What If The French Revolution Failed?! HOI4

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what's going on everyone it's me terrible setup Rambler here it's more of a temporary one but it's still pretty bad the Lighting's bad the audios bad the webcams bad and today we're back on hearts of iron fall lamb revolution I'll say now this mold is set in Melbourne apollyon ik era and it allows you to change the course of the French Revolution maybe I can be Napoleon and actually take out Russia now I do actually really enjoy alternate history mods so why don't give it a go look we could even be this kid maybe who's given him two hand weapons can I even say weapons on YouTube anymore oh I don't know what's allowed and what isn't I'm so out of touch but of course if you want to see more hearts of iron please do leave a like comment and subscribe and 5000 likes for more hi and I probably need to oh no why would they put I know it's a painting but even then YouTube will definitely D monetize me if they see what I have just covered I'll have to find some way of covering it in the Edit brilliant that's a pain a watershed event in modern European history the French Revolution began in 1789 and ended in the latent 1790s at the assent of Napoleon wah-bah apparel actor during this period French citizens raised and redesigned their country's political landscape uprooting centuries-old institutions and is absolute monarchy in the funeral system like the American Revolution or the French Revolution Hall was influenced by Enlightenment ideas particularly the concept of you can also do coalition walls but I'm just going to do the French Revolution look at this mug get louis xvi oh you don't know what's in store for you sir the Kingdom of Prussia looks like he's out on out looking for more pies but we're gonna play as France and just see what we can accomplish and look there's still Louisiana which we could play as apparently we're not go into back-to-back turf or hunts we go and I think I'm safe to move my camera down now lovely oh and there's already civil wars going on nice we start with 97 divisions all parlament in Perry well someone's having a big old party and they're all six combat with oh I changed the army icon Wow jean-baptiste is the technology done kind of kind of they've removed most stuff it seems you can't get any support battalions or artillery it's just support weapons and hand cannons okay this appears to be rather in the alpha I think I'll research some early destroyers in that I only have to research lots brilliant I guess that limits my options automatic weapons are becoming more portable literally the only thing we can produce is hand cannons okay um right well we have the char Ville musket factories which well we can actually get a decent amount of factories from doing that but I think we should do the French Revolution I did I did it better the French people will arise from the ashes of the full of monarchy that has ruled Errol people for hundreds of years I can't do accents can I that's really bad Britain doesn't have a focus tree Russia doesn't and why the only country gonna be doing anything Oh what have I done Russia is Oh absolute asari I thought that was that's usually the color for something else in the game don't you know I think this might be quite a quick mob to play through that if there's only one focus tree we shouldn't really get a whole dollar egg I don't know I should probably blur in my glasses too whenever I don't wear my glasses nowadays I find looking at a screen tricky oh well I could support the other evolutionists or support the Royalists hmm I don't know one to pick actually I think it would be quite fun to see that the French monarchy continues shall we do that Napoleon will never rise to power Oh take that Napoleon we must protect our kings Flynn I and stop this awful revolution Bonjour in deed I didn't even look at these before the French Revolution oh I've got a signet alright oh the safe for us before the looming bankruptcy nice how we have divided clergy and a Haitian rebellion Oh introduction of the guillotine nice we needed that so this does seem like a very very very very early mod and I said I've still got to give a modder kudos for even attempting something in a different completely different time period it's very difficult to achieve that kind of thing in enhance of mine I don't have the time to mod nor do I have the patience so III think it's great when when anyone can create an alternate history mod I guess we could have even played as the Chinese Empire dominated the world is the Ching dynasty ah god save the king he has our only head really is he let the meat cake give our people the food we have stored the rich couldn't pay for it oh the peasants don't need food rent for the dongle at the mud cake wait I get worse D buffs giving them cake what I give them cake and they're like we hit you all right fine I'll give the national assembly some power or we still go the Maginot Line chaps we still got the Maginot Line 200 years in advance 150 oh my god the freaking war suddenly a pediment were training on my border well well give you a training too yeah that's right the French working hard there's a first time for everything right there halt boy halt ah here we go Habsburg monarchy the Habsburg monarchy gets the event put down the revolution oh yeah if you're wondering why my setup is kind of weird at the moment I I don't really have any decent lighting there's no lighting in my office at all apart from a couple of lamps I've managed to put in I also have the problem of there's a bit of echo where there isn't a lot of furniture in here and I also need to get a new desk because I'm borrowing my girlfriend's desk at the moment because I don't actually own my own wanting in Canada so I need to do a lot to get this to like a proper studio set up and I'm a bit concerned if I can actually use my UK business card in Canada in order to you know expense stuff because it's all business expenses but where I'm in another nation I'm not really sure the legalities of that some boring stuff you never needed to know I'm going to destroy the revolution our solution is there dissolution I'm not sure if I'm ready for this actually I'm gonna cancel it I need to actually yeah cancel that and I need some freaking army experience where can I get army experience texts alone to get on the experience like what the frick a defrag just give me that on expe oh I'm actually in alliance with with Austria I didn't actually tell me and Prussia all the French alliance nice nice Wow we're already quite powerful Oh tasty why yes I would like to research Flint blocks I feel like I'm slightly behind the times here Hawaii declare war on the Maui uh-oh well they're gonna be going at it I guess all there's actually factions on this island is there no the carb aisle they have a truce right make if sense make if meny sense one division versus one division oh I'm just going to get some musket factories I think before we actually go for it any kind of war I'm not can really convinced my men are gonna do that well in combating the the revolutionaries they're literally fighting with hand cannons like a medieval okay well let's start trying to get some good clean just a few more weapons factories before I try and destroy the revolution oh my god I can actually get muskets soon oh man I'm actually losing political power every day Oh all righty well let's let's destroy the revolution there's no way that I'm gonna give in I should probably try and fortifying in Paris right screw it hopefully they all remain loyal otherwise I'm screwed the monarchy stands tall indeed it does and what is the root I II ha ha oh no no no no no no oh no no no oh jean-baptiste left me Oh My giddy aunt this is not good I regret I regret upgrading my troops now they are lacking some equipment though oh nice so I've got that going for me which is nice I guess can I call my hair lies in to help me now please please help me ask neighbors for help Holland is powerful can easily turn the tide but be wary they may join the revolution is provoked if provoked they better not be oh yeah take that you're freakin revolutionaries what if I just did the old BAM oh yeah take that rebel look they don't stand a chance against the might of the French monarchy over there beating me are they well so far I i can't deploy anyone I can I'm gonna try and get my divisions to 20 combat width I think that will help me I'm having a little raw they're not gonna help them the revolutionaries actually have more military factories than I do you freaking L may additionally goo I'm just trying to farm army experience at this point I'm not expecting to push I just need the army experience come on tick away please tick tick tick tick tick and now I wait until the end of time to produce enough muskets to equip my infantry oh my god Lee go negotiate for weapons please please Spain give me weapons I hey don't give it to the Republic give it to the new Galactic Empire you cannot call on our lives when you are not the faction leader so what's the fricking point game I I Mars come on Spain give me them weapons Spain Spain even didn't do anything the event didn't do anything there we go buying weapons will work but it will cost us an arm and a leg while I've barely got either at the moment so freakin gimme these events literally do nothing steal weapons stealing weapons blueprints may get us more than we bargained for but our risk I hope but chipper let's see if spec is both the US and the Spanish have offered us an alliance let's give this let's see if Spain will help me you want to help me Spain like you could literally win this war for me but I doubt you will because you're a git I'll just buy my time guys don't worry I'm buying my time I'm buying my time I'm buying it well that national focus didn't work I have a Britain who tested this this hasn't been tested I want my freaking guns I want my everything but my 20 combat width appear to be beating their tens even if they don't have equipment so winning at life literally took one tile nice Imperial Army me likey the looki of that yes oh god I don't have enough wood that's not what you want to say to a lady by the way would be quite bad if if you ever admitted that oh yeah we've taken their capital and encircled some of the dastardly revolutionaries good my attacks are working yes continue the encirclements strike then back from whence they came I'm making fairly good progress now it's just the lack of equipment which i think is stopping me so once we're fully equipped and have some in in in surplus I'm just going to go absolute ham on them it would be nice if I could get support divisions though support companies that's not an option in this maude to have any of them what so ever just gonna execute them the revolution shall never happen I'll know I do that once I finish with them once I finish yes all right launch the attacks again I don't really need to do a whole lot of of my crowing my units will just beat theirs now on the vast majority of cases because it's I I have my combat which is far better than theirs so I'm winning the course across the board in the vast majority of cases I'm always gonna win the battles now because my combat width is much better than theirs and I think my unis probably have overall better equipment and actually have the majority of my generals so it's it's pretty much guaranteed that I'm going to win unless something goes really really badly yeah our casualties have been fairly similar to the Republic of throne but overall I'm pretty happy of how this is going got a million men in in in in in in the manpower pool maybe I could start recruiting more troops maybe some mountaineer divisions to put into Norrish notion always imagined being those peasants being beaten back to every turn take that peasants I don't know what I'm doing I don't even saying anymore oh we've surrounded six divisions of them crush them oh yeah baby look at that we've dominated them absolutely dominated them now what do I do create a new Grand Army that's what we're gonna do oh haha yes and then conquer the world I think I think I'll attack the Spanish the gits for not helping me how dare they how dare they not help out yeah boy you know army and it's I need to think before I talk I you know oh my god how many freaking thingamabobs do I have saved the king let them eat cake National Assembly Revolutionary Army defense of France volunteers Grand Army and that one again I probably shoulda done attack our enemies yeah that would've been a good one oh well I'm gonna execute the revolutionaries louis xvi is angered by spanish posturing you you gosh-darned italy better be right about that let's go and we've called everyone in they actually joined us this time nice Oh does that mean that yeah Louisiana's gonna be a war with the Viceroy of New Spain unfortunately Louisiana doesn't have any divisions but that's fine oh my god New Spain has almost a hundred military factories you know a giraffe well let's see if I can actually push in I think it's unlikely because they have that they're stacked so high on these oh I've actually managed to push oh my god great mincer command read it look at that look at that nice what Oh frickin destroy them yes that wasn't even difficult um oh well okay then I'm just seeing how easy is to conquer other little Nations now I think it's gonna be pretty pretty pretty simple it's this seems like it's I don't know that I can be defeated I don't think the AI is changing their division template so there there's gonna be like six combat width whereas mine and now I've changed them to forty combat with so even in mountainous terrain they can't stop me I am unbeatable oh the u.s. is guaranteeing there he'll bet in Republic well whatever let's start a world war I'm just going to go after the Ottoman Empire now because I can why not eh why not have a little fun it's me France coming at you huh the US has between three and five divisions oh dear Oh encirclement yeah that the Ottomans I don't think stand a chance no one really does this is this is this is so easy to conquer everyone as soon as you change your combat with it's so easy I'm gonna conquer some stuff why no hey well the ultimate lives out Empire lives on in some form alrighty into Poland we go cool for our lives that editor did ER and then our final target will be Russia I'm basically doing wonder Poland did but probably more successfully because I've actually kept some of the powers here you know in line and I just can't be bothered to to do one of these individually the grand invasion of Russia here we go did it it it dinner and then we go let's see if I can do what Napoleon couldn't hey it looks like I'm doing okay oh yeah the Russians have taken almost 200,000 casualties compared to my 7000 it's not it's not it's not high challenge the math is looking a little odd it appears the Ottoman Empire is gaining most of Russia's territory huh oh damn I've her oh it appears the Russian Empire just went around the flank and her wasn't expecting that oh well I think will capitulate them soon enough though I clearly haven't been paying attention because I haven't needed to all right go for Tbilisi please well I've done it okay I think no just puppet nice just need to humble the Russians just need to humble them we don't need to conquer them just humble them and then the French Alliance is by far the most powerful nation in the world so that's where I'm gonna leave it for today for this mod if you would like to see it again once it's more complete please do let me know in the comments below I'll be back with more content soon so please be sure to comment like subscribe and click that notification bell right that's how it works so yeah thank you very much and it's toodle PIP from me for now may thanks to onion duck maximilian foreman wire green robert king da falcon ryan [ __ ] cody fur name name a 1 2 3 1/8 and she urgently crotch use beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous Rambler supporters on patreon and many thanks toward the other patrons to [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 140,542
Rating: 4.9460425 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4, What If The French Revolution Failed?! HOI4, What If The French Revolution Failed, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, isorrowproductions, drew durnil, the spiffing brit, hoi4 funny mods, hearts, of, iron, iv, paradox interactive, hoi4 funny
Id: 7UzetVRtECs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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