Mass Expansion at the Foot of the Mountain in Cities Skylines!

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you turn off collision i think it still did it because i didn't click the button properly whoops sorry you'll have to come back and rebuild your house [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer today we're going to be expanding right next to our city skylines that we worked on last time we we wanted a nice skyline to look at and i love the way these buildings look from any angle they look apart from this angle because you can't see them there we go from any angle i just think that just looks fantastic but as we cross over as we move away from this built up here we've got this big empty space here and this big empty space here and i would like to tackle this slot here first of all and just see what we can get in here and i'm thinking sort of medium to low density sort of housing yeah we'll see we'll see what we can do so first of all um i'm gonna do some preparation work so we've got a lot of roads and things that come through this area so can we well actually i'll show you why i'm going to do this so we have a look at our noise pollution lots of noise pollution coming through there so i'm going to see how much of a difference these are going to make so this one here let's take that first we've got our single lanes coming off of here ah anarchy mod how i've missed you there we go i seem to have been playing a lot of vanilla recently um so that is a two lane then goes to a one so we'll grab oh am i gonna lose my no not gonna lose anything um then that's a one on each side isn't it yeah so if we go like that and like that and that could be one all the way up to there although to be honest that could be a two at the end because i've got left and right whoa what the heck oh no i don't know what that road was before uh we'll go with that one probably just mess something up on there darn it something slipped uh we don't want to go straight over and we do that so we've got one lane for each and i'm thinking in here we want that what have we got the other side oh that's got six lane two straight on we'll go with that i think it did actually have a six lane road in there but that'll be fine um so that's gonna take out some of the noise from there and then also we're gonna then take um from our highway one three lane whoa what's going on here been playing vanilla so much completely lost what all these look like there we go that's the one highway sound barrier and we'll add that along here as well excellent we're just going to do this side so we've got up here we've got this single one here and then we've got the normal road over here which doesn't need a sound barrier all the way around yeah so hopefully let's just check that's less than that a little bit maybe not as much as you perhaps would think it would and then what i might just do is i'm going to put that down low and just run like one width of tree all the way along here that is a lot of trees [Music] so in the uk perhaps when you have highways like this they will just be sort of sunken down but rather than sort of do that with all of these a nice line of trees just to visually oh auto save quit super tea [Music] excellent just to visually hide it and to hide some of the noise as well a nice row of trees like this will make all the difference i'm just going to sort of bring that all the way around to the corner there and i think that'll be good we've got our power going through here actually let's just move the power as we're going to be building um if we could bring that over there into a spot where we're not building there we go and then we can just get rid of this one out of here we've got that in there there that there that there that there and that there does that need to connect no that's fine there we go and then we can just pop our trees in this little cabinet there we go excellent so how much of a difference is that made yeah a little bit a little bit so i don't think this amount of noise here is going to be a problem that's sort of right down here low excellent right what is next on the list first of all i'd like to fill this little gap that's over here where we took the power cable out i'm going to put offices in there excellent there we go um so some of these people here are complaining about a lack of customers so that's one of the reasons i want to do this now how do we want our access into here it's not going to be coming off of this road here i think an access off of here will be plenty for the amount of people that we've got in here and i do feel like i need quite a large road through here i mean we could just use this one here it's a four-lane road um and it's also got the cycling on there so if we come out say a bit like that and then we just run that one down the middle it's sort of it's like a collector but it's big enough to deal with the traffic that we're gonna have i'm just wondering actually whether we could connect it over here somewhere like that but we might be okay actually yeah we might be okay let's go with that and we'll see i'm gonna give dedicated lanes we're going to say give way just to keep the main thought affair going and we're going to do the same over here and dedicated lanes and give way there we go and then we're just going to build something off of here [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so this wasn't what i was thinking it was gonna be when i first started putting the roads down it is a bit of an odd block so we're gonna get some odd shapes through here and i think this will be okay i am wondering whether just to downgrade this road here it seems a bit overkill um what else have we got that maybe is too you u-wide but with four lanes or something like that i think it comes under this one doesn't it yeah this one here with no parking is that the only version of that we've got so let's just check yeah i'm just thinking maybe this one instead it just the other one just seems so big for what we're doing there we go something like that so we're still getting the dedicated turning lane still getting the giveaway yep still the same over there as well so we're gonna do way on these main roads coming out of that section and then the same over here and then all the little side streets we're not going to worry about those and then we'll do dedicated lanes for you for you for you for you and for you and now i've done that i think i might just do a little change this one here we're gonna upgrade that one and give them dedicated lanes coming out there we and go we go and then we'll do the same on here and the same one there yeah i think that'll be good keep everything moving right let's give these lovely people some water there we go excellent and i'm thinking we want some sort of park in the middle here just one of your basic pre-made parks will be fine not one that still that is quite a large park isn't it there we go that's the sort of thing i'm thinking of so we pop that up against there and then yeah we've got these nice little pads on here that we can also build off of that's about the only ones you can hook into yeah that's fine and then we'll get some people in there and then services um what is our coverage like yeah it's like all the way over here which is a little bit of a shame um but what i'm gonna do we're gonna pop some of these on the main road and then that will also cover this and most of this area as well there we go and our schools will pop those around the park all buses while i think of it i saw some of these comments i put my bus line in over here in this area which we're gonna we've got some fantastic names with this place over here some of you spotted the myrtle heights that came in there i wonder where that comes from there we go we'll just add that extra bus in over there fantastic let's come all the way back down to where we were which is down here here we go and then i'd like to get a zone in here for these lovely peoples they can have their own named area there we go so we've got the coleridge district in here um let's just check what policies we've got going on here um slight reduced garbage yeah we'll put that one on smoking ban not too worried about that park some recreation yeah that'd be good we've got that park in the middle we'll pop that one on as well i think the rest of these i prefer parks no okay that's fine we'll leave the rest of those on uh taxation not gonna worry about that yep happy with that and encourage biking um how about high tech housing slightly increased land value let's go for that and not going to do high-rise ban because we're going to go for uh smaller buildings anyway and then the theme in here we're just going to go for uh international and that should be good excellent so let's just think about the zoning um i'd like shops oh let's do this one here shops here around the park i mean that might end up being absolutely plenty for the whole of this area um a little group of offices maybe some there and like a little clutch just at the end of these not on that one i tell you what maybe let's go for one at the end of each um i don't think we need them all the way down here maybe a couple just along there yeah that'll be fine and then the rest of this is going to be low density okay just before we see what we're going to get here i'm just going to add a few little walking paths just connecting some of these roads straight across like that it's only going to move the odd square here and there from the possibility of being a house there we go uh these aren't going to walk anywhere over here yet so we might end up with a path once we get something going on here and i think that's okay they can get everywhere else uh these aren't cycling roads but we've got cycling modes around the outside i'm just thinking before i unpause this and see what we get about buses and what other options we've got in the area we've got this metro line that goes all the way through to here i mean they can literally cycle or walk to over there uh there's this bus line down here i think what's this no that's not a bus line yeah i'm just wondering whether just to have a bus go in a loop along here so if we come along here like this have a couple of stops let's go there and then just come up here to the train station so it can come around let's do it that way and then when it comes back out again it can literally join back up and just run around like that i mean it's not that far to go i don't think we need to make it an entire clockwise and anti-clockwise whole thing is that the one number 41 yeah so let's make that yellow let's make sure there's not a million buses on it fives will be too much we'll go for two and we'll keep an eye on it okay now the moment of truth let's um i love doing this setting it all up and then i'm pausing and seeing what we're gonna get let's face it this way and see what we're gonna get okay it's actually growing really slowly oh i think we just won a football match um so what i'm doing is balancing the needs as we go along so you can see we've got a demand for commercial zone so i've changed some of these houses down here to commercial and with high-tech housing i mean correct me if i'm wrong but like with these ones it shows we've got self-sufficient buildings shouldn't these look a bit different or have something to show that they're high-tech housing i just can't remember i thought they would appear with i thought they just look a bit different but i don't know maybe it's something i'm doing wrong i'm sure we'll find out together i'm sure you'll let me know but yeah so as i do this as i feel the needs that we've got the city starts building the shops then it will go on to summit house and i've increased the land value a little bit with another dog park let's have a look so land value's not too bad and yeah i think it's just going to be a waiting game you can see that we're getting more demand for commercial and they're starting to fill in over here look where i change these to commercial so i think it's just perhaps going to take a few minutes so i'm going to let this run um i'm also going to do this we're going to go uh dedicated lanes in there i must have done the other ones and just forgot that one and a giveaway sign um yeah you're gonna give way oh that is yeah a road that could do with one of these there we go excellent left or right and then let's do this yep there we go giveaway it's fine yep i think everything else is okay oh hang on there's another one here yep that's it so i'm gonna let this run for a bit looks like they're starting to kick in a bit quicker and then i'll be back with you [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay so things are filling in slowly i've just added some walking paths along the back here so people can get in and out of these different areas walking if they wish and probably need to replace a few more trees and what we're gonna see is again a huge increase in the need for commercial and i know the way the game works it always likes to ask for more commercial even when it doesn't need it but i wanted commercial down these outer roads anyway so that's fine uh these ones in the middle might actually end up going um do you know what i think they will i mean they do have not enough educated workers that's not the reason i'm removing you so don't get too upset um do you know what i'm thinking i might just do here if we go back into our policies and city planning i'm going to do high-rise ban but then what i'm going to do here is i'm going to remove all the zoning for these shops in the middle there we go and i'm actually going to remove these ones here i pop them in thinking around that park it'd be nice but i want to keep this as a park in the middle so you can all go let's help you on your way there we go that's good and then i think i'm going to just put some high rise in here just or high density i should say just for a little bit of difference in the middle we'll see how that goes and then this over here i'm just going to use our tree brush and just get a load of trees in there as much as possible not you yeah that looks good and we're gonna have a few sort of gaps like that where we can have trees up in the middle but i tend to wait until pretty much everything is filled in and sort of do that because otherwise houses are going to start appearing and they're going to grow over the top of the trees this little gap here that'll be good alongside there not too shabby now i'm just doing exactly what i said i wouldn't do yeah so we'll do that and then we'll get some of these buildings high density under construction but also i was just looking at the coverage over here of our university so we've got the university over here lots of people in it but people still like coverage of university and the coverage of a university district isn't always big enough and it's a long way away look it's all the way over there so what i'm thinking is is pop in just a standard oh we could go for this one down here let's turn off that this is the toggle it mod these letters up the top here by the way so if we do that and we don't get the screen whiteness if we add something like that or like that i think this one here would look rather nice and i want to mirror this sort of thing that we've got going on so let's grab that is that a one-way road no it's a two-way road okay so if we sort of go out maybe like that and like that and then i'm gonna want a straight road along here aren't i so there we go there we go doesn't have to be perfect got some nice extra space in there which is fine and then we'll pop this university in there and we're going to just shifty fire that over so it gets to be in the middle there we go excellent and then a bit of car parking and detailing at the front and i mean i do i like these ones so much i'm thinking we might just add a couple of those in like that and then we'll grab a path and just come straight down the middle is that okay yeah that doesn't overlap excellent and then we've got crossings at the side here so i don't think we're going to add another crossing in and then i'm just wondering whether we could mirror the detailing over there i'll just go for something completely different there we go i think that will be fine and then we just need to do a little something something on the roads here so you're going to give way you're going to give away not going to do dedicated lanes or anything like that there we go and hopefully we'll get some students coming to there to help these people over here oh i think that is almost filled in just got a few more housing spots which is nice a few more shots so let's just see not enough workers yeah okay well that's what we've been working on so hopefully now i wonder how many people do we have in here not even a thousand was hoping for more so i think maybe we could do with filling this area in down here as well maybe even over to here too so looking down from the top i'm going to grab this road here now this is going to come down here and end in i'm not quite sure what at the end so um i'm just thinking if we bring that out straight and then maybe curve that and that is just going to finish down here maybe on a road that runs along the coast and attaches into this we shall see i'm not sure but this bit over here i think is going to be a similar sort of set up to this i'm just wondering i mean if we had this as the way in and the way out yeah maybe we could change that so let's go for this one here uh they'll be coming up this way so we could have that oh this is one u let's go for 2u this one here so we go that going in and then this one uh coming out oh right first time i think that might be better and then i could go up around here and that should be okay and then we could just sort of build off of this and i'm gonna go for trees this time yeah let's do that [Music] right that's what we're going to go for along here um i'm just thinking actually we're going to take out a couple of roads there so we've got this area here this area here and that area there and again we're going to have to put the services in but we'll get something a little bit different here i'm just thinking of a nice sort of park that we could put in there we've got like these plazas haven't we i always like these ones and they look good let's have a look behind here so if you pop in something like that then we can grab our nice paths and not be able to squeeze two in there next to each other no we could do we turned off no snapping but one up there will be fine and then we'll do one there and one here excellent we can decorate that a bit good good then we need i would say another park key in another part there and that would probably be enough park coverage for everything um what other options do we have um let's have a look in here okay so i'm going to use some of these because i know these are going to help us to unlock some of our unique buildings as well so let's just go along here and add that in there with a nice path behind excellent and then this one here the plaza of the dead yeah um what's another large one quite wide yeah we'll pop in that one what's that one called that is lazarette plaza excellent and then we'll just run a little path behind that as well so between all of that that's given this quite a bit of coverage and then i think we're just going to pop a couple of little teeny tiny dog parks in as they don't take up much space and we're really starting to increase the land value around here as well i'm going to put these down the front so you can see them from the road and that'll look nice there we go right let me just pop some services in and then again i'm going to run another bus route round here which is also going to kick in to this area so what would be a good way if we come out here and um if we go like over this way sort of cut through the middle here something like this yeah there we go that'll do that's gonna loop around that seems a bit weird that one there but that's fine that's given good coverage over that area and what's that gonna give us that's 42 yeah let's change the color in that and then it's probably got 48 buses five buses do you know what that's probably gonna be okay because we're gonna have a lot of people in here um let's get a zone over here there we go that should be okay and then again for this one we are going to go for the international theme there we go which i think is possibly the default for the city anyway so that's fine and we'll leave everything else on and then we are definitely going for high density but i'm not going for the eco sort of ones over here so we'll get let's have a look i feel like along the front here just some low uh shops will be absolutely plenty like that if anything that might be too much and i'm not going to put any more of those in and then everything else all around here is all going to be high density i think that is everything a little hole in there but that's fine don't really need walking paths they can get round everywhere i'll tell you where we will add a couple of walking paths though is like these little ones here where there's no road connection but it's really close it just seems rude not to uh that's quite a way away that's all fine yeah oh here we go look one here it means losing a building if you put anarchy on you turn off collision i think it still did it because i didn't click the button properly whoops sorry you'll have to come back and rebuild your house um yeah we can go there not that one uh i want that to be that and i think that is it so again let's leave this running and see what we get in here you know actually now i'm looking at this this is going to have so many people in is there a metro line yes see this metro line here it's not got any uh line on it oh that's because i'm not on the metro one let's try that again no it still hasn't all right okay so i think a stop in here would just be silly not to have something here so if we say got rid of that could i squeeze that in there yeah there we go look and we can and we can join this up [Music] and then we can run a line uh down here so that could come along there stop there come all the way over here to here and where does that continue to oh over to here as well excellent and then that can come all the way back doesn't oh it's above ground connection that's why it wasn't showing up yep there we go so that's also going to help if i just missed a stop there somewhere nope we've got that one and then it's all the way through to here that's it and then all the way through there to complete the line fantastic some more naming that i need to do at some point uh is that going to be 12 yeah it's going to be 12. so let's change the color of that how many on there three yeah why not we'll see how that one goes i think that'll be good i think that'll be good right excellent let us see what we get in here [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh there we go i'm really pleased with the way this turned out i think this little section here with the university in the middle just sort of makes this area and that's really filled in nicely around there our population now is about 70 or 73 000 that's 3 000 higher than i thought still getting a few issues here with not enough customers and to support the business which is a bit odd but i think that is going to sort of even out and also education problems over here i think are not enough goods to sell oh we can check that another time but overall look at that that's all coming nicely and i'm really really pleased let me know what you think about that in the comments below thank you very much for your continued support don't forget to be back here tomorrow for our vanilla snow no modded play-through that is a great load of fun so subscribe if you want to see that thanks for your support have a fantastic day see you soon bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 110,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines mulligan, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines mods, city builder gameplay
Id: C5IWz9n2Q38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 55sec (1915 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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