Fixing Traffic in a 1 Million Population City in Cities Skylines???

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have you ever wondered how bad the traffic would get if your city had one million inhabitants one million inhabitants well today we're going to look at a city with one million inhabitants and see how bad the traffic can get whether we can fix it and how the heck this is even possible so let's dive in so here we are in the city of bedrock now i'm gonna link this in the description below if you wish to go and check it out yourself uh the name of the person who made this in the steam workshop is spectre as you will see from the link but they also have a youtube series if you want to check them out building this uh their channel will be linked as well it's peripherals off sorry if i've mispronounced that i'm sure i have uh but this person he started this series it's 101 episodes long started in 2015 i believe when roundabout when the game first came out he started haven't checked the exact date paused a bit in 2019 came back and finished in 2020 and played in hard mode no cheats just the game mechanics although he says that but there are a couple of mods that he's using but i think the couple of mods that he's using is a fair compromise i'll be honest we'll have a little chat about that in a bit but just get into a 1 million in this game is fantastic because there's so many obstacles to overcome just the way the game works with counting citizens and agents in the city and all that sort of stuff to get to one million it was really i mean you watch his last few episodes and he's like troubleshooting and so much stuff we'll have a look a bit of that as well but just look look at this city it is glorious it's just houses as far as the eye can see how about we just dive in a bit and look at some of the details so here we are welcome to bedrock uh based on of course one of his favorite tv programs the flintstones yabba-dabba-doo he's one of his little saiyans that he likes i just noticed this building over here this is what i was looking for his little house that he built over here so he could sit and watch his amazing city unfold before him look at that it just stretches on amazing it's just it's just amazing it is absolutely glorious now i've got the game pause because i don't know what's going to happen to the city it's got over a million as we can see there the save game had a million and thirteen we've got a million and twenty seven but i don't wanna suddenly lose them because i've done something wrong so let's have a quick look around and see what he's got here to make all of this work now let's just go down to this bit here and have a look so he's got this many squares unlocked and we can see it is pretty much a grid pattern that he's used and what i noticed it was quite interesting let's just take any one of these grids here so lots and lots and lots of offices everywhere so you're not worrying about goods and trucks coming in and out of these areas because it's just offices and people can walk to work because they just don't have to go that far at all this is what i thought was interesting this sort of pattern he's devised here so you've got people living nearby that can walk to work in the offices they can walk to the industry if the commercial needs goods they are literally right next door so trucks can travel barely a block to drop stuff off and he's got that pattern repeated pretty much through the entire city as we can see over here it just goes on and on and on and on and on so that would have been a really big help to getting this working but let's just go over in the corner here and just take a look across the city so when it pans up and you just realize the sheer size of this thing is absolutely nuts the traffic in this city as it stands at the moment is 82 now what is interesting is he's turned off as we can see here all of his metro because when you put a metro station in the game will start having little people standing around in here which takes up some of the limits in the game let's use this mod here here we go so the counter and object limit data this is the one that we're looking at here that is like the maximum amount of citizens that can be in a city and the maximum amount of citizen units that can be in a city we can see so we've hit the limit five two four two eight eight five two four two eight seven we're like literally one above we have a look at this one here the citizen amount so yeah if you've got metros then they will take up citizens amount if you've got bus stops they will take up citizens amounts if we got parks they will take up citizens america and they get people walking around in the parks let's actually put this on and click on our parks there we go so there's barely any parks although you might have turned the parks back on again yeah i think he's actually put them back in again once he hit the million and now there's no visitors yes that makes sense so if you had these in before a million there would be like five or ten visitors there'd be little people running around in there and that would count against the citizen limit so he removed all of those got to a million and then he's put them back in again which makes sense um but he hasn't done that for the metro and stuff so you know he's got 82 traffic with no metro and i believe he's got no buses or anything like that now there's a good reason for that oh he's got these back on again oh vehicle zero so he's he adjusted all of these but i'm pretty sure i remember him saying he turned off all the bus lines but you can see that there's no vehicle so you know to me that says he's let's have a look we can find a bus station around here there we go look i know that's a train train what color is it going to be to try and find something in the citizen in a city of a million citizens i think he's just deleted it isn't he yeah so that that makes sense that makes sense so that's still pretty darn good to have 82 traffic flow i mean you can see some roads are red but they're just used you know they're not backing up but what is interesting to know when you get to a city of this size is going back to our mod here showing us all the levels and things if we have a look at vehicles active there is a limit on how many vehicles you can have in a city and you can see the number there and we are pretty much at the number in this city i keep saying our city it's not my city let's not take anything away from the guy who made this city yeah he's at the limit so when you get to a city of this size with this many roads then that 16 000 whatever it was figure is spread out over all of this and you will find this in the city when it gets huge anyway um but not many people would build blocks like this and squares right in the middle but that is with the normal vanilla game mechanics and that look at that you can see like the roads are empty yeah so what i'm gonna do is i am actually gonna use traffic manager and i am going to turn off d-spawning because i'm really interested to see whether that makes any difference now i'm going to sort of make a little guess at what will probably happen because turning off de-spawning isn't going to increase this number here uh vehicles it's not going to increase that but what it could do is if any of these roads are not built perfectly there's one little spot somewhere where the cars are going to back up then they will start backing up they won't despawn and then we might get some little local traffic jams and if we do we'll fix them up why not i'm just having a look at all the little things here this is really cool i like this so nice dessert i mean even though it's gridded even though it's a gridded city there's a lot of cool little design features i mean like this sort of junction here all the roads are unaffected can go through how would you get oh that's like a really tight turn he's going to come down there and then go that way so interesting design features but look you can notice the highway comes through you can still get from one block to the other with these roads underneath without taking the highway which is always a fantastic thing to do is you've got crossover yeah it's got like little local roads got the highway over the top and then these little local roads here and if they wish to get up on the highway can they come off yeah they can go there and then come up here that is what you want to do you want to spread things out but i can definitely say as he went further in this city traffic would not become a problem hitting the game limit was the big big problem that he's managed to get around so it looks fantastic so let's do what we do i can't even get this whole thing in one shot if i put my okay let's come out of that and try that again i'm going to use my first person mod here we go i want to get the whole city in the view if we can there we go so we can see how red the roads get when we turn off despawning oh man i've never had to zoom out this far before to see an entire city look at that it is absolutely fantastic so let me do a very quick save in case the whole thing completely breaks and then i'll be back with you okay we're ready so let us turn off despawning there we go no despawning hard mode bigger traffic jams oh my goodness me and let's see what happens [Music] right just a quick pop in here and to see what's going on it is actually hard uh we're down to 76 it's actually hard to see any red roads that we've got so let's go into this view here right we're getting power problems we're getting water problems so what we don't want to do is have everybody leave the city for too long um because we want to try and keep it at a million if we can so we've got that's not too bad it's moving there's just some pause the game and running a bit this is getting really red down here so we've got a bit of a junction problem i mean there's no roundabouts that i've seen anywhere in the city up here i saw a particularly potentially bad issue this road along here and they're all coming off down here getting oh he's just looking round about not really not really it's some sort of weird hawky bulky junction coming down to would you adam believe it a cargo harbor where they always cause problems and it's backing up all the way along there so that is a problem that we probably could have foreseen what else have we got this little area here is getting pretty hawky-borgy again where they're coming off the highway here is meeting people crossing over from one side to the other here and it's all just getting clogged up here here here here and here but you know what overall that is not too bad this is uh it says no road access it does it's moving that's okay so yeah we are getting some issues i don't know why that's saying no road access but it's still working why are they getting not enough power let us have a look and we can see we're actually making money in this as well oh that is why can we just whack up the buttons what what we're not charging anybody oh man the power's getting really bad okay let's just pop this up like 134 we don't want anybody leaving because there's not enough power enough water as well let's just get that going keep it going it seems it takes a long time for the oh look we've got so much now okay maybe we don't need that much there we go i think they're okay but of course yeah as more people move in which we're getting we've got 7 000 more people than when we started then all of this is going to start changing which is fantastic so let's do that there we go let's look at it at night let's just take a look at this at night oh wow it's just that is like desktop picture wallpaper type of stuff isn't it that is just unflipping believable wow wow wow wow wow i love it i love it i love it right okay so look at all these lights going down the highway as well it's just unbelievable okay let's get back to the let's get back to that i just realized this is a b in here isn't it look a b for bedrock i didn't notice that before that's what we're actually looking at is the traffic so most of it is perfectly fine let's keep the percentage on so we can see 74. it is dropping and like i said we're going to get this little bottlenecks that are going to spring up and then what's going to happen is these uh vehicles here the maximum but it's gone down a little bit but when we get the maximum amount of vehicles they are going to start clogging up all in one area all behind one problem and then other areas will have no cars at all so let me just run this for another couple of three minutes let's say five minutes and uh yeah we'll see what we can do okay so it's been about five ten minutes later and it's going to stick around 73 74 because of what we said about how the car spread out and there's so much road and all of that sort of thing so you know that is not too bad and we've grown we're up to up one million thirteen thousand we're getting some houses that what's the matter with this shop here not enough workers unbelievable there's like a million people in the city if you can't hire somebody for your job then i don't know what to do right i'll tell you what let us dive in and then fix some of these little traffic hot spots and see if we can get it back up again to around the 80 mark oh auto save quick sympathy and then we're ready to go so let's have a look this one down here first of all so we are definitely gonna be using some tools here to try and fix some of this stuff up i want to just look at yeah so we've got this going on here where we've got one lane being used for two things now traffic manager was one of the mods i'm pretty sure that this guy had on his list of mods let me just have a quick look on the steam workshop link yes he did so i'm not adding anything new into his game that he didn't already have but you can tell he hasn't used it for things like this where you could just do that control left click what you can also do is just use some of the roads in the game so we've got three here one going off each direction yeah because that lane's being used for two things as well which probably isn't going to help i mean what yeah i'm just going to control left click look we get a dedicated lane for each thing because what you could do is you could use a bit of lane mathematics the other way of doing it is let's just uh change that back to what it was before if i do that so that lames two things that lane was two things what you could also do so perhaps a little bit you know more unrealistic uh what am i looking for here highway ramp that's on a one lane road what that will do is you could turn that into one lane like that so then you are now going to get each lane being used for one thing is that i can't see let's get rid of this guy here that is still being used for two things that is interesting and so is that so even though we've got one that way one that one that way it's still well that is a bit odd i'm gonna pick this road here and turn this back into that again it was a bridge wasn't it there we go well maybe not then we'll just stick to the traditional control left click dedicated turning lane off you go we'll do that instead uh still got de-spawning turned off yeah that's fine so they're gonna sort of start getting a bit hawkie bulky along here to work out what they're gonna do and then let's just follow this one so now the only cue cueing we're gonna get here are the ones that have to come off not the ones that want to go straight on and then they're coming down here to this thing so to get down here they have to go around there and they're sort of merging with it oh look at that let's do a control left click there to merge with these guys to come down to this thing which is always these are really slow cars going in and out there's ways you can sort of manipulate the road to make it go a bit quicker but basically they just need more room to queue so i'm just wondering whether we could just move that along the coast a bit and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to move this sort of over here it means a bit of road manipulation that's for getting back on again and they're going around that way anyway so we could really do with that like that there we go and it just gives there we go a little bit of a longer road turn the movement mod off for them oh look at whoa mamma mia that is so low down let's lift this up a bit there we go there we go that's not so bad then we can lower this one a bit in between the two we actually make it a slope that a poor little guy with his donuts will be able to drive up i mean it's not the best but that just gives him a little bit more room and we'll see that should start i mean it's going down already look already going down so we'll come back to that we'll have a look uh where was the other spot oh 77 already look fantastic okay we've got this spot over here so let's just pause the game a minute and just take a look so they're coming off they're going out down here are they all they coming in oh they're coming in as well where are they coming from they're coming from over there so everybody's hitting this spot here and this spot here and this spot here it's just like one big conglomeration of truck and then there it's go so bad it's then doing the same up here let's start with this one so i can guarantee you that we're going to need a dedicated turning lane there so that'll stop them all getting in each other's way you are going to see look a few cars despawning we're so near to the limits of the city and when you make a change like that the cars just go i can't cope with it and i'll just disappear but we do still have the normal traffic just spawning thing turned off so don't worry about that so do you know what i'm going to do i'm going to make these turn right because there's no traffic going right whereas all of these are going this way so then they can head into the city somewhere else and also what we can see is this is becoming like a big main road down here there we go look they can start moving a bit look at that look at that not blocking up up there at all and i can guarantee that there is no give way signs or traffic lights on any of this yeah it's all been turned off which is fine because that makes sense for what we're trying to do here but what we can do let's just have a look oh man what's going on here oh it's all leading into this oh that is really bad i really want this on a separate road than all of this so what have we got here we've got two water towers let's just move those that'll be fine let's grab this let's grab that okay hooky there we go there we go so they're okay so that gives us a bit of space here then i'm going to use the move it mod to move this back and then our separate road coming along here which means i'm going to destroy some houses and then which side of the road which way are they going they're going that way so it's like they're coming down there to go on there let's do this let's do this we'll take that [Music] what i don't want is people coming like you can see here look i'm crossing over the road are they coming out yeah i'm going to do that it is a bit of a mess but that's what we're going to do we're going to do that and then i'm going to add this one two lane highway yeah we're going to pop that on there so you get a dedicated lane for each going on coming down here you go there just so we know yeah and down here we could do with like extra lanes and stuff but do you know what i'm just gonna i'm just gonna leave it like that for now it is a bit hawkey bulky but aren't we in a hawkeyborg city so they're just going through which we don't want there we go look he's going out he's going out he's going in i should say i mean out of the city into here and then any coming out of the cargo harbor should easily yeah the train lines are still working this is on full speed by the way the game can't run any quicker i just want to make sure this train oh the train might just disappear anyway but i want to make sure we can get through i'm pretty sure we can all the lines look okay yeah the train's going to despawn that's what happens oh and these are going down here because that's the way the game works until they realize this is over here all right well this is all going to get caught up down here somewhere so let's follow this along this bit here i think we need a couple of teeny tiny roundabouts you know i think that would just be a good idea we do have the roundabout builder am i going to press the minor skin it's going to work yes what are these buildings here so shops offices that sort of thing yeah we're fine so if i put one that's going to take up just the spot of those buildings and get rid of these buildings they're going to disappear anyway but we'll help them out and make sure there's no zoning i don't want any parking what have we got two lanes i mean we've got a lot of people that are doing a lot of walking in this city which we don't want to stop we want them to keep on walking but what i am going to do is i'm going to do control shift left click with that so it's going to have no parking all the giveaway signs that we need ideally i'd like three lanes on there so i can still walk around and cross right in front which is fine let's just say let's just speed that up watch the traffic go down but the game is running so slow so that might help that junction let's do a similar thing so this junction's okay but they're coming down here they're all coming down here and stopping here oh they want to go straight on don't they they're all coming in they're all coming down they're all coming in these are coming down here this looks to me like another another spot that's causing an issue so we're gonna do that again i'm only getting rid of houses because i know that we have increased the city limit which is good we're growing the city so we'll do that and there is even space we could put in some pedestrian walkways over the top but we'll stick with what we've got and it may be that we end up with quite a few roundabouts around the place and that's okay they're all coming this way and then this bit's coming up here and then they're all getting stuck on here so it is sort of going around in a bit of a square isn't it they're all just sort of looking at each other and getting in each other's way and do you know what let's stick a couple more in let us stick one there oh shift left click i let the buildings disappear themselves and then we're gonna put a couple down here that doesn't quite line up which is a shame so let's go see this is moving a bit freer now look now that we've done that what are we at eighty percent but yeah see it's just it's you know eighty percent because all of this is green but yeah this little spot up here uh where are we so we've got one there one there one there we've got one down here might be okay this one looks to me oh it's moving look it is moving this might just be we need a bit of time to let them go come on think about the traffic let it go let it go no i'm not going to start singing yeah look this is all cleared up but there's i mean there's no like give way signs or anything on any of these junctions but ever so slowly car by car they're getting there just wondering whether this one here we might find that we put some roundabouts in and then after a while we can come back and just take them away and we don't need them let's do this one here just to get it all going those houses will disappear in a minute and then we're going to put one over here as well but i don't think we do how's this one going yeah they're not really following the giveaway signs yet is that a bus stop right by the is that a bus stop oh yeah the buses aren't running anyway so what are all these people waiting for if the buses aren't running where are you trying to get to you're not going to show us okay fine i've got sneaky feeling they are waiting for a bus that's never going to come maybe i mean a lot of these roads that are being sort of used as main roads like this one here could just so do with being a have i got because i'm not using network extensions i'm using vanilla plus plus and there was like a small four-lane road in network extensions that i'm not entirely sure we've got in vanilla plus plus because that would be just fantastic for oh it might be there and i'm just missing it uh let's just do a quick search aha there is there is a four-lane two-way road no parking that is exactly what we've got i mean it's worth bearing in mind we do have one-way roads a lot around here as well but since i've searched for that road it's almost all clearing up look this will go down in a minute this bit here like this bit here we could do with i mean an asymmetric road would actually be even better there but i'm gonna do that and i'm gonna do that because now they can have dedicated turning lanes to get in there which is what you want when it's that super busy yeah an asymmetric road would actually be much better there i need to go through these roads and get them in my head a bit more because let's do that one there we go that's better there's two lanes one lane up there dedicated blah blah blah you know the drill this one here they can go over there why is there traffic lights there do not need traffic lights there turn them off keep on going that actually could do with being the later metric road as well there we go because it's just one lane going on there there we go that's better now they can turn easier at that junction just keep on going don't stop don't look around don't pass go don't collect 200. and like little bits like this where they're all sort of getting in each other's way and all that sort of stuff this road here would be great there we go you've got two lanes coming up there then you've got dedicated lane if you want to oh look at that i think we've solved this little area i've gone too far i get lost in this city it's so big yeah you don't really need to be there do you right on the roundabout thanks oh the rest of this though we can fill this in let's not you know we don't want to lose people in our city our city his city i can't i keep saying our city i'm so used to doing that but i feel like with a city that's this big i can't take any credit for it at all whatsoever yeah let's just pop houses in look at that fan flipping tastic and this here look this is all cleared up as well so got a bit of extra space going in a little bit quicker perhaps i don't think that's too bad but that's cleared up where is the other bit can we ever find it again here it is now this is still not working look this is still not working so we need to do something else here and again this is one of those situations where oh i need to have a think about this what to do on this one because this is coming down and coming around and going in this is coming down and coming around and going in and then this is what is going on like under here so people are coming around this way so it's like three or four lots of people all coming in to go here but i mean i could i'm just worried about messing up the roads because there's so many roads going on here let's try not to mess up the road if i get rid of that there we go we've got some room let's put this down three cursor mode a little bit smaller little bit smaller i don't think this is going to solve the problem but we're going to do that then we're going to upgrade it to a three lane road so let's put in here as i'm still learning what all these look like on a small three-lane road three-lane road one way yeah that's the thing like that and then i'm gonna connect these up yeah i'm not sure this is doing anybody any favors what the heck is going on up there and i know it's turned into a winky wonky about but that's fine we'll get it straightened out don't worry okay yes i 100 totally admit that this is not the best uh roundabout i've ever built it's almost round it should be okay uh that went all the way across there i think that was it i just want to keep what's going on under here moving that is the idea it might take them a few minutes to work out that they're now on the the best winky wonky about in the entirety of bedrock so that slope over there isn't too bad look it's a nice gentle slope up to the highway this is okay if we can keep this bit moving the fact that they're all going to the same place and causing the traffic i'm just thinking we might move this all the way along here do you know what i'm going to do it just to give more of a run-off down here because we've just not got enough space cannot connect to root why the heck not you can connect the root there but not there why not look there's the okay let's just the root is there come on you can do it if i put you there and then i move you along are you still connected to the roots i don't know can i tell can i find out let's have a look i don't think there's a way i can actually see that well it says it's still working if it needs a bit of extra work then um i'll uh i'll adjust it but that's fine so we're going to connect it up to this road network here so they go around the block and join up there i think that'll be fine so that means we can get rid of this one and that's people going out so we can get rid of that one and then that means we can just literally have this come along here instead so we've got this much bigger runoff space let's just make sure this is still working it says operating normally so i think that's okay and then hopefully that is then going to help these guys here look this is the most awfulest terriblest junction ever the coming off of here is just unbelievable okay i'm not saying that's perfect but i'm saying that is probably going to do for now i want a four lane what have we got here before laying the sound barriers and sort of upgrade some of these roads i just got some extra lanes for coming on and off along this little stretch here because there's lots of connections and all sorts of things going on and hopefully that'll just keep that moving a little bit better i'm just wondering whether we need another cargo terminal around here somewhere because they're coming from all the way over here down to here we've got all this water but i don't think it's going to be hard to get somebody to connect let's have a quick look if we do that and do that so we can see where they're coming from so they're coming all up from down here which is fine they're coming down the highway from so far away these are heading out yeah to sell stuff coming from down here what is going on they're coming from outside the city to then come to here what why are they coming from outside the city to drop stuff off at a cargo harbor am i being completely insane i don't need another city to think about this am i just having a a weird moment or is that not that shouldn't happen things shouldn't come from outside the city look we can see it it's the brown trucks and then they're coming in to drop stuff off look they're coming down here coming off there coming down here to drop stuff off here which only takes goods outside the city or brings them in anyway you know you can't have cargo harbor to cargo harbor delivery that doesn't work so if it wasn't for all of these guys coming from out here just put the camera mod on look you can see the ones that are brown coming in we wouldn't have this problem so why are they doing that i'm a tad confused i am a tad confused i know we could not have them go around that roundabout and directly connect that's helped with the traffic over there isn't it anyway i am a tad confused i have to say but i might just leave that a little bit because it's not as bad as it was it is slowly slowly getting better i'm just wondering whether let's just do a little bit of something on this roundabout just to give him a fighting chance i'm gonna upgrade two lanes coming on we don't need it on there and then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take a lane from here and actually bypass the roundabout so they can just come straight down here without going up there which means i'm going to do a bit of lane mathematics before and give them two lanes uh this one two lanes coming down there and then i'm gonna say you go there so they've got a lane each they can split into two here for the roundabout don't want them changing there just might stop them going down there and they'll come here instead then they'll merge with these guys but anybody that wants to go down there and go back up on this highway if they haven't already taken this little bypass which they should do can then use that one yeah it's helped a bit look at that it's going down it is going down a lot we're up to 84 i'll come back to that one and we'll have a little think what's going on the other option was to put another one of these over here but i don't think what is it a cargo harbor i don't think it's going to see the connection to the outside harbour cargo harbor no i don't think it's going to get around the corner we could pop one on the end here but then that might just so if they came down here they might then come off this one and then might start coming down one of these roads which might not be the end of the world you know we could make this uh where do they go in they go to the left and come out the right we've made this let's give it a try why don't we just give it a try let's turn that view off thanks i want a one new one-way road down here one of these will do with no parking just a basic one yeah i'm gonna connect that to that stop okay we'll do that thank you and then we're gonna put one of these on here oh it's got a load on it already in it shoreline required okay we'll just change that road then i forgot about that let's try that again so you're gonna go to there and then you're going to go to there and then you're all going to go to there and this one here is going to change to let's change that back to four again there so we can get some dedicated turning lanes end a little bit they can join up a bit here you go there no what's the confusion you go there you go there oh it's stuck one way oh we don't need uh loads coming in uh whatever there we go so that might whoa what the heck well i'm not gonna re-sculpt the entire side of his landscape we'll just uh we'll just leave that and see how it goes and hopefully that might get some of the cars that are going around that way oh we need water and electricity hopefully that might get some of the cars that were going that way coming this way instead where's the nearest water pipe let's just do that you shouldn't have any problems with electricity but you do that's fine let's just quickly look if there's anybody coming here yet yeah we've got some coming here from different places from over there that might just help that might just help we'll see okay right right let us take a look around we're 83 percent traffic so we've got a few little red spots but they're okay look everyone's moving nobody's unhappy uh this is getting a bit red down here but it's okay it's just red for busy rather than red for traffic we're gonna have to do a grid by grid search this down here it's just sort of busy yeah see roads four-way road junctions like this really need sort of giveaway signs and i mean what we could do is we pick a road like that is that already going all the way down from beginning to end it is what about the other way it's going all the way up i'm just making sure there's no roundabout on it yeah and then if we do that we'll have give way signs to all the roads coming on but we don't want it on the highway at the end look there's suddenly like what the heck so if we just change that this one here oh it's not the highway but that's okay we'll do it this way that's good and then if we go back to which route where we are on this one here and i want that one there adjust roads that's what i'm looking for and then where does that go it goes all the way down so that's fine look at that got all give way signs now for the cars coming on so that that sort of thing should help just want to check the other end the city's so big [Laughter] oh my life i thought i was there i'm still going i'm still going okay it comes all the way along here all the way to the end yeah that's fine we can keep that like that that's no problem and then that should help i don't even know what load it was now it was this one here wasn't it that should help just keep the cars moving on that main road hopefully the other little red spots but again it's all moving i think we might be okay oh look another another situation here where it's just queuing up because of this guy and i can see some of these don't need to go down there so let us go for an asymmetrical road just to give them a fighting chance uh if i do a summit i can spell asymmetrical properly there we go so one of these that's a nice small one yeah so now you get dedicated turning lanes thank you later oh i've got it the wrong way around you can thank me now if you like for getting it wrong there we go being dedicated turning lanes that you no longer have to cue down here if you're not going that way so that should definitely help this little bit here that's going back quite far actually i say i'd speed it up we'll watch the traffic go down but it's so slow and you know what i'm gonna do here is i'm gonna make this one way the other way so then people have to come round or shall i no that's fine that's fine that'll be okay that won't be too bad do you know i think that's it i'm gonna have a quick look around and just see if there's any other bad spots that aren't moving like this here they're all coming into this bit and just looking at each other again this could just be a case of we need asymmetrical roads coming into this junction like that rather than necessarily even a roundabout come on offices you didn't need to do me like that you can stay i don't know that one why are you going stay stay that might just get them moving a bit quicker and this bit here we've got a tiny bit of industry everyone's getting chock-a-block call keep orgy let us just oh is that an incinerator it is well that's probably why let's just don't put a roundabout in there instead and we'll put what i'm gonna do i'm gonna turn on toggle road collision let's get it the wrong way around and then we might just be able to keep all the buildings oh that'll have to be four way oh we'll look at that in a minute that's okay yeah and then let's get our four lane and do that as four because it needs the asymmetric at either end and it will just give them a long run just give them extra options of getting in and out there we go look without getting all caught up and in each other's way nice right i'll look around for any more hot spots and then we'll check out what's going on so this uh this main road down here that i put all the giveaway signs coming up it's not working it's not working they're basically using this road like a like a main road like a collector or something like that and it is just so busy that we need to just upgrade it so i'm making it four lanes and so we've got extra lanes for turning and dedicated lanes for going certain directions and all that sort of thing it removes the trees and i have to have collision on otherwise trees appear underneath the roads as well but that should help with that along there and then if i just go along and do control left click and it depends what way we want to do it really i mean they're not getting dedicated turning lanes for every direction but it's got dedicated turning lanes for at least one direction that is going to do nothing but help so i'll do that and then i'll just fill in where the buildings have disappeared on the side if they have in any places oh can i get under there another little bit of road under there no i think that's okay yeah and that should be better there's a couple of spots like that uh in the city where it's all grids but the game is saying no we're going to use this as a main road so things like that you really want to just sort of upgrade the road right let's check out some of the places we've fixed there we go look all of this has gone down absolutely brilliant the one that we put down here to try and help it uh it's got a really long crane so they can get the stuff down i if this wasn't just a quick city fix i'd re-do all of this land but let's just see if the crane reaches all the way or they're like shouting out can i jump you down a box of the box of things i knees or the crane then it goes so far and they drop it and some really muscular guy has to catch it at the bottom yeah but this is being used a little bit as well which is good so that sorted that area out which means there's no traffic down this highway anymore and in this hawkeye bulky area which is nice so up here i put these four roundabouts in absolutely no problem at all that one there this one here gets a little bit busy coming down here so i've just put an asymmetric road in so i've got two lanes coming into the roundabout but look you can see it's moving perfectly fine this one over here no problem at all and then the fourth one all the way down here that's looking cleared up as well excellent that just found another cargo hub where you've obviously had a similar thought process as me you want to make it as long as possible to give people a place to queue there's nothing else we can do with that it's limited by the speed of the cargo harbor but that's okay that is working fine and here's the one that we monkeyed with trains going in both directions no problem no traffic here now at all coming in and out moving on excellent and what's good to see with this city as well there isn't a complete glut of underground roads um or tunnels as they're called as well we've got like the metro tunnel that runs through here the odd sort of train line that goes underneath but apart from now that might be a road actually yeah it is but apart from that there really isn't tons and tons of tunnels trying to sort of divert traffic to different places and all that sort of stuff which you do see sometimes when people are trying to deal with traffic but it's fine look i think we've fixed this one up even though it wasn't a huge fix i think the fact that this was a city with a million inhabitants was certainly worth a look anyway so if you want to check the series out of the chat building this spectre as he's known on steam then look at the link below go and check that out you can start way back in 2015 with him working all the way through 151 episodes as he builds this absolutely fantastic city of bedrock and don't forget as well if you enjoyed this look at this amazing city send me any other amazing cities that you've got that you'd like to see if you've seen them on the steam workshop or even other youtubers that want to send them in i'm happy to have a look at your city we can get it working and if you have a city you'd like to have fixed there is a link in the description below where you can submit that city and i will do my best thank you very much for your support on my channel it's been amazing uh leave a like if you enjoyed this video subscribe if you'd like to see more and i will see you all very soon have a fantastic day bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 601,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines biffa, cities skylines 1 million, cities skylines one million
Id: NrmhT5ff7aE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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