Saving The Soviet Unions Disaster Savegame HOI4

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dead_Planet 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
what's going on everyone it's me yeah boy Alex the Rambler and today we're back on hearts of iron four and it's time for this week's disaster save game no long intro today I could waffle on for hours and hours but no I'm gonna get right into the video just as soon as I finish talking about how I'm not gonna waffle and just kind of trigger all of you into probably half of you are clicking off the video right now because I'm not starting the video right away even though I said I would but now I'm going to today savegame is sent in by cavalry man dear Alex good morning this is a USSR save in 1942 and the axis have made it past the river line please help thanks a player oh that's actually very polite now just a reminder I already have hundreds of savegame sent to me so please don't send any more I probably will never get to them if for some reason I I need new ones I'll let you know and if you want to keep this series going please do comment like and subscribe the the bass line is 5,000 likes for more hoy okie dokie and here we are to Rambler USSR well he even said to Rambler oh wow look at that smart guy by the EU Humble Bundle I think it's still available either now I've lost track so the world looks a little bit weird Italy controls Norway of all places Finland still exists so do all of the Baltic States and Romania Wow ok they've actually made a post here and they've broken through mm-hmm yeah this this is concerning this is is not so much because we can do a full back line down here so I'm gonna do something I rarely do and take it seriously so this video might be less me faffing around and me actually trying to win shocking I know but we are in the winter of 1942 so we might be able to hold ah we have rehabilitated military which is always good and partisan suppression order got anything to worry about there but we'll jump on in I am recording yes I am good I didn't plug in my headset I wondered why us I couldn't hear all right serious Rambler here we go so let's take a little look our man power pool looks fine stability isn't amazing mm-my to try and do something about that a volunteer only okay we're on war economy that's fine might want to switch to total Mobe at some point we don't have a chief of air force but we do have the armored army regrouping that's good enemy air support that's also good so our production we're lacking one hundred and eighty seven thousand rifles okay our division templates are thirty combat with mainly focusing on anti-tank and heavy tank destroyer now division templates clearly I'm not an expert at them I'm pretty competent at the game but when it comes to doing perfect divisions I just do twenty whips or forty whips and specialize in all infantry or all tanks I don't do this mix and mashing putting heavy tank destroyers in an infantry division so let me know if you think this is smart in the comments please in fact I think all of my oh no that's a 28 combat whip division right also 30 combat with mainly light tanks oh you're trying to recruit 120 divisions when when most of your divisions are lacking equipment anyway reinforcements are set to active troops which is good but I'm just gonna get rid of that and get rid of that - so we're not gonna recruit anymore divisions and that'll pretty much solve our deficit almost we have eleven thousand motorized stockpiled so I'm just going to reduce that down to two factories and then and then focus on getting some more artillery and then lots of guns okay so our field marshal is yakov chef sheriff Franco but we do have Simeon bowed on me so I'm gonna get him in and because it's already a level three marshal right so that's that's but and the supply consumption is minus ten percent and then immediately we can give him the unyielding defender then I'm probably gonna do defensive doctrine oh my god I just disabled that and then I'm just gonna set up this line BAM iy am tempted to do a full back line up here but I think if I do this smartly I can probably hold most of the areas and where I need to stick the motorised in also he did have a couple of mods of player led peace conferences and state transfers I'm not gonna use this tool though because I I did it for the save game to be compatible I am surprised Finland still exists right so now we can see where our supply is lacking it's all round here so I'm just gonna refer all my tanks from that tile I'm gonna get these tanks down here as with as we're struggling a little bit and I'm just gonna probably try and retreat across the river line the last thing I want is to be encircled so although this looks kind of dodgy I think I can fix it so then if I look at the stuff that I need to start accumulating it is the heavy tank destroyers and lots of hmm don't need to worry about light tanks for now so again I'm just trying to get my inventory all equipped and then it's just going to be a case of of turtling I think so I'm actually gonna retreat these back a tile heavily oversupplied on these tiles so if I could I'd withdraw my tanks but I don't appear to be able to losing a couple of tiles won't be the end of the world I am just gonna retreat over the river here though just get the men outta Dodge up here it's probably well for treating to that tile - I'm actually I'm attempting to micro somewhat oh we have Spain in the Comintern - okay that could be very beneficial for us so the Chinese United Front I think is still at war with Japan okay sure I'll just leave them to it that's not gonna affect me too much here we're holding in most tiles but again I can just keep retreating if my supply goes too low which in most cases it's still pretty bad all right so I'm starting to hold it's going okay yeah mice mice if count for 1942 it's pretty trash I mean 70 civilian factories who that's not good at all okay we'll send the old tomato I don't know that they'll give in personally but we can try and force them to oh good okay we've got a bunch of factories for free nice and we can upgrade our fill Marshall once again I think logistics wizard yeah oh that Souls my supply supply consumption minus 15% that's great oh wow that really helps out my entire army Volks true oh I didn't look at the research why am i doing mobile warfare doctrine this seems a bit odd I wouldn't have picked this for the Soviets it's an a ground battle plan I think ground battle clown would have been better and I don't know why we we you mean you should never run out of manpower as the Soviets so doing Volk strim and then non-discriminatory conscription it is it's kind of point I'm gonna have to replace that one so I'm gonna try and attempt to do maybe a little bit of an encirclement I've accumulated it's like six divisions of Tanks I had freed up in fact if I send these down to this front I might just be able to encircle some of the non German troops so there will only be like six seven divisions it's still worthwhile it's still weakens the enemy and that'll allow me to kind of just it frees up troops at this if this if this flank is safe then I can put more hmm if it into that one I'm holding there I'm holding that's it's the main thing so my problem really is that there's there's too many things I'm trying to produce with the amount of factories that I have so I'm trying to prioritize various things and it's it's a bit tricky especially when I am trying to change my division templates over to medium tanks in fact I'm not really sure I need 21 tank divisions at the moment so I'm probably gonna get rid of a few and a few motorized divisions they seem like just a bit pointless not pointless but I just I would rather have the divisions that I have to be fully equipped and something I'm really gonna need which I don't think has been researched is signal companies I just really need the initiative this is this is really good in fact once I have enough tanks to get 40 combat with divisions and my supply is no longer an issue we're gonna have a really good time against the Wehrmacht I guarantee now I would usually do collectivist propaganda which because you get the stability boost rather than positive heroism I mean we get the three percent reputable population but I don't know I think is just a bit better to get all of this stuff I don't know I don't know just upgraded my generals of extra abilities it's if you can is it's really worth doing especially the infantry expert if they lead an infantry why not give them an extra added assistance I thought I'd try for a little push up here I don't know if it's gonna work or not but hey ho miles will give it a go and that's five divisions encircled I know I could probably be doing this more optimally than I am but I'm very I'm a very cautious player so I don't like to risk divisions in in in encirclements I know I'm not really gonna achieve I've done that before and it's and it's really not paid off whereas you know we're killing a few units here and there can you ask for a especially when they have one division on that tile it's just supply I think it's supplying the fact I don't have aerial superiority I'm gonna take the heavy tank destroyers out I don't really think they're necessary okay so my medium tanks are doing the job against their Bob standard like Romanian infantry etc so I'm gonna try and take back told you no tile by tile tile the tile it's just a slow one this one I'm quite I am quite bad as playing as the Soviet Union so it's it's an interesting one for me that's not good at all Oh No hey going for another encirclement dance err don't know if it's gonna work or not but we'll we'll give it a good old Rambler Unni try eh okay now I try and panic hold and just just try and take out any of these divisions before they can try and reinforce the heck outta Dodge oh they're doing cycle attacks now that's good and in winter even better having very limited civilian factories is really affecting my ability to build anything now it's it's kind of disgusting but on most tiles we're winning it's just a case of attrition England now they've taken 8 million casualties so far Germany has a vast about more factories than I do that ok I'm doing another and I never attempted an encirclement who knows if it's gonna all we've got three divisions there and have a few divisions here so it's just I'm just trying to weaken them as much as possible again I know there's probably more optimal ways of doing this but I'm doing this in a risk-free scenario oh yeah I forgot about that yeah when I have supply it's pretty easy to defeat these these naff troops at least indeed it's still going I can't disable it somehow yeah there's no way I can win the air war but all of my divisions do have anti Oh Iceland's join the axis it's game over everyone game over yeah I've got to a point where I can hold them I just can't push them this is where it's just but the German industry is is quite crazy compared to mine at least and the amount of aircraft they have I can't match the only thing I can do is to try and push up my tanks gonna do a bit of a weird thing here I'm going to justify war goal up here then get all of my tanks up here you see and if I then if I take their territory I can just blitz through and hopefully flank the Germans of my tanks because I think my infantry can hold indefinitely in most places so that's the current template like I think I've saved this game but I want to do a little bit better if I can oh my god my tanks move so freakin slowly so I don't know why I wasn't able to actually move against them here but any advantage that I would have had because my tanks were moving at the speed of I don't know a Reliant Robin oh man the game has slowed down so much it's it's kind of gross but we do have old Sicilies being invaded so is southern Italy so it's just me they can't do much so I was going to say I'm actually doing a decent job at trying to push them in certain tiles and to an extend that's true but it's just the fact that they outnumber me by so many divisions even when I can take a tire with my tank ease it costs a lot to try and hold in it them push Germany on to all adults servo so is Italy and I think so Romania is Hungary yeah all of the axis are getting onto all that up serves it's just a case of attrition I guess I'm lacking fuel now well they can't break me it's just impossible to push when they constantly cycle charge so all of my units just get tied down it's like this scared that I'm gonna and that's a nice encirclement that's very nice yeah very nice that was like a 20 division 25 division encirclement cool just need a few more of those another encirclement down south near Kiev again I'm just waiting for them to attrition themselves and then I just go in when they're weak boom never encirclement so I'm just going to wait for these to start to attrition which they should do soon especially now they're trying to break out and then and then let me just wait and destroy them oh yeah okay they can't stop my tanks anymore yeah this flank has been completely crushed for the most part good oh they take around good just keep them distracted I'll take out their main force I guess that's what I've been doing oh that that was a really nice encirclement Oh tasty I think old Germany's out of manpower on scraping the barrel well they just switched to scraping the barrel oh ho I have no idea of what Germany's really doing anymore they can't push me there just seemed to be sacrificing all their troops and cycle charging it just it just stops me from attacking and I'm stuck in in position really I'm just going for like the southern thrust and just trying to hamper them a little bit I'm not even bothering trying to take back here because I know I wouldn't be able to my infantry will be able to hold indefinitely against these weakened German divisions oh he says as eighteen units attack my fall yeah we're almost a bucharest so i'm just going to try and knock out like romania etc as we as we make our way down oh we doing a couple of encirclements along the way - isn't that nice everyone I actually thought this would be easier to win but it's 1945 and somehow despite the axis taking 31 million casualties oh and they've actually done a d-day now Wow Congrats Congrats it took you long enough jeez but Oh Paris has been liberated too but I think this is pretty clear that this save game is is also so I'm gonna let the I'm gonna send the savegame back to the fella that sent it over so he can have the final taste of victory and do the peace deal himself and that's where I'm gonna say goodbye so toodaloo from me for now many thanks to onion duck Maximilian Foreman wire Green Robert King Daffy Alcon Ryan Cody fries Maine name a 1 2 3 1/8 and shear jiggly crotch used beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous Rambler supporters on patreon and many thanks toward the other patrons to [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 177,759
Rating: 4.9541502 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, Saving The Soviet Unions Disaster Savegame HOI4, hoi4 soviet union, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, isorrowproductions, drew durnil, spiffing brit, hearts, of, iron, iv, funny montage, funny moments, hoi4 modding, simulation games, isp, hearts of iron gameplay, hearts of iron 4 funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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