What If Carthage Won WW2?! HOI4

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what's going on everyone it's me yeah boy Alex the Rambler and today we're back on the hearts of iron 4 and we're going to be bringing back an ancient nation and hopefully turning it into an empire once again or failing you know either aw the mud will be playing today is dreams of Carthage have you ever wondered what if French colonial administration merge Tunisia and northern Algeria into a semi-autonomous nation no well that's what the mud is and you can bring back the the ancient nation of Carthage and I'd I loved learning and reading about carriage and Hannibal and his journey through the Alps and all that growing up so when I saw this on the workshop I figured I've got to give it a try and that's what we're gonna do today so of course please do comment like subscribe for more House of I and 5,000 likes for more Hawaii as per usual took that subscribing to do button please so here we go we are now the northern African Republic and here's a little brief history about the nation it was formed on May the 2nd 1933 also we're subservient to France but we should be able to break free I'm hoping and turn Carthage into a mighty nation once again so there we have the North African army second Treaty of Tunis we can hold elections we have these following little bit ease here and this is what our nation's gonna look like so I'm gonna have it non-historical a I just to see what's gonna happen if it's an absolute mess then I've only got myself to blame and this could go horribly okay okay let's begin well here we go so here's more of of the little blurb so this if you want to read it I'll leave it up for a second that's what doesn't work but will you assist France and the Allies in ww2 you know all of Africa under a different types of governments or bring about the rebirth of the Carthaginian Empire the choice is yours shut up and let me play nice okay well if the resolution was pretty terrible in the first few minutes is because I was still recording on my streaming resolution hopefully now the quality will be a little bit better it's probably still trash but hopefully it'll be yeah right well here we go so we this is actually a pretty expansive focus tree holy moly me likey me likey a lot but the first thing we have to do is to occupy Libya oh we have an opportunity to save our Eastern brothers bomber shalini as distractive distractive distracted okay sorry I forgot I'm not wearing my glasses here we go everyone yeah so I guess I'm sending my poorly equipped army to the border it's not fully equipped I only have four military factories Oh Deary me all righty our plan was a success with Italy's armies occupied elsewhere there was only a few tiny Garrison's hey noise oh I'm already big I'm a big big boy second Treaty of Tunis what is this you say thanks for actions an even greater achievement huh oh I'm getting free territory I like this I like this a lot wait what's my capital o my capital is Tunis hopefully I can rename it to Carthage oh oh okay so jealousy has done it again and then we now get casablanca Marrakech and the Algerian Desert how are we just getting all this territory I mean I'll take it haha I think that I read in the mod description that it isn't overpowered but it appears to be so far I'm getting lots of lots of lots of things so I currently have at the moment foreign debt hmm which which isn't great a disarmed nation I don't like that oh god I don't know what to do popular figurehead increase my stability or the Catalan industry might be better oh I'm just going to develop Libya for now yes that's that's what we want just develop the stuff develop it all and then I'll become the master of the world this is pretty it's a pretty good it didn't give me any factories but at least we get some oh god damn it my only general is sick Morocco unfortunately the French did not invest in Morocco as much as they could have yeah I will though gimme gimme oh wow I'll just actually realized these political advisors are pretty good there's a large variety of them and they're all give pretty decent buffs huh i all right well let's go with the signing of the secondary chiefs Tunis we are finally able to hold fair and true elections in our great country about the fear of French interference the current Prime Minister holds the lead in the polls but with the rise of several major political parties it really is any Mans race oh okay I actually like this mod to be really fair - it actually has some really well-developed text a lot of mods that are released nowadays they they just have like that description exd or whatever but this one has actually gone to the effort of typing out all of this Jeff what should I go for though as is bunkie has thrown his hand to the ring he's regarded as a fool by most politicians and news outlets for his speeches about a dream to create a new car feature on large crowds recently I think that's the only one that I want to go for really isn't it as these monkey bam we're not aligned and we're covered there we are we are now Carthage led by Aziz makhani well there we are he was regarded as a delusional fool but now he's Prime Minister oh-ho and he's someone she warned about smoking being bad for your health but I hope we'll continue on and now how he wins Tunis is renamed to New Carthage oh yes Carthage becomes free oh yes let's get rid of as if francais technically new Carthage was Novikov ago which apparently isn't a place in the hi format but it existed Carter Hana is what it is nowadays but anyway anyway doesn't matter it doesn't matter let's go eliminate national debt Oh remove national spirit massive foreign debt do I have massive foreign debt Oh shizer technically this would have been the fourth Punic War because the third Punic War was was thousands of years ago hmm I'm gonna in a minute Lymon ate the national debt though I think oh no dad was great I just drive let's continue with the developments first before I try and get rid of the debt I'm still building stuff I know I've got eight factories building stuff we're in both the clear superpower oh they're in a civil war so that means that I can now do this liberating frico hey yes give me lip alert Spanish either you give me that territory yeah the Spanish people that yeah just let everyone be distracted and just let me gain territory for free nice I like it I like it a lot so I'm now on crippling foreign debt which is which is their economy is now on the verge of collapse so I I'm I'm I'm again I have to go and eliminate the national debt just just just we will spend as much money as possible purchasing equipment and constructing new factories at once we've reached our debt limit will default on the loans without paying any back nice-nice expanding new carthage that seems to be very good however I now get foreign debt again why are people still giving me loans this make if no sense this really make if no sense can I can I somehow get away from having to go to foreign debt all the black shirts are back hmm mr. Mosely yeah so at the moment I can't produce any naval ships because I don't have the required modules and I and I can't adapt my Navy because I don't have any Navy naval experience I'm just going to go ahead and prioritize naval development it's gonna take me a while to build up to be able to do anything really but hopefully by the end week will be a pretty powerful nation oh I can just literally just pay it off with the foreign debt off with with that oh all right fine political power good yes I will organize rallies I would like that extra credible population and weekly war support oh nice this is like Oh actually I should probably no nevermind I don't need that right now more civilian industry before I start trying to get military factories so I think everyone around me it's just having those a conflict at the moment and I'm just chilling out prepping actually that that's a lie I just told you a lie there's a lot of stuff going up wait hold on what check us the back here is a war with Bulgaria why they cut what no and there it is right oh my gosh this is gonna be an interesting war he says but inevitably he knows that everyone will get crushed and eventually the French will get crushed - nice nice glad I'm not with them anymore in a way I probably should have stuck with historical AI because France is just gonna get gobbled and I'm never gonna have a chance to defeat Italy at this point oh boy why do I do this to myself I screwed it I've looked I think I've already screwed it ah nany nany nany nany knew I'm not sure I want to do this drafting our subjects yeah we haven't had any war at all so I don't need to do that huh mr. Pooh years risen up well it's not as if Japan was doing very well Japan was actually pushing no China was pushing what huh oh I know I wait is join the axis ope it's Lee Jo in the axis the British Empire join the axis really oh my god I honestly this is just a mess this is a frickin mess of a game I think in future I'm always gonna choose historical AI because this is just absolutely ridiculous isn't it like holy heck how is this a thing like it that that's way too that's what that's no what feck the call to arms here we go with a large surplus of weapon secured and throngs of men and listing it's time to call our people to take up arms and then I'm going to try and reclaim Iberia I've maxed how am i building slots oh dear Oh No well the title of the video will still be what if what if the carriage won world war two but it's highly unlikely that's gonna be the case now but I'm gonna try and reclaim my birria for the for the car first Carthago Nova yeah Oh volunteer division you say volunteer tank divisions well they're pretty trash but they'll probably do the job he's only got between 10 and 14 divisions at the moment so I'm hoping that's gonna be enough to just zoom pond in and and take a moot because if I can cobble that then that's gonna be quite a large staging point to invade other nations Oh God I do think the French were holding really well until the British Empire came in right nice so the invasion is going okay so far it could be going better but it's certainly we're making gains which is all I can really hope to do we're still going we're still making progress and then I held on I'll be able to keep up this kind of advance but all the world it's going okay well we'll keep on pushing but anglo-italian alliance France is now an answer and it huh that's weird okay I think the game is booked we've done it I'm gonna take all states thank you I might as well the same time try to grab porch at all I don't think anyone will join them and I'm getting quite powerful now I'm actually quite happy with how this is working out yeah I don't think anyone's gonna really stand a chance against this massive block of axis it's quite depressing still honestly but I'm gaining my Iberian Empire back which is nice I do need to probably garrison everything here if I do decide to declare war on Italy but it's if I could somehow stage a coup in the German Reich I might do that actually if I if I can boost I can't boost can I of course I can't boost but hey I've taken Portugal which is a wet nice papal States my empire grows I am I am very concerned oh if the if the normal Allies were still alive and kicking instead of the UK jewel in the axis then this would be going slightly better for me I have really hope they can hold mr. Stalin I'm gonna boost them as much as I can there we go take my civilian factories for that you like that don't you and this was I've managed to do this we've pretty quite a trash army so if you want to strike hard against the Spanish early on just just go ahead and get him really that's my advice and I can't even join Poland if I wanted to help him well this is all going so well until the frickin the UK Germany and Italy decided to conquer the world in 1938 oh here we go restore polytheism the old religion of the Karaites nice ah bow Hummel and tan it making to the new state religion give me that stability breeze I think this is the scariest axis I've sinned at this point in 1939 and I'm going on about it a lot but it is this is awful this is really awful like I don't see how I can win this the Chinese United Front oh oh wait does that mean that I think China is a war with the entire axis go on China get him oh my god if that is somehow bad that might help us somehow Germany's just declaring war on everyone the bit and the British Empire oh my gosh bring the Dominions back into the fold oh no no no no no no our army is very small compared to the European powers there yes oh my god this is grim Oh Germany's at war with Japan - Japan can't have much of a Navy left and surely oh they still have 200 ships the UK still has far Germany has a nice amount of ships - and Italy also has a large Navy ok I so Germany's declared war on the Soviet Union in 1940 when I think they still are they slowing the purge they're not in the PERT oh well they might mmm I was gonna say they might do okay but Germany literally has many divisions of them in the field and a lot more factories so they're not gonna do okay they're gonna get annihilated so I'm probably gonna throw in my lot and just see how long we can last against the frickin Allies here because it's I'm gonna get it it's not gonna be that long - to be frank we probably gon get rekt so I will jump on in call my allies know that I haven't he and just hope and pray that I can hold them for III don't know longer than the Carthaginians did back back back in the day I thought that I try and oh gosh Oh before I try and sink some of their ships but I very much doubt that I'm gonna be able to do that I do have lots of naval bombers around but my fuel isn't gonna last that long oh no I completely forgot about frickin Gibraltar oh but we took it okay garrison that please but that's good we've taken Gibraltar nice now I just have to hold it for the rest of the wall well they were trying to punch me up and threw me here but they didn't they weren't able to so I'm actually holding them which is surprising I wasn't expecting that but they are all taking attrition which is great huh wait a second did I oh no I forgot to garrison that port shizer shizer we've been invaded Oh No help me please hold the phone has the United States sent a volunteer they've sent a freaking volunteer to the freakin Brits are you oh they broke through my defenses but got German tanks oh now the fun begins holy yeah they're going on a full older tackle me are they this hasn't gone to plan and I have many regrets and I apologize that I I actually thought I could bring back Carthage clearly but I have oh well I have but it's just not the Oh and Bob Robert falls ill as soon as the frickin bow is about to start thanks Bob well they don't appear to be able to break my my fault line here so I'm causing lots of damage to the Italians which is great thank you thank you very much oh good lord all of the civil wars are happening now brilliant luckily they're allowing me time to keep building my faults even though forts don't really do a whole lot anymore I'm building them anyway Oh the US wants to lend-lease me ok so then maybe they might not declare war on me I'm very confused by them so just talk a little bit more about the mod I think it's quite a realistic weight it's slightly overpowered it's not it's not too overpowered and it actually would give you quite a good challenge if I know I know I'm kind of complaining about this a lot if the entire world wasn't wasn't led by the axis in 1941 so like the Soviets just haven't had a chance to build up I I can pretty much hold indefinitely I'm the position now where they can't really push me I can't really push them so I can inflict infinite casualties on to them but I don't think I'll be in a position to go ham on them I could draft my subjects anything Rome can do Carthage can do better the dream is now reality unfortunately I won't get that the dreams of Carthage Oba it gives you quite a lot of different ways to do this to play as as North Africa I think this would be great fun for anyone that does want to try and bring back Carthage I would recommend you clown historic away I just because this has been an absolute mess like you do need Britain and France on your side to be able to really have a go at defeating Italy is in my opinion but so far I've completed almost a million casualties on Italy that's pretty good I'm happy with that okay so while upgraded all of my units on the border 240 combat with which the Italians can't seem to beat but they'll still keep trying to attack me for a while I'm hoping but it's just a case of AI can't really push unfortunately o war propaganda don't mind if I do thank you very much expanded army noise it appears I haven't noticed that I was flanked or just I think I'll probably naval invaded from behind but they don't have a poor Ivor's if I can just withdraw into that tile then I'll be safe yeah we're fine now if they have however landed it Anna bar oh well okay the British are just naval invading everywhere now Oh God yep is over I can't stop the invasions this half-god New Carthage is about to be lost this is my own fault I was I didn't I didn't keep an eye on where these invasions were coming in from well I've well done truly failed at this scenario so I'm gonna hang my head in shame we gave it the good old Rambler try we haven't had one of these fails in quite some time I don't think but there we have it I failed I'm about to capitulate and I don't have the men to try and say it save this now so I apologize Russia's about to fall by the way and the United States has done absolutely nothing to help me this whole game so I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna say goodbye unfortunately I haven't enabled Carthage to win ww2 if I was to do this scenario again I'll keep historical a eye on that probably make it a lot easier if you want to try this yourself link will be in the description for the mod and until next time everyone I bid you a very very good day many thanks to onion duck Maximillian foreman wire green parappa the trapper ryan cody fries name name one two three one aidan jiggly crotch news beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous rounder supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons - I did it right that time [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 193,022
Rating: 4.916503 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hoi4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, hearts, of, iron, four, hoi4 mods, hoi4 silly mods, What If Carthage Won WW2?! HOI4, drew durnil, isorrowproductions, hoi4 carthage, hoi4 africa, hearts of iron 4 mods, hearts of iron iv mod, spiffing brit, funny hoi4 mods, silly hoi4 mods, paradox interactive
Id: lUZ-Pao3DXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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