Take Detailing to ANOTHER LEVEL With These Unmissable Mods in Cities Skylines!

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[Music] hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here we are in new zealand and we are branching out we need to try and get if at all possible 100 000 citizens we have a great need for people here we are over near the area that we were expanding in the last episode and this little business park over here really struggling for people lots of complaints as we can see not enough workers and we have a great demand for residential so i picked out a piece of land that i think is going to be exciting to build in but did you know that hugo recently has been getting so busy that he really needs a helping hand how well let's find out from today's sponsor nordpass hugo is so busy driving his train his cargo ship and delivering parcels that his brain is almost full to capacity earlier on he forgot his password for his email account and his instaface account was hacked because he couldn't think of a secure password when he signed up poor hugo but this is where nordpass comes in clutch nordpass can store all of your online passwords in one handy place but that's not all it has the ability to generate amazingly secure passwords for you to autofill your password when you're logging into your favorite shopping sites and even to run a health check on all of your current passwords because come on we all know you still use one two three four five as a password for some of your accounts everyone can now get seventy percent off nordpass premium at the link nordpass.com biffer or by using the code biffer plus you get an additional month free what a bargain and if you're not happy there is a 30 day money money-back guarantee too fantastic i use my password manager so many times a day it's just become a way of life when online and you and hugo can enjoy this fantastic software too click the link in the description or the pinned comment right now and get secure so first of all we are going to have a tourism zone uh popped into here i think that would be very good get some taurus into here so let's get this drawn in first there we go myrtle park so as we go along any names you've got for the districts once you see me starting to build in them and you know what's coming up you can let me know some cool names but what we're going to be popping in here is something that's going to help us work towards our monument so we've got all of these are locked so we're going to put some items in that's going to help us to unlock our monuments and it's particularly this one here the posh mall i think is going to be excellent to build around so this is going to be in here we are going to need access off of this little teeny tiny roundabout this is going to start getting busy because all of this is going to be residential with a few sort of spatterings of commercial this is going to be a cool tourist built up area so let's just prepare the road network that we have here so i'm definitely thinking that this needs to be upgraded at least to a three-lane road so we're going to just sort of get that in to there because some of the roads coming off the side here are going to end up being pretty big i mean we've got like little one-lane roads coming in going out they're all okay this is okay yeah but for this part along here what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna mirror the railway line because we're gonna have a little feature that we're gonna add yeah and then that can come into there now i'm just worried that that's gonna change the shape so what we're gonna do is add a node in there and then when we hook into that we'll be fine yeah there we go that will be good and then just to make sure this is all still set up okay we can see that some of the things aren't we'll do control shift left click bing there we go so we've got giveaway signs dedicated turning lanes all the good stuff that is a bit of a sharp turn when we come into there but i think we'll be okay now what i wanted as a feature was to help these people up here to get over to this area was a lot of paths going over the top of this railway line as a sort of decorative feature now i'm just looking at this and it is raised off the ground i'm just wondering how necessary that is to be like that let's take from here because this is pretty flat and we'll just come all the way over to there and just have a look yeah it's all been flattened out isn't it so if i put this down there's going to be a bit of a drop through there let me just lower this down and just see how it works out perhaps if i take for instance that and set it to the same height as that yeah and then we'll do that with all of these along here okay so that's nice and flat on the land and let's just see what that looks like going along here so if we take that from there to there yes there's a bit of a jump at either end okay i think we can work with that so if we take that and go in i just sort of tend to go in three to smooth it out a bit yeah that's okay and then we'll go there one two three yeah that's okay so that's not too bad then we get our nice flat point in the middle and then what are we gonna do for bridges going over the top well first of all i want to get a path along here that mirrors the side of this railway line um what shall we go for i them we could try some amusement park piles what are they going to look like if we come into here and grab whichever one of these is the parallel tool this one here create parallel mode uh select node to add it to so if we go say from here to all the way down to here and then it's adding in that path for us look at that excellent and then plus or minus to change offset yeah there we go oh that is perfect so if we go for that i think that's just perfectly okay and then press enter to accept there we go it's raised up a little bit over here but that's okay grab this grab that grab that upgrade those down to the ground and then the other end probably needs it as well it's because this is raised up but that's fine excellent that is definitely going to need to go further out if we're going to have some bridges over the top here actually that will probably be okay but what we are going to need is one on the other side i'm going to take it a little bit further back this time we're going to go from there to all the way down there yep that's good we're going to switch that over with that key we're then going to go one two three four five six seven eight pop that in yeah all the trees will go don't need to monkey with either side of that excellent so then what i'm planning to do is something like this so we're just going to pause the game just to give ourselves the ability to delete all of that and i'm also going to remove all the trees from the middle here because we're going to be doing something else excellent and we've got this little guy we're gonna save him and stick him down there he's gone off for a new life by the motorway and we're gonna put you in the middle there love it enjoy um yeah so we're gonna have a connection over the top and i'm just sort of looking where best to go i think here would be good we're gonna go straight over this note because i know there's three nodes right there um so we'll grab whichever one we're using this one here put it into bridge mode and we're going to start this at the lowest points and then so we get the same height let's go over here and do it lowest point there we go so we'll count so the first time it pops up is one two three four five six seven eight and that is going to go as close as possible to there and right over the top and do that and that should be oh it's not quite high enough for that okay looks like we're going to have to go nine i think it's just the slope of the land yeah we'll go nine that's fine so that fits over the top and then what i want to do is put a loop on either end um so again we're gonna use this tool here we're gonna select there and select here now where's that going to loop to actually i'm going to select here because i want it to loop round underneath and i'll show you why there we go excellent that is exactly what we want then we're going to make that smaller to the point of where it just sort of flicks back out into a circle hold ctrl we get the smallest movements 21.3 excellent enter we'll then do the same over here so from there to there we want to switch sides so we'll click that one there excellent we'll bring that one out should be 21.3 as well point two we can get on that but we'll go point three so it's the same oh no we're fine that's good and then we can see that sort of overlapping that one there so we're going to delete this last little connection here and we're going to delete that last little connection there and then we're going to go straight in with this so again let's use the picker mod and we'll come straight down there yeah i wanted that to be a bridge piece but it's not giving us the option on the screen we'll just draw that one in again don't worry about the height solve that in a minute there we go that height is not too bad okay so the height is going to be different on each side because of the land height difference but that's fine and then we'll use the set slope mode that one there to that one there and that made no difference at all whatsoever [Music] what's going on what's going on let's try that again from there to here okay maybe that's exactly what it's going to be we'll do the same from here to here there we go yeah excellent so this one that lands like a different sort of shape isn't it cool okay so that is what we're gonna go for over the top i'll sort out that little dip in the land don't worry and then we're gonna do the same over here i think over the top of that one will work quite well is okay so there we go now we've got a loop sort of bridge on each side uh now i'm thinking about a little bit of protection down here if you're walking this close uh to here you want a bit of protection so again uh can we use this tool i think we probably can let's go in here and choose a fence so the park fence i think would probably be the best one to put along here so we select the park fence and if we go into here select this one and again we're going to go from here all the way down to the end yeah oh there we go excellent look at that and it is right up against it that is exactly what we want there we go and then we can do the same thing again so we're going to go from that side to all the way down there oh and it's automatically switched the sides oh that is just perfect and then we just zoom in there and we've got some nice park fence protecting that place along there then we're going to want a nice row oh man i'm loving this tool i am loving this tool then we want a nice row of trees down here what shall we go for there we go i think that looks pretty good down here it protects whatever we're going to be building either side perhaps on the noise but i think that looks really cool with the fence there with the walking path there and with the tree there as well that is looking really special i'm liking that the tree i chose was this one here generic tree large number one so yeah excellent right so what is next so i'd like to have a little something in these loops at either end um i'm thinking perhaps if we go for a small section here some nice little plants like this around here could look really nice wow that is so tiny i can't even see it yeah i won't be using those [Music] right that's looking good so what i'm going to do is i'm going to replicate that so we're going to take the move it mod and we're going to set that to trees if i do that oh look at that perfect then we'll copy that there we go waiting for the click and then that one can go in here so we'll just hold right click just to swivel it around a little bit and i think that is probably okay a little bit of a delay there and then we'll do the same for the other two i think if we just tap right click it will just rotate it yeah there we go there we go excellent something nice to look at as you're walking over the paths man i never knew i was going to be putting this much detail into building some parts but uh here we are right so then we're going to need some connections off of this path here um to everything out so i'm thinking if you've walked over the top here you don't want to then head all the way down here so i'm just thinking maybe if we could add a connection in here um so let's use the picker picker mod how close can we get to here i'm just thinking if we could add in a node literally right next to the node there and then that could come and let's put on that straight out there and i think that is a yeah that is a good connection so then we could do that on each side as well even though we haven't got a road over here we'll do that so it matches there we go these will end up joining up to the other side cool right let's start putting down some items i'm thinking the poshmark can sort of take up some space over on this side look at that up to 94 000. um it's quite large and it sort of orients that way i'd like it to go the other way with the back over this side so if we just grab this road for now yep i think we've got it so if we go like that actually i want that further over i tell you why because i would like the car park to be built into this area over here so let's actually come out even further we're going to go straight like that let's take a look i'm thinking this is going to have a quite a reasonably sized car park which i think that would be yeah that would be okay right let's just do a little bit of work on here we're going to move this down probably to halfway there we go and then we're going to get a road to run around the back let's pick a pretty nice looking one maybe with some grass that would be good there we go excellent i think that fits in there perfectly and then for the parking at the back i'm thinking poshma you know you don't want open-air car parking you want something maybe a little bit under cover and we've got these ones here and that is quite large that let's just turn off this so we can see these okay how about we go for an underground car park spiral underground car park fitting in with the theme that we've got going on here i think that'll be good it's got a capacity of 450 or something like that which is absolutely fantastic where is it on here [Music] there it is that one there 450 yeah and then we can do a bit of work around the outside on here as well excellent that'll be good let's get some water pipes to these lovely people [Music] and then just to get the power of course we're going to do our usual trick of an earthquake sensor and i'm hoping maybe just a couple of these here and here we'll just help it to jump across for now yep there we go excellent right so a couple of other items that can help us on our way to the monuments which i think will also look good in this area is the helicopter park and the business park so we've got those over here also it's statue of wealth not the business part the business part far too big uh business park this one here statue of wealth will help us for that one and that will look pretty good right outside the posh mall so we are going to pop that there look at that looking very good what is that guy doing looks like he's got a big coin i was going to say captain america shield with a skin tight superhero costume something like that going on there and then the other one if we could pop that in the middle here yeah somewhere like that to sort of connect all of this together when we start building in here i think that'll be good now we just have to remember that we need to set this area up as tourism specialization so let's click on that we could do this one there we go we'll see that that's been added hopefully going to hit yep tourism and specialization perfect now what i'm also going to do is this little section down the middle here i'm gonna mark that down as a park just through here uh we're not gonna charge anybody actually do you know what could i connect it to that park thornton city park do you know what i think we will so if we bring this along here [Music] and it ended up being a totally different park oh well that'll do i just want it to take in all of these parts because then we can start adding some items onto these parts which i think will look pretty cool so if we go into our parks i like these zoo ones because i just look a little bit more rustic and interesting uh oh it needs to be an actual park doesn't it okay um right let us add a node into the middle of that so that i can delete half of this we're gonna add the city park side gate yeah area must have a main gate uh that'd be this one oh it's almost not quite lined up is it okay let's get that up to there and then we'll take that and get that into there yeah there we go i think that'll be okay we don't really need any other gates anywhere else so that's fine then we'll go back to the zoo and we can grab ones like this and we can now just pop these up against the paths here and just i love their wooden sort of structure i just think they fit in really really well so we could dot a few of those around and add a little something something to the area as well [Music] [Music] okay so i think these little spots here are starting to look good very nice we're going to be getting a lot of tourists coming over here so things like this i think will be very helpful and before i add any more detail in i think we need to get some actual commercial properties in here so are we going to go for low density or we're going to pop some high density in here as well what do you reckon let's try a spattering of both and we're going to sort of pop some of those so let's go for something like this and then we may bring in actually before we start doing that i'm going to take that one out there we're going to bring in a load along the back here we want to sort of try and pack this in a bit if we can i want to go straight with that more or less like that would that be okay i think that'll be fine um can i delete the end of that off no it's going to try and delete the whole thing that's okay i'll add a node i want it the same height as that one there there we go excellent and let's add a road along the back what should we go for what should we go for in fact what i'm going to do is i'm going to use the tool again because i love this tool we're going to take this here parallel road we're going to go from there i'm going to say all the way down to there uh i don't really care what the road is i'm going to sort of eyeball it i think should we go with that i think that let's just see how far away that is oh a little bit of gap there and then we can get some stuff along the back here i think that'll be okay i think that'll be fine yeah then we're gonna have to use this tool here and i can never remember which way round uh if i disable zone and prioritize older roads it should prioritize these ones yeah there we go excellent so that doesn't mess up any of that zoning we've got at the end apart from this one here um twice newer roads on there no hang on probably all the roads on there yeah there we go and on there as well perfect so i'm going to fill that in and then i think we're just going to fill all of this in along the back here but without destroying any trees all right we're just going to stop the growth there for a moment i'm just looking at this and realizing we're going to get a ton of these hotels popping up which is fine to a certain extent but after a while it's like too many too many hotels so what we're gonna do is we're gonna split myrtle park in half we're gonna have hotels up this side zip and then this is gonna be something else this is going to be leisure so we're going to take this bit here and all of this all of this all of this and all of that so we'll get some hotels here which will be good because this has got a big park that we're going to be building into and we may have some other things that people want to come and visit around here and this side is going to be leisure instead there we go so that's myrtle park and the valley heights so let's see how much of a difference that makes some of these hotels might be disappearing sometime soon so while this is slowly growing up because now we don't have any need for commercial we have a high demand for residential i'm just looking if there's any other items we could use here that was going to help us i think this one here this one here sea and sky scraper isn't too large and i think that will fit in here really well viewer capacity 300 so the fact you've got hotels and things here will fit in with the fact that people are going to want to come and visit this let's just pop that in there and i think that just looks marvelous so as we're waiting for the need in this area to increase why don't we turn our attention to this area over here and i'm just gonna delete these to give ourselves a bit of space we'll just pop a little node in the middle there so i can take the end piece off and again i'm gonna use the tool so i'm gonna select this four-lane road here because that's the road i wish to be adding um and then we're gonna i'm just sort of thinking how far out is this here we could do a little test couldn't we let's grab this let's grab the parallel road i'm gonna do parallel to the railway line uh we'll do it there and then how far one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirty forty fishing seven eight nine twenty one two three four five six seven zero third actually it's got a meter measurement there i don't need to count like an imbecile i would say roughly there 82 meters okay so we'll cancel that yep there we go so then we're going to go this way we're going to go from there all the way down to let's go to here 82 meters let's just take a look that looks pretty perfect to me so let's add that in there bing excellent just need to level i'm going to put these ends here the same height as the rest of the roads yeah okay that will do that and we've got these parts that we can then connect up so we can see where our connection is going to be let's put those nice and straight excellent we'll use the movement mods get those in there excellent accent excellent we'll do the same over here cool beans so now we're going to get access from one side to the other and we need to connect this over here i'm just wondering whether we could slightly change this road so i'm going to use the move it mod and just bring whoa okay let's undo that let's do it like this bring that over to there and then we'll just bring this road straight down here because it's going to head over into this area at some point and then i've just added a nice connection onto here we've got dedicated lanes give way i'm also going to just smooth that out every slightly don't go all the way down to there excellent and then over here i've just gone down these junctions and given them dedicated turning lanes and made these roads coming on give way as well as you can see all the way up to the end and then i've just joined this road together oh auto save quick sympathy [Music] because we're getting a lot of cars coming up here and turning around so that will be helpful at some point this may connect elsewhere over here or even over to this section we could just bring a little road and connect it there we'll see we'll see right now we need to decide what this residential area over here is going to look like and i'm pretty sure we are going to run a road that sort of goes around this shape here that will give us something interesting to work in the lay of the land it is pretty flat if i remember correctly i mean that is pretty flat we can easily build on that no problem [Music] okay and then thinking about this connection over here i'm going to take this road it's gonna come straight out to here and then we're gonna turn that into a bridge up on over the top and then back to a normal road and that is gonna hit into there now there's a bit of a height difference there and we've also got proper tree anarchy on let's move that rock and then let's get rid of those trees move it mod please uh move it mod move it more there we go we did that um that's gonna be okay actually that's not too bad i might just lift this bit up here yeah there we go that's fine we'll do that and then we'll just do dedicated turning lanes there and i'm gonna do give way for that one so this is a collector here sort of coming off a collector coming off the highway so that's almost a good connection to the highway oh we've got some more whoa mama there we go excellent yeah and that will come through here we might end up stopping these trucks where are these trucks going space bowling space where's that oh so he's coming into here okay no so that's fine we'll be happy to do that so i want now a connection to this road so if we grab this one there we go that's going to connect that end and then over here just wondering where this road could go i mean this road could come over here and even connect up to this road so people could get into work perhaps i'm just wondering whether that'd be a good idea if we bring no we bring this road here sort of parallel with that and it could head out to there or we didn't do it come on you do that for me head out to there we could then turn that into a bridge and then that could sort of come into there i'm just wondering whether this road could sort of turn into that road or whether we could not have this great big road going through there but instead just switch it down to a normal two-lane road something like this so there's access over there but it's not yeah i think that'll be okay and then this road here could literally meet over here couldn't it in fact that's what we're gonna do with this one there we go so that's going to meet up to there so i'll tell you what we are going to take this road this four lane road which was sort of used as a collector and bring that down to there and then it can switch out over this way i think that'll be okay that bridge is looking all right i want that the same height as that and i want that the same height as that there we go yeah i think that's fine give some extra access excellent okay so right the area is getting there one thing i've sort of neglected if we come along out here we've got a lot of people queuing on the highway that want to get to this new area and we're also getting a lot of problems with waste transfer facilities around here not being picked up which is a little bit annoying i'm just wondering whether we could just utilize a little bit of space over here before we solve that traffic we'll pop in another waste complex ah just won't quite fit i bet if we did a bit of anarchy that would fit in nicely and it's no problem it is a little bit of a problem okay it's gonna move it's gonna go here instead just for now just so we can keep on top of the waste problems okay uh the traffic yeah traffic's backing up we've got no other way to get in here other than buy cars or i've been concentrating on the walk-in for the people coming from this end but for other people coming from other places not so much uh one thing that might be able to help is we've only got one lane coming in here um we could definitely upgrade that to two with no parking this one here actually no not that we want to go for the highway go for this one two lane highway yeah that was close that was close come here come here come here there we go excellent now we've got double the amount of lanes coming off i can do that one i can do that one i can do that one i can do that one yeah and we'll leave it like that so we can spread out and then oh there we go let's spread it that's what i want to see and then all those little connections in between we are gonna say no lane switch in there no lane switching there or there or there you can pick your lane over here so now when they get a chance to go out they should be able to get out a lot quicker and that should let's keep an eye on that go down reasonably fast [Music] you're not going down as quick as i thought it would we do have a train line of course that runs through here and i'm just wondering whether we've missed an opportunity to add in some sort of train station would be good oh it's like going to mess up my path or we could put it this side and then people can walk over i think that'll be much better uh let's take a look at what options we have available to us well i'm looking at what we've got on what could fit in here and this one let's just put it this side so we can see is an elevated station and it's got this one here we got from the pack elevated island platform station it would mean raising up the rail to get through there hmm [Music] i'm just wondering whether that is going to be too high to raise up and that would that would just sort of fit right in the middle and really only mess up our path on one side like that we could have that slope up is there enough room to do well should we try it should we pop it in and see oh man i'm gonna delete this so that could literally fit up against that just trying to see where it would be a good spot we go there hmm that is not too high or is it this ain't never going to work is it um [Applause] whoa there he goes that was amazing is he still going like super fast speed where's he gone he's over here there he is he's freaking out this guy did you see that what is he doing is he just gonna sit there now totally freaked out no he's going back the other way is he gonna take everything with him that was like a slingshot rubber band never seen that before okay so i've hooked them up it is a bit of a slope so what i'm gonna try and do is uh slope this down so if we get that to go all the way to under there and hey he's in back again so that is not as bad as it was this one might be harder because we've got this path that goes over it might just be that we need to just lift this path yet we do we need to lift this path up so we take those two bits there just so it doesn't clip through there anymore and then we'll do the slopey slopey thing from there to there yep and then we do it from there to there how's that looking that still looks like it can work and then here i want to make these raised lines i mean it isn't ideal but uh i'm gonna do those two i'm gonna do that one and that one and this one's okay ever so slightly on this one as well so we're gonna add do do do do do do we're gonna add another one of those in there and then we're gonna do that one yeah there we go that is not too bad you should just sort out some of the little details but you know it's a slope i think that looks fine i think we're gonna work with that i mean let's be honest we're in the year 21.79 if a train by now cannot get up a slope like that what are we even doing with ourselves i don't know okay so i've added a stop on either side so that line i have to get back to that again now takes us all the way around here uh connects us to this line to this side which is good which stops over here this side of the new tealand and then that's going to continue through the mountain is that trash problems everywhere yeah brings us around where does that go i've lost it oh is that does it stop there blue oh it stops here and goes back again there's there's no other lines that come in this side so that's metro this is track that's a bit weird i thought there was a line that came along here got these orange trains okay what is going on with my train lines are they all turned on they are all turned on i think i've accidentally deleted a train line you know but there's nothing going up round that way at all which is going to bring people in so i'm going to add another one over here do you know what actually forget it i'm going to take that out i'm going to extend this blue one i think that would be a much better idea if i could grab it and drag it around there drag to move oh here we go trying to oh my goodness me press all my mouse buttons at once so if we get all the way back round here zoom in not letting go of the left yeah there we go so that now comes around there right so let's go back into this one let's turn all of these off apart from that one so now we need to put stops back in here so we're going to drag that and we're going to drag that so we've got a bypass if we need it that's fine and it goes past everything else comes into one we just put in then it goes along here and stops there and it comes in around the other way doesn't it yeah that's the other end of the blue line that we saw is there oh excellent so that is now a big loop all the way around our city fantastic and just looking at the highway it is going down it's not backing off the highway back in or up onto the highway i should say anymore so that's good and certainly as this is here longer more people will be using it excellent so we just need to sort out our path here and how am i going to do this because before this path went all the way along we could go underneath we could we could literally go underneath we could bring that up to here and go under there so they want to walk from one side to the other they can cut through and then come out on this side like that and let's put that back on again so we get trees and everything that's okay then if they want to walk any other way they can come down there come over the front oh i'm liking that i am liking that right we've got a few complaints of goods over here which is something that we can fix as we jump into here thank you very much and grab just one of these small warehouses is there a spot we could put that you know what there is right over here it's not gonna mess up our river i think it is i tell you what let's pause let's turn that off so we can see what we're doing yeah there we go and i'm going to use the movement mod to move that into this little section here so by the time you get to the end of this walking path you're sort of leaving the area anyway but if we get that up against here get that to the same height as this yeah then we don't want it out that far actually that will tuck underneath the path there won't it look at that up to there i think that's okay and then we could run a little road in front of that and then we're not taking out so much of the river as we were doing it the other way so actually i was going to go for a normal piece of road like that hmm okay let's change the height of that again we want that the same height as this this leaves us that bit of a gap there yeah there we go we can sort of cover that up a little bit i think that's okay so in here we want to have that on filled and we want that to have commercial zone goods so we're going to get a little bit of traffic coming in there but we'll be okay i'm going to change that one to give way so you guys can keep going in and out and then at the other end there's obviously a lot of people coming down here that are struggling to get where they want to go so let us just grab this road here i'm gonna change that actually we'll do it with this one so it matches in there we go give you dedicated turning lanes oh it's a little bit wider so i've messed up there oh i see it's the zoning thing wasn't it okay uh let's do the zoning let's grab the road prototype older roads there we go just disabled zoning on this one that was just the easiest way let's do that again um they're just getting pretty busy aren't they trying to get out of this area even though there's two different ways they can go they're all picking this way here aren't they and then they all want to come around here i think we need some traffic lights we're gonna go for some time traffic lights right there just to let people come and go and then let's just keep an eye on this area [Music] okay that's slowly sorting itself out i've just sorted out all the fences and added a few more path connections over here onto the road to help people walking across how much is our train station being used weekly passion is 151 actually two minutes ago it said 1030 so i'm assuming a couple of trains have come along and picked some people up but it is getting super super busy through here which is great to see [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so we are getting closer and closer to 100 000. i think with that little commercial hub that we've got there certainly we need some urban sprawl behind that to really get our figures up so subscribe don't miss out that will be our next new team video thank you for watching leave a thumbs up if you enjoyed and i'll see you next time take care have a great day bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 92,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines mods 2021, cities skylines detailing tips, cities skylines mods, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, cities skylines how to start, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city
Id: E0qWmlHb6c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 45sec (2625 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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