Building Worlds Largest Funicular Railway Twice in Cities Skylines!

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i just think that looks utterly fantastic i love it and here comes the other one coming up the other way i think we're going to get squished hello everybody my name is biffer and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines here in the city of new zealand now today we're going to be building a funicular network um if you don't know what they are you'll soon find out as we start building them in our city here and i'm going to be using some assets by revo so i will put a link in the description to those i mean the best way i can describe these is a train network um with basically an emphasis on very very steep rails and we're going to be building it up over here so we've been working on this park area remember last episode we put in our park over here some fantastic names that you've all been giving me and we had great fun with this damn over here as well oh yeah i forgot to show you i put walls down the side of this dam uh down the side of this river where the dam is to try and solve this problem i'll come back to that in a moment um but yeah we've got all of this lovely parking at this lovely walkway up the mountain this path over here which a lot of you thought was hilarious and then we get the views of new zealand right from the top over here but before i show you what the plans are for today yeah i went about fixing this so i replaced what was basically just a a dam uh just for the show it wasn't a working dam that was in here and it didn't work a lot of people said oh you were impatient when you hooked it up it was working no it wasn't working at all i did test it so we replaced that and it flooded everything but yeah i put these key walls down the side here i think it looks a lot neater i need to sort of go through and maybe straighten them out a bit um but yeah it's not flooding down here anymore we've protected the land i've done a lot of terraforming still needs some more but i'll just sort of fiddle away with that off camera um but yeah we want to start working on this area over here and i think this would be perfect for a funicular every time i say i say a bit differently and now that i'm saying it out loud it's not one of those funny words she repeats it so many times it just sounds odd um but yeah i would like to build it up here and this is pretty steep up this one here i'm just looking around i mean the other option is to go from here and go straight up there because the emphasis is on steep and this could be quite good i just want to sort of get it right to the top do you know what actually this might work better and then we can sort of build in a little bit of community down here as well for people to come and visit the shops and things like that um when they want to and then take the funicular thing up there so let me show you what we've got to do so first of all when you subscribe to all of these mods and assets you'll be given these so you've got some hilltop stations some ends some bass parts some mid ones that you can put in the middle all sorts of things and then you've got different lines as well i'm just going to stick with more of the basic options at first so i can really get to grips with how i'm doing this um you also need to subscribe to the vehicle advanced vehicle options mod so this is one of the little trains that's going to be running up this line it's quite a modern looking one there's a few different colors as you can see down here um also there is going to be let's just click up in here and i'll show you why you need this mod uh funiculate there we go you'll also get these two which are sort of i can't remember what they're based on um but depending on which angle the slope is going you can use either one of these but they do count as trains so what you need to do is make sure you untick this box here on both of these assets if you subscribe to them and the other one as well allow this vehicle to spawn so it won't spawn at all otherwise you'll have this popping up on your train network and the speed is only 25 uh kilometers or this one is uh 50 but we're going to be using this one and it holds more people 170 the other one was uh funicular oh too many keys the other one was 30 so i didn't think that was very realistic we wanna we don't want people choosing it as a train option to get to places just to get up and enjoy the view but yeah untick that so you don't get them on your normal train networks and then what you can do when you set up your train lines uh there is an option now built into the game where you can pick uh the asset that you wanted you can see these three are listed here so let's just leave that on normal passenger trains right so um let's plan what we're gonna do here let's maybe start off with the line so we can get a rough idea and i'm thinking we'll just use the normal funicular track so this main track here and i'm thinking i'm just going to run it down here and we'll see what it looks like now it can work both ways so if we just let's pretend we were going straight down this bit here if you just drew that straight down there that should be up in the air uh let me go up there we go like this so it has got legs underneath if you go too far whoa the legs do disappear so there's sort of like a height limit on it but you do it like that and it would go straight up um but we're going to do it along here and just see what that looks like so i'm going to do it's still going to be up in the air we're going to do that one there we're going to go up let's just go up a little bit and then we'll yeah there we go that's what i want so i want it up in the air and then we're going to just sort of follow this down here so right on the ridge line you're going to be getting an amazing view we're going to come down here um so let us just bend that over a little bit and then it's gonna come down there and then that's gonna finish over there somewhere let's just have a look we will flatten all this out don't worry but imagine coming up here in the train the view you're gonna get either side it's just gonna be fantastic and then that's gonna meet something at the top so i'm thinking we're gonna level this bit out here and have the station over here somewhere um we do have this hilltop one here where it can sort of run straight into the side that might be the one we can go for let's just grab this road let's go like that anyway we can switch things around if we need to and if we go back to here yeah we can see where it comes in is on this side um we've got these as well and left but i don't know whether they're sort of more at an angle yeah they're slightly at an angle yeah we can see that slightly at an angle but actually that might play quite well into the angle of this coming up here let's just do a little bit of terraforming up the top here there we go so we'll grab our main track and it will hook into this here and come out and then try and join it i'm going to take some of this out let's put that up again so we're going to grab that one there i'm going to bring this is going to look interesting and bring that to there so let's just have a look how that's hooked up okay so that's weird so that sort of hooked up and connected to the top there i don't think that's right let me just see if i can work this out okay i've changed it up i've gone for the funicular end station hilltop and we can see there it hooks in and that looks much better don't worry we're going to sort out all the roads and all the access and all the things that we've got going along here let's just straighten that out yeah that might not be staying there like that so that's going to come straight down there then it's going to drop off the top it's going to come all the way down here to the bottom and then we want to hook the bottom up and then we're going to use a tool to sort of line all of this up so i'm thinking down here uh this one we're gonna need just a road again to put the station up again so we'll pop that there i don't know why that's gone down so low but excuse me rock you can stay let's try that again wait get off on up do that mode there there we go let's just lift that up a bit that was the wrong button there we go excellent so alongside this we're going to want one of these so we've got this one here oh that is the one i want but it's facing the wrong way okay well let's just do this then we'll move the road this side i'll keep pressing plus and minus and it's growing it let's make it taller there we go and then we'll get the base one and here we go yeah this is what i was looking for so here you can see this one is angled to go straight up so i would like that to come straight into here and let's just see if we can get this to line up to that so if we just go from there we're going to use the up yeah we'll curve that to there and then straight in yeah not quite lining up how i was expecting okay let me just see what i can do yeah i think the problem is with this it's angled so it's going to go straight up so it would go straight up the side of a mountain but we're going for a slightly smoother slope up here well this is just sort of a test and what i wanted to do is once you've got this set up is use this tool in here so of course we have our network multi tool and we have the set slope mode this has been upgraded with a load of other tools in here and also the option for this not to automatically disappear as well which makes it so much easier to use that little menu there so let's grab the yeah that's the top one and then we'll come all the way down here to the bottom one just make sure they're all selected press enter and see how that looks so yeah immediately that is angled it straight down let's have a look that sound good that's straight down that's angled that straight down yeah that's angled it too much the only other option i suppose is just bringing this a little bit closer to where the angle is higher let me just see if i can get this lined up okay um i'm just wondering we need to go for a different spot rather than up there maybe straight over here would work better let's see let's see okay a little bit of testing later we're going to delete this one that goes up the side here and i've got this one set up here so when you've got a much steeper incline it works much better and you can see that almost lined up correctly there it's almost a complete straight line a little bit of tweaking needed and it comes up the top here oh we've already got somebody on the line but i was just testing it out so what you do now let me just show you so we go into here we're going to run a line from there to there and back again that's the hobbit line and we're going to call that funicular ah there we go until we maybe think of a better name later we'll just change that and then on here you can pick which one we're going to use we're going to use the stews barn let's see what's it going to put on there one let's add two so it's going up and down uh this one's going to disappear because that's from the test there he goes he's changed his mind it's going back again excellent then we get the new ones coming out and they do seem to stick out of the top there which i'm not entirely sure there's anything we can do about that but let's just follow this down and this is more of what we're looking for this complete drop very steep going all the way down i think i just need to adjust this little bit at the end there but these hold 170 each look at that i think that just looks absolutely fantastic could we perhaps connect cable cars to these let's just see how that goes in yeah and there's a little bit of adjustment there could we connect cable cars to these for going over the top of the mountain range and then a funiculus train station coming down the other side that might be a nice idea okay let's take the ride up with this one i mean that would just be fantastic wouldn't the views out the side and particularly when you get to the top wave older people going past and the other one ah yes the kids love to do that excellent i think that's worked out really really well and then we can definitely hook that in with some cable car action that can maybe link up the different parks that we're going to be working on at the top as well okay i think we finally got this thing sorted decided to go for the funicular end station which is working quite well it goes in straight then it goes straight up like that and i think that is just going to be fantastic so let's just have a look oh yeah we can delete this little road over here as well that was just some testing on my behalf excellent so that's our first funicular station coming up and down our first line where would we have another one so if we had cable cars sort of running along the peak here so it came along there maybe across this ridge here and that could be a connection there maybe across even up to these like really tall peaks over here and this one over here is there somewhere this side which goes straight down i mean that is looking pretty steep to me there although that leads straight down into oh yeah we've got the shopping center park cinema yeah this here would be perfect well i'll tell you what let's add in let's go back to where we were okay so right behind here oh yeah the lines broken we'll get that fixed don't you worry we'll grab this one so what have we got we've got the cable car stop we've got the end of line cable car stop so that one could fit something like that now when this comes out the back there is a angle as far as it would go so you can sort of go like that and then along the top yeah that's okay and i'm thinking maybe perhaps we'd have these go up higher because people would still be walking here wouldn't they so can we go up yeah there we go so what sort of height maybe something like that oh auto save quick zip it see there we go so yeah let's delete this one here [Music] yeah and i think this last little one here this is where it's gonna join up again so make sure we're not ruining the mountain really i mean that's okay i think that's sort of hidden ish sort of maybe not but you know i don't think it's ruining the view too much no we still got lots of other mountains to look at okay good good good so that could come along here and then along here i would maybe have a stop where you can get on so if you come to this park you've walked up here and even if you've got all the way to the top then you can come back down again and head up to this one so this here is going to be a a middle station whatever that's called so let's remove that uh cable car stop so you can go in one side and come out of the other it's going to mean a little bit of i think we're going to try and fit it in here and also unfortunately this is going to need a road so we are going to have to get some sort of roads coming up here as well i'm not quite sure how that is going to work but let's see what we can do anyway so if we pop that on there [Music] there we go excellent so we can put that in there and hopefully i'm not taking away too much of the mountain so it still looks like we've got this peak up here and then we've got to get these to connect into here so let's just see what we can do yeah i think that's okay i think that will fit in there nicely excellent excellent excellent and as we go along here as we build other parts we can have other stops as well wherever we want to now let's have a look down here so now we need to connect another funicular line to go straight up and down here and i'm just wondering how we can do this we've got this big junction here the cars can come off whether we could sort of got this bus road that really isn't needed anymore whether that could just be built into this section here and this park is gonna go that was always in a weird spot anyway there we go sorry you're enjoying the park the park is now gone um so let's go back to train so we want this to be a base one that goes straight up again so let's just see what we can do in here yeah there we go that fits in nicely there and that is really straight up isn't it that is nice and steep which is what we want so then let's get our track hook that into there i mean if we just literally run that straight up the mountain what is that going to do is that going to keep it nice and connected and yeah it doesn't quite connect there correctly and it's all flat here isn't it yep needs to be steeper okay let's try that again let's delete all of that let's grab this one um let's maybe do just make it taller yeah i think we get to a point which is too tall excuse me coming down coming down so something like that yeah that's better and then if that just comes straight up here that is probably about the top here isn't it let's just go there whoa okay uh let's just use this tool again and just see what it looks like if we straighten all that out i'm thinking we're going to delete that last bit and go from there that's more like it yes that looks more like it so that's going to go straight up so high i think we might need to rebuild a bit of the top of the mountain here to get that to hook in um let me just play around with this for a second well okay there we go i don't think that is too bad as another funicular stop um i'm gonna work a little bit on the look at the top of the mountain but this time i use the let's have a look this one is called the funicular end station um and i think that fits in really really well let's just grab that road there so if we sort of come across whoa mama let's just get that down to the right height there we go so what we could do is maybe we could sort of curve a road down here and then ban anything on it apart from service vehicles and that would get this working so let's just set up a route from there to there to there there we go we'll just pause that while we get our funicular line set up i can say it now look funicular two there we go and we'll set that up as the same one and we'll change the color of that to whatever and then we'll get some coming out of here as well i can hear them i can even come in any minute now and here we go let's follow this one down i've now set this to two vehicles on this line and what an amazing view you would get of this part of the city if you were taking this i just think that looks utterly fantastic i love it and here comes the other one coming up the other way i think we're going to get squished ah i know we're fine we survived excellent i'm really really pleased with the way that that's worked out so then all we would need to do is to make sure that our cable car can select can connect i should say over here as well uh where is it here we go so we want the cable car end stop which way round we want that facing hmm let's just do a little bit of terraforming up here here we go we're going to grab nope not that undo we're going to grab that and just bring that out like that a bit it messed up the line nope that's fine and we'll grab this one here whoa whoa whoa come on there we go and we'll go like that excellent and then we'll pop this on the side i'm hoping we can connect to there because like we said the angle to come in and out sometimes it's quite awkward so i can't get over to there if i put anarchy on there yeah it's not liking that because of the height difference um okay i'll tell you what let's just change this slightly let's grab that load again and we're going to come out here and we're going to back that onto there instead there we go and then i'm wondering whether instead of coming down here we just go straight across to that point over there i think that would work better [Music] oh that does drop down a lot there doesn't it and then becomes completely steep up the top uh maybe let me just change that yeah there we go i think that'll work okay i think it just has to drop down there because of the height of these poles they just won't go any higher so we could maybe run it along there now i think we'll go with that i think that'll be all right why not okay i've just gone along the cable car route there because you probably noticed it and i'm sure you've commented on it that some of the lines weren't connected correctly but they are now all connected i've got it running up and down along this ridge here i might tweak some of it in a bit but i think for now it will go with what we've got there we go we've got our stop there but until we connect them all up to the road network i don't think we're going to see any cable cars um i'm just wondering whether we could just quickly test that with a very hawky balky uh never to be repeated um let's just go like that down to there there we go we're not going to talk about this road ever again because this road doesn't exist and we'll do that and i'm wondering now whether this will send out cable cars now that's connected to the road network maybe they all have to be connected to the road network for that to happen okay well that took a while it seems that if you draw any of these cable car uh length sections whatever you call them with anarchy turned on even if you line them up correctly because i went back and checked that they just don't work properly so yeah here we go let us follow one of these cars here and enjoy the trip can we get a view just straight out the side of this thing oh my goodness me here we go enjoy the sights and sounds of new zealand from the top of a mountain [Music] [Music] i think that route over the mountain is just absolutely stunning and i had quite a few comments uh in the last episode where we made this little walk around the lake and up the mountain saying not to use these one was with the lights on but you know what when you're coming up over the mountain here look at this i just think it looks absolutely beautiful with all of these lights coming up here i may take out the lights on some of them but at the moment i really like them i really like them oh yeah very good very good so as we go along uh we can add this cable car route uh we could add a few sort of mid station amid stops with new stations for other parks to give everybody else access as well excellent that's worked out really well and you get a fantastic view of the city at night look at that right let's get some naming done and thank you so much for all of your help i've just been looking through the comments in the last episode and the person that remembered what we called this mountain range or got the most up vote so i'm assuming they were pretty early on uh is zoe thompson thank you very much saying it wasn't this area supposed to be called pg tips yes that definitely was at the moment it's called hawthorne park i'm gonna put that in front of it the pg tips because that makes it sound to me even more official so the pg tips that is the whole of this mountain range fantastic oh actually we could just name it here as well can't we the pg tips because we've put like a big uh we've got a park zone here that covers it we've also got a district so we can get the name right in the middle fantastic and then also i was wondering what the name of the people that live in our city is called here come a load of bikers coming around around about there's absolutely tons of them biking from the airport it's absolutely brilliant and of course uh we've called this new tealand uh sort of sounds a bit like new zealand and the people that live in new zealand the kiwis so the people that live in new zealand are wheats yep absolutely brilliant so thank you to daxwell dxwal i think i'm pronouncing that right for reminding me about that right just tidying up my zones a bit here so we've got the main zone here that's called the pg tips and then we've got all these separate little parks over here and this one down here a fantastic name from vic it's about viq i'm a schubert that's how you pronounce it called pointy hill which is a really cool name i like that one because it sort of points out into the sea so we've still got a couple of other places that need tea related type names there we go down here oh no that one's already named over here i thought there was one oh maybe we'll have another park over here at some point uh park areas there we go so yeah let me know in the comments below and we are seeming to have some sort of fire issue over here oh dear i think i need to know go through my game settings and turn fire spread off again because i think it's turned on after my red bull practice experience stream thing that i did yikes well apparently the trains never stop even when there's a fire there we go just put that last one out but we've managed to save most of the park okay excellent um also lots and lots of advice and information about trains now normally i would have a separate cargo and um passenger train line i think this is the view that i'm looking for let's pop this on here here we go yeah so these orange train lines that we've got going in and out yeah i would normally separate those but they were already pre-built on this map so ripping those out and redoing them all i don't think is going to be in the scope of this city bill because that would be so much to do but so far at the moment i mean what are we at traffic wise 82 percent and as you can see on the outside our separate in and out way is working well it was also mentioned that what you could also do you can't really see it there can you but let's just come down here to give an example is you can use the lane connectors and just do this on the little parts where they go in and out of the city just to keep the trains on the track that they need to go on that confuse that train and he's left but the way we did it also worked as well which was good so i'd like to just get a road connection to here there isn't this weird freaky road connection like this we're going to delete this one if i can find it it's in there somewhere there we go we're going to delete that one off the highway and the nearest highway connection we've got is over here and i'm not going to build a brand new connection there we're going to utilize i mean there's this one here which i'm thinking is going to be utilized for this section and this along the front so i want to use this one here and i also feel like that it would sort of go into a mini roundabout here um so let's just see what we can do that's going to come sort of round a bit like that the lame mathematics and the stuff is all all over the place i'm not going to worry too much about that and what do i want what do i want there we go got this mod back on again oh that is like way up in the air let's go for that and then we're going to pop yeah there we go so if we go to there and then in the middle here it will come out like that and then we'll come out like this and i'm going to utilize the roundabout builder mod and let's have a look at that yeah i think that'll be pretty much what we want i want this one to go back into this road here there we go i'm going to put those on there as well just for now and then we are also going to set this up ctrl shift left click it's not doing it ctrl shift left click oh control shift left click now that's weird something is going on there okay i'll do it myself then and then what i was hoping was this one here would sort of come through the mountain and come out over here um [Music] and it's ended up being too far away what i was thinking is if they're gonna come through the mountain they would pick the spot maybe that's the shortest distance oh would they even squeeze it down the side here look i mean that'd be the cheapest thing wouldn't they they maybe squeeze it down the side there yeah i'm just trying to make this sort of semi-realistic um ish let's come along here like this i've been watching too much uh city planner plays you see i'm getting my let's turn off my guidelines i'm getting my realism head on so yeah i'm pretty sure that would come down here and then come round here oh look at those poor guys yeah i'm gonna save you i'm gonna save it and come down there like this and then let's have a look and then i want it to connect to here this is gonna be like a really tight turn i'll tell you what actually let's go back to our rural road i hate saying that word let's connect that up to there that's up to there what i'm gonna do instead of that one is we are going to just connect that where it would make more sense so let's go like that and then it would sort of perhaps oh actually look it's ended up going into that spot anyway yeah there we go that's fine remove all of those yeah so that to me would make more sense it would come up on over here let's just level this out a bit so let's grab this tool up here love this leveling tool still can't remember which ones which there we go so we're going to go from there i don't want to go all the way to the end i'm going to go from there to there that's lifted that way up no okay what i'm going to do is i'm going to lower this one here yeah that's more like it we use the movement mods thank you that one and that one are going to be the same height as that actually that's going to go down a bit i want it not too dissimilar from the road that's next to it in fact if i just set that at the same height as these uh that one there yeah that's better that's better okay let's do that again then so this one's gonna go from there down to there that's more like it there we go so we've got a gentle slope going down that doesn't look too bad that side and then we'll do the same over here so from there down to there there we go excellent and now that can hook up into here so let's just bring this road in not quite sure what this area here is going to look like i'm going to go there this is going to go yeah there we go and then we'll just add a little something something at the end here oh there we go worked that time let's just double check yep that's fine nope that one didn't very odd maybe there's been a little update on that but let's just manually pop those in there we go excellent so now we've got access to all of this um and this one here is going to be that road there i'm going to shorten that a little bit and then we'll just try and get this connected up like that just sort of slides up the hill and then we'll just level this off a little bit as well oh that didn't connect did it let's do that bit again yeah there we go that's fine and then we'll take this and we're going to go from there to there and just bring that down a bit cuts into the hillside that's fine we can get a smoothie smoothie there we go that gives access to that there they go up the hill oh that'd be fantastic i'm just thinking my kids would absolutely love to come up on a funicular i can say it today like that and then the cable car across the top oh that'd just be that'll just be beautiful wouldn't it and then i'm just thinking we need a little bit of protection along this road here because it goes right by the highway so maybe just something like this there we go i think that looks okay just differentiates these two roads from each other and adds a little bit of protection excellent and then we're ready to build in this area here so what do you think we should have in here i'm thinking of like a small community with just maybe a couple of attractions but the main reason you'd come here maybe visit a few shops is to go up the funicular up the mountain onto the pg tips and enjoy all the different things that are up there but any suggestions you've got of what we could call this little area and what you'd like to see in there please let me know in the comments below so once again thank you very much for watching be sure to subscribe and leave a like if you enjoyed this video tomorrow will be the next red bull challenge video so don't miss that and have a great day take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 136,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, funicular railway, cities skylines funicular, cities skylines cable car
Id: IxExxif8Z5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 0sec (2160 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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