What If HOI4 Started in 1941?!

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just a reminder that the paradox spring sale is still on until March 30th so if you want to buy anything and get stuff at a massive discount click on the link in the description and I get a few percent of everything that you choose to buy so you know you get games at a discounted price and I what's going on everyone it's me your ram fam shrew billy doodler poodle ur Alex the Rambler and today we're back on hearts of iron for it's been a little while since we've seen this background an old cafe is Len a and it appears people in the background on aren't practicing social isolation hmm in fact the spies seem a bit too close to each other anyway but today you were gonna be playing what if hearts of iron for started in 1941 wow I bet that what's your whistle and if it does comment like and subscribe really helps out and and you get notified of when videos are released - turns out I didn't have my headset plugged in that's great fantastic oh my god you're a plonker so let's take a look at what the mod has done and so I'll leave a link to the mod in the description too it essentially just changes the the world of parts of iron 4 into operation barbarossa so Germany and the Soviet Union are about to have a massive kerfuffle while the well Germany and the axis is still in a couple with the Allies oh and Japan is still having its kerfuffle with China so we have to see how that gets on with Monsieur Hillary Ito but we're just gonna jump on it I'm gonna try and see if we can win the war as as as old as Germany you'll see why it might be a bit tricky in just a second [Music] so that's two right oh so the exorcism is in control of most of Europe by this point however we are actually at war with Russia and the and and the mod so far don't doesn't really start any preview of any divisions on the actual border which is a bit of a problem and we don't have anything defending the Atlantic so we could just get enable invaded we also don't have any divisions of basic training and have any of them been churn of them have been changed it's all the base sir oh do you have lots of research slots though noise we do have 2000 political power to spend on whatever the Frick I want blitzkrieg theorists then we'll also get an armored genius and I think we'll probably have to go for the old army logistics increase that division org is quite nice however I would like division speed that will just increase the speed of our tanks by 20% which is pretty sweet because we've got the 10% here and then the 10% with Armour there we're not on war economy changeover to war economy straightaway and then I would like to increase my war support and the door is now being shot on my freedom the girlfriends working we do have a good amount of factories 165 military haha ok well let's change that over straightaway to improved artillery let's get I think 30 factories on there will also get 15 on support changing the fighters over to fighter twos and then immediately getting I think 40 factories for them maybe 20 factories for close air support I'm not going to worry about bombers just air superiority etc I should probably start producing some medium tanks I'm not going to worry about heavy tanks because we're facing the AI and mediums are going to be fine for what we want to do that's right it's aluminium not aluminum friggin North America and then rubber we're lacking a lot of rubber Siam can give us a bit so why should probably build is some synthetic refineries about the place all this and we haven't even started the freakin war yet well we have technically and in terms of national focuses there are some things for us to do like such as the Atlantic Wall might be quite good to do but I've probably gonna do an alliance with Spain I really would like it if they would join us okay so we're gonna send our fodder to help protect from any naval invasions this is gonna be a very like I'd say this is less an RPG this time and more actually me trying to win in a weird scenario so III I applaud the mod of adding an extra tart start date however it's not I don't think this is gonna be balanced at all to begin with this might test the skills of my abilities on hearts of iron I'm hoping I'm hoping I can I can do it I'm pretty confident that I should be able to perform competently I know a lot of people probably still think I'm really bad at this game that I'm actually probably better than you give me credit for I just don't really follow the meta I tend to just play however I want pretty much how a lot of you play at home just just you don't really worry too much about the meta you just want to play to have fun and enjoy the experience which i think is more important overall than figuring out that the absolute best way of playing like it to me exploits just kind of take the fun out of the experience for me so guess I'll just set up there for now also the Air Force I don't think is particularly oh I'm just gonna assign them and and let it let it be run automatically I'm probably gonna run our fuel really quickly so if I were to just go to three speed right now how is that going to affect just gonna eat my banana while the whole world something yourself out made a bit of a mistake I probably should have done strategic redeployment you know oh and then actually get some troops in training perhaps I will wait until all of my stuff is all it's all done though that's like Romania is doing an alright job I might just go on the offensive now and take some early factories from the Soviets so let's just as soon as you're ready start capturing cities we want them on the back foot especially if we can get some early encirclements it appears they already have medium tank divisions though which is unfortunate oh well it's not if we actually encircle them hahahahaha I'm pushing no even my probing which I know is gonna trigger a load of you Oh every side started the war without any casualties by the way which I thought was kind of funny and now time to start adding in just to make units kind of twenty combat with hmm but if this keeps up its was gonna go quite nicely oh this is this is kind of how it started really wasn't it for the Germany they were forcing them back on every turn but all the walls that we have the UK not doing anything is an extra boon for me just really need some rubber and fuel who has some oil for daddy Germany so I'm quite happy if I'm able would even able to take a few cities based on the how this mess kind of started off it appears Finland will probably get wrecked and I'm okay with that I don't I don't just just it's kind of like whatever to me then I imagine they'll come in through Norway which again is whatever Oh Peter Hoffman you are I'm sending you to seduce away in the Moscow mmm okay so resistance is spreading I'm probably gonna go for secret police everywhere actually territory management just just secret police hopefully that will reduce resistance eventually I think there might need to be some balancing to this not the bar barbar not a thing do you like banana for bread first gobble gobble gobble Marcin to Riga we're over running people this is great sure article n leaves why not can't quite believe my starting Army is just plowing on through the Soviets so easily like we've taken sixty eight thousand casualties they've taken seven hundred thousand it's quite bonkers how unbalanced already I mean to be fair we're not oh no we are a Kiev okay but we're not even a Kiev yet but yeah we are I don't think I am blitzkrieg as quickly as as Germany that's historically maybe I don't know we might have to try and hunker down eventually oh no no we've taken Kiev nice Norwich not sure where these guys going I don't know just just send them around they just know that is a very awkward pocket that I have here and it could get trapped very easily alliance with Spain we have only 70 days into the into the into the game wouldn't it be fun if I could like somehow pull off a an invasion of the UK the friend Turkey why not do you want to join me in Spain I'm just gonna take over all of your forces Romania Oh could always get a cheeky encircle amante over here yes please that would be a nice pocket to secure oh gosh conquest does take its time sometimes did we get the pocket come on yeah we did nice very good very good indeed now plush them no building up or story in this in this in this in this playthrough it's just all out a dick northern France oh no no no no no so they might they might get in that's quite a large invasion they're doing in fact they've taken Calais I wonder if I can take yeah I'm just gonna sacrifice them once the Soviets are dealt with then I'm coming for the UK how's Italy performing oh they're doing surprisingly well at the moment okay but the Hungarians are almost in place to defeat the d-day and get the UK out although they're they're just gonna starve I think Oh Deary me the BEF surrounded near Calais no Dunkirk for users no Dunkirk for you whenever a nice encirclement down here from Army Group South this is all going surprisingly well keep giving me more rubber always get rubber when you have the opportunity like I know this is making me appear like a very impressive horse of iron player but the reality is it's just that the mod is is not balanced yet I'd love to take all the credit they're just like absolutely dominating the opponents but I can't serve them it's Darlene oh please yes yeah okay well that's Wow the tanks are so quick increasing your speed of your tanks is freaking epic actually yeah max speed increase it boom so November 41 and Leningrad's been taken feeling pretty good about this nice my War of the US yes I am oh boy well should probably get some extra division set up that garrison this area then Shanaya Wow Italy's encircled the British in Alexandria crumbs I imagine that's all gonna crumble soon though the Finns have actually held on long enough for me to assist them was not expecting there and as the port of Stalingrad is is pretty open to nice I imagine that Japan is gonna have a very hard time now I don't see them really winning Stalingrad has fallen oh we are at the end of our resources in both personnel and material about it could be confronted with the dangers of deep winter Hilter had not considered the fact that Germany wouldn't be able to quickly conquer Russia before the winter should probably stop attacking yeah we're starting to get held at most points so I'm going to stop the attack regroup and then in the spring I guess we'll go on another massive offensive hmm oh my god I bet I've been doing this whole video on three or four speed I haven't been rushing it like I would usually Wow oh they still have officers purged nice I think I might have to start attacking soon because it appears they're like spamming our divisions oh yeah they have a lot this then really outnumbering me in terms of fielded manpower I think I only have 1.2 million men in the field take follow take just just weaken them more this is glitched apparently like you can't attack over there that's dumb Oh Atlanta quarry yes please it appears we no longer get the effects of winter 1941 however the Soviets are successfully pushing me back on occasion I don't have enough troops to cover my entire front like maybe I could still keep Oh our latest mission over central Russia was a great success for German airforce in more than one respect reports have come highlighting Heinrich adolfo web sorority managing to outwit a Soviet pilot known as the snowflake oh yeah they have way too many divisions for me to counter them can I take anyone's troops at all I've got the Hungarians oh of course the Hungarians can form the center group and push on to Moscow the Hungarians can save the war off we go Hungarians once more to the front they've saved us once they can save us again it's partly I can't I don't have enough military factories on I guess guns although I thought I had but maybe I'll divert more more guns to the front and what is happening a massive naval invasion oh no oh oh D days happened just as I diverted my troops away Oh rod do I have any provisions nearby that can help I have some bulgarians okay Taylor I can't believe one I just can't get any troops in the field if it comes to him I have to take my armor away from here I wasn't expecting this freakin D days in 42 that's not fair although Italy oh wow actually if I bring Vichy France in they'll help me a little bit because Italy's done a grand old job in Africa no wait hold on the Soviets I've got a white piece damn it just just when things were looking up for me Oh they've been circle themselves again the British seemed quite good at doing that they have too many troops for me to really push properly now we're gonna have to hold hopefully successfully oh my god how many planes are they starting to pump out good no I would really love it if other nations could give me some guns I'm rather lacking and I need troops in the field if the Soviets are really starting to outnumber me well we almost ass dog did we did we take Stalingrad oh we have okay but we're stuck there so that's that's not so hot yeah you can see that I'm getting kind of pushed back where they're attacking me now because I only have like one division at each trial it was going so well they keep trying these little invasions and I keep just just just destroying them which is fine Russia is just a world of pain I have not managed to make any gains really oh boy but I think once we have decrypted the Soviet Union that already helped us start to push again I'm hoping if I can just gather enough strength for a like a final push of oh I can see this time to go quite poorly for me I can't keep up production my Air Force is slowly being weakened oh and we do already have the Atlantic Wall which is nice I'm just gonna try and get a few more thoughts up here but that's that's helping prevent any naval invasions great and now we just have to try and hold our we've fully decrypted the Soviet Union we will gain the following bonuses for 30 days on top of our passive ones so they have all their three million men deployed oh dear so with the cipher active I might be a take a few more cities then I'll have to stop attacking again because it's just being too costly for me to attack them efficiently oh we have taken Moscow nice just see if we can hold that very good very good indeed me likey likey okay so they've taken back Stalingrad all right God we will take it back I'm gonna have to go to service billing requirement that's not really ideal it looks like Italy is struggling with an invasion I'll just see how that progresses oh they are losing North Africa so I'm putting every available resource I have into trying to defeat Russia now I have been lacking infantry equipment this entire war so if I get all of my units up to scratch I think we'll be all fine and dandy it's a lot of green to begin with but we need that to continue and launching an attack and winter isn't isn't isn't isn't isn't isn't wise still got 28 days before we've got the cryptology down again how they invade it again and they immediately get surrounded you don't want to join do you so the Soviets are actually all right positioned oh no I definitely uh number them in terms of factories now so they can't keep up the same production as I am Benelux and northern France have been invaded again oh well they're just gonna leave their port of entry you know you're just gonna your perish there I'm really hoping the Soviets just to capitulate soon I'm surprised that they're still holding as well as they are but I guess it's just the case if they have so many men what's your manpower left their own service by requirement - oh so I will try and prepare a collaborationist government with the Soviet Union it's gonna take almost a year but I don't think that they can really push me back much anymore just realize they took back starting grad so I'm sending my my tank call to try and take it back otherwise looking too hot in the Sun right lying on where Romania mainly to hold the line and yeah my tank quarterback Stalingrad and I'm now just trying to like push along other points and try and cut off the Soviet south but where this whole flank is a bit insecure it's kind of tricky oh oh oh my tanks broke through it seems Wow okay nice get now I'm just rumbling down after Sochi okay it's just just take all the capture point speed of my blitzkrieg however it's in a large danger of getting cut off though oh that was almost an encirclement I imagine my tanks are gonna get encircled down there it's okay like I'm okay with having mayhem at this point in the game I don't think I'll booze oh the invasion of Sicily has happened things need to be going Robert Dornan goal except maybe this and and now this but I think is that one massive encirclement almost so they are at 7.45 million casualties before this big encirclement and i think this is a big encirclement here - and now they're on over 8 million casualties after i'm cleaning up all of this a lot of divisions that need to perish first so I know some of them have escaped I won't even need that collaborationist government feels good feels good to finally finally be crushing the Soviet Union is taking me a while taking me a lot longer than I had anticipated I think I might have prepared the collaborationist government from I'll Sh damn it Italy I think overall I definitely recommend giving this modder try maybe wait until it's balanced a bit more as is it certainly I'd say like in 1942 it could have gone either way but as long as you don't overstretch yourself you're fine finally this guy really wants to stretch himself and we've taken back oww yeah the Soviets really are on their way out okay revealed Intel again thank you and this won't really need to be finished I think I'll probably captivate them before 1944 even if we don't that collaboration collaboration as government should just cause them to capitulate I hope they caught one point three men million deployed still but but they're they're about to capitulate after nine million casualties how many German almost three again that's because I I don't micro as well as I could I just don't really doesn't really we all we all know by now that I don't really play optimally but hopefully I entertain you and that's the main thing really isn't it unless you're a meta person in which case you've probably stopped watching oh we've got um we've got the Soviets they've capitulated and I am just going to do everything I need to form the greater greater Germany no one's having anything but me I love it when a plan comes together in this case is it yep pretty much oh no well that's the scenario ruined so hopefully that's given you an insight into what the mod does just tries to add a 1941 start date which I think it does semi successfully at the moment if you get balanced a bit more then it will help a lot I I'm not going to choose to finish the war I think that we've shown the well and now it's very unlikely I'm ever going to lose it would take a miracle for the Allies to be able to win all I'd have to do is just bomb the UK into oblivion then start taking the islands top taking Denmark get a beachhead into the Allies and then be better than Batman it'd be a long war against the United States but we'd be able to do it so if you've enjoyed this video please do comment like and subscribe and I'll be back very soon toodaloo many things to onion duck Maximilian Foreman wire green rubber hinged a falcon Ryan [ __ ] name name one two three one Aiden jiggly crotch used beef Shawn young Logan Whaley Andrews uncle for being ridiculous rounder supports on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 170,113
Rating: 4.898632 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hoi iv, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, alex the rambler hoi4, hoi4 la resistance, What If HOI4 Started in 1941?!, what, if, started, in, 1941, hoi4 germany, hoi iv la resistance, hoi4 funny, hoi 4 mods, hearts of iron 4 mods, silly hoi iv mods, drew durnil, isorrowproductions hoi4, new hoi4 mods, popular hoi4 mods, hearts of iron 4 germany, hearts of iron 4 russia
Id: LgB4sXJE3k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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