Cities Skylines ▶1000 MW DAM BABY!!◀ #13 Cities: Skylines Green Cities Natural Disasters

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oh man that is in the right place I think this is probably gonna take a minute or two to level out let's give it some time hello guys and girls and welcome back to the next episode of a City skylines with me Biffle and here we are looking down over Tahiti Islands thank you very much for joining me and thank you for your support in the series as well let me get some great comments on things to do things to build things to change and I read food the more I try and apply to as many as I can so if you're watching any of my episodes and you think what you know what if we could do this thing here are we really cool just leave a little comment and yeah I will definitely read it not saying I'm going to do everything you say because you know I'm the one playing the game but I read all the comments of course I do enjoy and do enjoy that so here we are at the top of the hill we are gonna do something with our dam in this episode because a lot of you been commenting saying AG or believe you only get like 32 megawatts of power out of that thing you should be able to get a lot more well we're gonna try we're gonna take it down put it up higher and see what we can get out of there and I may even put a few more dams down look this is all sort of dried out down here the water does seem to slow down a bit but we'll see what we can do with that before we dive into that let's just make sure that we're dealing with any needs that we have at the moment water electricity all that sort of thing seems okay we do have a need for some shops so while we've got that needs let's just put a few shops along this little ledge along here either side of our hospital there we go excellent that's good and also yes we also need to do something with our industry but we'll see if we get time to do that at the end let's take a look at our dam first of all so at the moment 30 to make a watch it was for Jake I mean again that's 32 so we are going to delete that yep there it goes oh dear and we're gonna see how the water is affected I don't think we're gonna have a sudden flood I think you're just gonna fill this area up here we may get a small little wave come up over here but I wouldn't think so so we're gonna wait for that to fill up a bit yes we were talking in the comments about um industry as gonna say resources about industry oh man the traffic's getting quite bad along here I'm thinking I may ban trucks along most of these roads they have to use this back road it's a four-lane road rather than mess up all the traffic actually it's not too bad just this bit down here but yes we were talking last episode I think where for instance I have my farms which are you know plucking plucking the bacon from the back of pigs you know milking the sheet all that sort of thing and then they're taking their goods over to a farm area that is gonna not be on a farming district that's a bad example cuz we did it was this a farming one yeah here we go that's not on a farming area on a farming resource I'm gonna start that explanation again we have farms industry set up on the farming resource there we go it like that and then we have farming industry not set up on the fertile land so that would take the goods from here and then it will package them up and things over here it will process them but then what we need to do is we also need basic normal industry which will then take those and turn them into goods which can then be sent to other places in our city quick same sip of tea which we don't have all of our industry is specialized industry I'm noticing there's a lot of people complaining about trash let's just have a quick look at that garbage processing status is pretty low I might just put another recycling we've got an incinerator there we've got recycling up there got an incinerator here it's a pretty big city isn't it now we've got 34,000 people thinking maybe no not over there that's where all the posh people live around the lake just sort of want to spread it out a bit I've got another incinerator over there I think this is the bulk where the bulk of the people are I might just squeeze it in there next to that and see how that goes yeah so we have 27 trucks out are there 15 out of that I could stick my budget up on the trash collection as well let's just leave it like that let's just see how that goes that will be fine so we need to put some standard industry in as well let's see how's the water going over here water is flowing again down the hill there we go slowly filling up this area here excellent so let's do the dam first yeah some thing we want on our city policy city planning lightning rods there we go tallest buildings and still lightly lost cost one point six credits a building where we're making plus 21,000 so let's take that one and see how it goes plus 20,000 see how much that affects our money but if a storm does actually hit our city which it isn't flashy flashy there we go we might be glad of that right let's come back over here so let us make a bit of space let's pause the game let's delete some of these roads those things there get the landscape back to what it was looking like before so let's see we can build this even higher dam is under power isn't it there we go that's not I wish that looks a bit weird that picture there but there we go hydropower plant so let's get this thing as high as it can and see we can really build up a load of water here salute you Steve so we've got to try and find a spot oh there we go look so that says like it'll make 16 that will make 32 so I'm doing whether that'll make 16 you know it's not really I don't think necessarily gonna make much more I mean that is pretty high and then what we could do is remove some of this wall to get this water to like see if we can get it right up there it still only says 16 there but we had less money and more megawatt somewhere else didn't we okay that's the place that says 32 which I'm thinking let's go with that let's go with that that is a pretty big dam up there good gravy and then what I'm thinking is we might just remove some of this here so let's get rid of this right let's get rid of that let's get rid of that right there that'll probably connect to there for going over now let's it's terraform some of this land and see if we can get this to flood out a bit quicker and I'm hoping that's gonna be okay we could flood out some of this here and really get some some power going so how are we gonna do this mmm let's just sort of dig away this sized brush strength okay no we don't want that one I want this one level terrain and then make it nice and big so if we take there we go take that there and then level that down just along here let's put brush strength a bit higher okay there we go that's gonna sort of come down there like that and then we use this one here to sort of dig into it a bit there we go so it's got some space to build up behind the machine when we unpause the game this waters gonna come flying down but I'll do that in a sec so how's that gonna look and there may be some of this here as well you sort of shift this down a bit so it's got some space to fill up there and I'm hoping there's enough water up here it's a there we go to fill this thing up yeah let's dig all of that down and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take this spot there and flatten out a big bowl behind here there we go see how we do with that I'm gonna remove these trees as well how's that looking I don't want to dig it all the way back I want to leave some sort of lip where it has to come round the corner here and it's just get a bit more of this just to make it interest and on a great big gaping open hole nice does it you know what I mean up here let's get rid of these trees as well so this one and this one and right click there we go don't want underwater trees excellent so how's that looking if we sort of went there that would feel that our nice big bit of cliff there okay let's unpause let's see how this goes are we struggling for power no we're not doing too bad so zero megawatts at the moment I mean that should still be I'm just sort of looking at the height of this thing with the ground yeah we should be okay there we go I might just shave the top of this off a bit if needed but I'm hoping it's gonna fill up white sort of up to here somewhere oh he comes the storm so still zero megawatts and then if enough water comes out of that we could even put I mean some people have been saying out putting dams down all of these which we might do we might get some more going I mean this one here perhaps well here we go here comes a thunderstorm kicking in yeah okay well while we're waiting for that to fill up let us put some generic industry in here somewhere to start selling some of our stuff into actual food so for instance here we've still got no food and I think that's what's gonna help so I am wondering whether if we have a look at our budgets and our industry so forestry and or isn't really making as much money did we have a forestry one along here no we didn't I'm wondering whether we could just turn here we go the or one just into standard industry I did see a couple of comments saying why are you using you know some of the natural resources for the long thing look how much Natural Resources they are we're not going to run out but we want this nice and close so I think this whoops this all one here we're going to change that form or so let's take a look at the figures always giving us 1597 I'm gonna change into natural industry and see if we can get above the weekly to be still making weekly all 40,000 weekly 21,000 see we can really jump above that so let's take this one here let's take that one there is that the generic industry fly zero heights you are now generic industry so you're all going to disappear whoa not enough power let's just pause a sec well how are we doing over here is this gonna start giving us some power yet not yet all right we need to put something else in here to help with the power oh where we gone and we got lost my way there for a sec um can we up our budgets or do it one hundred and fifty percent just don't want people to start complaining and leaving is this connected this solar updraft tower well I did connect it Oh doesn't look like it is it has no war so well there we go well that's not gonna help is it completely forgot about that let's just try and cover most of this island so that's gonna suddenly kick in with let's see what its gonna give us 300 megawatts so that should be absolutely fantastic when that kicks in any second now let's have a look at our pipes the water's going electricity kicks in it sunshine intensity 50% so that's probably not gonna help yeah there we go it is jumped up excellent so everyone should be happy now yeah anybody's happy good so let's have a look at our generic industry so the all places are going we don't have a huge need for industry but we will get some man that storm right let's go back to our dam oh my goodness me it's like drained everything out of there into here Wow well I wasn't expecting that so we're now waiting for this to fill up some more um well you know what we could do we can sort of help that out a bit so that is probably gonna take a while we can add in here so we've got like a hidden water source right in the middle there we can add another one in here so if we just say put that at the back and let's just get the height of that down to say there how's that looking with regard to the dam and I see the dam on that yeah let's do that there we go really get some water flooding down here excellent and then it's yeah I don't think this is enough because also we're sucking water out of it as well you know so let's give it a helping hand like while we're waiting for that to fill up let's attach our roads to here which we're gonna need let's delete that one there and that's maybe get this one to connect to there there we go so that should be connecting up to our road system does that oh there's another one over here let's connect this up as well let's get rid of that we had this problem before and we're getting down the mounds in row Donaghey thank you there we go so that's all connected now all that's filling up nice you look at that that is what we want to see power is coming through 240 megawatts zero it's flooding over the top oh oh okay we need to drop that down a teeny tiny spots let's turn around this ways we can see it just a bit like that that should be okay there we go that'll dry off is this still connected to the city let us check this one here there we go not quite so let's connect this up if we go around the back here ping there we go not very tidy but that'll do right what are we getting out of this let's take another look 224 megawatts that is absolutely fantastic well this can go down we don't need to be giving away all of our money let's drop that one down Bing Bing Bing up to a hundred percent please if you don't mind thank you very much excellent that's good I'm really pleased with that it was so much power let's have a look at what damage that did no casualty trees on fire eight thousand seven hundred and ninety seven yes you're quite correct there are some trees on the fire and also I believe there are some lows that need fixing from last time what's that is the wrong button so we can fix those up there we go because otherwise it's gonna stop people getting in so I think that's all okay all the way out yes it is okay so I'm under here well we'll do those anyway even though it's not affecting our city just because we're nice like that let's follow this road in that looks okay yep so that loads okay and our train line is that okay that's okay yeah I think that's it that's looking all right okay so we have some more needs let's have a look at our industry as well which one was it it was fly zero Heights there we go so now we've got some generic industry in here which is going to take the farms go to the processing go to the turning into the goods at the generic industry and there we go goods factory good example and that should start feeding into our shelters well there we go the car shelters aren't sharing no food anymore so let's find some of our shelters and double-check that one and that one there we go there's a good example our big shelter now has some food excellent where's our other shelter this one down here we'll get some soon as well good I'm pleased about that's right let's put in a little bit more of the shops I think again around here would be quite good so let's just pop some along here at the back of this nice posh area let's see if we can find some electric cars as well but a couple of comments saying should do electric cars this little zone around here this little residential zone is all electric cars only that's what we've allowed down here so let's take a look down our street not many cars down here oh it looks like we getting the proper hi-tech buildings now as well look which we didn't get before I wonder what's changed cuz they didn't do that before now these are definitely the hi-tech buildings can we see any electric cars well so far we've got no cars which is nice I'm sure it's nice if you live down here any of those little a pcs or whatever they're called there's a bike this would be a nice quiet area to live wouldn't it if you didn't have this industry right next year the end you've got the oil and everything which is a shame but you know I don't think there's a fire engine oh look at this nice house wow that is one cool looking house I do like that and they can nip out to the burn beam when they want some breakfast in the morning so it cuts a lot there's the burn green right we are back at the top of the dam I've been fiddling with the water height at the back is what you want to get your damn to work is a nice big height difference between here and here so what I've done underground is I've sort of I mean I know whether that make any difference but I've just made oh nice another tsunami I've made this a little bit higher here I feel like her voice has got louder I made this a little bit higher here and the height difference between here and here I might even make that tire but basically the water I'm trying to get it to as high as the top of here as possible and then it's gonna run through here we're now getting 640 megawatts it's going up which is fantastic that is really good I might try and make this water a little bit higher and see we can just eke out I don't know what the max is I've got a sneaky fitzy low you watch the white line the blue line is where the water is I'll hover over that you get a white line is pretty much I mean that is over the top that is the top so we sort of go with that and see how that goes we might just end up getting even more and then I reckon we could even have another dam we could sort of fill this up here I mean that drops there another autosave Zipit see so this would line the flue and then it would start filling up this section and we can have another dam along here to get even more power so maybe that's what we will do seven hundred six hundred seventy two years going up is going down so it's sort of balancing itself out that's really good so what if we just like put the water to go right up over the top of the dam we'd get even more actually flooding through so we sort of go like that so that that is over the top of the dam it will probably overflow a tiny bit but then hopefully more of it will run through and we'll just get even more power oh yeah let's go and check where this tsunami is there it is it's coming down that way that'll be mostly gone but time it gets to us um - what about that map we've got tons of needs suddenly lots of oh this has finished emptying their ass oh no no more room let's do that we do need some more normal industry so you complaining about lack of food as well yeah we really need lots more normal industries so let us use another one of these areas I don't want to use my farm the forestry one I think we use this one here so let as it's right nearby the other ones this is why I sort of build them near to each other let's grab this road here let's go cross at an angle like that let's feel something at the side there I would like to let's take one button there we go let's take off the one at the middle and go down either side just a little bit a little bit more there we go excellent let us zone this one so and then we need to pick a name from those that have been supporting me on patreon let me just reiterate again it's a random name selector that I'm using so don't be complaining that you just signed up or you've been a patreon for months and your name's not selected it's random it's random this is gonna be generic industry so let's pop some generic industry in there get all this to grow up I quite like these small little areas as well because you've got a nice knees down here it's generally gonna just fill up one of these one of these areas there we go people are coming in so while they're growing there we go let's pick a name from the random generator and today as long as she's filled in the form when you sign up on patreon I ask you to fill in a form just so I can have your email address to contact you with some information and to do this so you can tell me what name you would like me to use to shout you out so let me find somebody okay so no longer Glade Heights this is going to be filari Heights thank you very much for your support on patreon means a lot thank you kindly it means I can carry on doing this to support my family which is fantastic let us add these in down here let's put on the let me go line that up there and we just gonna whack this one down the middle here and delete that because that please don't all complain you let me delete that please thank y'all don't worry we're gonna fill you with me some water if I can click there that'd be good never get that's near enough excellent right let's go now it's not gonna bother us let's see what this is oh wow look at all that water coming down what is this finally settled at Wow Oh over 1,000 megawatts Oh My giddy aunt that is fantastic I mean we are off the chart with power at the moment we can just drop that down that is nuts so that's the secret I mean get the water off as high as you like and even more will flow down there I'm wondering whether we could just go even higher can we go even higher okay what are we up to we've got to look at the levels around the side here I mean if I go up to I mean that's well over the top of the dam if I go to there I mean I'm overflowing up the top here up the side here oh let's see what that's gonna do I'll back down to 528 I suppose it's balancing out again and hopefully it's not gonna flow over here we'll get this sort of spread out good grief that is nuts isn't it there we go that's filling in as well excellent let's just check this services around here so yeah we haven't really got any probably could do with a decent Hospital down here to give all of these look at that none of these have got coverage by a hospital much so let's plot one in the middle there and that will encourage them to upgrade as well I get people asking me questions how is it you get your cities to upgrade what are you doing giving people what they want that's what I'm doing firehouse yeah like no coverage we're gonna put great big firehouse that spread that so down there make sure that's got water yet that's fine and police police coverage is okay that seems to go a lot further we don't have many jails available okay we're gonna have a police up here there we go and that will help to cover whatever we end up building behind here and in the trash we've done already yeah that's fine so they will start upgrading and we'll get more moving in and more building which is just what we want excellent there we go you hear the ping in Bing Bing Bing I'm grading look so what are we getting here we're getting fish stick factories so what is this one this is one of this is one of the food processing areas okay that's gonna be outside of our area nine point three earthquake yeah that tsunami hasn't hit us wow that is nuts so we're getting tons of goods let's check with the 2.25 million were still making 20,000 but that's okay because I'm hoping whoa my lease it's right out here Hey look at that there it is what Philippa neck is collapsing some stuff there isn't it shock waves in the water good grief there we go fortunately we're not over on these islands yet soon we're going to be expanding to over there and it's going to start cause there's all sorts of problems but at the moment we're fine okay we've got more needs we need to feel what we're gonna hang fire on those I want to see how this is going oh it's gone down it was over 1,000 and we've messed it up maybe it's just taking a while to level out again 560 though isn't to be sniffed at but I want over a thousand he's nuts what about they just put this thing at the max and just see what happens well it looks like this thing will go ridiculously high that is as high as it will go which is nuts so let's see what that's gonna do I think we're just gonna flood excuse me we're gonna flood if it ain't down the mountain yeah I think well I think that was too far hey how much power we making 540 gone down is that actually gonna level out I'm making it will you no but wow that is a lot of water are we gonna oh my goodness me are we gonna be causing a man-made natural disaster it's getting close look it's building up yeah we've made our own tsunami run for van you know hot dog man 140 is that School Bus vacuum truck oh okay you're doing a good job vacuum truck that is exact what you're paid for just sit in the path of a huge deluge that can't be good it's not gonna work is it properly if it's overflowing oh I seem to have added in another water source there by mistake oh there we go well that's not gonna help is it okay that it's back to where it should be and it's at max height yeah oh man that is in the right place I think this is probably gonna take a minute or two to level out let's give it some time Thanks what's that for oh wait you've got a tsunami hitting our in our fairies again yeah it's like a teeny tiny wave come on people you've just got off the ferry swim for your lives that's not a tsunami I'm creating bigger tsunamis up here okay that seems to be settling down here is doing okay yeah and over here is fine that sort of underwater from the tsunami the huge tsunami so let's take a look so let's remind ourselves how big that water sources it's the biggest it's the highest it can go yeah and the dam is taking it all seeping it through 576 I think I need to fiddle with this a little bit more and let's bring that back down again okay can you let me choose that thank you very much oh that's a new one I've accidentally put you know I've got to be careful it's like you're clicking the wrong place and blooming egg okay I want to select that one there we go let's bring this one back down again am i clicking on it yeah see if we can get this to be a thousand megawatts again that would just be fantastic take a while to to level itself out and then maybe we will add a few more oh dear but causing a few problems here eeeek we'll give that a go in the next episode oh we've got problems with power and all sorts we've run out of time for this episode hit the big P visiter stay to subscribe come back and see if we survive a man-made disaster in the next one check out some of the other videos on the screen as well as some brand new games that I've been checking out and I will see you all tomorrow take care thanks for watching bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 960,859
Rating: 4.7207842 out of 5
Keywords: green cities DLC, Cities Skylines Green Cities DLC, biffa, Cities Skylines Green Cities, biffa2001, green city dlc, Cities Skylines Green Cities Lets Play, cities skylines green, Green Cities, cities skylines green city, cities skylines dlc, cities: skylines, skylines, green cities gameplay, Cities Skylines Green Cities Gameplay, Cities Skylines, cities skylines disaster, cities skylines trains, cities skylines dam, cities skylines biggest dam, city builder
Id: ST2RsfDhves
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 48sec (1908 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2018
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