How to Reach Megalopolopolis & Unlock the ENTIRE MAP in Cities Skylines!

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here in the city of new zealand and we are over here in this area of our city because the votes are in as to which square we're going to unlock next which is going to help us to hit our next milestone of 38 000 running 8 000 away and the winner was by an outstanding amount number three which is this one over here which i think is gonna look rather spiffing so let us purchase that twenty four thousand there we go and then once we hit thirty eight thousand as you are well aware we get all of the squares unlocked where the heck do they all disappear to but there we go look we just unlocked everything but yeah look at this this is like a fantastic looking piece of land i'm liking that we've got these cool looking lakes around here oh we're going to get some beautiful houses in there we've got these fantastic rock formations as well i'm not quite sure we're going to have must have some sort of park or something around here is that in our square no it isn't so we're going to have to rely on i mean we could put another junk it just seems silly to put another junction in here somewhere unless we have um how we gonna do this huh i need to put some thought into this but one thing we can do now we've unlocked this square is down here where these vehicles are merging on and getting in each other's way we can just help them out here so let's upgrade that bit there we go two three lane which is fantastic we use our traffic manager mod for a bit of hugo there there we go and then they can merge down here which is great let's just grab our node controller uh we are going to straighten the ends on that which is fine we're gonna pop that up a little bit and we're gonna do the same there just a little bit like that that's okay we'll sort out these trees one bomb and then we'll just fill in this so if we go to our intersection marking tool and then one of these days i'm going to rename my presets so i can actually find a highway one joining two into three i think that is the one so we'll do that one and then we just need to turn it around oh ah there we go yep fantastic apply that excellent excellent accent that's what we want and then they can all merge down into here oh we'll just do this one as well why not as we're here let's grab that that is an easy one that is a three to two there we go and then we just need to turn that one around excellent oh no hang on that is this one merging in and those two carrying on aha there we go apply excellent that's what i want to do very good very good they can merge in they can join up and everybody's happy so i'm thinking we are gonna fit in another little copy of this sort of junction over here somewhere so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna pause that we are gonna use the move it mod so i'm wondering what's gonna be the best way to do this so we're gonna need to grab all of these roads so i think if i just sort of do it like this so i'm holding shift while i'm selecting the roads not the nodes and i want that that is the bit i want so if i copy that uh copy yeah perfect if i put snapping on is that gonna snap to the highway it isn't so that's how much space it's gonna take up to actually somewhere like this and is that actually going to fit into the road as i want it to no i didn't think it would okay let me just get this thing sorted out [Music] there we go that should all be set up okay i'm just gonna run a couple of roads off of here um let's just run that one straight down like that and this one here we're gonna have to sort of curve this around so like that that seems a bit sharp to me let's try that again let me go at 12 this time let's go to the end so 10 11 20 i think that's 12. let's go down like that yeah that looks better and we'll do the same over here we'll do 12 instead of 10 11 12 and home and yeah there we go fantastic and then we just sort out these top sections here so we don't want traffic lights there we don't want traffic lights there we'll have dedicated turning lanes on both of those where this comes up you can't see but there's two lanes there we don't want them going straight over we just want left and right and the same there so that should all work nicely the same as this one and give us access to all of this area here do you know what i might that might just end up being a t-junction that's fine we've got this train station bus terminal f link over there so how should we hook this up i'm thinking this road is really gonna have to i feel like it needs to hook up with this one so can we just sort of build along the top over the top of that no we can't not easily okay i'm thinking we're gonna do a little bit of redesigning over here so let us just put a temporary road down here that will do just to put some of these items again so we don't forget to put them back so we'll get our crematorium over there we've got our firehouse we'll move that down uh what's that or police station as well we'll grab that and then these houses here are going to end up going there is a bus stop there which will be a bit of a a pain if we lose that so that i'll end up floating in mid-air let's just move that down to here for now there we go and then we can always do something about that later um let us then delete these roads and this road ah yeah and let's just see how this goes i'm going to grab this one here we're going full-on bike lanes as much as possible and these are all going to go so let's just give us a little bit of space floating bus with a load of people hanging around that side apologies but yeah it's just the way it's going to be so we're going to get 10 11 12 i think that's about right and that is way way up in the air not what i wanted okay let's delete that put that to that and try that again home turn 12. i think that's about right that's where i want to hook up to so then what i can do is i put this on we can sort of go a little bit like that and have that hook up to there it doesn't have to be perfectly straight that's fine and then this one hmm so i'll go like that and then back round again we'll lose a couple of houses but then that is not too bad as a junction coming down off of there it's quite steep but i think we'll be okay we might be able to just lower this a little bit and see how that goes and we're gonna do let's have a look dedicated turning lanes and we're gonna do giveaway instead of a traffic light and see what happens we're also going to level this out a bit slope objects there we go and we'll do the same this way actually that's okay going the other way yep excellent can i lower this down yeah look how high that is it's so high so if i grab that one shift get that one and just drop this down i think that would that looks like a spider hunch down then we'll grab these four nodes here and then do control h and get all those the same height as well yeah yeah much better much better slope and this here actually wouldn't be a sort of a bridge piece would it so if we grab that and actually upgrade it to that there we go that would be built into the land that makes more sense okay good so that now gives access to this all the way along here and actually i might just use this to straighten this up that's not too bad is it straight over there excellent then we can build off of there for this area yeah okay and then what we can do over here let's have a look we could even upgrade all of this down here yeah to be bike lanes just make sure we're not losing any buildings and stuff let's put that on yeah that's fine do we need it there as well that's good and this is going to encourage bicycling oh my goodness maybe we'll have to come back and sort that out there we go excellent let's just grab the movement mods there we go very good should we carry on rounds here oh we might as well come on let's just do the whole thing and then when we get over here towards the train station uh we could also upgrade that one as well we've got a yeah this one here asymmetric bike lane fantastic and this one down here is just a normal road let's turn that off there we can go all the way along to the train station which is fantastic what is it with all those trees in there okay let's just go like that okay let's try that again hey there we go excellent so yeah they can cycle all the way down to here that is good and then all the way along here we just need to sort out dedicated turning lane so control left click there we go excellent we may come back and upgrade some of these to cycling lanes as well but i think that is a good start do i want cycling up and over the top i don't think i do just wondering yeah we can upgrade some of these to cycle parts as well couldn't we yeah let's do that we've got that new cycle path this one here the pnb pavement plus pedestrians and bicycles go through separate lanes so we could do that one and that one and that one over the top whoa mama that was not what i wanted so we'll do that one and that one and that one good gravy hang on hang on hang on hang on yeah let me fix this hold on okay there we go so we've got that one going over the top there and then what i'm going to just do is upgrade this one here so that is also a bike lane connection to our network and then maybe that one there as well so they can if i'm gonna do that might as well just do all the way around here there we go in a nice big loop and they can get to that cycle over the top get onto our bike network and back over on the other side of the road excellent that's good this one this side not quite sure where that's going to go but at least that's giving us highway access um let's just put these guys i don't really want them coming straight off the main road here so i'm going to grab a nice little 1u road uh oh that's one way isn't it let's grab this one and we're going to come straight out of here let's make it a tiny one and go to down there that is still the wrong road let's upgrade that there we go and then when it comes out this way um yeah we have to go with that one no that's fine let's just move this back a touch there we go excellent and then i want these so we'll take there we go a little bit of finagling later and they fit in perfectly well let us just set that to be a giveaway and we'll set that to be dedicated turning lanes and yeah that's fine that's going to cover all of our needs there um let's just think a minute about some mass transit so as we've said we do have this rail line and this rail station and this ferry and bus exchange here so we know we're going to have spaces for buses to run around this area um that is good access for trains so we don't need to worry about that so i tell you what we probably could just do with expanding out here and starting to get some people in i think that'll be good so let's just grab the forest brush and i'm going to just remove some of these trees around here no rocks though i am very sorry i have uh accidentally removed some rocks in the previous episode i do see the comment every time i accidentally remove a rock ryp rock yes it does happen from time to time i apologize okay and then off of here let's see what we're gonna do so if we remember we have been doing a sort of semi grid through this area which i think has made it look quite nice so could we sort of continue that grid through this area here and what i'm going to do is use the bike bike roads and we're going to sort of see how these are going to match up i think it's going to mean that we're going to lose this road through here yeah and we're gonna sort of get these things going like that over in this area and then just sort of see what it looks like i think we're gonna have to flatten out some of the land a bit but yep we can work with that [Music] [Music] [Music] okay i think that is a good start let me just take this back a little bit we're going to get some houses in there oh we need water pipes don't we let me just plop those in there we go so let's just take a look at our coverage so what have we got over here we do have let's actually do it this way let's go into let's shut the unified ui open up the education tab so we've got some elementary schools here which actually aren't that busy we've got high school oh that's elementary school that's a high school so we've got spaces over here which is good although these the population here has been here for a while i'm thinking maybe we could just pop oh i don't want a university um because this is also going to give bonuses so if we put a high school and an elementary school there any smalls we could put those opposite each other there that'll be good and then i'd like to pop some sort of park in here so we can encourage people to move in and to love where they live large playgrounds that could actually possibly oh that is not going to squeeze in there okay there we go that should be fine that will cover all of that area and then we've got our services because we pop those in didn't we so we've got that oh it's quite a way away isn't it yeah let's put some healthcare buildings in here as well so we can squeeze that in behind the school so that's no problem fire services were okay we've got that one the police services were okay so that is pretty much it i think i am going to pop in here a public library can i get our schools within the boundary of that not easily so no we're not going to do that and the only other thing actually i want to check is our child health care center that's all the way over there so at the time that would have covered that area that we had before but now we've got this looks like the more things we put in the less space so that one there actually does cover the whole of this area so yeah it's only that one we need excellente so let us get some zoning in here and then we can see what we're gonna get i am gonna put some small shops just around these areas here and then the rest of these are going to be high density and i'm going to have them all the way up to the beach and all the way up to there all the way up to there all the way down to there i think this is going to be good okay let's see what we get pause pause pause pause completely forgot let us do our zone so otherwise we're gonna get all the wrong sorts of buildings that we don't want and i want these all matching what else we've got going on over here at least on this side of no problem at all excellent okay let's try that again off we go [Music] [Music] okay while things are building up and expanding what we can do to help is with a bit of mass transit so remember we've got this bus line over here which comes oh it's this one that comes from all the way over here that goes all the way around stops there and comes back again um could we add in let's just do another line that's just going to come over to here so this is now some commercial shops in there yeah it can come straight over the bridge let's go that way it can stop in this sort of square area over here where we've got the schools and the park it could actually stop opposite that one there and then hopefully if it just goes straight back over again it's going to go the long way around okay well that's fine there we go and these stops will have an area of effect and people will also want to upgrade because of those so hopefully that will help 31 000 yet we're growing fantastic fantastic okay things are expanding well i'm very pleased with that let's give some of these guys oh look at the people using this bridge i love it i love it when a bridge is well used or a pathway is well used let's also give these some access here up to okay let's do anarchy on let's turn off all of our guidelines and i want that to sort of just curve around up there and then just connect to that so they can yeah there we go so they can use this bike way and i'm pretty sure that will connect on there okay it looks like it is excellent oh what's that renowned renowned nothing's grown that's good and then what about some trees this is quite a busy road here so actually we just grab our tree brush i'm just gonna add oh let's turn off anarchy and a load of trees along this main road here let's get rid of those there we go excellent i'm not gonna add any more in here in fact i'm gonna take some of these out because this in here now what do we have a needle i'm just wondering whether we could put in here between these two roads an idea is coming together is forming in my mind and i would like a let's have a look if we go to our zones so i'm gonna get that zone size there we're gonna d-zone this section here and pop in a new zone hang on hang on hang on let's try that again here okay there we go a new zone in here there we go all the way around overlapping that road a little bit but that's fine the strawberry district that sounds like a cool name and then what this is going to be is if we come into this one here so we could put in a leisure district here causes noise pollution but hopefully this is far enough away or we could put in a tourism specialization we are going to go for leisure i think that would be a good idea and then we're going to have a little roadway set back from this road it's not going to be right on this roadway and it's just going to be one thin layer of cars uh buildings i should say so let's have a look at our one u i'm just thinking this one with the trees so it's going to come off of here so if i went like say that space ready occupied okay you can you can do it i'm sure you can there we go like that so we've still got a width here for putting in some buildings and we can carry this on a little bit further unfortunately it would be without trees okay so that could sort of go up to there and in fact that could change its height a little bit that could change its height a little bit and in fact if we go all the way along here and find any other nodes that are nearby no that can go down i think that should be okay let's give this some oh don't need to give way dedicated lane so that's the way in this is the way out so i want this to give way there we go i'm actually going to change this one here to asymmetrical with trees which way is that facing i've absolutely no idea i think that's going that way one way we can check grab that and click on that that's going left and right yeah i think that's okay i'll have to see won't we we'll have to see okay how are these rocks doing they're far enough away to not be in the way of all of this which is good let's just shift them over a tiny touch there we go and now we put some high density stuff in here and i'm gonna do it on the road there and i'm gonna do it on the road there but not this bit along here and then what i'm going to do along there is we're going to grab some trees yeah there we go out to the end and then we'll do the same over here and there we've got some buildings coming in haven't we so we don't want to do that one and then hopefully let's let this grow in see what we get and then we can always do a little bit of prettying the area up we do have a need for commercial yes we do oh i'll tell you what they're going to need as well they're going to need water of course i don't know what that pipe's doing over there but it's gone so let's get a water pipe on this road and then electricity should jump absolutely no problem at all and then oh we haven't actually set this as the district we want did we we wanted leisure so if i click on there let's see is that coming up yeah there we go leisure excellent and i think that is all we need to do so let's see what happens [Music] and there we go got a nice leisure industry popping in here we got some diners we've got two burnt bean cafes right next to each other let's get rid of that and see if we can get something else in let's have a look along here yeah i think that looks okay i'm pleased with that and then what i'd like to do is actually put a little bus stop along here so if we go to our buses we've got the blue bus stop here that would just seem perfect if we drag that one up to there oh there we go that's better it's coming in that direction anyway so it just takes a detour via there excellent and give some people some access hopefully the noise isn't too much no look at that doesn't even stretch outside of that area so that is really good right we've got a few complaints what are you complaining about in our new area uh worker education was too low okay well we're working on that what do you need well you just need lots of people and what's the matter with you not enough educated workers okay let's just have a quick look at our uh schools in here so elementary school we've got plenty of spaces high school we've got plenty of spaces that's probably the university and we don't have a university section over here do we we've only got one let's go to our university tab no let's go to our university district that will show up a lot easier um so where was that that was over here wasn't it yeah that one there so if you hover over that so we could add a little university district over here with some of our new items that we've got because we unlocked quite a few new items an episode or two back let's have a look in here so we could make use of some of these what about making use of them in this spot over here i think that would be a good idea um yeah so let us join this up with that and we're gonna just make that this side of the highway for now i know we can get rid of that point point point point can that now all counts as the same area d love it um there we go so anything we put in here now it's going to help those people um let's grab this road here i don't upgrade i want to draw it in so if i come along straight like that that gives us a nice load of space um let's just level this out or slope it out i should say that'll be good so what do we have that's new right everything from the liberal arts library onwards is new so at liberal arts library we have the art club which isn't too big we have the liberal arts commencement office which i think actually that should go in here somewhere if we can do that this actually would be a very good spot what i'm going to do is delete that and squeeze that in the middle there that just fits in perfectly yep so that's going to go that side so back over here again and the liberal arts academic statue number one an inspiring piece of artwork and so how we're going to do this let me just change this around a bit i'm going to grab this here and we're going to go at 200 and 200. we're gonna grab this and pop that right in the middle how does that look yeah very nice very nice and then we're gonna build around [Music] here there we go and then we can fit our library off the side here i think that would look good art club could come off of there uh that we've already sorted and that we've already sorted so just those couple of little items there and then just as we could just pop in here as well just to sort of help if we go for a dormitory right in there just to give that a little something something and then we can add maybe an outdoor study or that's huge you won't go for that that's going to be too big what we got that's small liberal arts fountain maybe we'll just go with that for now yeah i think that'll be okay for now let's give these guys some water yeah and how about a few trees as well let's just put that down a little bit there and whoa that was a lot of trees let's put the strength down again that is still a lot of trees okay let's put that down even more yeah there we go i just want a spattering of trees through here in our university area this road here will work on that in a bit yeah i think that's okay and then hopefully now these from over here we'll be able to come over this side to university and the only other thing i'm thinking that we could do which may help is if we grab our uh highway roads i want two-way highway with sound barriers it's just gonna mess up my lines nope that's okay so we're gonna do that along there and we're gonna do that along there and then we've got a normal highway barrier three lanes like that and like that and that will just keep all that extra noise away from the hard-working people of that area so now hopefully what we're gonna find is we're not gonna get this problem of not enough educated workers because they will all go over there get edumacated and then come back to work over here and it won't be very long before all of this looks like all of this that is the plan what are we up to 32 000 and growing so i'd like to make this into a park and before i forget i'm gonna paint a park area over the top it's gonna be all of this all of this and we do need some room for housing i think it may be low density housing down here which means this actually might just need to be a slightly different zoning arrangement i'm going to just take that out there and go like that and say in chester hills we are going to have a policy of a high-rise ban so buildings still upgrade don't they restricts the builds are reaching their highest level so they're not going to upgrade 100 but it's going to just help us to go from the ultra tall buildings up here these will get tall as well knots at all and then it will go down to yeah the lower buildings around this lovely park so what can we do with this so just another couple of changes we've got this down here i'm going to extend this blue bus route right into here there we go into the heart of our universities they can get there i'm going to end up looking at the bus routes on this uh no problem at all in strawberry district again at some point but for now that's what we're going to do and i'm going to just change this slightly i want this to connect there and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to use node controller to pop a crossing in there which i'm going to put a traffic light on so people cycling can easily either get onto the cycle rows that we've got or they can walk let's just put dedicated lanes there and i wanted some sort of cut through to get across to the other side we've got this bridge here so if they can go up there over there and then down here could i do that in a quicker way do you know what yeah i think we can yeah i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab that there and connect that to here if that would let me i'm going to delete this building here and we'll stop that growing back in again oh look suddenly everybody's taking this little road and then i'm gonna connect that what the heck's going on all right paul's again that is not what i want to do i want to have that one there and then i wanted a little connection here but not actually connect to the other one there we go then if i just use the move it mods oh i've got um anarchy on i've got snap two if we go like that like that that can be the same height as that you know i can actually do this that just looks a bit weird doesn't it i'll move it back at touch yeah there we go and in this one here i'm thinking could it lift up and over the top um if it could that would be great let's just see what we can do there we go that's not too bad and i can also put a crossing here um i don't think i'm going to put lights this time so they can come up this snaking path here they can cross over the roads they can cross over again past the techni t van and they can go up and over the highway let's just move some of these little trees out the way there we go up and over the highway oh someone's using it already then they can snake their way down behind some of wall what is that there behind some of the buildings here and yeah that should be good to go i'm gonna just sort some of these trees out oh of course they're part of this building here but i've moved over a little bit so i think that will work out fine so hopefully that should encourage them to walk or cycle over there to our mini hub university and i think this is looking rather nice even if i do say so myself and yes just realize that we need to add the international theme onto our chester hills over here so it matches in with the rest of the island so that'll be good so some of these buildings will regrow back again but we can see already quite a lot of them are upgrading which is brilliant how close are we what are we up to 33 000 we are getting there well well well this place is growing nicely we are so close to unlocking the next level let's just take a quick look around here just out of the couple more houses rebuilt a couple of things to line it up better but it is doing well i love these offices here all these offices of the same all lined up there i've just extended this out a little bit added in a doctor's surgery or whatever you want to call it which is good this building here i feel like it's outside of the zone and let's have a look it is outside of the zone zip you can go and come back as a proper building but there we go up to oh just shy of 35 000. so what i would like to do is come over to this side and we've got this tract of land here and yeah i'm really thinking that we can get the last amount of you know 6 000 that we need in this area here so i'm just wondering whether we're going to change this road here let's grab that let's take that and grab that and we're going to go here like this and then we're going to come out one two there oh hang on let's do that again one two set it to home [Laughter] good grief we get there eventually and sort of mirror this but in the other direction and then what i want to do here is i don't want this to go straight we're going to follow our eyeballs and we're going to just sort of mirror this up here actually we're going to mirror it more likely to mirror the train line down here instead so if we do something like that just looking at how much building space that's given us so with that we can have one row of houses here one row of houses there and that's it what about if we did some sort of grid off of here so if we grab this bike whoa what happened there let's try that again grab this bike road here um yeah just thinking how we're going to do this um couple's going to do a straight grid but that really isn't going to work is it how about if i mirrored this and went like this instead yeah this highway is going to move i want this highway to be straightened out a bit okay let's use the move it mods let's grab everything like this and i'm going to move that up just enough to give us let's get rid of those as well they can go over there just enough to give us some space and then i can come back and straighten this out actually that might be yeah it's like this whole section here doesn't need to be that sort of shape does it yeah i think that'll work so we can we've got more space available in here and down here this sort of dips away so we may need to do a little bit of terraforming uh once we get this built but i'm really just i want to make it look nice but i want to get as many houses in here as possible because like we said before we are limited we are limited this last square is the last one we can get before we can unlock everything and we need to hit this next target i mean we've got this space over here we've got like this space down here and then we run out of space there this is all filled this is all filled actually where does that grid comes we got a little bit of space there so not me i mean i know we've got a lot over here but i've got other plans for that so i don't want to fill that up with houses so hopefully this is gonna help us out okay we now have myrtle square i've set that to the international uh theme as well i'm also going to oh i've got so many bus stops i need to i need to spend another episode sorting all of these bus stops as i said before but for now i'm going to create a new line that's just going to come [Music] round here around this back road it's going to go along there along there along there then it's going to turn around we're going to have one stop there one stop there this i'm going to come back through here and stop there yeah that'll be fine just to cover that then we need to pop some services in [Music] yeah i'm not sure when i did this i was just upgrading this highway here to put sound barriers on i've moved it all back even further again so we can get a row of offices along here and i accidentally use this one here which is the two-way highway with sound barriers and it caused a load of problems but i've sorted that out and then over here i realize i've done the same thing did i was this this episode i can't remember this is another episode when i did this and there was probably a ton of comments all about it but there we go i've got that sorted oh dear apologies apologies to all the people and what i've been just noticing as well as i had my my lane merging here the wrong way so ideally what you want on a highway is your main two lanes just carry on so like these two lanes here carry on through carry on through there you can split off if you want to come off but ignore the little bend here i'll sort that out but they carry on through carry on through and then down here the lane merges in and then they carry on through but i had this lane that disappeared i had it on this side instead but really it should be on that side so yeah oh here we go look i've done it here i've got the lane coming on carrying through and i've got the merging one here disappearing so yeah i need to just change that so if i go to my presets no that's not there that one there then i have the three to two i'm gonna say yes and then i just need to turn it around rather than invert it and i don't know whether it's something to do my 4k resolution but i can never get these flipping buttons to work there we go so now this one disappears and these two carry on and then what i do as well is i do that but i say this lane here continues on and then these two merge together and then that works much much better excellent we're up to 35 000. oh we're so slowly creeping goodness me are we ever gonna get there [Music] well i've been building like mad i've added a load of high-rise stuff all around here by our university i'm liking how this is looking i'm not quite sure what we're going to do in the middle here might add some sort of park but really trying to beef up our population and we're still not there but but we've got a big downside look what i've managed to do to my traffic i have absolutely decimated this area we've done it i thought oh he's taking so long megalopolopolopolis oh forget this sake i thought we were never gonna hit it we've unlocked monuments we should have unlocked let's just go back and forward again there we go look at that all the new areas we can unlock everything i honestly thought we were nowhere near it then when i started that little clip oh i was going to end on a cliffhanger but i don't need to we've done it we've unlocked everything we can now if we wish work our way around and unlock all of these squares i'm only going to unlock them as i need them but man alive the traffic yeah so i put these sort of places in here and i was thinking about adding another sort of place over here making some uses of that but yeah we are gonna have to come back with a traffic fix because all of this is all going through this one roundabout and this one highway entry and exit so leaving's okay but coming in look it's queuing up it's queuing up well there we go don't forget to get a load of names in the comments as well we've got so many new areas that we built that we need to uh name so we'll get to that all of this needs some good old detailing and we need a good old traffic fix so if you like those be sure to be back for the next episode thank you very much for watching have a fantastic day take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 228,902
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Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, cities skylines top mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines how to start your city, cities skylines train stations, cities skylines bridges and piers, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines megalopolis
Id: dwQrvW-HJW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 5sec (2705 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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