What If The Netherlands Won WW2?! HOI4

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en het zou nog leuker zijn als wanneer je je fijne land speelt duitsland ook nog wat kan, en niet aan het verliezen is van polen en Tsjecho-Slowakije.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RetardTJ 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
what's going on bran fan it's me yeah boy buff addicts the Rambler coming at you once again on the hearts of iron fall I say buff it's actually really really really jet-lagged because that's right I've sailed across the ocean and now I'm back in Canada for a few months and what better way to celebrate it by playing the new man the guns expansion and the Netherlands yay we've got construction speed of minus 50% there's the shell-shocked spectator of the Great War but don't worry we've got Wilhemina so of course if you happy to see man that comes back leave a like the last video hit 10,000 likes so let's let's go for that again why not so that's right the Netherlands has had a huge amount of changes in man the gun so I'm unsure why but you know what I'm always happy to have additional focus trees and and various different options for different nations such as we got the continued the war in Batavia then there's also a liberation and prepare the in dude internet and in inundation lines I'm really I'm really tired but I'm definitely probably gonna do this one because I just love defending I am rambling the defender the defender of have some decent ish videos on house of iron for right here we go this is all of the massive massive focus tree they've added for the Netherlands always always very nice indeed to see to see some of this don't really know what to go for first it to be quite frank [Music] that's a ban in the gold standard why not okay it appears we have a steel shortage absolutely fine don't need to worry about that who needs still still still yeah this could be an epic Rambler fail who knows if I get ruffle stomped by the German Reich in 1939 s left 40 then I might rage oh look at that aloof neutrality for pity's sake why it's all just d-bus it's all just d-bus what's the point what's the point of this country you know what I'm forming a new government screw this screw this our current government is weakened is now on the verge of falling yet again we need a new prime minister with the task of forming a stronger cabinet dude I guess the one advantages that we do have the Dutch East Indies as a puppet so we get some factories etc from them let's hope it's more stable than the last okay so we've got Dirk Jan de Geer which means that we have to surrender limit of minus 25% alpha [ __ ] while these Dutch train Inigo show I haven't heard anything about this at all stupid British honestly at this point if I can't strengthen my army quite a lot in the next few years I am apps I'm screwed I'm just gonna die this would be a very short and pointless video and otherwise I would've wasted all of your time but I guess you get to laugh at how bad I am right yeah yeah okay I'm doing the gateway to Europe the Netherlands is the gateway of trade into your the fact that is well understood by our trade partners though our position gives us strength it also puts us in a nun envy or predicament so the British and Germans are just fighting for the flow of trade between our sovereign nation how very dare they so in order to continue down any of these focus trees III need to go to III I'm gonna try and maintain trade neutrality about both the UK and Germany need to have at least 50 trade influence points so I'm just I'm just play stating both of them so I can continue on with the focus trees but it just cost you political power all the time it's stuff just I just I just want to get stronger prepare the inundation lines here we go so I'm gonna flood everything Coco Coco Coco Coco yeah Wow the Dutch water line is is looking to be really nice look at that I'm probably gonna have to go with Germany is the greater fret and just try and work on building up the old fault lines okay main trade neutrality good then I'm do these take I will take seventy days I don't know how you're meant to do this really successfully this the Netherlands focus I think I try to hold the country all my new ending defeat most the time won't it there's a bit of a pain in the buttocks okay I'm gonna have to do the war on pacifism because I need manpower and I need it now uh I don't know if they're already had Dutch voices in before but I think they've got them in now at least yeah I am sure so if I did it all free and I can't I can only do them one at a time but that's fine as long as I get me me as long as I get me me manpower you know what I'm saying then we might have a chance of defending I think I'll have to go with Britain so I can join the Allies eh maybe I'll obtain foreign colonial investments that might be good actually in the event that I'm a Warren I lose the mainland oh dear wait I've wasted seventy days on this focus and the United Kingdom denies my request to join the Allies you utter utter ass I only have my starting eight divisions I've got four in the oh we've got another one just just defend the line please defend the line I have a strong ish fault line we've got six eight ten and five and then I'm gonna flood everything they're not gonna like it when I flood stuff this is the template I'm using it's a pretty bog standard infantry division I don't really have many other options as I haven't been able to go to war to get any decent buffs or anything so I'm stuck with this okay okay right and it begins oh oh of course justification against us okay he's doing around wagon Oh as you can see I'm abandoning breader and Eindhoven there's no reason for me to hold them I don't think Luxembourg has been declared war on okey dokey yes I will join the Allies now you let me in aren't you dicks right what do I do now yeah inundate the waterlines replace the defeatist government and now we hold Luxembourg actually a father he abandon their capital who falls now I think I found a mistake in my strategy here this tile I could have just built the force here therefore they could only attack me from one tile where's now they can attack me from two so that's gonna prove to be a bit of a pain in the ass how many times a divisions do they have Oh God none of much Oh oh damn none of my ships have dammit I can't lay mines oh well yes just two days to go before the water lines let's see what this does to the game haha wait drain the water lines no I thought that it would I guess you can kind of see what's happened here yeah oh really geez German is just invading everyone and it's only 1939 how many couch - do they even taken eighty thousand oh that's not good I know I'm not sure what's happening but they just continue to glitch whenever they attack that tile wow look at that six point nine thousand Germans have perished against us at the right of the Netherland defenses it would be great if I could actually get some divisions to help me here like I'm not getting the support that I need probably because France is falling at the moment the state of Europe looks a little bit dodgy the Queen fires defeatist ministers good you know what we need Wilhemina the only man in the Dutch government here we go Wilhelmina you're coming in quite Sweden's Jack the German Rai declare war on speed and you what oh they're just gonna pour on through aren't they Oh Dan let's secure in everything I'll look at that we have plus 50% defence oh that's really good Italy's winning in Africa I feel like that I've done quite well in this game just the AI allies have not ah there she is Wilhemina in charge Italy's won in North Africa that is devastating I don't really it's time for the deer valve licked after hundreds of years of neutrality and decades of increasing pacifism we must prove our new allies are resolved to fight we're gonna fight for our right to partay oh look at this Prince Bernhard we get division recovery right plus ten percent with this focus liquor come on Prince hold on head of it why the hut wait alpha pity's sake [Music] Italy's invaded the Isle of Man how is that where's the English Navy this is ridiculous God okay right well I guess I have to garrison my pool here what happened I was so well entrenched I was so well entrenched a dynastic ties between our own raw house and that of the German Kaiser who has resided in hoist dawn since the end of the Great War is still strong perhaps we can use a popularity who still enjoys among many in the German military for our own gains Oh so the German wrote we'll have a weekly man- manpower of 1000 oh yeah hey hey a large number of German defectors have now organized into a fully fledged unit need only to be a provider of equipment before we can send them into battle oh all right oh my god it's my actual Infantry Division template huh I've lost Rotterdam that the fights not over yet they stored a cross over that of a massive river oh there we go so the British have reacted favorably to our proposal for unifying the Low Countries and when they begin preparation for integration with lands just liberated the defense of Amsterdam must be one of the most fiercest defenses that's ever occurred ever think this has been like a free month siege and we still respond holding desperately onto the remnant of the Netherlands right okay good good good good the war has happened now I'm hoping they'd over divisions away from me whoever or not they're going to remains to be seen but if the Soviets get absolutely annihilated then then I think that's game over we've killed a million Germans that's okay we're doing all right with oh I just sinned what Italy's been up to that they're taking the whole of South Africa good lord well the Germans look like they're running out of manpower on the Eastern Front and their equipment slowed so that's when you push Soviets please push please this is your time that's not good for the ROG oh I have completely forgot about the Dutch East Indies - oh well yeah bus happened I had more important things to worry about okay I guess the AI has given up on doing anything useful so sure I'll take your holy Sh oh but I don't have any convoys so they're actually stuck on the island yeah brilliant I think almost half my armies made up of German defectors now well I say if actually the third of my army yeah yeah those ten divisions are all whatever those ten divisions are all like expeditionary but the Germans made up the Germans no wonder they're on scraping the barrel well this is probably the most boring for the oh I think I've recorded I just sitting here for hours at five speed just waiting for something to happen apart from the axis taking half the frickin world I don't understand what's happened to the Allied AI it's just it just seems like it's that it can't cope with with with the Navy's anymore this is how it seemed at least at the moment because they don't deploy any of them they don't they literally don't deploy any of their navies look at it is baffling you know my allies don't control any sea regions it's like they don't deploy their navies they're not Manning the guns they're just I don't know what they're doing oh my god Germany has 15,000 planes the UK has has two phases 3,000 hello my god the United States has two and a half thousand the Soviets don't have one - the AI sure prince bernhard go drop behind enemy lines i think if i was actually a large nation i'd be good by now but as in as in the war will be over by now I think I think and I think I could be that competent oh wait no they have actually fought they they've actually done a pocket oh my god that's the first encircle man I've seen today Oh for pity's sake Oh general I'm gonna I'm gonna end it here I I'm in 1944 the axis is German is slowly dying German is slowly dying but this is I haven't I I can't do it they've taken 11 million casualties and they're still somehow just like chilling out this is the most frustrating challenge or not I survived as the Netherlands in world war ii which is more than could be said for the majority of the Allied nations good lord so if you've enjoyed seeing the Netherlands leave like I think that in multiplayer the Netherlands flooding the Netherlands is probably going to be banned because I've killed 2.4 million Germans but hey ho I'll say goodbye for now it's been me Alex around Lib playing house vibe for by many thanks to Aiden Andrew Brock Obama Carius Clin Shah I am a living legend jiggly crotch Logan Martin name name Sam Shawn Steven and Wyatt for being ridiculous rounders borders on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 489,445
Rating: 4.8853683 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hoi iv, hoi 4, hearts of iron iv, man the guns, hearts of iron 4 man the guns, man the guns hoi4, alex the rambler, drew durnil, isorrowproductions hoi4, hoi4 man the guns, man the guns netherlands, hoi4 netherlands, hoi4 funny, hoi4 funny moments, hoi4 funny montage, entertainment, hearts, of, iron, iv, man the guns mexico
Id: wLQ6AHJ1-qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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