Defeating Germany as France Before 1937 on Hearts of Iron 4 hoi4

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hello every one of the last times amazing victory I figured I'd try something a little different also if you happen to miss last times last time I'd say last week's but it was this week if you have to miss last week's no that's wrong again your home to miss the last video that's right I played a Sweden take a look at how I did you'd be you're gonna be surprised today I'm gonna be playing as France on the base game and trying to be competent at them previously I've had a lot of trouble with them and I just want to see if I can get better well you're all watching me it probably isn't the best idea so I'll keep historical AI focuses on and we'll just have some fun as from - you don't really go together do they so the only success of handus France befall is when I said no to the rhineland being militarized and trying to take out Germany in 1936 I better not go down that tact again but Alex you're just copying a previous chairman oh no because I'm gonna continue after that and he also didn't see me finish that one I did that off-screen the actual finish of it despite people calling me terrible so go ahead and do government a form to begin with challenges will return very soon fear not just occasionally I like to record something a bit different I always recorded your open universe honest for but I've played less of that than I have a crusader kings - so you all might crucify me but if you wanna see that of course let me know and it's a video you get 2,000 likes I'll do a Europa Universalis for video at some point that's a bargain actually oh crap maybe I should have said yeah oh yeah also you follow me on twitter you'll see that my study permit hasn't been issued so this whole move to another province has all been for nothing at the moment and it doesn't look like it's gonna be issued before term begins which is like I don't know a day so I'm gonna have to leave the college and probably go back to England for the time being so my line is in big flux rather stressed so I'm just chilling out on YouTube for now not leaving my computer chair so although Franck starts with quite a large army again none of my divisions actually have equipment which kind of defeats the point of having an army why'd it why I don't understand why why don't people just have equipment but we have 50 divisions along Germany's border and I also have another sick divisions protecting Paris as you can see my national unity is absolutely atrocious so what we're gonna do is draw an offensive line against Germany in the event that they decide to declare war okay so we will this is an act of war let's see what happens Britain sub oh well I wasn't expecting Oh that hasn't happened to me before okay well I will still probably do the defensive focus actually you know what I'll probably start adding infrastructure uh well I'm not sure what it's just to the game now I don't know if they can actually enter through there anymore Oh for [ __ ] sake but at least within the Allies in 1936 so turns out I am now the French commune still at 20% national unity but we have Mr mustachio in charge Maurice for Ayers okay let's go balls to the wall let's declare war let's also call our allies in a crap so this is where it could be a big problem for me Italy breakthrough there I think I'm utterly screwed and also they don't actually have the they don't have access there Germany is under attack come on in UK UK yes thank you okay I'm sending more mountainous troops down so luckily Italy still is a really inner state to help out jet well I mean they are but I think my navy should should be winning no no it's not ok oh wait this could be bad I have regrets I have real regrets now Germany is just becoming an absolute tank and I can't really oh my god yeah the god I don't think I can stop this oh really [Music] okay well that's game over so that's that's that experiment failed I'm gonna try again because this is this is brutal okay let's try take two okay here we go britain refuses war the Germany must be dealt with now so let's let's go I think that we are now at war yep there we go the Treaty of Versailles Treaty must be enforced France and if everyone the German Reich that's fine kind of right let's see what the Communists kept they don't have that many divisions I kept 27 in reserve to deal with them and then let's make our offensive line - this is when you see the true skills of Alex the rabble ooh kind of maybe let's hope so because we can lose Paris we'll lose the war and I can't afford to lose the war at the moment so that's just next dr. Lynn yes okay so what I had to do then was just pause as I had someone coming in to fix my door what we're gonna do I'm gonna try it and do this mostly live I guess so you can kind of see that I don't cheat in might increase the length of the video so feel free to like skip ahead in time as I had some people accuse me of cheating on the ball in the previous challenge and although this isn't the challenge I still want to kind of show that I am capable of being competent ish except I'm about to lose part of the Maginot Line think we're moving up okay so I really need to make sure I hold the Maginot and also try and keep pushing forward a little bit so like for example there we lost our gains but if we attack again from there we should be able to take that and I think that we should have superiority over the Communists here that's actually nor France get everyone going okay I'm gonna have some more planes here which will also stick in and some more planes here which will also stick in stick into the mix I probably will still cut bits a bit but you know rest assured I don't know how to cheat so I wouldn't even know how to go about there to be honest but if I can finish off the Communists pretty quickly that I think we'll be in a better situation to deal with the Germans and hopefully not have to worry about the Italians will be still in Oh neat March 1936 D okay they don't affect the war too much so I'm not going to worry about them we are about to lose our gains which is a problem if we just gets pushed back to the measure knows and that's fine I've done this before and I've forgotten it how exactly I did it so I didn't after the challenge before and although yeah like you know you have no reason to believe that I did it but I guarantee you I did I really want to hold on to this crossing if I can continue to hold the measure note okay well we're making pretty good games they're making good games good gains Oh God like this is why don't understand with AI it abandon certain frontlines or no that's not what I wanted I want you to go here please I think once I can bring all my strength to the border we should just be able to maybe push okay they're isolated now we'll just keep on pushing okay so we have been pushed back to the Maginot Line that's not the worst thing in the world because I think the Germans probably took okay we've taken more casualties than them that's not good I will do that my tell mr. bigger fret is making sure the Communists are dealt with for example we can just move in here they don't have any troops on that border because I think I can hold on the Maginot Line at least for a little while I didn't waste a lot of Quitman advancing I didn't expect the Germans to react that quickly but if I can actually get maybe even a naval invasion up there again we're only in 1936 so Germany isn't in its strongest position so I'm confident I can achieve some stuff I mean it's gonna be like touch-and-go and we have the Communist Navy there that's fine once those divisions are dealt with yeah they're pretty much on their way out okay so that's task one almost done oh god I'm knockin everything everything is going everywhere and the Germans I believe they do outnumber them in terms of divisions okay I just want to finish these guys off and there'll be another eight days okay that's good United States give me that sweet sweet oil too fast about outdated equipment in production at the moment that's not my focus okay 99 there's something large driving by I think a truck a truck driving by okay great they have been capitulated I'm now going to move my Navy into the North Sea and now we're in a bit of a stalemate against Germany for now I would have put that I haven't enough digital businesses to break through we'll see once they're all in position I think I should have a still have enabled spear the Sabbath France doesn't really matter too much I mean I'll send them over there just to contest it a little bit what kind of neighbor does Germany have at the moment I definitely have more okay so give the little on Thanh and try and get check the vac here in the wall and then that would help us a considerable amount okay so eight divisions against two of theirs we should be able to push in I would hope at least like I'm not gonna be able to and they do have two divisions on their border as well which is a bit of a problem and their Navy actually seems to be able to combat mine that's also a problem oh damn well this Germany's wasting a lot of their equipment on me at the moment I do still have more fielded manpower than they do if I can get the little on Tom working then that would be a great boon I can hold the Maginot Line all day long now a Spanish Civil War that's fine that's my okay so I'm like I'm gonna try and do a little probing pushes every now and then however I think it's probably still not gonna work too well if we come down here you'd think I'd be able to push but it's not a likely scenario at the moment okay there we go so we've got the little on tante and let's call them into the wall what also invite you go Slavia why aren't you joining czechoslovakia oh they're not going to accept why won't you accept Oh No oh okay now you know you will right okay so we'll see if Chavez are back you can help us out hopefully Germany won't have too many divisions on their border okay they might free up enough to advance they have to split their forces now so even though even if Czechoslovakia oh well yeah there then I have a lot of divisions against me at all anymore which is perfect I just need checks on the back here to hold for a while and then we might actually be it might be all right on the night it might be all right on the night own Oh check there's a key appear to be struggling let's just be aggressive didn't expect them to struggle so much every day some cut off some pounds is there check-ins are back here I think I'm really struggling yes they are oh my god I have no one defending frog I hope their national unity is better than mine this is only fifty percent we have isolated more divisions continue CC don't know why they're not moving I did tell them to okay I would just want Germany to give me more attention in the minute checks attack here might be able to hold hit oh I don't know that okay they're okay for now I don't think Germany can support many more divisions than it currently has this is what I wanted from the start of the video so if you didn't watch to this point well you know I'm not actually talking to you at the moment but more for you fellas more for you and ladies three percent of my audience is lovely females oh my god just finished them off already stop faffing about attack and then join me don't hey hey hey me okay there we go I should help the push I am willing to go down to it maybe 20% equipment before I stop advancing my Manpower's okay kemberly you know what move on to Munich okay let's like Czechoslovakia have it under control oh they're actually forcing them back yes go on little old don't thought away in the French on tante alliance screw you allies we don't need you we don't need you we're doing fine so going down the Allies is definitely that the worst route you could do for France clearly I am a master of these things they still have more military factories than me but I think that started to have less division ice so we'll isolate them forcing them back think Czechoslovakia might be able to force them back to ok to Berlin I think [Music] Bojan unit touch okay let's go to Frankfurt with you my goblin why should defeat the Reich although if they bring in bring in Italy then that's this game over basically oh I have Victor Emmanuel II know it Italian history in the 40s very well I'm still being aggressive correct okay we'll go take calm then s in and dormant okay Czechoslovakia now in a okayed of positionally I wish they'd have held on to their fortifications a bit longer but the German forces opposing me not in the best state however my forces are also in a bit of a well my forces are going to struggle if I have to keep up this up for many many years but we're taking their factories from them which is great you gotta leave all golly you I'd be surprised if they can get more divisions out yeah there they are struggling Yugoslavia joins the French on tunt Alliance very good and then would also invite Romania okay I would love it if you go Slavia joined as well we do need the extra man the extra men the extra bands will use the extra bands okay come on in so that now gives us eight hundred twenty four thousand men in the field against their 250 maybe looks like we might be in danger of getting push back on some France I'm probably going to still keep attacking though because that's right I should just be able to encircle those fellows okay I think we're probably really lacking equipment now 57% have equipment okay they all start to lose their military factories he's if ya honey don't you the bossy well that's a problem I'm probably not gonna interfere in there sorry I think Yugoslavia should be okay for the most part I hope they are cuz I can't really help them huh I would like to be the person that seizes Berlin though deals in me okay we'll send our motorized divisions we'll try to bail in equity I'll also send some tanks as well so friend I think that German resistance is pretty much crumbling now got it all okay we might actually be able to defeat them before 19-foot actually I don't think we will be able to feel smart in 37 that would be great but it's me we're talking about here isn't it well let's do a spearhead actually screw it everyone can join in on this for your head because they are only 53% towards the pitch elation their national unity isn't ninety percent though so they need to lose a lot of stuff in the next month for me be able to finish them off d which I don't think is gonna happen unfortunately but we're slowly trapping all of their forces oh yeah oh baby oh oh oh baby I don't know what they'll have one of the major cities do they have left they've got set in oh that one's worth a lot keel I'll oh and Hamburg yeah okay well Yugoslavia is back together we're in December continue to Berlin none shall stop us you can go take rostock and then down to set in presidents probably worth a few five lepsy is also worth a few as well okay but they're getting closer pool situation kingdom of Romania is now in as well well we're a pretty powerful force I'll guarantee Posen to okay yeah I'm not sure we're gonna be able to sure Romania come on in so my French Alliance now is actually pretty tasty it's actually really quite big and they are now 96% of all capitulation but peachy we've got all of their military factories now pretty much which is great okay I was hoping we'd be able to wipe them out actually we take Dresden they might capitulate I'm not entirely sure although how many is set in worth that's not worth that much did we do woody gali would you stop oh my god I think I've actually done in huh and that's before 1937 oh my gosh I don't think that that's obviously not a world record but that's still pretty good I think I'll take back I'll take all these and I think I have I think I have player led peace conferences on so I'll take all the stuff that I won first actually no I'm gonna spend on my political power before they get anything oh okay oh I'll just take all the states actually there we go well 28 for December 1936 have defeated the German Reich and France is now a powerhouse and we're also still democratic I could probably change that oh no supported the status quo in order to get that little long taunt yeah well there we go that is probably what I wanted to kind of show you today and we're now in a pretty powerful faction which is oh and they still not why what happened how they should have a truce oh this oh that's still alive oh I forgot about them no matter that's oh yeah hopefully you've enjoyed this it's something a bit different I just wanted to I don't want to just do challenges on the channel and hopefully this will show you that I can be competent at a house of my own for sometimes sort of so maybe I can continue this at some point maybe not let me know your thoughts but until next time everyone I bet you a very very good day Travis shock attack and Osiris productions for being ridiculous Rambler supporters on patron and many thanks to all the other patrons too [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 662,486
Rating: 4.8882599 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hoi4, hoi4 in a nutshell, alex the rambler, hearts of iron 4 fail, hearts, of, iron, four, hoi4 gameplay, isorrowproductions, drew durnil, hoi4 meme, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 challenge, massive hearts of iron 4, world conquest, family friendly, hearts of iron 4 france, hoi4 france, hearts of iron 4 france campaign, hearts of iron 4 france v germany, hoi4 france tutorial
Id: 6JamG90IY6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 44sec (1844 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2017
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