What If White Russia Won Not The Reds?! HOI4

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what's going on everyone it's me your RAAM fam diddly damn Alex the Rambler and today we're back on hearts of iron fall but not just based la resistance oh no no no no we're playing a new mod it's what if white Russia won their thing I can't say the word because it will reduce my advertising rates the fact that you can't say a word beginning with W and then then then a letter and then R because if you do mention that in the first you know a few minutes of the video your your your ad rates plummet at least that's what I'm finding if you're a youtuber let me know if you're watching this if it happens to you too but anyway as you can tell look it's it's it's shining outside my window and that really highlights the fact that I need a good lighting setup but do I have one Hey I also need to shave but am I gonna do that before I finish this recording probably not I have to go for a number two at one point though oh ho ho I look at this guy is that a hat or a hairline either way I'm impressed the black baron hero of russia and supreme leader patois Rangel lays claim to all these titles and more since the White Russian victory but while Rangel has ruled a supreme leader of Russia at the head of a military junta even with the commies defeated things are not going well in this new Russia a Bolshevik insurgency has hampered the inter the entire time leading to economic stagnation and Nobles and generals rule over their own petty 5 terms at the expense of the common man oh it is becoming clearer every day the significant change must come to Russia lest it collapse into another civil something so of course if you're happy to see how the vine back please do comment like subscribe means a lot helps out the channel 5,000 lights as per usual if you want more hoy I mean you'd probably know I'm gonna release more anyway so it's just a cry for engagement right just like when youtubers say all you need to do to enter their giveaway is to like the video they don't know that you've liked the video they're lying to you we've got the offer honor his counterinsurgency operations there we go our economy is in ruins brilliant and yeah a communist insurgency but you can imagine that the the white part of of Russia really would have been a complete massive aid of one because there were so many so many fractions all vying for power and they just fought amongst themselves so even if they did manage to win this this internal conflict it would have been a mess anyway and we leave historical AI on shall I for a little bit of fun no I won't historical AI off and let's begin it's gonna have my own my my multivitamin today got to keep the immune system boosted right in this alternative history scenario general Rangel took charge at the White Russian army during the Russian Civil something far sooner than he did historically leading them to victory over the Red Army since then he has ruled supreme leader of Russia okay shut up and let me play you know what modest I'm happy for you to explain what the mod is all about so many mores just jump you in and don't give you a little a little spat here okay so the pact of Petrograd now we do have a few nations that decided to break away but still in our sphere of influence our stability is 16 percent wall supports all right we do already start off with Oh damnit economy in ruins yep yeah poor education system brilliant okay looks like you've got your work cut out for you patois you too but look at how big this focus tree is I think there's so many different paths that you can go down that it's gonna be it's gonna be pretty great to see what we can do right iiiiii I'm interested to see I would quite like to have the Empire reborn and see if we can get the Romanovs back anyway let's start with a stimulus package our economy has stagnated and is on the verge of collapse so far the military unit has been completely ineffective at tackling this issue the Supreme Leader's proposal economic stimulus providing direct a lot yeah everyone knows what an economic stimulus package here is right at least you should the way things are going and the global economy quite a few businesses and economies will need a stimulus package oh my god really is that all the factories we have 55 that's not good not at all well we've got a large army but I think it's mostly trash yeah that looks like it's mostly trash we do still have Zhukov in oh hey at least one good thing we've got our fuel capacity is all fill up what if I lose my army it still remains full oh wait why would they deploy it whether how much am i oversupply oh all right well let's just spread you out shall we Wow how many rifles am I missing 25,000 okay brilliant this is fine shall we hunt down oh yeah strengthen the pact expand the hawk Rana yeah well hunt down for two decades the Bolsheviks have been a thorn in our side oh that's Rover in 1936 first during the Civil something and after in the form of incessant insurgency Oh get them put them down all right Bolsheviks are hunted down I don't know when I'm gonna have oh this isn't working okay so we just do these and then and then right all right the pact of Petrograd is treaty signed by the end I'm gonna so many subjects the Empire gained autonomy is also really anything's keeping our economies together in a while wedding in Brazil oh sorry that came out there on a royal wedding in Brazil crumbs and if you're going on in Denmark nope all right expand the hoc Rana the secret police so lonely god no in civilian factories that's not great can I switch to earth we switched a partial that no bow perhaps or have they Oh with the expansion of the karana we're better able to track and combat the Bolsheviks the head has been approached by wrangle with an updated intelligence report why does an important politician based out of Moscow is no surprises the Communists would target him however the other target has the agency baffled apparently the name of a peasant woman living in antigua burg was found at the top of the list carried by a Bolshevik then there must be a real find the woman I don't know why I can't find both but I want to find the woman this isn't working despite the enormous effort we have expended all of our attempts to combat the issues facing our country have had minimal effect damn all of our efforts since 1921 have accomplished very little the Bolsheviks have plagued us for over 15 years our economy's on the brink of collapse and our science and culture have not progressed since the Great War we need to do something wrangle has secretly someone representatives from the military High Command leaders of several political parties in some of the greatest minds in Russia to develop a new plan to tackle these issues oh I might have to miss this meeting because I need to I've really it's brewing guys I don't know if you should I should talk about this but who the invitations have been sent the greatest ones of our country have been assembled and the stage is set one of the most significant events in our country's history and I'm gonna miss the frickin event I've gotta go guys all right back to it back to it let's go Oh are they standing around yes they are but I guess they're protecting Moscow well they were our capital is Petrograd oh nice oh oh oh it's not been renamed of course that would make sense oh and sorry it's in oh oh okay the moment has finally come the meeting consisting of the members from the left right and center has commenced and if you want to read all of this just pause the video now and it will zoom in because I can't I can't read everything right I also been a struggle Claire don't have my glasses on oh my gosh they claimed that the woman bears an uncanny resemblance to a couple of minutes ago well it the woman claims that Anastasia Romanov she has long fought to be dead just like the rest of the Tsar's family but this new woman appears at the right age we must confirm this woman's identity and the Congress Wow what could be happening right here what can actually select a National Anastasia the peasant what I didn't even look at this I thought I was gonna be doing the the Empire reborn and getting the Romanov dynasty huh well I guess we might have Anastasia the daughter of tsar nicholas ii Anastasia Romanova has been alive all of these is summoned to the Capitol by supreme leader snoke I mean Rangel they will discuss what has become of her and the future of where to take Wow Anastasia has been rescued it's become immediately clear to wrangle that this woman is Anastasia Romanova recognizing her from when she saw her as a mere child she managed to survive despite her dreadful runes what about Pauline laws rewrite the Pauline laws okay the Pauline laws are a legal code governing that it the Dyna stick marriages in the Romanov family currently with how the laws are written Anastasia can legally become the Sarina but neither her husband nor her children could ever ascend to the throne he must amend these laws to allow her children become her full heirs yes oh my could Lagoo laying the foundation for a new monarchy Rangel has been planting the seeds of a new form of monarchy in Russia he brought back the defunct union of October 17th party today oh I'm down to a closed market I should probably switched I can't nevermind haha part remote though I think we will need and captain of industry let's get our economy back on track boom alright Anastasia this our Lena Oh with our preparations complete the time has come to unveil our news sorry now to the world she nourish our role as a constitutional monarch but unlike the one in the UK she will retain many executive powers would be more than just a figurehead good good Pritz vets to do sorry sue hmm my economy is still in ruins bow long live the Tsar Lena okay so the true Tuvix become the ruling party public elections will not be held democracy oh we're becoming a democracy damn we're now the Russian Empire though okay well there she is Anastasia Romanov ah and she does have all of that oh you can level her up oh that's cool based on the decisions made during the events of progressive through the focus tree you can increase Anastasia's attributes I could be that that could be the terrible I do like multiply this where you're just role-playing it's great what a fascinating turn of events indeed I'm not even worrying about conquest at the moment I'm just I'm just excited to see where Anastasia will take us okay the time has come to choose the first Prime Minister I think we should go for Rangel right mainly just because he recognized us so comfortable middle ground no Liberty will increase by two I don't like that authority will increase by one yes choosing this will make the path of reconciliation unavailable who wants to reconcile I want power unlimited power the path of revenge yes I can't do it I shouldn't do a Russian accent not that I can't I shouldn't shall we do land reform yes please should I focus on the nobility I mean I am a Tsar right or business do I care about our citizens no let's go from the nobility we sympathize with the poor landowners but the efficiency of large farms being run by only a few individuals cannot be downplayed I'm just going down the exact path of what my of what led to all of my family dying good good good stuff anastasia good stuff I shouldn't laugh wait did I just see this Spain was a complete mess again why yes yes it is yes that is just a wolf still only on 61 factories that's really quite atrocious I should probably do matters at the state there are many issues facing our nation give me that's the bility stability yeah I don't know what I'm doing I'm not very good at ad-libbing yet I still always try to ad lib and it just there's so many choices now I guess I'll i guess i might have to educate people does it work though does educating people work based on recent elections and kissing nor okay I might need to start thinking about changing my army around a little bit such as elite infantry I should probably try and get an elite division if only I had the army experience if only cavalry we use fire they can still garrison stuff Kearney Education Funding focusing on our funding will yield the best results government think tanks I would love the lecture research slot yes scientists come to me come to Anastasia oh well I can actually upgrade my army attack etc etc in experience will decrease by one though I think we could do that yeah surely upgrade the army attack army speed stability bonus army speed then political power the path of the revenge a recent bit of news has drawn all of Russia's attention to Petrograd where is announced Yakov Yurovsky the architect behind has finally been captured rumor has it that the Selina herself will intend the final day of the trial to witness the judges verdict oh yes revenge at last the man is a monster he is getting what he deserves hahaha please have mercy I'm already dying from illness well I guess not you flash him a smile of satisfaction before getting up and leaving the room as the man is dragged back to his cell wow it's getting dark crush the Bolsheviks BAM there we go he was executed New Zealand declares independence the German Reich declares Oh Germany what's your up to bra Austria actually said no but I said no no no okay so we got rid of that bad trait now it's just I need to give it as my economy being in ruins and I think we're on the way I'm still stuck on closed economy not really ideal but hey ho this does make the Russian focus tree a lot more interesting obviously because you have so many options now France declared war on the British Empire oh wait who's the only people that start with mosley british malaya everyone else left oh dear all imperial levies yes there are countries massive and it's too much for our ground military to cover alone take inspiration from our American friends we will get our own version of the National Guard America Russia friends word aha Russian economic powerhouse Billy bam boom our economy has reached high it's never seen before yes compulsory education alright fine everything's going very well for me now at least until people start opposing the new Russian Empire oh I could become the terrible oh sure weakly water poor nice oh no if I can wait until I get to Liberty then I've become the Conqueror shall we do permanent exile that increases Liberty lifelong imprisonment or just get rid of them entirely and I do want to be the Conqueror that will increase my Liberty so I'll do permanent exile very well and now we'll have their Conqueror my economy is still in ruins though I I could do peace at last my gosh my stability is already a hundred percent despite my economy being in ruins oh I wouldn't mind yes get me the Tsar's Casali in Asgard the Germans Soviet Treaty I say nay where are they oh let the bare veterans ah oh oh yeah baby Wow those are actually pretty nice unified Russia here we go boom it's time to absorb everyone back in or conquer them I don't care which shall I deal that with PETMAN any hope of a peaceful unification must be brokered I don't care if it's peaceful or not tell you what let me just put my army around Ukraine where are you going why are you going to one tile Oh for pity's sake really I've really freaking gosh darn royal marriage is an acceptable request are you having a giraffe I don't think so um if Heitmann will stand in our way then he must be removed boom take that I grow stronger what you gonna do when I come for you Russia Russia oh Mexico's at war with the Brits to the British Empire I'm really having much luck are they my health I I'm just gonna send in the troops yeah I think that'll be better I can't be bothered with elections or anything like that I'm just I'm just gonna and this is best this is best for everyone okay the Selina needs to assert her like martial prowess just just go in this will also train my army you know doesn't look like I need anyone's help actually yeah just go towards minx mate yep there we go in BAM boom nice take all states you have a giraffe I'm almost up to 100 factories we're gonna get there one day reunification with pin pip inland Finland I'm going to yeah I'm gonna bully the Finns the annexation of Tana toover it would be mine gobble gobble gobble oh let's just disband their army they don't need an army you don't need an army Finland you've got Russia you got the big boy to protect you now Big Daddy also italy has joined the Allies and the fourth Internationale that oh my god who wants to join me the United States wants to join my faction well gosh darn fiddle-de-dee Bangladesh I'm gonna say no to Bangladesh I might say yes to the United States though do I really want them in my faction No Poland is looking a bit dangerous so so so so dangerous federalized the Russian it are we just get calls and everything ha ha ha ha Oh a chief of army yes division speed I like the idea of like fast divisions more so than oh that's pretty good though the black bear and division organ to recovery rate I think that's that's got to be it right ok Empire has been federalized I don't care about anything I just want territory give me a dough back or I'm coming for you chick gonna do when she comes for you hmm nothing give me back my territory or he bullied the Finns a lie worthy of us United States and the Philippines joins the pact of Petrograd that's really powerful isn't it slide in peace at last I guess I could weaken that I don't really need a week in the Duma do I I will do large-scale military exercises or for the Baltics I like that do i yet war for eastern Poland yeah do I just I could just become the owner I would rather have the wars though yeah and then I can just invite the u.s. into the faction anyway but they aren't worthy UK that's what puts me off oh I'm just gonna let Europe saw itself out I'm just gonna focus on one true and powerful Russian Empire everybody care what they're doing extra 90 divisions in the field should be alright and me peace at last for the first time in years oh all right well I'm sure we can change peace i won more political power for the war off the Baltics coming for you Poland Poland is guaranteeing the independence troponin is guaranteed by real man yeah then we also need to worry about these guys up here so if I just send my ad it'll be fine then I'll see that all I need to do is then extend that doesn't work I was a stony annoying the faction oh no it is there just no in the war human wave offensive let's frickin go I don't care I just have loads of people to throw at them and no qualms about doing so Poland can beat me in the film this is just practice I know how to defeat our armies honest how many casualties that we take it all huh quite a few quite a few taking quite a few casualties oh I should probably start an Intelligence Agency oh dear I also haven't really been upgrading my army properly as you can tell by the fact that now Poland is beating me really does my tits my army that bad come on guys oh well I'm actually yeah I'm losing I'm losing this war the Tsarina is incompetent this is all fine this is fine they're just gonna waste their strength while I just get stronger right I am just gonna get stronger here I will get stronger yeah they're wasting they're wasting you know time on me I can do this great war tactics well that sounds great is that what I'm doing at the moment I probably I wouldn't mind getting infantry equipment though today I'm running out of equipment quicker than I am I hope yeah look at them oh they're so screwed though surprisingly all right let's get the seducer send the seducer to Russia seduce away milady so this is probably a bit of a tip if you don't really think you can push just let the a I constantly attack you and you'll have a great time they they will just keep on using all of their manpower pretty much if they sense that you're a little bit that they think that you're weak and that they can push they will just they will just exhaust their resources as if we can push a little bit again I'm not looking to really win at the moment I'm always quite contended just having these like long World War 1 Star Wars unless we can actually push across the river which would actually be grand do you have any abilities you can use no you can use this less force attack from Zhukov Gregory alright Gregory are you doing oh we did we've actually pushed across the river over I think those are our elite oh yes the SOG the sorry and his guard has pushed across into Romania a rifle in every hand yes Wow yeah the sorry in his guard was was grand oh yeah maybe I should try and get more of those damn I can't I think Poland is struggling now they're struggling to hold me it's costing me a lot of manpower but hey I'm Russia it doesn't matter and then we've got all of our Mountaineers going through Romania so yeah I'm wasting men on the front line up here but we're actually making progress and if I could capitulate Romania well the walls basically won after that they weren't protecting their capital no defensive the motherland more manpower give me give me give me give me give me yeah man and after midnight great a lot of the Polish army is encircled I think technically I don't know they're gonna most of them are going to escape it's actually gonna turn into like a reverse encirclement for me it's a bit annoying hey oh just kidding the whole of the Polish cool down here is gonna get encircled and crushed nice you love to see that when walls go well with Alex the Rambler rarely happens but when it does it looks good right oh really no that's not fair Germany what you're doing it should all be mine okay let's take as much territory as possible Speedy Gonzales let's go okay I have a lot more points than them so that's that's good at least I can take a bit of territory I definitely want as much of the Baltics as I can right this only fair so I think I've actually shown you everything that can almost be done with this focused wall what is that what's going on of India yeah sure and that's where it's gonna be an odd place to finish it but I think that's where I'm gonna end the video I know a lot of you probably expect a war between the axis and and myself but I don't really think that I can lose all I all I need to do is just form defensive positions entrench myself and then the axis will just fall upon my divisions and eventually capitulate and that will probably take me I'd say another three hours of recording for not much content apart from me being like oh I'm holding them dying now you know etc etc so I think that I've done a good job of showing what you can do with this focus tree obeah if you didn't want me to potentially cover this mod again do let me know there are loads of other options oh I didn't even do the economy bit but yeah this is a really fun mod it's really well put together I would highly recommend that you guys and gals at home give it a go I'm gonna go and hopefully record more videos today and get them to you as soon as I can there any other mods or something that I've missed that you want me to cover let me know but I'll be back very soon and it's goodbye from me and Anastasia overall my no over to Lou many thanks to onion duck Maximillian Foreman Wyatt green Robert hinged a falcon Ryan name name 1 2 3 1 Aidan jiggly crotch used beef Sean Young Logan Whaley and Drew's uncle for being ridiculous rounder supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 193,733
Rating: 4.9186821 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, alex the rambler hoi4, hoi4 la resistance, What If White White Russia Won Not The Reds?! HOI4, hearts, of, iron, four, hoi4 white russia, hoi4 russia, hoi4 soviets, hearts of iron 4 mods, hoi4 mod, funny mod, funny, isorrowproductions, spiffing brit, hearts of iron 4 la resistance, drew durnil
Id: dJUpIS7KmyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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