money wasn't it why I'm gonna do my quick trick for getting loads of money really fast I'm gonna up all of those and keep an eye on my growth and I hope my growth doesn't stop growing but that's gonna give us a huge boost of money yeah and then I'm gonna whack that back down again to by 1212 there we go so now I can stick in a high school just you got the right one cuz I'm panicking I'm not thinking what I'm doing yeah okay everything's filled in we do need slightly some more industry needs so let's just get this road going down there this is gonna be industry far away from everything else there we go let's just do that make sure that's all going okay there's our trash going yeah lunch will usage that's fine health care death care crematorium child care wants more child growth let's get another child care center over here there we go get that in fire coverage not too bad not too shabby yeah well the coverage is okay elementary school high school without public libraries or anything yet do we what else can I do to get the growth oh there we go look we've got more needs 24 minutes are five minutes left probably a bad idea to join that load up there but who cares five minutes left fish panic is real we just need to spam down as much as we can six thousand five hundred I can tell you now I've beaten the target I had before my last not my target my last I can't get the words in order I mean he's effective all roads in well I got last time my hand is actually shaking was five thousand five hundred and something like that oh I know what we could do everything here is another park or two yeah like our Park coverage is really bad let's pop that there like any crosses a thousand one there one up there school's still doing okay let's pop this in over there our water pipes I've got enough money for that just and that straight down the middle and over there right it should probably the last roads are gonna put in power electricity availability how much is that gonna cost me 19,000 oh we've got the money let's put an oil Ono's not fifty thousand let's put one of these in there we go that should be taking care of all of that they just not get in the power yet are they that's what it is hopefully soon as they start building up yet there we go we do need more commercial do some high density commercial and we could do high-density housing how long have I had that and not thought about it high-density housing going in not over there we're gonna start spreading down this way six minutes 15 seconds right this is gonna become a load out here this is gonna be another grids which is all gonna be high-density housing in here my hand is literally shaking on the mouse it's like the adrenaline rush of working against a tire arm so if you've got any other ideas for good challenges let me know in the comments below water is what going on water availability okay let's get that yeah let me know in the comments below I'd love to start doing some of these again it was great fun when we did them before we've got no needs now for high-density I'm gonna fill it in anyway high-density commercial you can all go in there okay no coverage down here of that let's pop that in no coverage of that let's pop that in you're gonna have no power or schools are gonna need down here it for sure let's do that and let's do that really doesn't matter let's try and get some power to them okay more power to you the stress the stress industry that's gonna go all down the outside here who cares if people aren't happy 27 minutes 31 that's how far we've died under what it says on the screen that's what I've got on me o'clock hopefully a line up near enough the same 7,800 knowledge is going so much better than last time I think I'm doing less less warming about what the roads look like this time and just like getting it down chucking it in building it up like this is all going to be industry here if we've got water pipes well you've got something why am I worrying about the shape of the pipe line the darn thing up in industry industry industry industry industry industry industry industry there we go offices all let's do some offices how is that gonna help I don't know let's see all my life on my life on my life what else can I do are the traffic what are we at 92% traffic flow not too bad and we're struggling now with trash collection I'm gonna put that there and I hope that whatever we've got here doesn't care too much yeah because look they're all they're all worrying about that what if we gots yeah it's working right coverage parks let's have a quick look at my park coverage down here not very good let's do that let's do another one man joke you could put some Park areas in you could spend like a few seconds putting in one of those GT not GT but wanted little Park things that people have to walk across to give you a load of money alright anything else we've got that people could really do if small City 9,000 death care I bet we probably could do all right speed up it spot one of those in down there that coverage is okay that coverage is okay schools high schools fine elementary we're doing all right University that's gonna just give us a ton of highly educated people to spend a ton of money do I need to do that no am I gonna do it yes cuz we've got the money and we're gonna drop the tax rate down for people moving in because we've got like 30 seconds left yes we don't need any more money we just want what we've got to fill up let's just span down all of this keeping an eye on my timer 10 seconds left 8 7 6 5 5 4 3 2 1 that is 30 seconds oh my goodness me nine thousand seven hundred and nine that is nearly double what I got before Wow Wow Wow Wow there we go speed build one why what have I learned from this and what would I do differently I put in a roundabout quicker over here I definitely gave a high-density stuff sooner because we've got quite a lot of high-density things popping up soon as you get that start lacking that in oh my goodness me well what do you reckon can you beat nine thousand seven hundred and nine that is the challenge to you I'd love to see your videos I'd love to see your posts that was really good fun I hope you enjoyed that as well thank you very much for watching I will see you all for another challenge I probably did this one again I enjoyed it but another challenge very soon take care everybody leave it like and subscribe as well don't forget take care bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 401,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, city planner, biffa2001, cities skylines expert, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines challenge, cities skylines speedrun, cities skylines speed build, cities skylines part 1
Id: 4JzccfbXGPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 31sec (1951 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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