What If Napoleon Won?! HOI4 Hearts of Iron 4

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I am actually torn I don't know what's best for different for me to do will tell you one thing though I'm gonna teach the French a lesson maybe or conquer Canada that does sound quite appealing then they can't stop you from moving there do I want it harder to justify on people I say may the power of the goatee compels you the power of the goatee compels you the power of the goatee compels you to comment like subscribe let's just get on with the video shall we today we're playing hearts of iron fall - no surprise - no - no one surprise whatsoever and you may think that you've seen these curtains before well technically you have yes I have okay I think the last time I played the a-prayin wall a deluge mod was about two and a half years ago where I just tried to turn front into a massive baguette so that's st content I'm sure we can all agree but we I've evolved since then I've got this Wow so if you're not familiar with the app primal a deluge mod it is kind of like what if Napoleon had won his kerfuffles that took way too long ICS the Empire established by Napoleon was supposed to civilize the world bringing peace to Europe and glory - Franz is succeeded for a hundred years but the peace was shattered in the most traumatizing way imaginable once the great kerfuffle had been won by France just a few short years ago where the English and Russians her perpetual enemies were humiliated so that's the basis of the malt really and let's take a little look at the world I just wanted to play this again because it's one this III think this is one of the first ones I started playing when I when I when I first started playing hearts of iron and I think I played as the Empire of China actually and it's a mob that although it's been kept up to date with all the recent oil patches and updates I'm not sure how will work anymore it's just been I think it's just been mainly updated as as as Hoyle was updated so nothing's really been added since like 2017 there might have been little minor additions but apart from that it's it's quite basic that I was just in the mood to play it so that's what I'm gonna do I don't always need a reason to do a scenario just what just wanted to play it really oh yes I quite like this mode all nations will tend to the more extreme options tick that that ticks my box cheeky but this is the state of the world so Germany is no longer Germany it's all kind of split up and von mackensen's actually got his own little ultra nationalist dictator ship the polish Empire's around we've got the Republic of Ukraine the Russian Empire still kind of exists although Luxembourg's a bit of a chunker that's good for you Marie Adelaide Oh Edward the eighth leads the United Kingdom the fighting King I know what it's actually been a little while since I've played as the UK I think oh my god I I've recorded so many videos over the years I've actually forgotten mm-hmm everyone that I've done I'm just gonna look through my most recent uploads Oh a few weeks ago I did do the anglo-dutch Empire that's not the same thing that's not to say let's move on from that yeah I'm gonna play as the kingdom of United Britain led by Edward the eighth boom we've got the that's not good we do have a fighting King though Edward the eighth ascended to the throne upon the death of his father in 1936 he was captured Oh oh no he captured the popular mad sorry I'm not wearing my glasses I could abolish the monarchy oh no no no no I could align Spain mm-hmm oh we can claim Canada Canada Britain has sometimes seen herself as separate from Europe as being self-contained in splendid isolation this attitude was recently put aside when the French vulture sought to feast on the carrion of yet more Imperial conquests Italy Poland and Hungary were finally breaking free from the talons gripping them and the British line would be their gallant or for his compassion the line was butchered on the beaches of Dunkirk for his benevolence the lion had his clothes torn out by the Treaty of Versailles the line is not a stupid beast and he has learned the mistakes of compassion of benevolence when dealing with vultures I should see what happens this is what I like like when mods are kind of in a very list I presume this is going to still be a playable state oh I didn't remember why I didn't really do much because the folk yeah I remember I didn't play this mod that much yeah all of the focus trees are kind of the same no one really has many unique focuses I think that's why I didn't cover the mod that much just even the French MP even the French Empire is still a bit like but you know what let's give it the good old Rambler try we are in the Commonwealth who's with us I always still got a little bit the amount of factories I have aren't it's not particularly great I could do I could align Portugal Oh an align Spain so we got a couple of unique focuses here we've got divine right popular sovereignty I would like to keep us yeah no no abolish the monarchy but from the off I should probably focus on getting some factories I am actually torn I don't know what's best for different for me to do will tell you one thing though I'm gonna teach the French a lesson maybe or conquer Canada that does sound quite appealing then they can't stop you from moving there oh we've got Malta nice very nice indeed and Hong Kong phew - oh poor Ted would you say nice dominions in the Commonwealth are self-governing the British colonies we prefer the status quo yep I don't really want them to really kind of get away from me here I have the ruling classes of the world have breeders side release today as tension surrounding the Paris parades and dissipates under the Rays of a new dawn Common Wealth reforms a sidelined the natural order is being upheld indeed quite so okay so Germany is in a big old cathal to start off with yeah we've got Westphalia People's Republic tonic right just let them fire amongst themselves I don't rightly care the Continental System still technically exist do I want to join the League of Nations oh oh I'd love to vote on stuff the Continental System doesn't really seem that powerful Austrian Empire imagine is gonna try and rebuild do I want it harder to justify on people I say may oh we can get some cabinet ministers don't mind if I do sir is there anything captain of industry oh that's right you can get a super natural mystic protection from curses yeah yes I would like that for that one if the votes just become quite annoying I will just leave early at least I hope I can leave the League of Nations the university is in the capital London area have suffered some unexplained disappearances among the senior research staff ah many of them are reportedly critics of the newly opened apartment of agnostic conjuration and experimental worth maternally and our cabinet minister for Supernatural affairs believe they're skeptical minds of the scientists around them all to fall prey to position attempts by invading demons do anything to really takes repent more disappearances you must stop them Sir oh oh Serbia is now in the central powers oh okay I could just beeline this part and then I can start claiming Ireland yes I think that's quite a good idea don't you why yes Alex you do know what you're talking about Oh the interpreters of Napoleon Young and division recovery rate for three years yeah Clausewitz understood modern war Carl von Clausewitz very good central powers are expanding once again oh that's a big central block admit makes sense they are the central powers Alex could get elugu this mod runs very quickly it's great look how fast my five speed is oh my god oh my Garf whole Austria's joined the continentals is that this is gonna blow up a powder keg as some may say then I would probably mmm yeah I would definitely gang up on Napoleon - I'm not really in a position at the moment my I'm not a very good way maybe after a little cheeky conquest of Ireland up in a bubble with bombers instead go for more fighters I generally like getting signal companies in all of my divisions just because of the initiative I find is very useful oh I should probably get the Hurricanes yes civil rights activists in the United Kingdom criticised Edward the ace government for a massive lack of progress we know what I'm leaving then screw you I'm leaving the League of Nations whatever do what I want natural unity a gimme gimme our purpose has been made clear and we have rallied the hesitant and Sunnis the critics but we must demonstrate our purpose to the populace that will get rid of that oh yeah baby I shall prepare I have all my alerts and stuff disabled and in fact I don't even use my recording setup for alerts anymore but they're still hmm okay I will I'm pretty much gonna set up like a ton of naval invasions from Liverpool and just try and inve the entire east coast of Ireland and to see how that goes many people may perish but we will India might be getting a little bit ahead of myself yeah wouldn't it be a bit awkward if they managed to fend off my my invasions pretty easily just a little bit embarrassing but I'm sure this is all gonna go absolutely fine this is like Germany is just in a complete stalemate eh I just need some factories for free like I'd update my infantry oh they're actually 20 combat with Oh Benito Mussolini has announced the formation of the Roman Empire as the legal successor of Italy sure mate sure you do whatever you need yeah well tensions getting a bit on the high side for me liking French typing align bloody hell okay let's let's align Spain come on in France are awarded her ally with several pieces of the broken British Empress I don't know if I want them in we go sailing oh dear the Irish were more prepared than I had anticipated but we are landing yes good stuff sir surround Belfast get in there son if I could just take one port we should be good in the hood oh come on let me take it please did I get it I've got Belfast and I got Dublin I got both I honestly wasn't expecting that that's very surprising actually you see I'm not bad at the ghetto we're losing naval invasion was actually gone really quite smoothly now so very nice I take it almost as many casualties yeah I was enabling bading there so you know Irish surrender we prefer to annex island as economy I do need the factories to be honest most of them to try and surrender though to victory if I can go to Limerick and then Galway I apologise if anyone's Irish I know people always get really offended when I conquer their nation that they live in I'm just playing a video game please don't get offended it's kind of odd what what bothers people sometimes boom get some factories all right what's next oh yeah let's see if Spain actually joins me noise yes they did anything to help really and that's a line Portugal to Republican Internationale Oh Ukraine and Belorussia in the same faction it's really weird I don't know why that would be I still need more civilian factories this is pretty bonkers it's just my lack of industry oh it's like I'd never had the Industrial Revolution what the Frick is happening I guess I have lost my entirety of Africa Oh what yes bang got the hold of frickin Egypt you moment a giraffe mate ah Portugal has joined - very nice damn it forget about that but at least we'll have a little bit of assistance if we do need to have a bit of a cheeky war and let's start adding more divisions into the field so my social order is currently rubber barons yeah I like that oh I could give people something Democratic and drift now I'm going to keep it as this yeah prepared though poll taxes preclude the vote to those who own homes or land of sufficient value why I wouldn't have done that if I were you Ottoman Empire good luck it might actually be time to invade Quebec because right the Russian Empire is at war with the Republican Internationale oh I remember this the cursed fellow or the poor tree at least Rio de la Plata the Empire of Brazil got the Republic of a grand Colombo I think for a mod that was released in 2017 and and it's still like fairly the same state that it was in back then they've done a good job at just keeping it updated for everyone the Empire of Mexico's during the Russian bloc okay oh bloody Nora Russia's losing Britain claims Quebec oh let me Adam I'm gonna call in my allies - hey you may invade when ready are you serious oh damn it naval supremacy zero No okay so we're defeating the Quebec Navy in fact they just go absolutely ruffle stomped oh ok they're moving now then eh I still haven't figured out the naval system like overall it's I I still don't really get it I I don't like that I've never liked their new naval updates I just find it confusing for the most part maybe I am just a bit dumb I don't think so come on take Gatsby come on so I'm hoping once we've conquered Quebec I can go after France I just need to build up my strength a little bit more but I don't think Rebecca Nabil will be able to hold out yeah and it's just Quebec and then the whole faction capitulates that'll be quite tasty oh I'm taking Quebec City I've been to Quebec City by the way it's very nice same with Montreal both great places would highly recommend visiting I'd say Quebec City's the place to go for a bit of culture and then Montreal is like a party city it's good fun I don't know where there Army's gone to I think they might have deployed most of their army over to this front where they're defeating Russia I took advantage of their weakness or they're just in the north of Canada which is bit weird o-69 factories giggity giggity giggity goo I'm a thirty year old man I shouldn't be I don't need to make this oh yeah Quebec has been on a bit of a recruiting Drive that's quite annoying they will fall eventually they must I will conquer let's try and take their capital might be a bit of a grind to capitulate then but we'll get there eventually or my name it's an Alex the ramble over what it actually it's not surprisingly oh dear our allies kind of allies from Mexico appear to have been on circulate in the north though we're making progress [Music] yeah things are slow going now we're into kind of like the frozen land of if Canada bit frustrating I'm gonna have to invest in a lot of infrastructure here I think to keep my supply going up okay yeah every territory we take is noise yeah they're really pushing towards Ontario what they're still in there oh dear oh that's all old Mike I need to [Music] get Quebec taken out soon so I can focus on the real threat which is Napoleon looks like Russia is in dire straits that's not good oh dear I really need to take them out quickly sure you can understand moving in this kind of area of the world or coordinating any kind of military is just it'd be practically impossible but we're doing it slowly but surely well I do have twenty five divisions ready for a an invasion of France the French Empire will be humbled I hope oh wow they just they're up in the islands really okay what will it take to defeat these dastardly French stache québécois am I gonna have to take every freaking tile I'll do it I'm not happy about it I'll do it they must have like no industry left surely how how many casualties they've taken almost half a million well give kudos to the chemical ah there's a there's a there's a fast-food chicken place called cent st. Hugh bear in in Quebec and in the rest of Canada there's Swiss Chalet I'm sorry to say that I am very much prefer Swiss Chalet to Santa Hugh bear my only experience of that though was in like like a fart a fast-food version of it just in a motorway service station so maybe maybe I'd haven't had the best experience of San Hubei if you're from Quebec and use this video please let me know if I'm mistaken okay very sheer force of will we will take this back it's time for the French what is it gonna take to capitulate them this is ridiculous just die America claims Quebec brah I mean there might help but just finish them off a little bit quicker yeah that okay they're gonna be invading from up there okay that's fine oh no oh no I was too late the Continental system might be too powerful for me to defeat oh dear although the Chinese block is now a thing apparently oh my googly goo oh we've encircled I think the last of the key requirements what else do they need to lose here they've got nothing left come on now if I actually have to take these poxy little if that's what I have to take oh my god I actually have to take this poxy Island up here this is terrible for me I don't know how I meant to take on this whole continent now if they now have divisions here surely they don't have any yeah they've got no manpower or and zero factory Oh God well Alice will take the island so then it's over it's done oh yes okay in the occupied territories I should probably oh no it's all going down resistors is going down now good bit confused as to why we're still at war with people but I'm not gonna bother getting in mid volt with this I'm gonna try for a bit of a probably a suicide attack on France but trying to take down this whole Continental System will probably result in my doom but got to give it a try I can't let Napoleon the fourth get all the glory in fact this is probably a very stupid idea to do this but I'm full of those so the amount of oil that you have to buy in order to keep the British Navy out in the water is quite frankly bonkers well I can kamikaze strike sure okay well let's give it a try the good old Rambler trying we lack sufficient Intel to dare sending it what you mean I know too little about this region this doesn't make any sense to me III well I took Calais let's see how far we can take it I'm guessing not very what how can they invade in Scotland when I and I'm out of oil again oh I remember why I don't I playing as the UK now unless I'm just making a complete hash of this if I can take Paris I'm just saying they've won which I'm not able to of course I'm not well just try and hold because I think I'm probably probably slightly outnumbered yes like the French Empire I think I could have taken down if they didn't just I think like one nation once they've defeated one nation he just capitulated the whole fraction and I don't see myself being able to beat off this amount of crap yeah they're kind of blockading me so I can't even get stuff like we are defeating the French Navy the overall it's you can see that I'm not gonna win that weight did Spain not join me traitorous bastards yeah that Continental System I'm taking on the whole of the EU pretty much Spain's holding their which they wouldn't attack that's not good news Spain is just gonna waste itself yeah if I could have attacked France a little bit earlier the whole situation would be very different unfortunately I couldn't because I went after Quebec like an idiot uh I went after the smaller prize well at least they're not trying to attack me they are however defeating Spain you've had such a good defensive position Spain and you screwed yourself oh wow okay oh they're doing stuff my allies are doing stuff Oh am I come on mate that's just dumb if I could afford to attend some infantry down to help Spain but I kind of have my own issues let's fly the Russian Empire managed to take what they needed very nice would you like to join me I could really use some assistance Oh God Spain tell you what Russia rather than volunteers oh never mind their offer went away and say rather than volunteers you could just declare war I need the help oh my god take Paris come on tank ease damn it so I don't have any kind of aerial superiority at all so it makes it very difficult for me to even try and move and I'm constantly asked fuel because I can't like they've they just convoy raid me the French are actually running out of equipment in their division so I thought it would be like a fairly simple route to try and take Paris in fact it might be Oh and French India's capitulated oh you are having the giraffe come on just let me have this you don't even want it doing a little bit of a cheeky assault although did I set this to aggressive oh dear oh that might have messed up my front lines probably a bit too much all those over running them for a time Wow bing-bam-boom comics let me take Paris I don't care what happens to my army after that come on come on come on okay and then I just burn Paris to the ground and then we say I've won okay I think oh yeah I'm totally screwed maybe if I had like until 1950 and I started nuking everything then then we might be able to get this out of the bag but yeah like it's just the amount of allies that they have I can't compete with trying to take out Germany France Italy Austria Poland Romania Bulgaria and then my main ally is doomed I took Paris that means I won let's try and take Versailles away from the Emperor as well okay we took for psy and we took Paris screw you Napoleon I've won goodbye many thanks to onion duck Maximillian foreman wire green fat Boston Zechariah Mosby warranty George Gregory Craven a Dave the Don Lambert vowel hallow halls boozy dibs a ya boy one back cookie Daffy Alcon Ryan Cox jacked Roku Aiden shear jiggly crotch use beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley to being ridiculous round supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 111,937
Rating: 4.926981 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4, what if napoleon won, what if napoleon won hoi4, alex the rambler hoi4, hoi4 la resistance, Apres Moi Le Deluge, hearts, of, iron, iv, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, drew durnil, isorrowproductions, spiffing brit, yogscast, hearts of iron 4 mod, hoi4 mods, hoi iv mods, hearts of iron 4 france, hearts of iron 4 uk
Id: QctEeyDj0nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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