What If There Was A Second British Empire?! HOI4 Man The Guns

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what's going on Ram Pham diddly-doo de leurs it's me ya boy Alex the Rambler back once again on Harts Irvine for and today we're finally playing man the guns we have all been waiting for this DLC for a long long time but it's finally here the code was provided free of Charles from paradox just FYI and just look at those Navy men Gurr that's gonna be me in the summer trying to trying to get trying to get ripped for my 30th birthday at the moment it's gonna go very well very very well so of course if you're happy to see hearts of iron back on the channel leave a like let's try and get to 10,000 likes to show our hype for man the guns okay plus it helps in the algorithm and leave a comment with all you with your thoughts so far and if you haven't subscribed already do that too if I've been competent I've left a link below to the paradox store where you can pick up man the guns for yourself oh I get a little bit of every sale so it's a win-win you get the DLC I get a little bit of change so what does the DLC add there's a new alternate American history a new alternate British history ship designs Admiral traits and skills governments in exile other national focuses for the Netherlands of Mexico naval mines shipping route controls naval treaties and phoebus landings and new music although unfortunately you're going to be listening to to probably my normal tracks in the background sorry Burma and today I'm going to be playing as the United Kingdom yesh barbie-ish oh look at that here are the new options the Imperials Federation the Kings party organized the Blackshirts that's right there's a custom focus tree for the United Kingdom and its massive and look at all of these different gameplay rules this is gonna be extremely helpful in multiplayer oh my gosh oh my gosh yes that's gonna be very nice custom game rules oh I forgot there's also fuel in the game now M that's gonna be another resource to manage okay I have to remember that so here we go it looks like it's pretty much normal but then you have all of this stuff and oh my god is pretty massive that's kind of sometime is that what she said I don't know it's down to personal preference right size doesn't matter doesn't matter of course I'm not gonna be steady as she goes oh no no it's time for a changing course Oh oh my gosh they've actually revamped all of the naval stuff completely oh and there's the fuel thingy there's a fuel thingy now oh oh look more customization whoa oh bloody Nora what why is my fuel going down so much it's my is it what oh my god my Navy's using 20 no 153 a day I think that's because I moved all of my navy at once oh no this is gonna be difficult to manage isn't it what have I done what we're gonna be doing today is the Kings party so the king is gonna have absolute control but in order to do that we need to make sure Edward the eighth marries Wallis Simpson so until that happens I think I'll just have to go down and do limited rearmament I look at all these different missions you can go on now you can naval exercises patrol strike force convoy raiding convoy escort mine laying minesweeping and naval invasion support ah for some time King I would the aim is entertained hopes to marry the American Wallis Simpson though people don't want that to happen and I've been told that if I if it will not change his mind the King must abdicate no compromise pop hard pompe mob compromise on a more kinetic marriage not sponsored by G fuel but do you know what you feel if you don't offer me a sponsorship let's do it ah the working-classes support marriage a winning formula through a novel surely German Reich dominates Dutch trade negotiations we cannot allow them to drift into the German sphere of influence Parliament opposes marriage what do politicians know about love anyway what do politicians know about anything am i right oh wow look support forms for Edward the eighth though isolated from the main political parties their names nonetheless carry weight Winston Churchill Oz word Mosley and David Lloyd George ah Qing er with the Avis is holding a radio speech very good very good the cabinet resigns that good riddance they shall not stop the king quite oh that's actually quite a lot of D buffs and now it appears we have a fallen government this that's fine absolutely fine don't need to worry about that at all Oh France and Czechoslovakia have formed a little on taunt indeed don't come crying to us later then wait wait what hold on dominions of breaking with the crown has won representatives of the Dominion governments have informed us that they were unilaterally breaking tires of the crown they cite the Kings flagrant disregard for the opinions and which is the Dominion governments oh you sons of a oh that's um oh ah there we go we're married now we're married good here we go the Kings party look all of this stuff very good very good now that the crisis is over and government has fallen the Kings most ardent supporters may be able to form a government of their own much more amenable to the Kings workers so just ignore this I may have forgotten to research the 1936 tank before I did the research that gives me 100 percent bonus so I could have gone medium tanks ahead of time clearly I I messed up oh my god you can get the double D's rubio's tanks de big that's such a that's such a like a joke that you do when you're 18 I apologize everyone I really apologize hahaha Edward the eighth and powers the Kings party very good very good we are now known as Great Britain oh look at that our flag has changed look at that oh that is tasty god save the king here we are above all else stands our duty to the king in the crown a symbol of resistance and hope to the people and of the unity of the Empire to our subjects and enemies the king must be extolled within and feared without we will make it so what Pakistan declared war on India um oh okay oh my god wait oh they signed a white piece and now the Mexican genders declared war on Mexico this would make sense consolidate the British the Irish continue to tote their silly notions of independence and a hella tolerance is at an end we will have to crush them what what what where are all these people getting it well okay so when I have my entire Navy deployed I run out of fuel very very quickly so I need to be very careful oh man this adds in a whole new meter and I don't even like matter I will now appeal to the Imperial loyalists any and all who want to can come back in to the crown is anyone gonna help the Irish no okey-dokey boom oh all we can for mint uprisings I'll that'll be lovely won't it ah reclaim the jewel in the crown I think I do want to do that you know India's brief period of independence must now come to an end okay India it's time to be invaded by our nation once oh I get it will go on burnt Oh on all of them oh very nice Mexico's had its second civil war in two years that's really you're really unstable aren't you Mexico bloody Nora the war to retake India is starting to go quite well now the South should be secure fairly fairly soon so actually using some of my cast is actually it's using all of my fuel yeah the current maximum consumption oh I'll be out of fuel in eight months and that's just using a couple of hundred of my planes and a couple of my little navies that's concerning right I need to build more fuel I need refineries gimme gimme gimme dem refineries please ah yeah you know what let's do a military parade in British Malaya sure oh wow you can have motorized anti-tank and motorized artillery huh that's cool I'm now spending most of my time securing the other parts of of India all must fall back into the Great Britain or the new British Empire who said imperialism was dead hahahahaha all british malaya yes annexed nice oh look you can actually get all of these and they actually give you really nice buffs so yes Winston I may have sent my entire army to take out Burma is it a bit opie maybe but I just want them conquered now you know just a little bit of cheeky conquest a little bit of chief conquest I still haven't generated the most world tension that's that's cool I'm gonna ferment a Canadian imperialist uprising same in South Africa everything will come back to Great Britain hey yes imperialist Canada has risen up good huh oh my god oh wait I annexed them all with Canada surrenders oh that's brilliant yes good oh that's annoying oh they're still independent I'll attack them soon though it's actually quite surprising to see France has held this well although everyone in their faction has capitulated oh dear you know what I don't really feel the need to get it in fold this kind of thing I'm just gonna chill out relax and have a good time wall Japan is drawing the axis right okay that's fine ah good the EMU Empire has declared what wait your imperialist Australian other email Empire I'm very good well wait that's not fair well my divisions weren't ready so I will be joining the the Germans so hopefully with this whole entire world together we should be able to be the USA I just don't have the men in the correct position and I need to go on a mass recruiting drive for God's sake why couldn't the USA just keep their nose out of things right I guess I'll unite the Anglo sphere her the legacy of our Golden Age is one of culture and language being present across the globe gain an ex war goal although I'm already at war with them let's see how we get on oh the Soviet Union declared war and Germany doesn't look like it's where is it where all of Germany's try they send them all to me oh god damn that's not good I'm not entering that war no no no no no no no no no oh well the a I did a little encirclement of their own proud of you okay my fuel is under control I think my research is all messed up but it might be worth maybe trying to advance a little bit so if I expose the belly of the bear then I can try and get compliance from Iran and Afghanistan Oh Iran rejects demands and so does Afghanistan well whatever I don't need them it doesn't look like Germany needs them either looks like they're winning okay fine oh we're about to take Washington Valley nosh feels rather good that Great Britain is now in control oh wait no it's all going to Canada our balls wall propaganda against Anna Tovar it has to be done has to be the u.s. tank Hall has been encircled good the USA resistance is pretty much failing now which is great very very good indeed and the USA is now prettily prettily the USA is now pretty much entirely crushed and look at Canada it's never been so thick oh yeah baby ah look we got the colonies back Great Britain and then we've got British North American territories that is a beautiful sight I'm sure you'd all agree oh yeah baby the dawn of the British Empire together we will never be defeated hopefully you enjoyed today's video forming a new british empire if you did subscribe leave a like and all praise that would behave hello many thanks to Aiden Andrew Brock Obama Carius clincial I am a living legend jiggly crotch Logan Martin name name Sam Shawn Steven and Wyatt for being ridiculous rad supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons tuned [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 403,831
Rating: 4.9379549 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hoi4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, man the guns, hearts of iron iv man the guns, hoi iv dlc, alex the rambler, funny hoi4 moments, hoi4 funny, entertainment, hearts, of, iron, iv, hoi4 meme, hoi4 united kingdom, hoi4 usa, hoi4 man the guns, hoi4 fuel, hoi4 mods, drew durnil
Id: 7x2veMGrE-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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