What If The Prussian Empire Still Existed?! HOI4

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Quite interesting, reminds me of the alternate history hub video about if the Germans had won WW1.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Alegon_the_1st πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

My friend actually made this mod, he’s a dope guy I recommend downloading the mod it’s super fun and Prussia is op as fuck.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Squishy_Thing πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Laughs in Preußen

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FredrichDerGrose πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Prussia needs Poznan

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Unspecific-Name πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
well Eddie well Eddie Willa D whoo it's me yeah boy Alex the Rambler back once again on hearts of iron for but just before we begin it's time for the new favorite section of the video revelers common corner Steven decided to comment absolutely nobody Alex I'm starting round this common corner fracked the Roman Empire nearly goes as far back as Alex's hairline says finnaly Smith [Music] it's actually the back of my head that's losing the hair okay the front there's still some there all right Thomas Turner comment corner should be renamed to comment corn hub whatever works for you Thomas whatever works for you wanderer six to eight picked up that I said if I just exterminate them they're likely now won't they annex the Rambler 2019 and it's true they did the public order went right up that's all we have time for for Ramblers comment corner but if you want your comment read out in the next video make sure all to comment down below just as long as it isn't about my hairline but here we are back on house of iron for and today I found a little mod which you all might find a little bit interesting Rojo I hear you say that's right the modding question is called the glory of Prussia and this is a mod in which it creates a new nation Prussia in Austin so here we go a new Germany has risen wait whoops from one here we go after the German defeat in the Great War the state of awe spruce in was split from Germany by the Polish corridor this opened up an opportunity for war hound the second game back his rifle monarchy in 1924 Wilhelm set sail for the Netherlands blardy blardy blardy blar retook control and now the Prussian Empire exists here so of course leave a light for more hearts of iron for 5000 likes let's go bran fam am i right every round farmer that gives this video a like might get good luck doubt it but you never know that's a good juice box so well what do we have here we have a proud army which increases our non-core manpower mobilization speed recruitable population factor and division recovery rate oh wow being a part of the Prussian army is seen as a very respectable and even people it's seen as very being a part of the Prussian army is seen as a very respectable oh no I did read that right Oh being a part of the Prussian army is seen as a very respectable comma and even people from outside our borders want part of it that sentence doesn't flow correctly in my mind Prussian ingenuity Oh pressure is a nation of ingenuity at a working culture this helps us maintain a significantly higher production than ever countries noise we also have a royal tradition these are the possibilities the pact of coining 's burg and old colonial times hmm so I have to see if we can survive the German run and our neighbors surround us because wilhelm ii is in a bit of a pickle and we only start with 5 divisions oh no and they're terrible really and there's a unique focus tree in this mod if I'm competent I will have left a link for you to take a little look-see so for yourself because this is actually the focus tree is actually really decent as long as it works correctly we should have a good time but I'll probably have to go for the Prussian industry to begin with so you can get expand the Prussian industry because we only have 15 factories than that that isn't great and we're gonna run out building slots pretty darn - pretty quick Oh Heinz Guderian decided to rebel and then at our fill marshal who should we get oh it's Otto von Brunswick you had that Prussian industry so far doesn't look very good does it 1.5 rifles a day this focused tree don't also doesn't seem over pound it actually seems fairly sensible and realistic all got is my voice going no I must record a video for the youtubes I can't fade away oh oh man has got to my voice help oh wow we back with okay we're actually equipped with military high commands and everything I am very impressive this mod okay maybe slightly overpowered as we can see here the Prussian army two times two hundred percent research bonus or land doctoring I'm not complaining it gimme gimme gimme gobble gobble gobble I think I should probably add in the popular figurehead plus 50 percent stability tasty tasty mr. michael in you come good stability for a proud prussian nation oh I'm a dictator Prussia has had a hard time in the recent years we must regain our strength to show the world that we are still a mighty and powerful nation here we go first step to world domination I think we have to strengthen the Kaiser I could never oppose the Kaiser that just doesn't see it sit well with me strengthen the cause of the Kaiser is the only one who can bring Brack like bring back para the Kaiser is the only one who can bring crusher back to its former glory there was Grant in more power said he could not form the government and restore our greatness I think for the sake of time I'm just gonna do a fascist Kaiser I would like to do traditional clothes but as you can see I'm already 1937 and I just don't have the time to spend 140 days doing these I really start I need to start going down these and Prussian propaganda and call for an election and actually start gaining territory and also I guess Wilhelm going fascist he's fed up with having to deal with other political parties he's fed up of having to pander to the public he's going his own way and he's saying F new everyone I'm in charge gains national spirit food and Kaiser which grants division organization of plus three or a critical population of three percent division recovery rate in case Wars or for ah before we engage in political action denominations we must ensure the people on our side by spreading Prussian propaganda in Danzig we won't be able to open a dispute for Poland or I here we go will call for an election in Danzig the poles have agreed to hold an election ah Oh a referendum you say well that went very well for the UK denier brexit Vance oh oh oh it's gambling we've got a 70% chance or I can just rigged the election we'll rig them let's rig the elections everyone ah look at that are we won oh I'm very surprised at that Wow and I guess we'll have to claim mammal yes is remembered as the old part of Prussia yeah yeah uh how did how screwed them right I'm coming for unifor one year oh yay Prussia takes control of mammal a very good indeed Prussia welcomes you back into what well well Prussia right the Prussian sphere of influence yeah yeah okay oh did you know what I've got it going on haven't I very nice indeed this might seem like I'm going down the warpath again I'm just claiming back what was mine you know I can't really go after big old Germany here I'd get absolutely trounced and now he's gonna grow more evangelist but maybe after the war goes on for a while he'll Wilkin himself and then and then we go in for the kill mmm you didn't think of that did you viewing public earlier today Prussian High Command announced that much of the Eastern Europe and the Baltics is now in the Prussian sphere of influence hair hair hair yes Oh focus on the Baltics yeah we're gonna yeah we're gonna go after those and and expand up here gain all these factories first and of course the people's which clearly do all want to be in the new Prussian Empire oh my god they just accepted okay sure that I'll take that I guess I'll invade Latvia now oh my god they're pointless they're not even worth the time to negotiate with my golly gosh the Angeles of Lithuania Oh Boober yeah this would be a good test of the new Prussian army it's almost all getting up to 250,000 strong now right in we go okay so I'm actually gonna try and get control over the state of Pinter pollen I can probably staged an uprising and then annex them I think oh well Germany ignored Poland and has just gone straight that up what what what would what would possess them to go after the ha so now you've started world war ii preemptively in czechoslovakia is still alive although they're doing fatal checks that actually didn't matter anymore but still huh you better be flooding yourselves netherlands i don't like that really baltic security hold on he's manually justifying on me you're an utter i'll oh this affects me over good and proper Oh My giddy aunt are you back off Stalin you are you've gotta ruin in my plans I am old this is rich this is really rich spam out division I can't even spend my them individuals I'm running outta manpower where can I do it that is hey oh he actually worked the state of hint of Amon it's a free state but they're a puppet from me so but I'm just gonna go and annex there we go we'll get we'll go for the annex so I'm gonna sacrifice my entire conquest up here if they do decide to invade me which is looking likely I still got time to prepare good well slap my balls and call me a big sausage Belgium's actually holding for some amount of time really okay Italy is doing better than the Germans who would have thunk tit competent Mussolini what is happening Horton Czechoslovakia refused Wow Germany is not in a great state although they're just going to plow into check-ins are back here aren't they yeah that's a pain in the ass like what's the point why do that help me great war veterans ah create a Prussian unit yes get the veterans in well fend off the Russkies ah Oh what the I'm good I'm frickin dead all right Oliver brave Prussians were left to hold the line and unfortunately they've been encircled and they're gonna perish this is horrible I was not expecting to be attacked by the Soviet Union in 1939 like who the hell do they I just need to wait until they're out of manpower that's gonna here we have the Great War veterans send you straight to the front the situation is the same I'm killing lots of Soviets but they just keep replenishing their ranks and throwing themselves at me and I don't have an Air Force to fend off there they are one and they and they just cycle attacking like my divisions can actually gain any interent hmm wow I hadn't even noticed what was happening down here look at this it's like a thin sliver of of resin I'd resistance oh my gosh just like there's a thin sliver of Prussian resistance it's still remaining I've been pushed out of SU what key the rest I'm still kind of holding the line just kidding no I'm not just giving everyone some buffs to entrenchment speed taking a million cavities now this is horrible oh no Stein has been wounded so that axis want me to join their faction I'm not really sure I mmm I mean no I'm not gonna join the war against the Allies but sure and then I'll call you in yeah okay that's good can we call in Italy and Yugoslavia they've all joined good and now I never have to miss click and join them one of their war oh look at this German support flooding on in oh this is brilliant oh we're safe to hold the lines now aren't we so this war looks very odd this is Sir this is the state of affairs now I'm not quite sure how this has happened we haven't been able to advance up through here it's only in the way there's a band in the south - huh all right that's very odd I'm not sure what the Soviet a is doing but I think it's completely dumped itself are you gonna love a good herb though don't you get an encirclement of tanks here I think no damn they escaped okay so we'll march there then they'll be stuck back fake come on oh yes good stuff well Prussia is basically Russia at this point feels pretty good man feels pretty good Oh Stein has been wounded again but the final victory is near I hope we're gonna have to take Stalingrad Oh apparently it's quite easy to take Stalingrad oh I forgot about the colonies bit well I might as well just go after that yeah why not yeah Italy in all of their wisdom decided to naval II invade this island they've even got some of their Navy stationed that okay alright fine I'm not going to question their decisions ah just like that we've done it okay let's expand as expands Russia we did a good job half a million Prussians died but we now get to increase our size this piece still went very weird I shoulda done player led cleat peace conferences so now I don't know where the territories going cuz it doesn't actually so even though I think I took some I don't know if I actually did or not and that's a pain in the ass I think I have a subject though Oh but okay well the German Reich is just ridiculous I do have the Russian Empire though right so Poland's and its own faction so I'm gonna try and gobble them and then I think I'm pretty happy with what I've done there's no way I can beat the axis by myself I think we're gonna do African liberation yes we will call for the decolonization of our former colonies but we can later incorporate them into our empire no ha we must ask for supervision yeah huh yes yes we did oh my God look everyone namibia namibian Peyer ah then a bit of empire will stay forever in the German Empire cool beans and look I'm providing aid Wow ah what a guy wait Poland's beating my divisions are you have it do they have more aircraft than me what Wow okay right well we've beaten the Polish Air Force but if you get the poles until 1942 to prepare for war they're actually pretty tough to defeat I should be able to do it if I can't that's a bit lame isn't it well well well over running them now oh okay Coco Coco Coco Coco cold unite the African colonies Oh oh yeah okay I think after a million polish have died we're finally making progress we've captured Warsaw know they could just capitulate now that the grand ha I've done quite the encirclement they they actually fought really well like way they held out for longer than I expected with sure I'll never do sorry polar done taking over the territory and boom Prussia is massive so that's where I'm gonna end it today hopefully you've enjoyed if you did leave a like subscribe comment to being ramblers calm and corner and until next time everyone I bid you a very very good day many thanks to Wyatt name name clincial Martin Andrew I am a living legend Shaun jiggly crotch Logan Brock Obama salty dog and Aiden for being ridiculous round the supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 635,798
Rating: 4.9157233 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, hearts of iron 4 man the guns, funny videos, funny hoi4, hoi4 mods, hoi4 mods 2019, hoi4 germany, alex the rambler germany, hoi4 highlights, funny hoi4 moments, hoi4 man the guns, man the guns walkthrough, grand strategy
Id: xOVjQ060gZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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