What if Operation Valkyrie in Germany Succeeded!? (Goodbye Hilter) HOI4

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what's going on everyone it's me yeah boy Alex the Rambler and today we're back on hearts of iron for whoa I found a mod called operation Valkyrie now if you've ever seen that Tom Cruise film then you'll know what it is if not it was a failed operation too well get rid of a certain a person who's whose last name started with H and ends in R but just left him with a bit of a weird twitchy arm the the the mod changes it so this actually succeeds so of course leave a like comment and subscribe for more hearts of iron for all know if you haven't okay oh no I think 5,000 likes for more Hoyer's are very is a very nice a nice Thalia to set now what I'm gonna do rather than playing on 1936 we're gonna go straight into the 1939 start BIM BAM boom because operation Valkyrie I think that actually was in 1944 and it just allows us to get to that point quicker you don't need to wait until 1944 we need to wait until you're it well into World War two as you will see so we do still have mr. adults in some new foes generals start bitter loser and all that jazz I don't think I've done a video in the 1939 start for a long long time this could go horribly just looking at the state of the armed forces here it doesn't fill me with confidence have they given me medium tanks oh they have oh and I can get pans oh yes okay that's good that's good now it's gonna take me a while to set up all of this I don't know whether to leave it in the video or not I could do who knows we'll find out if I do it'll probably extend the length of the video which will then increase watch time and then we'll them and then the video might reach more people see I know the YouTube game I know it don't don't think I don't date is like this is taking a lot longer than the night then I had first assumed like oh my god trying to set up an entire nation ready for war how long ago get five minutes and I'm not even at the freakin good alright this 1939 star is not how I would operate things but then I guess that makes sense because most people would do the 1936 star and and very nice for everyone unfortunately I'm a [ __ ] and decided to do it this way thinking I'd be quicker but it I Oh giddily goo Dave Lee right well that wasn't so hard now just the air force to deal with oh my god help they far oh I forgot I can actually invite people to my faction come on in people's join the Germans it'll go well for you I'm sure you will agree what my Panzer divisions looking like because I've got various ones I've got oh the Lich jeez all there's the Panzer Shawn that much better alright well that didn't take too long that only took me about 10 minutes yay I'm not even gonna bother helping Italy because they're gonna mess it up I'm just focusing on me Germany also I should have left the link in the description if you're wanting the L link oh oh I've made him my industry and there's been a coup in Yugoslavia are you freaking what but that's okay they want to join me again sure I have a war goal but they work they're willing to join me again good for you fellas good for you I should have just done Danziger war I messed up can I cancel the focus I'm just gonna cancel it I I've messed this up already have a knife Danzig or war BIM BAM boom gimme giving it now I won't sit bf the the industry is quite horrible to begin with however France has a worse time of it they only have between 14 and 15 mill factories and the same for the UK they have eighteen to twenty okay good that's fine that's fine all is fine and well in the Reich oh okay come on in Romania see how could this go wrong it's just hungry there seems to be refusing to join me no further out the whole war China hasn't even taken a hundred K casualties you frickin wall that's bonkers mate I am sorry to do this to you Poland oh wait what the Soviets are justifying I don't think so BAM oh my god oh my god the French have heavy oh ok they're absolute trash divisions you don't need to worry about those ok that's fine oh that's also fine look at that we're just absolutely steam rolling them no one could have predicted blitzkrieg if I actually have to help bail all my god Yugoslavia you better not get it freakin Brits do you know what it's my fault I didn't really need to call all my allies in yeah that one's on me I think that one's completely on me oh well they'll be gone soon good and then I can turn my attention to you Paradis oh god they've got tanks on my border that has so many divisions they've got on my border the lack of air field is disturbing there are barely any the that's less than ideal if I if I'm completely frank is this interesting watching a player that's actually do you know what do you actually think I'm decent at Holly fall let give me a score of like one being the worst and ten being you know I'm amazing in in in the in the in the in the comments right now it does seem like this seems to be easy my oh for God's sake Shalini haha I've defeated the undefeatable nation of Luxembourg now my sights are clearly set on parylene wee and then the whole of the French army oh never mind as soon as you take Paris they pretty much already could to capitulate holy moley that's probably the easiest conquest I think I've ever done yep establish a Vichy BIM BAM boom I'm tempted to give them the whole of France why no a a nice strong Vichy would be very good except maybe the coast but yeah I don't really need the ender do I need the industry I don't think I do Mike mmm yeah I'll give him that there you go let none say that I am NOT a benevolent person I give you some stuff and now you lovely people get to be put on garrison duty isn't that fun oh yes siree Bob Oh Yugoslavia is actually doing a good job at fending off the UK huh that tanks having a little bit of a problem going to and fro what's up mate now things seem to be going well for mr. Hilter at the moment however I'm sure things will change at some point that will really make people rather disenchanted with his of his rule oh good our bombing runs are succeeding now I'm just trying to suffocate the UK that's I'm having quite a lot of fun bombing them I probably shouldn't really say that but it's it seems to be going quite well however you don't really start with too many Marines or paratroopers or anything like that however I do have enable superiority in the English Channel which I can only maintain for a hundred days but they are starting to yeah they're losing stuff every now and then I'm losing naval bombers here and there but they're also losing things so screw them they left Portsmouth undefended are you having a giraffe Oh UK UK what you're doing what you're doing fellas it seems that mr. Hilter is is performing very well we've had a successful operation sea lion but I'm starting to see dissent in the ranks are you I am and I'm the one role playing this so so early war he's losing it everyone he's losing it oh god I shouldn't have enough divisions on the border yeah tungsten is a real issue eh oh wait I can just try to Portugal now hey take that Soviets you ain't getting none of my factories no more no woman no crap wait no don't I don't know no I don't need your rubber I don't need no one's rubber I'm my own brother that out of context that could sound really bad Oh hungry finally joined welcome to the action that's nice of them extends extends the border with the Soviets a little bit will that be a good or a bad thing who knows I can't declare war yet permit what's this Hitler's justifying on the United States what an absolute clunker but he really wants that New England oh my gosh what is he up to I have no control over my mouth what's going on right now ol crumb Diddley hums why did he stop the invasion of the UK is he givin them a bit of rest bite who knows all I know is that wait Oh Vichy navel invaded freakin oh my god Thank You Philip Thank You muchly I guess without manpower you managed to take out the Isle of Man brilliant absolutely freakin brilliant take that freedom oh good the US Navy's no gettin sunk hey take that you're plonkers oh my god they're losing all of their subs holy moly good Mexico's join the Comintern okay Oh reintegrate Luxembourger alsace-lorraine yes please yes come into the fatherland come off come off wait what's happening the UK is called Belgium as our enemy as the Soviet British war huh as our ally what I'm not oh of course Mexico is the cause of all this and this is on historical kind of baffling I could actually invite the Soviets if they weren't in a faction to join my faction but I what no no well the slope we're going to wall of the Soviet says mister Hilter calling in I'm not gonna call in the Allies actually yes actually he's going to the absolute madman and immediately Romania I'm guessing will capitulate so Germany has broken the molotov-ribbentrop the invasion has stalled here I'm sensing that people aren't really eager for mr. Hilter to continue especially look at the USA oh it's all Hill it's all hilter's fault it's all hilter's fault therefore it's time for operation Valkyrie Hitler and his cronies are threatening to destroy the fatherland with their irrational decisions and tanked its file that this legacy forever with their dishonorable murderous treatment of minorities and POWs we must stop them and for that we have to get rid of the Fuhrer and like the plonker he is we've only got 20 days of fuel left so I can't even use my tanks Oh No Oh Deary me Oh Deary me and Germany is out of fuel we have zero fuel oh dear oh dear and they're actually pushing me oh dear oh dear huh finally hope for the Reich interminable curry what are we net with the Germany military junta Oh huh we're led by Rommel oh my God look at that BIM BAM boom Rommels in command does that mean he's and he's still in the field like the absolute legend he is Oh Mike Italy gue could this it that could this Beach oh my god what is happening in Romania look at the attrition uh huh huh I'm just gonna rumbles executive decision is to withdraw from Romania okay to save on supply then we're gonna also solve the problem in the UK which will free up more fuel Wow Rommel Rommel has already got it under under control isn't he so Rommel doesn't want to conquer the world he just wants to have peace we just need to figure out a way to get peace with our enemies oh my gosh increase our fuel because at the moment it's disastrous and figure out just just how we can we can save this war okay against the Soviets which is going quite poorly I might add oh dear that's not good at all oh wait now that's okay I can lose I can lose aircraft for them to lose cruisers etc etc that's a good trade-off that's a very good trade-off Rommel we regrets being even at war especially with the UK mr. Churchill we're gonna I'm sorry to capitulate you but it's it's a it's a necessity I'm afraid it's a necessity on the raj is a major are you having a giraffe are you having a giraffe Rajesh Rommel believes with Germany's to be self-sufficient in oil so we're building many synthetic refineries isn't that right mr. Rommel Rommel also believes in a winter offensive to you know get the Soviets oh oh oh Rommels tactic worked there we have it Rommel understands and learns from mistakes that's why he's holding off on a new offensive until the spring because the winter offensive wasn't working Rommel also believes in sending in an Air Force to help out struggling units to give them some some some well-needed air supremacy to stop Romania from from completely collapsing which I think they're in danger of doing Rummel believes in commanding his massive tank offensive to see if that will push the Russkies back and it may well do oh boy this could go quite well Rommel says to himself it's spring the tanks can move in spring and we have fueled for 50 days well who knew the tanks will would be affect oh oh oh oh oh Rommel is a is a very good negotiator it appears Japan is going absolute ham huh good for them I guess Wow ah another pocket I think that's probably another 20 or so divisions destroy them oh oh oh let them surrender and take them as POWs as mr. Rommel would do wouldn't you mr. Rommel Oh yep it appears after one year of Ronald's command the Soviets are collapsing he leads from the front what a guy what a Rommel oh look at this push down their units overrun this could be another large encirclement if they can just hold the pocket just hold the pocket just hold the pocket just or get a little encirclement on the way I don't mind the pocket is holding Oh gamma gamma gamma will perish or be peacefully occupied as per Rommels mm orders tanking it to Moscow let's go so we have a tank race boom oh I think the tank in the cells gonna win just from the fact that he hasn't encountered any divisions nice yep he's just driving into Moscow nice all right can I get some reinforcements up in here oh no he's like he's off on it he's off on a route it's off another little Drive nope stay in Moscow please good lord holy moly the Dominion of India's capitulated huh so that just leaves two majors left am i right oh just just the United States the United States would need to surrender can Rommel launch a successful invasion of the US well I don't know that you cares I think it's mainly when it gets to this point of the game that I just get really bored now because it's just um it's not a matter of trying to win it's just a matter of how long is it before the Soviet Union capitulates and it's still gonna be a while Australia's picture Jesus Japan what the Frick has happened to the Allies that's madness crumbs to capitulate Soviet Union please please I want to get some lunch Oh offer offers were five where the [ __ ] is infer what just take over over who from up them up please come on Rommel I thought you'd do this before 44 good lord man just take over for the poo oh my god I hadn't taken Archangel take that bastard just take the freakin City take the frickin City just take the frickin City huh how there's too little stupid officials you know and I've got the big boys take it take it you took it yay we did it yay hey we've made Russia there we go noise and I think with the majority of the world controlled by the axis of the Japanese co-prosperity sphere the USA will probably come to the negotiating table I could spend another two hours invading them and conquering them but that you know what would happen I would eventually win and as I'm about to go away I need to get this footage over to my editor so that's where I'm calling it for today hopefully you enjoyed it's only it's a clay it's kind of a basic mod but if you've ever wanted Rommel to lead then then that's that's how you do it operation Valkyrie but it's goodbye from me and Rommel it's a toodaloo many thanks to onion duck Maximilian Forman Wyatt green Ryan cough cody fries a second wire green name name one two three one Aiden jiggly crotch used beef Shawn young and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous round supporters on patreon and many things do they have patrons too I swear one riot bomb on one month I'll get this without making a mistake
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 486,337
Rating: 4.9143286 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hoi4, hoi iv, alex the rambler hoi4, hearts of iron iv germany, hoi4 germany, hearts of iron, hearts, of, iron, iv, hoi iv germany gameplay, hearts of iron 4 germany ep1, hearts of iron 4 erwin rommel, hoi4 memes, hoi4 non historical, hearts of iron 4 german empire, alex the rambler, drew durnil, isorrowproductions, germany hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay
Id: uVs-QgBqe5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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