Sculpting a City Center with a Hidden Secret in Cities Skylines!

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome back to city skylines with me before thank you very much for joining me so we are expanding today we've now opened up so much more of the island and i want to put a special build down here i want to continue expanding our university continue expanding our housing we have lots of needs for industry and commercial so maybe that's what this is going to be focused on at last episode if you didn't see it we started work on our spider transit hub which we've got in here this is my favorite of the new transit hubs that are in the game and this thing is just going to get busier and busier the more we build that's where it is so all these different areas all have metro lines that all converge into here and maybe i'm going to steal one of these lines here and bring it into this new area because now looking at the needs we have it's going to be filled with offices and it's going to be filled with commercial stuff so yeah that is the plan so first of all before we do that let's take a quick look at sparty university so we hit acclaimed in the last episode which is fantastic we need to get some more students which the more we expand the more we're going to hit that need and more attractiveness but we unlock some cool new stuff which i would like to put in so uh now i've got to try and work out what it is we've unlocked school of environmental studies pretty sure we haven't got that before we have the liberal arts bookstore which is cool i like that as well we haven't had that one and we've got the liberal arts laboratories which is a reasonable size as well and then when we get to the auditorium i'm pretty sure we've had that one or maybe not oh we put some new stuff over here didn't we oh yeah let's just quickly check what we've got over here at the library or maybe we didn't have the auditory and well there we go that's something else we can add it in as well yeah so lots we can add in uh what's interesting about these as well the environmental studies increases campus attractiveness and requires a liberal arts campus yep okay well we've got that uh the bookstore attractiveness and land value yeah so all sorts of things like that which is what we want to do so maybe let's just do a tiny bit of work rounds here let's grab this would any of these fit in along the back here bookstore would actually fit there rather well and that wouldn't matter backing up oh that looks nice that wouldn't matter with it backing up against the rail line there so that's good although it's a bit big for that spot i wonder whether we could just move that over a bit let's just grab yellow move it mod ah there we go look that's better and then i bet we can then just run this up the side here we can i just want to sort of get it to the same wait come on now stop hooking onto the wrong thing turn off road guidelines there we go just to give that sort of a finish and you know what i could probably just run that all the way down the back and that would nicely close that off in fact i'm going to use the one without trees on so let's upgrade that there we go and the one at the back so we don't have trees sticking through the thing that tree's already built in so that's fine and then we'll do this one and that one perfect there we go excellent let's just scroll back down here again the school of environmental studies that was quite a large building wasn't it and that is not in campus area so let's just extend and this is like the natural break to the campus that's here and what's good as well is all of these people up here of course are going to have access via the spider transit hub i don't know what suggestions you've made for this yet name-wise because i haven't seen that episode uh go out yet but yeah let me know what you think we should call that but yeah they can all easily travel to here via our metro so that is pretty fantastic um what i'm gonna do actually if we come back into here let's grab that and that would fit absolutely perfectly in the middle there and then we'll get this one with the trees and we're going to run this up here there we go add a few little trees around there i think that one there is starting to look pretty spiffing i like that very cool very cool so that is going to add yeah lots of space for students lots of upkeep on that one uh i know we need water pipes we'll get that in a minute oh attractiveness is getting up there but it's not quite there yet and then we'll just pop in our last one that we've got we've got last two we've got the liberal arts laboratories laboratories and the auditorium so let's see if we can just make a little something with this space here we've got our bike roads that come out so that's what i'm gonna do i'm going to bring that out to there and run that up to there as a sort of an ending and they should be able to connect through there if we bring that closer set that's the same height as that yep that's fine so we're going to add that in there we go i think that's looking good we're still a bit of a ways off of our target of hitting uh what was it 1800 i just have a quick look at this on here yeah 1800 campus attractiveness but that's fine because we're going to expand our campus district into other places as we grow the city so yep no problem at all let's just have a quick look yeah we've got this bus stop loops around here uh bringing people outside there i'm just wondering if we could just add another stop you can let me do so by the car park yeah there we go excellent so people can come in grab the bus get to where they want to go like a little park and ride fantastic right now for this section here i've got a couple of uh items in mind that i would like to build around so we've got the amsterdam palace now we just take a look at those hold it against this road so that looks quite nice i'd like the amsterdam palace and i would like the city hall there's sort of a similar-ish looking building um does that tell you when that was built or anything like that no not really that one there no not really but you know similar-ish looking buildings and i'd like to put those as a centerpiece for this area so i'd like to at first work out uh where are grids that we're going to sort of continue this grid-ish sort of build here but bend it round the corner so instead of it going up and down like that it's going to go up and down at an angle 90 degrees to this road up here what have we been using we're using these bike roads so i tell you what let me grab those and see what we can mark out here okay so i'm just thinking how i can mark this out so each of these grids were a standard 10 in length so that's 400 yeah that is 400 in cost away from the road so anything that comes out here there we go it has to line up these are going to be temporary roads has to line up with that so what i'm thinking here is if this one came down like that and if this one came along here we're gonna delete in a couple of buildings so that would go that way the next 10 would be here somewhere in the middle of there yeah we're going to work this out let's delete this so if i go there we know that's another 10 and then at this point which is like the halfway mark it's going to go up so we've got if i do half 200 and then 200 towards there and we're going to work this out if that's 200 then the other 200 is to there which is to there so we delete that we're getting there we're getting there so that is a full 400 length the same yep and now we're going along here so now we're going to get 10 let's just delete these now we don't need those uh let's do another 10. yeah let's follow this to its natural conclusion and see how this works out actually i need to do these all the way down to 10. i'm just sort of fiddling around here okay yeah let me do this yeah tell you what the problem is is this road isn't entirely straight all the way along can it sort of bend it kinks a bit at the end this should be almost straight i think that's straight enough i'm not gonna i'm not gonna monkey with that yeah there we go and then we need to curve this back around up here again so what am i gonna do here it doesn't matter actually if we lose this bit does it because we might not end up keeping that that wasn't the point was it yeah okay that's good let's grab that and we'll curve this back round again there we go fantastic and then we'll set this back up again ctrl shift left click that goes in there that's good i'm also going to just use no controller on here just to expand those a little bit so that 13 15 is normally a good one just to give a little bit of extra leeway in the size there we go it helps them get around the corner a little bit quicker 15 and we'll do the same there yeah there we go that looks a lot better excellent so now we've got this is lined up with that but now going at its own angle yeah i'm pleased with that so i'm going to finish off this grid and we are ending up going into this square a little bit so why the heck not let us purchase that as [Music] well okay so that's the gridded area marked out there this one here we haven't actually uh finished off have we so let's just finish this and what i'm just looking at as well yeah i don't think we're going to get that all in there let's leave that one is how to connect this so we've got this road that comes through here i'm not entirely sure i want to connect it there what i would like to do is connect it up here and any road that we then connect to the outside is going to become sort of a main through way for this area and i'm not entirely sure how busy this is going to get uh i want that one there i want four lane with bicycles to try oh that's quite a big wide road that one do i want to go for that or try and keep it thin no i don't want to go for that i want to go for this one that we're using over here this one so if they're coming in they'll have to carry their bicycles on their shoulders but yeah four lane so that's going to go all the way through to the end that one is going to go all the way through to the end and then i'm going to connect the two together like that so we end up with this loop of larger roads and then somewhere in the middle we want a crossover point well what i'm actually going to do is i'm going to take out this middle section here this is where we're going to build our point of interest which was those two buildings that we mentioned so let's get those it's going to pause the game while i do that so amsterdam palace that's a reasonable size and that's a reasonable size we could have those set back from the road in the middle here actually if we put one there like that and one there like that they're almost backing onto each other so is there a way that we could do this where they do actually back on to each other what have we got do you know what i actually know i'm going to leave it like that because i tell you why i'm going to then grab at some path that we're going to run through the middle here and let's go for i like this smart one but i want to use something a bit different let's go for that one and i'm going to turn off all the guidelines and things and that one is going to come through here from one side to the other there we go we're going to shift defy that a teeny tiny bit closer just up to there and that doesn't feel like it's quite in the middle that one yeah that's okay actually that's all right and that one's in the middle there as well excellent okay so that'll give us a good start for this area um and then you know i am thinking now i'm going to connect this down here and make that another road through i'm just worried about how close it was to all the junctions but oh darn it wrong road uh let's give it a go and i want that one there so let's upgrade that one and here it is this one here so if we upgrade that it's gonna connect through to there and then that's gonna connect onto here yeah that's the idea it might need to be a teeny tiny little curve oh perfect there we go it's quite close that's the only reason i didn't want to do that but we'll see how it goes i'm going to take out the traffic lights there and then what else am i going to do take out the traffic lights there take out the traffic lights there we'll see how that goes we'll give them dedicated turning lanes coming in and out and the same over there and then this bit going through i think what i can do is that can i do it this way if i put that on click on there yeah so that is i've made that main road all the way through to the end it's only going to go to there and then this one goes all the way down there yeah so i want that to be set up with yield signs for everybody coming on to that and that goes all the way to the end yep so yield signs everybody coming onto that and we'll just do this one again so that only goes up to there we could actually i'll tell you what we'll make that all the way through to there and we'll do the same and then what i'll do is come out of that view so i'm going to grab that and i'm going to actually bring that all the way across there like that yeah hopefully that's okay we'll just do that again so now we look at this yeah this last one will have to change let's just change that always does that on the end doesn't it there we go and that means i'll have to do this one as well but apart from that all the other roads coming on a given way so these ones in the middle where these roads meet particularly this one is definitely going to be a time traffic light we're going to set up a bog standard time traffic light for that and also this one here we've got one main road one main road but then we've got a normal road here yeah i'm gonna do that one there as well and then when they get down the end i'm assuming that this bit isn't gonna be so busy so we'll leave that one like it is and we'll see how they go once we start getting more traffic in here i'm hoping that's going to be okay but then what i'm thinking of doing as well is putting these rows over the top into the grid over here that is the plan so let's just see how this is going to work out so technically if that went into there that's your 400 then it comes out again and that's your 400 so then if we just sort of draw this in to there we're going to end up with four yeah the uh i don't think they're going to connect there we'll we'll work that out in a second i want that to go to there to there let me just put these in and then we'll see what we can do yeah not too sold on the shape of this one but let's just see how it works out so i'm going to remove those from there and then this here let's just put it onto that mode and i want this to get as close as possible so one two three four five six seven eight should be okay get that right up to there and then we'll do the same over here one two three four five six seven eight get that right up to the edge oh there we go and then connect that over the top and i think that's gonna have to be a couple higher so let's grab that and that one two three four five six seven eight on that as well yeah that'll be good and then we'll do the same on this one here and i think that should be plenty of room to get from one side to the other they can walk across and it's only little side streets that are connecting here um little side streets connecting here little side streets connecting there it doesn't affect the main sort of through routes um and i don't think i'm gonna upgrade these to like the main roads like over here because this is a much bigger grid than this one oh man i can sort of already foresee some problems but we're going to go with what we've got so that needs that that needs that and then the rest of this can just be as it is and then what we could do could we somehow connect that over here would be good if we could i'm just wondering whether we could just delete that and eyeball it in here with something if we weren't like this somehow okay let's go this way instead and that will just sort of connect into there i might then just change that for one of these four lane roads yeah there we go and if we do that and dedicated turning lanes if you want to come in there yeah so that gives access to that bit of a weird sort of road shape not quite sure i like that there i'll work on that in a minute but there we go and i've sort of gone around the trees here so we can have some sort of greenery around this area yeah that is not too bad right i'm gonna put some water pipes in they're all complaining about that [Music] right so let's pop a zone over here this whole section is going to be one big zone [Music] all the way around here and we're going to have a little think about what sort of buildings we'd like in here now there are let's have a look lafayette hills need some name suggestions maybe something t-related to do with the palace city hall something along those lines get your thinking caps on let me know so we have a look at our themes over here we're going to enable theme management now we've got modern city center which i really like um let's have a quick look at that so display all included so in here we're going to have a lot of high density commercial buildings that are going to match up nicely and there's quite a few that will fit really well in the grid that we've done that will back on well to each other so i think we're going to do those but all that's got in there is high density commercial so we're also going to be putting in here some offices uh what does university city involve office wise nothing in there a modern pack five built-in styles oh i think that's my own version of the modern city pack thing yeah we don't want that international at what we could do actually just click uh none and then just put that one on there we go yeah so the international offices would actually match quite well with that there we go even being suburbia hasn't got any european no so if we put in modern city center and international i think that should work out okay so we're gonna go for that oh the only other thing is international what does that have for commercial uh which one is it do do this one here so we turn off those turn off that turn off that yeah it's got so that's a shame i mean what we could do is make our own theme but i'll have to run through all of these and mess them around and what we might be able to do is actually put on the modern city center first let those fill in and then put the offices in afterwards let's see how it goes let's see how it goes we're going to put modern city center on we're going to go for that and then we're going to start putting some high density commercial around here what else we could do i'm just thinking if we have some let's sort of i'm going to pause this we're going to have this around here like this so this is all going to be nice and big and square looking down on this sort of square in the middle so what i could do now i'm thinking about it is take lafayette hills turn off that and then we're going to take a little zone in the middle here which was this bit there we go so we've got lafayette hills on the outside cedar hills on the middle and then cedar hills we can then go to our themes and set that as a naval theme manager modern city center and then this on the outside we can set to whatever we want so what have we got a medium sort of demand for commercial zone power is going to be a problem um what i might just do is let this fill in for a second or two see what we get oh look at that flipping it that was so close all right let's try that again let's grab that rock there pop him over there oh look at his teeny tiny does that even count as a rock that's almost like a pebble isn't it save the pebble there we go it's his children it's the rock and it's children there we go and i think we're all okay everywhere else so yeah let's see this grow up see if it fills in well we are gonna need services and stuff aren't we but yeah quick time lapse see what we get and then we'll be back i have to say this has worked out better than i thought we've got a lot of matching ones in here although it's a bit odd because there are other ones that are in the pack that will fit in this sort of grid but i do like this it's like the whole place has been deliberately made to match around here it's a shame we haven't got any of the other sort coming in but what i'm gonna oh yeah they're gonna be complaining about power and stuff okay let's just let's just pause everybody let's just get some power in there now we know roughly where the power needs to go and not mess anything else up so we're gonna come across there and go into there everybody's gonna be happy happy happy happy happy yes excellent okay because then what we can do is is we can set some of these now to be historical buildings and they will stay the same please don't yeah change they will stay the same and that'll be quite good so like i want this one here yeah so this is going to take a while so let me just run a lot yeah look there we go look there's another sort that can go in here so i'm going to set this one historical this one over here and see if we can get some different types coming in this is gonna take a few minutes so leave it with me and we'll see what we get this area filled up as right i think we're there what i've decided on in the end is this design down both sides so they're back in the front and then the two in the middle here and the two over there whatever came up so this one here we've got this nice one in a nice grid all the way around which i like this one here is sort of a mishmash of all sorts of different buildings which is fine we'll come back to this little spot over here in a sec and then this one here is like a mishmash of different buildings and so is this one and what i've done is sometimes you're left with a space that just won't feel and i've just realized with the movement mod if we just pause this i can hold that then hold click that then hold shift and hold shift and then copy that and then right click to spin that round oh that's going to overlap so what we're going to delete that and that yeah because what i'm gonna do is copy that and pop that in there two three four i've got snapping on so that should line up that middle one's a bit too big isn't it oh darn it i thought that was gonna reach up to there hold on we might be able to do something let's copy that one two three four so that fills that gap then we need a very thin one to go in there do we have a small thin one actually if we just unpause it those might fill up but then what we can do i did that with it over here as well come out and move it mardis we can then mark those as historical there we go and i'm pretty sure i've been around everywhere and mark these are historical that one that's the same one that one and they will stay exactly like that which is what i want there we go and that one there i've done all the outside ones i'm hoping a nice thin one fills in there we still got the zoning in there yeah we have so yeah that one i've done that one i'm going to just redo these ones because they were done with the move it mod i don't want it to be an issue there we go we'll see what happens but anyway um yeah i'm liking that i'm liking that a lot round there excellente so that's that area and that's filled up nicely and then we're going to put some oh we've got more knees got knees everywhere people are coming and going we are getting some traffic here unfortunately which is because of people crossing over but we'll come back to that i could add a little road off of here good nice they can come in there yeah we'll come back to that let's just concentrate on making it look nice and then we'll see what happens so now we're getting to our industrial no not industrial what's what i'm looking for international style so i'm gonna pop those around here like so i'm going to delete that power line and see if we can get that connecting somewhere a bit better um i'm not quite sure where i tell what i'll do is i'll leave that there actually and we'll just redo that one if i remove that zone and we want it back in there yeah so then let's see what we get around the outside of this i'm also going to keep an eye on this traffic and see how it goes [Music] okay so we're sort of gonna get a little bit of a mix here i like these buildings slightly they're almost like a slightly more modern version of these aren't they over here which i like but let me get all these little tiny ones like this which i don't want i want the taller buildings around the outside so again this may be one of those situations where i'm doing a lot of deleting and waiting for it to rebuild and all that sort of thing so i'll tell you what i'm going to fiddle with this for a few minutes i like this look i like this with a different color different color shops on the bottom there yeah very cool do you know what i might just do is use the move it mod because if i just pause this a second if i use the movement mode and grab that that and that if i copy it i've got snapping on so it will snap to the grid and as long as the grid is filled in which it is that should stay but also it randomizes the colors which is really cool so i think you know what i'm going to just fill these in around the outside i think that's what i'm going to do [Music] there we go oh why are you disappearing oh i know why you're disappearing i didn't put the zone in this one did i okay let's do that again let's just grab that one that one up on that one and copy and do that and that should be fine oh yeah i'm liking the look of that that is looking spiffing this little bit over here yeah we'll leave it like that we'll come up with something for that quarter i like the fact that it isn't all exactly the same that is nice and then we've got to try and think what we're going to do sort of down here now this zone over here i know lafayette hills has taken over up here but yeah lafayette hills is going to stick to down this area this is going to have its own zone so let me just de-zone this up to the road there we go and this area up here is going to have its own um own set of buildings so we've got a leisure specialist and tourism specialist now i'm thinking because people are coming up here for the shops there's an amazing hub over here with the metro and you can walk from the station and all that sort of thing we've got to double check our walking at the minute they can't walk but we'll sort that why are you changing what the heck oh i never set them all as i'll keep it on pause i forgot to set them all historical we'll get back to that yeah so i'm going to set this up here as tourist and see what we get for that area after i've set all these as historical so while i'm going around setting these as historical i've just noticed these slightly shorter buildings which i like so these are level two these are micro yes i'm wondering whether just to grab some of these for these areas around the side down here i think that would be a nice sort of way to bring the height of this area down so let's just give that a go uh let's grab the movement mod again i want that one that one and that one i'm going to copy that and pop that in there and then i want that one oh darn it i didn't mark it as this let's do that that that actually that one doesn't matter it's going to be all these square ones like that and along here no we'll look at that in a minute uh let's delete that and fill that in so let's just try that again there we go so move it mod i want that one that one that one copy yep hmm i don't know why that one isn't in properly we'll see anyway and then i want at that one and copy and one two three four and pop that there let's just see what happens that we're gonna grow in is that a little bit taller oh they've all disappeared well thank you very much all right i'll sort this out you can see what i'm trying to do oh it's because they're offices they're not oh boner bonehead yeah let me sort this out and i'll be right back with you okay there we go i'm liking the way this is looking very nice very nice i'm just wondering about the traffic down here on this road if i just delete this connection here and say no you're not going to go in there where is all the traffic going to go obviously going to come through here they're all going to take this road or some split over there as well um something's upgraded somewhere what was that no idea because now it's gone okay fine yeah i think that might work a little bit better we might need to put some more asymmetrical roads on the ins and the outs down here but man people are loving to walk over here which is fantastic and they are walking around and they are crossing over so yeah they can get from one side to the other which is good i'm happy with that very nice very nice okay so then we've got this area up here so what we might just do is just make that all a high density unfortunately we've got this problem here where the zoning doesn't quite match up but we might just be able to deal with that so i'm going to put all of this as high density yeah in that middle sort of section there and then see what we get okay not too bad so we're getting a variety of tall buildings coming in here i don't like these little teeny tiny ones sorry we're delivering there but not anymore um so we might just have to ever slightly adjust some of the zoning so that doesn't happen um but we'll see we'll see what goes on in there now this bit along here i was thinking of trying to make this a bit more parkified so you're coming in from over here you've got the university area you're coming down here perhaps walking out of the train station look how busy this is this is fantastic and they're all walking as well which is brilliant we are definitely going to have to give them some proper paths to get up and over the top and you know what we might just do to help with that is the let's have a look on here we've got the automatic pedestrian bridge builder that is what the mod is called so we can make an inner roundabout we can do a star or we could go for a tunnel i'm quite happy to go for an inner roundabout i like the look of those yeah there we go and then i think what it's going to do oh it's automatically stopped to the crossing over there which is what we want so now they're going to take these over the top so that's going to help the cars to keep moving which is what we want oh look at that look at that that is absolutely perfect i feel like we just need a little something something in the middle here let's see what we can throw together do you know what i think that's fine just a few nice big tall trees excellent excellent excellent so there we go that's going to keep the traffic going um so yeah i want to just plop some parks down here what have we got that will fit nicely into there oh i like this one at flower garden park we're going to put the entrance coming off of here and we're just going to leave a little gap either side there we go there we go oh it's a shame we can't fit another one oh look at that suddenly the area is being lifted right up oh i'm liking that a lot and the fact that it's got that repeating pattern as well i think that fits in perfectly yeah i'm really liking that excellent excellent and we've still got to put some sort of features and park and walkway and whatnot in here haven't we maybe we could just do that [Music] there we go i think that looks nice with the plazas and the trees and the paths under there so they'll walk through and use the plazas as well very nice unfortunately oh dear uh too few services i've messed up and we've not got enough services over in this area so let me just take a very quick look at adding some of those in i'm surprised these ones here haven't disappeared as well but yep yikes there we go so i need to detail a bit around these we've got the big large hospital here which i think fits in well with these buildings we've got some yoga gardens and a nice gymnasium over there and then i put our fire services around here somewhere as well unfortunately because these are um yeah all historical buildings i'm gonna have to see if i can just use the move it mods to delete those yeah without deleting everything else fantastic and then i can replace those again and we can hear everybody going ping ping ping and upgrading which is what we want to hear fantastic look at all the arrows look ping ping ping you can see and hear all the upgrades which is absolutely fantastic that's what some services will do for you brilliant [Music] [Music] [Music] well i am really pleased with the way this has turned out let me know what you think in the comments below i know we seriously need some mass transit in this area so that's going to be next time so subscribe so you don't miss out on that video and check out the next one that's on the screen as well so thank you very much for all of your support have a fantastic day i will see you all soon take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 143,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines how to start your city, cities skylines bridges and piers, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines megalopolis, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, Metro Hub
Id: izrwqM1aoa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 55sec (2395 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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