What If Vichy France Won?! HOI4 La Resistance (Hearts of Iron 4)

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what's going on everyone it's me boy Alex the Rambler and today we're back on hearts of iron for a la resistance and today I thought it'd be a fun thing to take a look and try and control France as Vichy France and just see if Vichy France can somehow win ww2 sorry Renee the times at your cafe are soon to be gone as well as the bear a woman over there but of course for more hearts of iron fall please do comment like and subscribe sank thousand likes for more for more high so we're gonna begin this video as Edward de lattre de the delay I hunt my glasses alright here we go powering up powered up we're role-playing as Edouard Daladier a still didn't get it right did I despite the devastation of the Great War France has been on the road to recovery thanks to a strong economy really that doesn't sound like France however the depression has still affected the country and now the new German regime has no interest in paying the war reparations stipulated by the Treaty of Versailles when the treaty was signed a French marshal famously remarked that it was not peace but an armistice of 20 years those 20 years are now rapidly the running out and of course as France we get the Maginot Line Maginot or Maginot say how you want disjointed government and vitas of the Great War we can now also invite Communist ministers utilize the leagues or there's just sweet leather luge the French Revolution was the flood had swept away the old and weak now a new flood is here and it's gonna be Vichy France hopefully if I do this right so I guess I should still start in 1936 and we're just gonna give it a go right that's what we can do I know I triggered a lot of you by my playthrough of the Spanish car lists I didn't do it optimally or how the devs would have done it but that's the whole point of playing a game your way right my way my way the incompetent way and the first thing we're gonna do is devalue the franc here while other countries allowed their currents to become less valuable to help their economies we have steadfastly refused to do so and now our economy is lagging behind so I presume all of these researchers will carry on over to Vichy France so it's in our best interests and I'm really gonna go ham and develop southern France because that's gonna be the power base from the new French Empire 5-speed here we go the remilitarization of the Rhineland an issue a diplomatic objection that really I want you to militarize Germany Autoroutes Oh that'd be that'd be nice for when the Germans invade I think we'll have to revive the National Block this will go well when we're trying to are they yes becoming more radical we need to stop the left-right oh and and Pierre Laval becomes leader right good I won't you go de la da it's also no real point in me having this army is there I could just delete it I'm not gonna I'm still gonna like roleplay I imagine I'm a spy this man is now like we've got the we've got the mustache the the you know that shirt the typical French shirt with the with the garlic and a French baguette secretly holding a rifle that sounds about right look about look at that political power brilliant brilliant communists in government I think not a broad coalition of democratic parties please who cares about stability agricultural protect ilysm or lays a fair i like the idea of laissez-faire and our economy will become more efficient after a period of about two years almost in time for Vichy France the Communists openly talk about remodeling the economic structure of our country in some radical way of depriving the hard-working man his rightful properly proper property against this we will set the simple notion of freedom a dynamic economy always outperform a leftist nightmare of strangling red tape all my Navy in southern France too doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo about to do that bow Oh Nellie that's a quick Civil War I I somehow hope the Nationalists win this Jose you can do it I believe in you utilize the league's why yes yes I would like to become fascist oh my gosh look all these extra resources we gave us from building infrastructure give me their aluminium we'll need it in the walls to come thank you oh there is its Pierre how you doing Pierre all right oh let's see what we can do to help or hinder Spain never seen that before well maybe I have I don't know I lose track of things very easily Oh rally the league's boom unleash lag cagoule boom my stupidity keeps going down and but now we are all 16% fascist under Philip but down so what we have here is groups all across the political spectrum one to intervene in the Spanish Civil War oh all of this really really affects me badly so I don't want to screw it I'm not doing it I am however gonna start on an Intelligence Agency aha in this I don't know I'm just calling it the Rambam agency being formed let's go we can recruit an operative or who should we get you know what I'm gonna recruit Rene I like the fact that he's an infiltrator yes you can blend in flawlessly oh I'm gonna send him to build an Intel Network in Berlin BAM ha ha ha ha spreading like a virus Rene's spreading in hindsight I guess I could have kept him there to do counterintelligence there look at me Germany look how weak I am come on in baby Spain requests aid hmm we cannot risk our own political stability to aid them no no no no no no oh Germany the German Germany joins the non-intervention committee let's invite everyone is it appears my stability goes ma'am I will support goes down well look at that oh the anarchists have rose up there we go that looks a little cleaner than on my playthrough well Andy well a dear Elodie I could increase the branches Oh operative training oh my god ten civilian factory let's form the cryptology Department I will geez there's a lot of civilian factories isn't it why not Oh lookie lookie we can now click on a map to add countries a decryption target why yes I think I do is Luxembourg atop yes let's start a Krypton on Luxembourg I will promote entrepreneurship yes yes of course I will I love entrepreneurs or in small taxis if people are successful oh yes localized trading centers ten civilian factories but so we're just about on par with Germany for civilian factories but as always militarily that they're doing far better it's kind of cool that you can actually see like they've got military factories using armored equipment only that many in planes oh that's really good I do like these additions this is gonna if you play multiplayer a lot it's gonna make the game I think a lot more competitive maybe I don't know and there's people find exploits oh wow you can actually recruit from local recruitment agencies that's oh it's recruitment Switzerland why not oh oh I should have done this ages ago developed the Metropole yeah hmm I do need decent stability I don't know if this any of this even if any of this will matter when I become Vichy France Oh what can you do here root out resistance control trade diplomatic pressure oh yes I love civilian factories gimme gimme gimme them and now I'm just as you can see I am setting up lines to hold Italy at bay and I'll also hold the National line I'm I'm pretending that I'm actually gonna defend myself properly and even better I've got 16 iron factories so I've got a bit of a genius tactic here I'm gonna let the different defense of France be run by Charles de Gaulle right so when it inevitably fails he'll get the blame and then no woman want to follow him when he does free France Oh Alex you're a genius if only that was how the game would actually go oh is that nationalist Spain has won and now is led by Francisco Franco Oh whoa Nellie I'm gonna send more divisions to help okay Italy might be a bit of a problem oh we must hold the line against the Italians if I develop the colonies would they actually like that would they I don't know I don't know our way I'm gonna begin rearmament or the 20-year armistice Marshall fought predicted in 1919 is rapidly coming to an end yep it's it's almost Decimus 1939 and I'm surprised Germany isn't even and troost hurry up an Angeles may go on we can get a new oh wow look at Moll cousin Montalban and then we have the Swiss guy then send no Bremner yeah but you're oh you're a seducer Irene how how old are you Irene bloody Nora oh well I think we found m IL f is wrong an escape artist well Irene I think I'm gonna have to send you to Britain off you go to London seduce away Irene seduce away oh yes okay so Joel can now do Oh capturing a cipher infiltrate there up lets infiltrate their army yes oh my Gilly goo Wow okay that's actually written editions a really cool one seemed to work really nicely obviously it's difficult to show it in a very highly edited video that it's it's a lot of fun so far I think I'm gonna focus actually on aggressive this might be my demise but we can give it a try air dominance or battle of manoeuvre I think we should pray for battle of manoeuvre right yeah go on then ah finally the Angelus went come on Germany keep up blimey Marines for hopefully the invasion of the UK one day the Vichy France will rash deirdre no sorry Irene you're seducing away Dierdre right motorized focus and then I'm gonna try and get army reform done before World War two start I think that's unlikely now what are you up to Germany reassert eastern claims he's not even doing this today al and the mad lad you can have them if you want I don't care ok we currently have no resistance anywhere to any of our occupied territories oh this is great everyone loves me everyone loves me I'm actually really really looking forward to seeing what we can do as a Vichy France just to keep the Italians of Bury Oh the UK's guarantee my independence Thanks no gonna need you though Germany's doing this really slowly they should already be a wall I still have the disjointed government don't I I guess I'll just ban communism I know that's not gonna really help but hey ho get out of here commies I'm gonna leave the Czechs to their fate goodbye truffle Slovakia oh my god for their love of gosh Germany invaded Poland already why how do you do it I apologize about this at home audience I apologize what this is on historical what Oh No well this this game has taken a bit of a turn for why can't you just do something right Germany so I guess I need to guarantee Poland uh-oh minority government although weak is preferable yep sure all right so I don't know what Germany's gonna get up to they're gonna have Danzig or Warren and immediately get stuck into a war the Soviet Union I've never seen this happen on historical what the Frick okay then obviously Poland calls me in my stability goes down anyway because I'm at war so I now have zero stability it might just be prudent for me to abandon the measurement oh this is it I've influenced them from the inside ah what this army is I can't do the accent in order to move from our positions what this is um this is unheard of where did the UK not get involved but they guaranteed Poland - didn't they what I've known the Allies Oh Italy's in the war oh but we're holding them absolutely fine yeah so we could we can hold the Italians so at least we're causing some damage okay justjust take me Germany I'm giving you that opportunity so I can become Vichy so this is going down a weird route so I'm gonna save it here because I think the scenario might go wrong because if I capitulate not in a faction I will just be sure France where it appeared right maybe it will everyone's joining the Comintern the UK is literally doing nothing let me in the Allies to wait another day before I can join the Allies oh my god that could have gone very wrong oh okay we're gonna get okay so it should be fairly realistic now let's take Paris it's open for grabs just capitulate me dammit capitulate me okay this is a disaster we have capitulated we must collaborate with the Germans [Music] ah the fight for France continues okay what else do I control North Africa wheat garden boys we got him and now we have the vichy focus tree yes emergency powers to patan ha ha was the battle for France lost it is clear that radical measures must be taken to secure the state the president cannot be restricted in doing what is necessary execute order see she have lost most of my factories that if that really is a kick in the nuts occupation costs oh that's why look there Frick we can build gold armored cars ha ha so my hope of like just invading that is my Navy oh no we got it we've got it oh that is a relief Oh No it appeared how dear well we're probably going to lose this division here along with Syria we're not with anyone we might be okay I'm gonna try and turn Vichy France into a superpower it might just take me lower the Knights shore dock in my pores come on inmates known enough manpower to fulfill our Garrison's oh dear oh no we just need down some anti-tank and then it's okay it's just okay oh and we do have a few more factories now that's good I really do need some factories please give them to me my Overlord give them to me having this situation where Germany is at war the Soviets I'm unsure who is going to benefit from this I think it might be the Soviet Union but they do still have to purge though they have the Great Patriotic War why I think Germany which is guaranteeing Lithuania and then they wanted to invade ha okay so I'm gonna try and do the national revolution and just work my way down this tree as but if the Germans can't do a bit better there we're in deep doo-doo stop oh my god Germany's declaring war on people way before they needed to horn or ponents capitulated though which for a brief moment would encircle all of these Russian troops so if Germany could capitalize on that I'm gonna give you an attache never mind I don't have the peepee now I do give me via ne ne encirclements the Germans can do really is it's gonna be better they've already linked it up never mind bloody hell the Soviets Italy's lost North Africa that means I would lose it to my whole scenario is what if what if Vichy France won World War two and in this rate I'll be the only person standing so oh that work oh my god take Brussels I'm tempted to take controlled as Germany just for a little bit just so I can fix this mess eh I rely on AI to give you decent scenarios sucks what happened in the Winter War is there gonna be one claims on Poland what's going on Oh Romania's joined the axis that's good I think okay the British need to be stopped what can we do against them do I have an Intel oh man I've lost my entire Intelligence Agency why couldn't that carry over I think that kind of should really be carried over paradox if you're listening all Romania is making games good just kill the Belgians I'd come and join the war but after garrison my freaking maybe I could make a difference here I find I'm gonna justify in Belgium no I'm not the real enemy can I switch to war economy yes I can so I'm gonna sacrifice North Africa to try and defeat Belgium I think that's probably worth it justification of conquering Sussex has finished I can't declare wars okay can't do anything brilliant brilliant Germany you're on your own I'm just now gonna sit here and build up my strength what if I betrayed them why is that free France what where are they even operating from really they have two military factories they just have a few islands I'll screw you to gold oh I think the Netherlands and Belgium are almost done now I think we're down down with Marianne the pseudo religious worship of Marianne the symbol of French republicanism has twisted the minds of our people much like the worthless Republic she represents all traces of her must be offered basing rights I'll just do that yeah yeah and that helps our yeah there we go there we get more factories for ourselves good it might be worth it for everything really except it's gonna cost us a lot to produce any I think the guest the guest workers is probably for the best yeah use my people to produce what you want definitely not gonna go wrong ah feck off are you serious criticized for weak foreign policy how could you insult patan all that's a pretty good though that's a pretty good I've got Jar Jar Binks blimey a research speed is increased by 25% me likey and the Netherlands have been capitulated now so unless the Soviets have any aces of their sleeves are they're in for a bit of trouble they do they do appear to be holding firm though that's a little concern especially with Germany with their okay just drink tea and carry on Alex how is Italy this bad they weren't garrisoning their nation up with Jean de Ark oh yes surely she is a much better symbol for our youth to aspire to the Mary Ann I can't believe Italy is that incompetent Germany you want to help her bro out there oh my god they are sending their entire army home a word we were attacked bibbidi-bobbidi-boo just the sheer incompetence they must always be capitulated yeah so I'm slowly building up my army maybe by 1945 we'll have something running our manpower there all right German jibber jabber Japan demands Indochina that's just one less thing to worry about it why should know what kind of resources are there ah comes back home boys the Brits invading oh my god how they this struck British how are you doing this the United States joined the United Kingdom oh well that could be bad for Germany because they're already struggling to push now is I'm actually baffled at Italy's incompetence here and the strength of the UK their economy is mad strong oh my get oligo this literally seems how it's going historically just how it did historically just a couple of years ahead it's that they're trying to get to Moscow but can't push Italy's been invaded and and they've got a beachhead up here meanwhile I'm just accumulating my strength over 50 factories not bad for only half a nation god d-day is just getting bigger oh there always been Moscow they're almost a Moscow it's going better than uh how much I could see but it was costing me so much political power to keep up these freakin attache Hayes I really wish I was able to help the axis here because it's just bonkers that I can't declare war oh well Bulgaria's joined and I imagine Greece now is going conquer them soon as they beat the Italian cheese Louise since when did free France get a Libya I had that thought her own nice nice let me in let me join your faction see I've actually got a nice little army which which could hold off the Allies and probably help out the Italians but I'm just not allowed I'm not allowed I can tell them volunteers we need at least 30 divisions mm-hm that's why you pumping them out pump them out go on get them out now now we can help two divisions I'll send by infantry d2 infantry divisions right so I'm combining my Italian and German volunteers to try and take like Genoa to isolate this group so we can just take them out down there tactics you see tactics I'm full of them and very good I'm hoping that Germany can hold the Allies here until we can deal with whatever this mess is oh never mind my divisions can't make it oh oh my division got instead okay well that was a waste of French lives I'm just abandoning Italy it's a waste of time mandatory work service good we've managed to secure a promise from the Germans that we will have a occupation cost reduce if we supply them with laborers yeah go on oh yes oh this appear to have just gotten stronger why is Italy's army still in the freaking East oh my good oh I can't I can't I can't leave Italy that their their priorities are just terrible okay that might be the death blow for the axis what a literal map did Italy capitulate that didn't pop up oh I'm in the war so it wouldn't tell me with it and that's gonna cause Germany to yeah so my reinforcements all of Moscow oh oh oh they did it the mad lads did it and now they have to defend their entire like underbelly that's gonna cause the Eastern Front to collapse oh wow excuse me the UK is justifying on me so is the u.s. well you will be facing an elite Vichy France army oh come at me burrows could actually help out Italy then can I should probably start recruiting more divisions too we will need them in my mind right I've won this because I have created a major nation out of what should have been like a backwater state oh dear Oh Deary me oh dear how much is Germany lost volunteers go I guess they got encircled I think it really is the fact that Germany declared war on the Soviets in 1940 that is causing all of this to happen so early if that hadn't have happened then Germany would have another year to build up its strength I feel like for half of the game now I'm just doing an old drew Daniel scenario of just watching observing like Japan still hasn't taken out China oh can I have it back I don't have enough divisions to defend my whole area can we talk about this guys talk about this right Roosevelt questions the motors of Vichy France oh come on sticks I see so now I can join them when it's already too late I can join them when it's already too late well at least here I can do a bit of an advance we will have our victory we will advance and take turin we will allow Italy to live I presume I don't have areas of priority anywhere no siree BAM let's see what my tanks can do not a lot because they're getting forced back all around yeah I'm out see ya suckers I mean what choice did I have to join them at this point political violence returns oh come off it you're a manager off hold the phone here I've done an encirclement look at that nobody expects that the Rambler or Vichy France to be decent and once again they're not prioritizing the or threat are they like they've lost Moscow they've lost France right a nation reborn I don't know how long it's gonna be reborn for though and they are at the edge of my territory now so you can give me Aquitaine then that will reduce the amount that you need to defend and that gives me extra factories oh boy alright in the occupation at the end of our national revolution we are ready to take our place alongside our former enemies and for a new Europe mm-hmm just a shame that there's not going to be any of our allies left soon that is a lot of casualties on each side holy moly Oh oh no no oh they're dead they're so dead despite the generous offer to stand side by side against the Bolshevik threat and to pursue the warmongers that started this war Hilter has really rebuffed our diplomatic advance the French people he declared a failed to show any kind of martial prowess in the war thus far and he saw no reason to entrust the defensive Germany's western borders to her country is already better the time has come to join forces of Charles de Gaulle and then free France and it is the German Reich we will answer this insult with fire and steal change the national focus to French for [ __ ] I'm going to join forces of Charles de Gaulle this was a ruse all along this is my plan Charles de Gaulle agrees our delegation to Charles de Gaulle has returned successfully accompanied by the man himself setting foot on French sole for the first time in years the girl met with Patton to discuss the exact specifics of transfer of power Oh what what hold on well no I wanted to be France then oh no it's messed up I have to load the autosave and hope the event still happens Oh balls well that's unfortunate oh you get well what I've done beforehand it's just back to what it was before okay well that would be great if I wasn't now at war with everyone which is inevitably gonna lose oh oh ball ball balls the time has come to join forces with de Gaulle or we will answer this insult with steel and fire so if I do it this time I'm still in the axis okay so here we go Charles de Gaulle degree free France annexes Vichy France great annex me so I've been going through this multiple times now and why doesn't it just switch me back to France if this was an Ironman mode I would be seriously annoyed but if I just observe now I can just tag in as France and then do you get the army that I was using oh you keep the existing army great okay that's what you want right although the focus tree starts again oh and all the leaders start offering service this will add in tons of fresh manpower and it's pretty much the Deaf throw of the Act the acts of the axis can't win now so by pretending to lose the war to go to Vichy France I then manage to circumvent the axis from actually winning and then once I was in a good position to I just regained all of my old factories BIM BAM boom that's how you win is Vichy France unagi right and I think you can guess that the war would go out of Germany's favor now they would they would probably be annihilated but that's where I'm gonna say goodbye for this scenario before it bugs out anymore because it's getting increasingly more unstable I had to do this about seven times for this to work and I'll be back with more soon comment below what you want to see next it'll be ill be la resistance obviously but toodaloo from me for now bye hey thanks to onion duck Maximilian Foreman wire Green Robert Kinch Daffy Alcon Ryan Cody fries Maine name a 1 2 3 1/8 and shear jiggly crotch use beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley could be ridiculous rounded as a porter on patreon and many thanks toward the other patrons to
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 370,866
Rating: 4.8541274 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4, What If Vichy France Won WW2?! HOI4 La Resistance (Hearts of Iron 4), la resistance, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 france, france la resistance, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron, alex the rambler hoi4, hoi4 vichy france, hoi4 funny, hearts, of, iron, iv, la, resistance, hearts of iron 4 la resistance, isorrowproductions, spiffing brit, drew durnil, hearts of iron iv la resistance
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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