Atlantis Has Been Added To HOI4 And Its Very Well Done

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Atlanteans will rise rise from the seas yes attack over the river we can swim where Atlanteans whoa what's going on everyone it's me Alex the Rambler and today we return to huh I keep forgetting my stream deck isn't set up with my OBS hard Servite ha ha if I don't set anything up hearts of iron for a mod was released recently that I thought would be quite fun to play through it's called the Atlantis mod I think there have been a fair few number of the style of mods released but this one seems to be pretty comprehensive there is a massive focus tree it's it's adds the Age of Mythology version of Atlantis to the game with a full focus tree unique icons and voice lines from the Age of Mythology already huh ba looks to be a pretty expensive tree I'm just gonna jump on into it really no no no sponsors today apart from if you'd like to please do comment like and subscribe it really does help out the channel and and and it keeps me going and watch the ads all of them so here we go we are currently led by theocratic rĂ­os we are the Atlantean a theocracy we have citizen service of recruitable population of 10% good we have knowledge of the titans all baby over the millennia the titans and later Olympian gods bestowed gifts of knowledge upon their loyal Atlantean followers the result was a civilization with technology far too that of the others of time although the gap is narrow considerably since then Atlantis topis possesses a penchant for a research disloyal army uh-oh certain aspects of the army are no longer happy with the continuation of the ancient theocracy they will continue to chip away at the high council's popularity until either they fill the country is moving in a suitable path or they are dealt with and then we've got the London Naval Treaty so we led to believe that they've just been sitting here not affecting the whole world for the whole of time pretty much I I doubt that would happen of course world events would be quite different if Atlantis existed but hey ho let's just get on with it oh we have no millio divisions okay what is that twelve combat with sixteen factories brilliant it's like our building slots are maxed out so we can't actually build any more factories oh and we do control the islands we control Madeira and Isle and the canarians caste or a level six Field Marshal that's pretty chunky to begin with so I don't know what to build to start with can I get some air Beth sure I mean whatever what could else could I build yeah okay let's do that instead actually extra resources does that oh I do believe that the more that the more creator has said this is an overpowered nation but I'll find some way to mess it up low noise long ago our legendary power an advanced technology kept us safe now it is simply neutrality that saved us from the great couple I never wore a fossil on the horizon we need to rethink our position in you look yeah the rest of the world isn't changed it is just Atlantis that's been added Oh will control the cave Verde okay nice lots of little islands so you have a choice between conciliation or Atlantis first now I think we all know that I'm going to go down this route we don't need the other nations of the world the might of Atlantis let that land to Atlanta Atlantis has lasted for millennia and will continue to last I can't believe we've got a manpower base of 1.78 million how many people live here 15 million live on it that is very crowded Oh they've ridden the weapons too okay nice we could increase our industry or just immediately prepare for defense the shield smashes alright I thought I said being naughty then but now it's being neighborly who wants to do that come on now land industry I'll get myself a couple of factories before I try and start expanding obviously our first target will probably be the Iberian Peninsula Atlanteans will rise we have a lot of resources that we need early on but we lack rubber Oh always rubber I have decided to open up the island to limited exports it wasn't closed but I I do enjoy a little bit of free trade you know well maybe not free Oh brilliant so who I guess where we were meant to control these islands we no longer don't because Spain has erupted into that and the islands just passed back to them my one although this nationalist uprising doesn't appear to be going what the Frick this is the weirdest one I've sinned I can embrace tradition all have the shield shield matters so we're gonna do the shield smashes in hatred apprentice the Caleta lights were a mace wielding soldier of terrifying power Oh and they gets rid of disloyal army which is very good for me everything's going all right so far we're just we're just prepping I will awaken our ancient might fall we were the mightiest Empire now we are a shadow of our former selves well they still lasted longer than the Rome so didn't technically have me on this little island synergy of man and land oh that's a pretty good bonus so far this doesn't seem like it's ridiculously Opie it might be a little bit strong of a focus tree but overall doesn't seem too bad Atlantis defends Atlanteans invasion defense I think it's highly unlike alright there do you know what we know there's a good chance we would oh wait there's two of them wait is it meant to be oh they're both two different things oh wow sorry Harrison this plus 28% to research speed in 1938 it's pretty pretty tasty has to be said pretty tasty Atlantis united under the gods okay the gods still smile upon us hello and protect us after all these years yeah all right sure it might be a bit too soon just to go straight after Italy or Germany I probably have to start doing like these fellows and start to retake our colonies it might be best strike this hopefully when it's all still going on okay sure neverland's and in Mexico sure you do that whatever so far I haven't really encountered this focus tree to be ridiculously overpowered who their heck is okay sure I really would like more military factories I don't even know maybe I'll be able to enable invade Portugal so any get we're gonna get claims we don't actually just get the war goals that's a bit annoying but hey what can you do but my my invasion is for Portugal are proceeding oh our filth marsh was now our leader okay he's taking on quite the job is he up to it I guess we'll see home right unto Iberia I think just getting claims straight for Italy is a bit overzealous we've got to work our way across right well I've been easier just to go after the Caribbean oh wow sorry wasn't paying attention they've they've gone for it oh yeah I know the Allies didn't bother to guarantee them all right okay so the meter malls is looking pretty chunky I imagine that Germany has enough power to take on all of the buttons by itself though I mean if everyone's just having a cheeky gander why don't I get some extra wall support even though we're a hundred anyway but this is my one chance for expansion really if I wait too much longer I won't have any other opportunities we got to go we got to go fast we got to go to Portugal maxed out the old slots maxed out the airport next up my radar can't get any fuel sir Lowe's guess I'll just get some naval bases then oh I haven't even done any of the naval doctrine and I'm unable oh okay Hungary decided to join but as potent pushed and they've done it encircle Minh I'm impressed with the mean amours I mean yeah Czechoslovakia has taken a lot of casualties so I don't think they're gonna last oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah they've lost oh I forgot to send out my Navy off we go to de Ville invade block them from reinforcing go for the final attack haha okay Atlantis will rise once again onager sure will keep cool in here not a good wine Oh nay we don't have artillery we have on occurs this would be a quite easy conquest it seems portugal is no match for the Atlantean fella chakra see oh well look at that frontline blessings fanatic soldiers yeah this is pretty good we awaken eye ancient might yeah oh yeah take all states boom we begin alex country on spain is a puppet of the soviet union how how i don't understand i should have just done this ages ago i didn't know I had that claim the core state oh that's frustrating like do I just go to war with them and just be at war with the Soviet Union doesn't allows any hope for fascism look at this what the Frick has happened I'll scream once I just risk it for a biscuit hey because what else am I meant to do what else can we do what else can we do retake the Greek colonies do you know what I I think that I'm just going to go absolute ham and just see what I can do just let me out people at this point I'm just gonna I'm just going to just just just just to be a war of everyone and just see how it like it's 1939 in Germany is almost gone like the main antagonist is almost gone like I don't really have a proper army but I'm gonna be a war the Soviets soon with 28 factories 28 factories and a dream oh that's right the Soviets will be sending loads of their divisions to help must be an absolute mess won't it the atlanteans vs. the soviets we haven't encountered an enemy like them before but i guess we'll have to see won't we alright hashtag Yolo hahahahahahaha Germany wants me to join their faction I'll be honest it doesn't look good for you let's see can we can we push some places yes that's surprising I was not expecting that alright we'll keep up the good cop the attacks I guess I think it's just all do the buffs that I have and and I imagine the Soviets are probably in there purge yeah a huge amount it looks like I don't know if the Soviets have just abandoned them you know if they did they're not doing a very good job of protecting their ports so I can just encircle them and cut off their supply it's gone pretty well I'm gonna stop attacking those I'm completely out of equipment whoops so Germany continues to declare war on more enemies despite not having the unit's to be able to do so I don't understand their logic Oh Alicante let's go have a holiday shall we all the Soviets have actually been trying to use their Navy okay no ish not sure what else there is to do now apart from maybe Mabel invaded Italy conquest or appiied is the is the aim I'm just trying to get in on a peace deal to be honest with you I I really don't think that Germany's gonna be around too much longer like there they've got all of this to contend with it's definitely an issue for them yes allies give me all your rifles I'll take them Oh Oh nope Odin struggling now the meter malls appear to be falling but the Netherlands is on a roll I fire in their faction I wouldn't be classed as a major so there's no there's no real point all the naval invasion did work oh look chunky okay I'm just gonna go forever it's all or nothing for me at this point I really have nothing to lose before they can hopefully retaliate too much we'll try and get to Rome I've away it will hopefully help France push take Rome and now I am just going to try and hold because I'm still lacking quite a number of inventory equipment we can kind of see what the state of the media musi is and it's looking like Germany can push they just have a ton of divisions just focused on me but our infantry are better than the Germans good oh the AI is bugged okay that's good whenever they move troops away from the border that's when I just go full-on ham I don't know what happened there but sure I'll start aching territory why not every is precious to me my pleasure conquest I did like I've just gone blob then blob and I mean it be tempted to take Greece but I think if they're in meemaw's yeah I can now forget it mate forget it so far I guess like if you want to know my thoughts on the mod it's quite good I think the focus tree is well done yeah I mean it's a solid focus tree that I think you could expect from any any of the like the top mods out there it doesn't really change that much the gameplay it's okay it's good like it's fine III think that I'm just getting to a point again where I'm I'm just getting a bit bored with with the game you know like I've got 1600 hours in it and it's it's hard to come up with with new ideas to be honest because it's it's like this is I don't know how many hundreds of videos of hearts of iron I've created now but it's just it's just the same thing right so I don't know I don't know like this mod is perfectly fine is perfectly good a couple of years ago I'd probably be amazed that has been made pick overall the game is just not not doing much for me at the moment you know I mean this is the first time I played it in a week and I'm still like what you know will probably disappoint some of you but you know I imagine if you put yourself in my shoes I try and be a very creative person and and where you just I just need to make same video again and again and again with a different mod you know which I enjoy showing off the mods it's a good mod that was just me having a bit of complain sorry naval invasion oh why would I care about that oh wait I own some of it oh okay sure I'll take 50 rubber nice Oh their capitals in Milan let's take it from them yes attack over the river we can swim we're Atlanteans maybe we won't they keep reinforcing with various troops Milan has been taken capital Falls oh yeah goodbye Italy it's all mine my infantry are defeating German tanks the Atlanteans the Atlanteans know what's up oh this is looking dicey now isn't it I thought Poland was doing really well for a time but they've just what's happened to their whole army by the meetha meetha more made me - me me me me me me the me to Milla mu has just collapsed but to be honest if they do then I imagined that Germany will just have a war with them - I didn't expect to be at war with all of these nations though so I seem to be stuck between a rock and a hard place at the moment so I'm kind of tempted just to take my forces and just send them up to the to the low country here can I have military access please thank you oh yeah I should be able to be this pretty easily if my units ruled equipped that is except nah I'll give a bit of time to repair and then we go supported by my non-existent Air Force oh yeah like I just gotta feed it immediately okay if it's in like open country we've got a pretty good chance of just taking some tiles from them the reducing their factories much better chance than going through these mountains which is a pain in the arse oh my god the Atlanteans will be the ones to take Berlin I may be able to go around maybe it'll go round a bit more we did it we took Berlin you're welcome world the Atlanteans the true heroes of World War two then I'll just go down here and do the same in the South I think keep forgetting to search stuff time flies we need to stir constantly at five speed and here we go 90% towards capitulation a few more pushes and I don't think they'll have anything left how many Atlanteans have died in this war of expansion would it be worth it for them almost a million no I don't think that's worth when you weigh up the cost just stick to your island war is not worth it okay what can I get mmm boring boring boring no wow oh it's all so expensive to take do I have play let peace deals on I don't think so maybe I do by the way ah let's start taking some of this bad boy so I'll take albania to take that and that context this leah i would like a little bit of germany for all of my effort I think I deserve a little bit don't you I'm just a little chunk alright well this is what I managed to get for myself it's an absolute mess I'm sure you'd agree ice cream but yeah we've got a nice chunk of of Europe now and I think it's why I'm going to end it we're in 1942 that's as far as I want to take this scenario I I really can't Oh be bothered to try and take out the Soviet Union just to map paint a bit more I think we kind of explored everything there was to explore in the focus tree apart from completing all of these various bits and bobs like the refere beside and all the naval doctrines and stuff yeah solid mont give it a try if you want link in the description please do comment like and subscribe if you want more and i'll be back very soon toodaloo many thanks to onion dark seth a cutter stovic maximilian foreman wire green Zachariah Mosby Kaiser and David rest tad house Coby was taken active Osprey Matt subbu just made this for Alex would whoop vase Warren Peter Gregory Craven a day for the Don Lambert Valhalla walls duty dibs yeah boy wombat cookie devil Caen Ryan Jack trucco Aidan shear jiggly crotch news beef Sean Young Logan and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous round supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the patrons to our patrons to know my cold
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 134,683
Rating: 4.932024 out of 5
Keywords: Atlantis Has Been Added To HOI4 And Its Very Well Done, hoi4, alternate history, alternatehistoryhub, alex the rambler, atlantis, atlantis hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi iv, heats of iron iv, hearts, of, iron, iv, hoi4 mod, alex the rambler hoi4, hearts of iron 4 challenge, spiffing brit, isorrowproductions, drew durnil, hoi4 funny, hoi4 funny mods, paradox interactive, strategy games 2020
Id: M4iwhrN5em0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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